#˚   ━━  eclipse.  ooc
oobbbear · 7 months
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Was playing with idea of fool having tattoos
Fool belongs to @venomous-qwille !
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ask-the-roommate-au · 3 months
who's the youngest and oldest of the trio?
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In terms of when we were created, technically I'm the oldest! Or at least, I'm pretty sure I am, from what I can remember.
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And technically, I'm the second oldest. Which means.....
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Eclipse is the baaaabyyyyyy~
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shadowmilkcookiesblog · 3 months
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I can't stop drawing him HELP
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firstkanaphans · 14 days
As The Eclipse re-run comes to a close, I think we should look back at First and Khaotung’s thank you messages to each other because they never fail to make me emotional.
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It’s always been you 🥹
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peachyfnaf · 3 months
is the canon tsams/tlaes/tmgafs storyline pissing off anyone else rn /genq fgdsfjsdf
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justaghostingon · 6 months
Is it wrong to date a guy from an enemy faction when your country doesn’t exist anymore? Asking for a friend
A kaebedo au in which kaeya lives in a spy drama and albedo in a sitcom
Note: Minor spoilers for some lore from Pernhari lore books
Given what we now know about how the crimson moon dynasty came before the eclipse dynasty and was more focused on alchemy, i would like to submit a theory that albedo is from the crimson moon faction
His master rhinedottr is famous for her alchemy after all, and he followed in her footsteps.
Not that these factions mean much to albedo, k’hanriah is long gone, and there is so much more in the world to discover
But Kaeya! Kaeya was sent as a spy by the k’hanrians who haven’t given up yet, they still have hope and cling to old traditions.
They served the dynasty of eclipse, of course the differences between crimson moon and exclipse matter to them
Especially if i go out on a limb and theorize the crimson moon had something to do with the fall of k’hanriah. Like a revolt or political infighting. Side eyes “the exclipse was swallowed by the crimson moon”
So it makes sense why neither kaeya nor albedo were aware that they’d meet another k’hanrian in mondstat, much less another captain in the knights
Kaeya spends a day in agony, fully expecting albedo to jump him and make kaeya follow some new “mission” or something
That is until albedo mentions alchemy, specifically kemia. The pride of the crimson moon’s alchemists.
Combined with albedo’s seeming lack of knowledge as to who kaeya is, this can only mean one thing.
Albedo isn’t a spy from eclipse here to get Kaeya back on track. He’s a spy from crimson moon here to do the same thing as kaeya!
Naturally kaeya can’t let an enemy spy get to close to mondstat! Especially since they might not be friendly like him!
Plus he’s grown up on stories that blame the crimson moon for k’hanriah’s fall. (Also the gods and abyss, but come on, we all know the rival political faction was the real enemy here) he does not want that to happen to mondstat
So kaeya decides to get close to albedo, feel him out and see what his intentions are, and dispose of him if he needs to.
Unfortunately for him, a wrench is thrown in his plans in the form of Klee. Sweet, loveable klee who adores her big brother albedo so much, and would definitely cry if he were to suddenly vanish, and he just couldn’t do that ot her (also there is an all powerful witch who will definitely destroy mondstat if they make her precious daughter cry)
Now kaeya must find other ways to handle mond’s latest ticking time bomb and figure out his secrets, all while trying to ignore how those eyes make his heart skip a beat (from fear, he lies to himself)
Meanwhile, albedo clocks kaeya as a k’hanrian from the eclipse faction the moment he saw him. Given how it was all over kaeya’s clothes, he thought this was intentional.
And sure, kaeya never talks about his homeland, or his people before mondstat, but given everything that went down its probably a sore spot. No one else brings it up ir comments on his heritage so albedo just assumes everyone knows and no one talks about it out of respect for kaeya, and some other illusive social cue.
So when kaeya starts getting close to albedo, with his signature flirty moves, albedo does not think this has anything to do with crimson moon vs eclipse. He thinks this is just kaeya trying to get to know the new captain
Maybe he’s curious about alchemy?
So he shows off a few cool potions to a wide eyes kaeya
Kaeya internally: is this a threat?
Albedo internally: i am winning at social interaction 😁
Albedo figured kaeya would get bored of him soon enough, when he realized that albedo’s job of alchemy is a lot more math and a lot less cool explosions.
