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darehearts · 1 year ago
even in this corner of the galaxy, two plus two equals four. -> linda
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❝          so  that’s  how  you’re  gonna  be  too     ?          ❞       sometimes  the  rest  of  his  crew  drives  him  up  the  metal  walls  of  their  beloved  home.       everyone  has  an  opinion,       so  much  to  say,       the  briefing  room  occupied  with  multiples  of  them  while  he  hears  out  everybody       &       once  a  while  the  captain  is       OVERWHELMED.      
the  lines  between  criticism       &       constructive  commentary  blur,       or  simply  how  human  he  is  catches  up  with  him  to  irritate  him.      
❝          i  don’t  always  jump  into  every  situation  headfirst.       if  i  did,       we  all  would  be       DEAD       right  now.          ❞       the  tension  on  his  shoulders,       his  jaw,       it  feels  as  if  it’s  an  entity  on  its  own  traveling  his  existence.       heavy  is  the  head  that  wears  the  crown.      
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❝          sometimes  the  truth  doesn’t  matter,       Ms.  Carter.       a  lie  becomes       TRUE       the  more  people  believe  in  it.       what  i’m  trying  to  say  here  is  that  we  have  to  consider  the  truth  of  who  we  are  engaging  as  well  as  our  own  —  to  find  a  way  to       COMPROMISE.       and  let  me  tell  you,       compromise  is       NOT       easy  with  the  Romulans.          ❞
star trek meme. ★  |  accepting mutuals only !  
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darehearts · 1 year ago
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such  professional  prowess  is  one  he’s  yet  to  gain,       especially  when  it  comes  to  his  closest  senior  officers.       his  performance  is  competent,       but  not  quite  the  best  when  it  comes  to  demarcating  the  boundaries  between  his  professional       &       personal  spheres.       he  willingly  allowed  the  Enterprise  become  such  a  big  part  of  his  personality  that  the  lines  blur  too  often  for  the  captain.       as  big  of  a  gossip  man  as  Jim  seems  to  be,       the  news  of  Jojo’s  arrival  came  too  close  to  the  time  of  her  arrival,       in  the  same  manner  the  news  of  little  Steven  deciding  to  grace  his       &       Carol’s  lives.      
two  weddings  on  the  horizon,       combined  with  such  swift  additions  to  their  stories,       it’s  a  dizzying  experience  in  the  best  way.       he  remembers  it  just  like  it  was  yesterday  that  his  niece  would  look  up  at  him  with  the  gaze  of  a  little  child,       but  now  she  blooms  into  a  young  lady  with  much  to  bring  to  their  starship.       lost  in  nostalgia,       Jim's  face  breaks  into  a  fond  smile.      
❝          she  convinced  me  way  before  she  perfected  that  pitch.       i  only  held  back  from  telling  her  the  truth  because  her  coming  aboard  was  not  in  question  back  then.       i  did  encourage  her  to  chase  what  she  wanted  no  matter  what,       so  i  hope  i  was  still  able  to  play  the  supportive  uncle  role  without  getting  in  trouble  with  Bones.          ❞       then  again,       when  is  he       NOT       in  trouble  with  him       ?      
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a  question  that  needs  no  utterance  or  an  answer.       ❝          that  sounds  like  a  quote  that  should  be  in  a  book.          ❞       ‘the  universe  laughs  in  truth.’       a  statement  he  should  quote  her  on  if  he  ever  writes  a  memoir  when  he’s  way  older       &       no  longer  in  command.       ❝          it’s  a  hard  pill  to  swallow  but  there’s  so  little  we’re  in  control  of.       we  can  only  go  forward.          ❞       he  adds  with  a  small  nod.       he  certainly  understands  the  lady.      
the  mention  of  his  beloved  helmsman  shifts  him  on  his  spot  immediately.       ❝          uh,       no     .  .  .       i  want  to  but  i  don’t  know.          ❞       Kirk  starts,       the  hesitance  in  his  body  language  isn’t  something  he  even  tries  to  hide.       some  advice  or  suggestion  from  Linda  wouldn’t  be  bad  at  all.       ❝          i  don’t  want  to  pressure  the  crew  into  bringing  their  families  on  board  just  so  my  kid  has  friends  to  play  with.       don’t  you  think  Sulu  would  have  said  something  on  his  own  by  now       ?       or  am  i  overthinking  this       ?          ❞
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Given the fame, the weight her parents names each carried in their own circles, Linda's preferred to keep most of her business quiet and private at least until she knows her own feelings and decisions made before shared outside involved parties. At least in comparison to Carol and the Captain whose big life event was known almost by all of the ship already. Linda doesn't even count herself as knowing first, and that's on her sense of professional and ability to separate knowing as Carol's doctor.
