perditus-a · 2 years
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|| ok ok back to being nice...this person is drawing my OC Adaline uwu I’m very happy with the sketch-! (her ears/tails are super verse dependent...most of hers lately she doesn’t have them!!! and her clothes obv change with verses in different time periods..!!! ) but it had me thinking about instead of having a crow having a bunny -  I think I’ll draw her sometime today or tomorrow in her kny verse hehe ||
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perditus-a · 2 years
@tvrningout​ - “ i don’t have a plan, but we’ll figure it out.  ” from tsugumi for adaline in her jjk verse!
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random sentence starters // accepting
          A soft blue mist floats around the air, faint shimmers sparkling as the occasional light from abilities reflects off of it. Curses seem to gravitate towards it, only to be warded away by the source. Welding a simple bo staff, the blonde-haired girl brings the wooden weapon down as hard as she can muster against the curses that try to invade the space. 
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     “ I won’t be much help to you if they keep coming ”  Despite the severity of the situation, her voice rings out calm and collected. The small scratches that occasionally appear on her arms from the curses minor attacks seem to fade away just as quickly as they had appeared. However, the curses also seem to be regenerating at a similar pace as well, prompting the woman to withdraw her mist quickly. 
          She darts to the side, avoiding another burst of cursed energy before glancing at the more combat-orientated sorcerer she had been sent to aid. “ Is your injury better at least?”
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perditus-a · 2 years
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new muse : adaline beaulieu (info below along with verses)
name - adaline beaulieu age - 26 pronouns - she/her sexuality - lesbian  languages - spanish / japanese / broken english  ( a work in progress if you will ) ethnicity - spaniard  disclaimer - yes her design belongs to me. it isn’t a faceclaim so please don’t steal thank you! 
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personality ;; 
she’s just a little bit of an airhead and academics aren’t really her forte...but she has some incredible control and critical thinking skills. patience is one of her strong suits but mostly because of her interest in being a doctor when she’s older. depending on the verse this role does tend to change slightly, but it’s always some form of healer/support role. adaline is also incredibly empathetic and will go out of her way to try to understand a situation, but can become a little pushy and hard-headed because of this strong desire to help. sometimes she makes the situation about her by mistake, but usually catches herself early on. usually.  outside of that, she’s a super sweet girl and really level-headed. she doesn’t get mad too often, but sometimes a little annoyed. she’s a bit nosy and sometimes a little hyperactive, but usually fairly mellow and calm. adaline prefers to try and stay as happy as long as possible and doesn’t like to cry or look sad around others. it’s one of the few things she’s super reserved about really! she’s been taught as a child that it isn’t polite to impose on others, so she goes out of her way to avoid doing so. 
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verses ;; 
my hero academic - she’s a freelance sidekick that works for several agencies through limited contracts due to the more supportive nature of her quirk. originally she was born for her quirk, as her mother was severely ill and they knew that healing quirks were in their bloodline. they wanted a child that could extend her mother’s life...and it took them roughly ten tries before she was born as the 11th. however, her mother made a difficult choice and chose to send her child away to the school she wanted to rather than keep her locked away at home. so, adaline ended up in japan and attended u.a. for a few years before becoming a sidekick for a small hero agency. she eventually decided that being stuck in one place was a waste of her healing abilities, so she chose to become a freelancer and travel around instead. adaline can usually be found where natural disasters have occurred. 
----> quirk - (POCKET HEALER) - adaline’s quirk allows her to shrink her body to roughly palm-sized, converting whatever mass ‘lost’ during the transformation in to a healing mist. she can manipulate the mist to roughly ten feet around up and down as well, but the more spread out the less efficient it is. it applies a regenerative healing type to those within the mist, but cannot restore things like lost limbs or remove illness/disease. at best she can slow the damage, but cannot reverse it. the more concentrated, the stronger it is however ! she can sense people in the mist but not distinguish between them. when not actively using her quirk, her tails gives off a very minor regenerative ‘sparkle’ dust that can heal small cuts.  jujutsu kaisen (no tail/ears) - adaline is a grade three sorcerer as her innate technique and skills in general are suited for healing rather than anything offensive. she can convert her own cursed energy in to reversed cursed energy and expel it out of her body like a mist, allowing her to apply a regenerative healing boost to a 10 foot radius. the more spread out it is the weaker the regeneration ; in contrast the more concentrated the stronger/faster. all of her skills and talents are trained to support other sorcerer’s, so she doesn’t really do much field work unless she’s with others. she is however fairly fast and can perform basic, non-technique restricted attacks if needed.  naruto (no tail/ears) - she’s a chunin medic-nin from konoha with training for field work, though a lot of her time is spent at the hospital instead. adaline originally failed her genin exam and opted to join the genin corps until she found an apprenticeship with a jounin-ranked medic-nin that allowed her to progress beyond genin. adaline was briefly assigned to a genin team to take the chunin exams. she has water affinity in regards to her chakra and knows a few low ranked water ninjutsu, but most of her skills are medic-centric. 
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perditus-a · 2 years
@tvrningout​ - i can stay awake all night ,  if need be . ( from tsugumi to adaline! )
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sentence starters // accepting 
     Dual-colored orbs flickered back to the other, concern clear as day as Adaline tilts her head slightly. It’s followed closely be a wave of exhaustion that hits her again, causing her to blink wearily. Right, she had used a lot of cursed energy... not that it mattered! A fight that should have been simple escalated beyond expectations. Emitting a constant regenerating field was not out of her ability...but it was taxing. 
     And she felt it now. 
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          “ No, you’re the fighter. You should rest first. I can take a quick nap in the morning ” There were still curses after all and at best she could keep them away until the other girl had regained her energy. She smiles tiredly, reaching in to the bag she had to procure a few bottles of water. “ See? I can stay awake...just rest for now I can do it!”
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perditus-a · 2 years
Adaline --> KNY Verse
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--> She’s a demon slayer from a noble family that has a few respectable slayers in their lineage. Nothing super noteworthy, but they’re somewhat famed for their swordsmanship. She’s one of the thirteen children in total and the youngest of the lot! 
--> Though her family is very connected to the demon slayer world, Adaline didn’t really have an interest in fighting. She was honestly more interested in the kakushi than anything else, but because of her family she was forced to apply herself as a slayer instead. However, she isn’t really too skilled and is pretty average in ranking. In fact she usually just tries to help fellow slayers out instead of fighting - her own secret way to be a kakushi. 
--> She uses wind breathing techniques, but again is not ver powerful or skilled. She can handle weaker opponents but would have no chance against one of the moons for example. 
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