#{out of breath}
I look so silly exercising. Wish I could just never move again~ grow and grow, fatter and fatter~ but for now, here I am. Jumping jacks.
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jokingluna · 2 months
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girlsloveupdates · 11 months
Hi, I just started watching GL, have only watched GAP. Can you recommend anything? I'd really appreciate it.
Hello! Although there are not that many right now, I will include a list of shows that have already aired that you can watch. Make sure you also see this list to keep updated on which GL will be coming out soon — because there will be a lot! 2024 is the year, trust me! The GL renaissance is upon us. But while we wait here’s some others:
Main characters/main couple:
- She Makes My Heart Flutter (2022)
I love this one. Basically all the characters are lesbians and in a friendship group. It’s so sweet and endearing and I really recommend it! Kinda short but so sweet. One of my favourites for sure <3
- She Loves To Cook and She Loves to Eat (2022)
The characters are a perfect match. This show will make your heart warm and you will say ‘Me and who’ every five seconds.
- Sleep with Me (2022)
The chemistry is so good. It feels so raw and real. Sexuality isn’t really an issue at all. I really enjoyed watching, my heart 🥹
- Out of Breath (2019)
Both painful and heartwarming, it can be relatable to viewers who have experienced break-ups and finding new love. This series is fun and I like it.
- Couple of Mirrors (2021)
Because of censorship, their relationship isn’t ~specifically stated but they are canonically together by the person who created them. I mean, they literally live together, sleep in the same bed, raise a child together etc. The vibes are gayyyy, it’s safe to say they have romantic feelings for each other. If you love action and badass women, this is for you!
- Legend of Yunze (2022)
Lovers reunite after centuries apart. It’s so beautiful and I rewatch this quite a lot.
- Girlfriend Project Day 1 (2022)
Super short, but still really cute. The characters are forced to work together and things ensue. I wish they’d make more episodes 🥹
- Show Me Love (2023)
It’s not made/edited the best but it’s still cute and easy to watch, nice elements of comedy :D
!!!!! Here is a link to other mini web dramas !!!!!
Side characters/side couple:
- Bad Buddy (2021)
My sweetest Ink and Pa. I love them very much :) The actresses have their own GL together called ‘23.5’ which will air next year!
+ they also feature in Zero Photography
- Nevertheless (2021)
Watch this for Soljiwan, Nabi, and Han Sohee. The straight couples are questionable, but Sol & Jiwan, although a side couple, have the most beautiful story and amazing chemistry. 🥰
- Friend Zone S2 (2021)
Cris and Amm are a beautiful couple. They help each other with their situations, maybe they’re not perfect, but they are everything :D
Special mentions:
- Fragrance of the First Flower (2021)
- Love of Secret (2022)
- Wedding Plan (2023)
- Sweet Kaaram Coffee (2023)
I’ve definitely missed ones but these are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. The only main GL airing right now is Lucky My Love & Love Senior!
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sassypiglet86 · 2 months
I love when you talk about how out of shape youre getting
any other stories?
Definitely. My most recent one was when I just recently visited Istanbul, Turkey. That place has wayyyyy to many stairs. I had to stop and take breaks so many times and was EXTREMELY out of breath. I was with my boyfriends family and I was so embarrassed. They are all speed walkers and fit. I obviously am not. The stairs were absolutely insane, I kid you not there were like 200 of them if not more. I thought I was gonna die. Every time you’d make it up some there’d be more that came into view.
Worst night of my life.
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It’s so much higher than this looks and we had already gone up some at this point and this was a different day than my story above. #i-hate-stairs
At least there were cats I could pet along the way
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secretbigboylover · 5 months
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Big sweaty day
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QL of All Time - Round 1: Out of Breath (2019) vs A Boss and a Babe (2023)
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bazcomic · 4 months
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Baz #71 - Free Climb
Written by: Forrest Langley
Art by: Mary Langley
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January Drama Wrap Up
January was a month of ups and downs (and some very big let downs) but over all I enjoyed what I watched. I tried out a new country's dramas and discovered some classics at the same time and I've built myself a pretty solid Currently Watching List to take me into February.
📊 The Stats
Total Dramas: 12
Currently Watching: 3
Completed: 4
Dropped: 2
On Hold: 3
My To Watch List: 60
🎭 The Dramas
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🤼💰 Like Flowers in the Sand - Currently Watching
Like Flowers in the Sand is going to be another one of those k-dramas I am never going to be able to explain to my non k-drama watching friends without sounding like I've lost the plot a little.