That's not to say that Linda doesn't recall the gossip, the looks, and spotlight that she had born before her and Leonard had gotten together. The questions from those all too noisy about their feelings and interest before they shared with each other. In fairness, her engagement with Leonard had been washed over with nailing down the details with Johanna and talks with Jocelyn, and the two doctors were guilty of paying attention to others first.
Jojo's been the big topic, something that she's wrapping her head around and even if she's been one of the first to say yes, to agree and want this; the closer to reality the more the room in her ribs fills with anxiety. ❝ Oh, I remember her telling her Captain Kirk pitch to me; I think I said YES before she had even finished, did it convince you? ❞ She laughs, and she knows that she'll do just fine with adjusting to her new home dynamic.
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❝ The funniest jokes and humors are all rooted in reality, Jim. The universe laughs in truth. ❞ There isn't much imagination needed for that scenario, she has been on the Enterprise for years now and she has four years abroad a prior ship. Protocols were going to change, extra precautions considered with the nature of the Enterprise changing; months and years in space, with families joining. There will be upsides and downsides, life finds a way to get more thrilling and further from the original plan.
The LEO was not new at all, or well to Jim it may be. ❝ You guys always make their days. ❞ For all his complaining about Jim, to which its come to amuse her when he goes on about him, because all it means is that he loves him; and Jojo loves about everyone, but HER UNCLE is Captain Kirk, and she's always said that in the proudest tone. The same goes with Carol for that matter. Cutest things she's ever been witness to.
❝ You and I may be cut from the same cloth here ⸻ The belief that it'll work out the way it works out is my dad's, what he said to me first time I had a patient die in med school rotations. ❞ She explains, which she hopes that Kirk sees her point. At the time, it wasn't helpful but over time it was what happened, and there's a peace in that. ❝ His philosophy is not for everyone. ❞
She smiles, doesn't say more because it is obvious that she loves Jojo, and she's been assured of that she'll be great but reality will prove it. . . . or not. ❝ Have you checked in with Mr Sulu as well? Actually there's a few more names I could give you to see about their families. ❞ That wouldn't be breaking any confidentially, when she knew that they'd be eager about being brought into the conversation and opportunity to bring their families closer.
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darehearts · 1 year ago
someone tried to poison him. -> linda
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❝          not  sure  if  the  poison  was  meant  for       HIM.          ❞       the  captain's  ability  to  maintain  composure  in  the  face  of  the  lady's  remark  is  nothing  short  of  miraculous,       but  an  even  more  striking  absence  of  astonishment  colors  Jim's  voice.       he’s  had  suspicions  that  their  mission's  seamless  progress  was  too  flawless  to  be  genuine.       with  a  hundred       &       fourteen  delegates       &       thirty-two  ambassadors  aboard  the  Enterprise,       en  route  to  a  pivotal  council  summit,       the  absence  of  complications  seemed  improbable.       his  intuition  whispers  of  an  Andorian  infiltrator  among  them,       whose  clandestine  efforts  may  have  mistakenly  ensnared  his  crew.       ❝          please  tell  me  you’ve  got  this  under  control       ?          ❞
star trek meme. ★  |  accepting mutuals only ! 
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darehearts · 1 year ago
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in  the  midst  of  the  crisis  about  to  unfold  in  the  med  bay,       Jim  Kirk  centers  himself  with  a  deep,       steadying  breath,       holding  it  for  ten  seconds  as  he  gathers  his  thoughts       &       surveys  the  scene.       his  swift  glance  around  the  room  reveals  a  slowly  growing  number  of  affected  crew  members,       indicating  a  targeted  attack  against  specific  species  rather  than  a  random  act.       this  realization  brings  a  chilling  clarity       :       the  attack  wasn't  directed  at  the  Enterprise  as  a  whole,       otherwise  he,       as  the  captain,       would  likely  be  among  the  first  targeted.      
