#{vinodiriso | yoshino}
peepingtoad · 4 years
Clears his throat.
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“Just so you all know, my nindō is actually ‘just being an absolute DILF’.”
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fightingdreamcrs-aa · 4 years
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@vinodiriso​ asked: There was a smirk on her lips as Yoshino waited for Gai with her arms crossed. The sun wasn't even up yet, but she looked as fresh as flowers, her back leaned against the village doors. "Did you sleep in? It's almost 30 past 4! C'mon, we gotta rush!"
Arms swung in youthful exuberance as Gai bounded the familiar worn path to the village gates in the early hours of the morning. His only companions birdsong and those dragging themselves towards the mission desk, either bound for assignments outside the vicinity of the village or dragging weary, exhausted frames back to hand in mission scrolls before they finally permitted themselves to collapse in exhaustion for their work. He soon made his way to the gate and raised a hand in greeting as a warm, joyful smile spread across his face at the sight of Yoshino. 
“How could I sleep late with the promise of such engagement in betterment! I merely paused on my way to aid a returning shinobi on their journey to the hospital after expending all their energy in service to our village,” he grinned, coming to a halt just opposite and offering a thumbs up. Now he was there, he was energised for the beginning of the training routine and began to shift on the spot, rocking his hips steadily to each side, shoulders rolling before arms reached above his head, pushing to the sky before he dropped them and rested hands against his hips. His very stance screamed of confidence and the eagerness he felt at the prospect of the training they were to undertake.
“The day is young and our spirits full, what will it be today? Five hundred laps around the village borders? Tree climbing under restrictions? Taijutsu drills to strengthen the core?” Ideas buzzed around his mind as he considered all the possible options, not minding where they started only eager to begin. To waste a minute, no a second, of all the time they had to train would be a great travesty, one he would not abide now they were united. He had to keep training, keep fighting to improve himself. There was no time to waste when he had a point to make and a goal to achieve. 
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grcwingstrcng · 4 years
❝I know what it takes to move on.❞ (Nic, gimme that hubby/wifey feelings c'mon)
“Yeah? Tell me, then.”
He’s gotten over his new appearance, all the new - physical - scars. But Shikaku is far from moving on from his friend’s passing. Yoshino and Shikamaru may be his family, and for all they bicker, no one would truly doubt that they all loved each other dearly, but Inoichi was his best friend.
He finds himself wanting a drink. And then, every time he thinks about how they would usually share one, it would become painful, almost unbearably so. A part of him was missing, and it was one of his best parts.
“I want to, Yosh.”
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inumbratte · 6 years
Ok but Value Me for Shishi? lil fawn telling his feelings to mama is a WEAKNESS of mine OKAY
“Shikamaru wait-!” Ino tried to desperately grab a hold of her friend, who was just a little faster than her. Shikamaru tore through the home he grew up in, nothing else mattered at that moment but getting to her- he had to make sure she was safe.. I promised Dad damn it! 
However, when he got to the room she was found in just a half hour ago, she was already gone. Lifeless and just gone. There was no other way to describe it or the pain that hit the Nara like a freight train. Merciless and uncaring for how he felt- alone in the world without his parents to guide him proper. 
A scream ripped through his vocal cords and evolved quickly into a choked sob. Almost immediately Chouji and Ino burst through the door that led to where he was- they were, ready for the worst and hit with the absolute travesty. By now, Shikamaru hit the floor on his knees and had her in his arms, cradling her body as if that would bring her back.
He failed his father’s wishes- he failed his mother and himself.. the clan.. Temari was still pregnant with their second, they’d never know their grandmother, and it was all because of his foolishness to not have a closer eye on her. 
He cried hard, finding it hard to breath and feeling his heart hurt worse than ever. Normally he’d be stoic in the presence of others, but here... after just losing his father, and Asuma’s death still weighing on him.. Neji.. he couldn’t take it anymore and just cried. 
His two best friends came to sit next to him, each one with an arm around his shoulders and upper back to give him support. Neither of them said anything, unable to put into words their grief and sorrow for Shikamaru.
“M- Mom I’m sorry..” he finally gasped in between his emotions, “Please come back... I love you.. I love you please.. I can’t- I can’t do this without you or Dad how am I supposed to-” Words drowned in more tears. It was like this until the help that was sought out for came to the complex, and took her away. 