"It's a small town drama about a minor league ssireum team and a wrestler who's been in a years long slump. There's also an investigation into a murder linked to match-fixing but that's kind of a side plot and it's linked to the wrestler's childhood friend who's reappeared incognito after disappearing mysteriously many years ago ... I promise it's good!"
It's probably not the drama for everyone but as someone who has historically loved sports centered k-dramas and who loved When Camilla Blooms this drama ticks so many of my boxes. I'm very excited to watch the complex relationships and politics of small town life be put under a microscope and dissected and I can already tell I'm going to love how morally grey all the characters are.
It also doesn't hurt that the ML is the biggest himbo to ever ever himbo and I love him and his empty brain to bits.
Prediction: I become a ssireum fan.
🕹️💌 Love For Love's Sake - Currently Watching
I've been staying away from K-BL these past few months because I've been struggling with their short run time but Love for Love' Sake lured me back in like a moth to the flame and I have no regrets.
Is Love For Love's Sake Perfect? No, there are definitely some pacing issues that are leaving me feeling very temporally confused about how quickly or slowly events are unfolding and the lower than average k-drama budget does show at certain points but, do you what?
I don't care.
I wholeheartedly love this drama and it's going to have to mess up its last 2 episodes Last Twilight style to change that.
The relationship between the main couple? Adorable. The openly gay leader of the school delinquents? We stan. The oddball friendship group forming because they're all slightly crushing on the ML? Sign me up! The addition of a glitch in the game that's starting to mess everything up? Horrifying and I love it.
Prediction: A new favourite K-BL is born and it's all thanks to this mf
🩺😭 Doctor Slump - Currently Watching
I'm watching this because it's on my Plan To Watch list and Netflix started playing the trailer after I'd finished watching an episode of The Way of the Househusband.
I won't lie, this is definitely the drama, out of all the dramas I'm currently watching, that I'm least certain I'll finish but, at the same time, I was pleasantly surprised by the first two episodes. Yes, it does do that typical comedy k-drama thing of mixing ridiculous over the top laughs with some incredibly difficult topics (because who doesn't want to be laughing hysterically one minute and then doing some deep self-reflection the next?) but so far the balance and the boundaries between the two moods has been relatively well struck and only time will tell if it manages to stay that way.
I appreciate tackling the topic of burn out and depression in a country that still champions overwork and mental fortitude above all else and I'm interested to see where it goes with that part of its arc. The "being framed for murder" I am a little less certain about, but it has definitely added a layer of intrigue to a story that would otherwise be relatively mundane and by the books.
As I said, time will tell if I continue to enjoy Doctor Slump but I'd say my only quibble with the drama so far is that I'm not sure "accused of (and potentially framed for) murder" and "suffering from depression due to burn out and work place abuse" quite fit what is normally meant by the word slump.
Prediction: Maybe I won't drop this half way through like I thought I would.
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👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🎥 BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita - Completed
My first Japanese BL ever and it was a good one. Yes, it was 3 episodes long, but it used its runtime perfectly. All of the main characters felt properly fleshed out (and the side characters were caricature enough that you only really needed one scene to know who they were and what they stood for), the pacing was great (it couldn't afford to drag but it didn't speed through scenes either), and it found the right balance between BL shenanigans and forrays into deeper messages. This was exactly what I needed at the time and, for someone who doesn't normally like mini-dramas that much, I enjoyed myself immensely.
Verdict: 8/10, I also want a life-size cardboard cutout of Aoyanagi to cuddle and hide behind when I open the door.
✒️💕 Cherry Magic, Japan - Completed
I'm planning to buy the manga.
I plan to watch the film next month (I never watch films).
I may have even checked out the fanfic scene in a bout of withdrawal.
Anyway, what I mean to say is that I get the hype, I really really do. This drama is fantastic.
Cherry Magic is one of those classics that you watch as a newbie and go "oh yeah I get why everyone is obsessed with this". The premise is novel and well executed, the characters are oh so easy to love, the main romance is so incredibly shippable, and the friendships are just as endearing.
I personally love the role Adachi's mind reading plays in shaping his relationship with Kurosawa and how the way it's handled means the audience feels what Adachi is feeling right alongside him. How can you not be charmed by the inner monologue of someone so sweetly and respectfully head over heels for you? But at the same time just because you're charmed, does that mean you like them back or is it just because you can see them at their most vulnerable? And what about once you're in the relationship? Do you give up the thing you know made it possible? Or do you pull back so you can't mess up once the crutch you rely on is gone?
