aftermoved · 6 months
— 「 RE: @sorrowsick .
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❝ ALWAYS A PLEASURE. ❞ HE TILTS his hat, the brim shielding his eyes beneath the mask for a moment before Rian graces her with soft hazel hues. Not every time they meet is pleasant, but today? There was a part of the cowboy that just wanted to see her. A lull in the pit of his stomach that he just couldn't kick.
Reaper whinnies next to him, and a creeping grin appears on his lips, the man turns, and pats her heavily on the neck. ❝ The night is young. Wan'a go for a ride? ❞
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smilemuse · 6 months
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THE HAZINESS OF SLEEP PAIRED UP WITH EXHAUSTION & BEING SICK is nothing short of annoying. the purple haired male hates being an inconvenience, but he knows his body is telling him he needs to stop running & pause. slowly he makes his way towards the front of his house. yoshida is wearing a mask, a tell-tale sign of being sick but he knows his body is burning up & he's been trying to sleep it off most of the day. strands of his dark hair stick to his face as he feels the sweat come & go like a pesky fly telling him his body is fighting. he had read aki's text about an hour ago, but he could feel that he couldn't completely rest until denji comes over. instead he decides to make himself porridge to pass the time between leaden eyes.
the two of them weren't on speaking terms, instead yoshida took denji & put him in an ice bucket to chill. eventually he knows that the pop of the bottle will go off & he will have to confront the fact that he's been putting heavy distance between them. today, he will ignore that or maybe it's the fever making him delirious. he opens the door slowly & he looks at denji who has the face of worry that he's been privy to every now & then.
❛ denji, thanks. you can come in if you like.❜ he knows even sure if the blonde would want his company anyways but he inches towards the shorter boy. the reserves of his strength are waning, a depleted bank account ready to have a balance of zero. arms wrap around him as he buries his face in the crook of denji's neck. ❛ ...you should stay.❜ yoshida remembers that denji's here to drop off his assignments, but he can't think straight. his judgment is a clouded window & he isn't trying to clean it away.
❛ made food, but i have leftovers of your favorite. ❜ he knows he's not likely to eat that since he needs to eat sustain himself with something digestible. yoshida wasn't even purposefully trying to be short with him but knows the way that sleep beckons. there's a faint scent of denji's body was as he closes his eyes. he just knows that this feels a little bit more like home than being by himself, but he won't say that out loud.
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for @getsusekaii / surprise, sick ! yoshida
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haematophiliac · 29 days
// FNRRRR. Do you ever feel you've... changed too much to properly get back into a muse, maybe? Just maybe? I'm feeling that about Jax. Lots of his old RP I look at and I'm like HUUUUH. I enjoyed it at the time and would enjoy it again (I love RPing an asshole like him), but at the same time... I don't know. I've changed a lot. A LOT. I still want to RP him but at the same time... I dunno if I can.
That being said, I'll definitely be around on @haerith
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dracwife · 1 year
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just a couple of filmbros! they aren't plotting murder stop asking! (real scream 2 deleted scene)
brought to you by @funshineharlequinz <3
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afterdeaths · 4 months
— 「 RE: @bldrdsh / KARTER.
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❝ BABE? HAVE YOU SEEN MY CLIPBOARD? ❞ He's got a frown on his face, the reading glasses that had once been pushed up so he could see the FINE PRINT now littering the edge of his nose — threatening to fall off. He's down one of the small aisles, hands empty except for the pen that's tucked between fingers. They're at Ad Mortem, his oddities shop, and Xander is SUPPOSED to be doing inventory, but there's a LACK of actual work being done. Instead, he's been wandering for a solid thirty minutes, looking high and low for his LIST that he's sure, now, some ghoul or ghost wandering around the shop has HIDDEN just for fun.
❝ Swear I JUST had it... ❞
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chaoticrebels · 4 months
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unsaintlike · 17 days
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When in Chicago. 🤙
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haerith · 4 months
// I really have no solid label for Kane's gender. He doesn't fit anything that I can think of. Maybe just non-binary?? But then he fluctuates between male and female genders when it's needed or when he feels it, but then often feels agender, which he goes by. Genderfluid works, I guess.
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ad-nai · 1 month
while he benefits immensely from his ally ship with the other vees, valentino does not NEED them. he is their main point of entry, as well as the one with the largest disposable income. velvette handles his social media / personal wardrobe ⅋ vox manages much of the tedium of overlordship like meetings & things that might require decorum where his celebrity cannot be substituted for good behavior.
however, he is capable of managing these things on his own though not as successfully. he is a member of the vees because he likes them. & like anyone he likes, he feels the need to entangle himself inseparably in their lives. whether he respects them too much / they were already too powerful when they met or simply neither vox nor velvette were niave enough to sell him their souls depends on which version i'm interacting with, but entangling their territories, contracts etc. is just as good. they can't easily get rid of him, let alone leave safely.
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if either of them TRIED to leave? oh, he'd make sure they regret it.
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feleshero · 11 months
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aftermoved · 8 months
— ❝ @never-surrender .
