#{ANSWERS; Tohru}
m0e-ru · 1 year
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did everybody remember when atlus finally restored the attendant social link in the steam port and how stupid it actually was
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thenegoteator · 1 year
21 or 12? (sending two in case you have a favorite or someone's already asked for the other number)
ooh thank you!! I picked #12 which was Fruits Basket (2001). I really loved this but my version didn't make it easy because I initially only had the first 18 episodes, and the quality was like if you put it through a blender and then screen recorded a horizontal version on the world's longest mobile phone. but we made it through and I'm glad because it's a great series!! lots to say about grief and growth, I think
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 6 months
saw your yuki/kyo dissection and i was curious to know what's the other ship you think was an obvious possible option?
... after consulting @cafedanslanuit , Imma say it. For the plot. And Imma write my essay explaining my case. But y'all... don't get mad at me for being right. Strap in, this is gonna be a long one lmao.
But before I actually say it, we need to talk about Akito and Tohru and how they parallel one another.
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Because these two are the same character at the opposite ends of the spectrum and 2/3 of the key aspects of Fruits Basket that make the show work. Without them, there's no Fruits Basket.
Both of them are quite literally the same character.
Masculine naming convention? Check.
Abandonment issues? Check.
A favored parent and a parent they have negative feelings towards? Check.
Especially since their respective relationships with their parents led to those abandonment issues and how they interact with the world. Akira was to Akito what Kyoko was Tohru. Ren's unnatural hatred of Akito, viewing her as a threat for Akira's attention, Akira's death and Kureno's curse suddenly breaking for no rhyme or reason led to Akito becoming the person she became.
Katsuya's death caused Kyoko to fall into a depression so deep she neglected Tohru for an indeterminable amount of time. Very nearly left Tohru to herself before coming her senses and becoming the best mom in the world that we the audience know her as. But that period of Tohru's life was very forming for who she became.
Kyoko came back after coming to her senses, we know this. But to Tohru, her mother suddenly embracing her for the first time in likely weeks, was the result of Tohru mimicking her dad's speech. A formal way of speaking that became so engrained into her daily habits, it's completely inseparable from her now.
Akito and Tohru's respective experiences ultimately lead them to the same core aspect of their character: Loneliness.
Both of them are terribly afraid of being alone, they just keep people in their lives in very different way.
Akito relied on fear, Tohru used kindness.
Akito used violence, Tohru used compassion.
Akito's go-to was embracing her father's words that she was a special child born to be loved. As such, she could do anything she wanted to the other members of the zodiac without facing any repercussions.
Tohru's go-to was her belief that her not prioritizing her mother over rest is inherently connected to her mother's death. That she should have prioritized her mother over everything. That her mother had to be her number one even in death. Thus, she became afraid of loving anything or anyone more than her mother. And yet, she still didn't want to lose anyone else in her life.
Tohru's kindness is genuine but there is a benefit she gains from it similarly yet juxtaposed to Akito's abuse.
That's why the two of them are able to come to an understanding with one another by the end of the story. Why Tohru was able to set everything else aside to start from zero because she understands that fear of being alone all too well.
They are both a mirror into what the other person could have been like if their circumstances were different. Tohru could have been that bitter, hate-filled woman, while Akito could have just as easily been the sweetest woman in the world.
Akito is Tohru
and Tohru is Akito.
All this buildup is to say that...
I think the only other obvious choice for Tohru was Shigure.
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Yes, Shigure.
Y'all heard me right.
The final piece to what makes Furuba work, the one who instigated the plot in the first place.
And I'm sorry if y'all get mad at me for saying that, but I really don't think this is an incorrect assessment. I'll die on the hill that it was an obvious what if.
There's superficial things one can have fun mentioning in regards to these two ー
Across all adaptations of Furuba, Shigure is the first Sohma we are introduced to
Shigure's cursed year is the Dog, Tohru's birth year is the Dog
But the biggest thing for me is in how Tohru is an intrinsic part of something Shigure lacks as a person, that being empathy.
To make myself clear, I'm not saying Shigure is completely void of empathy. Because we can see him expressing it to the people he cares for in the story. (Ex. Wanting to go on a vacation during Golden Week so Hatori can avoid his ex's wedding.)
