#˖ ✧ in character » ( sakamata kugo )
shinigami-striker · 3 months
Tyler Walker | Tuesday, 07.09.24
Same voice actor, different anime characters - featuring Tyler Walker. Happy birthday! 🎂
Shiitake - Love Live! Sunshine!! (anime; English dub)
Gang Orca - My Hero Academia (anime/movies/video games; English dub) (2018-present)
Bond Forger - Spy X Family (anime/movie; English dub) (2022-present)
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rose-riot-johnson · 1 year
Hey my Tumblr Peeps👋😃 After the 1st fanfic I have written about Spinner I did end up discovering more fanfics about him🦎 So, even tough I discovered more fanfics with Spinner in it after completing on writing the first fanfic I've ever written about him, I would like to imagine Spinner and some other My Hero Academia Characters (those I have written about and those I haven't written about) who I haven't recall discovered fanfics pertaining the characters getting drunk (or tipsy). While it's rare I write about characters or the reader getting drunk or I do head cannon(?) with multiple characters (which I have done a Punch Man head cannon pertaining 5 to 6 characters in it, before), however I do wanna shake things up with this fanfic and decided to work on a head cannon(?) type character with multiple characters in it😃 When I do say adult pertaining a character it means 21, so any character who's under 21, I makesure I label them as adults to makesure I write all characters as adults🍾🍸🥃Some characters, if not most I picked randomly.
🍸Good Drinkers🍸(Every My Hero Academia Character In This Head Cannon(?) fanfic x Any Gender Reader)
Genres: Head cannon(?), Fluff, Drunken Fluff (Warning ⚠️: Alcohol reference, Drunk (character))(and drunk reader in one of the the character parts of this fanfic), Harassment, and Anything depending on the reader's imagination.
(Adult) Spinner (aka, Shuichi Iguchi)
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*Spinner doesn't usually drink often, however when he drinks he's okay with beer and hard liquor, however he does prefer wine coolers and with any liquor he also prefers, creamy or fruity or both. With his taste in alcohol, he rather have wine coolers and creamy and/or fruity liquors more than other liquors and beer, because of the taste mainly, and he tends to get atleast tipsy easily with just one of the wine coolers and creamy and/or fruity liquors alone. If there are no other alcoholic drinks available aside from beer and/or hard liquor he will drink them.
*When Spinner gets atleast tipsy, if not wasted, from drinking the alcohol he was drinking, he's actually a happy drunk. He's also super giggly when having fun. He's also better at opening up about his feelings about you, as well. He's more affectionate with you, no matter if it's private or public, at the same time will have some respect for you and your boundaries, even when he does get blackout, wasted from alcohol.
*While sober Spinner is shy unless he's protective, just because he tends to be a hilarious happy not so shy drunk, doesn't mean that he won't protect you. If he does see another person try to touch you in a inappropriate when you told them to back off and stop it and they continue to disrespect you, he will not hesitate to intervene and threaten them, if they don't leave you alone, then he shows them one of his small sharp knives he has with him (just incase he needs to protect you in anyway), then they left you alone. Spinner would then apologize to you, then you would tell him it's fine and that he's only protecting you. You just mean the world to him.
*Spinner will then offer to carry you home. If you decline, he will be okay with that. When he walks with you, you help hold him on your way home with him. After getting home you decided to take care of him, even though he wanted to take care of you as well. After you put him in bed and went on the bed too. (The rest of the night depends on the reader's imagination).
⭐New Character (For Me) To Write About⭐
(Adult) Camie Utsushimi
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*Camie isn't into hard drinks that much, unless it's fireball and prefers the creamier alcoholic beverages, and certain mixed drinks (which fire ball, creamy alcoholic drinks, and certain mixed drinks are the most she will drink when it comes to hard alcoholic beverages). She just loves the cinnamon taste, and/or sweetness, and/or creaminess when it comes to alcoholic beverages. That's basically what her taste in alcohol would be.
*Just in one glass of any alcohol she drinks, she seems to get drunk alread, no matter if she chugs it or if she takes her time with it. She's a happy drunk, however surprisingly she doesn't flirt with anyone, unless it's you while she's drunk, considering she tends to be a flirt, while she's sober. Aside from that and stumbles while trying to walk by herself, there's really not much comparison between sober Camie and drunk Camie, otherwise.
*You ended up carrying her home, because everytime she's drunk you get the feeling she will get a hangover an hour after she starts to get drunk. When you got home, her hangover ended up starting, so you ended up taking care of her, especially with anything you have and/or can do to take care of her hangover. Everytime she does sober up she won't have any memory that she even got drunk at all.
⭐New Character (For Me) To Write About⭐
(Adult) Mina Ashido
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*Mina, is one of those girls who favor the fruit flavored alcoholic beverages, however her favorite alcoholic beverage are wine coolers, especially any type of berry wine coolers. She outright hates beer, however she will tolerate other alcoholic drinks otherwise. She still rather have her favorite flavor wine coolers, tough.
*When Mina does get tipsy, she's gets very giggly and blushes every time she giggles. She's definitely more of a cuddly type with you. Luckily for Mina, she's someone who will drink atleast water before and after she gets tipsy. It's just when she knows she starts to get tipsy, she will wait until she sobers up before she goes back to drinking in the same night. She does know when to stop drinking alcohol for the night tough.
*Mina does like to makesure to keep her hangover prevented, because of the first time she was drunk and she doesn't want to get you worried about her. So, with her hangovers she does tend to overthink about. When you and Mina are home, she can makesure you are tooken cared of while she keeps sure that she takes care of herself to makesure of no signs of hangover occurs on her end.
Gang Orca (Aka, Kugo Sakamata)
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*Gang Orca will likely drink any alcohol, however without you around him, he reay prefers not to drink much, if at all. He feels safer with you around when he drinks, and he prefers to drink whatever you drink, that goes for mixed drinks as well.
*When Gang Orca gets tipsy, he will be more smitten with you than usual. He also shows his goofy side more, mainly with you. While he tends to be a little perverted with you, he will also have some respect about it.
*If Gang Orca sees anyone he gets bad vibes about, he is definitely protective over you. However, since he rather avoid confrontation while tipsy, he will ask if you're ready to leave or go home in the nicest way possible to cue you out of the (bar and/or night club). He really wants to protect you without having to beat someone up, if they were to try to take you away from him.
* Once you and Orca walk to your shared home with him, he somehow, instantly, sobers up. You still decided to take care of him while he takes care of you in return. You didn't know he sobered up until either he tells you or that he's not showing off his goofy side in front of you.
⭐New Character For Me To Write About ⭐
Edgeshot (Aka, Shinya Kamihara)
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*Edgeshot isn't exactly a beer drinker, however he will drink about any alcoholic beverage, otherwise. It does seem like his favorite alcoholic beverages are sake and wine (especially red wine). He loves sake and red wine so much he's willing to have one glass of each.
