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i-l0st-myself-again · 2 years ago
Κι ότι νιώθεις δεν λέγεται, το πνιγείς.
Πως μπορείς να πεις σ'αγαπώ όσο προσπαθείς τον εαυτό σου να αποφύγεις;
- Άψινθος, Αφότου φύγαμε.
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vrwmikh-texnh · 3 years ago
Εισαι τοσο ομορφη μ'αυτο το καταραμμενο φεγγαρι ...τα ματια σου λαμπουν και καθως σε κοιταζω γινεσαι πιο ομορφη...
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apopsyxhs · 4 years ago
Φοβάμαι να αγαπήσω όσο φοβάμαι να σκοτώσω
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chaoslivinginside-blog · 5 years ago
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rwtas-giati · 6 years ago
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Μια στιγμή πριν φύγω.
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Η ψυχή μου είναι ψυχόδραμα, έξω απ΄το γαμημένο σας πρόγραμμα! 
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zbld-07 · 7 years ago
Τελικώς, η ζωή είναι ένα μεγάλο αστείο, μα δεν βλέπω να γελάς, ένα αντίο, προσωρινά από μας, ένα αντίο
Ψυχόδραμα 07 - Μια Στιγμή Πριν Φύγω
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aggelosptr · 5 years ago
πνιγμένα μάτια σπάσανε την ύπνωση
και το πολιτισμένο σου όνειρο νεκρό σε κάποια παραίσθηση σβήνει,
αίμα στα χέρια μου κοιτούσα, τι θ’ άξιζες αν πέθαινα αν έσβηνες ή αν ζούσα;…»
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Μήπως φεύγοντας
«δεν ζεις μ' αναμνήσεις και τύψεις», λευκό μοντάζ ζωής όταν δεν μπορείς την ψυχή σου ν' αγγίξεις Οταν η νύχτ�� αναζητεί τη καρδιά σου, έστω για λίγο να μιλήσεις στ' άδειο κέντρο Βρίσκω όσα αγάπησα σε δέκατα πίσσας στη κάφτρα στο τελευταίο τσιγάρο μέσα απ' το πακέτο Μενάνδρου, Φλεβάρης του '10, ακίνητος και παγωμένος στέκω λίγα εκατοστά στη πρόσκρουση, στα χείλη χορεύει η ίδια ερώτηση «τι 'ναι αυτό που σε φοβίζει πιο πολύ;» Μα δε λυγίζει η απόσταση, κόρες διεσταλμένες καθρεφτίζονται πάνω στη φόρτιση σαν άδειο λίκνο Κρύβεις το βλέμμα σου όσο η ανατολή κλέβει το τελευταίο σου ίσκιο, τα δόντια σφίγγω και τρελαίνομαι πως να γλιτώσω απ' το αντίο που από παιδί τόσο σιχαίνομαι;! Σκοτώνουν όποιον νοσταλγεί, κι αφού στα θέλω δειλιάζεις δε θα 'μαστε πλεον εκεί στα «σ' αγαπώ» που φοβάται το στόμα σου να προφέρει να πει κι ούτε το βλέμμα σου το λέει και το εννοεί, γίνεσαι ξένη και διστάζεις, ποια είσαι εσύ που με την άκρη του ματιού σου τώρα με κοιτάζεις; Σ' ανεκπλήρωτη ενοχή πίσω απ'το τζάμι του αστικού που αναχωρεί, δεν έχει πλέον σημασία, τι κι αν κοιτάξεις πίσω;
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stfungohome · 6 years ago
μερικά απο τα (πολύ)αγαπημένα σου τραγούδια;
θα σου πω απο ολα τα ειδη 
bootstroke - αθλητικη κυριακη
αψινθος - αφοτου φυγαμε
babalos - pirates of the caribbean
bad movies - το γραμμα
dopethrone - dry hitter 
1000 mods - she
Snoop dogg - gin & juice
onyx - turndafuckup
holymen - last (fucking) universe
agneton (οτι βρεις γαματο ειναι απλα γραψε agneton)
και πολλα αλλα φυσικα.
