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day 27: villains day
our villains make the whole show! we wouldnt have nearly as much fun watching either lol. also im sry but i dont really know how tagging works so i just tagged some of my followers(:
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sugarcookiedean · 4 years
How does it feel to know you’re one of the timeless stables of my love for this Website and I love that you’re still active? Jk what is your top two fics that have holiday scenes or are holliday related? I’m trying to get a list together for festive reasons.
WHAT AN HONOR?!?!? thank you so much for the kind words??? 
I haven’t found too many holiday fics that i’ve personally enjoyed. But here are 2!
Santa Looked A Lot Like Daddy by Shotgunpicksthemusic
Super cute destiel family fluff piece
Unto Certain Poor Shepards by Tseecka
so good  just so good
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I absolutely adore you!!!! I remember your url and it brings me so much joy!! You're such a sweet person with some of the best content and I'm very glad to see you around! Much love and keep safe! <3
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Omfg I don’t even know what to say, thank you so much!!!
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soldierboys · 4 years
97. Think of a positive movie experience you will never forget?
one time me and my friends went to the movies and nothing good was showing so we bought tickets for this national movie (i’m brazilian) and it was just us on the whole theater and it ended being a really funny movie and we could joke out loud all we wanted, it was a very fun day! 
also, my little brother made me watch finding nemo with him every single day at least 3 times on repeat, i still know all the lines and it’s a fond memory i guess. same thing with moana when he was 4
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princesscas · 4 years
I definitely want to know 9 and 14 :D
of course! :D
9: Where do you usually read fic?
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14: It’s 11pm and you need to wake up at 6 in the morning. You just saw the perfect fic. It’s complete and it’s 50K. What do you do??
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i changed my name
i have changed my name people. it is still me destiel67 or the-empty-destiel67 or whatever u know me by. i have changed my name and profile a bit and i just wanted to tell u. i dont think i got everyone there r just so many people lol
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fucktheroyals · 4 years
Thank you for tagging me @asphodelesauvage AND @theysilencedyou
Rules: tag 9 people you would like to know / catch up with
Last song: And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going by Jennifer Hudson
Last movie: Enola Holmes. It was good but I personally didn’t like the like... format of her talking to us. Like I know it’s a movie for teenagers but it felt kind of childish for her character???? Like there’s ways to have her talk to us and not make it feel childish but whatever, just wasn’t my cup of tea.
Currently watching: Supernatural... hhh im using my dvds lol.
Currently reading: Fck other than random fanfic the last thing I read was One Piece
Currently craving: cuddles. human touch and affection. Self motivation.
Tagging: @littleduck46 @littlepenguin21 @smoothiecas @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh @zeffiroh @queenpersephone23 @amazonwolf7 @deliciouslydeafeningstarlight @ilovebeingintroverted
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shizunstan · 4 years
Tag game again!!!
This time I was tagged by @vi-the-geekest (love seeing you on my dash😘)
I did it a while back but I guess some of the things changed so here we go:
last song: betty by taylor swift
last movie: life of brian
currently watching: the untamed
currently reading: kingdom of ash (still...) and the witch’s book of self-care
I will tag: @eliattinson @kayuuuk @shipping1addict @cannot-love-without-you @christinewhoblog @littleduck46
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pansexualluke · 3 years
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@justmomoshim @chocolatcroissanttt @mallosj55 @demonspawn66 @buerkibae @free0369 @incorrecthessaquotes @elusfate-blog @marbitch27 @imjustafangirl-nobodylovesme @thiam-wolf @bilesbilinskitw @lappel-du-vide91 @tessyboo @mylittlethiams @80sbichie-blog @gloriouslandfestivaldragon-blog @gd15fr @glowing-joonbug @bi-king-buck @kikodeluna @idelifulunknown-blog @dmfd @weirdofangirlxx @delicatelyoptimisticwizard @fairyheaven @drvikidimitrova @istilldolovewdw @arrow2018 @caiotavares122 @devilsblossom @cenevredivita @stronzabipolaredolce-blog @horaniswhereibelong @manspirations @brizuelast16 @yxmile @eternolimitado @chrisberryisreal-blog @incantavaxx @direaneitor @charliesambisextrous @gothambat-nephilim-07 @thiamshipper14 @superloserwolf @xleopeachx @littleduck46 @tacos-and-trenchcoats @crustybillclinton @randomimaginesblog 
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hiddelstannerbarnes · 3 years
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@littleduck46 if you want to see my other paintings.
