#|{ hope this works just leeme know if i gotta tweak it }|
visicnbcrn · 4 years
Closed starter for @gnosticvision​ || Xiao
There was a pause a wine glass stopping just centimeters from her mouth, pink lips twisting into a smirk, eyes gleaming with tainted divinity-- a pull at the very center of her being, a twisted want resurfacing after millennia of being buried ( he would soon be hers, just like it should have been in the beginning. That damned contract shattering-- that dragon no longer holding sway over what was rightfully hers )
With a flourish did the fallen goddess stand from her stone wrought throne, the glass tumbling to the ground as it shatters--spraying wine over the ornate stone like blood. A portal opened before the Princess, eagerly stepping through the dark miasma and to where her little bird was.
Lumine basked in the soft breeze on her face as the portal closed behind her, golden eyes zeroing in on her target. His body silhouetted against the thousands of lanterns filling the sky, blood of fallen citizens ( men, women, and children alike) their corpses strewn about. He was just as beautiful as she remembered, those karmic bonds festering around him--overtaking him completely, that abyssal seed beginning to bloom.
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Moving forwards did she approach the fallen Yaksha, slender arms wrapping around his waist. 
" Alatus, my little bird "
Cooed a familiar voice, tender and nostalgic.
" It's been so long my little bird, I've missed you so " her arms tightening, caring little for the blood now seeping into her dress. 
" After all this time, you won't be left behind, again. This time you're going to join me, that pesky contract keeping us apart now shattered. "
A scowl stretched onto her face, as that irksome presence filled her senses. Of course he would appear, the thief who stole what was rightfully hers. The stifling energy of geo, grating against her skin as that familiar baritone, echoed through the air disbelief, shock and anger heavily lacing those words.
" Xiao, what have you done? "
A giggle tore from Lumine, as she released Xiao before turning to look towards the Lord of Geo--eyes glinting in sadistic amusement, relishing in the hidden hurt within the old dragons hues.
" Oh, Morax-- " she began, voice condescending beneath a genial veneer " just how long has it been since we've last met? "
A low growl followed her inquiry, " Lumine. What have you done to him? " his polearm materialized within his hands, anger coursing through his being. 
How had she escaped? Not even the archons could last within the abyss-- the monsters lurking there would tear gods apart just to feast on their energy.
" Me? Why... " she chuckled " Nothing, Morax, dear. I'm just here to take back what's mine. "
Zhongli grit his teeth, fangs sharpening as horns sprouted from his head, a golden glow illuminating beneath his suit. " He is no longer yours, Lumine. I have freed him from your grasp. " 
Xiao was a part of his horde not hers, Xiao was like a son to him. He wouldn't let her take him. He had suffered so much through her, her attempt would not succeed. 
Draconic eyes narrow as they glowed dangerously as the smaller woman began to laugh
 " Oh, Morax-- Alatus was never yours. " a black portal appearing before the two of them. " He is mine, always has been and always will be. I'm just reclaiming what is long overdue. " a hand stroked his hair gently, turning her attention back to the Yaksha " shall we go, Alatus? Home awaits "
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