#{ you can tell me that effy's moms' didn't think of lily as another daughter bc i won't believe you }
heavycrowned-m-blog · 8 years
"Lily has died." (I had to for the AU okay I had to)
rip my child’s heart out || ACCEPTING ( @doeveined )
one day can change your life. one day can ruin your life. all life is, is three or four big days that change everything. – beverly donofrio
work had been slow that night so effy was allowed to go home early. perhaps she should’ve stayed at work that night. at least that’s what someone had said at some point. she couldn’t remember who. ‘ effy, ’ she was greeted solemnly as she hung up her jacket and made her way into the living room. ‘ okay, so no one’s happy to see me tonight? ’ the girl asked, raising an eyebrow. her mother ( emma ) and her grandfather had been missing. so she knew instantly there was a reason for her less than happy greeting.
‘ … mama? ’ she turned to look at regina who stood from the couch. ‘ what’s going on? ’ no other words were spoken, she was simply enveloped into her mother’s arms. returning the hug, she looked over her mother’s shoulder at her grandmother, older brother and uncle ( who was only about seven at the time ), wondering just what was going on. ‘ where’s mom and grandpa? ’ she asked quietly, pulling away from the now almost vice grip around her. ‘ it’s lily, sweetheart. ’ regina whispered, moving to sit on the couch, pulling effy with her. she had seen lily just that morning, so surely it couldn’t be anything too bad. ‘ what about lily? ’ the younger asked, knowing she hadn’t seen anything to cause alarm when she was walking home. ‘ there was an accident, it was a drunk driver… ’ neal had made his way over to her and she lifted him up into her lap. ‘ sweetheart, she didn’t survive. ’
she didn’t survive. the words echoed inside her head and for a long moment, she just sat, holding neal, tears gathering in her eyes as they remained unmoving from her mother. ‘ she’s… she’s dead? ’ when she said it out loud, it didn’t make any sense. there was no way that she could’ve been dead. ‘ mom please, please no… no she can’t be gone. she was my best friend and she… she can’t be gone… ’ neal had wrapped his small arms around the elder, holding tight to her. panic grew in her and regina carefully took the small boy and effy jumped up, running back outside before she stumbled down the steps and fell, magic shooting out from her hands and burning the pavement all around her.
it was then that emma and david had returned and emma rushed over to her daughter, pulling the shaking and sobbing girl into her arms. ‘ she can’t be dead, she can’t be! she’s not! ’ the denial came through sobs as she held onto her mother’s forearms. before she had fallen asleep in her mother’s arms, shaking and crying on the scorched pavement beneath her.
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