❝          shit     .  .  .           ❞       he  mutters,       the  weight  of  the  situation  pressing  down  on  him.       he  gently  places  a  hand  on  the  shoulder  of  their  unconscious  chief  medical  officer,       the  man  who  once  defeated death  itself  for  him.       now,       it  seems,       it's  Jim's  turn  to  reciprocate  that  life-saving  gesture.       ❝          i  know  what  i  gotta  do.          ❞       he  states,       his  voice  imbued  with  a  chilling  resolve  as  he  locks  eyes  with  Linda.       he  knows  she  has  her  own  internal  battles  at  the  moment.       ❝          how  much  time  do  we  have       ?       give  me  a  rough  estimate.       an  hour       ?       two  hours       ?          ❞
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It's not reassuring when Kirk points out that he doesn't believe the poison was meant for HIM. The point still stands that she now has a patient in medical bay, hooked up to a bio bed with no antidote available to administer. YET. ❝ We should figure out who it was for; or more exactly figure out who was trying to kill that who. ❞ Of all the times where her ex-fiance, Dr Michelis, with his degrees in Pathology and Toxicology would be useful, it would have to be now. Right now. ❝ and fast. ❞
Linda looks up at Kirk, nodding her head whether she was certain or not. One way or another, she was in charge. ❝ Of course, we- I have this under control. It'll be fine. ❞ Here's comes the kicker, which is where Linda feels all of the stress weighing on her. ❝ We just need the poison for the antidote. ❞ There may be added stress that this was the med team's chief medical officer and in the additional fact that he's her partner. She's not bringing up the whole list of problems they've already encountered in treating the patient. ❝ There's two more that came in before you did starting to feel ill too. ❞
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darehearts · 1 year ago
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while  it’s  true  that  he  puts  his  crew’s  needs  before  his  own  to  the  point  it’s  detrimental  to  his  well  being,       the  truth  is  hidden  in  the  depths  of  his  files.       not  that  anyone  would  need  to  read  medical  records  to  guess  that  dying,       in  the  most  literal  sense,       of  course  leaves  a  person  with  mental  wounds       &       chaos  in  one’s  psyche  for  years  to  follow.      
he’s  scared  that  it  will  be       FOREVER.       ❝          i’m  glad  not  to  be  the  worst.          ❞       Jim  comments  quietly.       perhaps  if  he  were  just  an  ensign,       he  would  be  a  close  contender  for  that  title.       laughter  bubbles  behind  the  captain’s  throat,       flashes  of  memory  playing  before  his  azure  gaze                           they’ve  been  through  a  lot  together,       Bones       &       he,       from  the  very  beginning  when  Jim  was  just  an  immature  brat  trying  to  win  at  everything  so  that  he  could  forget  what  a  loser  he  thought  himself  to  be,       one  thing  has  remained  a  constant       :       Bones’  persistent  presence.      
he’s  happy  that  he  has  someone  else  besides  him  to  be  there  for  him  now,       the  lady  he  converses  with.       ❝          he  secretly  enjoys  it  even  if  he  complains  about  it.          ❞       he  finds  comfort  in  their  little  shenanigans       &       banter.      
it’s  anchoring  to  have  routines.       they  make  the  captain  feel       SAFE.       ❝          that  sounds     .  .  .       BRUTAL.          ❞       the  frown  of  confusion  on  his  forehead  deepens.       the  most  he  can  handle  of  that  century  is  perhaps  a  day  or  two  for  a  mission.       he’s  grateful  for  their  designated  timeline.       ❝          please,       enlighten  me.          ❞       he  listens  to  Linda  the  next  few  moments  like  she  reveals  the  answer  to  questions  of  immortality,       or  the  purpose  of  life.       he  nods  once  a  while,       waiting  for  her  to  finish  not  to  be  rude.      
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❝          you  beat  me  to  it.       i  was  just  about  to  mention  how  similar  that  sounds  to  what  the  rest  of  our  crew and i  do.       no  matter  how  many  times  i  make  sure  to  tell  others  it’s  never  just  me,       my  name  comes  up  more  than  anyone  else’s.       not  sure  if  that’ll  ever  change.          ❞       his  apologetic  expression  melts  into  that  of  a  contemplative  one.      
❝          when  i  first  became  captain,       i  cared  way  too  much  about  surpassing  my  dad.       after  a  while,       the  real  reason  why  i  was  out  here  hit  me.  as  i’m  sure  that  happens  to  surgeons  as  well,       early  on  or  later  in  their  careers.       to  save  lives,       ultimately,       to  be  part  of  something  greater  than  ourselves     .  .  .       it’s  fulfilling.          ❞       pride  pools  his  voice  explaining  so.      
normally,  if  it  were  anyone  else,       he’d  be  reaching  out  to  slap  a  friendly  hand  on  the  lady’s  shoulder,       but  he  doesn’t  want  to  come  off  strange.       she  has  a  certain  aura  about  her,       ‘quite  orderly’  if  he  were  to  describe  it,       that  causes  him  to  practice  more  restraint  than  he  normally  would.       ❝          your  dad  is  a  hero       ;       i’m  sure  you  have  your  share  of  stories  too.       it’s  an  honor  to  have  you  on  board,       Ms.  Carter,          ❞       Kirk  says  sincerely.       the  honesty  in  his  voice  doesn’t  waver  as  he  adds :      
❝          but  i’m  afraid  my  favorite  doctor  is  and  will  always  be  Leonard  McCoy.          ❞
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There's some understanding that the Captain isn't trying to hinder the medical team when he's skipping medical examinations. She can assume that is due to thee fact that he was the Captain, and saw himself as needing to ensure that the ship and crew were saw to first; perhaps an artifact of being the hero type of person in Linda's opinion. She's known a few of those types of people. Most of them, if not all were dead now.