*When Edgeshot ends up drinking one glass of red wine and one glass of sake, he will start to feel buzzed. He's more of a social drunk, a blushy drunk, and a drunk flirt with only you. Yes, he flirts occasionally and never flirts with anyone else otherwise sober, however he flirts with you non-stop, he's more affectionate than usual, and confesses his feelings for you more (while blushing), he will also wait for you to make the first move on him and he still will respect you while drunk, as much as he does, when sober.
*If anyone else does dare to try to disrespect or hit on you, Edgeshot will give them a warning that if they don't leave you alone he will knock them outcold, while he's drunk, which sometimes he ended up having to do when they don't cooperate with him on his warning. He's not a mean nor a fighting drunk. He just wants to keep you safe.
*Edgeshot will definitely carry you home. He is definitely more successful with carrying you drunk, than he would with carrying you home sober. When you go to try to take care of him, he ends up making sure he takes care of you instead, that includes tucking you in the bed, if you want. So, he will definitely be more than happy spoil you and wait on you non-stop when he's drunk, and just because he respects, doesn't mean he will listen to you on waiting on you, even if you pleaded to him on trying to convince him to even let you take care of him. He just loves you that much.
⭐New Character (For Me) To Write About⭐
Selkie (aka, Kainan Hīrō Serukī (according to what I googled search🤷‍♀️)
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*Selkie is one of those occasional drinkers who will drink about anything (beer Included), as long as, it's not eighty proof or higher. So, he's otherwise not really picky on alcohol really. And when he does plan on drinking he would like for his other sidekicks (and/or crewmates) and ofcourse you to party with him.
*Selkie might maybe be pretty funny (depending on the characters preference about how he poses and stuff) when sober, however when Selkie is drunk, he's definitely a hilarious drunk and there are times when he does get drunk, you get drunk right with him, tough you try to not get as drunk as he is, because you know he tends to get a bad hangover the next morning, so you're not sure how he is able to be okay with having such a bad hangover. His alcohol tolerance might be why his taste in alcohol is the way it is. If he drinks a sip or a shot of any alcohol that's about eighty proof or more would definitely make him gag instantly and he feels it's not fun to drink alcohol that makes (atleast) him gag instantly.
* You and his sidekicks (and/or crewmates) took care of him, and you watchover him everytime he gets drunk and a hangover. When he wakes up and realizes that he has a hangover he thinks it's worth it. And he's happy you're watching over him, because he knows he's in safe hands when it comes to his hangover. You and Selkie also know this fact: Selkie would have done the same for him, if you ended up with a bad hangover and he had to take care of you. He really is happy to see you anytime of the day.
(Adult) Tamaki Amajiki (Aka Suneater)
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*When it comes to alcohol Tamaki's a low-key drinker, so you're the only one who knows that he drinks alcohol. So, he prefers to be inside of his place or inside your place when he drinks, until you and Tamaki lived together, then he low-key drinks at your place. Even tough he also doesn't drink alcohol often, when does, he rather drink fruit flavored alcohol beverages that tastes, as long as it's not strong on alcohol (higher the proof the stronger the alcohol will taste and feel to him), so if it's alcoholic beverage tastes and feels strong while it's at a certain percentage (or proof) and or higher, it will taste nasty to him and will make him gag.
*When Tamaki gets drunk off of the alcoholic beverage of his choice, he actually feels more confident than he does when he's sober, ironically. He confesses his hopes and dreams about your relationship with him and also with any from of affection and/or intimacy, he rather you make the first move on him for rather not be pushy with you. When you make the first move on him with (any form of affection and/or intimacy depending on the reader's imagination), he makes his move back with you, which made him blush and happy.
*Right after you and Tamaki got done with (any form of affection and/or intimacy depending on the reader's imagination), Tamaki is the type to hold you in a cuddling fashion, then he will ask you to hold him the same way (if not similar). He will be falling asleep right away, once you start holding him a similar way. He is the type who will have a weeks worth of a hangover after waking up at the time he wakes up. You obviously wake up to cook him breakfast and prepare to give him any medicine and or anything you have you have for his hangover, before he wakes up.
The End
Well my Tumblr Peeps, I do hope you enjoy this multi character fanfic. While I did us my imagination with some, if not most of the head cannon(?) with each character, however I decided to let the reader use their imagination atleast a little bit to make the fanfic a little fun for the reader as well😃👍
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epickiya722 · 2 years
The fact that Gang Orca is like almost seven feet tall, towering almost everyone, makes sense when I thought about it. Orcas are massive, duh.
Which makes it hilarious because Shishido is so tiny against him and in real life lions are smaller than orcas.
Yet, before Shishido got animated, my brain wanted to make him, like, really tall. So when I saw him next to Gang Orca, I laughed at that.
The height difference is just so great because you got this small cat man who you think couldn't match the strength of this much, much larger orca man and then you're proven ultimately wrong.
Shishido is a Pint-Sized Powerhouse.
It's like with Miruko.
She is a teeny rabbit woman, yet she managed to take out SEVERAL Nomus, including a High End Nomu all with speed and strength alone.
Shishido and Miruko would make a badass duo! Throw Gang Orca in there? Hell yes!!
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olliesmultimuse · 1 month
Anime Muses' Tags Part 2 (New)
˖ ✧ in character » ( nedzu )
˖ ✧ in character » ( inui ryo )
˖ ✧ in character » ( aizawa shota )
˖ ✧ in character » ( yamada hizashi )
˖ ✧ in character » ( ishiyama ken )
˖ ✧ in character » ( yagi toshinori )
˖ ✧ in character » ( torino sorahiko )
˖ ✧ in character » ( todoroki enji )
˖ ✧ in character » ( sakamata kugo )
˖ ✧ in character » ( mizushima masaki )
˖ ✧ in character » ( yawara chatora )
˖ ✧ in character » ( selkie )
˖ ✧ in character » ( sirius )
˖ ✧ in character » ( tenya iida )
˖ ✧ in character » ( kaminari denki )
˖ ✧ in character » ( kirishima eijiro )
˖ ✧ in character » ( koda koji )
˖ ✧ in character » ( tokoyami fumikage )
˖ ✧ in character » ( todoroki shoto )
˖ ✧ in character » ( bakugo katsuki )
˖ ✧ in character » ( midoriya izuku )
˖ ✧ in character » ( amajiki tamaki )
˖ ✧ in character » ( yoarashi inasa )
˖ ✧ in character » ( kon chojuro )
˖ ✧ in character » ( himiko toga )
˖ ✧ in character » ( todoroki touya )
˖ ✧ in character » ( shuichi iguchi )
˖ ✧ in character » ( tsukauchi naomasa )
˖ ✧ in character » ( tamakawa sansa )
˖ ✧ in character » ( tameda hiroshi )
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pinkstations · 1 year
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Wanted to try something different so here’s Gang Orca in a monochrome red palette :)
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creamecream · 2 years
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“A sexy Quint from Sexy Jaws, catching sexy sharks!”
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mx-pastelwriting · 2 years
MHA Heroes HC - How They'd React Bruises on Reader after a night.
