#« deceiver of hearts.deceiver of fools !! » m.coyle 〈 communications  〉
sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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HE’S  PROPPED  WELL  ENOUGH  on  a  log  to  maintain  his  balance  ,  knife  out  he  is  shredding  the  bark  from  a  thick  branch  he’d  found  on  one  of  his  walkabouts  ,  tossing  the  remains  into  the  fire  before  him  .  he’s  minding  his  own  ,  attention  split  between  the  work  of  his  knife  and  the  townspeople  surrounding  him  before  finally  ,  he  speaks  partially  to  himself,  somewhat  to  whoever  will  listen  ❛    do  you  think  that  the  dinosaurs  had  the  cognitive  thought  to  gather  around  at  the  sight  of  the  asteroid  that  destroyed  them  ?    kind  of  like  what  we  are  doing  ,  you  know  ,  right  now    ?  ❜
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sarpelui-archive · 6 years
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HE’S NEVER BEEN A FAN OF ULTIMATUMS or ---- if he were being honest ( the rarity ) , being required to do anything that was out of his realm of ... blatant desire .  there he stood though , a lingering set of eyes that trailed behind griffith fucking carlisle and every ounce of annoyance that came along with him .  ❛  i’m sure i don’t need to tell you this ...  ❜   the event they’d made way into wasn’t exactly the most .. spectacular thing , but the supposed target was already fairly drunk , and of course both had something to do with that . still -- he was unenthused by the situation at hand ,  ❛  but this doesn’t have to be an all night thing , now does it ??   ❜ @ofgriffith
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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HE  FINDS  THE  YOUNGER  PETRAN  IN  an  intriguing  place  on  the  estate  grounds  .  snow  had  fallen  ,  though  turned  to  slight  waste  as  he  trudged  through  it  ,  barely  enough  to  leave  foot  prints  marked  in  the  white  coating  upon  the  grass  .  ❛    aren’t  you  cold  ?    ❜  the  garden  before  him  is  desolate  ,  near  bare  as  small  brown  leaves  attempt  to  poke  out  from  the  dirt  .  sad  ,  truthfully  ,  but  the  circle  of  life  was  an  ever  -  functioning  system  and  by  the  looks  of  it  ,  anastasia  petran  longed  to  donate  to  the  cause  as  well  .  ❛    or  are  you  one  of  those  one  with  nature  hippies  ?    ❜ @vernaculare  ❤ ‘d  for anastasia.
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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EVERY  PAGE  TURNED  ,  a  folder  at  his  side  ,  his  photo  splattered  across  pages  from  poor  to  high  quality  .  his  life  had  been  reborn  through  ashes  of  anew  and  he’s  long  since  been  denied  the  opportunity  for  it  to  be  wrecked  .  questions  reached  his  ears  ,  a  young  woman  asking  about  him  in  whispers  around  the  city  ------------  a  DANGEROUS  THING  indeed  .  every  intent  to  remove  the  threat  ,  he’d  stalked  to  a  hotel  room  on  the  opposite  side  of  town  ,  convinced  the  woman  at  the  front  desk  to  let  him  inside  and  perched  himself  at  the  small  table  (  so  sad  ,  for  one  )  with  his  gun  set  right  upon  his  face  looking  back  at  him  .  a  waiting  game  ,  this  woman  ,  whoever  she  was  ---------------  sought  death  it  seemed  ,  and  the  only  way  to  handle  such  atrocities  (  to  destroy  his  own  life  ,  the  one  he’d  created,  it  was  his  )  was  to  end  it  post  haste  .  to  hunt  the  hunted  and  to  purge  the  problem  at  hand  swiftly  before  things  got  messy  in  his  crockpot  of  a  hideaway  town  .   the  sound  of  a  card  sliding  into  the  door  catches  him  ,  dark  eyes  set  up  in  the  dusk  fallen  ambiance  of  the  room  ,  the  light  is  off  ,  he’s  set  quietly  to  the  side  hidden  only  by  the  veil  of  night  until  the  door  opens  ,  spilling  yellow  hallway  light  into  the  room  that  doesn’t  quite  meet  his  features  ,  no  ,  but  it  glistens  against  the  gun  he’s  placed  neatly  on  the  table  .  still  ---  he  doesn’t  move  .  a  snake  silently  waiting  for  the  perfect  moment  to  strike  but  as  footsteps  move  closer  ,  a  STRIKE  OF  FAMILIARITY  washes  over  him  uncomfortably  ,  begging  a  somber  gaze  forward  and  he  realizes  something  shocking  enough  for  his  hand  to  reach  for  his  weapon  .  a  ghost  .  and  he  was  far  from  a  believer  ,  but  facts  alone  did  not  steady  him  as  he  looked  at  the  image  aged  before  him.  but  even  he  ,  a  void  of  destruction  and  all  things  good  in  his  vacant  heart  cannot  maintain  the  venom  in  his  tone  when  he  speaks  ❛    who  the  FUCK    are  you  ?    ❜  he  asks  ,  but  he  knows  ,  he  knows  .  @pandemonivms
