#» ;( ¿ A Silent World ( hero's + fe:a au )
duskheir-blog · 8 years
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『 ♞ 』 A rather odd feeling hung in the air around Valm one that did not belong, even if Siegbert has only been in this world for a short amount of time he knew this area rather well by now. After arriving here from his past world Siegbert had become the heir to Walhart unexpectedly even taking on the man's class for his own (albeit horseless), with Siegfried by his side the young man climbed the proverbial ladder till he was a general in the conquers army. 
To most they would consider Siegbert to be quite the force to be reconded with, especially considering how harsh he had become over the years of his mind slipping, scrubbing to the brainwashing he received from the nobles as a mere child. Taking his attention from the sky upon hearing a footstep, pitch black armor clinked slightly with the movement as he gazed upon the sounds owner. Seeing a rather small woman standing there he did not know what to think at first, where had she come from and what did she want?
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