But when kaeya sticks around, asking questions about albedo’s past, befriending klee, expressing curiousity in what exactly his potions can be used for, albedo starts to get suspicious
It’s not the alchemy itself. Albedo offered to teach kaeya some small potions and kaeya all but leapt away in his haste to refuse (those childhood stories of “touch alchemy and u die” realy stuck with him)
So he goes to sucrose and timeaus and asks them.
Sucrose is equally baffled, wonders if maybe kaeya just really likes chopping up ingredients
Albedo: hmm. He does do it everytime i ask…
Timeus: oh my archons, kaeya has a crush on you.
Albedo decides to test both theories. He stops letting kaeya cut his ingredients, but that doesn’t deter him. So he checks to see if Kaeya is attracted to him
By silently crowding close to kaeya to hear if his heart speeds up
Kaeya meanwhile, has a stone faced alchemist pushing him into a wall, is absolutely thinking he’s about to be murdered (and that it’s hot)
Albedo notices the speed up. Ahh so he does like me.
Kaeya: i have to go now! Proceeds to rush out the door.
Albedo is confused. If kaeya likes him, why is he running?
He asks timeus and sucrose. Sucrose offers to stalk him for a while to find out why. Timeus replies that albedo was “too forward” and that people like “to be chased”
Albedo, chasing kaeya: is this what u want?
Kaeya: oh god he’s gonna kill me!
The method that albedo picks to woo Kaeya is to offer him a fancy lunch he cooked, complete with a traditional khanrian delicacy: the spider sandwich.
Kaeya does not enjoy this, his mind running wild trying to figure out what albedo is trying to say to him by feeding him spiders.
Albedo decides he can’t trust Rhinedottr’s ideas of “traditional delicacies” (who knew her spider sandwich wasn’t normal?)
So he turns to sucrose, who has been stalking kaeya. She proposes a date that she has gathered from her research: take him drinking.
Now if albedo had started with this, it probably would have gonne much easier for him. But after a week of being stalked, chased, and fed spiders, kaeya’s guard is way up.
He’s convinced this is an attempt to get him drunk to get information out of him. Well good luck with that, kaeya’s no light weight, he’s certain he can drink albedo under the table, and get him talking instead
Albedo is a but hesitant when kaeya suggests a drinking competition, but goes along with it.
The result is a very drunk albedo cuddling up to kaeya and whispering the periodic table seductively in his ear.
Kaeya was not prepared for that. Not at all. He comes back home thinking that the crimson moon really trains their spies to be good at keeping secrets
Albedo comes back to his home confident at a successful first date
Things continue onward in their will they won’t they, until one day kaeya wakes up in bed with albedo, in matching pjs, klee sleeping between them, and realizes that seduction was the crimson moons game all along, and he lost.
But oh well, its not like he’s really following eclipse’s orders anyways. He thinks as he goes back to sleep
The end
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kittsu-and-company · 6 months
// HIYA!! Stuff is starting to go down, so here’s my ultimate big warning post for the arc: ECLIPSING ✨
All posts from this point onward to a currently undecided date, will be tagged as “Eclipsing arc,” as that is the name of this story!
It takes place over the course of at least one REAL TIME MONTH, and a lot of work has gone into this!! However, it just so happens that this arc is INCREDIBLY TRIGGERING to many things, so I will provide a list of Trigger Warnings that apply during the course of Eclipsing!! Some of these come very late into the arc, but it’s best to know what you’re getting into.
Emotional and Verbal Abuse
Self Loathing
Suicide Idealation
Pokémon Harm
Religious Trauma
Family Trauma
Generational Trauma and Abuse
Body Horror
Loss of Self
Major Character Death
Memory Loss
I cannot stress enough how important it is to HEED THESE WARNINGS. The DOVE IS THERE DO NOT OPEN THE BAG OR YOU WILL FIND IT.
Anyway teehee Kittsu’s going to have fun (lying, I’m not lying this is going to be rough and a MAJOR tonal shift from what I usually do)
Reblogging this is highly appreciated!!
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rayalltheway · 10 months
A lil fic snippet for @journeytomonkiekid !
This was supposed to be part of soemthing bigger but I lost momentum lol but here we have Wan Ji and her father-in-law (my oc) hehe
“So, you’re not…back to life, exactly?” Wan Ji asked, hoping that question somehow came out okay.
“Well, we are…“ Zhuang Jie answered, not sounding any less neutral than before, but he still took a sip of his tea before continuing.