And anyone else
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castielsbeeslippers · 4 years
Music shuffle tag!!
I was tagged by @haveacigarcas !!! Thank you for tagging me 🥺✨✨✨ I have to shuffle 🔀 my playlist and list the first 10 songs ( no skipping !!!)
Skinny love by Bon iver
Hard times by Paramore
No children by the mountain goats
Big god by flornace + the machine
Island by SVRCINA
Stand by me by Florence +the machine
Smile by Mikey Ekko
Sharp edges by linkin park
Land locked blues by bright eyes
California by flora Cash
Share If you want !!!! Tagging my lovely shipmates ! @magicalmoose , @arcticfox007 , @froggie-deadinside , @littleduck46
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drriffly · 4 years
thank you homies for tagging me @casbelieves and @credentiast <3
rules: for every letter of your url, put the name of a song you like that starts with that letter
d - doll parts by hole
r - rue by girl in red
r - ramble on by led zeppelin
i - instagratification by cherry glazerr / i’m sick of waiting by citizen
f - face down by the red jumpsuit apparatus
f - faith by the weeknd
l - life is beautiful by lil peep
y - you know you’re right by nirvana
tagging (feel free to ignore obv): @thesnuggliestduckling @blueeyedangell @littleduck46 @summer-depressed @magicalmujer @jellydeans
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secret pain
guys this is my first real fic ive ever written. im really proud of it. making new chapters all the time.
Chapter 1
: chapter 1Chapter Text
Lainey had been hunting on her own for 6 years. Bobby had begged her not to go. It wasn't safe alone. Well now Bobby was dead. The news had reached her when she had gone to a hunter's roadhouse. She regretted how she had stormed out on Bobby, the man who had helped her when no one could. She had traveled to Sioux Falls as soon as possible. By the time she had gotten there the funeral had already ended but there was a familiar '67 chevy impala still in the driveway. She walked inside Bobby's rickety old house remembering younger days when she would walk the halls and laugh along with the old man. Her attention was diverted in another direction as she heard someone's heavy footsteps coming from the living room. Lain turned to meet the footsteps, reaching for her gun in the process. But who she was met with was..."Dean Winchester?" "ya, and who the hell are you?" Lain had just realized he had his gun trained right on her heart. How long had it been since she'd seen him? Maybe 8 years? God he had become so beautiful. Uh what? No she was not thinking these thoughts right now. she shook her head and pulled her gun out to rest it at her side. "My name is Lainey McKane. I- I was close to Bobby" "How do you know him?" Dean asked almost testing her. "um...we've hunted together for years. I haven't seen him in 6 years but we were really close." Lain decided not to tell him her backstory just then. Dean seemed to be contemplating letting me pass or shooting me, when Sam came in. "uh hey. Dean who is? And you don't need to point your gun at her!" Sam took the gun right out of Dean's hands. "that's better. Now how are you?" "I'm Lainey. Lain. I was close to Bobby but i haven't seen him in 6 years" "well then welcome. You missed the funeral but you can still pay respects to his memory. And you might even be willing to help us clean up. Hunters make a big mess." Sam had started walking back into the kitchen. "um thanks. Sure I'll help." she tucked her gun back into the waistband of her jeans. Then she walked behind Sam into the kitchen. As she was walking past Dean she felt his eyes following her. As she entered the kitchen she saw that there was indeed a big mess. Why did hunters always so messy? "Can I just wander around a bit? Its been been so long since I've been here." "Sure. And why were you here before? I didn't quite get that part of the story." "Me and Bobby did some hunts together. He saved me on one of them a while back. He let me crash here sometimes." She hadn't been lying about most of that. She just didn't give him any context. Nothing more than necessary. "oh. Well then you know what an amazing man he was." "Ya. Also how drunk he can get on bad days." "That too. But anyways I'll let you get back to your roaming." "thanks." Lain started by going up the old molding stairs. She walked down the hallway to where Bobby's room was. When she looked in there she saw nothing but memories of when she was younger. She walked next to the bed and lifted the mattress to find something she knew had been there for a long time.