But for Shigure, empathy isn't something that comes easy for him. As he words it, his kindness isn't as good as the real thing someone like Hatori has. Shigure considers his kindness a hastily manufactured afterthought.
He's someone perfectly content using someone if he gets something out of it. And if he sees someone hesitating to reach for something they want, he'd rather just provoke them into action than attempt to warmly encourage them or understand where they're coming from. Because he doesn't see a point in hesitating at all and frankly, he knows comforting people like that doesn't come easy to him. So he normally opts not to.
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As such, he's fascinated by the levels of empathy and kindness Tohru has. Tohru's kindness sometimes even makes him feel guilty and Shigure isn't someone who often feels guilt in the first place.
Contrast to him, Tohru is so pure that Shigure can't help acknowledging how twisted he is. In season 1/the manga's first arc, he even tells Hatori that because of that forced realization he gets every time he looks at her he thinks Tohru is too pure for him.
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Compare to that to our final arc of the manga/season ー where it all eventually escalates to Shigure's quiet contemplationthat maybe he should have dreamed of Tohru.
That it's most likely that Akito wasn't the right one to dream of.
That someone as twisted as him needs someone like Tohru to balance it. To be that beacon that can lead him into being a 'normal' person.
He genuinely thinks about it in that moment as he playfully tells Tohru 「もしもの、お話し」 which is more accurately translated as "It's a what-if story".
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Had Shigure dreamed of Tohru all those years ago, what would have been different?
But Tohru isn't who he dreamed of and this is the bed Shigure has decided to make for himself. One he has kept on the path of for years. So he lets himself think about the what ifs for a moment before ultimately deciding to keep lying in the bed he's made in hopes of the day Akito finally comes around.
But it's in Shigure's mind, and now the audience's mind, that more than likely it should have been Tohru. Tohru and what she represents is who he should have dreamed of.
You can see signs that a relationship with Tohru is something Shigure's considered even vaguely in the series even before that point though.
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Sure it's passed as a joke, but when you look back at the scene with the "what if story" goggles, you can't help wondering "was it really though?"
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Hell, Shigure desiring Tohru is something that even Akito feared.
She was enraged at the thought very thought of it during the Summer Vacation arc. It's what set Akito off enough to tell Tohru that she is the God of the zodiacs and they all belong to her, Shigure in particular.
Akito was already even in an agitated state before she asked Shigure if he felt anything even partially romantic towards Tohru. Why? Because she's displeased that Shigure isn't kind to her the way he used to be. That he used to only look at Akito but now he doesn't. She wants him to be kind to her again, like he was before.
And Shigure is exceptionally kind to Tohru.
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Like he is very careful and considerate when he comes to Tohru which he even confesses to Mayu at one point when she tells him that he should treat her carefully. He tells her 「これでも僕にしてはめずらしいくらい大切にしてると思うんだけどね」 which can, more accurately be given a rough translation of "I think it's unusual for me, but I'm taking good care of her" or even "I think it's unusual for me to value someone this much".
And if you look back on the series, that isn't cap.
Excluding characters like Kisa, Hiro and Momiji (who isn't the same age as the other two but acts youthful enough it is easy to forget), Tohru is the only character Shigure doesn't really treat the way he does everyone else.
Shigure has no problem poking and prodding at people, even in moments where they're very clearly in emotional turmoil when he says them.
Asking Yuki what Akito told him during the Summer Vacation arc.
Telling Kyo that he is using hating Yuki as a shield for what he doesn't want to think about.
(... Telling Akito "bitch I wouldn't have cheated on you if you didn't cheat on me first" lmaooo.)
Even if at the end of the day, it is coming from his own way of caring (trying to get people to act and move forward), that doesn't change the fact Shigure can be a complete asshole. One that will say some very hurtful things to people.
And he's done it multiple times to the same people over and over again. Measuring what's the right amount of what to say to avoid or invoke a specific reaction that he does or doesn't want. Sometimes it's played for laughs, other times it is to rile someone up so badly they cannot contain their aggravation.
So it really isn't cap when he tells Mayu he does, in reality, treat Tohru very gently. For all that Shigure is capable of doing, he treats Tohru with more care than he normally gives to people. Especially considering he has no real reason to since she was a stranger to him until recently.