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Heroes x GN! Reader
Summary: Heroes reaction to bruises on reader after a night of sex.
Warnings: Light Mentions of past sex acts, Bruising on Reader, Fluff, Established Relationship
Characters: Endeavor (Enji Todoroki), Gang Orca (Kugo Sakamata), Eraserhead (Shota Aizawa), Vlad King (Sekijiro Kan), Fat Gum (Taishiro Toyomitsu)
Minors do not interact!
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Endeavor (Enji Todoroki)
-Wouldn't notice until the morning, when you are still sleeping off the night's events.
-When he does notice them, he softly traces them; he kind of likes them, though he quickly changes his tune when you groan at the pain when you start to wake.
-You had bruises on your hips and thighs; some might have some surface burn as well, as Enji can get a little wild.
-Aftercare he takes very seriously. He makes sure you're comfortable in bed and gets you ice packs wrapped in a thin towel.
"Thank you," you say quietly, the pain lessened by the coolness. Enji hadn't apologized, but you didn't want him to because the night had been incredible and there was nothing you could ask him to do differently.
You did appreciate that he took the day off to cuddle you in bed, just in case the ice packs were too much. "I love you," he whispers into your shoulder skin as he lays his head. You place yours on top and say, "I love you too", His arm is wrapped softly around your waist so as not to disturb your nerves. Furthermore, you knew he was somewhat sorry for putting you in pain, but the imprint on your skin made his mind swirl with heat.
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Gang Orca (Kugo Sakamata)
-Would notice as he's getting ready for work and him taking care of you would wake you.
-Apologizing every minute as he places an ice packs on your hips and arm.
-Would ask if anything else hurts; if the answer is yes, he would melt into the floor with guilt, but after reassuring him you're not dying, you would both laugh it off.
-He would call off work against your wishes; he would take care of you the whole day, helping you to the bathroom, but you reminded him you weren't glass.
"How badly does it hurt, angel?" Kugo gently asks his hand to hold yours. You smiled and shook your head; you weren’t dying, but he made it seem so. "Kugo, it's fine." "It's not fine, Angelfish; I hurt you." His voice was filled with guilt. "Yes, but you didn't mean to." Trying to clam him was an easy task, but you placed your hand on his face, hoping to get him to drop it. "Okay, but let me know if you need anything," he says, snuggling closer to you. He pulled you gently close to him, having you lay on his chest and hear his now calm heartbeat.
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Eraserhead (Shota Aizawa)
-Would notice after he gets home from work and sees you walking funny.
-Asks if you're okay, and you show him his work on you, he goes into caring mode, asking if you’re okay and why didn't you tell him.
-After explaining yourself, he would have you sit down to rest, he would cook dinner, and have you resting up with blankets cuddling you.
-Going to bed, he would gently cuddle you, wondering if he should call into work tomorrow to get the day off, but you begged to have him decide in the morning.
His hand gently wraps around your shoulder to your back, not wanting to touch the bruises that mark your waist and thighs. "Tell me if anything hurts," he whispers, but all he gets from you is a quiet hum. You dig your head into his chest, hearing his soft heartbeat and breathing.
Through the night, you wake up to his phone ringing. Aizawa groans as he shifts, bumping into your thigh. You whine at the pain, causing him to jump up and say, "I'm sorry, where did I hurt you?" He says in a panic, "It's fine, just answer the phone." You grumble, though you're not upset at him, just at the ringing noise of the phone. He answers and gets up shortly after ending the call, and you watch with tired eyes as he's getting ready. "I'll be back in an hour, I love you, and don't move," he says, giving you a quick kiss and heading off, leaving you to fall back asleep in a now cold bed.
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Vlad King (Sekijiro Kan)
-Would notice getting ready for work; as soon as he sees the bruises that litter your hips and shoulders, he wakes you with cries of asking you if you're okay.
-Yes he was rough in bed, but he always made sure you were okay. Seeing this made him a puddle on the floor.
-As you wake, you have to reassure him you're okay, just sore, but before you can say you'll be fine while he's gone, he calls into work.
-He would make you breakfast, fluff up some pillows to make you comfortable, and run you a bath after you eat.
"Thank you, love," you say in a tired voice as you take the small table of food in your lap. "And I'll run you a warm bath after too," he says, sitting down next to you and having his own food. "Can you join me?" You ask, but his face says something other than excitement: "I'm afraid I'll hurt you, hon." His voice sounded like he was fighting back tears: "It's okay, you will make me feel better, please." He thinks it over for a minute and nods, going back to his breakfast.
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All Might (Toshinori Yagi) -Works for small & big
-Would see in the middle of the night coming back from the bathroom.
-He would lay back in bed but keep his distance, then call into work to get the day off. He's never done this before, so he's a bit scared.
-When you wake up, you notice the bruising on your hips and ribs. The pain would come every time you moved, but Toshinori was there to help and bring food.
-He would have helped you change into something decent as of last night had you not. A lot of apologies would have been given, but your words calmed them down.
Toshinori moved with panic as he took the empty plate from you. "Thank you, Toshi," you say warmly, but he just gave a small smile before his eyes went to your bruises. Noticing you cover them up with the blankets, you didn't mind his getting rough in bed; maybe you even liked it, but you hated how he looked at you like you were broken.
"Come sit" You say he's patting the bed; he slowly sits, but far from you. You painfully move closer to him, but he still keeps his distance. "Please come closer; I feel like I'm the plague," you say with a hurt laugh. He does gently put a hand on your thigh, letting you put your head on his shoulder and watch TV.
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Fat Gum (Taishiro Toyomitsu) -Works for big & small
-Would notice as he comes in with breakfast in bed for you, the covers are moved, letting him see them in the morning light.
-It covered your hips and back; he woke you gently, but he was about to cry seeing you groan in pain.
-Putting the table on your lap like he always does on his day off. He asks if you're okay and points to the bruises that you now notice.
-He would cuddle you up with blankets while you and him ate to enjoy your morning shows, though he would keep a close eye on you.
Eating your food, you would feel Taishiro's eyes on you; it made you squirm where you sat. Looking at him, he smiles at you as you take another bit of his food. "Is it that bad?" you ask with a worried look on your face, but he quickly turns into protective mode. "No, not at all. I just never thought I would go that hard on you." He sighs, you go soft, "I enjoyed last night, please; I don't want this to stop you." You reassure him, and he smiles, "It's not, sweetheart, but if you like it that way, then does tomorrow night sound good?" He flirts, you blush, and you give him a kiss.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
♥ mx-pastelwriting does not consent to their work being copied, translated, or reposted on any other platform without permission.
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yuezodiaco · 1 year
Types of kisses
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What would it be like to kiss with these BNH characters?
(Yamada, Aizawa, Toshinori, Keigo, Kugo)
Yamada Hizashi
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Hizashi loves to give you kisses on your neck and ear, he loves it when you get nervous and blush. This kind of kiss he does in front of everyone to mark territory and even more so when another hero sees you with romantic interest.
