#{hot take but i Dont think lysandre ghetsis or volo should have redemption arcs for various reasons}
iruludavare · 2 years
{ ooc. Okay but catching up on the dash and hello?? Villains who are just irredeemable?? Who will never acknolwedge they're in the wrong or change their views completely etc??
Love Them. They're so interesting. And tbh there's been an increase over the years of people wanting to redeem very vile (morally) characters and it's just... my guys, you do you but some people Won't change. Some people Are that fucked and will continue to be. Or will pretend to be reformed so they can re-abuse people
And some who are like... morally grey but still villains... just won't change fullstop. Either because they're stubborn or truly think what they are doing is for the greater good.
And you know what?? That's okay. Your fave can be the scum of the earth or just a Little Evil or anything else and it's okay for them to never be redeemed. They don't need to be good people for you to justify why you like them. Some characters are just Not Good people}
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