Even then, the tears still came, and his friends still held him close. His hysterics were done at that point, the only evidence he was crying was his flushed face and sore eyes, and the lost look in his eyes. The only comfort now, was the way the wind seemed to carry the song she used to sing to him at night, those sleepless nights he was still scared of the lightning...
“I am here tonight.  Someday you’ll know, Nature is so. The same rain that draws you near me, Falls in rivers and land, on forests and sand.”
“‘Makes the beautiful world you’ll see, in the morning.  Everything’s fine in the morning.  I’ll still be here in the morning.  We’ll still be here in the morning.”
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murasakiirohana · 3 years
@vinodiriso asked:
The corner of Yoshino's lips bent into a smirk. Her flower-like scent followed her wherever she went, even if it became much harder to sense it in a graveyard, where so many flowers were. "You should have gone home first," the Nara lady reprimanded her, although not too strictly. She could understand the urge Ino had. "At least rest your eyes for a little bit after such a hard mission. I have taken care of him while you have been gone." (did you request a punch in the guts? you are welcome)
  A soft yet short laugh escaped the Yamanaka’s mouth as she approached the Nara matriarch that sat in front of an all too familiar stone. She had no doubt that Yoshino had taken good care of him, and it probably would have been wise to tend to her aching body before making her way over--- but it was simply not something that she could have done. There was another ache that pleaded to be dealt with first. It had been a long mission, and even though there was no body beneath that stone, this is still where she felt she could really talk to him. It had been weeks since she got to do so. Ino had to come here first. She had no choice. 
  “I suppose I should have, but when have you known me to follow the norm?” Ino quipped as she moved to gingerly sit down beside Yoshino, her eyes finally looking over the stone to read an all too familiar name. There was that ache. It never seemed to dull.
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    The Yamanaka reached into the pouch latched on her thigh to pull out a small flower and lay it out on his stone. She would bring much better ones tomorrow, but having immediately made her way over upon return, this was all she had to offer. She knows he would understand. Leaning over to rest her head on Yoshino’s shoulder, Ino finally spoke again, “Anything worth noting in my absence?”
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musaics · 4 years
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          “This is my favorite, Yoshino-san! Mmm.”   Chouji kicks his legs happily at the Nara kitchen table as he sips on the iced matcha latte she’d made him using soy milk.  “Soy milk is my favorite.”
      Though the beverage was cold, Chouji’s insides were warm with happiness.  When he was told Shikamaru was not home when he came over to play, he expected to be sent home— Not to be invited in for one of his favorite beverages while he waited for Shikamaru to return from the Nara forest with his father.  Chouji was thrilled by the invite; Not only was Shikamaru really nice to him, but his family was, too! He couldn’t wait to tell his dad.
      A few more loud, happy slurps can be heard from Chouji as he continues to drink his favorite beverage quickly.  He’ll take in his surrounding as he does so, and notice that Yoshino had not added matcha powder to her soy milk as she’d done his; It was still pale in color.  Did she not like matcha? Did she not like sweets? He always liked his soy milk a little sweetened. .
           “Ano. . “ He begins shyly, suddenly self-conscious.  “Did you add anything to yours, Yoshino-san?”
@vinodiriso​‘s Yoshino from Chouji! 
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movedoverthehcrizon · 4 years
Yoshino to Kushina || "I am so jealous of your hair, you know? You are so pretty, Kushina. I feel so plain whenever I look at you!" (for the ask call!)
@vinodiriso sent an ask for a starter call for kushina !
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         Put into a tempoary state of shock, Kushina gawks at the woman before feeling what could only be described as a plethora of butterlfies breaking free from a cage inside of her stomach, crashing violently against her belly. It was rare for someone to compliment her hair, in fact, so rare she had only ever heard one other person tell her that her hair was nice. To be complimented so directly like this made her cheeks turn a darker shade of red than her hair.
         But to also be called pretty? Well that almost floored her. The Uzumaki lets out a happy squeal and rushes over to the fellow woman, wrapping her arms around her and tugging her close and in to a very warm and affectionate hug.
