#»» drabble. || 🦊 — ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴅʀɪɴᴋꜱ ᴛᴏ ɴᴜᴍʙ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛᴀᴄʜᴇ.
liecoris · 1 year
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Wanted to do a little fun drabble of Mukuro's mental state ( or lack thereof kekw ) after being bullied by Satan :)
triggers: suicide attempt/thoughts | implied drug use mention
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Everyone knew something was up, after all the light didn't fade from Mukuro's eyes for her health and the fact that she transferred from House of Lamentation of Purgatory Hall wasn't just for shits and giggles。
At this point a lot of things people said went in one ear and out the other, listening to anyone and anything made difficult by the searing pain on her back。 She couldn't recall if anyone from House of Lamentation was saddened by her transfer to the other home, maybe a couple voiced some protests, but she couldn't recall, the only thing echoing in her brain was the pain pulsating from her back。
A pain that she denied having to anyone who asked, but it was clear by the growing bags under her eyes that something was hindering her sleep ( more so than usual )。
Slowly, very slowly, her pain on her back subsided to the point where she could sit in baths comfortably and that's where she currently was。
She knew someone was stationed outside the bathroom, Mukuro figured she'd be under some form of suicide watch, which she wouldn't be surprised, she showed the typical personality changes that would warrant being kept a close eye on。
Playing any sort of music or humming was out of the question, since Mukuro figured that the moment her humming would stop, whoever was posted outside would come in and if she played music would also signal someone to check on her before her bath finished。
So she did the next best thing, silently take a long inhale as she slid down the back of the tub, submerging her head。
Exhaling all at once would probably also alert someone so she opted to slowly exhale, watching as the air bubbles floated to the water's surface。
Now it was just her, herself, and her thoughts as she debated taking an inhale or just letting herself pass out。
The seconds seemed to drag on for eons as she reflected on her actions and other actions that led up to this moment。
Am I really going to do this? She'd think to herself, Am I really going to let him win? Mukuro has cheated death probably one too many times, had one to many birthdays than probably that was in the cards for her。 So was some bully going to be the deciding factor on if she lives or not?
Mukuro could very clearly picture the smirk on Satan's face when he'd hear the news of Mukuro taking her own life and then Satan's image was replaced with Jin and picturing him and the smirk on his face made her sick。 Made her livid。
It was hard to tell if the anger she was feeling was real or if it was her body beginning to beg for oxygen。
But it was when she heard a combined voice in her head; Jin and Satan's mixed timbres said: 'poor little Mukuro couldn't do it, huh? ' She wouldn't need to visualize the smirk on their faces when they'd say:
' Pity。 '
I'll show you ' poor little Mukuro ' came her own angry thought as she emerged from the water and taking a full inhale, unaware of the ( now rightfully shocked ) someone who had entered the bathroom upon realizing it was too quiet。
Mukuro didn't hear what was said, if anything was said at all, rising out of the tub, Mukuro didn't bother wrapping a towel around herself as she stepped out of the tub and bee-lined to her room。 Still not aware of the other body in the room, not hearing their questioning calls of her name。
She wouldn't care if they saw everything, Mukuro was on a mission。She was going to prove those pricks wrong。Mukuro was going to live and really piss them off。
But now。。。 Mukuro recalled a vial of ketamine she'd keep in her purse for emergencies, and to her, this was one that called for the temporary relief that it'd bring。
Mukuro was a second from going full scorched earth and she'd need something to help keep her calm a little longer。
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liecoris · 1 year
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  At first, the invite to the Devildom was accepted due to Mukuro just simply wanting to know what exactly this Devildom was, but as soon as she found out not only about the fact magic does exist but it was something teachable。 So with her newfound curriculum to learn, Mukuro poured all her efforts into learning as much as she could within this particular field。
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  After all, since it’d probably be somewhat suspect of her to travel back to the human world with poisons only able to be crafted in the Devildom, she’d have to rely on whatever she could learn in terms of incantations and the like。 
  Shapeshifting had always been an interest of hers, ever since she was young, so when the opportunity came to learn that, Mukuro jumped at the chance。 Because not even if it was a short duration, being able to change on a whim would be extremely beneficial to her and her line of work。
  So here Mukuro sat in her car, her hair pulled back into a tight bun, just like how her mother wears。 Had her mother not been so adamant about dying her own hair black to match with the rest of society along with wearing colored contacts to hide gold eyes, Mukuro could absolutely easily disguise herself as her mother, Hitomi。 Mukuro had timed herself on how long this disguising spell worked, she’d have just enough time to cast said spell, get out of her car and make her way up to her father’s office and take him out, wait for the current spell to cease and change into her father to go to her mother’s office。 
  This would take up quite a bit of energy of course, but it was the price Mukuro was willing to pay。 Taking a final deep breath to calm her nerves, not because of what she was going to do, but the fact that she was going to look just like her mother。 That was what the cause of the anxiety bubbling inside her was from。 Saying the incantation just like she had practiced, Mukuro felt the weird and yet familiar sparks through her body as her appearance began to change。 
  When the feeling subsided, Mukuro took a quick glance at the mirror to confirm that she had indeed taken on the appearance of her mother。 Not wanting to risk a full blown anxiety attack, Mukuro’s eyes darted right away from the rear view mirror of her car and briskly exited her car, grabbing her purse along with the manila envelope she brought with her to not only hide the small ceramic bamboo needle gun, but to give the illusion that she had files to give to the owner of the company, Mukuro’s father, Keiichi。 
  She walked with confidence as she approached the front doors of her parent’s workplace and the skittish glances she was receiving as she walked through the doors and to the elevators confirmed to Mukuro that the disguise was passing。 Even when she got to the elevator, those who were already waiting on the elevator didn’t get on when the doors opened and 『Hitomi』 walked in。 Hitting the button for the top floor, there was no delay in her hitting the ‘close door’ button as well。 
  Mukuro’s heart was beating fast and hard, not because she was nervous if she was going to actually pull this off, but because she finally was。 She had spent years dreaming of this moment and to have it finally happen。 Mukuro had to stop herself from grinning wildly in the elevator as it rode up to her destination。 
  Arriving at the top floor, just as briskly as she stepped onto the elevator, Mukuro exited and beelined towards Keiichi’s office。 Being disguised as Hitomi meant that Mukuro could bypass having to have an ‘appointment’ to get into Keiichi’s office。 
  Hearing his office door open, Keiichi was about to go off on both whoever dared enter his office without prior approval and his secretary for allowing it, but as soon as he spotted his 『wife』 his features calmed again and he went back to work。
「Good morning dear, have you got the files I requested?」 He asked while not looking up from the computer he was typing at。 
「Of course, here they are。」 Even with the disguise changing her physical appearance it didn’t do anything to change her voice, so Mukuro had to make her voice just a bit deeper to imitate her mothers。
  As 『Hitomi』 approached Keiichi’s desk, she opened the manila envelope and silently withdrew the small firearm。 Placing the now empty envelope onto his desk, Keiichi was about to thank his 『wife』 when a soft ‘fwoosh’ filled the air along with a couple more sounds in quick succession。 Slumping forward in his desk, Keiichi’s corpse sat there as Mukuro checked his pulse and just to make sure he was really dead, pumped a full round of the bamboo needles into him, aiming for any and all vital spots that the needle ammunition could hit。
  Quickly reloading her gun and concealed the gun in the waistband of her pants, Mukuro heaved another sigh as she waited for the current spell to finish before applying it again, but this time with the guise of her father。 As she waited, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from her purse, Mukuro lit one up and smoked to help calm her nerves。 
 ��She had killed plenty of times before and none were as exhilarating as this。 
  By the time she had finished her cigarette, the spell had dissipated。 Casting the spell again once she tucked the dashed-out cigarette into her little portable ashtray, Mukuro felt exhaustion beginning to set in。 With her mind a little hazy as if she were on the cusp of sleep, Mukuro quickly shook herself out of the daze, lightly patting herself against her face to keep herself awake。
