#||THREADS** ❃**wrong interpretations: medusa001
mixlyra-blog · 5 years
❛❛ i like you for some reason. ❜❜
The unexpected confession causes Lyra to pause in her spinning, eyes wide as she practically wheels herself back around to face Medusa, finger probing and nitpicking the skin of her bottom lip, as though incredibly conflicted about the next few words that she was thinking of saying next.
“I like you too--but not in that way.” The younger mumbled emphatically. “I mean, you’re pretty and all, and you have nice eyes and a great, great smile--but..but aren’t you dating someone?” Confusion fluttered across Lyra’s face, her features a mask of clueless innocence as her finger darted to scratch behind her ear. “And besides, I think I still like boys better than girls when it comes to romantic shit.” The younger hitwoman squatted on her seat precariously, toes curling, eyes flickering rather disinterestedly. “I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings though--” A faint tinge of concern bleed through her voice, as though she was truly worried about the present situation they’d found themselves in. 
Unless Lyra had--as always, read the meaning of the situation wrong of course, which in all honesty, she had most likely did, though embarrassment was not something that came easily to her due to her rather clueless nature of everything else in the world. It came with being a blank sheet of paper and amnesia, she supposed.
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