#°Rewind by SharaX starts playing°
susartwork · 1 year
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New "Murphy's Law" arc started!
Murphy's law = anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
More story under the cut. CW: blood and body horror (?)
-Today my classic self called me, the one everyone calls "Wiz". He wanted to meet me in private.
-He said that... after all I'm better than him.
-I did many mistakes in my life. When my timeline was still affected by resets, before... Flowey started using them to torture me, I spent those time loops doing "social experiments".
-I called them that, but it was just me doing somethin' stupid to see the reaction of passersby. I was very bored.
-But no, my other self went more far. Now he started real experiments on other monsters, and not always safe ones. This is not part of his job, no, he's having FUN doing THIS!
-This disgusting creature is becoming just like him.
-I couldn't stand the stupid smirk of my doppelganger. I- I c-couldn't stand the idea of me and him being the same person. ... I probably got carried away... even though I told Sci I would never try to hurt my other self Wiz again.
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-Yet he kept smiling. I can't stand him, I can't stand him, I CAN'T stand him.
-I needed someone to talk to, but I couldn't let my friends see me! I was too disgusted by him, by... myself to let them see me. And they couldn't know that I beaten him after what happened with Hacker!Error 505...
-Basic found Alex's body a few weeks ago in the Waterfall dump of an AU. When I found out I decided to heal her and hide her from Sci's jealousy. I love him, but I can't let him see her. I just want them both to be ok...
-I took Alex to my house to talk to her privately, but... my brother saw me, and he was holding his corpse.
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-I used a special material to keep the corpse from rotting and hid it in my pillowcase until now. When I killed him it wasn't enough for me, I NEEDED to see his corpse, KNOW that he's DEAD and that he won't come back ever again!
-I started to panic, too many things were happening all at once. 1) What my disgusting doppelganger did, and that I beaten him. 2) Papyrus saw Alex in my arms, what if he were to tell Sci she's alive? 3) And now everyone would find out that I killed Flowey. This is a problem, because everyone tried to convince me that "I'd be as bad as Flowey if I had to get my revenge". ...This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
-But my friends would abandon me if they knew all this! This thought was drilling into my skull.
-Papyrus did his best to calm me down, but I couldn't stop crying, I couldn't ignore that sense of guilt and fear inside of me. I failed everyone...
-I thought I was hopeless once more. AND I WASN'T WRONG.
-When I realized Frisk hadn't been home in hours, I asked Papyrus where they were, and he said: "Sans... Frisk left this morning to go at the castle... You know they were preparing to sacrifice themselves for us. They couldn't wait anymore..."
-I rushed to the castle. But Frisk... was... dead... sitting on the throne.
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-Despite everything their pale, bleeding corpse was still smiling...
-I brought the body to Asgore's house, there HAD to be something I could do to save them!!
-But... there wasn't...
-Asgore found me in his kitchen, I was completely out of me. I was so angry at him.
-Yet he spoke to me with a kind smile... He told me the barrier is now broken. He freed the human souls, but one wanted to stay.
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-Sadly Frisk's body is too damaged to keep the soul, but I'll find a way to give them a body back, and I'll also find a way to tell everyone my secrets.
-I'm sorry, old lady. I wasn't able keep your promise... At least we can finally see the sun.
Sci's reactions to the truth ->
Author note: I wanted to specify that the new design is due to how much Hopeless doesn't want to look like Wiz anymore. And yes, Wiz is canonically an anti-hero in Underwizard.
Speaking of the other characters' clothing, they have only changed their clothes due to the passage of time. Papy modified Frisk's hoodie after it got damaged in a RP ♡
Thanks for reading this far, and sorry for any misspellings :'3
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