I'LL LET THAT SLIDE ⸻ The woman smiles at that, echoes on for what he saying, ❝ I never said you were the worst patient; I could name several in my near two decades as a medical professional who sees to patients who are FAR WORSE. ❞ Said with a bit of pride puffing out her chest that she's been a Doctor Carter for so long now and intends to be for the rest of her life.
❝ A few of us do joke that chasing you is a vital part of Leonard's exercise routine. ❞ There are quite a few humorous memories that come to mind of Linda calmly walking down the halls, following after Leonard has broken into a sprint to follow after Jim.
If she had to review Jim as a patient, his notes would not be anything special beyond he would not be readily coming into medical bay for any scheduled examinations or prioritize himself low when others needed medical attention as well. Linda smirks as Jim promises that she could poke around wherever, ❝ You know in the early twenty-first century they use to do exploratory surgeries for diagnostics. Opening someone up, poking around blind for the problem. ❞ That was entirely, and thankfully, not necessary in over a century and some decades.
She liked the sound of this deal. His open suggestion was better said to her than someone else; she won't abuse her power there besides a few additional tests. Things they don't normally do or check often, and might as well take advantage of the captain's promise.
Linda doesn't bother fighting the smile, when Jim excites over hearing about a twenty seven hour surgery, though confirming that it was true hadn't been entirely honest. IS THERE A SHOT ⸻ ❝ Yes, and you're a sham if you do. ❞ That's not to sound superior, and Linda was going to gladly explain this to Jim. She's proud of her profession, of the field she works in and the people that she works alongside.
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❝ I'd hate to crush your excitement, but I'm going to break the kayfabe? ❞ She's not entirely sure about the last word choice. There's an age old agreement about doctors and surgeries, especially ones that go on for longer than humanly possible. Linda still thinks the truth is incredibly impressive, and she hopes that the Captain will still be impressed. ❝ It's dangerous, can be absolutely detrimental to the health of the surgeon, so subsequentially the patient's, to go at something straight for so long. Seventeen hours, for any human body, is about the longest one can go. ❞
She explains first sleep and deprivation of sleep, of how long, which is seventeen hours, can a human perform at their peak before they start diminishing physically, mentally, or both. Than she'll break the down the myth of long surgeries.
❝ My father was lead surgeon of a twenty-seven hour surgery; he came with the surgical plan, his hands were at work the majority of the time, he was involved the entire duration, in the OR for as long as possible. Surgeon is NOT SOLO work ⸻ damn anyone who acts like it is or says otherwise. ❞ And Linda will admit to a bias, will admit to having no respect for any doctor who believes it is and wear their abilities with unchecked pride, or upholds the illusion their hands worked in surgery for twenty seven hours straight.
❝ He gets the credit because he was ⸺ like a Captain, to put it in analogy that you understand. He probably stood, had his hands working for twenty hours of it. ⸻He had a team that he led, like you have a crew. Any long-haul surgery, there's an entire team of nurses and surgeons to rotate in and out, to give each other a break, to allow for a snack or drink, or even to sit down in the room and some even rest their yes for thirty minutes to an hour. Dad never left the room, he was there for all of it, but he took breaks. ❞ Just as she had excited Jim with her answer, Linda got to get excited and prove why she loved what she did. It's the patients, it's the team effort toward the betterment of public health and dedication to other peoples' lives.
❝ It's a marathon, and he has a rule to step back every seven hours to hydrate and eat before going back in, to check with his body if he can keep going or if he needs one of the team to take over and he guide them through the rest, to sit to watch and jump back in when ready or needed. ⸻ That's what I like, that's why I pursued surgery. You are always meant to be part of a team, but normally only the lead surgeon takes the credit, as they came with the plan and the team. ❞
Hopefully, that doesn't sour the wonder of surgery or the work of her father, that the captain would only find further reason to respect him and any other person in this field. That he would understand better. Twenty seven hours was a feat, and Linda's got a lot more she could go on about over the topic.