  On an even more limited time limit, Mukuro made her way to where Hitomi’s office would be now in the disguise of Keiichi。 When 『Keiichi』 left his office shortly after the arrival of his 『wife』 the secretary did hold an inquisitive look for a moment but knew it was best not to question what he or his wife were up to, so she quickly went back to her work。 
  Wasting no time, 『Keiichi』 entered the office of his wife, earning quite the surprised look from her when he entered。 Being on the tail-end of a call, Hitomi quickly finished up the conference call before addressing her husband。 Before she could even get the question of what he needed out, 『Keiichi』 had pulled out the gun and began firing, pumping another full round into Hitomi, making sure she was dead by the end of it all。 
  Whereas Mukuro would normally just stick around to really relish in her accomplishment, especially for this one, she knew that she was still very much on a short time limit。 So as she hid the gun on her person again, Mukuro exited the office as 『Keiichi』 and would be able to make it to the elevator and on the uninterrupted ride down。 The disguise only dissipated once she entered the parking garage。 
  Taking her hair out of the bun, Mukuro leaned against the wall for support as she caught her breath。 Having quite the large chunk of energy taken from her to do two disguise spells in a row。 Pushing herself, Mukuro very slowly made her way back to her car。 Feeling like she was wading through thick mud as she moved, but once she got into her car, she could at least be granted the reprieve of a short rest。
  A small laugh filtered out of her mouth once she sat down in the driver’s seat of her car。 Having to then cover her mouth as a louder laugh began to bubble out of her, a large grin hidden behind the back of her hand。 
  This was two down。。。 only one more person left to go and Mukuro could feel like she can truly live。
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liecoris · 1 year
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Heaving a sigh, Mukuro pressed her back against her locked apartment door as soon as she got back home from work, leaning her head back and closing her eyes for just a moment of respite。
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Her shift at the club wasn’t a bad one, thankfully, but tonight did wear her out quite a bit, especially since she was continuously having to attend regular, after regular。
Sometimes she loved receiving so much attention, but then she’d quickly get overwhelmed and just want to hide for a bit, and in those moments was where she was quite happy to come home to her small, cheap apartment。
Sure, sometimes the hot water didn’t work but at least she wasn’t forced to entertain or converse with people。
But since the pay at the club was good, and especially since she was trying to become Club Aphrodite’s top hostess, the pay would only continue to get better。 Allowing her to splurge on better, more attractive shoes and outfits to rake in more cash, amongst being able to pay bills and buy groceries。 She was able to save cash here and there for when, and hopefully, she’s able to move into a more functioning and fancier place than this shit hole。 That, or continue her rent if she really had no other option。
She should probably eat something, Mukuro muses to herself, besides breakfast the only other thing she had to eat was a small meal during one of her breaks。
However, cooking right now just didn’t sound like something she’d want to do right now, especially since her energy was quite drained。 So she’d have to settle with eating the bento she purchased the other night, certainly, it wouldn’t be the greatest of choices considering it’s a day old now, but it was better than nothing。
So hoisting herself off the floor, Mukuro slipped her heels off and shrugged off her jacket, placing it on the little coat hanger hook by the door。 
Trudging over to her tiny kitchenette, Mukuro dropped her purse off on a countertop on her way to the fridge。 Opening the fridge, Mukuro gazed at her almost barely stocked fridge. There were a few cartons of juice and other drinks along with some pork she had purchased the other day along with various vegetables that she also bought with the thought of making katsudon later on in the week。
Gently pushing the wrapped pork aside, Mukuro grabbed the prepackaged bento along with a small carton of melon juice to go along with her little meal。 Pulling back from the fridge, Mukuro closed the fridge door with her hip before grabbing a pair of chopsticks and left the kitchenette to go eat in the small main room, which contained a kotatsu in the center, a small and cheap portable closet for her clothing and a folded up futon in one of the corners。
Settling herself at her kotatsu, Mukuro would open up her laptop first before she’d begin eating。 She wasn’t a fan of eating in silence, finding that doing so would really accentuate the fact that she was alone and always really had been。 So she’d always just put on either a movie or catch up on shows while she ate, having some sort of other sounds would at least fend off the intrusive thoughts。
As soon as she opened the bento, the scent of day-old food wafted into her nose and made her stomach churn slightly。 Immediately knowing that some of this she’ll be able to fully eat and others she’ll have to skip, but this was better than nothing after all, so she’d try her best to finish most of the food, at least the melon juice would be a bit of a chaser for anything that fought to go down。
As she very slowly ate, Mukuro would go between watching whatever was playing on her laptop to looking at her phone, browsing various social media apps and shopping apps to see if any good sales were going to be happening sometime soon。
Once she was done with her phone, she locked and set the device aside to focus on the show and finishing her food。 As she predicted, Mukuro found portions of the bento almost inedible, so those portions were set aside or eaten around until she couldn’t really eat any more of her food and the rest would have to be trashed。
Once finished eating, save for a few bits that she found rather unappetizing, Mukuro closed up the package and got up from her seat, the only other sound in the apartment coming from her laptop speakers as she trashed the to-go box and cleaned the utensils。
With a stretch and a soft groan, Mukuro’s next plan of action was to take a shower and a bath, then hopefully try and get some rest tonight before her shift tomorrow。 This was one of the many times Mukuro wished her shitty little apartment was a bit more high-end, wanting one of those little wall devices that allowed the bath to set itself。 Letting out another groan and a stretch, Mukuro began to head towards her bathroom, all the while stripping out of her clothing in the process。
She’d pick up after herself later, she never really was too concerned with keeping a super clean apartment considering she barely had guests over, being rather embarrassed about her living situation and she also just didn’t let herself get too close to her coworkers, assuming that they’d treat her similarly to the girls she knew back in high school。
Mukuro wouldn’t spend too long in the shower, for fear of the fact that the hot water running out was such a random event she didn’t know how long she’d be able to use it。 Granted she didn’t take super hot showers on account of the scarring on her back, if the tissue got too hot then she’d be in absolute misery so she settled with a nice lukewarm temperature。 Her bath, however, was always hot, since in a bath the water was still, it didn’t hurt her back as much, sure there was still a bit of stinging pain but that was more tolerable than having hot water repeatedly hit on the sensitive area。
As she sunk into the water of the bath, Mukuro released a long, delightful sigh, her eyes closing as she fully relaxed in the water。 The warm water felt heavenly to her muscles, soothing her aching feet and legs。 After a good half hour, Mukuro had found herself relaxed to the point where she almost was falling asleep in the water, deciding then that it would be a good time to leave the tub。 Wrapping a towel around herself, Mukuro made a mental note to check out how expensive towel warmers could be。 
As nice as this was, a warmer towel would’ve been a bit better。 Keeping a towel around herself, Mukuro would make her way to her kitchenette, wanting to have a nice small drink of strawberry milk right after her shower。
Taking a seat at her kotatsu once again, Mukuro realized she didn’t pause what she was watching on her laptop, now she was a few more episodes into the drama she was watching and had no idea what was happening。 Scrubbing back to where she had left off, Mukuro spent the rest of her night watching until she fell asleep at her table。
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liecoris · 1 year
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Ever since the house incident, ever since the sting of the slap on her face when she survived the house fire, she developed a deep hatred for her parents。
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At first, it just started with hatred towards herself, thinking that she wasn’t a good enough daughter to have her parents come home, so she drove herself to become the best daughter。 Filling her free time during her childhood with piano and vocal lessons, thinking that perhaps having these talents would win their affection or at least, their attention。 
But as time went on, Mukuro got more and more resentful of her parents until her resentment hit the breaking point and became a full-on, white-hot hatred。
