#{{ This is easily my favorite part about Maiz. she's dangerous alive and she's dangerous dead. heeheehee. :3 she's v influencial!
acoldsovereign · 7 months
As mentioned here, Maiz originally had a set end. This changed due to in-universe interactions with other muses and the choices she made-- so much so that it no longer applies to her in the manner it once did. Instead, she now has a choice (albeit unknowingly) to create a better ending for herself or not.
It goes without saying, but again for those in the back-- Trunks (@peoplcshope) had a mission. He didn't complete it*** buuuuuuut:
Because he didn't, he actually (indirectly) prevented the abysmal future that awaited her and the greater DBS continuity. Kinda**. The version of Maiz 'responsible' for the events leading up to that catastrophe is dead already. Killing Maiz in the present wouldn't have done anything -- 'cause here's the kicker-- she didn't cause the war between Universes 6 and 7. Her slaves did; their descendants, in particular. Somewhere down the line, she was successful in obtaining a thirteenth and fourteenth planet. Her empire spread so wide that she had to conquer an extra world than necessary. She set up a complex system that allowed them to 'self-govern' but only according to her guidelines. To her rules. To her liking. Some 'space years' after this, she dies. The slaves left with her instructions know what to do, but they were so mind-broken and without personal will/identity that the Council of Fourteen became stagnant not so long after her passing. They fell apart without their tyrant to lead them. To grieve, some killed themselves. For the ones who were left, they tried to bring her back to life. Nothing worked. Over the years, they fell into disarray and further madness. They split the Council. One half went against Maiz's orders and began mindlessly invading and conquering planets under the protection of the Galactic Patrol. The other half mastered interdimensional travel and opened a portal to Universe 6, spreading Maiz's teaching and severely warping the tenets of Saiyan Culture into what it wasn't. This earned the attention of the Pride Troopers, who received distress signals. The slaves here took on the identity of Maiz themselves, while the ones who remained in Universe 7 called themselves her descendants, then later "her reincarnations". Long story short, the Galactic Patrol and Pride Troopers had different ideas of dealing with this invisible, sudden threat as neither of them wanted to get their respective GoDs-- or worse, the King of All involved. They launched a counterattack that forced them to take 'sides'/set up base on different planets/parts of the Galaxy on such short notice, kicking off the space war. The cosmic and spatial walls separating both Universes were cracked. Universe 7's Earth was caught up in the crossfire and subsequently destroyed.
The scenario detailed below is a hypothetical** future. It inspired the above scene! I can't take full credit for it because it came through a conversation I had with another mun-- @roseplendence.
Depending on how close they got (platonically or otherwise) before this conversation, Maiz would not only know of Black's former occupation but his identity and the source of many miseries in the Universe: the Kais not being able to intervene and the laziness of many Gods of Destruction. This information would come up as a sidenote for her questioning her existence; why is it she got to live when nobody else did? Who decided the Saiyans should all destroyed at once? (It was the closest she ever got to venting about anything-- she doesn't normally do that). Black, through a misunderstanding thought she was blaming him/his kin, and told her how things actually worked and then . . . came to regret it. Sure, he ended up venting as well-- and then apologized for it, but he wasn't expecting her to go and do something about it. To his dread and horror, Maiz intends to use power of spite and anger to avenge both her and him. This puts her within the path of Beerus, who deletes her and all of her incarnations. Permanently. If it was romantic, he would've fallen into a deep depression and steered clear of people for a while. He's long-lived so a while . . . really means that for him. Wracked with guilt and remorse, he would also not take in any students for the same amount of time if it was platonic. Either way, she's mourned.
To reiterate: the above scenario is HYPOTHETICAL! It doesn't happen, so don't be too sad!
The reason why it's mentioned is because-- *drumroll* of the section below!
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These two scenarios have one thing in common: Maiz's death & the impact of it. So remember at the beginning I mentioned she was originally meant to die horrifically? The thought experiment with Black is the closest scenario to that vision, except she was all alone with nobody to mourn/care about her. The reason why it's no longer canon/necessary for her (aside from muses and interactions swaying my heart) is because I re-remembered at the time that RP is collaborative writing. If Maiz did not have any of the interactions or ships she did, I have no doubt in my mind her ending would be worse and her character would've developed differently.
