#Ämari Air Base
the-nomadicone · 2 years
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Ex. Baltic Tiger // German Maritime Forces
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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IMAGES: NATO Air Forces improve skills flying together over Lithuania 🇱🇹
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/26/2024 - 17:00 in Military
Allied aircraft from Belgium, France and Lithuania carried out training missions above Lithuania on January 23, conducting flights in close formation and air combat exercises to demonstrate skills and improve flight skills.
Integrated and combined training events of NATO fighter detachments in deployment are an excellent opportunity for Allied air crews. A Lithuanian Air Force C-27 transport aircraft took off from Siauliai Air Base and carried out training missions with Belgian F-16 fighters and French Mirage 2000. The flight was used to improve the readiness of the air crew and perform combined missions within the framework of NATO's Baltic Air Police.
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"Integrated and combined training events of NATO fighter detachments in deployment are an excellent opportunity for the Allied air crew and are beneficial to aircraft controllers who ensure that the training is conducted safely and professionally," said Air Brigadier Michael Carver, Deputy Chief of Operations at the Allied Air Command in Ramstein, Germany.
The Belgian F-16s are currently leading NATO's Baltic Air Policing mission, and the French Mirage 2000 complement the mission. Both detachments are temporarily deployed in Lithuania, securing the skies over the three Baltic Allies.
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“Belgium was the first NATO member deployed in the Baltic States. Twenty years later, our presence is even more important in light of current events. We are proud to be here as a reliable member of the Alliance to ensure security and stability at NATO borders," said Commander Laurant Wuillaume, Commander of the Belgian Detachment. “In addition to the Air Policing mission, the opportunity to train with our Allies daily improves interoperability and procedures between all members, increasing the preparation to react to any potential threat,” he added.
"This type of flight highlights all the easy coordination between NATO assets and highlights the specific skills necessary for such accurate flights," said Lieutenant-Colonel Georges, commander of the French Mirage 2000 detachment in Siauliai.
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The Baltic Air Police mission is an example of NATO's regional security agreements. For 20 years, the Allies worked collectively to preserve the integrity of airspace above Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. On March 29, 2004, NATO's first jet fighter - a Belgian F-16 - landed at Siauliai Air Base to start 24/7/365 Rapid Alert services as part of NATO's new Baltic Air Policing mission.
The NATO Combined Air Operations Center in Uedem, Germany, has been responsible for leading the mission under NATO's Integrated Air Defense and Anti-Missile System or NATINAMDS.
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Seventeen Allies have since taken turns protecting and preserving the integrity of the airspace of the Baltic States, deploying fighter detachments to Siauliai and, since 2014, also to Ämari in Estonia. From March to November 2024, NATO aircraft will conduct the mission from Lielvarde Air Base in Latvia, while Ämari Air Base undergoes repairs on the runway.
Tags: Military AviationNATO Baltic Air Policing MissionNATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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militaryleak · 7 months
Poland Hands Over NATO Enhanced Air Policing Mission to Germany
The Estonian Air Force bade farewell to the Polish Air Force detachment after successfully achieving their mission in support of NATO’s enhanced Air Policing for the Baltic States. In a formal ceremony at Ämari Air Base, the Estonian Air Force awarded achievement medals recognising their service for the protection of the Baltic airspace. Polish Air Force F-16s are a frequent sight in the skies above the Baltic Sea region as they demonstrate their commitment to NATO’s collective security. Due to runway construction work at Ämari Air Base, the Polish detachment handed over the mission to a German Air Force Eurofighter detachment that will now guard the Baltic airspace from Lielvarde Air Base in Latvia. In order to ensure the continued safe operations out of Ämari Air Base, the runway, which has been in use since 2010, as well as flight line infrastructure will undergo scheduled repair that will last to October 2024.
The Estonian Air Force bade farewell to the Polish Air Force detachment after successfully achieving their mission in support of NATO’s enhanced Air Policing for the Baltic States. In a formal ceremony at Ämari Air Base, the Estonian Air Force awarded achievement medals recognising their service for the protection of the Baltic airspace. Polish Air Force F-16s are a frequent sight in the skies…
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eurekadiario · 1 year
Cazas españoles se enfrentan a aviones rusos intrusos
Un conjunto de cazas españoles ha tenido que interceptar en los últimos días a aviones rusos sin identificar que se aproximaban al espacio aéreo de la OTAN. El episodio ha tenido lugar durante la misión de policía aérea que ocho aviones de combate Eurofighter pertenecientes al Ejército del Aire y del Espacio están llevando a cabo desde el pasado día 1 de agosto en Estonia, país de la Alianza Atlántica fronterizo con Rusia.