There was so much quiet nuance to Adachi's and Kurosawa's relationship to each other and those around them and, when I one day sit down for a rewatch, I'm looking forward to unpicking them all.
Verdict: 8.5/10, Adachi and Kurosawa are going to be one of those couples that's impossible to leave behind. This is going to stick with me for a while, and once it's unstuck I'll just watch it again.
📸🌦️ Welcome to Samdal-Ri - Completed
I know some people thought the premise of Welcome to Sandal-Ri was unrealistic but, personally, I found it hard not to draw parallels between what happened to Cho Sam Dal in the drama and what happened to Kim Seon Ho in real life. Yes, the situations may differ somewhat (Sam Dal faces false accusations of work-place bullying by an employee while Seon Ho was accused of coercing his girlfriend into getting an abortion) but there were enough similarities (the media frenzy and the sheer intensity of the backlash, the scandals happening just as their careers peaked, the gradual revelation of what actually transpired) that I would be very surprised if there was no link at all.
For that alone, Welcome To Samdal-Ri had my attention from the get go. If this story were from a Western perspective, I would certainly have been much more wary of a story tackling false accusations (looking at you Euphoria) but from a Korean perspective, where celebrity culture is far more intense and volatile and in which false accusations have happened before and cancel culture can indeed end a career for even minor infractions (like dating), I wanted to see how it would be handled.
Ultimately I was satisfied, not wowed, not disappointed, satisfied. The show didn't dig that deep into the subject (personally I would have appreciated Sam Dal's case juxtaposed against another case in which the accusations turned out to be true) but it handled it deftly enough and felt "case-by-case" enough that I didn't feel as though it inadvertently gave off the message of "not believe anyone bringing accusations against celebrities".
Other than my own personal interest in the premise, Welcome to Sandal-Ri did a good job of holding my interest. In terms of overall vibe, it felt like a mix between (perhaps unsurprisingly) Hometown Cha Cha Cha (the idyllic small-town community filled with friends and loveable elders) and Our Beloved Summer (childhood lovers unfairly broken up but still pining for each other after years apart). The pacing was good, the characters loveable (I am now in love with Cho Hae In), and each episode felt like sinking into a warm bath for an hour.
Verdict: 8/10, it tackled an interesting topic while providing its audience with plenty of comfort and heart. It could have done without the love triangle though, just saying.
📃👩‍❤️‍👩 Out of Breath - Completed
I don't have too much to say about Out of Breath given it was 3 episodes long and less than an hour run time in total but I'm glad I watched it. Firstly, because it was nice to watch a (rare) Korean GL and secondly, because it managed to fit a lot into its short run time. Two break ups, a love triangle/unrequited love, cute dates, commentary on living queer in Korea, commentary on being out in Korea.... This show really had it all.
It was short, it was sweet, and it had a lot to say. I can't say I'd watch it again in a hurry, but I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a realistic portrayal of queer (and specifically) lesbian life in Korea.
Verdict: 7.5/10, it unpacked a lot in a short amount of time, the couple was extra cute too.
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🫂💕 Cherry Magic Thailand - On Hold
I realised very early on into watching Cherry Magic Thailand that I'd probably get a lot more out of it if I watched the original first. I'm not normally someone who says watching the OG is necessary to watch the adaptation (in fact I normally rebel against that idea with a whole lot of passion) but in this case it became very clear that without watching Cherry Magic Japan first, I was missing important reference points and comparisons that were pretty key to understanding and appreciating that plot fully.
Anyway, I've now watched and loved Cherry Magic Japan so Cherry Magic Thailand is back on the menu, I just want to give myself enough time away that when I go back to it, it's with completely new eyes (and I'm excited for when that moment comes).
Verdict: On Hold until I can give it a proper fresh start.
🩺🍲 Cooking Crush - On Hold
I watched this at completely the wrong time. I struggle with rom-com dramas at the best of times but by now I should know that I absolutely should not try to watch one when I am going through a period of high stress.
I am not kind to rom-coms when I am stressed, even the ones I might otherwise enjoyed.
As it is, I initially dropped Cooking Crush because I was struggling to stay focussed enough to finish an episode and the characters were grating on me. Looking back, part of me thinks that my lack of focus and general irritability may have had less to do with the drama itself and much more to do with the fact I could barely focus on anything during that time period and that I had barely any spoons left to give people in my actual life, let alone fictional ones.
