divinityunleashed · 7 days
@polterxgheist replied to your post “I break the silence to bring you DOGGO: Currently...”:
Pet the doggo for me please!!
​Doggo has been pet~
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dragonballnewstar · 9 months
Suggest an outfit and I will draw my muse wearing that outfit.
polterxgheist asked:
-Spencer in grey sweatpants
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Just a lad vibing in his crummy apartment
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abridgedvampire · 7 hours
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“I… also have a question. What… what does blood taste like?”
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"Again. Depends on the blood of the person you're drinking from."
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gazelessmenagerie · 2 days
🥦 WANTED! + $420,000,000,000.69 for not wanting a piece of this sweet ass. Not even a nibble.
Send "WANTED!" + the amount of bounty in my muse's head and what crime they committed
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" How, exactly, to you think someone is going to collect this bounty? Let alone do you even possess that much money considering how much you complain of your payment from your boss? "
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He just got here why is he being mentioned in stupid talk--
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grctia · 8 days
@polterxgheist asked: Out of curiosity, what is your url based on?
It's the word 'grace' in Latin. It's really weird but it's something I've taken a liking to doing - using the Latin form of the English variant of a word.
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risingsouls · 6 months
@polterxgheist replied: “She’s Zamasu’s main squeeze. She was also a bird at some point, but they’d be pissed if I talked about that shit again.”
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Nabooru visibly shuddered. " How anyone could want to be in the company of that worm--and that's an insult to worms to make the comparison--will forever be beyond me. But I don't care if she was a bird or a worm herself. But at least her pitiful choice of uncreative topics of conversation makes sense if she worships at the feet of that disgusting fool. "
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dementedxshade · 9 months
@polterxgheist Asked:
“Gun to head, matcha cheesecake or blueberry pie?”
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"Those last two options aren't drugged are they? Because I am fond of my sweets... Matcha cheesecake? Very tempting..."
He feels like he has stepped into an illusion of choice with this question to be perfectly honest.
"I'll pass on the gun to the head, thank you.~" He adds with a cocky smirk.
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🌸 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 🌸
I've had a pet praying mantis, two pet turtles, a koi fish, lots of gold fish and even a pet stink bug, but never more common pets like dogs, cats or birds.
I know how to use a bo staff to fight, and it's part of the reason Donatello is my favorite ninja turtle.
I can read and understand Spanish at decent level, but I'm horrible at speaking it.
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divinityunleashed · 2 days
“Other me, I request your assistance.”
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"What do you want?"
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dragonballnewstar · 1 month
Get kicked, nerd
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kiealer · 5 months
@polterxgheist-a said:
“No. Say what you wanna say.”
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❝I would get--❞
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❝--In so much trouble.❞
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gazelessmenagerie · 3 days
Bakura vc:🖕
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Easy as it would've been to simply mimic the offending gesture, a far more petty idea trailed its way into his mind as the gleaming fangs were brandished like a set of daggers. The corners of his mouth hooked upwards, spreading open his lips into a taunting smirk to reveal the deadly points with a chortle quaking at his chest. Then, just to twist the knife in deeper; the Brute parted his jaws and slowly licked his tongue over his fangs while maintaining perfect eye contact with the other.
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beforecreation · 6 months
Dangerously booping the fucking cat god
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"I was hoping a strong warrior would try their luck."
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"Because I know you'll be able to handle this without being dying on me, won't you?"
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no96-blackmist · 6 months
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"There's something different about you."
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theannoyedskittle · 11 months
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🥲🥲 SHDB THANK YOU!! We really do try and have a lot of wholesome stories mixed with the crazy! Because I never get to really talk about them and in no particular order::
- Parsa and Sudo's relationship: Parsa has the Legendary Super Saiyan gene which means her emotions heavily peak. Whereas Sudo is emotionally "stunted" based on his alien race. The two end up balancing each other out, where Sudo can talk Parsa down and Parsa fills Sudo's emotional gaps.
- Victor confiding in Princess Zelda: Victor is our oc based on an old throw away plot of LOZ where she had a brother. Ours takes place in BoTW, so after Zelda's mother dies, the King - like years later - founded a small romance with one of the servants in the castle. She came to the king saying she was pregnant and he cast her out (same guy who wouldn't let his daughter dabble in technology). Victor was born, but when he was young a wizard killed his mother and raised him as if he was his own. Sewing distrust in the royal family and definitely abusing him. Victor killed the wizard but ended up sealed in his grimoire until Zelda and friends found the book. Victor was a villain for a bit but was also pretty traumatized and not mentally well. One night he and Zelda just ended up having a long heart to heart. Zelda seething that her father kept more secrets from her, Victor just bubbling over and just both siblings bonding. The emotional connection led to Victor vomiting black ooze - malice, originally planted by the wizard to keep Victor angry and spiteful. After that night, the two moved forward as better siblings. He is also very protective of his sister, and same is true for Zelda.
- Yuki and Spencer getting adopted: I've talked a fair bit about my One Piece twins but this one stuck with me since Yuki and Spencer had different lives before reconnecting. Yuki was closer with the scientist that made them, pretty much viewing him like a father figure. His tattoo is where she got her name (though she spelt it wrong). Spencer didn't have that. Yuki had a toxic relationship that led her to joining the Marines where Spencer just floated taking odd jobs and spiraling. The two were in their 20s when they met Reginald - Saika Iblin's butler. Yuki having a romantic relationship with Saika, and Spencer working for him. Reginald was always supportive of the two and worked as a mediator for them for a bit. He went out of his way and even found their egg doner - the person who was technically their "mom". Reginald actually ended up falling for her, and the two made an agreement to pull Yuki and Spencer aside and presented the forms. They were adults, so they didn't have to agree to anything...but they did. It was something they've both searched for all their lives- just a place to belong. And thus, they became a very weird family ♡ (and even got a little sister later!)
There's more but this is long ;A;
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