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darehearts · 1 year ago
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he  noticed  a  pattern  with  the  rest  of  his  closest  crew  members.       Spock       &       Uhura  got  married  in  private  first,       their  rationale  impeccable—a  truth  the  captain  fully  comprehends.       likewise,       Linda       &       Bones,       as  well  as  Clint       &       Peter,       are  subtly  weaving  their  own  tapestries  of  intimacy.       each  duo  figures  themselves  out  in  private.       then  there’s  Jim       &       Carol  —  whose  affairs  of  the  heart  are  for  everyone  to  see,       the  news  of  his  future  wife’s  pregnancy       ALREADY       spreading  like  wildfire.      
in  contrast,       he  feels  at  home  when  he’s  under  the  spotlight,       when  every  crew  member  turns  his  way  to  give  him  a  glance  of  wonder  or  earnest  approaches.       though  occasionally  overwhelming,       he  flourishes  amidst  their  scrutiny,       albeit  needing  gentle  guidance  to  recognize  when  to  stop.       with  a  succinct  nod,       a  small  smile  graces  his  features  as  he  has  flashbacks  to  little  Jojo  practically  begging  him  to  come  aboard.      
❝          believe  me,       i  know.       she  used  to  try  to  sell  her  skills  to  me  whenever  we  met.       since  i’m  the  captain,       she  thought  she  just  needed  to  get  me  on  her  side  and  the  rest  would  follow.       she’s  a  smart,       young  lady.          ❞       pride  pools  his  voice  saying  so.       truthfully,       contemplation  tinges  his  sentiment  as  he  grapples  with  the  swift  passage  of  time—a  specter  that  chills  his  spine.       his  work  is  cut  out  for  him  when  little  Steven  arrives.      
the  art  of  ‘work  life  balance’  will  be  tough  to  master  for  someone  with  such  a  fiery  personality  like  him.      
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❝          funny  you  make  that  joke,       something  like  that       DID       happen  before.          ❞       Jim  says,       leaving  that  comment  up  to  her  imagination.       the  Enterprise  never  has  a  dull  moment,       however  given  there’ll  be  children  around,       their  presence  is  bound  to  mandate  a  newfound  vigilance.       ❝          LEO     ?       that’s  new,       but  yes,       we’ll  be  there.          ❞       oh  he  will  tease  Bones  with  that  as  his  nickname  for  weeks.       ❝          somehow  thinking  like  that  doesn’t  relax  me.       i  always  feel  like  i  need  to  do     .  .  .       MORE       for  those  around  me.       i  appreciate  the  sentiment  anyway.       thank  you.          ❞      
if  only  he  could  show  the  understanding       &       grace  he  has  for  everyone  else  to  himself.       Kirk  has  endless,       unwavering  faith  in  Linda       &       Bones,       &       despite  the  similarities  in  their  shared  fears,       he  worries  about  his  demeanor  while  not  having  an  ounce  of  doubt  for       THEM.      
❝          YOU  LOVE  HER.       that  alone  is  enough  to  tell  me  you  will  be  a       GREAT       stepmom.       i’m  looking  into  transferring  some  existing  families  from  other  starships  to  the  Enterprise.       i  have  a       SCHOOL  PROJECT       in  the  works  too.       soon,       Jojo  might  end  up  being  the  youngest  and  the busiest  person  on  board.          ❞
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She doesn't want to be under the kind of stress that he must be under, with his news circulating the ship which seemed a daunting amount of congratulations to be coming at him with a ship this size. Linda will not envy him, for her own personal news was still be worked out mostly in private and she liked it that way. She's becoming a parent in the way too, knows there's a word for her. A parent, or as Leonard has informed her bonus mom; which was better than step mom. STILL A BIG WORD.
⸻ FATHER WAS A BIG ONE TOO, what she had to say to him as Jim, her friend which she knows her habit of formality even after having been part of this ship's crew for almost five years. Jim felt more appropriate here, from one prospective parent to another. If she'd call herself that. ❝ Jojo started seriously campaigning for this when she was eleven. ❞ Earlier than that, but Linda's heard dozens of her pitches since joining weekly calls.
Her lips twitches for a moment, starting to make a chuckle as Jim goes on to ask what was with kids coming onto this ship. ❝ Have you checked the air filtration? ❞ There's a pause for humor, a hold for the beat. ❝ One could say something in the air has latched onto your prefrontal cortex for thinking that you should expect anything when it comes to life? ❞ She's sure as hell learned her lesson. Careful with holding onto life's explanations. Now she's engaged again with a step-daughter coming into her life, not what she expected.