She started caring less in school and eventually dropped out, her friend group changing from the ‘ popular ’ clique to the Yankees and other delinquents。 Finally figuring out that they weren’t ever really going to pay any mind to her, it was then the reason why they named her Mukuro made sense, she really just was a corpse to her, if that were to be the case then fine, she’ll just have to make corpses out of them first。
The next years were spent plotting, her end game was to fully destroy her parent’s business financially, she wanted to take away the one thing they truly loved。 So to be the one that did such a deed, was such a euphoric idea to her, so much so that the idea of simply killing her parents didn’t have the same feeling as taking her parent’s business away。 And so began the process of networking and building her reputation as well as building up favors to use whenever she needed them。
Even though it took years to finally reach the point where she could actually formulate and execute her plan, Mukuro was prepared for it。 She was ready to carry this out, ready for it all to work in her favor。 Of course, there was always the voice at the back of her mind telling her that this plan was going to fail, but she was quick to push those thoughts away on account of who she had gained favors with, most were pretty powerful and influential people in both the business world along with the criminal underground。
Surprisingly, acquiring sensitive information on her parents, as well as other higher-ups in the company, was an easy feat。 Perhaps they thought that nothing of this caliber was going to happen to them, despite one of the leading life insurance companies in Shinjuku。 With her newly acquired information, Mukuro would be able to successfully use some of her favors in order to have some people infiltrate the company and bleed their business from the inside out。
Watching her parent’s much-loved business was a treat in itself, watching their stock drop at an almost record-breaking rate。 With all this happening, her parents would most likely be trying to either figure out what was happening and try to undo it, get a loan to help get back on their feet, or take the easy way out。 Mukuro had to act fast if she didn’t want the last option to go through, calling up a final favor. Mukuro needed to set the next scene, she needed a place and someone to play the part of granting them a hefty loan, and she knew just the person。
「Look how far you’ve come, Mu-chan〜」 Coos the Oyabun next to her as Mukuro takes her seat, a small smile on her lips。
「I know, I’m rather impressed myself, thank you for allowing me to do this here。」 As she speaks, she bows her head politely, 「and as I promised, there will be no mess made, and I’ve made proper arrangements for bodies once the poison has taken full effect and done its job。」 the Oyabun nods along as she speaks, and honestly he was rather excited to see this play out, his afternoon so far had been pretty boring, so when Mukuro called and requested him to act as though he’s going to grant her parents a loan to safe their business when in reality a poisoning would be taking place。
Mukuro straightened herself up when a voice came from the other side of the screen partition door, the guests had arrived and for the first time in years, Mukuro would be seeing her parents face-to-face。 Her posture stiffening for just a moment as the oyabun grants them entry before whispering at Mukuro to calm down。 
Everything is going to go just fine。 
With a nod, Mukuro relaxes once more, taking a deep breath。 Keeping her hands in her lap as the door slid open and two, rather weary-looking, nervous people entered。 It was clear that this wasn’t an option they’d ever take but there wasn’t much of a choice now, especially if they wanted to save the business they worked so hard on to grow。
The Oyabun gave them both a big smile, welcoming them into his home, and hoped that they would not mind that his assistant would also be in attendance。 When the couple’s attention shifted to the woman beside him, Mukuro, there was no recognition on their faces but nodded regardless。 It wasn’t like they’d had much of a say in that, anyway。
「Now, how about we have some tea before we start? Ms。 Ito, would you be so kind?」 As the older female gave him an odd look, her husband was about to say that she shouldn’t have to do that since they were guests, but as soon as Mukuro began to get up, it dawned on them as to just who was seated next to the Oyabun。
「Of course,」 Mukuro replies and gets up from the table, excusing herself to make tea, which was stationed on a cart not too far away from them。 As the Oyabun began the meeting, Mukuro’s parents would occasionally look over at Mukuro as she was preparing tea, figuring that this couldn’t be just a coincidence, something had to be up。 Even the thought of ‘well maybe she doesn’t recognize us’ passed through their minds, which seemed to relax them a bit because that just had to be it。
What they couldn’t see, however, was that in two of the cups for tea, already sat a highly lethal amount of tetrodotoxin, more than plenty to trigger effect within just 17 minutes of consumption。 Pouring the tea within the cups and stirring the two that had the poison within, Mukuro brought the tray back to the table they were all sitting at。 
「Hachi-san likes his brews on the bitter side, so apologies in advance if the tea is rather bitter for your tastes, there is sugar if you do want some。」 Mukuro spoke with a false smile, setting the tea out and giving the appropriate person their cup。  Her parents let out a soft and shaky thanks as their teacups were set in front of them。
Taking her seat next to the Oyabun, Mukuro took a sip of her tea, as both a means to show that the tea had not been tampered with and out of something to do to calm her nerves。 She remains silent for the rest of the meeting, keeping up the image of just an assistant attending this meeting。 Her gaze shifted from her parents over to the Oyabun depending on who was talking at the time, using that as a means to keep herself from glancing at the clock。 She had given them the tea at 13:00 then they each took a drink at 13:01, so in approximately 17 to perhaps 20 minutes, some sort of effect should be taking effect。 
As soon as the clock hit that 18-minute mark, signs were beginning to show。 Watching as her parents began to fidget a bit in their seats, trying to make it not apparent that something was wrong, that they currently had that ‘ pins and needles ’ feeling in their tongues and lips then making its way towards their extremities。 Mukuro then noticed that they kept swallowing a lot more frequently as the hyper-salivation began to set in, not long after that, they pulled out handkerchiefs and dabbed at the sweat that began to permeate through their bodies。
Mukuro offered to turn up the aircon if they were getting too uncomfortable? To which her parents said that no, no they were fine to continue。 With a nod, Mukuro sat back down, her body more relaxed than before, now that she was watching first-hand that her parents were losing their lives in front of her。
They requested help being sent as they began to enter the later stages of symptoms, their request was falling on deaf ears, however, as both Mukuro and the Oyabun watched in amusement as their guests had fallen over, paralyzed and barely breathing。 They couldn’t raise their voices over a whisper。
「My, my, that seemed to not take long at all, Mu-chan,」 the Oyabun remarked as he took a sip of his own, untampered, tea。 With an amused hum, Mukuro nodded。
「I did use quite a bit of my supply in order to get this right, I’ll have to restock。」 Commenting as she put her elbows on the table, cradling her chin in her hands as if she were a child watching a cartoon。
「However, should they enter in a coma, I do have a back-up plan,」 within in her purse next to her were a couple of syringes filled with blue-ringed octopus venom, if the TTX were not to do it’s desired job, then that would for sure be the means to the end of her parents。
「I have to commend you on how long you two have lasted〜」 Mukuro chimed and although her parents couldn’t speak, they were glaring right at her and all she did was just smile back。「I figured you would’ve given up by now and just let fate take its course, how foolish it was of you to think that this was a legitimate deal。」
Her head tilted to the side as she smiled down at her parents。 Tears had welled up in both her parent’s eyes at this point as they continued to glare at her。 Mad at the situation they got themselves in, that they had fallen for this, that their business they worked so hard to get to the top was now just nothing。 And their regret for even having a child in the first place。
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liecoris · 1 year
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  Doing dishes was always a sure fire way to make her mood tumble further down。 But seeing as the dishwasher was already full and running, Mukuro wanted the rest of the sink cleared out so she began the chore of washing them。
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  It started out fine at first, then she began to think about herself。 Mainly in what she enjoys doing。 And that was when her dish cleaning began to slow down。
  When was the last time she actually HAD fun?
Did she even have any hobbies? Other than spending her time working did she really do anything else?
Watching movies and playing games didn’t feel like a hobby to her。 Mukuro saw those as a way to pass time to keep her from sleeping, and thinking about it more she’d always feel more lonely after finishing a movie or a game because she had no one to really talk about it or reminisce with。
  Painting and sketching were out of the question too, she rarely did those and again, just saw it as a way to pass time。
Did she enjoy drawing? She didn’t know。 What does she enjoy doing?