- Another kiss Hizashi gives you is a temptation kiss, he kisses you right after and in certain places to shake you up this guy does it in the safety of his house to tempt you and have sex after a somewhat hectic day.
Aizawa Shota
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- Aizawa is a quiet man and loves his personal intimacy, Aizawa gives you shy kisses when he knows they are on the street or at school, he poor he is embarrassed for others to see it, you personally love to see how his ears blush when he kisses you.
- Or, but at home he is more affectionate, he kisses you on the lips with more passion while hugging you around the waist to be closer to you, he loves to feel your body close to him.
Yagi Toshinori
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- Toshinori loves to give you kisses on your forehead, it gives you to understand the love he feels for you, no matter where you are either on the street, at school or at home, he will always kiss your forehead when one of you has to leave.
- Toshinori feels sorry for you, but he gives you a kiss without tongue is something that both you and he feel the pation in this kind of kisses, personally you love when Yagi gives them to you at home and more when you go to sleep.
Keigo Takami
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- Oh Keigo this man loves to give you wet kisses, he loves to take the reins when they kiss they are very passionate he likes to see you blushing and dizzy when he finishes kissing you.
- Another type of kiss that Haws loves is a movie type kiss, like in dramatic productions where the heads of both are tilted and so they kiss, Keigo feels the passion in this type of kiss and more so when the two are on patrol at night.
Kugo Sakamata
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- Eskimo kiss our beloved Gang Orca loves this kind of kiss, he feels it so affectionate and intimate when you are in the quiet of his office after a rather heavy meeting.
- When the two of you are arguing over meaningless things Kugo will give you an aggressive kiss by kissing you, he will gently bite your lower lip and stare at you, while sucking on your upper lip to give him a sense of dominance.
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heirloomgem · 2 months
BNHA/Boku no Hero Academia
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U.A Teachers
All Might/Toshinori Yagi
Eraser Head/Aizawa Shouta
Class 1-A
Iida Tenya
Kirishima Eijiro
Shoto Todoroki
Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou’s silly Crush
Bakugou’s Silly Crush Part 2
Izuku Midoriya
Togata Mirio
Tamaki Amajiki
Shinso Hitoshi
Hawks/Keigo Takami
Fatgum/Taishiro Toyomitsu
Gang Orca/Sakamata Kugo
Status: The request box is open only for the monthly one-shot series if the characters are chosen.
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faulty-writes · 1 year
[ Hello dear followers and or fans. I present to you a Kugo Sakamata (Gang Orca) piece that was inspired by this picture. Like my previous Kugo piece, the reader has a relation to one of the canon characters. ]
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[ Although you met several heroes, Kugo or "Gang Orca" was your favorite. Despite your suspicions that he made excuses to spend time with you, his company was always welcomed into your home. But this particular visit seems different as he has finally come to terms with his feelings towards you but can't figure out how to convey them. When space meets the sea, what happens? ]
Your home was the stars. His was the sea. He was a brave but mistreated hero, with a villainous appearance and a golden heart. His love and devotion to nurturing and guiding young heroes could not be matched, and it was these qualities that drew you to him.
You also liked to think that you shared his burden of being “different” considering you were always cast in the shadow of Anan Kurose otherwise known as the Space Hero: Thirteen, your sister. Both of you possessed quirks that could be justified as normal anomalies in the confines of space.
However, Anan received the more dangerous anomaly, creating black holes. In contrast, you could create stars at will and fly weightlessly through the air. To be so connected to what lay beyond most human beings' touch was disheartening, but this didn't stop you from falling in love with outer space.
Your dream was to finally be where you belonged and serve as the creator of stars and protector of planets. Unfortunately, this wasn't possible, and you had to settle for the next best thing, space exploration, and astronomy news. NASA articles were enjoyable to read.
In your excitement, you turned to Kugo Sakamata, otherwise known as "Gang Orca." Kugo insisted that he had to come over urgently to discuss an issue, but as far as you were concerned, this was just another excuse to spend time with you.
Anan knew that you were a fan of his and was responsible for having introduced you to each other. Guess having connections to the hero world paid off. Not that you abused the privilege by any means, although you were grateful that Kugo and yourself chatted on occasion and once in a while, hung out.
He was sitting at the kitchen table and a large silver tray with a kettle, a small pitcher of milk, and a small jar of sugar lay in front of him. “Hm?” he responded, holding his teacup handle with his thumb and index finger. His remaining three fingers were sticking straight out, and he casually took a sip, waiting for you to continue.
“Look!” you urged, holding out your phone so he could see the screen. “This article is discussing “topological solitons” can you even fathom what a discovery it is to learn there are entanglements in the fabric of space-time?!”
The man narrowed his eyes. “Mm…I cannot,” he replied, gently lowering his cup back onto the provided saucer plate. You grinned and remained hovering just above the kitchen counter, ignoring the way your hair swirled around weightlessly, and resumed scrolling through the article.
After a minute or two, you placed your phone down and hovered toward him. “I guess it’d be hard to relate when your home has always been the sea, huh?” you asked, tapping your cheek but a playful smile painted your features.
“Hm…” he closed his eyes. “I suppose,” he responded, opening his eyes, and crossing his arms. As long as he could remember he loved the smell of sea salt air, the feeling of water rushing over his skin, and the quiet melody of being submerged in the ocean.
Much like your quirk, there was a certain weightlessness when you put your trust in water and allowed it to carry you. “I imagine you don’t spend your days near water,” he said, keeping his arms crossed and his attention focused on you.
“Heh…” you frowned, lowering yourself onto the kitchen floor. Immediately, your hair stopped swirling and fell flat against your head. You folded your hands in front of you and shrugged. “Well, no,” you replied. “You’re lucky, water is always there,” you said moving your hand through the air.
"You never have to look far for where you belong but..." you glanced away and rubbed your neck, "I do." He leaned back, narrowing his eyes. "What do you mean?" he asked, concerned. “Huh, oh um…” Your cheeks lit up as you stared at him.
Normally, you didn't like being so vulnerable or sharing how you felt deep down but Kugo made you feel comfortable. Maybe it was his tendency to remain calm and non-judgemental or the fact that you knew each other well enough to be open about certain things.
“Just...” Your fingers twisted nervously around each other as you sighed. “The only time I feel like I belong is when I look up at the night sky and see the stars and the moon. But I also get heartbroken knowing I'll never be one with them." At least not in your lifetime.
“Mm…” Kugo frowned, pushed his chair back, and walked over to you, laying a comforting hand on your shoulder. “It’s natural to want a role in this world,” he stated, “but a sense of belonging comes from within." He pointed one of his sharp-tipped fingers at your chest.
“Do you belong here with me, at this moment?” he asked, lowering his hand. His question made your heart skip a beat. “Hm!?” you replied with deep rosy cheeks. “Uh, well I…” your eyes shifted back and forth, but he waited patiently for your answer.
“That’s kind of a loaded question,” you replied with a nervous giggle. You focused your attention back on Kugo who was now frowning although you couldn’t tell because of the high collar of the white suit he was wearing.
