#ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴏᴋᴀʏ. ɪ'ᴍ ʜᴇʀᴇ! ( starters )
ljosalir · 3 years
spooky scary skeletons but not skeletons -- bronze round
     It was tempting. Really. To hold hands with her classmates and drag them through the endless maze of decorated streets and frightful scares. She would have--she wants to, but... an arena sounds waaaay more cool! True, there aren’t any haunted houses or crazy colored treats or funny costumes or... OK, there wasn’t a lot of things that you could do at an arena but the lady who--with a great amount of confidence and excitement--had proposed the idea seemed delighted that people were becoming her clients so of course, Sharena had to become one, too.
     The Askran princess raises her arms in the air and stretches, pausing for a moment to recollect herself and survey her surroundings. Her companions were somewhat recognizable. Kris, a classmate. Miss Ethlyn, one of the Knights. Then there was Linny, the student she always saw in the library. Or, was his name Linny? OH! Linhardt! Yeah, that’s his name!
     “Alrighty-o,” she exclaims with a bright smile, “let’s have some fun, everybody!” and just in time, too, because their enemies are here within the next moment. Sharena’s fingers curl around the pole of her broom ( also another reason why joining the arena was cool--the fun little weapons! ) and she takes a step forward. Cautious, but not without intent. “I’ll take the closer one!”
     It’s the mage that’s closest so, with a twirl of her weapon and a determined smile, Sharena moves toward them and--
     sharena! roll 1d20 = 5, hit! ( 0.5 damage dealt )
     wind mage! hp = 5.5/6, oh!
     --the broom manages to hit the mage but not in a perfect arc. Whatever, at least she got a hit! That’s what counts, and by her delighted exclamation, she’s more than proud for the attack.
     wind mage! roll 1d20 = 11, hit! ( 0.5 damage dealt )
     sharena! hp = 9.5/10, ouchies!
     Wind swirls in the air before her and she’s sent--weakly--stumbling back. Just like her own attack, the strength behind the hit wasn’t the best but it was still something! That’s better than nothing!
@unsungblade @ladyleonster @nappingscholar
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ljosalir · 3 years
two lances tall
Mission Task Board: Some of the upperclassmen were fooling around and seeing how high they could throw their lances and get them stuck in the wall of the training hall, but now they’re too high to get down. Your best course of action is to throw even more lances up at them in an attempt to knock them loose. Just don’t let them hit you on the way down. [ Grants Lance +1 ]
     Sharena didn’t believe them at first. Well, that would be half of a lie. She wanted to believe them but... the entire thought was just... unusual? Except that doesn’t matter anymore because she’s standing beside a professor and fellow student in front of a wall with...
     The professor sighs and walks off, a series of frustrated mutters and exasperated huffs mixing in their voice. Sharena waves them off with a smile but it’s not returned; the professor’s gone within the next moment. The Askran princess swallows her concern and turns back to the cluttered wall. She could count at least seven lances stuck above them.
     An awkward laugh leaves her lips, but too easily that it now sounds more relaxed than she truly feels. “Welp,” she directs her smile at the student beside her, “I guess they had a bit more fun with their training than they were supposed to?”
     Now, the issue was to simply removing the weapons from the wall but... well, she’s short. Clearly. Not as short as most females but she still can’t reach them even if she stood high on her tiptoes--her companion is tall, though. Again, not tall enough to reach the weapons ( not even one of the closer ones... sheesh, these upperclassmen... ) but maybe there was a different approach? Maybe she wishes that her brother was here to help her, instead. He was always the strategic one out of the two of them.
     ( Then again, he was the better one of them two in a lot of things. She didn’t need to be reminded of all his successes. They’re pinned somewhere in the back of her mind, where her trophy case of memories should be. )
     “Should we, uhm--I don’t know. What if we...” and she’s lost for ideas, again.
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ljosalir · 3 years
it’s called flying, not falling​
starter for @talysheart
Non - Mission Board Task: Flight has already been achieved by mankind in the form of simply riding on a pegasus or wyvern, but what about human-powered flight? A mechanic arrives in Garreg Mach with a strange contraption and a dream: to find a filthy rich investor to fund his forays into human flight. Having arrived during the Guardian Moon, he spins it as a way to recreate the Immaculate One’s first appearance. Now all he needs is some bodies–er, volunteers that know how to fall from tall heights to demonstrate and help him gather some useful data. Whether or not you’ll get that “financial compensation” he promises is another story… [Grants Flying +1]
/ Didn’t her brother tell her to quit being so… quick to trust people? /
Her lips twitch up into a polite smile, fern irises cast in a respectful stare as a hand reaches out in front of her. Sharena takes it, of course she does. Their hands couldn’t be more different. His, rough from calluses and scars while her own were soft and small. Clear of any signs of hardship. Or work. Or despair. It’s as if she was a noble healer instead of a hero -- she can’t blame him if he thinks of her as a mage. 
“You’re quite the lady to agree to such a deal!” 
“Mhm,” she hums, her fingers flexing around the muscle of his knuckles as he smiles. She returns it, she has to. A princess is obligated to form a friendly face. She has people she needs to please. To fit in with. Well -- the smile falters -- isn’t her title unknown here? 
If his words were a compliment, she must have missed it because she doesn’t thank him. Or the situation she’s in. Instead, she waits until her hand has been let go to bow. It doesn’t feel as weird as it should, but when he bows too, her worries fade into minor concerns. 
“Remember, this is just a simple test,” he leads her down the hallway with an unusual grin, “so there will be no guarantees of success.”
Sharena nods with a smaller smile plastered over her features.
