#||oh death won't you spare me over for another year :: carl grimes||
heroicintention · 9 months
@wexarethewalkingxdead asked 𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 ! (for the walking dead muses!!)
1. Which of your muses is the best at cooking? Negan is the best, followed closely by Carl— though he’s more… the best at making things edible. Negan has the most actual culinary skills. He had time to practice after he quit his gig with the school and started taking care of Lucille full time, and he’s figured more out in this post apocalyptic hell hole. Carl, on the other hand, grew up with parents that couldn’t cook worth shit… and then had to deal with eating whatever was available. Due to this, he’s found ways to make things far better than they ought to be. With more availability to supplies, though, he has learned to cook… and is the main meal maker for his family. Aside from these two— Beth is fairly good with simple dishes and baking. Rick and Lizzie are, to put it kindly, hopeless in a kitchen.
4. Which of your muses is more likely to eat something even if it has fallen on a dirty floor? Honestly, all of them would at this point— though Negan wouldn’t if others were around despite his disgust towards wasting things. Lizzie would eat something that fell onto a dirty floor most readily and with no hesitance.
7. Which of them is more likely to suffer from insomnia? Carl suffers from constant insomnia and it definitely shows. He’s incredibly antsy already but it ramps up when he’s tired. Rick and Negan have both suffered on and off from the condition, though Negan less so. Lizzie hasn’t dealt with it, and Beth handles stress with fatigue.
10. Which of your muses doesn't drink at all / drink the least? Lizzie doesn’t drink. She doesn’t exactly have the oppurtunity nor does she have any interest, really. Her lifestyle necessitates vigilance.
12. Which of your muses has the highest "body count" when it comes to sleeping around? Negan easily, though Lizzie isn’t exactly shy when she wants something. Rick has only ever been with Lori— though some assume he’s been intimate with quite a few women that he’s crossed paths with… Carl and Beth both remain virgins.
13. Which of your muses is the most talkative? Negan and Lizzie tie for this spot. Negan is naturally talkative and always has been. He’s an extrovert and an asshole (proudly) that likes to show off. Running his mouth is a hobby— he finds himself funny and doesn’t see why he shouldn’t entertain himself. Lizzie, on the other hand, is silent the majority of the time due to who she stays with… however, outside of the whisperers, if someone speaks to her? They’ll be hard pressed to shut her up. She desperately craves attention.
16. Which of them is the shiest / less outgoing? Carl. Though it’s less shy and more just… not wanting to talk. He doesn’t have an urge for closeness with people and doesn’t like small talk. In fact, he tends to get grouchy when he’s made to overexert socially.
18. Which of your muses is the worst sore loser? Negan. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. He despises losing and will often shift things in his favor. Lizzie is also a bad loser, and can act incredibly childish about it.
22. Which of your muses is the romantic at heart? Beth and Rick are both incredibly romantic, though both of them are a bit jaded by it. Beth, though, is far easier to crack.
23. Which one of them is the most cynical? Carl. He’s had all of his beliefs dug up, crushed, and scattered. While he wants to believe in people and says he does… he feels very much like he has to do things himself. While he loves and trusts his father, he remembers the time after his mother died that he was alone and all the times his father left him to do things ‘for the good of the group.’ He says he understands, and in a way he does. But his view of relationships and things like fatherhood are disillusioned. As long as he lives in this world he’s incredibly certain of one thing— he’ll never do anything that’ll lead to more mouths to feed.
25. Which of them is the most likely to endanger their life for a stranger?
Strangely, it’s Carl who’s become more willing to endanger himself for a stranger. Rick, understanding his children’s need for him, has stopped taking on unnecessary risk and only does so when he can calculate it’ll end in his favor. Carl, whoever, can be far more reckless with his life… but it honestly would depend on his mood.
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heroicintention · 10 months
Carl - ▼ What is their greatest fear? ✂ If they had to choose one weapon to carry forever, what would it be? ☹ Name one person they would kill for.
Horrific Headcanons || Accepting
▼ What is their greatest fear? || Carl's greatest fear is that his little sister will have to change the way he did. He never wants her to face the same fear, hunger, or brutality he has-- at least not while she's still growing. He has an utter understanding she can't be innocent forever, but he'll put himself in the line of fire if it means her safety, physical or mental. He remembers what his father did for him on the road to Terminus, and he'd do the same for Judith. ✂ If they had to choose one weapon to carry forever, what would it be? || Probably a hatchet. Guns are only useful with ammo, and while Carl is well and familiar with knives? Something like a hatchet has more variety in uses past weaponry. Not to mention, he's gotten pretty good at throwing them. ☹ Name one person they would kill for. || Judith. A thousand times over. He would kill for Judith.
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heroicintention · 9 months
@wexarethewalkingxdead sent Untitled Headcanon Questions for Carl!!
What is a habit your muse has, which they consider perfectly normal, but others think is weird?