Cooking was just a necessity and baking was a way to release stress so she didn’t count the latter as a hobby, baking was more like a coping mechanism than anything。
  Mukuro had now completely stopped doing the dishes at this point, as silent tears slowly rolled down her face to join the dish water below。 A realization dawned on her, her mind going back to an insult that she had been called before, but always didn’t consider herself to be it since her mind was always on work whenever the insult would come up and she didn’t feel pathetic in her line of work。
But outside of work? Now that was an entirely different story。
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「Oh my god, I really am pathetic。。。 aren’t I?」
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liecoris · 4 months
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The glass of whiskey in her hand felt cold in comparison to how warm she still felt after getting out of her nightly bath, even if she was in her typical nightly garb of just a robe whenever she was within her private quarters, and the only sound in her rather spacious office was her soft footsteps from her small bar to her desk。
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Sure, she didn't really need to do more work for the day, Mukuro was typically done with her work for her gumi by the end of the day, but to stave off sleep Mukuro would go over what she had done for the day just to check for any errors。
Soon the only sound in the room would be the barely audible noise of papers moving about in between sips of her drink。 While her drink was placed on her desk, the now free hand would find its way to her neck where her fingers would gently press and run against the area of her neck where her lifeforce left her when she was alive。 Mukuro was always careful to not run her nails too hard along the imaginary cut, her mind fearing that if her sharp nails got cut on the fake seam it would cause a repeat of what had happened to cause her to end up down here。 It was a silly thought of course, given that the wound was technically no longer there, but there always was that little fear inside her mind that it could easily happen again。
Sometimes this action soothed her other times, like tonight, it would cause her to disassociate and reflect。 Mukuro didn't really give her death much thought now that it was actively on her mind, she basically had hit the ground running when she woke up here。
There were things about her death that were a little fuzzy which, Mukuro assumed, was par for the course but from what she could remember her mind played for her。
Mukuro could recall easily that it was Jin and his goons that had killed her, having caught wind of her plan to kill him, Jin seemed to have gotten to her before she could to him。 A fact that she would have been sour about would it not have been for the fact that her dying before him meant that she was able to get here before him and become more powerful than Jin and it was that fact that allowed Mukuro to have a rather positive outlook on this whole situation。
She also vividly remembers how pissed Jin was at the fact that Mukuro showed no emotion while everything was happening and that was enough to bring a ghost of a smile to her lips as she lost herself in her mind。 Mukuro had known that he wanted her to cry or beg for her life, or be angry at the fact that he killed her first but she just kept a passive face, knowing that would really piss him the fuck off。  Which probably would have caused him to likely to mutilate her body once her gaze had glazed over, but that was something she didn't know if had happened or not since her body now didn't reflect that and she didn't have any idea of what happened to her body after she died which wasn't all that of a surprise to her。
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But she couldn't help but wonder if they had just left her there or disposed of her。 Mukuro knew for a fact that no one would have gone out to search for her and that thought didn't really bother her much, it was a little sad to think about when the thought would cross her mind in the odd hours of the night, but there wasn't much she could do about it now。
Feeling a chill across her body was what brought Mukuro out from the depths of her mind, realizing now that her body had cooled down enough that given how little she was wearing, it was causing something of a chill to skin into her body。 Retracting her hand from her neck, Mukuro would blink a few times to make herself aware of her surroundings before downing the remainder of her drink and pouring herself back into her work, making sure to concentrate on it rather than reminisce on her past。
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liecoris · 1 year
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Mukuro recalled hearing that the more one would spend with the Brothers, the more their sin rubs off on you in a way。 Which both made sense and also was hard to tell when it came to Mukuro since prior to coming to the Devildom she was already rife with sin, but she did feel herself dip into the urges more so than when she was in the Human Realm。
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Which also made the current moment more understandable, typically, Mukuro would have just left the bullying scenario alone。 Sure, some bimbos dumped some red pain on her, but that didn't hold a torch to the treatment from others she had received in the Human Realm。
And yet, the want。。。 no need to get back at them grew and gnawed at her like a starving dog to a bone。
Even the calm a cigarette gave her didn't ease this growing feeling in her。
Sinking a little into the hot bath water a little more as she took a deep inhale of nicotine, Mukuro's gaze tilted up to the ceiling as she felt the familiar vibration of anger starting to develop in her hands and her hands gripped the edge of the tub as she attempted again to calm herself down, but whatever she did was proving useless。
Mukuro couldn't hurt the demonesses who did this to her。。。 well not physically at least。
What was more precious to a socialite woman than her life? Her social life。
That's where Mukuro's extra D。D。D。 came in, a burner phone if you will, another aspect of Mukuro's skillset came in, the ability of eavesdropping, so it wouldn't take a genius to try and crack into the social media accounts of these demonesses and there, in the DMs, in lied the information she needed。
These two fit the very stereotypical ' mean girl ' trope, DMs contained backstabbing comments and trying to seduce friend's boyfriends, as well as generally talking shit of others。
As she sat in the bath, Mukuro began the menial task of screen recording and screenshotting everything。 Her next step is setting up an account to dump all of these photos and videos onto with just the caption of mentioning the two demonesses along with the words ' you're fucked ' and watch the wildfire begin。 The burner phone she used for all of this went off nearly nonstop with notifications as the comments kept pouring in。
Mukuro had no real plan really, on how to get revenge, but making them commit social suicide seemed like a good start。 Then。。。 maybe the actual thing。 A dark smirk began to stretch on Mukuro's lips, the thought of killing them when they're at their lowest sounded delightful~ probably slipping something into their food or drink at some point, but she wanted them to see that it was Mukuro who did all of this。
Regardless, Mukuro was excited to see what tomorrow was going to bring。 Silencing the phone, she sat it off to the side as she finished up her bath and her cigarette。
Maybe she'll see if Satan is up to hang out later。
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liecoris · 1 year
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Had Mukuro not come to the batting cages as late as she did, she probably would have turned heads, not only was she in a dress that said she was going to a fancy lounge or even worked as a hostess but the amount of blood that decorated her certainly would have garnered some attention as well。
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Were Mukuro not a regular at these particular batting cages, the late night attendant would have probably called the cops or paramedics, but they didn't even bother looking up from the fashion magazine they were reading when Mukuro stormed in and slammed an impressive amount of money to insure that she would not be disturbed and go for as long as she wished。
Mukuro came to the batting cages when she ran out of her usual vices she used to dispel stress。 She typically would come to one she knew that ran rather late at night, or rather she was the reason that this one ran so late, considering how much money she'd put down during these sessions。
She was the only one here currently so it wouldn't be hard to hear how aggressively hard the baseballs were being hit。Even over the music that she had blasting in her airpods, Mukuro could still hear the ringing out of the ball hitting the aluminum bat。
Each hit of the ball either was being imagined as the head of an enemy of Mukuro's or every negative adjective she's ever had described towards her。
Mukuro had lost track of how long she had been here for, but her hands were starting to feel raw, but it wasn't enough to quell the negative thoughts that rushed her mind with each hit of the ball。
『 You're nothing but a monster。Sad and lonely— 』
『 Ugly。 』
『 Broken。 』
『 Disgusting。 』
『 Monster。 』
Something had went wrong with that last hit, the ball hitting the bat in a way that it ricocheted off of a nearby wall and would hit her right in the center of the face。And in almost an instant it was like a tap was turn on as blood began to rush out of her nose。 Adding only to the blood that decorated her from before she entered the establishment。
Just my luck。 Mukuro thought as she stood still, feeling the blood ooze down her face and continue down her neck and chest, the rather low dip of her dress making the scene very easy to watch as she stared at her reflection in a nearby slab of plexiglass。
Well at least now I look like one... came another thought as she continued to watch her monstrous, ugly, horrendous, disgusting, broken reflection。
No noise would come from Mukuro, only the sound of the bat being suddenly let go and falling onto the ground, the metallic clinking resounding throughout the air。
Mukuro would instinctively try and take an exhale out her nose but from the force of the blow, it only caused more blood to sputter out of her broken nose, and she was quick to switch to exhaling through her mouth。