“I guess the best way I can put it is that we’re still technically ghosts, just in…fully corporeal forms. Even Changbiyuan can’t fully summarize how that works, so apologies, I’m not that much better off.” He smiled to himself a bit at that, clearly taking some humor in it, which made Wan Ji relax a bit more. She was alone with the elder man in Macaque’s dojo right now — who had made himself scarce during this topic of conversation, for fairly obvious reasons.
Despite the mutual understanding (at least, there was an assumption of such), Wan Ji noted that the lack of his son’s presence did bear some weight on Zhuang Jie — and when Wan Ji looked back up at him from her own drink, she saw the concern in his eyes as he regarded her.
“Does it bother you?” He asked, his tone genuine.
“What?” Wan Ji’s tails fluffed up a bit in surprise, and she quickly raised a hand in frantic reassurance. “Oh no, no, not at all! I just wanted to make sure I didn’t say or…assume anything…insensitive…” she explained, self-consciousness starting to grip her — but Zhuang Jie’s expression softened quickly, and he chuckled. She couldn’t help but hear Macaque at that moment.
“Don’t worry about that, I appreciate it. I don’t think there’s any easy way to put it. We both were dead, and…now we’re not. But we’re not going anywhere.” He said gently, and Wan Ji saw his eyes leave hers, gaze deepening at the purple training mat in front of them. “Not again.”
Wan Ji was still a little bit in wonder about this whole thing. Macaque having a father and stepparent who came back from the dead, sure, that was incredible and complicated…she wasn’t sure what to expect at first. But now she was seeing how this man was capable of such pure paternal warmth, in words and action. Even more so that it was currently directed at her. She was pretty sure he had genuinely smiled at her more in this one conversation than her father had in years. She…wasn’t really sure how she felt about that, honestly, so she was trying not to dwell on it. Besides, that didn’t matter right now.
“I am so sorry that you went through that, Zhuang.” Wan Ji spoke empathetically, welling up a bit when thinking of this sorrowful subject she’d been learning more about piece by piece over the last few weeks. “I can’t even imagine what it must’ve been like.”
“It’s alright. And please — don’t try to.” He said, looking back at her with reassurance. “I don’t want to overwhelm you with this topic if it’s uncomfortable to hear about. But don’t worry about offending me — I’m too old for that now.” He said with a joking smirk, and Wan Ji let out a snort.
“Point is, if you have any other questions, I’m fine to answer them, kiddo.”
“…You and Changbiyuan?” She questioned. Surprisingly, Zhuang Jie nodded without hesitation.“Of course. They’d like that, actually.” He stated plainly, and Wan Ji felt taken aback.
“Really?” She couldn’t help but say aloud, and she quickly felt herself regret it, her face warming in embarrassment when Zhuang Jie raised a brow at her questioningly.
“Sorry! It’s just, Macaque told me a little about…” She paused when feeling that same sinking in her gut, that same chill running over her…the memories of that demon.
“...What happened to them.” Zhuang Jie listened patiently as she took a moment to get her words together. “I guess I figured that asking them about it directly would possibly be…triggering for them.” She finished, nervously glancing up to see Zhuang Jie’s reaction. He was nodding contemplatively, unangered.
“That’s a fair assumption to make. When it comes to certain…details, you’re not wrong.” He clarified gravely, taking a moment before smiling lightly at the younger woman.
“But here’s the thing about Changbiyuan — you don’t know them well yet, but once you do, they’re an open book. Sometimes too much of one.” He said, and Wan Ji smiled back at him. It was sweet, hearing him talk about Changbiyuan. About Macaque, too, and seeing this…trust he was placing in her, a woman he basically just met. She briefly wondered just what she was missing.
“They definitely have many horrible memories, we both do. But they cherish the good ones with all of their heart, and want them to be known. If you want to ask them about their family…I think will make them really happy. Especially in this case. You’re someone we both hope to be close to.”
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(Random headcanon: Harvest hates being called "Harvey")
(Idk I was just thinking of how Bloody calls him Ves/Vessie [which is so cute djskddkj-] and if there could be any other nicknames. Then I thought of that one. And I didn't like it, [no offense to anyone-] so uh- yeah.)
(Oh, and also, if the Celestial fam would be able to wear anything they wanted to, what would they wear?)
//Oh yeah no, he hates it. Moon tried to call him that once and he about bit his head off over it. So of course Moon calls him that now when he wants to annoy him.
Sun would like to wear a dress! Not because he identifies any certain way, he just likes how flowy they are.
