#|| ofsavior (m.) | caitlyn kiramman ||
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She was no different than any of them. Her whole life, Vi believed all enforcers were the same asshole criminals. Never had she doubted that, as she'd scream in rage for how unjust their world was made. Made so everyone in the undercity was seen as worthless scum the generous people upside would allow to live in their dirty little corner in which they had to survive. Never had she thought, she was part of this injustice, where hate and fear were rooted inside everyone's hearts, towards people they had never met or tried to understand. Caitlyn had made Vi question the way she used to think. Understand Vander for the first time. How he could look over the bridge to separate two opposite worlds with eyes that held no fury.
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“ Say, Cupcake, why did you become an enforcer? ” She had been meaning to make that question from the moment they stepped foot on the underground, but never the time seemed to be right. It didn't seem like one she could make when they were still running for their lives. Not to say, when Vi still had her reservations for Caitlyn, the answer was one she wasn't sure if she wanted to know. Now, having some time for themselves before their audience at the Council, they had the chance to make all the important or cheesy questions to each other.
She couldn't help but wonder, if she wasn't the same as the rest of them, what was she doing among them? Why had she chosen to step up to all that violence and corruption, when obviously having a chance to have it easy? Did she have a wish for change that she had taken upon herself? Or had she been ignorant of the real face of the force this whole time? The second seemed more unlikely. She didn't only have the beauty, but the wits too. Unless those bastards were that good at covering their asses.
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