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It takes Shigure until the final arc to do anything of his usual nature to Tohru. And when he does, he asks her if she's mad at him afterwards. It doesn't sound like much until you realize he's never done anything of that sort for any other character in the series.
Yuki. Kyo. Akito.
He'll back off. He might sigh and state it's pointless to continue a debate when he and the other person are going back and forth in circles. But he never asks to see how that other person feels because he doesn't care. Hell, he can tell if that other person is upset with him or done with his shenanigans.
And yet with Tohru, he feels compelled to ask for the first time ever.
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And, of course, I can't talk about all this stuff and not mention Shigure's calm fury when Tohru fell from the cliffside. He stayed quiet for damn near 20 seconds as he processed that Akito told him that Tohru fell and we don't see his face the entire time he's processing. Then once he finally pulls himself together, he couldn't even let Akito finish her sentence when he asked if Tohru's 'fall' was a push.
We never truly get to see in Furuba, something that could set Shigure off.
But I think in that moment we get a glimpse of it. A glimpse that shows just how strongly he feels for Tohru. Because it begs the question, if Akito had pushed Tohru off that cliff, what would Shigure have done? How would he have reacted? I don't think even Shigure knew how he would have reacted.
I'm honestly morbidly curious.
That's all to say, that, "what if" story was with Shigure. Not Momiji, not Yuki. It was Shigure.
'If you didn't end up with A, you definitely would have ended up with B'. If we narrowed this down to Yuki and Tohru specifically, there's only two other characters that come close to that. If it wasn't Machi for Yuki and Kyo for Tohru ー YuKyo and ShiTohru would have been at the finish line.
If Shigure had dreamed of Tohru... or hell, what if he had dreamt of Akito but decided that that dream alone wasn't enough to keep the canine sense of loyalty he was cursed with?
There definitely would have been more than just proposals played for laughs and musings of that 'what could have been's.
Well anyway if you're curious to see my take on what it could have been like if Shigure dreamed of Tohru (complete w/ YuKyo and onesided AkiGure) do I have the story for you because I'm writing it on AO3. Read and give me comments to validate my delusions wwwwwwwwwww
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If Sōma & Rin (and/or any of the characters who are Supreme Chefs) have a cooking competition & some (or all) of the other characters are the judges, which one would you pick?
Who would be lenient?
Who would be reasonable?
Who would be strict?
Mako, Tohru, Iruma, and Levi would be the most lenient. For those who are surprised by Levi, keep in mind, this man has never had a real meal in basically his whole life time, so for him to taste such quality food would be a god sent.
Many of them would be, (or try to be), reasonable but my main pick would be Kobayashi or Heine, since she did have her own cooking competition with Tohru (the dragon) and Heine, while a teacher, would know the strength and weaknesses of the two.
And if this competition was just between Rin and Soma, then Chika would try to be strict, but we know that while she can cook well, she’s not exactly on the same level as those two. Ciel would be too, since he is used to fancy food. But surprisingly, believe it or not, one of the stricter judges would be Italy.
Reason: He LOVES gourmet food, and if the food is not up to that quality, he will not hesitate to complain about it, as seen with the episode 8 of Hetalia: Axis Powers where the Allies feed him England's cooking and he immediately freaks out over it. I know he would be nicer with the kids, but I also know he would be more honest.
But to answer your overall question, I narrowed it down to three. And this is if I were to pick one from the adult, teen, and kid groups
Kobayashi OR Heine (really hard to pick) Saiki Nagisa
I tried to go for the ones who would be the most unbiased. Hope this helps!
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lorelune · 4 days
i mean this so positively but lol o4o reader reminds me of those shoujo leads that cannot comprehend the other lead being into them even when it’s obvious
as a shoujo enjoyer— yes. exactly. reader is very earnest and kind and carries some baggage that makes them a lil dense to these things. they r good hearted 😎
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kah-hoa · 9 months
Which character from any media do you think has amazing qualities, patient, disciplined and emotionally mature?
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If you watched Fruits Basket then it's self-explanatory.
"What do you think it comes after the snow melts?"
An amazing, kind, sensitive, emphatic, patient and nurturing soul.
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haiii its nero i have a question for adachi :3 can i give u a nice meal and pet u
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(I think he's enjoying it..?)
