#|| show me where forever dies || { v; main // ramona }
“I didn’t come here looking for solace, or for more empty words. I want the answers that I never got. After everything that Gabe––…” 
She falters on his name even still, even years after the fact, and she inhales and exhales a shaky breath before she continues.
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“After everything that Gabe and I and our family went through, I think I deserve at least that much.”
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This page will be constantly under construction, as more verses––and potentially characters––will be added as needed.
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|| for better or worse || { v; main // gabriel }
This verse is for canon events and threads that could take place within canon. Takes place during the time when everything is beginning to fall apart––with Overwatch, him and Jack and Ana, and his marriage, but before the explosion and his start as the Reaper.
|| the reckoning draws near || { v; main // gabriel // reaper }
This verse is for canon events and threads that could take place within canon. It is primarily from the point of the building explosion that brought ‘Reaper’ into being… until the point that it concludes––one way or another.
|| walk along the path of enlightenment || { v; main // zenyatta }
This verse is for canon events and threads that could take place within canon.
|| [ excited beeping ! ! ! ] || { v; main // bastion }
This verse is for canon events and threads that could take place within canon.
|| before the world fell apart || { v; main // ramona }
This verse is for canon events and threads that could take place within canon. It encompasses from the point she and Gabe meet until the point that things begin to go terribly wrong.
|| for better or for worse || { v; main // ramona }
This verse is for canon events and threads that could take place within canon. Takes place during the time that everything starts to fall apart until the point that she is informed of her husband’s death.
|| show me where forever dies || { v; main // ramona }
This verse is for canon events and threads that could take place within canon. Here, Ramona raises hers and Gabe’s son, and attempts to move on with her life. It is not an easy task.
|| some women fear the fire; some simply become it || { v; main au // ramona }
This verse is for canon events and threads that could take place within canon. This is a canon divergent AU where Ramona does raise hers and Gabe’s son, and even tries to move on with her life, but eventually ends up drawn into action trying to help her neighborhood if nothing else by turning vigilante.
|| life is a daring adventure or nothing at all || { v; main // abby }
This is everything that falls within Abby’s normal canon, as outlined in her bio.
|| please try to avoid unnecessary damage || { v; main // athena }
This is everything from the point that Athena takes on her new form to the present.
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