Anyway, Cooking Crush has continued to come across my dash in gif, meme, and analysis form and I've realised that I actually really like what I'm seeing, enough so that I've moved it out of the "dropped" pile and into my "on hold" list so as to give it a second shot in the not so distant future (something that doesn't normally happen).
I genuinely think I might like this drama, I just need to make sure I'm in the right mindset for it first to give it a fair shot 💪
Verdict: On Hold until my next holiday.
🐍🦅 The Sign - On Hold
On paper The Sign sounds like it's right up my street, after all what's not to love about star-crossed lovers doomed by the threads of fate and history to lose each other?
But that's the thing, "on paper". In real life The Sign is well, messy and a bit too cop-heavy for my liking. Sure there are some great moments, Billy and Babe's chemistry is on fire, and it may have one of the best and most artistic sex scenes ever to grace the BL screens of the world but sexy times does not a good show make and I've found myself torn about whether or not I should keep going or just give up at this point.
To help me decide I've taken the "on paper" part of The Sign very literally and bought the book to read. If I like the book (the translation is a bit choppy but I can overlook that if the story is good) then I'll finish the show, if I don't then into the land of the dropped it goes.
Verdict: On Hold until I've actually experienced it on paper.
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🌄🖕 Last Twilight - Dropped (episode 10)
I won't lie, this is the second time (the first time being Only Friends) that I've ended up being grateful my busy schedule got in the way of my drama watching because wow this show really took a tumble at the last hurdle. There was so much Last Twilight could have done, so many societal boundaries it could have crossed and reshaped and re-imagined but instead it went with... well a literal "fix it fic" ending that fixed nothing but instead broke all it had built up beyond repair.
I'm not going to go into detail about how Last Twilight let nearly every single one of its principal characters down, about how Mhok was never allowed screen time to process his own emotional trauma, about how the show briefly touched upon and then completely glossed over the very different social and financial circumstances of the both couples and the effects this would have on their experience of the world, of how there was so much ableist messaging around both the treatment of Dad's character which was always lurking under the surface but which only really came to light alongside the ending..... All I'm going to say is that, up until episode 9, Last Twilight had a choice about what messages it wanted it's audiences to come away with at the end, and it picked the wrong fucking ones.
It could have been a challenge to the ableist and classist mainstream norm so often portrayed in the media, instead it perpetuated harmful and hurtful rhetoric and stereotypes against the very people it claimed to champion.
Maybe one day I'll watch it again, but only because I want to properly break down what went so wrong.
Recommended reads by people who expressed it better than me:
This Discussion under "Last Twilight, episode 12: final reflections" by @waitmyturtles
"Last Twilight: Ep 12" by @wen-kexing-apologist
"Last Twilight Episode 12" by @lurkingshan
This post by @simplemindedmockingjay
Verdict: Dropped for betraying it's audience and those it claimed to champion.
👨‍⚕️⏳ Triage - Dropped (episode 10)
This one hurts me.
This one well and truly hurts me.
Because, the thing is, I loved so much about this show. It does so much right and up until episode 10 I was preparing to rank it among my favourite BLs of all time; the plot was fast moving and carried you from episode to episode in a whirlwind of anticipation, the romance (although minor compared to most other BLs) was highly shippable, the characters had depth and flaws and strengths that made you root for them, and the time loop plot device was doing things that were genuinely new and innovative.
I was hooked.
And then everything I loved just disappeared.
I don't know what possessed the creators of this show to completely change the universe of the drama for the last 2 episodes, maybe they thought the old one was getting stale (it wasn't).
All I can say is I absolutely hated the new turn of events.
Familiar characters with entirely new personalities and character arcs who I was apparently expected to root for (I don't know who they are anymore), time travel rules thrown out of the window because the plot demanded it be so (I'm sorry but the notebook time travels now? And a kiss will bring back memories?), the entire premise of the show just dropped and never even properly answered (why did Tin need to save Tol????? What about his heart murmur????)....
Just no.
I'm out.
Verdict: Dropped for becoming a completely different drama in the last 2 episodes
⭐ The Awards
I fell in love with a lot of people and things this month so let's talk about them
☺️ Smile That Could Launch A Thousand Ships
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Yuuichi Kurosawa (and his actor Keita Machida) is, quite frankly, a ridiculously gorgeous man in the most normal of circumstances but his smile takes it to a whole new level.
Truly a sight that could light up a room (and the whole building the room was in), this smile is filled with such genuine happiness and love that it's hard not to smile right back just as brightly, whether you be a hapless audience member beaming at your computer screen or a flustered Adachi trying desperately to hold on to your heart.