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nero-vanderwolf · 10 months
nero if adachi was a cat what breed would he be
probably a bombay cat or any black cat. but specifically a kitten whos fur is spiked up and messy as hell. pathetic.
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moonsmultimusings · 26 days
@musingmemories sent: ❛ Happy Birthday, Yuki-kun! I’m so thankful you were born today~! ❜ from Tohru to Yuki (Birthday Announcement) ☾
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Yuki didn't tend to celebrate his birthday. His family had never been particularly supportive of it growing up -- his mother didn't seem to care much, nor did Ayame go out of his way -- and the time he'd spent with Akito blended together. He had no way to keep track of the days, to know how much time had passed while he was at the Sohma estate. Even after he'd made his escape, he didn't see much reason in celebrating himself on the day. It just felt… unnecessary? He was another year older. There wasn't much reason to draw attention to it. The most he'd ask for was a quiet day.
There were a few little surprises scattered around that happened to find themselves in his eye line… Small gifts and such left behind by someone. It was a little disconcerting, considering he could feel multiple sets of eyes watching him from seemingly nowhere as he hesitantly picked up small items -- flowers, chocolates, trinkets (why did a few of them feel almost romantic?). But by the day's end, he was prepared to head back home and keep to himself the remainder of the evening.
It was along the walk home together that Tohru addressed him. Not that it had been her first birthday wish of the day! She'd made sure to say it the moment she'd seen him this morning. But now was their first opportunity to chat alone today, since Kyo had skulked off to do something or other.
“You're thankful I was born today?” he repeated, a sheepish confusion evident in his tone. “Would it have been different if I was born on another day? Is September 2nd a special day for you?” He was aware this was a mere deflection, as he wasn't sure how to so directly voice his thoughts about her birthday wish. He… wasn't used to receiving them.
He dropped his gaze to the stone stairs as they began up them. “But… thank you, Honda-san. I wouldn't expect anyone else to remember the date.” He certainly didn't make a show of it himself. It was just another day of classes for him. “I guess I can't be too surprised that you would. You're more than thoughtful enough,” he mused to himself. “I hope you haven't worried too much about it…” There was no need to throw together a party for him, or to present him with a gift of any kind. No, in her case, “Being able to spend time with you like this today is more than enough for me.”
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sotiredmostnights · 2 months
may I ask what fruit baskets is. You're likely my one mutual who might know. You don't have to answer if ya don't want
OMG yesss 💖💖
so fruits basket is a shoujo manga/anime that ran in 2001. the anime recently got an amazing reboot in 2019 that covers the full manga (and it's gorgeous!)
the plot follows the lead character, tohru honda, a high school girl who is kindness incarnate. after a series of unfortunate events, she finds herself living with a few handsome fellas who turn into animals that represent the chinese zodiac when they're embraced by someone of the opposite gender.
you might be thinking, "oh okay, so it's just a cute little reverse harem then?"
it sure STARTS that way, but the secrets of the sohma family run deep... there's a whole lot of trauma and abuse that gets explored throughout the show. the character development is some of the best i've seen in animanga hands down, and the reboot made me laugh and cry several times. it's heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time!
i would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good drama...just make sure you check the trigger warnings first 🫡
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superdummymags · 11 months
MISINFORMED! stay safe online kids! - tohru adachi
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Hydreigon mail!
A blue feather, an orange feather, and a green feather.
“Oh, and I’ll have the uhhh—
☆WHAT??!! ☆
Drrr… DREI?
Oh, hello there! You have a package?
Drei. Dreiiigoooon!~
Oh, it’s feathers! From—oh! Thank you!
Dreiiigon drei!
—Could you get some meat for the Hydreigon here?
They’ve evidently been flying a while.”
Oh, thank you!
Your delivery friend caught us in the middle of ordering our food at a cafe.
Are there any special properties to these feathers that I should know about?
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korereapers · 2 years
If I may pop in again and send more Adajima, haha, how about "relationships are built on trust, and i trust you"? 👀
The first time they manage to have a drink after Adachi is out of prison is, unsurprisingly, in Okina.
Adachi isn't really sure if he should go back to Inaba. It has been years, of course, but the town still brings back memories... and then there's the fact that he did murder two people in there years ago.
He looks up from his drink, his very first drop of alcohol in years. It couldn't be beer this time, of course. The fruitiest, most colorful cocktail sits in front of him, and he doesn't really remember what it's made of, but it's nice to the palate, and Adachi has drunk enough cheap beer and tapwater for a lifetime.