You almost found it cute that his costume also consisted of a long pink tie that resembled a tongue. Overall, he looked very attractive. “Uh, I mean…” you paused, and your mind went blank. Your body began to float once more, and your hair flowed around as if an invisible force was pulling it this way and that.
“I’ve always felt a connection to you?” Was that what he wanted to hear? You scratched your head. He was so tricky to read sometimes. “I’m glad to know that,” he responded before walking back to the table and grabbing the saucer plate and teacup.
One of the aspects of being a hero is having others look up to and relate to you. The easiest way to establish a connection is through common ground and he was grateful that you two had that. Yet, he often pondered if your connection could grow deeper.
He accepted the fact that you were in his thoughts and dreams as of late. He further accepted the doubt associated with said thoughts and dreams. This included that someone like you could never harbor feelings for someone like him.
His villainous appearance would no doubt tarnish your angelic one and perhaps that is what hurts the most. He often questioned why physical appearance or beauty took priority over other traits. Perhaps it was better to say he was the beast who hoped you would be his beauty.
“I believe I am finished,” he said turning to you. “Oh uh,” you floated out of the way when he walked past you and toward the sink. “I’ll wash it,” he insisted, turning on the water. “What?” you replied, landing on the floor before shaking your head.
"You're my guest, you don't have to do that," you insisted, walking over, and turning off the water. Seeing your kind smile, he paused and glanced at you. "How about you relax in the living room while I take care of everything here?" you suggested, folding your hands behind your back.
The man looked at you for another moment before complying with your request. You turned back to the sink and turned on the water, happily cleaning the teacup and saucer. After placing them on the drying rack, you shook your hands dry and looked at Kugo again.
He remained sitting on the couch with his hands in his lap. He turned to look at you but said nothing. “So,” you walked over and took the spot next to him. “What is it that you wanted to talk about and is there anything I can do to help you or the other heroes?” he smiled.
You were always willing to help others despite being small to the world. However, that never diminished your ability to dream beyond what was possible and look on the bright side of things. He admired that quality about you. Strong people were one of his favorite things next to open water swimming.
He leaned close and briefly glanced down noticing your hand resting against the couch cushion. He glanced back at you. “Hm?” you tilted your head, smiling and he adored that happy glint in your eye. “Perhaps it can wait until another time,” he replied, placing his hand over yours.
You were surprised by this but welcomed his touch, nonetheless. However, you were more concerned that he no longer wanted to talk about the very thing he insisted he needed to see you for. On the other hand, it confirmed your earlier suspicions that he only wanted to spend time with you.
As sweet as that was, you needed to make sure there was nothing serious to discuss. You frowned and stood up, placing your hands on your hips. “Is everything okay?” you asked. Kugo rose from the couch casting you in his shadow, but you waited patiently for his answer.
“Hm,” you paused and turned to look at the kitchen table. “Oh no!” you exclaimed, cupping your face, and immediately catching Kugo's concern. “What is the matter?” he asked, curling his hands into fists and ready to spring into action if need be.
“Huh? Oh uh…” You turned to him, giggling and the sound of it made his heart leap with joy. “Nothing is wrong,” you replied, ruffling the back of your hair. “I just forgot to put away the tea set and tray,” like before you hovered off the ground and your hair wisped around.
Kugo watched you turn your body midair, your feet pointing toward the ceiling. “Don’t worry, I’ll be right back,” you promised, floating closer to him and teasingly poking his nose. “Mm…” He knew you would refuse his help, but he still wished that he could assist you in cleaning up.
After all, you had been a wonderful host. “Are you certain you don’t need help?” he questioned, lifting his hand into the air. You smiled, and reached out, allowing your fingers to brush along his palm and over the tips of his dangerous-looking nails.
He frowned when you floated away from him and toward the kitchen, turning yourself upright. Once more he hesitated before reaching out to grab your wrist. The movement was sudden, and you cried out when he pulled you against him.
His hand immediately grasped the back of your head, his fingers curling themselves into your hair which suddenly dropped when you deactivated your quirk. He wrapped his opposite arm around your waist to ensure you had no escape and leaned close to nuzzle his face against the crook of your neck.
“I’m afraid I can’t let you go,” he stated, feeling affectionately possessive. Your eyes widened at his words. “Something really is the matter,” you said, wrapping your arms around him. He knew he was being foolish, yet it was dishonest to continue this charade. “Space and the sea are not so different,” he stated.
“Huh?” You glanced to the side, trying to look at him. “They are both vast, wondrous and hold a certain weightlessness and calm,” you knitted your eyebrows, knowing he wasn’t incorrect but where was this speech going?
His arm tightened around you, indicating he wanted more comfort. “How do you feel about those that live their lives in the sea?" he asked as he gently stroked your hair. Your heart fluttered and your fingers dug into the back of his suit.
‘How do I feel about…’ You paused. This was another loaded question that you weren't sure how to answer. “I…” You hesitated, and he tensed up in response. His arm loosened around your waist as did his hand although it remained loosely tangled in your hair. He leaned back, looking down at you.
“Am I the monster one finds in the sea?” Your jaw dropped, and you shook your head. “Of course not!” you exclaimed, angry. “Don’t ever say that! I have never seen you as a monster. It doesn't matter to me if people say you look like a villain or that you're scary!" you tried to breathe, knowing you were getting worked up.
“I…Gang Orca,” your eyelids lowered, and you frowned. He hated your sad expression, although he knew that was not his intention. “You’re sweet, and kind, and you do everything to protect us." You pulled your hands back and unbuttoned his suit collar, revealing his face.
He was slightly concerned but made no move to stop you even as the cool air brushed against his exposed face. The very same one that many people feared and that made children cry on occasion, something he dreaded. Yet, your eyes held a gentle loving, and accepting gaze.
“Is this what you’re talking about?” you asked, allowing your hands to caress his cheeks. He closed his eyes, softly trembling at the sensation of your warm palms against his smooth and silky skin. You smiled and tilted your head. “You don’t have to worry about your appearance, I don’t find it unsettling,” he perked up at your words.
“As I said, your qualities outweigh everything else and it’s those qualities that I love,” you explained in a soft voice, lowering your hands. He opened his eyes, feeling happiness wash over him. You turned your head toward the kitchen. “Besides you were right,” you commented, placing one hand on your hip.
“Maybe space and the sea are the same, in some respects,” you leaned forward and kissed his cheek. His eyes widened, and much like your hands, your kiss left a warm feeling in his heart. You chuckled and stepped away, once again activating your quirk to float back to the kitchen.
You landed in front of the table and carefully took the tea set and tray to the sink. Kugo stood in the living room, watching you turn on the water and begin washing. He placed his hand on his chest, feeling the steady flutter of his heart, the very same one he wished to give you.
He lowered his hand and cautiously approached. “Hm?” You paused and glanced over your shoulder. “Oh…hi?” you said, uncertain if he wanted something or not. “Uh,” after a few seconds of silence, you chuckled. “Heh,” you pointed toward the living room, ignoring the suds that fell from your hand.