What I also love about this smile is that it only comes out when Kurosawa is properly, over the moon happy. He's got other smiles for other occasions and they're all very pretty but this one? This one sits above them all and makes them pale in comparison.
🩷 Biggest Crush
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I have a type and that type is Cho Mina (and quite possibly Kang Mi Na, I clearly need to work through her filmography for... science). But seriously, this woman is STUNNING and is made all the more so by her dedication to her daughter and her refusal to let society pressure her into being ashamed of being a young single mum. She's strong, she's kind, she's independent, she's beautiful both inside and out. I don't care if she got the least screen time out of all the sisters, she stole the whole show for me and I am smitten.
📃 Line That Hit Me Like A Freight Train
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"I'm used to pretending to be normal"
"pretending to be normal"
I'm going to be forever grateful to Cherry Magic for giving me positive and thoughtful Ace rep in Fujisaki, for showing her happy and confident and unbothered by society's expectations that she should one day couple up and settle down, for giving voice to the Ace experience of "pretending to be normal" in simple line that holds so much meaning and so many layers.
I know it's not canon, but in my head Fujisaki does tell Adachi out loud one day, and she gets her response of "is that so".
🛌 Plot Device That Made Me Sit Up and Go "Yes"
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I may have ended up dropping Triage but credit where credit is due, it did do a lot of things right and one of those things was its ideas around time loops/ time travel. The idea that where you fall asleep at the end of the time loop directly affects how far back you travel back in time for the start of the loop?
Why haven't I seen this done before??? It's such a clever way to provide the loop-character with the agency they need to actually make changes without breaking the established rules of the time loop and it allows for each iteration of the loop to be significantly different depending on how early or how late the changes to the timeline are made.
It literally solves almost all of my usual issues with time loop narratives.
It was genuinely intriguing watching Tin try to work out where he needed to fall asleep in order to go back as far as he needed and it was such a shame that, as the show neared its end, that aspect of the time loop experience just sort of fell away.
I want more time loop ideas like this and I want them now.
🌄 Scene That Took My Breath Away
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Last Twilight may have ended by taking this scene and its significance and flushing it down the toilet but you know what, the author is dead and I killed him. I'm taking this scene back.
Day wanting his last experience with his quickly disappearing sight to be a homage to the book that helped him come to terms with his disability and see the world anew, his description of the sunset he could see in his mind's eye that is far more brilliant and beautiful than reality could ever dream to be, his clear moment of realisation that yes, he could live without his sight and not only could he live without it, he could well and truly thrive, the last thing he sees being Mhok's face as the ultimate declaration of love....
The last twilight in episode 9 could have been a truly special moment and, taken in isolation, it still is. It's just such a shame that such a beautiful depiction of growth and healing and self-love and self-acceptance was ultimately papered over with an ending that didn't fit it at all, one that erased the positive and affirming messages this scene held.
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howloopyisthat · 7 months
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From a gifset on thevelvetgoldmine
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kattahj · 4 months
More Asian QL reviews!
I have now watched another half dozen Asian QLs! This time, five of them are short to medium length, and only one is a full-length Thai drama (12 x 45 minutes). I have written down the lengths so you know how much time you'll be committing!
Choco Milk Shake (11 x 15ish minutes, plus one background 3 minute story)
What's it about? Jungwoo is feeling kind of down, when two handsome young men appear by his apartment. They declare that they're his childhood dog and cat, Choco and Milk, and that they have returned from the afterlife to make him happy.
Genre: dramedy
Watch if you enjoy: Actors who are very good at showing animal traits while gradually becoming more and more human. Cute and fluffy. No villains. Melancholy discussions of death. Happy-for-now ending.
Gayer version of: Minoes
Recommended? Yes! This show is like a warm hug, just so kind and compassionate. Of course you have to accept that the premise includes these former animals in (low heat) romance with humans. It helps that everyone is gorgeous. :-)
Watched on: Mostly YouTube, occasionally an episode gave me trouble and I turned to Dailymotion.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3-fUBzCQuY
Rookie (94 minute film)
What's it about? Since there's no basketball team in Ace's new school, she joins the volleyball team instead. Star player Jana isn't too happy about the new recruit... at least at first.
Genre: coming of age
Watch if you enjoy: Character-focused stories. Volleyball. Enemies to lovers. Criticism of religious hypocrisy. Girls supporting each other (eventually).