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Dos cazas Eurofighter realizando un ejercicio de la OTAN en Polonia, en diciembre de 2022 © RADOSLAW JOZWIAK / AFP via Getty Images
Los mencionados vuelos de interceptación de aeronaves rusas intrusas en el cielo báltico han sido confirmados por el teniente coronel Luis Borque en una videoconferencia con la ministra de Defensa en funciones, Margarita Robles, desde la base aérea de Ämari, en Estonia.
El cometido de estos Eurofighter españoles durante su estancia en Estonia (que se prolongará hasta el 30 de noviembre) es vigilar el espacio aéreo de la OTAN e interceptar las aeronaves que lo atraviesan o se aproximan sin identificar o sin comunicar sus registros de vuelo.
En cualquier caso, casi siempre se trata de aviones rusos que cejan de su propósito en cuanto se aproximan los aviones aliados. Así lo han podido comprobar ya los cazas españoles durante los escasos día que llevan de misión, según ha revelado el teniente coronel, que ha asegurado que estas operaciones han transcurrido sin novedades.
Batería antimisiles Nasams en Estonia hasta diciembre
Por otro lado, cabe recordar que España tiene desplegada en Estonia una batería antimisiles 'Nasams' para la protección de su espacio aéreo, similar a la enviada a Letonia en junio del pasado año.
El sistema llegó al país en abril y aunque la previsión era que la misión se prolongara durante cuatro meses, la ministra en funciones ha anunciado este jueves que se alargará hasta que finalice también la operación de policía aérea, el 1 de diciembre.
Este sistema antimisiles en Estonia estará además vinculado con el desplegado en Letonia y ambos forman parte de la defensa aérea y antimisiles del flanco oriental de la OTAN, reforzado desde el inicio de la invasión rusa de Ucrania hace un año.
Desde el inicio de la ofensiva militar, España ha incrementado los efectivos en Letonia (pasando de 350 militares a 600) y ha multiplicado las misiones de policía aérea en el Báltico y en el Mar Negro. Además, se ha realizado una aportación naval permanente en las misiones de la OTAN en el Mediterráneo.
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goldiers1 · 2 years
RAF and German Air Forces Intercept Russian Aircraft in Estonia
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  A Royal Air Force Typhoon fighter jet operating from Ämari Air Base in Estonia has carried out the first joint NATO Air Policing interception alongside a German Air Force Typhoon. The pair of jets launched on Tuesday, 14 March to intercept a Russian air-to-air refuelling aircraft that was flying close to Estonian airspace.  
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Royal Air Force and German Typhoon fighter jets. Photo by MOD.   The pair of Typhoon jets were scrambled to escort the IL78 Midas, which was flying between St Petersburg and Kaliningrad, after it failed to communicate with air traffic control in Estonia.  
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Antonov An-148. Photo by Dmitry Terekhov. Flickr.   Following a successful visual identification and escort, the pair of Typhoons were re-tasked to intercept an AN148 airliner, also passing Estonian airspace. The RAF and German Air Force are conducting planned Joint NATO Air Policing, a first for the two NATO Allies. The interception is however a routine NATO mission for the Typhoons which provides reassurance that the UK and Germany together with other NATO allies stand with their Estonian ally at this time of tension.   Minister for the Armed Forces, James Heappey, said: NATO continues to form the bedrock of our collective security. This joint UK and German deployment in the Baltics clearly demonstrates our collective resolve to challenge any potential threat to NATO’s borders, whilst demonstrating our combined strength.  