She wouldn't clean up after herself, Mukuro would just wordlessly leave, and slam down more cash at the, now understandably shocked, attendant ( who now looked up from the magazine, noticing that Mukuro was leaving a lot sooner than normal )。
Mukuro wouldn't hear the call for concern nor the offer to call an ambulance that came from the front desk attendant as she left the building, now she was focused on getting home and cleaning herself up。
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liecoris · 1 year
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「Out of all the kindness I’ve shown you, this is how you treat me? That’s quite cold even for you, Mukuro-chan〜」 
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Came the very the sarcastic croon of a yakuza captain as he crouched in front of Mukuro, who was held in place by two other yakuza, one having a firm grip on her hair, one of her arms and firmly planted a foot on one of her legs, whereas the other just kept a firm grip on her other arm and had their foot planted on her other leg, keeping her in place。 
「Hooh〜 you’re speechless now?」 the captain sneers, pressing the knife he was wielding onto her cheek, earning a nice glob of blood and spit to his face from Mukuro。
The expression on his face morphed from a mocking smirk to a glare as he wiped the bloody spit off of his face。
「My, my, how feisty,」 letting out a short chuckle, before gripping the knife a little tighter。 「First you go against my family, the same one that got you where you are today, and now you disrespect me。」 Bracing herself, Mukuro expected to get a nice cut across her face or neck from the way he held the knife as well as where the knife was held. But when she felt the cold steel of the blade slip under the strap of her dress, dread filled her。 
      「What a lovely dress, must’ve cost a pretty quite a bit〜」 he coos as the blade makes easy work of the strap, 「oops~ how clumsy〜」  As he began to move the knife to the other strap, Mukuro tried her best to pry herself away from the grip of the other two, only to have the pressure from their holds increase enough for her to stop from the pain。
「Careful now, don’t want an accident to-- uh-oh」 Acting as if he didn’t purposefully do the same to the other strap, the entire top of her dress fell down, exposing her. Which caused the captain to let out a wolf whistle。
「Now when did you get these〜? How exotic〜 shame your lover can’t enjoy them anymore, huh? You know, seein’ how I killed him and all〜」 Reaching out and toying with both piercings on her chest with a gross smirk on his face。 Mukuro would’ve pulled away but with the grip he held on the piercing itself, she feared that the entire piece of jewelry would rip out of her。
Keeping a glare focused on him, Mukuro watched his face, hating the expression he held。 She could never fully get a read on what he was planning but the dread that grew in her only caused her anxiety to grow。 
Bracing herself again, Mukuro prepared herself for the worst。 Then a sharp pain from her chest told her that what she feared was correct, she didn’t have to look down to know what happened and the sound of two pieces of surgical steel hitting the concrete ground only solidified what had happened。
「I sure do have butterfingers tonight, don’t I?」 He, along with his two underlings, chuckled。 「And yet you still don’t say anything? What do I have to do to get to hear that sweet voice of yours, hm?」
「Die,」 Mukuro whispers, her glare increasing tenfold as tears of both anguish and hatred begin to stream down her face。 
「Aww don’t cry, sweet Mukuro-chan〜 They’ll heal and you can get new ones,」 he once again coos and pats her head, 「be thankful it’ll just be that and not any more scars on your already ruined body。」 Getting up, he pockets his knife and signals for his underlings to let her go, and when they do she slumps to the floor, her arms wrapping around her chest。
「You’re free to go now, Mukuro-chan。 Don’t try and fuck us over again, yeah? Or else you’ll be getting worse。 Leave the way you came, don’t let the door hit you on the way out。 Have a good niiiight〜」 Waving his hand dismissively, he and the other two men leave her in the room。
Mukuro remained kneeling on the floor for a few more minutes, trying to brace herself to get over the pain。 She wanted to get home, then she can figure out how to fix this and hope she could get them re-pierced in the future。 She had gotten those to help boost her self esteem, and now that they were torn out, she felt awful about herself, her body, and the situation she put herself in. Intrusive and other ugly thoughts wouldn’t stop echoing in her mind。 
Keeping her arms folded across her chest, Mukuro slowly rose from the floor。 Her pace was slow as she went for the exit, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks as she used her shoulder to push the door open。
Thankfully, it was rather late at night, so there wouldn’t be a ton of people out on the streets of Shinjuku but still, she’d keep to the side streets and alleyways as she made her way back to her apartment。 At least with the current temperature out, if people were to see her, they’d assume she was just hugging herself to keep herself warm and not want to investigate further。
However, she really wished she had driven here instead of walking。 That way she could at least hide away in her car for a moment, hidden from sight by tinted windows。 But instead she had to trek a few blocks, and instead of using the front door, she’ll have to use the elevator in the car park to get to her apartment, to further hide her appearance from anyone else。
So far, Mukuro hadn’t crossed paths with anyone yet, and if someone were to walk past a mouth of an alleyway where she needed to cross the street at, Mukuro would turn her back and pretend to be on the phone as she waited for the stranger to walk away far enough for her to safely cross。
She kept her pace quick and when she got to the home stretch, her speed increased to a run, not caring if that drew any attention to her as she sped down into her apartment’s underground car park and bee lining for the lift doors。 Pressing the button with her knee, since using a finger would definitely get blood on the button, she didn’t have to wait long for life to appear。
With how late in the night it was, barely anyone was coming or going from her apartment complex, which made getting to her apartment from the complex’s car park a breeze。 
Getting inside the lift, Mukuro fought the urge to slink down onto the floor, she’d saved that for when she got into her apartment, she didn’t want to be seen like that were someone else to get on the lift after her。
When the lift stopped a few floors beneath her, Mukuro swore she felt her heart stop for a minute, but when the doors opened and no one was there right away, she quickly hit the ‘ close door ’ button and disregarded the call for someone to hold the doors。 Breathing out a sigh of relief, the lift ascended the rest of the way without any problems and once arrived on her floor, Mukuro ran straight to her door quickly hitting the code to get in。 
As soon as the door shut and locked behind her, Mukuro crumpled to the ground and let loose the sobs that she was holding back the entire way home。 The cold, numbed the pain when she was outside, but when she was in the warmth of her home, it all came rushing back。
She felt ugly, absolutely ugly, once she’d get herself patched up, she’d destroy the burner phone she uses for business and when she’s healed up, she’ll get another。
Right now, she just wanted to cry and scream and sob until her throat was raw。
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liecoris · 1 year
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Mukuro made sure to always arrive rather early to things, be it dates or any other sort of meeting。
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The thought of running late always made her uneasy, so she always made sure to leave her house with an extra 20 minutes to spare should traffic prove to be difficult in getting her where she needed to go。 So when she showed up to this rather high-end restaurant before her date, Mukuro didn’t think anything of it。
Arriving at the restaurant around five to ten minutes before the date was suppose to start, Mukuro was seated and proceeded to text the guy she was suppose to meet on the date about her arriving, getting seated and where she was seated at。 After getting the response of ‘I understand, see you soon!’ Mukuro locked her phone and placed it on the table。 
Time seemed to pass rather slowly as Mukuro would look between the menu and her phone。 However, when it was finally the time that the date was assigned to start, the guy had yet to show。
Giving him the benefit of the doubt, Mukuro assumed that he had gotten caught up in traffic, but the lack of a ‘ traffic is a bitch right now, I’m going to be a little late, sorry。’ message irked her a little bit。 But yet, she didn’t send a ‘where are you’ text yet, figuring that it’d be better to send that text when he got around ten or 15 minutes past the time they initially set for the date。 
When time continued to tick further and further past the assigned time, Mukuro began to grow more frustrated as well as hurt。 Especially when she began to be left on read。 Her mind beginning to think of the possibilities of why she was being potentially stood up right now, her first worry was that the scarring on her back was visible, even though she was facing the entry way into the restaurant。
But with how high the chair’s back was, her jacket being draped on the back of the chair, and along with how her hair fell on her back, the scarring shouldn’t be very visible at all。 And she made sure that the scarring on her right shoulder and arms were properly covered with makeup and sealed well。 
And it wasn’t like they didn’t know what each other looked like, they had originally met at a bar, conversed and Mukuro felt good enough about it to give him her number to not only continue talking but arrange the date。 And the thought of the restaurant being too expensive for him was quickly dash away as well, seeing as the guy was the one who suggested this place originally。
As she’d continue to dwell on what could’ve gone wrong to cause this, time continued to pass to the point that even the waitstaff figured out what was going on and would periodically send a member of the staff over to see if Mukuro was ready to order or would like at least a glass of wine。 
Taking up the offer of the glass of wine, Mukuro released a soft sigh and leaned back in her chair, adjusting her posture。 Watching as time now passed 50 minutes passed the original time。 When the waiter came around with the glass of wine for Mukuro, she’d also place an order for a salad, she might as well eat something while she was here, having waited long enough that her hunger grew。