        “Yoshino-san! You’re so nice!” Kushina whines, rubbing her cheek against the others like a loving cat would. “You don’t need to feel plain! I think you’re much more beautiful than me, ya know? Not many people like such dramatic looking traits like mine! I think you’re a true, natural looking beauty!”
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ninnekomata · 4 years
@vinodiriso |  "Mh?" usually cats had no place in the Nara Forest. Cats did not appreciate deers' environment and their favorite prey, small rodents, were hard to catch where every creature was so tenderly tended to as the clan did. His spouse though had shaken that common rule, for Yoshino was definitely a cat person: cat patrols were always going around the house at the morning, waiting for the matron to feed them. That Cat though was no common house cat, Shikaku could sense it. He stepped closer, cautiously.
he lounged against the trunk of a massive tree, back pressed against rough bark as he looked out at the surrounding woods. Ronin was aware where he was, and who guarded this place. his own tie to the shadows meant he would have known the presence of other shadow soothes regardless of anything else. 
the fact one was approaching did not surprise him either.
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“Greetings to you, fellow shade. Is my presence a bother to you?” a snarlish grin splits his face, eyes dancing in merriment. oh, but how nice it is to cause mischief.
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narasnooze · 4 years
Yoshino vc: I miss the times when you weren't that much of a little shit
   can’t help that a child takes after the ones he lives with..
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inacciaioarchive · 6 years
“Welcome. It is a pleasure to meet you.” Semira greeted. Varga had introduced her as ‘Lady Semira’, who most knew to be the leader of this coven, the Eastern Coven, as well as a newly appointed council member. This gave her a lot of power, and since she wasn’t of such traditionalist beliefs as her fellow council members, she was much more open to new alliances. “I’ve arranged a small soiree for your arrival, in hopes of making you feel at home here while you visit our coven.”
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Semira was immensely curious as to what brought this particular coven leader here. This very young, new-at-leadership vampire. The Eastern Coven was the second most powerful coven in terms of numbers, size and sturdiness. The castle was an intensely guarded and heavily armed fortress, nearly impenetrable and one of the oldest covens still around. The most powerful of all of them though was the Budapest Coven. Interesting, Semira thought, that Yoshino would seek refuge here instead of in Budapest. She would ask her, certainly. But first, she had to be properly welcomed. Though Semira was by all means the other’s superior in age, skill and title, she knew what the unspoken niceties were of greeting visitors. 
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peepingtoad · 4 years
|| @vinodiriso ; cont. {x}
He’s grumbling and scratching his chin, and there’s a black blotch in the corner of his mouth from where he’s been chewing his pen nib in concentration. Then, a graceless yelp as he realises that there’s a little cute face peering over his shoulder. A curious doe, looking at what he’s been jotting. “Oh, it’s—it’s nothing! Just a thing I’m working on…” Ah, and he can only hope that her knowledge of seals falls short, that she won’t realise the designs are for chakra suppressants. “… For a thing!”
Archives were unfortunately Yoshino’s territory, if only because she was one with a sincere passion for retrieving and studying old missions reports, she loved reading about names of legend: Sarutobi Sasuke, Senju Tobirama, Uzumaki Mito, and even more recent ones, Orochimaru, Senju Tsunade, Namikaze Minato. It was her quite distorted version of light reading, although it was explicit reports of manslaughter, arson, espionage, racket, and some of the most wicked ninja activities.
That time though, she was aching for quiet and peace: the Cryptoanalysis team and her had come up with a new coding system to make sensitive data and private information unreadable for those who didn’t know how to decode their encrypted messages. Something so important sounded like a task for the War HQ Commander, but Shikaku himself admitted Yoshino was way better than him at everything concerning mathematic and logic --- moreover, he trusted her to be able to handle such a thing. Translation: that was a drag Yoshino could deal with.
When Yoshino’s gaze had stumbled upon Jiraiya’s large figure, she became immediately curious: several, heavy tomes in her arms, she started peering from upon his shoulder to check on his work. Her lips formed a very surprised ‘o’ as she laid her eyes across the scroll he was working on. The designs on it were so complex, so intricate, a mixture of kanji and formulae in languages Yoshino could not read.
