#| ☩ thread 101: sandalphon: cxffexngel ☩ |
aaetherius · 3 years
[ @cxffexngel || Lucifer shall have one (1) angel who can't stop being heart eyes at him! ]
The cafe had a short time open, and the last customers had already left the grandcypher's homely room the current supreme primarch had dedicated for this alone, leaving him and Lucifer at the gentle silence only adorned by the creak of wood whenever wind hits the massive airship at odd angles - it's sown nothing but a mute howl that mostly wen't unnoticed by now. Apron left upon a hanger and most plates cleaned already besides the last ones left, and the primarch truly would go and finish scrubbing clean those last cups, but it felt, suddenly, a terribly taxing task. One he could ignore for now when all his tired gaze could pour attention at was at the gentle trail beautiful and graceful fingers trace against worn paper of lent books Lucifer quite often is found consuming. His usual pair of aurburn wings spread behind them, one sprawled across the low antique looking sofa until the tips fall, caressing worn flooring while the other served as a blanket and pillow for the taller angel's back as he read aloud for Sandalphon - and most of it's contents perfectly flying over the primarch's head beyond the admiration that oozes from his core at the beautiful ring Lucifer's voice always had whenever certain things picked his interest, and needed badly to share with him such findings - even at the cost of Sandalphon not remembering half of it until he's neck deep re-reading by himself so the guilt doesn't eat too hard his shadow. " hmh... " Hums, lowly in a purr as a brow rises with more interest at the words that blur into nothing more than indescribable doodles like Vyrn's attempts at writing despise his rather awkward paw like limbs not helping the poor small dragon into holding a quill properly. Even when he felt perfectly awake and with energy that could last various missions before needing to finally collapse into his creaky bed, it's as if simply taking solace upon Lucifer's side, leaning his chin into the soft of the other's pale exposed skin of his shoulder all but depleted all that bristling energy into nothing more than a weak ember - and not in a bad way. Heavens no. It felt more like what that one skyfarer who surrounds himself in cats pictured more like - as the cats sometimes wander into his room and somehow the best resting spot, despise the many better candidates Sandalphon could perfectly number out aloud to their tiny fuzzy little heads to remember, yet choose to conveniently feign ignorance, were the inside of his hood, or atop his chest were he be unlucky enough that the largest one of those felines caught him laying down looking at the ceiling for hours. With little respect stepping on his form until they lay all that fuzzy weight into a perfect sphere of hair and whiskers as if he were some kind of luxury bed just for cats. Yes, that's more how it felt whenever he had those moments where he could simply be held by Lucifer, in any way.
And the more Lucifer goes on and on, explaining him the contents of a book that by now Sandalphon has forgot even what was it about, his lashes fall a bit to half mast, blinking slowly while muscles that spend most of the day ready for any danger simply melt the more time passes at the dim yellow light of a gentle flower shaped lamp that helped the other see better when the sunlight wasn't enough. It doesn't register to the crowned primarch that his free wing shuffles so it rests upon his lap, covering his hand that laid upon his thigh a bit or that the hold he had with the other one upon Lucifer's arm lessened it's hold, until it's nothing but a fleeting thing. Truly, he felt blessed any chance he had to simply be like this with the other, thankful that Lucifer never once pushes away unlike the many times he's the one to hesitate whenever the other tried to close their distance, afraid of hurting or be hurt even when the logical part of him knew more than anything, that Lucifer would never think ill of him after all he's done. It's a hard habit to shed, and it'd stick with him, he knows. So he immensely appreciates the patience the other simply never lacked, his core always twisting awkwardly when Lucifer would have these faces of worry even when he discovered, finally of Sandalphon's airsickness he failed to tell. But ah - Sandalphon squeezes his eyes shut a bit and stops his mind from wandering too far, before any guilt rises from thin air just because, and tries concentrating on the other, let his voice ground his soul back to where they spend the rest of the day; whatever the book is about, again. Plants? Another of those terribly dramatic multi volume novellas? Cultural research? Or perhaps another tourism booklet other crewmember picked up and left in the cafe's stash one could pick and leave books and what nots? " 'm paying attention... " Awkwardly says, slurry and lazily to himself but by the little distance he has from Lucifer's ear hidden by the veil of beautiful snowy locks, it's terribly apparent the other might have picked on his own slip. Embarrassment rising terribly easy, and no soothing tiredness from being comfortable could match the way bashfulness plagues his body. " s-sorry, Lucifer. I — kind of spaced out..." But at least he's honest, even when truths like these, harmless and the ones that brought a fond smile to the taller primarch, shattered instead Sandalphon's pride because he was too caught trying to concentrate, and yet ending up doing the exact opposite when it was such an easy concept and act.
