#{KnightsxQueen: Arashi ♥}
alexandraxsuoh · 3 years
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“My, my, our adorable producer is in love. ~”
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“Ara’ nooo!!!” Not again!
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“OH?! I wanna see her being all cute!”
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“Leo.. Please!” She has no control.
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“I hope that your love is threating you well. ~ You deserve being threated like a princess.” 
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“She’s a precious one afterall. Hard to not love her.”
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“Raph, shut up.” Bonus, her own cousin siding with her friends.
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alexandraxsuoh · 2 years
How many pillows and blankets do they sleep with? - For Alex
What the majority of their camera roll ( pets, selfies, screenshots, memes, food )? - For Rinne 8D
What’s their texting style like? - For Arashi
If your muse is pretty chill, what’s something they’re weirdly high-strung about? - For Alex
If you want to ^.^
Rinne is on my multimuse but I'll make an exception for ya. ♥
How many pillows and blankets do they sleep with? - For Alex
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She sleeps with a lots of them during winter. All fluffly and comfortable and she doesn't share them at all. Even Raph can't have one from her. Durring summer, she sleeps only with her pillows sometimes with one blanket if it's slightly chilly.
What the majority of their camera roll ( pets, selfies, screenshots, memes, food )? - For Rinne 8D
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We talk about Rinne, there isn't a serious things in his phone. Some pictures are casino or anything like that, anything catchy or finding cool. There's Niki (Rikku) and Misakye's pictures in too since they're familly for him. Hiiro's pics in it too, of cooourse. Some memes too but mostly bugging Ibara or teasing peoples with them. (Bonus: In the future, based with Ricchan and I, he had pictures of his eldest daughter and Tamaki is his youngest son.)
What’s their texting style like? - For Arashi
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Arashi's texting style depends on who she's sending a text message. If it's her close friends, probably something cute, reminding of them, etc. Really carring. When it's Knights, she would follow the discussion while teasing a little bit. She rarely texts her familly, if she does, it's only for being polite, nothing else.
If your muse is pretty chill, what’s something they’re weirdly high-strung about? - For Alex
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Herself. Sure, she accepted her own scars and work on herself to be strong but it doesn't mean she won't be nervous about her looks. Is it alright? Did I do the right thing? Would it fits me? She's always asking herself these questions. It takes time but she would overcome this matter.
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