“You can go sit down, this shouldn’t take long, promise!” you assured him and turned back to the sink to resume scrubbing. Kugo remained standing behind you and while he wished to accommodate your wishes, his own selfish desires called him to do something else this time.
You gasped when his muscular arms wrapped around your waist and his head rested on your shoulder. “Apologies,” he stated, “you refused my help, but perhaps I will help myself to watch you instead,” and admire you up close, but he kept that information to himself.
You paused and glanced at him. Your cheeks flushed as a result of his words and his body against yours. “O-oh um…” Your mind became unusually blank, and you shook your head, trying to get your thoughts back in order.
This wasn’t uncomfortable, but you weren’t used to this kind of affection or intimacy. Yes, you were close with Anan but neither of you were affectionate. You assumed this was because she was more professional and serious and that created a distance between you two.
Although you assumed everyone had their own love language and were still trying to figure out what Kugo's was. So far, it seems he used words and affectionate gestures to convey how he felt. In the back of your mind, you wondered if he did this to everyone.
Then again, you knew you had no right to justify how he acted toward others. At the same time, you found something special about the moments you shared with him. From the start, he seemed to genuinely care about you.
Your conversations were short at times, but he always managed to say the right thing even if he stumped you at times. He was always patient with you and wrapped in his arms like this, even when doing something as simple as washing dishes made your heart soar higher than your favorite constellation.
“A-after I’m finished, we can sit on the couch and watch something together if you want,” you offered, shutting off the water to place the tray onto the drying rack before washing the milk pitcher. “There’s a bunch of space documentaries I’ve been meaning to watch and-” his laughter interrupted you.
“Huh?” You turned your head with the intention of asking him what he was laughing at. Instead, you squeaked when he nuzzled his face into your hair and kissed the top of your head. You nearly dropped the teacup, and your cheeks flushed pink.
No, he definitely wouldn't do this with others and while you didn't want to assume anything, there was clearly something romantic in the air. “Very well,” he said calmly, content to spend time doing what made you happy. For you were the stars in his sky and he was your sea.
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yandere-x-reader · 9 months
➼ Dividers done by @/cafekitsune
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Color Code: Romantic, Platonic, Either
Mezo Shoji, Koji Koda, Rikido Sato, Tenya Ida, Hanta Sero, Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Mashirao Ojiro, Yuga Aoyama, Denki Kaminari, Izuku Midoriya, Mina Ashido, Fumikage Tokoyami, Ochaco Uraraka, Kyoka Jiro, Toru Hagakure, Tsuyu Asui, Hitoshi Shinso, Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, Hizashi Yamada, Present Mic, Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead, Enji Todoroki/Endeavor, Keigo Takami/Hawks, Rumi Usagiyama/Mirko, Yu Takeyama/Mt. Lady, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca, Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fat Gum, Emi Fukukado/Miss Joke, Nemuri Kayama/Midnight, Sekijiro Kan/Vlad King, Nezu, Eri Aizawa
Sun, Moon, Roxy, Monty, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica, DJMM, Vannesa/Vanny, Gregory, Map Bot
Luisa, Mirable, Isabella, Delores,Camilo, Alma, Pepa, Bruno, Julieta, Felix, Agustin, Antonio
Gravity Falls ♡
Bill Chipher, Stanley, Stanford, Mable, Dipper.
OCs ♡
To be added
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Anonymous asks
I am perfectly fine with anyone using anonymous asks, I personally use them a lot. However if you use anonymous asks, please put a emoji(s) or a letter(s) as your signature. Just put it at the bottom of your ask and I'll add it to the list
Used Letters:
Used Emojios:
I will write
Different AU's: I can do all diffrent types! Pirate, mafia, hybrid, fantasy, royalty, mermaid, soulmates, mall workers, vampires, ghosts, ect. Or if you have your own AU and would like me to do somthing with it I can tolltally do that to.
Omegaverse: I know not everyone likes this trope but i'm a absaloute sucker for it. I can do Alpha, Beta, or Omega for charecters or Reader. I do write heats but not in a sexual way, i personally write them kinda like a human period but replace the blood with increased body tempetures.
Any Gender: I am personally genderfluid and AFAB so those are the two that I would have the most experience with. However if you want me to do somthing like a trans reader or AMAB reader than I can try my best. Don't be afraid to make it specific to you, everone is diffrent and I understand trying to look for something that fits you more than the stereotypes.
Crossovers: I don't see a lot of creators in any fandom doing crossovers a lot. I see like *Insert charecter* x reader with *insert other character* personality but not really crossovers. So feel free to request a crossover with a diffrent show.
Any skin color: I love having variety in my writing so I will do any skin colors. I can do basic skin colors, from pale peach to dark brown. I can also do exstream versions like skin that is nearly paper white from how pale it is or skin that us nearly space black from how dark it is. I can also do unnatural skin colors, like Mina!
Alterhuman Reader: Ok so I see absaloutly no alterhuman reader fanfics out there so i'm here to change that. I'm not personally a alterhuman but I do have a few freinds that are. If you want me to do a specific one instead of basic I can also do that. Like instead of a dragon kin I can do a dragon kin with space wing and starts eyes with claws that glow in the dark ect.
Body Marks: I personally have stretch marks, moles, freckles, and odd placed birthmarks so I can do any of these or others if you would like. If you are specifically extra self-conscious of your body marks than I can add extra levels of love to specific part if you would like :)
Feel free to requests anything as long as it's not in my will not write list!
I will not write
Abuse: I will not do the character inflicting pain on the reader or the reader inflicting pain on the charecter. I can do mentions of past abuse, such as a charecter or reader flinching at touch or loud noise.
Cheating: character doing it to reader or reader doing it to character is just a big no. I never understood cheating, if you don't love somone just break up with them. If you can't do it for safety reson than find a support system to protect you in dangerous situations.
Misscarage: I have lost three sibling to this and I still cry at night thinking of them, please don't ask me to do anything to do with this subject. If you do I will give you 1 warning and then I'm blocking you.
Abortion: I don't really have a side here but I don't like the though of writing it as it makes me uncomfortable.
Rape/SA: I don't feel comfortable doing this subject. I can not do mentions of it as I have not personally experienced it and don't want to miss somthing or do something wrong.
NSFW: I may be a yandere blog but I do not wish to do anything sexual on this blog, only romantic and platonic here.
Don't worry about being cringe with me! As long as your not hurting anyone than why should I stop you from having fun? Fell free to be your authentic self and request somthing super specific if you want.
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shinigami-striker · 1 year
Tyler Walker | Sunday, 07.09.2023
I have a couple of anime characters that I enjoy, courtesy of Tyler Walker (happy birthday) down below, including:
Gang Orca (Kugo Sakamata) - My Hero Academia
Bond Forger - Spy X Family
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rose-riot-johnson · 11 months
Hello! Thanks for doing the other request it was amazing! I know I did already question this character but I’ll request again. This time smut.