Since only one person would be dining at the table, or at least it was going to seem that way, the waiter came by to take the extra plate, glass, and utensils。 Slowly picking at her salad, Mukuro would continue to glance at her phone as well as the entry way of the restaurant in hopes that maybe her date would show up。
But when it became a full hour past the time, Mukuro would both block and delete the guy’s contact information from her phone, tucking the phone away to partially enjoy her salad。 Her night might have turned out shitty but at least the salad was pretty good and she felt pretty good about her appearance but was beginning to question that。
When Mukuro finished her small meal, she paid and promptly left, feeling a bit embarrassed as to what transpired。 Not really wanting to go home right away, knowing full well if she did that, she’d just over drink to try and dull the pain, so instead she remembered passing by a small public park on her way to the restaurant。
The evening air was quite chilly and Mukuro didn’t wear too heavy of a jacket, just a stylish leather jacket。 Probably a bad move on her part given the weather did predict some rain during the night but Mukuro was frankly too bummed out to care。
As Mukuro reached the park, she pulled a cigarette and lighter out of her small purse, lighting up before she took a seat on one of the swings。
She was able to get a couple of puffs before a particularly large rain drop hit the end of her cigarette, extinguishing it。 Letting out an exasperated sigh, Mukuro just rested her head against the chain of the swung as she continued to slowly swing herself, of course, the weather would pull something like this one her。 And yet, Mukuro didn’t get rid of the now dead cigarette, instead still bit down on the filter as the rain steadily began pouring down。
The likelihood of getting a cold from this was high, Mukuro knew that, but it had been so long since she’s had a date and even long since she’s been stood up that it put quite a damper on her mood。 At least the rain would do a good job of masking the tears the would occasionally fall as she let herself beat herself up about all this。
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liecoris · 1 year
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If someone could get an award for smoking a cigarette aggressively, it would probably go to Mukuro right now。
With her teeth clamped tightly down on the filter, there was a hard glare set in on her face as she looked at the man tied to the chair before her。 Heaving a heavy sigh through her nose, causing the very tired man to attempt to look up at her, taking the cigarette out of her mouth, Mukuro did nothing to shake the loose ash off the end。
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This man had wasted too much of her time already and normally she would keep little sessions like this one short and sweet, the victim often leaving rather maimed but still alive, but now。 Now that a majority of her night was now spent working on getting information out of this guy, daylight was beginning to peak out through the warehouse’s broken windows。 Usually, something like this wouldn’t get her this angry, but factors throughout the day built up a boil within her, to the point that something as simple as a guy not giving out information was her breaking point。
「You’re impressing no one by committing to the silent treatment, you know。」 Mukuro says as an exasperated sigh rushes out of her, she had lost patience long ago and used smoking this cigarette as a guise of a break。 Pushing herself off the table she was leaning on, with her hips, Mukuro took a step forward the sound of her heel hitting the concrete flooring of the room was muffled by the tarp that covered it。
「Why can’t you just be a good boy and tell me what I want to know?」 Bringing the cigarette back up to her lips, Mukuro took just enough of a drag from the cigarette to heat up the tip, 「because now I’m pissed。」 Speaking in a soft, clearly faked sweet voice, Mukuro reached forward with the hand that held the cigarette, the man tensed up when he felt her hand touch his cheek。 「And you won’t be getting out alive now,」 saying as if he was going to leave here alive in the first place。
With the same hand, Mukuro used her pinky and ring finger to force one of the man’s eyes open, then adjusting the cigarette between her fingers aiming the hot tip of the cigarette at his eyeball。 The man, now well knowing exactly what was going to transpire, began to try and pull his head out of her grasp as he began to babble out the information that Mukuro was asking about prior to this little session。 
「Aw there we go, that wasn’t hard now, was it?」 With that, Mukuro acted as if she was going to retract her hand, only to fully jab the cigarette into his eye。
This method of releasing pent-up aggression wasn’t a common occurrence for Mukuro, normally she’d spent it at a batting range, that way she’d get the satisfaction of hitting something with a bat。 But since her day decided to be shitty on the day in which she needed to get information out of this guy, she decided to make this her method of relieving stress and anger。 Besides, she had a nice metal bat among her things, so maybe she could get the same sort of relief that a batting cage would offer her。
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liecoris · 1 year
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The sunlight hitting her eyes was what roused Mukuro from her sleep。 Even in her groggy state, Mukuro didn’t realize or remember that she went to sleep in the first place。
Letting out a soft groan, she began reaching out for her phone on the nightstand, her eyes partially open as she was still adjusting her vision to the light but as soon as a small glimmer of light caught her eye, any movement Mukuro wanted to take froze。
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Bringing her left hand closer to her face, Mukuro realized what had reflected the light, a rather expensive-looking wedding band。 In her confused state, Mukuro studied the ring a little more. There was a large part of her mind that told her that this was normal, that she had this ring for quite a while now, but there was something off in her mind about this scenario。
Hearing a shuffling behind her, Mukuro’s breath caught in her throat, staying frozen for a moment before she slowly turned around, her line of sight landing on a very familiar mop of dark navy-colored hair。 With her right hand, Mukuro began to reach out towards Ryu, stopping just before her fingers touched his hair, the thought of this having to be a dream crossed her mind。
Almost as soon as the thought had entered her mind, the overly sickening sweet scent of death began to fill her nose and before she could retract her hand to cover her nose, Ryu’s hand shot out and grabbed a hold of her wrist tightly。 Finding herself unable to scream, Mukuro tightly closed her eyes and tried jerking her hand away, only for his grip on her wrist to tighten。
【You left me to die,】 a voice growled out and Mukuro’s movements and breath froze again。 Opening her eyes to see the features of her late fianc�� but in the very late stages of rotting。
「No, I—」Mukuro managed to gasp out, tightening her eyes closed once again and trying to yank her wrist free from his grasp。 Silent sobs were beginning to rattle through her body as the figure kept an iron grip on her wrist as well as growling more words at her, the stench increasing as the figure drew closer。
【You could’ve stopped this from happening。 And yet you didn’t。】
「STOP!」 The yell was croaked out, broken as her body violently shook with sobs,  「I tried,」 attempting to defend herself, but her voice grew softer, weaker。 「I really did。 It should’ve been me。。。 It should’ve been me。」 with a few more sobs ripped out of her throat before she realized there wasn't any pressure on her wrist anymore。 Tentatively opening an eye, the figure in front of her was gone。 Actually, now that her vision became somewhat clearer, there wasn’t anything around, no room, no ring, no corpse, nothing。 Just what appeared to be a black void。
Before she could really voice any confusion, a loud gunshot rang out。 Sounding as if it was right next to Mukuro, she winced as the sound pierced the silence, even with covering her ears it was too late to block out the noise。 And in what seemed like to be the next instant, the thud of a body hitting the ground in front of her echoing out, focusing her sights on the noise she found the scene of what commonly appeared in her nightmares, Ryu laying on the ground cover in as well as in a pool of, his own blood。
Just as Mukuro was about to let out a scream, the scene and sound played over again, and over again, until Mukuro was finally able to let out a scream。
Jolting awake, Mukuro struggled to catch her breath for a moment, her bangs sticking to her forehead from the cold sweat she woke up in and a few tears continued to stream down her face。 Frantically looking around the room, Mukuro recognized it as her living room, she must’ve fallen asleep somehow, looking towards the TV screen she hoped for an answer, but all she saw was a black screen, must’ve shut off automatically, she thought as she wiped her face with a shaky hand。
I hate it here。
Came another thought as she drew her attention away from the TV screen and to her coffee table, seeing a bottle of half-empty single malt whisky with its cap just placed on, before even thinking of finishing the rest of the bottle, the feeling of bile rose in the back of her throat and so she promptly looked the other way and drew her knees up to her chest。
Mukuro would continue sitting there for a moment longer before she’d finally managed to calm down, her breathing going back to normal as well as the tears finally stopping。 Slowly rising from her spot on the couch, the cold sweat that she woke up with caused her skin to stick slightly to the leather of her sofa, now that she was fully awake and even more exhausted than before, Mukuro would head to her bathroom, maybe a cold shower would help wake her up。
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liecoris · 1 year
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It was at this moment that Mukuro thought that Elizabeth Báthory was on to something。 Standing in, as well as decorated in, an amount of blood that far surpassed the amount that could be contained in two people, even after being bled completely dry。 Mukuro could feel energy swell within her, unknown if it was because of the blood that adorned her skin, or her new found ability。