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trcyprkr · 5 years ago
The Destroyer is Coming
Future History for you
Forthwith and straight away (eutheos) with (meta) the Tribulation (thlipsis - great affliction caused by applying pressure and pressing together leading to oppression and anguish) of those days the sun will be darkened (skotizo - obscured) and the moon will no longer provide light (pheggos) and celestial bodies (aster - asteroids, stars, or comets which can be seen radiating or reflecting light) shall fall (pipto - descend, being thrust down) from space (ouranos - the expanse of the sky, universe, or heavens) and the power (dunamis - energy, force, and influence) of the universe (ouranos) will be set in motion and be unsettled (saleuo)." (Mattinyahw / Matthew 24:29)
There is such an event looming on our horizon. And it is predicted to occur right on schedule. NASA scientists reveal that there is a 1 in 60 chance (some astronomers say a 1 in 38 chance according to the Washington Post) that quarter-mile wide (390 meter long) asteroid called 2004 MN4 (also named Apophis) will impact our planet on Friday, April 13, 2029 - about two and a half years into the Tribulation, toward the end of the Magog War. While current calculations show this stone missile missing the Earth by a scant 15,000 miles (less than a tenth of the distance to the moon) Yahowshah said that it would "be unsettled" sufficiently to impact our planet.
Interestingly, the reason the doomsday asteroid isn't well known is that its discovery coincided with the Christmas 2004 tsunami (another of the seven signs) that devastated South Asia. Apophis isn't large enough to completely destroy the earth - only an area the size of all of America's mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states. Its impact is estimated at being equivalent to 100,000 times the energy released in the nuclear blast over Hiroshima. The Washington Post claims: "2004 MN4 is a 'regional' hazard - big enough to flatten Texas or a couple of European countries with an impact equivalent to 10,000 megatons of dynamite - more than all the nuclear weapons in the world." The dust of its impact would envelope the entire planet, darkening the sun and eliminating the moon's light, consistent with the prophecy.
I'm not going to be dogmatic here, but what if the Revelation 8:8 mid-tribulation second trumpet prophecy predicting "something like a great (megas) mountain which was consumed in fire (kaio pyr - lit by being set on fire and burning [sure sounds like an asteroid]) was thrown (ballo - fell, allowing gravity to do its work) into the sea...." correlates to Yahowshahs mid-tribulation prediction in Matthew 24? Could the asteroid Apophis represent the literal stone which is going to be "set in motion and be unsettled" so as to descend from the heavens into the sea, spewing enough debris into the atmosphere to darken the sun? The smallest interaction with another piece of space debris would be sufficient to nudge Apophis' current orbit sufficiently to cause it to hit the earth rather than miss. And an asteroid of its size would generate sufficient heat to make it look like a fireball as it entered the earth's atmosphere, thus being "a great celestial body (aster - asteroid, star, or comet) shall fall (pipto - descend, being thrust down) from space (ouranos - the expanse of the sky, universe, or heavens) burning (kaio - set on fire and consumed) like a torch as it fell." (Revelation 8:9)
But beyond the timing and the description there is another fascinating Scriptural connection to Apophis. John tells us that the asteroid he is describing in revelation "has a name and it is called Apinthos (errantly replaced with "Wormwood" in English Bibles)." Apinthos (as it is rendered in the earliest Greek manuscripts versus Apsinthos in all reference dictionaries) and Apophis are remarkably similar names, one being of Egyptian origin and the other Greek. Apophis in Egyptian mythology is the name of "the evil spirit of destruction that will plunge the world into darkness." What a coincidence, that's exactly what John and Yahowshah said Apinthos will do.