For now, at least.
Dojima sits in front of him, too, dark grey eyes that were cold as metal back in the day looking at him as if they were melting under an anvil.
Adachi wishes he got it.
The man, now older but still so, so handsome is drinking an alcohol-free beer.
Sober, he wants to be completely sober, Adachi reminds himself. He wants to be sober for Nanako, of course, but also for himself. And this time, also for him.
Alcohol works in funny ways, Adachi knows that. Put enough in your body, and it will make your shame and self-consciousness go away. Put in a little more, and you start saying or doing shit you will later regret. Put in way too much, and it makes you dig your own grave, slowly, deeper and deeper. Until sadness and apathy make it impossible to climb back up.
Dojima's hand is resting near his, almost touching him, and Adachi wants to close the small gap, but he can't.
His smile is small, contrasting with Dojima's one, that feels way too big, way too honest. Adachi has never been too good at dealing with honesty.
"You're really that happy to have me back, huh..."
Dojima snort, as if Adachi had said something really stupid. Adachi just sighs, drinking from the little strap. It tastes of cranberry, orange, and peach. And well, of hungover if he keeps drinking them like they're water.
"I don't really see why not."
Adachi's sigh is louder this time.
"Who's to tell that I won't start killing people again when I get bored?"
"But you won't."
Adachi is not drunk enough for this shit.
"And how do you know that? Are you sure you're not just being delusional?"
He can feel Dojima's forearm twist in anger. For a moment, Adachi wants him to hit him, to show him that nothing has changed, that he is right, that there is no hope, that this was all a mistake.
What Dojima does, instead, is grabbing is hand. It's a weird gesture coming from him and Adachi watches it all happen in slow motion. The way rough lips brush against his knuckles, choosing to cherish, and not to hurt. He just watches him, speechless, until Dojima decides to talk again.
"Relationships are built on trust, and I trust you," is everything that Dojima says. Gentle, honest. More than what Adachi deserves.
Dojima smiles against his skin, knowing he has rendered him speechless. He feels his ears boiling, even more when a thumb brushes against his hand. He is pretty sure that it's not just the alcohol at play.
"Okay... well..."
Dojima's breath tickles his skin as he speaks.
"That's what I thought."
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Hey, if you were reincarnated as the identical twin of one of the 40, which one would you choose? Or who would be your top 5?
Let’s see…
My top pick (along with my top five), would be as followed:
Shoyo Hinata
Tetsuya Kuroko
Yuuri Katsuki
Haruhi Fujioka
Tohru Honda
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allthefujoshiunite · 2 years
Hi, I hope you're okay.... Please just answer my ask whenever you're free....I just read your blog about BL manga koimonogatari, and really loved your writing....also I agree with you, I wish yuiji and yamato just end up as friends...But I think it will end up with yuiji x yamato (based on the mangaka's author note in vol 2)? It is the first manga where I want the mc and male lead not end up romantically (even though I know it's BL)...Do you think it's weird? Have you ever read a BL manga where you don't ship the mc with male lead?
I hope you're safe and sound with your loved one....
Hello, thank you for the message. I and my loved ones are safe, but being okay is a different matter because the situation somehow keeps getting worse.
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About my post on Koimonogatari. It was a post that I forgot about until I received two hostile comments under it in 2021. Back in 2015, my level of English proficiency was much lower than it is today, and rereading it now, there are two points that I don't agree with my past self, and some other parts I still think the same, but I'd make sure to word my opinions much differently. After those comments, I decided to write another post on this topic but I didn't have the time. So thank you for asking about it and giving me the chance to go back.
One opinion I'd word better now is that even though my blog is my own space and I'm free to voice my personal opinions however I wish as long as I maintain a respectful tone, the line between something being wrong and something that doesn't appeal to me seems blurry in the post.
I have to emphasize that the creator(s) is the sole person who's in charge of their creation. If they themselves search for reader comments/reactions and change the course of the story of their own accord, fine. But readers should never tag the artists or comment under their tweets when their work is not going the way they personally want. You can read more on Japanese fandom policy "don't like/don't read" here.