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This absolutely had to be a dream Mukuro assumed, after all, the other day Mukuro was just a normal human and now, Mukuro had somehow obtained the ability to kill and revive anyone, also any thing, how many times as she pleased。 Her discovery of this skill had been an accident, having unintentionally revived a bird when it passed away by hitting her window at a high speed。 Feeling sorry for the creature, Mukuro had absentmindedly wished that the bird didn’t have to die that way。 In the next moment, the bird hopped up and flew away。
At first, Mukuro pinned it as just some weird chance, maybe the bird was just dizzy from hitting the window and only had regained its senses after a short time, but when something similar happened a second time, when she was obtaining information from someone, Mukuro had the ever so brief thought of ‘ what if they died and I just was able to bring them back〜?’ Then, as soon as the person took their last breath, Mukuro had made sure that the subject was actually dead before wishing that they were brought back to life。 And before her eyes, as if time only reversed for this one individual, their wounds healed up and life was breathed back into them again。 
They seemed to have some knowledge of passing, for when they awakened from their supposedly permanent slumber, there was panic in not only their appearance but their cries and shouts。 Frantically asking Mukuro what happened and why they were still alive, swearing that they died。
Testing this new theory, Mukuro wasn’t hesitant in killing the person again and then proceeding to wish them alive again and the surprise was evident on Mukuro’s face for a moment as the person she just killed again was brought back, sniveling and crying out the information Mukuro wanted to know before pleading to either be let go or just left to their endless slumber。
As Mukuro’s mind began to race with the one thing Mukuro wanted to do now that she knew that whatever she was capable of doing was an actual power, Mukuro had to quickly scribble down the information being told to her before her current thoughts pushed the new information away。 
      Once Mukuro got the information down, she no longer heard the person babbling and crying about either continuing to live or staying dead, Mukuro’s thoughts were totally elsewhere。 Finally, taking out a tool she rarely used, Mukuro planted one bullet in the victim’s forehead before taking her leave, making sure that she contacted who she needed to in order to dispose of the corpse。  
Using her connections she’s made throughout her years in this career path, Mukuro was able to set up a meeting between her and her parents。 Under the guise that the meeting was to discuss some important business merger that would highly benefit her parent’s company。 With the meeting framed as a private place to discuss business while having a good drink, Mukuro would be the only one waiting for them when her parents would arrive。
When her parents walked in, the expressions they wore were absolutely priceless。 Expecting businessmen, her parents were met with the figure of their disowned daughter。 One who they assumed would’ve been long dead by now, having not once thought about her since her disownment。 
Perhaps assuming that she was here strictly to act as a sort of secretary for the business men they were supposed to meet, they took their seats across from her。 What they didn’t know was that not only were they going to die tonight, but it was going to be multiple, multiple times。 Either until Mukuro grew bored, or she felt satisfied with their punishment。
Regardless of which decision would be made, it would be quite some time until a final decision would be made。
Which brought her to now, standing above the once broken bodies of her parents。 The quinquagenarian and sexagenarian lay in front of her, their breathing labored as they stared up at her。 Learning that by now crying and pleading with Mukuro would only fall on deaf ears。 Mukuro stared back at them, her eyes still lit up like a kid in a toy shop as she thought of what to do next。
As much as she loved the idea of being able to telepathically lift them up and slam them against the floor over, and over, and over again, she was unable to do that, so just using various tools she brought with her to kill them, and revived them, and continue this cycle until she saw fit, would have to do for now。
Even when she’d bring back her parents, the newfound skill didn’t erase the blood and gore from the area, which resulted in Mukuro still being soaked with the blood equivalent of ten deaths on her。 Would this absolutely make it hard for Mukuro to leave this place? Probably, she would not have brought an extra set of clothing with her along with a few towels to at least mop herself up some so that she wasn’t dripping blood on her way out。 
Her mother’s broken voice was what initially took Mukuro out of her thoughts, her gaze focusing on her as she allowed her mother to speak。 But what was said caused Mukuro to fly into more of a rage。 
「SORRY?! NOW you’re sorry? Oh that’s funny, unfortunately you’re a little late for April Fools don’t you think〜?」 Drawing out the first syllable, the grip Mukuro had on the baseball bat tightened once more as she swung the bat back down with a newfound strength on her Mother’s skull for the fifth time tonight。
The bat had more than enough dents in it by now, and with this recent use, had a considerable bend in it, showing that it had gotten more than enough use tonight。 Throwing down the bat with a clang, Mukuro’s sharp gaze quickly flicked over to her father, who had tears in his eyes as he, once again, watched wife die in front of him for what seemed like the hundredth time tonight。 
「Do YOU have an apology for me too?」 She asked, her father slowly shook his head, begging softly to just end his life, to just continue this sick game of hers。 With a hum, Mukuro tilted her head to the side.。。。 game, yeah this was what this was, wasn’t it?
With that new mindset in mind, with a snap of her fingers, Mukuro brought back her mother, whistled sharply to get the older lady’s attention and with a quick action rose her foot and slammed her stiletto heel into the eye socket of her father。 Her mother, who hadn’t watched her husband die before her during this night as much as he had of her, let out a wail and quickly began to plead and beg Mukuro to just stop this。
「No。 This is only the beginning of this little game〜 Now,」 as Mukuro spoke, she lifted up her foot, the heel of her shoe pulling out of the socket, gore sticking to it like some, dark viscous cherry syrup。
「What shall we play next〜?」
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liecoris · 1 year
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Every part of Mukuro's body felt sore and her mind felt foggy, too foggy。 To the point where alarm bells were ringing in her head but her mind couldn't focus long enough to make her body do what she wanted it to。
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The worst part about whatever was happening, was the lapse in memory she had。 Mukuro recalled heading out for a mission, passing through the senkaimon, and then a pinch to her neck。
It then didn't take Mukuro long to figure out who could be the number one person behind this。 Before she really could have another thought on the matter, ice cold water was splashed on her, causing enough of a shock to her system that kick started her mind enough to wake it up, or at least give Mukuro enough control of her body to finally open her eyes and see her surroundings, or as much as she could within this very dark, heavily dimly lit room。
There was no real windows, maybe a tiny little window up near the ceiling, something that was more like made just to have some sort of ventilation, giving the feel that this room was something akin to an attic。And the only light in the room being a lone candle and the moonlight that filtered in from the window。
Upon opening her eyes, Mukuro's gaze is immediately met with that of her mother's and the second their gazes lock, Mukuro's narrow into a deadly glare。
There was a few moments of silence as they just stared at each other, or rather Mukuro glaring up at woman smirking down at her。
It was in these long moments that Mukuro began to become more aware of her surroundings and became tuned into the fact that she was chained against the wall, noticing that her hands where above her head and her feet were pretty firmly in place, which didn't bode to well with her。
The bindings thick and heavy, not like it would have mattered what the material was or wasn't made out of, Mukuro wasn't all that strong, so breaking free from bonds would be near impossible, but even if she was, whatever was in the tranquilizers that was used to sedate her, left her very weakened, which was no doubt the goal。
What Mukuro found rather surprising was the fact that she wasn't gagged despite being this tightly bound up。
「Welcome home, it's nice to see you again, daughter。 My, my, I can feel that glare, if looks could kill, I'd definitely be dead on the spot wouldn't I?」 Hitomi, Mukuro's mother, sneered, and as Mukuro began to ready herself to bark out an insult, she'd wince when she'd feel an intense pain in her throat。 Even though Hitomi was fully blind, she didn't need know that Mukuro was confused about why she couldn't talk。
「I've taken the liberty of removing your vocal cords。 Well I didn't do it of course, but you get the jist。」 The smirk on the older woman's lips grew as she spoke。 While Mukuro couldn't speak, she could still spit, an aimed an attack right at Hitomi's face, who grimaced and quickly wiped off the mess and in the next breath slapped Mukuro hard, causing the shinigami's head to spin a little。
「You know, I'm not surprised at how powerful you've turned out considering the bloodline held here,」 Hitomi said, 「and now, thankfully, that can continue。」 It took Mukuro a moment for her mother's words to click and she realized that her vocal cords were removed and her feet bound for not just to keep her from yelling and trying to run。 Tears would soon begin to pour down Mukuro's face, mostly out of anger but there were also tears of despair mixed in。
Again, Hitomi didn't need her sight in order to know that Mukuro was now crying。
「We already have some candidates picked out for you, but I'll be gracious and let you have a few days to rest and relax here before sending them up。」 With that said, Hitomi turned on her heel and left the room, she would pause for a moment and drop some more information on Mukuro。