She blushed as she was reminded that, even if Jiraiya and her were good friends, and even if sometimes he did look like a fool, Jiraiya was one of the Densetsu no Sannin. He was one of the most dangerous ninja in Konohagakure, and very likely in the Land of Fire --- not to mention the rest of the world. It was humbling and heartwarming to remember that a ruthless, powerful entity like him had taken an interest in a tiny little thing like her.
“It might be, but you are looking very guilty,” Yoshino stated, as she took her seat next to him. Being him working at the moment, she rested assured she would have gotten the silence she wanted to start encoding the messages.
And in regard of ‘looking like a fool’, his mouth was totally stained with ink. A resigned smile, the kunoichi picked a tissue from her side pouch and wiped the corner of his lips roughly, trying to get the ink away. She only made it worse, which in result forced her to keep her laugh in not to hurt his feelings.
“I am sure that whatever it is, it’s for a very unchivalrous purpose.”
Security in the archives sure had ramped up from what it used to be back in the days just before the Second War. The stuff he needed access to today, mostly research of Senju Tobirama’s that was deemed ‘forbidden’, had been cordoned off in cabinets behind numerous seals—and while this greatly inconvenienced him, it didn’t deter him. Of course, in the last few years there was all the more reason for security to be tighter, now more than ever given certain knowledge-and-jutsu hungry serpents trying to raise the dead, but fortunately for Jiraiya these measures stood no chance in the face of his extensive knowledge on the subject. 
After all, this was the man who could remember incredibly specific and personal information, to the point where he could tailor make a code that only one particular person would ever understand, and this was the man who could memorise the order of cards played in order to predict and forge a winning or losing hand for whosoever he wished; but perhaps most importantly of all, this was the man who had contributed firsthand to a sizeable wealth of these archives. Not only was it mission reports and intel, but it was reams worth of documented seals, both neatly transcribed from scrolls too aged and delicate for regular handling and others of his very own design, along with fragments of studies he’d begun and not finished, but submitted for safekeeping—or for an intrepid understudy to delve and develop further, should they wish.
It struck him, of course, that had he just asked, he would have simply been allowed access to the restricted stuff... but the way he saw it, if he could break the seals, then someone like Orochimaru most certainly could if they decided to infiltrate. They needed to get better.
On this occasion, he was mostly here for those old notes of his anyway, and just one or two bits of Tobirama’s work. What had started a few years back as a joint project he and Minato had begun to try and aid Kushina through those rough years as a new jinchūriki, back when the enraged Kyūbi was at its most volatile (and which she totally proved herself not to need in the end), was now being revisited for a new purpose. Using Nidaime’s research into Chakra Virus and his own work on chakra suppressants intended for bijū, what he was hoping to achieve here was the creation of a seal for no grand purpose besides making the life of one he... had befriended, much easier.
So of course, who would happen to interrupt him during this project but exactly that friend? 
And why was he surprised, given her position? She was the brains behind... well, the brains alongside Shikaku, War HQ Commander. Obviously he was just so wrapped up in his work that he didn’t consider the possibility of her also coming here regularly for work purposes. Still, it didn’t seem to him like there was any particular flash of recognition illuminating her eyes as she took a seat nearby, for which he was thankful. He didn’t want her to know until it was definitely, definitely ready. 
Thank god that grass script was exceptionally hard to read unless it was your own...
A moment of quiet befell them as the Yukinohana laid out her books and scrolls, and he too turned his attention back to his work... but when he found the side of his mouth and chin being wiped at with a tissue his head snapped up to look at her with wide, blinking eyes. Rubbing at the spot, which now stung from her almost brutal scrubbing, his gaze dropped to the black, inky smudge that came off on his finger, and his mouth fell into a pout. Embarrassing.
“Humph! You wound me, Yoshino!” he huffed, affronted by such baseless accusations. “It’s actually very important work I’m doin’ here. Very, very important. Just sit back and watch the master at work, yeah?”
Although he was smirking after that little flare-up of the old bravado, his gaze drifted over to the book that was still opened to the ‘Chakra Virus’ section. Although it was only the tail end of a paragraph leading on to the next condition, he still saw fit to casually reach over and flip the cover shut before leading them neatly onto a new subject. Just to deflect from what he was up to, despite having just bragged about its importance.
“So, how about you?” he drawled, eyeing up the spines of the many tomes. “Looks like you’ve got a lot on your hands there. Working on some new ciphers?”