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❝ Jojo would adore to see you two and Leo is not one to say no to family time or you. ❞
This was the part that she had been prodding for without making it known she had been prodding, but then Linda was going to equally open up with him. Fair is fair, equal was equal. She really did want to offer someone who would listen without bombarding him with opinions, and seek out a kindred spirit. ❝ It is impressive, but you know only takes once. Depends on who you ask, end up with a hundred different answers as to why this would happen now or at all. ❞ She could give him half a dozen herself.
It doesn't matter, but Linda could see that he already fond of who sounds like Jim was certain was a son already. ❝ No one is ever really sure of how things will work out, Jim ⸺ it'll work out in the way it works out. ❞ Whether he remained Captain or not, what she saw was clear was that his kid would be well loved and given the best.
Linda sighs, and it's a big one. ❝ Even I am not sure if I will work out or be a good step-mother, so join the club ⸻ I love Johanna, every time we get to call I am there; and I love listening to her, seeing her energy, and sometimes I'm the one reading to her. ❞ She didn't need the reassurance, was getting plenty of that from her partner. Linda would admit to being more excited than nervous. Still had her moments. ❝ We'll give our all, it's all we can do. ❞
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darehearts · 1 year ago
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regret  infiltrates  Captain  Kirk's  expression  with  unbidden  swiftness  upon  the  lady's  words.       it's  this  very  quality  he  admires  in  her  —  a  Spock-like  serenity  interwoven  with  a  subtle,       almost  ethereal  grace  that  defines  her  essence.       in  contrast,       the  fires  within  him  often  blaze  with  unchecked  fervor,       only  to  be  tempered  in  the  crucible  of       REAL       adversity.      
he's  on  the  cusp  of  reaching  that  equilibrium       ;       he  just  needs  to  gather  his  thoughts  so  that  he  recalls  the  formidable  challenges  he's  navigated  the  Enterprise  through  in  recent  years.       his  capabilities  are  beyond  question       &       are  bolstered  by  the  finest  crew  in  the  cosmos.       ❝          i  know,       i’m  sorry.          ❞       he  concedes,       his  eyebrows  curling  in  a  display  of  sadness  to  draw  his  puppy-like  expression  on  his  features.       Jim  lapses  into  silence  for  a  moment,       running  a  hand  through  his  hair       &       calmly  re-taking  his  seat  on  the  far  edge  of  the  table  everyone  had  sat  with  him  earlier.      
he  leans  on  one  elbow  as  his  cerulean  gaze  traces  the  borders  of  the  Neutral  Zone  on  the  map  glimmering  before  them.       ❝          i  know  you’re  trying  to  help.       i  just  —  need  a  minute.          ❞       Jim  reassures  himself  more  than  the  doctor.       ❝          i  am  fully  confident  that  the  USS  Proxima’s  crossing  into  the  Neutral  Zone  was  accidental.       the  Federation  doesn’t  send  starships  of  our  size  to  do  their  spy  work.       and  if  they’re  that  stupid  then  an  all  out  war  is  not  something  i  can  avoid  no  matter  how  many  charming  smiles  i  throw  their  commander’s  way.       they     .  .  .       know  me.          ❞       the  captain  admits.      
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the  Enterprise,  more  so  himself,       has  a  reputation  with  the  Romulans  after  what  happened  with  Nero.       although  Nero  had  stood  apart  from  them,       STILL,       he’s  sure  they  assume  that  he  is  not  a  fan.       the  same  assumption  is  present  on  his  part.       &       assumptions  are       DANGEROUS.       ❝          and  they  hate  me.       i  have  to  find  a  way  to  convince  them  to  meet  me  at  a  neutral  location,       so  we  can  talk  it  out.          ❞
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Her eyebrow begins to move up when he goes on to sigh about her TOO, which she has been listening around the room and Linda saw how the Captain was responding to all of it. See was making out the point that no matter where they were two and two were four, that there were relatively universal values no matter the situation. Another point on that could be made on this smatter was that fact was a fact.
I DON'T ALWAYS ⸻ ❝ Captain, I was not accusing you of doing that. You are a leader I am proud to work under. ❞ Linda speaks up to interrupt him, and she means that. The woman did not think she gave the impression of someone who made reckless risks without careful consideration all the time, or of someone who would follow and find a great deal of respect for someone like that. The MS instead of DR tells her more than enough that whatever she's going to say was in one ear, out the other. The tone wasn't right for him to be making an authoritative dig, ignoring her title of doctor and putting her down with the MS.
From her experience with Captain Kirk, he wasn't that kind of guy to do but it definitely tells her that he's not the most agreeable right now. It tells her just how STRESSED he was and where the breaking limit was. ⸻ ❝ I fully know that, from my experience as a doctor from the Solace, this situation is tense. ❞ Linda points, putting some weight on the word doctor to subtly correct his error there but she tries to keep her voice level. No harshness or raised volumes. De-escalate, always de-escalate when possible .