Chapter 2
: chapter 2 Summary:
lainey will be going through memories with bobby. so heartwarming.
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
What Lain had gotten from under Bobby's bed, was a simple frame holding a photograph. The photo was aged and beautiful. It was of her and Bobby outside the sign to the junkyard. She had been 15 at the time. She had finally started to think of this place as home. It had been a year since he had taken her in, and that was closest to the roughest year of her life. She was still grieving and couldn't accept reality. She had stayed in the room three doors down the hall on the left. She didn't leave her room much. But one day, that day, Bobby came in and told her to get her sorry ass out of bed because we all lose people and we all go through pain. And he promised to get her through it. And he promised to help her have control over who she was and what she could do. So she had gotten up, gotten dressed, and helped Bobby with the cars. That's when he decided to take a picture. They had agreed it was too dangerous for her to be unnecessarily public, so Bobby had hidden this picture under his bed. In the years that passed after that they only grew closer, and one day she had finally been ready to start hunting again. But that all went downhill when she nearly didn't make it home. Bobby had gotten furious and had tried to make her quit hunting, but she couldn't. Hunting was a big part of her life and she wouldn't give it up. And so one day she had packed her black duffel bag with all of her stuff, and left. Might have been one of the worst decisions of her life. She hadn't even looked back at the man who had taken her in, the man who had helped her and saved her. She walked out on a normal life forever. And she drove off and never came back. Until now that is. Being in this house, remembering all those good times was making her emotional. Ugh she hated being emotional. Emotion was a weakness. She learned that a long time ago. She put the picture back under the bed mattress. She took one last look around Bobby's room and went down the hall to her old room. When she opened the door she saw that nothing had changed. Everything was how she remembered it. Plain walls, plain floors, plain bed. The red curtains were still there if not a bit more dusty. He had wiped all remnants of her from this place except for the picture under his bed. Lain decided that she had had enough time to reminisce, and so she went back downstairs. As she was nearing the bottom she could hear Sam and Dean whispering angrily at each other about something. She was willing to bet her life it was her they were whispering about. She stepped off the stairs, folded her arms, and leaned against the wall. "whatcha boys talking 'bout?" They both jumped at her voice, not knowing she was there. "um, we were just talking about uh. Sam, what were we talking about?" Dean said then asked Sam. "Well Lain we were talking about you." Dean looked at Sam like he was out of his mind for saying that. "And what exactly have you been saying about me?" "We were just saying how its strange that you come back now, saying that you knew Bobby for years, but he never mentioned you." Well this was going to be difficult. "Well he wouldn't have. I was younger. A teenager. I stopped being in contact with him around six years ago. I asked him not to talk about me. He probably didn't even remember me anyways though. Its been so long." "Ah, well, if you knew him from so long ago, why did you still come to his funeral? Or tried to anyways." Dean asked her. He was having trouble speaking today for some reason. He kept saying 'uh'. "because I've never forgotten how he helped me. After I left I regretted it, but I chose to keep hunting and he wanted to take that away. So I had to go. Would you forget some of the best years of your life?" "I- I guess not. Sorry. Didn't mean to pry." Lainey took a deep breath and told Dean, "It's fine, you just struck a soft spot." she chuckled a little. Then she pushed off from the wall and stood in front of Dean with her hand outstretched. "What do you say we start over. You know without the gun pointed at my face." "Sounds good." he grabbed her hand and shook it. "Do you boys want help cleaning up the mess now?" "Yes," both boys said energetically A few hours later when they had cleaned everything up and had a few beers, Lainey was headed back outside to her car to find a motel for the night. She didn't feel like driving or leaving any time soon, but she needed to. She was getting her keys out to unlock the door when a piercing pain struck her. She doubled over on the ground. She started coughing and when she pulled her hand away there was blood, lots of blood. And with that the world went dark.
