#Β« πŠπ€π‘π€πŒ Β» / γ€Œ starters. 」
endternal Β· 5 months
WHERE: outside sweet cheeks cabaret WHEN: 1st may WHO: anyone! ( @anchoragestarters ) CAP: none for now
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Perhaps it went without saying that events like these were, well, not exactly Karam's scene. He'd likely have garnered himself a reputation for avoiding them were it not for the fact that he was, by his own design, too elusive to even cross anybody's mind. Yet, the only force in Karam's life stronger than the burning desire to be left alone at all costs was his morbid curiosity – he'd noticed the sordid pattern of town events ending in strange, often tragic, ways and had been keeping a watchful eye on things. Yet, despite these noble goals, he'd barely spent much time inside the building before a stranger made brief eye contact with him and he was so rattled that all he could think to do was abruptly march away from them (although not without swiping a plateful of chicken from the buffet first). Now, instead, he was squatting outside, just by the entryway, and tearing chunks out of a chicken wing with his teeth.
Or, at the very least, he was trying to. The regular comings and goings of bodies through the doorway made things a little trickier than he might have liked. One of these bodies brushed past him, grazing his arm with just enough force that he lost his grip on the wing he'd been eating and dropped it. On the ground. In the dirty old asphalt. He lifted his head to shoot this stranger a withering look, only to discover it was the same person he'd already escaped indoors. "You," he said, his irritation barely restrained, "are a nightmare."
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endternal Β· 8 months
WHERE: outskirts of pinella pass WHEN: late afternoon, sunset (around 4:30PM); january 2024 WHO: anyone! ( @anchoragestarters ) CAP: 4/4 FULLY CAPPED
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In the overgrowth, he sat half-hidden, crouched low and in silence save for the scratching of his ballpoint pen against a tattered paper bag. He was sketching the tree in front of it, its leaves long since lost to the cruelty of Winter. The bark of it was gnarled and twisted but it spoke of a free life lived out in the open, something to which a much younger Karam could have never related. At this time of year, this part of town was not much to look at. Unlike the Spring, when the road was dressed in lush greens, all that survived now were the plants hardy and wretched enough to survive the cold. Still, Karam liked it. He often came here on his days off, just to be alone, for it was usually quiet while the sun was up. What happened after dark, he did not care to look into; he had his suspicions about this place and was happy to leave it alone.
The deafening snap of a twig cleaved in two echoed out into the clearing and Karam snapped to attention. He shoved the bag and pen into his pocket and pulled himself to his feet. Time seemed to run away from him out here; although the snow had taken on a cool peachy glow, he had only just noticed that dusk was falling. Peering through the branches of a dying bush, Karam saw that the intruder was nothing more than a regular person. That likely wasn't a good thing.
Karam slipped noisily out from behind the overgrowth. He could have chosen to be silent and run off without a trace if he'd wanted. A part of him did want to, it was about time he left this place anyway. But, because he needed to catch their attention, he had no choice but to make his presence known. Once he was back out in the open, he pulled himself up to his full height. Karam had never been tall or physically imposing but, with his hair littered with twigs and grass, but he stood with purpose. One might even mistake him for some sort of strange spirit, bound to guard the trees. "You shouldn't be here," he said, words sharp but not quite hissed, before looking up at the dimming sky. "It's getting dark."
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endternal Β· 1 year
CLOSED STARTER WHERE: matevos' veterinarian practice WHO: matevos hakobyan ( @b4rredteeth )
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"Birdseed," said Karam, abruptly. He'd only just stepped into the building but the word had tumbled out of his mouth on its own. He knew this was a veterinary surgery and not a pet store, but his usual haunt was fresh out of what he needed and, at least today, patience was in small supply for Karam. He wasn't in the mood to go traipsing around town, aimlessly hunting for something this specific. Although Karam liked to wander, he did not like pointless scavenger hunts and he certainly did not like having to speak to stranger after stranger after stranger; it made sense to find someone more educated in the realm of animal care and see what he could get out of them. That was what had brought him to the surgery.
And why this practice? Why not the other clinic? Although Karam preferred to remain largely ignorant of town gossip, he was aware this man was the subject of certain rumours but, to Karam, that was somewhat reassuring. As someone who had been written off as a suspicious oddity himself, it felt as though he were standing on somewhat equal ground. The less chance of catching weird looks, the better.
"I need birdseed. Do you have any?" he added, "Or, do you know where I can find some?"
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endternal Β· 5 months
WHERE: old dilapidated cabin in the woords WHEN: unspecified date in february, 2024 WHO: bronx dong-geun ( @thvnderr )
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Karam's memories were littered with cabins just like this one; crooked old things, hidden amongst the trees and away from the prying eyes of the world, where he would be kept studying and learning, fashioned by some greater authority for eventual use as a kind of tool. He had been stood in the centre of that dusty old room when he heard motion outside, the sound of the door handle turning, and slipped soundless into the shadows, careful to avoid the curious weapons that had stared him down upon his own entrance. He'd meant to steal a closer look but, alas, there was no time for it now. From his vantage point, it had been easy for Karam to see who had entered the cabin and he had recognised them immediately. One of his own kind, of his own order: Bronx. He had known Bronx, vaguely, although they were younger and belonged to an entirely different order -- the same as Mindy, if he were to recall correctly. Karam rarely recalled incorrectly.
And, rather than reveal himself and ask what it was Bronx was doing here, Karam settled upon merely watching, silent as Bronx searched the floorboards for something unseen, gaze flitting from his fellow Grim Fox to the various dormant weapons and back again. Surely, the sense of dread rising along his spine was misplaced?
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endternal Β· 1 year
CLOSED STARTER WHERE: courtyard of an old disused warehouse, in the middle of an ordinary street WHEN: late august WHO: ara kwon ( @aeipathys )
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Usually, this old and dilapidated building was an ideal place for Karam to just get away from other people and do his own thing for a while, something that felt very much necessary when at a time when his apartment building was going through the chaos of repairs and plumbing issues. Today, however, the side wall of it was plastered with fliers for some event at the kiddie pizza parlour β€” don't ask Karam for any details, he had never been the biggest fan of pizza. Though harmless on their own, he was concerned the fliers and their promise of free stuff would bring people to the small courtyard, even if just to expect the bright colours caught in the corner of their eyes, and that annoyed him. He had made quick work of tearing them all down, until he had an armful of crumpled up paper and not a drop left of patience.
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He'd been about to dump the whole load into the dumpster that had been left with the building when he caught sight of a passer-by. Made eye contact, even. He didn't like that, but it was too late. Perhaps, if he knew she were a fellow miroir, he would have been more cautious. No, not fellow. Karam wasn't part of that project anymore, he was just deadstock. Unwanted product. It had nothing to do with him. He took one half-torn flier from the pile and thrust it out towards her. "Want one?" said Karam, blandly, and then, after a moment of careful thought, he added, "Don't you think it's strange they added a clown to a pirate-themed restaurant?"
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