“As well as no guarantees of assurance and aid after the first few takes.”
Another nod. Then a pause, just as his fingers curl around the door’s handle. She blinks, processes the words, then squints -- as if dumbfounded. “Uhm,” she pauses again, “what is that supposed to mean? The ‘no guarantee of aid’ part. Am I not going to be --”
“No no, you misunderstand my words!”
She blinks once more. Surely, she wasn’t finished speaking so… how did this man know what she was trying to say? Sharena waits for an explanation, gaze veering towards the handle in the man’s grasp. If he was thinking of one, he must have become impatient because he doesn’t answer her, and instead yanks open the door with little to no grace -- she’s not surprised, guessing from how weirdly he’s been acting up to now.
“Right this way,” his hand presses against her back and she’s being led through the exit. Well… pushed if not for her following along. Her steps seem shorter compared to his, and she has a bit of a hard time catching up to his pace. 
“H-Hey,” she bites back another stammer and exhales through her nose -- a small pout dancing across her lips, “shouldn’t we go to an area where everyone can see us? Just in case something, ya’ know, happens?”
/ It’s so easy for other heroes to be confident and strong. /
“Oh, nothing will happen! I’m sure of it.”
She doesn’t ask anything else, seeing as though it would only pass the man’s ears. It’s happened many times, not just in sight of the Askran princess, but the least she can do is listen. A gift she was granted unlike magic. Her ears are blessed with acuteness, no matter her bodily conditions. Hm, was this something she had that was special? Eh, not really but the thought tickles something inside of her mind so she entertains it. 
The mechanic’s words seem almost taunting, as if questioning if she was too cowardly to volunteer. Fortunately, she’s no coward. Nothing like it. Fear was a rational emotion, she isn’t the only one to bear it. Everyone does. So, with every statement, her smile only brightens. She’ll prove him wrong, she swears herself on it.
“Alright,” their steps falter to a stop, “so whatever’s underneath this sheet is supposed to make me fly?” Her response is an enthusiastic nod, and she can’t help the glimmer in her eyes. Truly, she won’t actually take flight, right? Fear doesn’t cheer in the pit of her stomach… it’s something else. Excitement? Awe? Worry? Either way, she attempts to calm it by bouncing on the balls of her heels.
“Ah! Wait one moment,” the mechanic leaves a quick pat on her shoulder before walking off -- a lady of blue standing amidst his path. Sharena glances at her and grants her a friendly wave, the edges of her lips pulling upwards into a warm smile. Albeit, a bit different than her expression beforehand. This one seems more… delighted? 
For a moment, she wonders what the woman’s doing out near this empty area of land. Despite their surroundings -- feet kicking aside small mounds of snow ( not like there’s much of it ) and dirt -- there’s only a few people out. Two ladies stand to her left, who both seem to be checking whatever’s underneath the white sheet. A few yards away, the mechanic and the girl stand. Only another glance manages to spark the thought that the girl’s appearance is recognizable. They share classes, don’t they? Surely they do -- how could she forget those eyes? ( Her memory’s sharp, so this doesn’t have anything to do with the lady’s eyes… right? )
Oh, wait, will the other girl be joining her? 
/ A lady of blue… standing with confidence and rough elegance… seems so familiar. /
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ljosalir · 3 years
liar, liar, church on fire
People from all corners of Fódlan and from all walks of life have gathered to the Church for peace and reassurance. It’s part of the Church’s responsibility to administer blessings to these far-flung travelers, but some are more agitated than others, demanding answers that the Church is trying to avoid giving. Their job is to keep the peace. Help the overwhelmed clergy with the crowds however you can. [ Grants Faith +1 ]
     Disapproval is easy to handle with a smile and light discourse; to settle their minds and ease their thoughts into your own favor. That’s how politics usually went. Or from what Sharena’s heard behind closed doors. She’s not the right Askran royal to be put between opinions and irritations. That’s Alfonse’s talent. Able to stand tall amidst lectures against his decisions. 
     ( Because that’s what he has to do. Joining the Order of Heroes wasn’t what other nobles thought of him and yet there he stood alongside her, dressed in uniform and ready. )
     On the other hand, dealing with crowds of the overwhelmed and confused IS one of her talents!
     “I... I can’t believe this.” One lady mumbles, a hand to her chest and an expression of utter disbelief on her face. Sharena nods, waving a hand to one of the clergy and stepping past two males to stand beside her.
     A sympathetic hand on her shoulder. “It’s alright, ma’am.” She says, although the lady shakes her head.
     “It isn’t.”
     “I know.”
     “I mean, how could they? The right to protect us and the right to keep us uninformed are of two different liberties.” and Sharena hums in acknowledgement, holding another hand out for her to take as she leads the lady to the outskirts of the crowd. Separating her from the large portion that still isn’t settled. Sharena slips her hand out of the lady’s and gestures to a stationed church member.
     “I may not understand completely but maybe they will? Your message might go through better if you’re a bit more civil and patient, yeah?” She asks, a bright smile not as fragile as the thoughts pooling in her head. Thankfully, the lady doesn’t put up any fight and walks toward the man. Sharena keeps her smile up until the lady’s far from her reach, and it fades all too easily. Not that she’s annoyed, no, but this is annoying. The confusion. The crowds. Of course, she can’t blame the people pushing for answers but... can’t they push in a better way?
     Sharena turns to approach the crowd again but her path is blocked. She freezes, stupidly so, and she blinks a few times before looking up.
     “Oh, Dagr!” She moves from behind her companion and, instead, stands in front of her. “You’re here to help too, right? Thank goodness, we need all the hands we can get.”
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