Gayer version of: My So-Called Life
Recommended? Mildly yes. It's sympathetic and well-acted, and the story is at heart an interesting one. At the same time, it takes on a lot for its short runtime – it's a coming of age story, a romance, a sports film, and also tackles issues like sexual assault and parental bereavement. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite know how to pace all of it; some things drag on, while others get resolved much too quickly. Still, I would say that on average, I liked it!
Watched on: Bilibili
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSTcOkT72J0
Out of Breath (3x15 min)
What's it about? Ha Eun's girlfriend has just broken up with her, and with the encouragement of her friend Yu Bin, Ha Eun dares to try a dating app. But meeting someone this way is awkward, and is she even ready to move on?
Genre: Slice of life
Watch if you enjoy: Realistic lesbian love troubles. Mellow and empathetic. Same director as She Makes My Heart Flutter. (There's even a character called Yu Bin in both, played by the same actress! The Soo Not Sue universe, perhaps?)
Gayer version of: a Nora Ephron movie (with fewer one-liners).
Recommended? Yes! It was a nice little miniseries. Sure, it's nothing new, and the short runtime means the love connection is a bit underdeveloped, but the story still works well.
Watched on: YouTube
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN1V3Lh4AHc
Love from Outta Space (22 min film)
What's it about? An alien lands in Off's garden and wants to know more about life on earth.
Genre: scifi
Watch if you enjoy: More OffGun after shows like Not Me and Theory of Love. Short and cute. Fish out of water. Deadpan vs. comedic. What is love?
Gayer version of: My Stepmother is an Alien
Recommended? Not unless you're really into OffGun. But at least it's short!
Watched on: YouTube
Whole thing (instead of trailer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JfxlGewx1s
Girlfriend Project, Day 1 (4 x 5-8 min)
What's it about? Two students get paired up for an assignment where they have to pretend to date.
Genre: university drama
Watch if you enjoy: 24 hour romance, opposites attract, bickering to lovers, fake dating turned real, amorous while drunk
Gayer version of: a John Hughes movie
Recommended? The short runtime isn't quite enough to convince me that these two would be good with each other, but if you just want to watch two messy lesbians try to sort out their feelings, then yes. I will be tuning in for season 2 if/when we get it!
Watched on: YouTube
Whole thing: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_wBhmJHUwXRco0J2M4DNNq9M-gE31Ya1&si=M5QM_n59aR5azTtn
23.5 (12 x 45-60 min)
What's it about? Clumsy and nervous Ongsa starts a new school and is immediately taken in by the lovely Sun, but can't admit her feelings. Instead, she starts chatting to Sun anonymously.
Genre: highschool romcom
Watch if you enjoy: More MilkLove after Bad Buddy and Zero Photography. Light and fluffy. Awkward situations. Dorky humour. Big happy friend groups. Implied autistic side character. Several side couples, including one with (trans!) teachers.
Gayer version of: Saved by the Bell
Recommended? It's cute, and I got attached to the characters, though more the side characters than the main ones. It has some unfortunate romcom tropes (like stalking played for laughs), and it's very loosely plotted. As in, classic children's literature loosely.
In general, I would say yes, you could have a good time with this, just don't have your expectations too high.
Watched on: YouTube
Trailer:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdOlxH11WnQ
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paperbagsandwich · 1 year
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Oof, he’s pretty winded…
I just wanted to draw how he'd look exhausted and also with droopy hair mostly because I was too lazy to draw another eye...
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yutopia-eleftheria · 11 months
Inktober 2023 ; Day 26/31
Day 26 : Remove (Enlever/Retirer)
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He wasn't born a monster, he was MADE a monster, by his creator, Denise Daniels, who literally caused him to have a mayhem and follow what she did (after executing her that is).
Anyways, here is Otto Kessel removing his hair and tie to reveal his identity as a Neohuman, but in another stylish way with the blue flames and all.
Still one of my favourite characters to this day ♥
And the Conspiracy will forever be my favourite Criminal Case game/season ♥♥♥♥♥
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QL of All Time - Round 1 (Loser's Bracket): SOTUS (2016-2018) vs Out of Breath (2019)
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Me core
(1) awkward,sad, delusional, frustrated
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(2) literally going crazy
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(3) can't stop being dazed because of her
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(4) don't know how to act when she's around
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(5) so done with this pathetic life
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doraemonfanclub · 2 months
Doraemon and Nobita, out of breath, tongues out.
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petit-papillion · 1 year
Career number 3.
NFL Combine Challenge | Miami GP | 4 May 2023
🎥 Twitter/sharr__leclerc
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