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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❛    LISTEN  BUD  IT’S  NOT  WHAT  YOU  THINK  BUT    the  fact  remains  the  same  ❜    a  sly  grin  wears  on  his  lips  like  a  mask  made  for  the  very  situation  he’d  stepped  himself  in  .  no  ,  he’s  not  drinking  ---  but  he’s  certainly  eyeballing  the  boisterous  man  that  was  bragging  on  how  quickly  he  was  going  to  take  that  familiar  face  home  .  ❛    she’s  actually  with  me  ,  so  why  don’t  you  go  and  uh    …  push  yourself  on  some  hapless  hag  at  the  old  cougar  bar  down  the  road  ,  hm  ?    ❜    he  waits  a  moment  ,  watches  the  anger  forming  in  the  other’s  eyes  before  he  eventually  stormed  off  and  he  turned  to  brooklyn  with  a  shrug      ❛    no  need  to  thank  me  ,  i  was  bored  ❜  @bencvolentways  ❤ ‘d  for brooklyn.
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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SECRETS  WERE  LIKE  A  TUMOR  IN  A  CITY  LIKE  valdez  ,  eventually  they  would  grow  roots  and  friends  and  spread  through  the  body  to  fully  take  over  until  there  is  nothing  left  but  a  poisoned  shell  .  he  recognized  it  the  moment  the  world  fell  silent  ,  whisperings  around  the  caito  mansion  upon  his  brief  visits  to  his  good  friend  jason  caito  that  the  streets  themselves  were  curious.  the  return  of  the  prodigal  second’s  ex  WIFE  coming  to  valdez  left  an  inkling  of  an  idea  in  the  back  of  the  occupied  assassin’s  mind.  in  his  hand  is  a  piece  of  his  own  collection  ,  an  old  original  copy  of  history  tucked  carefully  under  his  arm  ,  wrapped  in  plastic  to  protect  from  the  falling  snow  .  to  some  ,  it  may  not  seem  to  be  much  ,  but  to  an  avid  collector  ,  a  lover  of  antique  finds  the  copy  of  ulysses  may  pique  the  interest  of  his  intended  …  friend  .  it’s  not  until  after  he  kicks  the  snow  off  his  boots  that  he  casually  glides  himself  towards  the  counter  ,  the  book  placed  as  he  waited  ❛    i  was  hoping  that  you  would  be  able  to  help  me  with  something    ❜ @dacianav
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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SOMETIMES  MADDEN  COYLE  HAD  WORRIES  �� ,  they  were  fleeting  and  meaningless    by  every  definition  of  the  word  ,  but  most  importantly  they  were  worries  of  competency  .  the  caito  mansion  was  an  intriguing  design  ,  but  a  handful  of  the  soldiers  (  picked  out  by  him  ages  ago,  they’d  become  friends  !  )  were  easy  enough  to  slip  past  and  madden  does  nothing  beyond  take  a  seat  in  the  designated  office  that  belonged  to  the  savage  boss  ,  waiting  patiently  for  him  to  return  and  makes  sure  to  bare  a  large  smile  upon  his  lips  when  the  door  reopens  .  ❛    hey  boss  ,  uh  ,  long  time  no  see  !!    ❜  @icegods  ❤ ‘d  for jason
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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curses  swept  up  like  jagged  pieces  of  glass  .  the  meander  through  the  hallway  is  blurred  and  disoriented  ,  if  not  for  his  innate  desire  to  keep  a  steady  gait  he’d  be  given  away  instead  of  just  as  a  man  that  left  a  nurse  unconscious  in  another  wing  to  steal  his  scrubs  .    a  stray  bullet  tore  through  the  flesh  of  his  shoulder  ,  and  much  like  the  very  artificial  intelligence  he  often  pretends  to  be  ,  he’d  decided  the  wound  had  not  nicked  anything  of  important  ,  but  the  blood  loss  was  becoming  a  problem  .  it’s  within  the  slight  haze  in  his  own  personal  confession  with  whatever  god  someone  would  choose  to  believe  that  the  assassin  ,  blood  beginning  to  show  through  the  ugly  sea  greens  ,  found  himself  in  what  he’d  believed  to  be  an  empty  hospital  room  ---  until  it  wasn’t  .  reflexes  force  the  gun  from  his  waistband  ,  steps  taken  back  to  put  distance  between  he  and  the  ‘intruder’  ❛    YOU    ❜  sounded  right  enough  ,  ❛    i’m  gonna  need  your  help  .  ❜  @holyqueens   ❤ ‘d  for sunny.