Gang Orca x reader (fem) smut. The reader is having their first time with Gang Orca. Nothing more nothing less. Themes being anxiety, on both sides. Orca and the reader. And attraction, mainly Orca who’s just freezes seeing how beautiful she looks. (Although the reader does have a little suit link maybe major 👀). For the background they are girlfriend and boyfriend, and their relationship is pretty wholesome but secretive. Both come to the conclusion they want to have sex, but Kugo is the first to voice it. (Like after work he sits both of them down, and he hasn’t undressed yet. Still wearing a suit). They have a talk about having sex and they agree to have it yet as I said there both really anxious/nervous. (Though let’s just say both are pretty vocal during the act. Their neighbors aren’t gonna like them too much). The end! (Oh and go crazy on adding stuff in. Like how they first met and stuff. If you want. I love it when people add stuff on, as long as it doesn’t clash with the basics it’s good!)
You're very welcome and I'm glad you liked the other request😁👍Anyways I was working on another request, earlier today I got occupied, and I have been trying to come up with stuff pertaining your request, so I just got to your request and I may take longer than usual to complete a request (this request in particular)😅I decided I will definitely work with this request😃👍I definitely will see what I can do with this request😁👍And adding stuff to this request would be a good idea😃👍With the suit link part I'm seeing what I can do with that part, I'm not 💯% sure how that part will turn out😅
*Will say the words anxious(ly) and/or nervous(ly) multiple times in 1 or more paragraphs in this fanfic...
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🦪😈You and Gang Orca's First Naughty And Forbidden Go Round Together😈🦪 (Kugo Sakamata, aka Gang Orca x Female Reader)
Genres: Smut (and sex) (Warning +18⚠️: Vaginal penitration, Nudity, Spanking, Language, boob groping, nipple pinching, and nipple pulling)
When both you and Gang Orca first met, you applied at his pro hero agency, as you had a job interview with him. He did look at your job application and he was eyeing you in a "you're so fucken hot" way. He had trouble keeping a straight face, as he said, "I'm sorry, (Female Reader Name)... You can't become my sidekick.", as you then became shocked that those words he said made you feel completely turned down, wondering what you did for him to do that.
Gang Orca then continued, "Let me explain... It doesn't mean you don't work in my agency at all... I feel you have potential to become a pro hero... You're a better fit than you do being a sidekick, however I think it's best off you become my secretary, that's if you want to have a secret relationship with me... If you decide not to be my secretary then you can be one of my sidekicks or both of us can become a joint (pro hero) agency, however inorder to keep our relationship a secret, we would have a better chance in doing so, with you strictly, as my secretary...". Afterwards you agreed to be his secretary and the both of you managed to keep the relationship a secret at the time. Gang Orca turned out to be right, so far...
While the both of you have been extremely wholesome with eachother in a secretly romantic way, it just seems like the longer you and Orca are in this relationship the both of you are secretly together in, the more sexual urges become harder to control. On your end, you stare at him and wonder what's underneath his pants (atleast), while on his end, he stares at what you're wearing, as he has been getting a hard on from eyeing you, while you're wearing a mini skirt and a shirt tight enough, where he wishes to fuck you at, everytime... He thinks you look extremely beautiful in that outfit. The only thing is the both of you were nervous about having sex with eachother for the first time ever, and the fact you have a (possibly major) suit link.
Gang Orca clearly knows that you want him to fuck you, however he knows he would have to have the first word in this, otherwise you would end up keeping quiet about you wanting to have sex with him. One day, he (nervously) told you he needed to address something about it after work, which was his way of having a private chat with you. You nervously agreed to his what he told you.
After work, Gang Orca carried you to the apartment building, where he lives and after that he (sneakily) took you to his apartment (or home inside the building). He nervously stated, "Listen, (Female Reader Name)... I can't repress this anymore... The longer we stayed together... The more and more I want to fuck you... My hot secretary girlfriend... Extremely bad... You look you beautiful that I get a non-stop, hard on... That's why I think it's time for my cock to feel your pussy around it...", as he then anxiously, gulped. You were surprised to hear what he said, as you (in an anxious way) nervously replied, "Well Orca... I was worried you didn't want the same as I did... I'm glad you addressed it... I also would like you cock inside my pussy, too... There are times when I look... I mean stare at you... I wonder what's in those pants of yours, to the point my pussy feels wet and I want to feel your cock inside of me...".
The both of you, then agreed to have sex with eachother. You nervously, completely took your clothes off. Gang Orca enjoyed the sight of your naked body, as he started to take his pants of nervously, so you could take a look at his hard cock. His cock just got harder from him seeing you completely naked. While the both of you were still nervous about the first time of the both of you fucking together, it just feels like the right time to get rowdy with eachother.
You nervously got your hands at the end of his bed, as you excitedly wait for Orca, to make his move. He then puts his hard cock inside of your wet pussy, as he began to thrust himself inside your pussy. He wasl gripping your hips at first, however after a few minutes of his cock being inside of your now tight pussy, he moves his hands off your hips, gives your ass a rough spank with both of his hands, and grips your ass tightly, as he continues to fuck your pussy. The longer he continued to fuck you, the louder the moans filled the room, then the apartment building where both you and Orca woke up the neighbors.
Once the neighbors woke up, the both of you hear the neighbors complain about the both of you waking and threatening to call the cops (in his hometown of Japan) to file a noise complaint. You're so cock drunk and Gang Orca was so pussy drunk, neither of you gave a damn, if anyone else hear the both of you moan and fuck eachother. He then shouted in a loud moan, "Fuck! Your pussy is so fucken tight and amazing, where my cock just feels extremely warm! Your pussy did my hard cock justice! And your ass is amazing...", before spanking your ass harder (and louder) than earlier, then gropped your boobs, to pinch and pull on your sensitive nipples. Your replied, while whimpering, "Your cock feels... Amazing! I wish this could last forever! I love that you're rough on me in bed! Fuck!!! I also love the way your hands are allover me, especially my ass and tits! I need you to keep pounding to no end!!!". Another ten minutes later, you finally released yourself on his cock right before he filled your pussy with his cum.
Gang Orca then had you stay in his room bedroom to put on warm pajamas to cover yourself completely with. Luckily for the both of you, didn't get in trouble for noise complaint, as these officers thought the neighbors falsely filed a report, because they see Gang Orca and they see you, so they won't expect either of you to make that much noise. Yes, the neighbor(s) who tried to get the both of you arrested for "noise complaint", had been put in jail, due to the officers (in Gang Orca's hometown) believing that the neighbor(s) falsely reported just to try to get both of you in trouble, ehich they didn't believe the rest of his neighbors, as well.
While your relationship is no longer a complete secret, however despite of this the both of you continued your relationship together, in similar fashion, only with the both of you having sex together every now and then. After that night, the both of you now know neither of you can get in trouble, no matter what. The both of you stopped repressing your sexual urges, eversince then.