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Air policing British-Typhoon-3. Photo by NATO. Flickr.   A Typhoon pilot from IX (Bomber) Squadron, operating as part of 140 Expeditionary Air Wing, together with a German colleague were on standby on Quick Reaction Alert duty when the scramble was called.  He said: We were scrambled to intercept an aircraft that was approaching Estonian airspace. We identified and monitored it as it transited close to NATO airspace. Any aircraft that are not communicating with Air Traffic Control or on a recognised flight plan will be intercepted by us to ensure we know who they are and maintain flight safety for all airspace users. As a fighter pilot this was a routine business, even though I was flying alongside a German colleague.  It is clear that all of our training and hard work paid off as we seamlessly operated together.   The Royal Air Force is deployed on Operation Azotize in Estonia to conduct the long-established NATO Baltic Air Policing mission.  During March the mission is being led by the German Air Force, before handing over to the RAF. Joint missions will be flow till the end of April. The commander of the RAF’s 140 Expeditionary Air Wing, Wing Commander Scott Maccoll said: It was great to see the UK and German elements operate as one team. As NATO continually adapts its structures and workforce, today shows us the next evolution.   The UK and Germany are operating together as part of NATO to reassure our allies and is a further demonstration of the UK and Germany’s commitment to the security of the region.  The German Air Force detachment is from the 71 Tactical Air Wing ‘Richthofen’   Sources: THX News & the Ministry of Defence. Read the full article
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(..) Currently, Polish and Danish F-16s are forward-deployed in the air policing role at Šiauliai, while Belgian F-16s and U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle are flying these missions from Ämari. However, Bera was only able to photograph the Polish and Belgian jets(..)
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defpost · 4 years
U.S. Air Force Deploys MQ-9 Reaper Drones to Estonia for First Time
#USAirForce deploys #MQ9 Reaper drones to #Estonia for first time.
U.S. Air Force MQ-9 Reaper drones from 52nd Expeditionary Operations Group Detachment 2 at Miroslawiec Air Base in Poland were deployed to Amari Air Base, Estonia for the first time in history, on June 14.
According to a statement from the Air Force, the purpose of the deployment is to provide intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions within the European theater, and is made…
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nawapon17 · 2 years
French jets were scrambled 15 times during their four-month NATO Air Policing rotation at Ämari Air Base, which is drawing to a close.
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courtneytincher · 4 years
NATO conducts live-fly training flights over Baltic
On April 20 and 21, air forces from four Allies and two Partners and a NATO E-3A AWACS plane conducted live-fly training flights in segregated training areas and international airspace over the Baltic Sea.
The goal of Exercise Ramstein Alloy 20-1 is to practice procedures and coordination processes among Allies and Partners. Belgium and Poland F-16 fighter aircraft, as well as Lithuania C-27 transport aircraft and a SAR helicopter, German Eurofighter aircraft and an A400M air-to-air refueler operated with Finnish F-18 and Swedish JAS-39 fighters during several scenarios. All aircraft deployments and missions were controlled by the Control and Reporting Centres at Karmelava and Tallinn; a NATO AWACS plane also controlled Polish and German fighters and Belgian and Swedish fighters during their air-to-air combat training.
All participants are flown in from their home bases: Belgian F-16 and Lithuanian aircraft from Siauliai, Lithuania, Polish F-16 from Ämari, Estonia, German Eurofighters and A400M transport aircraft from Germany, and Finnish and Swedish fighters from their respective bases.
On day 1 the central scenario was one that occurs frequently in the airspace over all Allies – a COMLOSS situation where a pilot of an aircraft loses communications with civilian Air Traffic Control. The Lithuanian C-27 transport aircraft simulated such a plane while transiting from Estonian into Finnish airspace. This triggered the response and coordination processes required to handle such an event from registering the COMLOSS aircraft, to launching the fighters and intercepting, identifying and handing over the plane. Finnish F-18 and Polish F-16 fighters conducted this trainings.
During a simulated crew ejection with activation of the Search and Rescue chain, a Belgian F-16 was “rescued” by a Lithuanian Mi-8 SAR helicopter; the German A400M conducted air-to-air refuelling with German Eurofighters and Belgian and Swedish jets executed a practice diversion with fly-by over Siauliai Air Base, Lithuania. “It was a perfect execution of our collective plans,” said the Ramstein Alloy leader planner at the Combined Air Operations Centre in Uedem, Germany. “We virtually flew all our sorties and achieved all the objectives, making this first day of the exercise a full success,” he added.
On April 20-21, four Allies
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, two Partners
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, and a @NATO E-3A AWACS plane conduct live-fly training flights in segregated training areas and international airspace over the Baltic Sea in support of #RamsteinAlloy 20-1 exercise. #WeAreNATO
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https://t.co/9pX0j1BM3o pic.twitter.com/C0J2lJWJ0y
— Baltic Security (@balt_security) April 20, 2020
from Defence Blog
On April 20 and 21, air forces from four Allies and two Partners and a NATO E-3A AWACS plane conducted live-fly training flights in segregated training areas and international airspace over the Baltic Sea.
