#{{ it’s a song lyric relax there is no nakedness in the thread
hunterxmp · 1 year
Down in the Valley - NoelxHunter
{{ Continued from here in this thread only because Tumblr was being a bag of dicks and also I like titles. Hope you enjoy the silliness @mpxnoel! }}
    Some people talent was kicking a field goal down a fifty yard line. Others had talents in the bedroom. Others still had skills in music, science or art. Hunter had the unique talent to rope whatever he wanted from a distance. Well, at least, that was one of his many unusual talents. Noel begins to back away slowly and it is pretty much for naught as even if he was a clear six feet away, Hunter’s aim in impeccable. 
   Hoisting the rope from the truck bed and winding it up, Hunter fashioned a quick lasso and charms it from the coil in his hands up into the air. It loops around and around and Noel continues to move away from him. Cool as a cucumber Hunter widens the loop opening before he grins at Noel. “I suggest you run, it’s more fun for me that way.”
    One of the weird things they do in Wyoming is hold lasso competition- some of which Hunter has won!
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