HIS STEPS ARE MADE WITH URGENCY, shifting along the pavement in purpose as the vampire listened carefully for something only he could hear. A particular GATE of a man, a whole foot shorter than him but packing bulk behind his shoulders and an intent to kill. They had been trailing each other for days now, and Haden was determined to get the UPPER HAND, his brows furrowed in concentration.
What he hears is not what he is EXPECTING, and the body that suddenly appears in front of him belongs to someone he never thought he would see again. The boy from the bakery, the one who had handed him FLOWERS simply for existing. Friendly SMILE, at the wrong place, wrong TIME. He's momentarily distracted, head tilting and surprise on his tone.
❝ — Gabriel...? ❞
A bullet ricochets off the wall next to his head, and the assassin curses, caught by surprise. A hand reaches and shoves the other man down. Why was this kid HERE? And why did he suddenly feel incredibly responsible for his survival? Shit. There goes his entire day. The vampire is dragging the other up, shoving him in front of his body.
❝ Damn it... come on, kid. MOVE! ❞
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smilemuse · 6 months
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THE ISOLATION IS SOMETHING HE WELCOMES WITH OPEN ARMS, but the price of it is keeping denji at arm's length. yoshida takes into consideration denji's preferences & he knows he's not one of them. rationally, he knows where the conclusion would become so he decides to cut it before it does anymore damage. it has run it's course, so the fact of the matter is there was a beating that was being taken. yoshida knows he's not running away from this unscathed, after all the static between the two of them is a current running deep.
however, there was a bit of a solace in the fact that he had another classmate. not that miri could provide anything denji could. the two could relate on the level that they are the subject of unwanted attention. he supposes miri is something of the school's resident bad boy, but yoshida prefers playing the part of mysterious vice president. the truth is being on the studen council is nothing but the popular vote & he was only second to aki. his popularity supersedes yoshida & he has no problems with that. if only being a background character could work in his favor.
❛ no, we aren't meeting today for once.❜ yoshida supposes this cover will suffice, pretending that he's moved on. in fact, he is nothing but an unmoved boulder waiting to run down a hill. ❛ i figured we could handle both our pesky fangirls. ❜ he doesn't try to add the fanboys that randomly decide to confess to yoshida. he would stamp out their rejection with nothing but ease. ❛ i'm a little bit on the hungrier side, but i don't mind the arcade for an hour after.❜ it's a different type of speed, but he needs something to drown the thoughts of denji that linger when he's home alone.
❛ you seem excited to spend time with me. any reason why?❜ he sniffs the excitement that comes in droves, a faint appearance on the green haired boy's face has him curious.
taken from x / @getsusekaii
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haematophiliac · 6 months
// WHO THIS who doesn't look like trash for once!!!
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dracwife · 1 year
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tyy to the discord friends that suggested mimi giving mickey a lil smoochie with his mask on, it was very fun to draw as a destress after this week<3 alt vers + sketch below
(s/i uses they/he btw)
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afterdeaths · 4 months
— 「 RE: @hebled .
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THE CIGARETTE IS HEAVY ON HIS lips, but he's yet to light it. Hands are shaking, just a little, QUIVERING under the dark black gloves, the leather a familiar and soothing feeling against his skin. Fever is staring at Beck with that sort of look that could only mean one thing, like he's looking right through him, like he wants to EAT him. ❝ 'S good t'see you. ❞ SOFT.
Tour had dragged, towards the end. The EXHAUSTION is obvious in the bags under his eyes, in the way his jaw clenches and loosens with every breath he takes. The musician was a live wire about to SNAP at any moment, but when he looks at the veteran, there's an unfamiliar sweetness in his eyes. They'd started as a hookup, a one off one night where he'd played guitar in a bar as a surprise. Fever had seen him across the room, and they'd locked eyes. He'd sucked him off in the parking lot, given him his phone number and told him to text.
There was just SOMETHING about Beck's eyes.
Foot slides and bumps against the other's under the table, the guitarist cracks a smile. ❝ Y'miss me ? ❞
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missingstarter · 2 years
[ :) ]
What the hell is he doing.
Silver promised himself to never be openly aggressive to Giovanni, if not antagonized first. That he wouldn’t throw the first stone. He promised himself not to do it with any Rocket, but we all know how that ended up.
However, as he speaks up, he finds himself... surprisingly not as afraid as he expected to be.
Giovanni notices his height. Silver, in return, silently comments to himself that he got old. Dressed sharply, always with an answer ready, as if he was trying to keep his dignity, and yet there was something off about him. No longer the perfect kingpin of Rocket, the man who made the world tremble. 
If he didn’t know better, he would’ve mistaken him for just another dignified gentleman.  No wonder he managed to trick all of Kanto, years ago.
“The new Rocket that steal, hurts, tortures and kills innocent children?
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Sounds like the same to me.”
Nevertheless, his voice remains cold and distant, if not for a hint of anger growing inside. Is it for no reason other than his father’s presence? Was that enough to make him boil? Or is it him trying to imply that his Team once was pure and noble?                     Maybe both. Maybe both.
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