#{Crowie caws: personal}
thatcrazycrowgirl · 1 year
Why is it that I get so many ideas for my writing, but nothing that ever moves my stories FORWARD?
My "idea ducks" aren't the cute, fluffy, little birds sitting in a pond, all docile and in a row, my ducks are the LITERAL FUCKING HOCKEY TEAM, SKATING AROUND ALL OVER THE PLACE AT HIGH SPEEDS AND RUNNING INTO EACH OTHER.
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misswingless · 7 years
The Morning Crows
The story of being woken up by birds at 4 AM, as I promised.
There are multiple people I can blame for this, I won’t list them all, but this certainly wasn’t a single person’s crime.
Usually I wake up at 7 AM in the summer. No, I’m not an early bird, I’m more of a night owl (or phoenix, if I dare say this awful pun). I would certainly sleep more if I could. It’s because of the crows. Every single morning, from July to November, a crow sits upon the walnut tree in the neighbour’s garden (who is, I have to mention, dead, the house is abandoned), and caws, about at 7.
And so I wake up. I am used to hearing birds, that comes with living in Lower End of the World, but crows are different. Their sound wakes me up instantly.
I’ve had quite a lot of crows in my life in the last few months, they quietly crawled into my life, arriving with people who love them, cared for them, or just simply mentioned them. My father recently told me about an old friend of his who tamed a wild crow. I thought that was really cool. I thought I could do that as well, after all I live in a very crowy area. I thought witchcraft could help me with that.
Oh what a fool I was.
it cost me two days of sleep and minus 48 hours from my sanity. There is very little left of it.
I drew a few sigils on my arm, including this: http://sigilathenaeum.tumblr.com/post/159955770985/inkandsigils-i-attract-crows-requested-by. I have no idea what made the magic work, the charged sigils or simply my desire to see crows, but it worked. It worked too well.
The following morning I wake up to a familiar cawing. But it wasn’t my usual morning crow, and I wasn’t at home. I was at our summer cottage. It was 4:39 AM. And there were at least ten crows, sitting just outside the house on the trees of the surrounding forest. And they wouldn’t stop cawing for the rest of the day.
I went walking with my parents (and Cass who is randomly following me around) around the local lake. There were crows following me. Constant cawing. All day. I got used to it, but by the time night came, it very much annoyed me.
But i still enjoyed their presence.
Next morning, cawing could be heard at 5 AM. I couldn’t fall asleep again. They wouldn’t let me. So somehow I managed to exist for the rest of the day, but it wasn’t easy, that constant sound was very annoying. I went for a swim and kept my head underwater, so I couldn’t hear them. But a storm came, and I had to run home.
By the time the storm passed, the crows were all gone. The water washed away my intent and washed down the sigils drawn with markers from my skin.
Moral of the story: don’t overdo sigils. Also, don’t mess with corvids unless you actually want something from them.  And be grateful to have a single bird to wake you up in the morning, do not wish for more.
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 11 months
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 8 months
To the anon who sent me that lovely message about Shay and my Constance the other day: just letting you know that I did get it and will answer it! I'm just currently sick and in recovery, hence the delay. lol Thanks for your patience! <3
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 9 months
*goes back into AC1 with the intention of trying to finally finish it*
*discovers that the save file had somehow been deleted, forcing me to start over from the beginning*
*internally starts screaming*
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 9 months
Seeing my inbox just now has reminded me that I'm SO bad at answering asks in a timely manner, buuuuut...even if they're older asks, would y'all still be interested in me answering them? 👀👀👀
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 3 months
So, just an update on my end:
I mentioned being EXTREMELY busy a while back, hence why I haven't had a chance to properly answer any asks and why I've been disappearing periodically. This is true, because I've been in the process of moving to a new place!😄So, I'm still getting settled in and unpacked, but things are gradually becoming more relaxed!
Just wanted to let y'all know, and thanks again to those who have sent me messages for your patience. Hopefully I can be on here more soon!
Luyva all! 💗💗💗
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 1 month
Hey y'all,
I know there's a couple of asks and fic requests waiting to be answered, and I'm sorry I haven't done so yet. I have to be honest in saying that I haven't been feeling my best lately, so it may still be a bit before they're answered. May be taking a semi-hiatus as well, until I can get my head screwed back on right again.
Thanks for understanding, and hope y'all are taking care of yourselves. ❤️
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 4 months
To those who sent me those CCxOC couple asks, I just wanted to let you know that I'm still working on them! Life has just been REALLY chaotic lately and I've been SUPER busy. But just to reassure you guys, I haven't forgotten about them! (Also, I am still open to accepting other asks, if anyone is so inclined. It'll give me something fun to think about while I'm navigating the current chaos. ^_^)
Thank y'all for your patience with me!
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 1 year
Now that I'm feeling more in an AC mood again, I'd like to reopen requests for the "Make Me Choose" gif game! As with before, send me two things, like: games, outfits, characters, locations, etc. and I'll make you a gif set! :D You can check the tag here to see what I've already done! Looking forward to making some more of these!
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 1 year
Hey everyone,
Sorry I haven’t gotten around to responding to any asks or messages. I’ve kind of been a little burnt out lately and just have needed to sit back and recover my mental/creative energy to reply to things. I will try and get back on them as soon as I can, though. (But don’t take that as some sort of deterrent, please feel free to still drop me any asks, if you wish! :) )
Thank you all for understanding! <3
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 1 year
Looking for Video Suggestions
So, after a bit of a break from AC, I’m finding myself wanting to jump back into one of the games to maybe do another free roaming/ambience video. Thing is, I’m not sure which one I should do. So, please, if anyone has any suggestions on what game/city they’d like to see in a future video, let me know!😁
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 1 year
Okay, this is only semi-relevant to this blog, but I literally just had the opportunity to see a fledgling baby crow up close, as it was perched on the bench on my front porch. Coolest thing ever!
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 2 years
2022 Youtube comments: *saying they took Syndicate for granted and calling it the last “true” AC game*
Me, a long time Syndicate defender: OH, NOW YOU APPRECIATE THE GAME?!?!
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 1 year
Man, there is nothing like the feeling of your brain buzzing and your fingers typing away at the keyboard after not writing about your beloved CanonxOC ship for so long. I am so caught up in feels right now, it's almost not funny. It feels both foreign, yet like coming home, and I am 1000% here for it.
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 2 years
To anyone who had sent me any asks regarding my AC OCs a while back, I wanted to apologize for never getting around the answering them, but I have made the decision of no longer sharing anything regarding them publicly on the blog anymore. I know to most people this will not make much of a difference, but on a personal level, it is a decision that I have thought long and hard about and I feel it is for the best.
My apologies to anyone that may be disappointed, but I also thank you for the support you had given to them and to myself. I myself am not going anywhere, don’t worry, and it’s quite possible that if my inspiration ever comes back that maybe I might still do some ‘reader’ fics for the AC characters again, but that will be the extent of my writing most likely. Thank you for understanding!
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