“Are you gonna keep playing with it or are you gonna put it in your mouth at some point?” - kazutora to chifuyu
Chifuyu rolled his eyes at the remark, only pausing in his ministrations of stroking his boyfriend's cock long enough to focus on him fully. "I was planning to, but with that tone, maybe I'll change my mind~ Since you can't be patient and all~" He knew Kazutora was never known for patience when he wanted something bad enough, and this was no different.
"I wouldn't, just because of your impatient tone, butttt," He trailed off with a hum. "I suppose I can move along, since you asked so 'nicely' " Obliging his boyfriend after what he said, he went back to stroking him before wrapping his lips around the tip and taking him into his mouth. After a few moments and getting a steady rhythm, his eyes rolled to look up at Kazutora's, making eye contact as if to playfully ask if the other was happy now.
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“ i don’t know what i would have done if you weren’t here. “ - kazutora to chifuyu
sacred romantic moments
Chifuyu turned and glanced at Kazutora, shifting his focus from the dinner currently cooking on the stove to him for a moment. "You really put too much emphasis on me being here, y'know..." Sighing lightly, he tilted his head. "Don't take that wrong. It's just, you're the one putting the work in. You've come a long way from where you used to be, and how you used to be, especially compared to when you got out of jail the last time. Adjusting wasn't easy, but you were willing to learn and change. If it wasn't for that, even me being here wouldn't have done any good."
Turning back to the food, Chifuyu hummed softly. "Sure, times may get overwhelming, and it feels like you wouldn't know, but that's something only you know. In the heat of the moment, only you know how you feel or want to act, the only thing me being here helps in that moment is helping try to avoid you from the risk of making another major mistake."
Turning off the burner, he moved the food to the side and began to grab plates, plating up their dinner. "I appreciate the thought you put into it, and I'm glad I can be the person you trust to be here to help you, but I don't think you give yourself enough credit.."
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❛ i'm simply enjoying the view. it's not every day i get to fuck someone so pretty. ❜ - kazutora to chifuyu
Chifuyu blushed bright red as much as he physically could while staring at Kazutora. His arm moved to cover his face with a whine, clearly not used to any of that type of praise even if Kazutora said it as if he said that sort of thing every day. "Toraaaa-" Even though they both also knew it was a lie. Kazutora could have easily just stated whenever he wanted to have sex, and Chifuyu, most of the time, wouldn't deny him that.
"Doesn't do any good to lie, y'know. You know you could just tell me these things and we could just change it. Would it help if I started making more time for this in my schedule?" He teased, rolling his eyes playfully while still trying to fight off the embarassment he was feeling.
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stiiricidium asked: 👀 + kazufuyu
Chifuyu tries to make sure Kazutora has a hot dinner ready for him every night, unless he's sick or just absolutely drained in which then it may be a leftovers or whatever you can find type night but not too often.
Watching Kazutora when it comes to him ever making prison food he enjoyed, Chifuyu just hesitates before eventually reminding him that he has access to the store and doesn't have to make such weird combinations anymore. But he never stops him, not wanting Kazutora to feel like he can't do as he pleases in their own home.
It happens rarely, but any time he gets to be the one to put the conditioner in Kazutora's hair in the shower or even brushing his hair, Chifuyu can't help but be jealous of how soft it always feels.
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