The universal portrayal of the Greek name Apinthos as "Wormwood" is telling. In a small way it helps explain why Christians remain unaware of Yahowah's message and timeline. You will find "Wormwood" in the King James Version, the American Standard Version, the English Standard Version, the International Standard Version, the New Century Version, the New International Version, the New King James, the New American Standard, the New Revised Standard Version, and in Young's Literal Translation. This uniformity tells us that one of two things is true. Either apinthos is a word which requires translating and is not a name which must be transliterated, and also that apinthos is the Greek word for "wormwood" or all English Bibles are derivatives of the highly politicized, purposely corrupt, and grotesquely errant King James Version rather than being faithful translations of the inspired text.
Every lexicon readily admits, and the Scriptural text clearly confirms, that Apinthos is a name and not a word, so it should have been transliterated in every Bible and not translated in any one of them. John's testimony says: "The name (onoma) of the aster is called (lego) Apinthos (αψινθος)." (Revelation 8:11) That's as clear as words allow. The simple truth is, the name can't be translated because apinthos doesn't mean anything. It is of "uncertain derivation."
To add insult to injury, Revelation ends with this warning: "I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God shall add to him the plagues which are written in this book. And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life and from the set-apart and purified city which are written in this book." (Revelation 22:18-19) Yahowah doesn't like it when men copyedit His revelation and change His name and His words to their own.
The explanation, or should I say excuse, for this universal blunder is that the asteroid is said to make the waters pikraino which means: "to make them bitter and to embitter, to exasperate and irritate." The root of pikraino is pikros, and it means "to cause agony and suffering by being virulent - something that is marked by a rapid, severe, and malignant course and whose venoms or poisons overcome life's defensive mechanisms." From that, the KJV translators replaced αψινθος with "Wormword." Scholars now allege that is because this plant, known as the species Artemisia absinthium and named after the pagan deity Artemis, made water taste bitter. Then these same scholars justify their translation, or more accurately, their opinion, by saying that "the choice of Wormwood is universally supported by the early church." Sorry boys and girls. Every early Revelation manuscript renders the name of the asteroid "αψινθος," which is transliterated "Apinthos." There was no early "church" because the first followers of the Way didn't substitute the sungoddess' name for Yahowshah's descriptive term: ekklesia/out-calling. And, "Wormwood" is an English term. The transition from Anglo-Saxon to English occurred in the 15th century, and therefore it was hardly an "early church" affair.
Unable to resist the temptation of copy editing God, these same fellows plastered Wormwood all over the Old Covenant, too. The Hebrew word lanah, from an unused root meaning "to curse and to embitter" is cited metaphorically by Yahowah to demonstrate the consequence of turning away from Him to serve the foreign and false gods of the Gentiles. Such people's roots become rotten and Yahowah says that they will not be spared according to Moshe's testimony in Dabarym /  Deuteronomy 29:18-20.
Apart from the similarities of name, timing, and description, I also find it interesting that the aster Apinthos is listed as the second of seven trumpet judgments in Revelation. The first describes the kind of nuclear winter that would follow an atomic war - something that the Magog conflict is predicted to devolve into. It speaks of "giant hail storms mingled with fire and blood," saying that "one third of the earth's land and a third of our planet's trees and grasslands will be burned up" in it. I find this telling because we should expect the Magog war to begin in 2027 and go nuclear in late 2028 putting the spring 2029 arrival of Apinthos/Apophis right on schedule.
Oddly enough by the Yowbel count the man in opposition to the Towrah will assume his world leadership role in late Oct 2026
Bringing it all together, one (3968-2968 BCE) is about God who is one creating a one on one relationship with the first man. Two (2968-1968 BCE) is the presentation of choice, choosing the Ark of the Covenant or the deluge brought on by the Devil’s delusion. Three (1968-968 BCE) is the story family, and so Abraham established what would become the family of God in the third millennia of man. Four (968 BCE-33 CE) completes the time of testing and the arrival of the greater light at the twilight of the fourth millennial epoch. Five (33-1033 CE) designates the time of the great serpent and consequently the era of religious confusion. Six (1033-2033 CE) is the time of man, the time that gave rise to Socialist Secular Humanism, and its replacement moral code—Political Correctness—where being judgmental has become a sin. This has led to injustice, immorality, irrational opinions, deceit, destruction, and death at an unparalleled scale. Seven (2033-3033 CE) is the shabat, the time man and God come together, our debts settled so that we can settle down with Him to form a perfect paradise.