Carl paces. A lot. He does think it's normal partially because he picked it up from his father... but it's bad enough that there's ruts in the grass in the small yard his family has. Whether its agitation or worry, that's usually his solution since he doesn't feel he can smoke within the walls of Alexandria-- he doesn't want his dad to know about the habit.
Where does your muse feel most comfortable at?
In Judith's room. It started when she was a baby. When he was having trouble sleeping, it was usually because he was worrying something would happen so he'd go in her room and sleep on the floor beside the crib. Just in case. There were nights where he'd wake up with his dad standing guard by the window or sleeping slumped against the wall. While they all maintained their own spaces, the amount of nights everyone has spent sleeping in the smallest bedroom would lead one to believe they should give her the largest one.... and now it seems like Judith ends up curled up beside Carl or his dad more than in her own room to sleep. Still, Carl will sit in the pink walled room time to time when he's feeling overwhelmed. And for a while, it helps him remember that things can be good. Because they have to be for her.
What would be your muse's last words be if they died right now?
Take care of them -- referring to his father and sister and Michonne first and foremost. His full heart goes to his family and those that have become his family.
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heroicintention · 10 months
deal with the devil. on carl’s work for the saviors (main verse applicable).
Carl started working for the Saviors after he turned eighteen— partially because he wasn’t sure how serious the man in charge would take him before then and partially because he wanted no part of it to fall back on his dad, whether from Negan or from Alexandria, if it was found out what he was attempting. He was a man and he was making his own choices.
The first time he showed up to the Sanctuary was a bust. Negan was there but basically laughed him back out the gate. The next time, he came with information. And he got taken a little more seriously, though the threat was there for if he was bullshitting and wasting time. Of course he wasn’t. And Hilltop never found out how the Saviors learned they’d held back on their ‘tributes.’ And Carl doesn’t want to know how it was handled— he just know it was.
Proving his worth continued like that for some months. The trek to the Sanctuary wasn’t one he could make easily without notice, so he’d be out when supply trucks were meant to pass through— just like when he had climbed into one when he was younger and far more ready for a fight. Extra supplies, small bits of information— not always useful persay but sometimes it seemed like Negan just like to know things. He rarely actually saw the man himself, just passed things along. Eventually, though… a deal was struck.
Alexandria would get a lighter sentence. A little more leniency. And Carl would serve as something as a watchdog, and an errand boy if the need arose. He started putting in his voice at town meetings to keep things calm regarding the Saviors. He started helping deal with the supplies going out and noticed some got left behind purposefully. While it set everyone on edge for some time… slowly they started settling into the new normal. One where they were being taxed to live but it was doable. One where at least their tax got them something when the doctor started coming with those taking their food for check ups some weeks and tradesmen visited when there was noticable work needing done.
It isn’t much. But until Judith is old enough to fend for herself, Carl will do what he needs to in order to make sure the walls of Alexandria are safe and protected, no matter the cost to his pride.
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heroicintention · 9 months
Playlist Peek: Lizzie Samuels
Reasoning: This song is SO good for her. Notably? It’s also on Carl’s playlist but I really do think it fits her best.
When I was a child, I heard voices
Some would sing and some would scream
You soon find you have few choices
I learned the voices died with me
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heroicintention · 9 months
Playlist Peek: Carl Grimes
I don’t know what it is about this song but I really adore it for Carl. The style fits him and I think the attitude of it is also pretty fitting..
So take me down to the river
My blood all on the floor
'Cause I don't know if I can carry this weight much longer anymore
Take me up the mountain
On a cloud bound for the sky
Don't go prayin' for me because tonight I'm prepared to die
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heroicintention · 10 months
for my baby carl <3
△ Name one thing from their past that they regret.
❣ If someone had the power to bring them back after death, would they want them to?
ϟ Have they ever gotten pleasure from causing others pain?
Horrific Headcanons || Accepting
△ Name one thing from their past that they regret. || Carl regrets all the things he said to his father in anger when he was out cold. Especially after seeing what the man did in order to protect him on the road to Terminus-- and how the threat to him was handled. While he's aware Rick was hard on himself for the violent display, it gave Carl an utter sense of security and quashed all doubts that the man was too soft to protect him. Afterwards, he followed the man's lead with less questioning.
❣ If someone had the power to bring them back after death, would they want them to? || Yes. But not for himself, really. Carl doesn't want to leave his father alone and feels a great amount of loyalty-- and debt-- to him. While sometimes his methods to show gratitude seem counterintuitive, Carl has his own way of thinking... moreover, he never wants to leave Judith with one less person in her corner. If he was assured his family would be safe after his death? He would happily stay dead.
ϟ Have they ever gotten pleasure from causing others pain? || Immensely. And Carl is well aware that it is a problem. He is far more savage towards other humans than walkers, which he will usually put down easily with one strike (unless he has had a VERY bad day). While he has never done anything too harsh to another breathing person... he's certainly fantasized on it. It utterly terrifies him.
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heroicintention · 10 months
🍂 Carl Grimes Playlist Peeks
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