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❝ I am not here in this room to fight; I am here because you asked, and I imagine I was asked here is for the fact that I would provide views from different angles, share anecdotes from my prior experience, offer what could be learned from Captain Harlow. ❞ There may not be experience with Romulans from the Solace's missions, but that wouldn't be why she was asked here. Linda has front line experience, both with viral outbreaks and conflict responses. That's what he could provides.
❝ Take ten seconds and let's breathe, or dismiss me if what I have to offer is not going to be of any help. ❞ She adds, tone light and she hopes that he takes the first suggestion. However, it was no insult if he dismissed her; she wouldn't fight on this topic because he had more than enough voices in the room ass it were.
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darehearts · 1 year ago
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he  used  to  worry  whenever  he  realized  his  frequent  inability  to  discern  between  professionalism       &       his  private  matters  with  his  crew,       especially  the  bunch  that  accompany  him  on  the  bridge.       stars  know  he  tries  his  best,       &       he’d  like  to  think  that  over  the  years,       he’s  become  more  seasoned  to  command  with  a  respectable  amount  of  control.       when  things  get  serious       &       messy,       it’s  easier.
however,       when  it’s  just  him  conversing  with  a  family  member  while  the  Enterprise  safely  purrs,       oh  it’s  quite  harder  then.       he  can  almost  see  the  future  already,       like  it’s  tangible,       merely  an  inch  away  from  his  touch,       his  senses.       when  the  school  he  so  diligently  worked  to  establish  opens  up,       their  ship  will  feel  like  a  little       TOWN.      
captain,       husband,       father,       brother,       uncle     .  .  .
his  worry  left  its  place  to  surrender  after  Khan.       he  surrenders  to  the  river  of  stars.       rational  as  he  used  to  be,       there’s  spirituality  mixing  in  his  blood  because  he  cannot  explain  their  family  aboard  the  Enterprise  as  a  coincidence.       a  grateful  nod  is  offered  for  the  doctor’s  confirmation.       ❝          do  we       ?          ❞       Jim’s  eyes  narrow  momentarily  when  he  asks  the  question  for  the  sake  of  it.
he  has  no  doubt  that  he  had  a  bit  to  do  with  Jojo’s  passionate  demeanor.       he  used  to  get  excited  twice  more  than  her  when  she  would  get  excited,       &       they’d  be  loud  enough  to  make  Bones  whine       (       he  secretly  loved  it,       of  course       ).       the  knowledge  about  the  lady’s  parents  having  books  they’ve  written  is  tragically  lost  to  Jim.       if  he  knew,       he  would  squeeze  them  in  his  long  list  of  pregnancy  related  books  he’s  been  devouring  the  past  months.
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❝          you  have  really  cool  parents.          ❞       he  states  the  obvious       &       carefully  starts  to  consider  every  word  leaving  his  friend’s  lips.       there’s  that  light  frown  creasing  his  forehead.       ❝          yeah,       i  do  ask  about  everyone’s  families  as  often  as  i  can  but     .  .  .          ❞       but  he  stretches  himself  too  thin,       doesn’t  he       ?       how  can  a  truth  that  he  already  knows  be  upsetting  to  realize  all  over  again       ?
Carol,       Spock,       everyone,       they  are  right  to  complain  about  his  excessive  work  habits.       the  more  he  tries  to  keep  up  with  everyone  perhaps  he’s  keeping  up  with       NO  ONE.       that  probability  drops  a  pang  on  his  chest.       despite  it,       he  remains  calm,       knowing  that  he  needs  to  follow  through  the  advice       &       see  what  even  shakes  up.       it  would  be  such  relief  if  he  were  to  find  out  many  wanted  their  families  on  board  all  along.       ❝          i  will  do  that.       i  don’t  want  a  single  crewman  to  feel  like  their  voice  cannot  be  heard  because  that’s  not  true.          ❞      
a  thoughtful  glance  glides  away,       a  million  thoughts  flashing  behind  the  azures  of  his  gaze.       he  needs  to  find  Spock       &       get  things  in  motion.       ❝          thank  you,       Linda,       for       GROUNDING  ME       like  you  always  do.          ❞       Jim  adds,       sure  that  she  probably  cannot  fathom  how  often  she  does  so,       even  without  being  in  the  same  room  as  him.       ❝          Jojo  is  lucky  to  have  you,  as  we  all  are.          ❞
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It's how things would happen that ship life would bleed both professional life and personal life into one another. The ship wasn't just work, but home and hers with Leonard was expanding. Jojo was already family to her, as was his family just as he was to hers. He was her nieces' uncle, had been with her when they got news her sister-in-law was having twins.