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apopsyxhs · 4 years ago
Ξέρεις λείπεις....
Είναι κάποια μέρη που αποφεύγω ακόμα γιατί σε θυμίζουν
Εγώ γυρνούσα αργά - αψινθος
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souvlakiii · 7 years ago
30 questions
I was tagged by @blz1phoenix
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 10 people
Gender: female
Height: 1.71 cm
Zodiac Sign:  Pisces
Horoscope: idk
Bday: 08/03/2001
Nicknames: Jo, georgia, ψακμτ, κμτ
Favorite bands: ladose, txc. Ffc, razastarr,ψυχοδραμα07,Βηταπεις,Wnc fam, βρώμικος νοτος
Favorite solo artists : Yoda Priest,Solmeister,ραψωδος, ταφ λάθος,blz, αντιγνωμος, άγνωστος χειμώνας, αψινθος
Song stuck in my head: anitta- j balvin downtown
The last movie I watched  :inception
Rewatched:  the truman show
The last show I watched: -
When did I create this tumblr: i do not remember
What did I last Googled: "γεωδιναμικο ινστιτούτο"
Favourite blogs: solmeister13, incementi,..
Do I get asks: mpaaa
Why did I choose this url: υποθέτω το φαγητό από ανάγκη είναι και αξία κσι το σουβλάκι ακόμα περισσότερο
Followers: 130
Average hours of sleeping: 7
Lucky number: none
Instruments: piano
What am I wearing: τζιν, άσπρη μπλούζα, γκρι ζακέτα
Favourite food: Chicken❤
Last book I read: "άκου ανθρωπάκο βιλχελμ Ράιχ"
Last book  I reread: "θα διασχίσεις ένα πρωινό τον κόσμο Κ.ΒΗΤΑ", "με λένε Οδύσσεια Κατερίνα Γώγου"
Dream jοb: Millionaire
Favourite place I’ve been: homeee
Tea or coffee: Coffee
How many relationships I had: 4
@rosetrosett @letshugandybiersack @zacatryn (δεν έχω φίλους) (· _ ·)
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muerte-i · 8 years ago
Αφότου φύγαμε - Αψινθος
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ilion013 · 6 years ago
Αψινθος - μηπως φεύγοντας
εικόνες, ήχοι, χρώματα, μα λείπει η ίδια μουσική
εκείνη που 'κανε τη καρδιά να πάλλεται σαν να 'σουνα παιδί που αναπολεί την αθωότητα σε βλέμματα οικεία
τη πιο φωτεινή μας γωνία σκοτώσαμε για να επιβιώσουμε μαζί με ξένους συγγενείς κι εχθρ��ύς σ' αυτή τη γκρίζα πολιτεία
έγινε η αγάπη ηδονής πορνεία κι ο ρομαντισμός αυλαία
μάσκα για την εσωτερική μανία που κρύβει η ψυχή
τυφλός αφηγητής στη πιο μύχια ιστορία
στη παράξενη μοναχική εποχή συμβιβασμένοι όλοι στην αποστροφή
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antirhinum420 · 6 years ago
δεν ��νιωσες απόγνωση αν δε σκότωσες ό,τι αγαπάς 
ή αν ό,τι σκότωσες δεν σ’ αγάπησε βαθειά σαν φονιάς 
ή άμα δεν άφησες ό,τι αγαπάς στεγνά να σε σκοτώσει 
 Σαν μετάνοια δέκατα μετά το άλμα στο κενό για την τελευταία σου πτώση.
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