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
vinodiriso replied to your post : Small reminder, s.hino’s mom is super fucking...
how funny you type shino’s mom I read YOSHINO’S MOMMY
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                                       . . . Later ok
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grcwingstrcng · 5 years
@vinodiriso sent:  ❝Hey… don’t worry so much, okay? We can raise it.❞ (from mamadoe to lovely, crimson soon-to-be mama)
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“I know.” She sighs, reaching for the other’s hand, seeking out the comfort the touch would bring. Shikamaru taking on a sort of protective role over her was expected - Asuma probably put him up to it -, but she felt much more at ease with Yoshino. “I just wish she could meet him.” He’d told her more than once that he wished it was a girl...
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musaics · 4 years
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              “I-I know you,” Hinata states timidly while delivering a few items of Shikamaru’s that had made their way into her pack during their last mission (somehow).  “Y-Your Yoshino Yukinohana.  You. . You were Haru-san’s teammate. I’ve heard stories.” // @vinodiriso​
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movedoverthehcrizon · 4 years
@vinodiriso​ liked for a starter !
          Walking was proving to be rather difficult with how bulbous her swollen belly had gotten. When she had seen pregnant women before she had a rough idea of how big she’d get, but she was bigger now than she imagined a full term pregnant woman being. Still having two months to go, Kushina was prying little Naruto came early. 
          Whilst waddling her way through the village, the Uzumaki had a hand resting on stop of her huge belly, swaying from side to side with each step she takes, a puff and pant escaping her lips as she feels her lower back begin to hurt. Deciding to stop for a moment, her gaze wanders and lands on a fellow pregnant woman, igniting a large grin on her face. “Yoshino-san!”
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          Waddling with a purpose, she tries to ‘run’ to close the distance between herself and the Nara, coming to a stop once she reaches her. A loud groan later, Kushina parts her legs and hunches over to catch her breath. “Maybe that wasn’t such a great idea, ya know? My back hurts...”
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peepingtoad · 4 years
"Hey," Yoshino called for him softly. She could hear him breathing steady but not quite as deep as when he was asleep, so she knew he was just being quiet. "This might sound like a weird question, but... if you could choose to get back something you truly love and have lost, but to have to keep fighting for it, or to achieve peace losing everything you hold dear with no chance to recover it... what would you choose?" She had asked herself the same question and she had found no answer. That frightened her to the point of seeking the opinion of the one person she had a sense wouldn't judge her whatever her final decision would have been.
|| impromptu asks; always accepting! || @vinodiriso​ (Shishi)
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It may be true that sleep had yet to take him, but that didn’t mean Jiraiya was all there in terms of his capacity for intelligent thought. Then again, having Yoshino around at all may have had something to do with said lack of intelligence, drowsiness aside, given the way that familiarly lovely scent and warm presence kept him from truly being able to settle down.
“Mmm, doesn’t just sound weird, Shishi—it is.” His words slurred slightly, and although he tried to sound disgruntled about it, there was still a telltale curve to his lips. Maybe for the sake of shutting her up, tonight should be the night he gives into the urge to put his mouth all over that sweet, sweet flesh... or maybe he’d just chicken out. Again. “Much too complex for a guy who was real close to fallin’ asleep just now.”
He said that, but of course Jiraiya was never really one to pass up a random deep conversation no matter the time of night, and so he adjusted onto his side, using his bent arm as a pillow to prop his head up as one eye opened blearily.
“Hm. Way to ask the hard-hitting questions though, huh... But well, I suppose I am—I mean I could—survive losing everything if it meant guaranteed peace for the world, for everyone, sure. And there’s always a chance of finding new love even when what came before is lost, isn’t there?”
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That probably came out a little bleak and callous, but the way things were even now, there really wasn’t much else he could lose besides his life. His choices already had taken things away from him, and he’d probably end up sacrificing a lot more in the years to come, too.
Well, wasn’t that just a lovely thought?
“Knowing me though, I’d still keep on fighting for what I lost anyways. If some divine power can create a world of peace... then it can bring what I hold dear back to me too, right? Or, y’know, I can just make it happen. Since I’d have plenty time to spare in a world at peace and all... and I’m nothin’ if not awfully persistent, heh...”
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