😈🦪The End🦪😈
Okay my Tumblr Peeps, I hope you had fun reading this Gang Orca smut fanfic, as much as, I had fun writing it😈🦪😁👍And I hope I did the fanfic well and properly, @watergod57-69 😅I worked on this fanfic the best I could come up with😃👍And if there's any errors in my grammar, I do apologize and I'm trying write smut more often, so hopefully I do better in my grammar with more smut fanfics😅😃👍 I still had fun writing this fanfic with Gang Orca in it😁👍
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herofics · 2 years
Ok can I request present mic, gang orca and all might (preferably small might <3) with reader that has two quirks that kinda merged together (like todoroki’s) the quirks are green toxins(just multiple toxins merged and turned green) and dragon! The reader has wings, a tail and ears (like toothless’s ears in httyd) and we can transform into a dragon about the size of a giraffe on its hind legs and can be even bigger if there quirk is at 100%(also has bright green markings and oose) (sorry if this is a lot :( )
This is sort of a bad request in the way that it’s not a situation I can write about, you just gave me character traits. On the other hand there’s enough weird character traits for me to get enough stuff out of this. The reader is of similar age to each character of course. I didn’t do Mic, sorry
~All Might/Toshinori Yagi~
•You’ve learned to control your quirk, you learned it back when you were in UA yourself
•But Toshinori likes hearing the stories of all the mishaps you had with it when you were learning to control it
•The toxins part was the one you had to learn to control, since your body would sometimes react to strong emotions or injuries by secreting those toxins and you could hurt someone
•The dragon part always came very naturally to you, since it’s much more physical and it’s not  tied to your emotions, it’s just something you choose to do when you switch between your dragon form and humanoid form
•Toshinori has gotten pretty good at reading your emotions by the way your ears move, because they move based on how you’re feeling
•You like to wrap your tail around his leg when you’re cuddling and you also purr when you’re feeling happy
•You have to be super careful when kissing him, because if you don’t pay attention, you might release some off the toxins you produce, since they mostly come from your mouth
•That would end with him in the hospital since his respiratory system is busted already
•You’re actually very scared of kissing him and it’s usually just fleeting small kisses, but you show affection in other ways, cuddles, hugs, hand holding and words of affirmation
~Gang Orca/Sakamata Kugo~
•Kugo has a mutant type of quirk too, he’s of course more animal looking than you, but you do have mutant attributes too
•The ears, tail and wings and some scales on your body
•He’s never been jealous of people who have more human like features, he’s proud of how he looks and how strong he is
•You though, you’re the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen and he absolutely worships you
•You’ve always been very careful with physical affection, especially kissing or other such activities, because you don’t want to hurt him accidentally
•While you can sort of decide how strong the toxins you release are, you can’t make them non-toxic
•Sure you they might only cause a headache or some nausea, but they always cause something and it’s never pleasant
•You love to cuddle with him and while you’re smaller than him in your humanoid form, you’re quite a lot bigger when you’re in your dragon form
•You sometimes stay in your dragon form for longer than you really need to and you like to curl around him and wrap your tail around his leg so he can’t escape
•Kugo quite enjoys your dragon cuddles, but sometimes you do get a bit too clingy with it and don’t like to let him go
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ctrldoll · 1 month
List your husbandos/waifus 🫵
Yayyyy! ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) I'll list my main ones!
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KENTO NANAMI! (Jujutsu Kaisen!) - The suit! The shirt and tie! <333 He's so husband material! Oh My Days, I love him! The amount of support he seems to offer despite his strict form is so comforting! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
GETO SUGURU! (Jujutsu Kaisen!) - He's so cute! I also feel sorry for him and admire him as a well-written character! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) He's a bit of a sweetheart and cares deeply which is so adorable!
GOJO SATORU! (Jujutsu Kaisen!) - He's so adorable! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I love his bubbly personality! His interactions with his students and the moments he shares with individuals such as Megumi make me love him more! Aww, I love his character sm!
HIGURUMA HIROSHI! (Jujutsu Kaisen!) - Dark hair, a suit and somewhat exhausted personalities always get me because...aaahh, he’s so adorable! (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)
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KÖNIG! (Call of Duty!) - The MAN that you are- (∩˃o˂∩)♡ ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
He's tall as hell and tough with a probably sweet inside! When Tumblr first introduced me to COD through a Simon fic, I wasn't that attracted to Simon. He's alright, don't be sad, but not necessarily my type.
König, though, whooooo don't get me started! He is so adorable! I'd happily be his short wife! I have a thing for tall men! ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰
JOHN PRICE! (Call of Duty!) - Maybe it's the moustache, maybe it's because he's high-key a DILF & maybe because he is so attractive...IT'S ALL OF THEM! ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
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LUCIFER! (Obey Me!) - I adored him the second I started playing the game! His strict personality got me in seconds! Plus, he's dark haired and looks stunning in a suit which helped a ton! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ)
DIAVOLO! (Obey Me!) - Look, the sweethearts get me a lot! I adore his sweet personality despite his status! (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) I haven't gotten deep into Obey Me! (mostly because I have to repeat the game because I deleted it a while ago. I've reinstalled it and installed Nightbringer!) but I hope to.
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JOHN DOE! (John Doe Game!) - John Doe's so adorable! I love my wholesome man so much! He's just so silly! ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
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TODOROKI ENJI! (My Hero Academia!)- I’m not gonna try to defend this one. He's terrible and in a long process of changing his ways, but so hot. I can't be surprised I have a thing for him. Muscles get me, they get me too! ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
SAKAMATA KUGO! [GANG ORCA!] (My Hero Academia!) - The suit and his frame got me so good! He's so dashing and so darling! (⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
(I'm not denying the Venom allegations.)
TAISHIRO TOYOMITSU! [Fat Gum!] (My Hero Academia!) - He’s just so cute! How can I not adore him?! (≧◡≦) ♡ The amount of sweetness that he is- I could get lost in it! I want to get lost in it! ♡(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭
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MIGUEL O’HARA! (Across the Spider-Verse!) - I love my complicated DILF so much! (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)He is so adorable!
HOBIE BROWN! (Across the Spider-Verse!) - His energy is everything! (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠) I love how chill he is! It's so attractive!
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HADES! (Record of Ragnarok!) - The throne scene got me! I just adore the way he exudes respect! Him cherishing his siblings is so sweet! ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
ARES! (Record of Ragnarok!) - He's dashing and just so silly, it's adorable! ≽^•⩊•^≼ ⋆˙⟡♡ I wish ROR took him more seriously because he'd be an amazing opponent! <3
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CONNOR! [RK800!] (Detroit Become Human!) - He’s sweet and undeniably tough when he needs to be! He is so complex, I adore it! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
RALPH! [WR600!] (Detroit Become Human!) - I felt for him so much! (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠) He's a little lost but trying his best! He's so cute! (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
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This was fun! Thank you, Anon! <3
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megan017 · 11 months
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Don't you dare to say it otherwise, you can't change my mind anyway
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He's a character who keeps my soul in my body🫶
,,Live, laugh, love Gang Orca" -me💅
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