The goal of Exercise Ramstein Alloy 20-1 is to practice procedures and coordination processes among Allies and Partners. Belgium and Poland F-16 fighter aircraft, as well as Lithuania C-27 transport aircraft and a SAR helicopter, German Eurofighter aircraft and an A400M air-to-air refueler operated with Finnish F-18 and Swedish JAS-39 fighters during several scenarios. All aircraft deployments and missions were controlled by the Control and Reporting Centres at Karmelava and Tallinn; a NATO AWACS plane also controlled Polish and German fighters and Belgian and Swedish fighters during their air-to-air combat training.
All participants are flown in from their home bases: Belgian F-16 and Lithuanian aircraft from Siauliai, Lithuania, Polish F-16 from Ämari, Estonia, German Eurofighters and A400M transport aircraft from Germany, and Finnish and Swedish fighters from their respective bases.
On day 1 the central scenario was one that occurs frequently in the airspace over all Allies – a COMLOSS situation where a pilot of an aircraft loses communications with civilian Air Traffic Control. The Lithuanian C-27 transport aircraft simulated such a plane while transiting from Estonian into Finnish airspace. This triggered the response and coordination processes required to handle such an event from registering the COMLOSS aircraft, to launching the fighters and intercepting, identifying and handing over the plane. Finnish F-18 and Polish F-16 fighters conducted this trainings.
During a simulated crew ejection with activation of the Search and Rescue chain, a Belgian F-16 was “rescued” by a Lithuanian Mi-8 SAR helicopter; the German A400M conducted air-to-air refuelling with German Eurofighters and Belgian and Swedish jets executed a practice diversion with fly-by over Siauliai Air Base, Lithuania. “It was a perfect execution of our collective plans,” said the Ramstein Alloy leader planner at the Combined Air Operations Centre in Uedem, Germany. “We virtually flew all our sorties and achieved all the objectives, making this first day of the exercise a full success,” he added.
On April 20-21, four Allies
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, two Partners
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, and a @NATO E-3A AWACS plane conduct live-fly training flights in segregated training areas and international airspace over the Baltic Sea in support of #RamsteinAlloy 20-1 exercise. #WeAreNATO
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https://t.co/9pX0j1BM3o pic.twitter.com/C0J2lJWJ0y
— Baltic Security (@balt_security) April 20, 2020
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the-nomadicone · 2 years
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Ex. Baltic Tiger // German Maritime Forces
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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NATO Baltic Air Police Mission enters the 20º year
Spanish F-18 aviators and fighters are on deployment to Estonia to join NATO's latest Baltic Air Police mission, which turned 20 on March 29.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 03/31/2024 - 15:30 in Military
NATO's Baltic Air Policing (BAP) mission entered its 20º year on March 29, 2024, at a time when eight Spanish F-18 fighters and 150 members of the Spanish Air Force's 'Vilkas' tactical air detachment move to Estonia to take responsibility for airspace security in the region.
The total number of Spanish Air Force personnel will also include aviators from the Armament and Experimentation Logistics Center to help in electronic warfare, and an additional A400 and its crew, bringing the number of employees to almost 190 soldiers.
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The BAP is a purely defensive development, according to NATO, intended to offer protection to NATO members, as well as partner nations and potential future members.
?? On March 29th, we celebrated not only the 20th anniversary of Lithuania's NATO membership but also the anniversary of NATO#BalticAirPolicing. On this occasion, we spoke with ?? Major General Harold Van Pee, the first commander of the Baltic Air Policing mission back in 2004.
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In the absence of the means of air force necessary to participate in the BAP, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia shared a single standard of security throughout NATO's European airspace through the four-month rotation of external air forces stationed at air bases in Siauliai, Lithuania and Ämari, Estonia.
The three NATO Allied Baltic nations contribute to the mission through infrastructure and air command and control personnel and other support from the host nation. The expansion of the mission's area of operation includes Ämari Air Base, which began after the Russian invasion of Crimea in 2014.
2?? 0?? years guarding the skies! ??
Today our Chief of Staff, Admiral Joachim Rühl, celebrates the first@NATO fighter jet, that landed in ?? in 2004, marking the start of the crucial #BalticAirPolicing mission!
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— SHAPE_NATO Allied Command Operations (@SHAPE_NATO)March 28, 2024
Considering the geographical circumstances of Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave separated from mainland Russia, Russian air activity in the region is large, but the aircraft of the Russian Federation were diverted from NATO airspace over these countries on repeated occasions during the 20 years of the BAP.