Anyway, her death can still happen, but it's moreso entirely dependant on the other muse(s) and the circumstances now than me coming in pre-determined about a desired outcome (I'm actually happy about this if you couldn't tell. I have more stories to explore which is always a good thing! *Thanks mutuals for opening my eyes*). With this said, I have approximately three verses where she's dead-- one was talked about before in a prior post, the other two are derivatives**/possible scenarios from the Future DBS storyline/AU.
Fun fact: The concept of Rengakura (this TOTALLY ✨sane✨ goober who's not crazy at ALL) came from this storyline.***
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***Maiz posed an ultimatum to Trunks-- if he couldn't stand the way she rules, he should shut up and do something about it. If Jay had his Trunks pick the wrong move . . . the bad future would've been triggered AUTOMATICALLY. I expected the worse but the bastard (I say this lovingly) was intelligent enough/surprised me so I had to improvise. Instead of bloodshed, carnage, doom and disaster-- what happened was Trunks being assigned the position of Maiz's Ambassador. He actually put his mouth where his money was. Even Maiz wasn't expecting him to actually go for the option he did. 😭 You know what happens when Maiz likes you enough and you exceed her expectations? No? Go ask Trunks why he's a dad. I dare you.
Back to the point-- because the above factors are in play, the two possibilities aren't accessible. Buuuuuuut, they were fun to think up, so I'll briefly go through them anyway! (>:3) If the unsavory future is triggered/activated, and Ren is present, two scenarios are likely:
{SON OF A CONQUERER}: Trunks tries harder to get Maiz to care about the impact of her actions. Not to redeem her but to try and appeal to her maternal instincts. "He shouldn't grow up surrounded by death and destruction." Something like that. She, surprisingly, would listen and think about it. Fast forward some 'space years'-- their son is eight. In the midst of liberating a planet from her rule, something goes wrong and Trunks' worse fears come to life. She is killed during a long, exhausting fight by the subjects she once subjugated, and Ren watches from a bad angle that incriminates a frozen, shocked Trunks. His heartache increases when he's angrily confronted by Ren, who accuses him of not doing anything. Trunks tries to explain what happened but his son isn't hearing it-- Ren vows to kill him to avenge his mother and flies off to presumably train for that particular goal in mind. He tries to look for him but unfortunately, Ren's inherited his mother's uncanny ability to hide/suppress his ki. In this verse: Maiz's army has been more than halved, so they're not a Universal threat but the other parts (the schism which divides them, the suicides and mass loss of identities) happen. Trunks sadly has to deal with that all on his own, on top of mourning his wife. He doesn't meet Ren again until he's a teenager. They fight-- Ren, eagerly, Trunks, reluctantly. He'll beat him up but he's not killing his damn son.
{BREAKER OF CANON}: The above but instead of Ren confronting Trunks, he breaks down in tears and screams, making Trunks realize he'd been watching the entire time. He runs over and holds him close, apologizing for his weakness-- for not being able to save her life. Everything else follows-- the schism, the suicides and mass loss of identities. Trunks orders Ren to stay close (to him) and stay inside as Maiz's empire crumbles without her. Despite his dad being King of the Council of Twelve (he gained the title when they were officially married), it seems as if Maiz was a special glue holding everything together. Hating to sit around and be useless, he makes a declaration: "I'm going back in time to save mother." Trunks immediately rejects it-- time travel got him tangled up with Maiz (and Cell... The Androids..... Etc) to begin with. There's no way in hell he's allowing his son to be subjected to anything like that. Plus, it's illegal. Not that it ever stopped Trunks but still. Ren, up until this point has been obedient as far as his parents were concerned. This is the first time he disobeys Trunks. In the dead of night when his father is exhausted, he tinkers away. He is desperate, traumatized, sad, scared and just wants his mom back. This eight year old makes a portable time machine (similar to the wrist device Trunks wore as a Time Patroller) and activates it. He leaves his father a note so he doesn't worry. Ren does not know how terrible his mother is before Trunks. He doesn't know how they actually met. He doesn't have a plan going in. He has no defense against Maiz, who is callously laughing at his pain and threatening to kill him: "I don't have a son. That implies I love someone and I don't. No one is worthy of me." She has no qualms brutalizing or eradicating a crying child, even if he clings to her leg, even if he suspiciously looks like her.
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