#|| flow like water; swift as the wind || { threads // genji }
ataleoftwodragons · 2 years
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“––ありがとう, Angela. I will remember this always. Perhaps today I may forgive you for the past… but now –– I must go to meet my fate!”
Thus spoken, he disappears, perhaps never to be seen again, his presence told only in the [ mostly annoyed ] screams of those who would oppose them [ and the occasional curse in his native tongue ] .
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ataleoftwodragons · 1 year
[ @otoutogoroshi, continued two months later from here ]
"i will not be swayed."
genji might have found a place to belong in overwatch, but there is a debt that comes with having your life saved that hanzo cannot argue against. it's not his place to tell his brother how to repay it; the same hand that struck him with the sword cannot be the same hand that heals. his brother is persistent, though—this isn't the first time he's mentioned overwatch, but hanzo's tolerance to the idea has budged none.
there's a surrender to dedicating one's self to an organization that he's sworn himself to never do again. he may no longer be shimada hanzo, hier of the shimada clan, but at least he's shimada hanzo... whatever he decides that may be.
his frown deepens as he glares off to the side—even after all this time, disagreeing comes easy.
( it's only looking at genji that he finds hard; it's still not anyone he recognizes. )
"we were never destined to be on the same path."
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He bites back a rather sharp remark he knows he shouldn't make at Hanzo's last statement.
Forgiveness has come easier to him in the past few years.
[ It's only the remembering not to fall into old habits that he finds hard; blades are not the only things that can wound to the core. ]
"Perhaps not," Genji allows after a moment.
Agreement, patience, and perseverance have come easier to him since training with his master.
[ It's only the pointed and deliberate avoidance that he finds hard; how difficult it is to remain a ghost while still living. ]
"But, that our paths are not the same does not mean they must entirely diverge. I understand, Hanzo, why you would choose not to join Overwatch. Whatever path you may choose, all I ask of you is that you…"
He hesitates, vocalizer faltering with his courage.
Speaking to him has come easier the longer he has done so.
[ It's only the vulnerability that he finds hard; it is terrifying to know that it might be met with scorn, with rejection. ]
When next he speaks, his voice is quieter, almost lost even to the stillness of the calm, clear night.
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"… All I ask of you is that you do not leave me behind again… I have… missed you, Brother."
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ataleoftwodragons · 2 years
“I can’t imagine what it’s like for you. I just can’t imagine how hard it must be.”
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The [ temporary ] loss of the visor as Winston works on it for repairs is never so keenly felt as now, when he feels her eyes on him and when she speaks.
Angela has knows the entirety of his injuries, had seen them––she was the one who had made him survive them, however angry he had been about that at the time and the one who had patched him up countless times since––and yet, he feels no less exposed now, even with only his visor missing from his [ armor ] suit. 
[ Perhaps he is not so at peace with himself as he had thought. ]
“… There are days that are more difficult than others…” he admits after a moment, his voice quiet, almost lost even in the [ relative ] hush of the lab. “… but those days are fewer now than they were then… I hope that one day, they will be fewer still.”
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ataleoftwodragons · 2 years
[ @monmuses​ continued from here ]
    Part of him almost wanted to reply to answer, but it was a question even for himself. When was the last time they had a real conversation? Ever since what he had done to part their relationship in clean halves, to enforce any possibility that he would go against the clan. To go against their family. Yet, what he had done... he felt there was no going back, or that there was no chance to fix what he had ruined.
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    “I...” He grew quiet, letting his head hang low, “...I do not know. How long has it been since we had an honest conversation with one another? After what I had done to you? It is unspeakable. The shame I carry... it is not worthy of me to utter any words to you, my brother.”
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Yes… Yes, he had expected that might be the answer. What else could it be, considering everything that had happened, everything that had formed this seemingly unbridgeable chasm between them? He knew of Hanzo’s feelings, of his guilt. Why else risk life and limb to return to the shrine on each anniversary? Why give up everything if not due to the weight of what it brought upon him?
“Hanzo… you are my brother. You are the only family that I have left,” Genji begins, his voice quiet, a patience that had never in his youth existed now present as he addresses him, trying to get through to him.
“… What has happened in the past… you must accept it and then leave it there. The past is a burden too heavy for any man. You cannot continue to carry it with you.”
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“I have forgiven you, Hanzo. Now, you must begin the journey to forgive yourself… for both of our sakes.”
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ataleoftwodragons · 2 years
“Where’s the fun in playing fair?” 
@hortussecretum​ { Denji }
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“To be anything less than fair in all aspects of life is to lack honor. Do you place so little value on something so important?”
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ataleoftwodragons · 2 years
❛  i’d  rather  die  on  my  feet  than  live  on  my  knees  .  ❜
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Genji throws his head back and laughs before he looks to the other, the amusement unseen as it is hidden behind his mask yet how clear it is in his voice.
“You are a very amusing young man. How many I have heard speak similar words, and yet how few truly mean them. I must wonder if you do.”
He had said something quite similar all those years ago.
They were not empty words spoken without conviction. He was willing to fight for it and he did.
[ And he would have died if not for Overwatch. ]
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ataleoftwodragons · 2 years
’ Are you.. happy? ’ 
 @watchiingover​ { Angela }
“Some days I am. Other days, I am… less so. I think, where happiness does not always remain a constant, more often than not I am, at the least, content.”
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“… But what of you, Angela? Are you happy?”
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ataleoftwodragons · 2 years
“I need to be able to trust you to tell me when you’re hurt. It would have been a lot easier to treat if you’d mentioned it sooner.”
@watchiingover​ { Angela }
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“I…” he hesitates, looking down, the top of his visor shrouding his face in shadow.
“I did not mean to keep the injury from you, Angela, truly… I understand the importance of informing you of any damage I sustain, especially considering my… condition. It is only that……”
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“… It is only that I… did not realize… that I was injured…”
Another hesitation follows and he exhales a sigh, head bowed and eyes closed before he continues. When he speaks again, his voice is quieter, barely above a whisper.
“… I could not feel it.”
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