Now she's becoming (you already were) Jojo's stepmother. Already had a few long conversations with Jocelyn about this, and while news of Jojo's arrival was kept personal for a long while; it's time it was shared aboard. Linda would like to say that the universe works in humorous ways for with their own news of bringing a child aboard, so came Carol and Jim's. It worked out like that, even if Linda's much rather all the gossip be about Jim's baby news along with the couple's own engagement.
Oh, right, she's getting married too (which she was thrilled about). All this news felt hard to keep track of, and she doesn't envy the captain's job of keeping track of this. ❝ Your spot as uncle is safe. ❞ Linda sees the whole fondness in Jim's smile, the sentiment shared in full but with the realization for her; she's not her niece, but her daughter and there's a feeling difference.
❝ The two of you think alike more then you know. ❞ Actually, she thinks that despite what happened to the ship and what could have happened to Yorktown; she thinks it contributed to finally saying yes. Linda knows that he was losing the heart to tell her no and he hadn't gotten to be with his daughter, to be a larger part of her life again. ❝ He would have folded a lot earlier too. ❞
She's thinking about a conversation that she and her fiancé (it's a much better term for him than boyfriend; and husband will be much better after that) had about HIM and Jim. Leonard had been telling her about how it was almost weird to hear Jim's stresses about being a father as they were a reflection of his daily worries and thoughts. Linda finds it precious to see that here too, see the parallels between the two friends.
❝ I had to pick up something from my mother. ❞ Both her parents actually have written books and were filled with quotes and lines like that. ❝ That's the family resemblance. ❞ A laugh in agreement, and this really was what she believes. The universe laughs, that there was humor in reality. It's not make light of what they've been through, the events of Yorktown, would be case against ship safety yet she's heard from more than one that it's ever the reason to keep family close. Or that a base, Yorktown, was just at risk as a starship or even a whole planet was to a starship.
That sentiment she had heard from Sulu herself, which Jim seems to clam up about the helmsman in question. Technically, the point Sulu had made when they were talking came from his husband. ❝ Jim. ❞ She says firmly, but let's him continue. He kind of answers his own question, and she smiles as he totally was doing just that. ❝ Yes, you are over thinking. ❞ Linda will let him spin out for a moment before like the big sister she was, does it show that she's use to young blondes ten years younger than her needing advice? Examples being her younger brother Tag and now a Jim Kirk.
❝ First, reframe the way you're thinking about this. ❞ He's looking at this from his own new found worries as a future father. ❝ Leo and I have been talking about Jojo being with us, as a family unit, for a lot longer than any actual proposed plan of happening has been. ❞ She'll use first herself and Leonard as an example, but she won't stop there. ❝ You ever ask Sulu about his family? His daughter, and when's the last time he's lived with his husband and daughter? Or Ensign Shaw, or enlisted crewman P. Orville from engineering, or I cant pronounce her last name, but Rayla in communications or. ❞ Linda trails off because she thinks the point was being made. A ship size of four hundred people there were bound to be dozens of people with families.
❝ You don't frame it as them coming aboard for the sake of your kid. You talk to people about their families, what they think of starships with families if that's possible; hear out what their concerns would be if such a thing were to be and then you mention offering the opportunity of the Entreprise inviting their family aboard. ❞ Really, he should be talking to Leonard and Sulu and lot more crewmen for their thoughts on this before even mentioning he's considering having Carol and baby stay aboard with him.
❝ They probably didn't mention it, because they didn't know that was an option on the table; or that their voice was going to matter. Not everyone is an officer or command track, so you follow the rules told to you and you don't speak up when change happens. ❞ She thinks that's enough of a point, that with these big questions going around. It just wasn't a thought to bring up to the Captain.
❝ You're a very busy Captain too, with a lot of your owen stresses going on or maybe you've missed that something has been said before already. ❞
Linda won't say that she knows what Sulu will he saying to all of this because she and Leonard have talked to him about this. It was more that she so happened to be there while the two men talked about their kids; something she's sure may not have occurred to Kirk that many current parents aboard talked with one another about their kids. Something that the Captain, childless as he had been, wouldn't have been a part. She was only privy because she's a doctor (so knowing personal details about patients helped in assessing their well being) and because she's been close with Leonard since she came aboard and the love of each other's lives for three years now.
❝ Open a dialouge, welcome anyone to come discuss with you the future of the Entreprise and families. ❞
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