I keep saying this like a broken record, but I CRAVE for variety. Commercial BL is highly satisfactory when it comes to tropes or settings, but I still feel like there's a lack of experimentation when it comes to interpersonal relationships, specifically romance. If I were to lay it out more openly, even though two BL titles can focus on completely different settings (let's say one is a yakuza and the other is a high school BL) and the intricacies of the plot would progress differently, the relationship still goes from point A to B and then to C, or start from B, go back to A and arrive at C. This is not me boasting or being full of myself, but it's very rare for a BL title to truly impress me with its plot structure, the way it deals with the age-old tropes, or introduce a nuanced look into relationships. This holds true regarding friendship/allyship as well. Now, it's a no-brainer that by definition, BL is a genre that focuses on male/male romantic and/or sexual relationships. So at first, it seems contradictory to expect a story to focus on the friendship between a straight-identifying and an LGBTQ+ person.
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Why should this be considered "contradictory", though? Why can't friendship between a straight-identifying and an LGBTQ+ person be worthy enough to study both queer and non-queer relationships in fiction? Back when I first read Koimonogatari's first volume in 2015, I was SO mesmerized by the way Yuiji and Yamato were introduced, the way they, just by being themselves, were holding mirrors to each other, the way Yamato gained strength just by being accepted and heard and in contrast, Yuiji questioned his own stance on romantic love because, in the heteronormative world he lives in, he never suspected the typical flow of his relationship with his girlfriend before.
I understand that this is partially a "me" thing. Friendship is extremely important to me to the point where I may be bold to say it's sacred. That puts shipping in an awkward position for me; on one side I love the dynamic two characters have and I immediately want to ship them, but that also means I love them as friends as well and, as I have said in my old post, why shouldn't two people just get along well? Throughout my adolescent life, I was frustrated with other friends immediately wiggling their eyebrows at me whenever I got close to a guy. Just because I identified as a woman and my friend identified as a man and we stood next to each other and got along meant that something romantic had to develop between us, and that mindset, for me, devalued friendship.
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Because of my personal views and values, and the beautiful and delicate approach to Yuiji and Yamato's friendship, Koimonogatari was a very special title for me. That post, although the language sounds brusque, was meant to underline this: friendship is valuable in and of itself and shouldn't be regarded as anything but a stepping stone toward romantic feelings. I couldn't see a romantic relationship blooming between Yuiji and Yamato in such a short span of time, and I had wished for things to stay the way they are. Despite what that commenter thinks, I'm allowed to expect whatever the F I want out of a fictional work. The creator's intentions and my engagement with the said work is a completely different matter.
I've recently reread the first two volumes and admittedly, I can picture budding romantic feelings between the two if the series were to be stretched out to four volumes in total. Another point I disagree with my past self is that, if a fandom readily jumps at the Shippy Bandwagon just because two characters stand next to each other, they can ship them. I was wrong to say fandom shouldn't ship and if something annoys me or makes me uncomfortable, it's my duty to remove myself from the circle and not the fandom's job to comply with my needs/expectations. Other than these two points, I stand by my expectations of Koimonogatari and the questions I asked back then are ideas that I still play around with in my head.
In the end, we are free to expect whatever we want from a story, and the creators are equally free to do whatever they want.
Have you ever read a BL manga where you don't ship the mc with male lead?
To answer your question, there have been such works, yes. This is usually the case when there's a love triangle is introduced, and having a Second Lead Syndrome, I usually ship the MC with the person that comes along to create strain between the MC and his unrequited love. To give an example, this always happens when the MC is childhood friends with the guy whom he has had a giant crush on for years, and one day, the second love interest comes into play. MC's feelings sway but he ends up with the childhood friend in the end. I personally hate this plot structure with every fiber of my being for several reasons, thus I avoid reading series with the love triangle + childhood friends combo. But I won't go into detail here.
Sorry, l rambled too much but as I have said I've been meaning to write about this topic. Koimonogatari will forever be a special series and ever after all these years, I'm looking forward to its completion. And it goes without saying but I fully respect Tagura Tohru's choice of ending.
Have a nice day!
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lizzyyylmaoooooool · 4 months
ive watched fruits basket 2018 a solid 6 or 7 times and to this day i still have absolutely no idea what shigure thought he was doing or what he’s yapping on about in half his little vague conversions with akito in season 1
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