In 2014, after Russia's annexation of ?? Crimea, NATO realized that what were once considered outdated military threats had not disappeared. Since then, our Allies have taken important steps to strengthen deterrence & defence on the NATO Eastern flank. We are sincerely grateful.
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— Lithuanian MOD ?? (@Lithuanian_MoD) March 24, 2024
NATO aircraft are used to visually confirm and divert violations of Russian aircraft that often fly close to NATO airspace without transponders and without communicating with NATO air traffic control or presenting a flight plan, according to NATO.
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After the completion of a Royal Air Force (RAF) BAP rotation in Estonia in August 2023, the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense declared that since March 2023 RAF Typhoon jets have intercepted 50 Russian aircraft, with more than 300 interceptions occurring in 2023 alone.
Tags: Military AviationEjército del Aire/Spanish Air ForceNATO Baltic Air Policing Mission
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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militaryleak · 3 years
Italian Air Force Passes Baltic Air Policing Responsibility at Ämari to Belgian Air Force
Belgians enduring commitment to NATO's Baltic Air Policing (BAP) mission is demonstrated by the deployment of the F-16 fighter aircraft to take over the mission from Italy #nato #military #defense #defence
Belgians enduring commitment to NATO’s Baltic Air Policing (BAP) mission is demonstrated by the deployment of the F-16 fighter aircraft to take over the mission from Italy. The hand over take over ceremony was conducted on December, 1 2021 with the previous and incoming detachments. For the fourth time this year, the task of augmenting NATO’s BAP mission was handed over at Ämari Air Base,…
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ebenpink · 5 years
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RAF Typhoon Jets Scramble To Intercept Russian War Planes Near Estonian Airspace https://ift.tt/2GRpGv3
These were the fifteenth and sixteenth QRA scrambles resulting in intercepts since the RAF took over enhanced Air Policing (eAP) from the German Air Force on 3 May 2019 as part of Baltic Air Policing (Pictured: two SU-27B 'Flanker' fighters intercepted yesterday)
Daily Mail: RAF Typhoon jets scramble to intercept five Russian planes from Putin's air force near Nato airspace over the Baltic states in just two days * Typhoons at Amari Air Base, Estonia, were launched on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week * The RAF fighter jets were sent to escort Russian military transport aircraft flying close to Estonian territory * The operations are a routine part of NATO air policing around Estonia, according to the Royal Air Force * It marks the 15th and 16th times RAF fighters at Amari have been launched since they took over the NATO air policing mission on May 3 Royal Air Force Typhoon fighter jets have intercepted a fifth Russian military aircraft in the last two days. Typhoon fighter jets operating from Ämari Air Base in Estonia were sent to escort Russian military transport aircraft from Putin's airforce away from Estonian territory, in what the RAF says is a routine part of NATO air policing operations. Today the Typhoons intercepted a Russian Tupolev TU-134 'Crusty' transport aircraft flying close to Estonian airspace. Read more .... WNU Editor: There is a lot of Russian military traffic in this region. The British air force is going to be busy. from War News Updates https://ift.tt/2MO2ZMd via IFTTT
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French Air Force Mirage 2000-5F Fighters - Flying NATO's air policing missions in Estonia - 4k
OFF TRACK PLACES - Military Aircraft
In 2020, the French Air Force started flying NATO’s air policing missions in Estonia, contributing four Mirage 2000 fighter aircraft. The mission lasts for four months and sees the French deployed to Ämari Air Base in Estonia, supported by Spanish and UK pilots situated in Siauliai Air Base, Lithuania. NATO’s Baltic Air Policing mission is a defensive deployment that sees Allies sending planes to patrol the airspace of the three Baltic States, who do not have fighter jets of their own. The Air Policing programme keeps fighter pilots on alert 24/7 and ready to scramble in case of suspicious air activity near the borders of Baltic Allies. Footage includes various shots of the pilots’ day-to-day activities at the air base and GoPro footage shot by the pilots performing training manoeuvres in the skies above Estonia (..).
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jayhorsestar · 6 years
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Denmark and Italy help secure Baltic Airspace
Demark and Italy are to keep the skies of the Baltic safe as part of NATO’s Air Policing mission in the region. Danish F-16 jets will fly from Šiauliai Air Base in Lithuania, while Italy’s Eurofighters will operate in a supporting role from Ämari in Estonia. Allies have been taking turns to police Baltic airspace since 2004, when Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania joined NATO.
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At a ceremony on…
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