#||scuffed mission|| crack rp||
hitandrunduorp · 3 years
Do the Matts also live together?
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"Nah, most of us just sorta wander in and out as he feel like it. Sorta why anything dealing with us can take for fuckin ever; we're just not around to help with shit. Some've tried sticking 'round, but we're just not that kinda person."
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hitandrunduorp · 3 years
What kind of dynamic do the Matties have when living together?
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mainverse Mattie; I'm assuming you're meaning all the varying alternate realities, right? I mean, it's... it depends from day to day? Most days it's pretty chill. The married one (happy family) tends to act like the head of the house... which, fair, he is technically the oldest-
voltron; Hey!
mainverse; okay, mentally the oldest. And the one who's gone through the most, though he just sorta chills out and doesn't do much unless others act up. Then you have the prima donnas like voltron and vampire-
v & v; hey!
main; it's true! Though most tend to just keep to themselves and happily occupy themselves with chatting or reading. RWBY and Eclipse tend to prank everyone now and then, and 'evil' and 'Lunar' tend to stay in hiding... I think cause the actual witch can kick their asses from here to the fuckin stars-
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hitandrunduorp · 3 years
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