Lithe fingers trace over the faded text sprawled across the crinkled pages of the tome cradled easily within his hand. His eyes fixed on each line he says, softly, out loud in the quiet of the cafe. Well after closing hours for the day, the typical hustle and bustle of the small coffee shop aboard the Grandcypher is gone. The tables have been cleaned off, and supplies put away, though the pleasant aroma of coffee still lingers in the air - he can taste it in his lungs whenever he inhales gently against the auburn licks tickling his skin. The warm of Sandalphon's head upon his shoulder, and his body curled up against his side has become a familiar one to him now, but it's not something he would ever grow tired of. No, instead, he adores these quiet moments between them where he can simply be in the other's presence, and enjoy the time they have to spend together. Centuries ago, he had dreamed of sharing such mundane nights with the archangel, but that's all they had been at the time - dreams; faraway ones that seemed impossibly out of reach. And, now that those dreams have come true, they feel every bit as mystical and magical as he had always imagined they might. Even the soft thump of the Supreme Primarch's core and the tepid caress of his breath upon his neck is something Lucifer has come to cherish deeply. If given the chance, he would have easily spent years sitting like this on the couch in the cafe, enjoying the bitter, yet rich taste of coffee that was still present in his throat, and basking in the comfort of Sandalphon's existence as he flipped through a rather old book about plants. It was one he had jumped on the chance to purchase when the Harvin merchant had paid them a visit - an ancient piece full of countless memories for him that he was rather surprised to see. While, at the time, it had been one of the newest books in Lucilius's impressive collection, now it was one of the oldest book he's seen a Skydweller possess. Of course, it wasn't the copy his creator had kept, but it was similar, and the wave of nostalgia that hit him when he had spotted it had made him want to read it despite the fact that he had memorized its contents long ago. To most others, it was likely rather dry - full of basic and medical information about various flowers, many of which were difficult to find now, but Lucifer had always found it utterly fascinating.
And, so, he's perhaps so caught up in its contents that he scarcely realizes how dull it might have been to listen to. Even when that purr rumbles deep in Sandalphon's throat, he can only lean his head down to gently nuzzle into the other's hair to comfort him. A smile plastered across his smooth lips and radiant features as he continues trudging forward through the text without hesitation. But he is aware that the weight he feels against his side presses just a tad bit more into him as the archangel leans more heavily upon him. And he notices, too, when that wing comes up to drape over his lap rather sluggishly, and how the other's hand seems to slowly loose its strength until the hold Sandalphon had upon his arm is almost entirely gone. His expression softens, and he leans the book down against the table beside the lamp so he can free up his hand to gingerly dig beneath their wings to grip onto the Supreme Primarch's hand so that hold wouldn't be lost beneath a hefty pile of feathers that served to keep them warm. His own wings shift quietly, moving to cover up more of the smaller primarch as he leans back into the couch. It's undeniably comfortable - even in the silence that's filled only by the sound of his own voice, and the occasional thud or conversation by passing crew members. During the years he had spent in Canaan, the quiet had been a dreadfully lonely thing; cold, as well. In it, he would walk through the old gardens and picture the places where Sandalphon used to often visit to fill the increasing hole that had taken hold of his heart. Now, here aboard this ship, the quiet is something he can take solace in - it's something gentle and warm. He doesn't have to imagine conversations or visits with the archangel any longer because Sandalphon is almost always beside him these days. There's rarely a moment when they're apart, save for when missions call the other away or the Captain steals the Supreme Primarch for some job. And, even those moments, Lucifer doesn't find as lonely as he thought they might be - it's not the same type of feeling that takes hold of him as it had been when he had been waiting for the other in that distant garden.
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It's the slurred sound of Sandalphon's voice that pulls Lucifer from his thoughts, and his gaze finally shifts from the book to the archangel. His sultry tone feels warm against the former Supreme Primarch's ear, and Lucifer knows his core swells at the sensation because he can feel the faintest fire begin to boil within his chest. That, too, is a feeling he's slowly growing used to, and one he's come to adore because it's one Sandalphon ignites within him. "Hmmm, so you are," he hums softly against the other's ear, his voice deep in his throat and laced with just the smallest spark of exhaustion this comfort brings to him naturally. But he can tell, rather easily, how bashful Sandalphon gets the moment he realizes his little slip-up, and Lucifer has to fight down a chuckle at the apology that follows, but oh his smile betrays just how fond he is of the other - and just how much and how deeply he loves him. "You need not apologize, Sandalphon." He pushes the book up onto the table from where it had been leaning against its frame, and relaxes against the other. "Forgive me for not realizing how tired you were. We can always continue the book tomorrow." Ever so lightly, he cranes his head so he can place the softest of kisses upon the archangel's head before leaning against his wild hair once more. Beneath their wings, his thumbs traces soothing circles upon Sandalphon's knuckles - carefully falling over each groove, and softly rubbing every scar and callous he feels as if he's trying to ease whatever pain they might have caused when they had first found their upon the other's skin. And lingering on the promise ring he had given to the other some time ago now. "Would you like to turn in for the night, or perhaps I could make you a cup of coffee, or choose something else to read to you? I have a novella here one of the Skyfarers of the crew lent me not too long ago, as well as beans that another gifted to me." Ah, he's still, even after all of this time, getting used to how excited and generous the members of the crew were. "Or, if you are hungry, I can make you something. Katalina did give me a recipe she is rather fond of the other day."
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