「Oh-- and don't get your hopes too up, you are attached to a drip of a lighter dose of the sedative we gave you earlier。」 Using those as her final parting words, Hitomi now actually left the room, the heavy wooden door slamming behind her, the wind of the door slamming causing the candle in the room to extinguish。
Letting her head hang down, Mukuro felt weak and powerless, for the first time in a long time and she hated it。 She honestly didn't know if her spiritual pressure could be sensed from where she was, part of her doubted it, but another part of her hoped that wasn't the case, and maybe just maybe someone would figure out something was amiss and seek her out。
Just as she thought that things couldn't get any worse, Mukuro now took note of the clothing, or rather lack there of, she was in, a very very thin kimono was being worn instead of her shihakushō。 Really cementing the idea of what her ' mother ' had in store for her。 Which would explain why she felt colder than she should when the water was splashed on her earlier。
Due to the positioning of her hands and feet, along with the sedative drip, Mukuro couldn't really move her body to give herself any sort of comfort or warmth now that she could feel the cold starting to seep into her bones。
Despite not being able to scream out in anguish, that wouldn't stop Mukuro from doing so, the force of the scream she couldn't let out being powerful enough that a few specks of blood would fly out of her mouth, filling her mouth with the powerful taste of iron。
Which would give her an idea, even though she technically couldn't starve to death she could theoretically scream herself to death if she could。If she could ' yell ' enough to reopen the stitching that should be there from the vocal cord removal。
Mukuro did have a few days until someone would be back up here, after all。
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liecoris · 1 year
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  Fuze Jin was never a nice man. Mukuro knew this well and yet still did business with him。
  Well, it was more like she was forced to。
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  But today was the day in which she finally had secured enough funds to buy back her freedom。 Or so she hoped。 Mukuro was fully ready for him to miscount the amount she’d give him and claim that she didn’t bring enough。
  Standing in his grand meeting room, Mukuro kept her gaze down on the ground, something she was taught to do when meeting with him。 Everyone else who’d meet with him was allowed to sit on the furniture, while Mukuro always had to stand and cast her gaze down。 Others were met with respectful manners and attitude, Mukuro was sneered at and taunted by him。
  To Jin, Mukuro wasn’t a person。 She was a tool。 A plaything。 She deserved to be disrespected。
  Jin had an automatic cash counter, it sat next to his arm on his desk and yet he was manually counting and every so often would “mess up” and have to start from the beginning。 Mukuro didn’t have to look up to know that there was a disgusting smirk on his face as he wasted both of their times。
  As he counted, his eyes would look over at Mukuro, the smirk on his face increasing as he saw the two red dot sights aimed at her, one on her shoulder where she had previously gotten shot by him, and another on the other shoulder。 
  Jin knew Mukuro brought just the right amount, all 50 million yen accounted for, but taking up her time and watching her just stand there as he “counted” over and over again until he got bored was too fun for him to pass up on。 
「Good job, Mukuro, you brought the remainder of your payment,」 Jin said as he put the stack he was counting back in the attaché case she brought the money in。 Mukuro, even knowing that what he said was true, didn’t show any signs of relaxing, he always had something planned and so she waited for what he’d say next。 「Congratulations, you’re free to go, but first I’d like to tell you something interesting that’s been on my mind for some time。」 With a raise of his hands the men who had their firearms trained on her lowered their weapons, 「you may raise your gaze and look at me。」 He wanted to see her expression when he’d bestow this news on her。
  Slowly, Mukuro looked up at him and kept her face as neutral as possible。 She was mad that he had wasted her time like this and wanted her to stick around after the fact she brought the payment。 A sense of dread filled her when she saw how his lips curled up in a smile, Mukuro had assumed what was going to be said to her wasn’t good but with that smile, she knew it was going to be absolutely awful, whatever it was。
「Your poor fiancé,」 Mukuro’s blood felt like it froze over, 「had no idea that his little job I sent him on was rigged from the start, here。。。」 From within his desk, Jin pulled out a folder, opened it and got out a picture, holding it face down as he held it out for her。 Mukuro, who had a bad feeling about the picture but had to take it nonetheless。  「Take a look。」
  Stealing herself, Mukuro flipped over the image and it was far worse than she imagined。 It was hard to keep her composure now, not when she was looking over a photo of the moment just before her fiancé was killed, the look in his face showing a mixture of confusion and fear as he looked at his boss aiming a gun at him。
「He had to be punished after all, out of all the women he could have, he settled for broken garbage like you。」 As Jin spoke, Mukuro found it hard to listen as thoughts began rapidly coming and going from her mind and she began to anxiously shake。 「I’ll let you keep that photo, as a reminder。」 His smile was cold, 「Now leave, unless you want a matching scar on your other shoulder。」
  Not having to be told twice, Mukuro left, tightly gripping the photo in hand as her body went on auto pilot back to her car。
  She felt numb, too numb to notice that she had returned home until the clicking of the door shutting behind her shook her from her trance and she was now face to face with the mirror she had in her entryway。  Staring at the reflection of her, Mukuro grew into a mix of anguish and white-hot rage, slipping off her shoes by her door, Mukuro took one of the heels and full force threw it at the glass, causing the to shatter and fill the silence with the painful sound of shattered glass。
  The rest of the mirrors within the condo encountered a similar fate, Mukuro finally would come to her senses as she breathed heavily, looking at herself in her now shattered bathroom mirror, hands slightly cut up from hitting glass as well as grasping some of the more larger pieces, using the pain to fuel her rage。
「Oh。。。 dammit,」 Mukuro swears softly as she clears the sink of as much broken glass as she could, not caring that the smaller shards of glass would get stuck in her skin or cut under her nails。 Angry tears soon turned into more sorrowful sobs as she cleaned her hands of the blood and shards of glass as her thoughts turned against her。
  Even though she felt absolutely miserable now, Mukuro knew that she was to blame for all of this, if she hadn’t gotten her nose into adult business when she was younger, all of this could have been avoided。 Ryu would still be alive and happy with someone far more worthy of his love than she could ever be。 Mukuro deserved to have been shot, assaulted, tortured, tormented, stabbed, slashed, attacked, every little little awful thing that’s happened to her。 She should have just stayed put back when she accidentally caused a house fire when she was young, and then none of this would have happened。。。
  She was an awful, awful human who deserved the absolute worst, these were the types of thoughts that kept rotating around Mukuro’s mind。
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liecoris · 1 year
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 【 drabble inspired by this post 】
  It had to be a coincidence, it just had to。 There was no way he was actually here, right? Although, thinking about it, she didn’t exactly knew what happens once people pass on, so it very well could have been him。 But she really wished it wasn’t。
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   Because if it was Fujiwara Ryu, then he must not have remembered her or perhaps it was her worst fear that came to life, that he blamed her for what happened and hated her for it。 Mukuro sat in her room, back pressed firmly against the door as she tried to calm herself down but it was so hard to。 She just couldn’t get the look of pure disdain he gave her out of her head。
   It felt like her heart was breaking all over again。 Hearing the familiar voice and when she saw the source, she could’ve sworn that the demon looked just like him。 But as soon as his gaze locked with hers, the absolute disgust that came from his glare was enough to undo the nearly decade’s worth of healing her heart had very slowly gone through。 
   Mukuro had always prided herself on how well she can mask her feelings, but she could feel that mask breaking away when she not only heard her name being called out once or twice, but the third time。 She’d play off not hearing her name being called out a few times as just exhaustion hitting her due to not getting enough sleep。 Which seemed believable enough, because the topic wasn’t touched upon any more。
   On the walk back from the school, the pressure in her chest would tighten more and more and dread welled up in her stomach。 Mukuro felt awful, so very awful, all the while trying to keep up the appearance that she was just fine, the glare she got didn’t bother her in the slightest。 
   Mukuro had beelined right to her room once she returned to the House of Lamentation and as soon as she had closed her door, Mukuro allowed herself to fully break down。 Placing her back firmly against the door, Mukuro slid down until she sat on the ground, pulling her knees up to her chest as she tried to steady her breathing。 Shaking like a leaf as silent tears began to drip down from her eyes, normally Mukuro was rather loud when she sobbed so it was a struggle to keep her voice down as she cried and took deep breaths to help speed up her calming process。
   Mukuro felt sick to her stomach, so much so that she was most likely going to skip out on dinner because she was certain that whatever she ate, or drank really, wasn’t going to stay down well。 Pulling herself into a tight ball against her door, ignoring any text or calls should they come, she just wanted to be alone for a while。 Just enough that she’d at least be able to fake being alright effortlessly because if she showed her face now, the mask that she had long built up was shattered。
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