Moon likes his usual attire well enough (if it ain't broke). At the same time, he'd like to be able to wear something with more pockets so he can hold more tools on him. If only he could get something like a utility belt... Lunar keeps trying to get him to try on a onesie, or at least some fuzzy pajamas. Seriously, he doesn't need anything like that.
Lunar wears whatever he likes! Sometimes he'll throw on a SuperStar Daycare shirt when he's helping with the daycare, other times he may want to wear cuddly pajamas when he's regressed/just wants to be comfortable. Still other times he likes to wear dresses just to feel pretty! (Or if dress-up calls for it. A princess has to look the part, of course!)
Harvest wishes he could wear something more...loose? A sweatshirt would be nice. Something baggy and comfortable, non-constricting.
Bloody doesn't really have any problem with the clothes he usually wears. But every so often they want to wear a dress for the rare times they feel genderneutral. Besides, dresses offer more movement for when he's trying to run after prey. But make sure it's red! It has to be red! ....Pink will do, if not.
Solar likes his overalls (layered over a Superstar Daycare shirt) and toolbelt. Don't. Touch. His. Toolbelt. Otherwise he'd like to wear a onesie every so often. Just make sure it isn't that fleecy material. Anything but that.
Kill Code hasn't really considered other options. You mean he could wear other things? Well...perhaps something warm. He gets cold rather easily. Or some fuzzy socks. He always heard those were warm and soft on feet. If only he could find a pair big enough for him...
Poppy loves anything bright and fun. Pastels? Yes. Rainbows? Yes. Oh, but they need to be careful not to wear anything too bright, they don't want to overstimulate any of the little ones with sensory processing issues. They also like jewelry and would wear it more often if they could. They don't want any of the little ones to accidentally find a loose bit of jewelry and choke!
Midnight doesn't care, why are you even asking?! God, he hates those flannel shirts and wool sweaters. Don't think that he likes them! He absolutely hates them! Why do you think he likes them? He just said he doesn't! Stop asking-
Eclipse I can't say anything about without giving away spoilers :) So for now, I'll just say loose-fitting clothing, soft things, just nothing too constricting.
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Dear followers,
The sun is gone until further notice.
Apologies for any inconvenience, we are working on it.
Elias Bouchard
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badlydrawnmanic · 5 months
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dude the eclipse was fucking sick ⭐️v⭐️
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ask-the-roommate-au · 3 months
Eclipse be smelly 🫵 /nsrs
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Hey, that's not nice.
Anon when I get you.
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shadowmilkcookiesblog · 4 months
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He's so silly and evil!!!
It's basically if PV went insane and did the steven universe fusion dance with Shadow Milk and started killing cookies 😁😁😁
/ooc because this is a shadow milk blog and this is shadow milk related
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d-votion · 27 days
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independent multi-muse blog, open to non-mutuals, yet somewhat selective. canon compliant yet may deviate based upon interpretations of source materials and personal headcanons. please do not interact if under 19 or a proshipper. if you're an RP blog and would like to establish a connection or would simply like to spread this post, please like (♥) and/or reblog (↻). thank you!
gif by chaoticentropy!
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eclipse-phoenix · 6 months
[THE APPEARANCE. No, actually, Sanka's just in the lair. He's on his knees, leaning forward to receive Inori's opinion on a song he made. He looks up and notices the bird.]
Oh, I haven't seen you in a while~
{Eclipse is just chilling at the moment, but she's covered in bandages.}
[I only saw this cuz I was about to log out, and saw the number in the inbox in the settings. T~T]
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kittsu-and-company · 23 days
// Announcement about the Eclipsing Arc Finale \\
It is still a work in progress.
Jk that’s not all I have to say. I am here to announce that the Eclipsing Arc will have finally concluded on the 5th of September. However, the Finale on my end won’t be posted for much longer.
Characters involved with the event will have “meta” knowledge that I won’t be revealing until later on.
As an explanation for why the fuck the arc finale is taking so long…. Well, I’ll just say that I have 15 full pages sketched and it’s not done. There will likely be at least 20 fully colored and lined pages (using a method I’m not all too familiar with yet!); and I have bitten off quite a lot! I am chewing on it but very very slowly, and don’t want to hold my friends’ characters hostage for any longer due to my slow work :3
Anyway that is all, everyone have a good day!!
Oh, and the way I’ve told Kittsu’s story is a bit convoluted and confusing in ways I can’t clear up using the medium of roleplay, as Kittsu, by design, is meant to be unaware of what goes into her story. I can and will give more detailed explanations on my main blog, @vallkary if y’all want the whole story!!
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