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fucktheroyals · 4 years
Music tag game
Thanks for tagging @s-r-clowns ! 😊
20 songs on shuffle:
Crazy Over You by Blackpink
Therefore I am by Billie Eilish
Do it by Chloe x Halle
Safety Net (feat. by Ty Dolla $ign) by Ariana Grande
Don't Rain On My Parade (Glee Cast Version) by "Glee Cast" (Lea Michele)
you should see me in a crown by Billie Eilish
Still Alive by Taro Umebayashi, Matt Cabb, WISE
Reflection by Lea Salonga
xanny by Billie Eilish
God is a Woman by Ariana Grande
Sour Candy (with Blackpink) by Lady Gaga
Lightweight by Demi Lovato
dorothea by Taylor Swift
All I Want for Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey
What About Us by P!nk
Come & Get It by Selena Gomez
Fake Smile by Ariana Grande
Like a Prayer by Madonna
Get On Your Knees (ft. Ariana Grande) by Nicki Minaj
I Turn to You by Christina Aguilera
10 songs I've been listening to
my hair by Ariana Grande
And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going by Jennifer Hudson
Sour Candy (with Blackpink) by Lady Gaga
I'm Every Woman by Whitney Houston
All I Wanted by Paramore
Cuz I Love You by Lizzo
Boombayah by Blackpink
The Wizard and I by Idina Menzel and Carole Shelley
Emotions by Mariah Carey
Chasing Pavements by Adele
9 Most Influential Albums:
this year? ever? guess I'm going with ever (also it says influential so some of the albums of an artists aren't my favorite but they were more influential for me also I dont listen to a lot of full albums, and they aren't in order!!!
The Album by Blackpink
When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? by Billie Eilish
News of the World by Queen
Innervisions by Stevie Wonder
Sweetner by Ariana Grande
Random Access Memories by Daft Punk
Unbroken by Demi Lovato
Demon Days by Gorillaz
Because the Internet by Childish Gambino
Tagging @queenofmoons-spn @littlepenguin21 @littleduck46 @waywardangel-13 and anybody else who wants to do it!!
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myspaceshipisbig · 4 years
Tag 9 people you want to know better/catch up with
I was tagged by @littleduck46
Last song: Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea - Fall Out Boy (because sometimes you HAVE to go back to those bands you listened to when you were still young (im getting old..))
Last film: This is England (had to search for this, because i rarely watch films)
Currently watching: pick your choice because its a wild ride, supernatural, star trek discovery, star trek ds9, its ok not to be ok, preacher... are the ones that come to mind.. i jump between series like a madman. Because my attentionspan is short and cant really binge more than like.. 2h at a time.
Reading: apart from fics i have a book ive read a few chapters in, have a lot of those, but the latest one i put down is called 'Gather the daughters' by Jenny Melamed read like.. two chapters if even that. So dont quote me on that one.
Craving: well.. seeing as its not even 10am yet here, nothing, possibly salt.. and maybe bread. Havent figured it out yet.
Sooo.. simply because i know basically no one on this site and im too much of a coward to actually tag someone ill leave it up to you really...
Cheers and all that, have a good one.
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Thank you so much for tagging me @littleduck46 ! You’re amazing! ❤️
Seriously if any of you don’t follow I would go and do so.
Tag nine people you want to get to know or to catch up with
Last song: The end of the world by Skeeter Davis. I just listened to it for the first time Saturday. I’m already in love with it.
Last film: Home Alone.
Currently watching: Agent Carter. It’s probably why I’ve been listening to older songs lately
Reading: ... Fanfiction. I haven’t been reading many books lately but I have been reading so much fanfiction. At the moment the fanfiction I’m reading is a Christmas one called Problems by Hippiebuckyharrington. It’s on Ao3 and It’s so good.
Craving: A melty cheese sandwich. With cheddar and American cheese... I think I’m actually going to go make one after typing this.
@ All my followers. 😊
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