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sarpelui-archive · 6 years
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❛   AND  TO  THINK  I  WAS  JUST  starting  to  miss  having  you  around  .  ❜    he  looks  over  his  shoulder  ,  nonchalance  dripping  from  his  ever  casual  tone  and  he  waves  her  off  from  his  perch  at  the  estate  .  the  wars  ,  what  an  intriguing  sentiment  ,  as  if  the  streets  of  valdez  were  anything  but  an  annoyance  beyond  compare  ,  his  own  self  made  stomping  ground.  without  any  work  to  do  ,  he  was  bored.    ❛    did  you  bring  home  the  spoils  of  war  at  least  ,  also  known  as  …  my  take  out  ??    ❜    @scfinahcnry
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sarpelui-archive · 6 years
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 WHAT  INTRIGUE  ---  TO  FIND  ONE’S  WAY  INTO  another’s  home  ,  madden  tells  himself  daily  that  curiosity  would  always  be  his  downfall  ,  but  it  was  just  too  spectacular  of  a  drug  to  not  cave  to  it’s  bidding  .  he’d  been  there  for  some  time  ,  shadow  of  the  night  ,  all  BATMAN  -  ESQUE  (  batman  was  a  sociopath  too  ,  they  just  don’t  talk  about  it  )  and  waits  until  the  door  opens  when  nina  returned  .  his  perch  upon  her  counter  a  comfortable  zone  of  fun  sharp  objects  and  the  like  .  what  more  could  he  ask  for  from  such  a  great  friend    of  his  ?    ❛    this  whole  time  i  thought  you  ‘d  just  forgotten  about  me  !!    ❜    he  half  announces  his  presence  when  the  light  is  turned  on  ,  a  smile  on  his  face  ,  a  bouquet  of  black  roses  and  a  small  green  box  in  his  hands  .    ❛    gotcha  somethin’.    ❜   @battlebrcd gets a surprise starter !!
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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WHATEVER  LINGERS  IN  THE  WALLS  of  the  caito  mansion  ,  madden  coyle  has  made  himself  a  nest  there  ,  become  friends  or  confidants  with  it’s  demons  that  lurked  in  the  shadows  .  he  whispers  promises  of  the  inevitable  ,  latches  himself  onto  the  infrastructure  like  a  parasite  craving  to  devour  .  he  is  the  end  all  be  all  of  it’s  rights  ,  and  they  hadn’t  even  realized  it  yet  .  the  house  devours  everything  ,  from  the  sound  of  lamenting  breath  to  the  padding  of  feet  down  the  hall  ,  intent  on  their  silence  ---  he  turns  somewhat  ,  the  warmest  and  most  sardonic  of  smiles  peeling  away  at  the  mask  he  wore  so  well  ,  too  well  for  his  own  good  before  finally  he  speaks  .  ❛  you’re  lurking  .      ❜  a  motion  around  his  neck  as  if  he  were  tightening  his  tie  ❛    should  really  put  a  bell  on  you  or  something  ,  hm  ?    ❜ @poisonichors
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sarpelui-archive · 6 years
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madden coyle tag dump !!
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