#||NGL i am kind of proud of this one tbejrbrbebdhe
shining-gem34 · 1 year
009. — Scratch my muse. // IL and Dh sparring!! Fight fight fight!
Violent Action Starters || Accepted @etherealguard
A thunderous roar shakes the dreamscape. The illusion of lotus flowers is gone replaced by the vast sea that reaches past the horizon. Numerous water dragons rise into the air, coiling together before they sink downwards. They charge straight at Dan Heng, separating at the last moment to deliver a furious attack.
Dan Heng stands against the torrents with only his spear. He raises Cloud-Piercer into a defensive stance; summoning a barrier of wind.
But to Yinyue Jun, it is nothing more than a breeze.
Unsurprisingly, the water dragons break through Dan Heng's shield and push him back. Instinctively gasping for air, he's rolling backward and tumbling on the water mirror-like surface.
"Is that all you got? I'm quite disappointed in you, Dan Heng." Yinyue Jun speaks above him. He looks down at him with a cold gaze, one arm folded behind his back while the other holds a spinning orb in the palm of his hand.
The comment sparks anger in Dan Heng's chest. He raises his spear, using it as support as he rises to his feet. Lifting his head up, the guard glowers at the High Elder acting so high and mighty above him.
Yet he had to give credit where it was due.
Dan Feng truly lived up to his name as the Luofu Vidyadhara High Elder. He contributed greatly to the Xianzhou war efforts against the Plague Author during his reign. Regardless of his crimes or not, Dan Feng is not an enemy to be underestimated.
Now that very same man intends to train him, help him improve both his spear and his cloudhymn magic. What better way to teach than to show him in battle?
As expected, Yinyue Jun wasn't lying when he said he won't hold back.
It's like I'm drowning, my entire being consumed by the might of the sea...
Shifting his feet, Dan Heng slips into an offensive stance. He tightens his grip on his spear, summoning the gales again to aid him.
"Have you not learned the first time, Dan Heng? Your wind is weak compared to the storms I bring." Yinyue Jun shakes his head.
The orb in the High Elder's hand starts to spin faster. His eyes glow a bright blue as water dragons emerge from the sea again. In this battle with no end in sight, almost anyone would've given up in the face of a deity.
"Then shall we see whose will is stronger, Yinyue Jun?"
Not Dan Heng, who remains fearless as the odds are against him.
"Obstinate as always, aren't you?" Yinyue Jun comments. The corner of his lips quirked up slightly at his determination.
He flips his hand, cradling the orb radiating a silver light before he throws it into the air. With a silent command to his dragons, they burst into a mad dash straight for Dan Heng once again. Their jaws are wide open, ready to bite into their prey's flesh as they drown him in their waters.
This time, Dan Heng is prepared to deal with the onslaught of dragons charging toward him.
The guard blocks the first dragon by a hairbreadth breaking the wind barrier. He darts forward, attempting to dodge the best he can as the dragon smashes their heads into the sea. The impact calls upon powerful waves sweeping him off of his feet. He tries to find his balance; to never stops moving forward.
There! An opening!
Gathering the wind around his spear, Dan Heng builds up the momentum. He pulls his arm back before he hurls his weapon. As if a string was released, Cloud-Piercer soars through the air aiming toward Yinyue Jun.
"Hmph. A futile effort, are you even trying?" The High Elder sneers, flicking a finger to bring forth rapid water to stop the spear path. He grabs it, twirling it once, and lets it rest in his hand. "Careless. Show some respect to Cloud-Piercer and the master smith who-"
Dan Heng wasn't on the ground anymore.
A shadow looms above Yinyue Jun. He snaps his head up, eyes widening by a fraction upon seeing Dan Heng. It wasn't because the guard had taken him by surprise with his strategy.
No, Yinyue Jun is enthralled by the waters coiling around Dan Heng. The phantom spear in his hand is formed by cloudhymn magic. Finally, Dan Heng's steel blue eyes glow turquoise and the illusion of horns appears on the crown of his head.
When Dan Heng throws down his phantom spear, Yinyue Jun doesn't move from his spot. The spear barely misses his head, leaving a thin line of red on the High Elder's cheek. Such a thing matters little compared to the elation he feels for his hatchling.
Whatever burst of adrenaline Dan Heng had fades away as his eyes stop glowing and the illusion fades away like mist. He starts to fall, but Yinyue Jun will never allow him to reach the ground.
Catching the guard in his arms, the High Elder slowly descends. Dan Heng leans against him for support, catching his breath after attempting something he had never done before. Ironic considering they're in a dream.
"How...How was that, Yinyue Jun?" Dan Heng questions.
Raising a brow, Yinyue Jun snorts lightly and answers, "Your methods are sloppy, but not bad."
"...I left a scratch on you." The guard points out.
"A minor detail," Yinyue Jun wipes the scratch with his thumb. He hums thoughtfully, "I suppose you deserve a bit of praise for channeling cloudhymn magic. But you still have a long way to go before you can master it."
"That is obvious." Dan Heng raises a brow as if judging him for the statement.
"Also next time, dream or reality, do not attempt to throw Cloud-Piercer like that again. You'll make the master craftsman cry if he finds out how you treated one of his best works." The High Elder said sternly, returning the spear to his hands.
"I will try not to, but I have a question." Dan Heng twirls his spear once before letting it disappear for now.
"Would you cry too if I did it again?" The mirth in Dan Heng's eyes is as clear as day.
In response, Yinyue Jun summons a bamboo stick and smacks his arm for such disrespect.
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