#˖ ᱙ ׁ . ♡ thread : minwoo
dollieour · 2 months
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“ shh, shh, ” murmuró el demonio suavemente, sus ojos oscuros, salpicados de tonos rojizos, recorriendo cada contorno del rostro del otro mientras sus dedos apartaban con delicadeza los mechones de cabello sueltos. aunque él estaba allí, minwoo no era el único demonio que permanecía en las sombras. su padre, el mismo satanás, enviaba criaturas para acechar en la oscuridad y atormentar al humano en sus sueños. sin embargo, minwoo se mantenía despierto cada noche, protegiendo a su adorado humano de esas entidades malévolas. sabía que desafiar a su padre conllevaba un gran peligro, pero verlo a su lado, reposando en un sueño pacífico, hacía que cada riesgo valiera la pena.
“ vuelve a dormir. todavía es tarde. ” continuó, su voz un susurro tranquilizador mientras sus dedos se deslizaban con ternura a lo largo de la línea de la mandíbula del otro.
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dollieour · 4 months
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" i'll   take   care   of   her   now,   thank   you. "   minwoo's   voice   was   firm,   cutting   through   the   concerned   chatter   of   his   bodyguards.   with   a   nod,   he   sent   them   away,   their   presence   no   longer   needed.   he   wrapped   his   arm   around   her,      as   they   made   their   way   to   the   bathroom   attached   to   the   main   room. inside   the   bathroom,   minwoo   placed   her   in   front   of   the   toilet,   lifting   the   lid   with   one   hand   while   keeping   her   steady   with   the   other. his   eyes,   dark   and   weary,   observed   her   with   a   mix   of   exasperation   and   resignation.   it   was   a   scene   all   too   familiar. his   night   had   been   interrupted   by   the   ringing   of   his   phone   at   four   in   the   morning.   he   had   groaned,   reluctant   to   leave   the   warmth   of   his   bed,   but   the   urgency   in   the   bodyguard's   voice   had   left   him   no   choice.   it   was   the   same   story,   again   and   again.   he   knew   that   if   anyone   saw   her   in   such   a   state,   it   was   better   for   her   to   be   seen   leaving   with   him.   the   press   would   spin   it   as   another   glamorous   night   out   with   her   husband,   maintaining   the   illusion   of   their   "perfect"   marriage. minwoo   sighed   deeply,   the   sound   echoing   in   the   marble   bathroom.   he   sat   down   on   the   bathtub's   edge,   rubbing   his   temples.   " . . . how   long   are   you   going   to   keep   this   up ?   can't   you   see   that   it's   getting   worse ? "   his   voice,   though   soft,   denoted frustration.
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dollieour · 5 months
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❛ would   you   sit   still  ?   you're   gonna   get   an   infection   if   you   don't   let   me   clean   this   up. ❜
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dollieour · 4 months
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" you're making a big deal out of nothing. i'll be fine. "
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