#{ voices in my head tell me they know best; interactions lucas stark }
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"Let's ring in the new year right."
@scrawnylittlenobody​ liked for a new year’s eve starter
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“did you remember to get carrots to leave out for the reindeer?”
@scrawnylittlenobody​​ liked for a christmas starter
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“Yes..sure.. everything is fine.” he told her slowly. He hadn’t seen a medic at all, nor was he planning to do so. What was he supposed to tell them? That he was trying out new tech and the fall from the building hadn’t exaclty went as planned? Nope, that was something he couldn’t even tell Jenna in the first place.”Ice is all I need now. And you.” he spoke with a smile, the ice on his face hurting at first but slowly the pain got numb. “Thank you.” he spoke with a little smile, gazing into her eyes. “I’m sorry I just interupted you by...” he let his eyes look around shortly. “..whatever you were doing.” he said. 
continued - @wxrwounds​​
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Lucas stared in shock at Jenna. He did what he always promised he would never do. He made her do something. Which was a kind way to put it into words. Normally he would say he forced his will on someone by getting into their minds, reading their thoughts and manipulating them the way he needed to. Usually, Lucas wouldn’t do such thing and he had fought hard enough to resist these thoughts, to control them and use them only when it’s needed. And here he was, a mess of himself. He wasn’t the man he used to be. 
“Jenna, I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry..” he spoke as he tried to take a step closer to her. Teh truth was, ever since the Avengers brought everyone back from the Blip, the voices were haunting him again. And what he tried to ignoreand push into the very back of his mind, they were becoming louder and louder. 
“I don’t know how that happened... I-I..” he was in loss for words.
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“It’s something pepole do every year for Halloween. Carving a face into a pumpkin and putting a candle insight.” he spoke with a smile. Neri had been staying in his beach house for a while now. She had fully recovered and even Jari had found her like he had promised. For now, she had been safe there and he had offered she could stay as long as she wanted. Lucas had made sure to move there, to be around if she needed help and even make her familiar with the world he was living in. “It’s fun, really. Come on, try it.” he handed her the knife and gave her the opportunity to do her very first pumpkin. 
@inkdreamt​ liked for a halloween starter - lucas x neri
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“Don’t look at me that way. This is who I really am.” Lucas spoke. His eyes were locked with Jenna’s. he could see the disappointment, the horror in her eyes. And he couldn’t blame her. He had just killed numerous of people because of the noises getting too loud. His abilities were out of control and instead of getting help, he had locked hismelf away. And he felt like Jenna had pushed him away too. It may have been Halloween, a night that was rumoured to be scary but usally a lot of fun. Not tonight. Lucas had proven that there was a dark side in everyone. And it just needed the right push to get revealed. 
“I’m a monster!”
@wxrwounds​ liked for a halloween starter
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Lucas really didn’t know how he deserved a woman like Jenna. She was not only gorgeous, she was funny, and talented, and never too shy to say what’s on her mind. And the sex with her, well it was everything he ever needed and wanted. “Is that so?” he asked, raising his brow and a grin appearing on his lips. “Considering my mental state, I guess, it would be helpful if you would make me feel good once again.” he said, gazing up into her eyes. He wasn’z lying. With her, the voices inside his head seemed to quiet down. And he finally felt a little lighter again. He needed her, something he could never put into words to make her realize how much he did. But as long as she was staying with him, he was fine. “Give daddy a little more love.” with that, he leaned forward to press his lips on hers again.
continued - @wxrwounds​​
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Looking around the dead bodies around him, Lucas slowly came back to his own mind. The illusions on his mind were fading, with the time he recongized the blood that was on his hands. But not only his hands, there was blood all over him. His face, his clothes, even his feet were surrounded by it. Swallowing thickly, his chest was rising and falling heavily. 
What had he done? 
His memories were a blurr, he could not say what caused that blackout in his head. He would’ve never done something like that. Never do something that could hurt people, especially in a way like that. Halloween had never been a problem with him. The many parties he had attended before. After the blip, after everything he went through, he had changed. And now one thing was for sure.
It was finally silent.
@scrawnylittlenobody​​ liked for a halloween starter
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“I got you! Do you hear me? I got you.” Lucas said out to Neri who had picked up fromt he floor. To be honest, this mission had been the most dangerous one he had ever been on. Breaking into a HYDRA base, to rescue someone was for him as for the team he did it with the very first time. And while there could’ve gone a million things wrong, he was happy everything worked out. At least for the most part. seeing Neri so weak, so pale, it nearly seemed she was close to dying. He picked her up and hurried out, following the agents that fought him through the HYDRA ones that tried to kill them and prevent them from stealing theri projet. But they made it to the yet and she was safe now. 
“You’re safe now, you’re with me.” he spoke as the jet started rising fromt he ground. 
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Lucas walked through the long corridor towards a single door. It seemed like a scene from a movie, there was even a light flickering right above it. But inside that room was no danger at all, at least he was there to figure that out. SHIELD had called him, telling him about a young woman they caught who escaped Hydra and their experiments. No one had talked to her yet but they decided it was better to get one of the best man. Lucas Stark. Stopping in front of the door and looking at the still empty file he was going to fill at the end of the day, he knocked at the door, preapring her that someone was coming inside before opening it and walking in.
The door closed behind him, he looked over at the young woman, offering her a smile. “Hello. My name is Lucas Stark. I’m here to talk to you.” he spoke as he slowy walked closer.
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Coulson had called his mother, who called him to get in and check after a young woman. He had no idea why he was called in for a case where a SHIELd agent was injured but he would never turn his mother down. “Thank you for coming.” Coulson said as they shook hands. Lucas nodded. “I don’t know what I can do to help. My powers are limited too.” he spoke but Coulson brought him to the room where she was. There was a young woman laying on a bed, her yes closed adn adapted to machines. “What happened?” he asked, watching her as Coulson made sure to stay short. “Mission went wrong. She might wakes up having no memory. And we need that memory. Maybe you could help her a little. After all you’re the best.” he spoke, looking up at him and Lucas met his gaze. He nodded and walked inside, sitting down next to her and waiting for her to wake up.
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He heard the voices from afar. Some mumbling about who else they needed on their team when they already had so many smart people. Even something about, I don’t trust anyone, he couldn’t really figure out. Well, he could but he didn’t want to. He tried to avoid reading other people’s minds and most of the time, he had success with that. Rare times like these just made it hard when he was so worked up that he couldn’t tell the line on what he could control and what not. Steps coming closer and as soon as the door opened, he turned around and smiled. “This is Lucas Stark. Shield consultant and here to help us with Ruby.” Coulson introduced him. It was a weird introduction, but for someone who never worked with a proper team it seemed enough. He stepped forward, giving a nod into their direction. “Hey.” he said then finally, smiling once again. “We tried out best to get to her but maybe someone who could get into her mind would be more help.” Coulson added, leaving Lucas in a situation that made him slightly umcomfortable. He knew, he was there because of his powers, and he agreed on helping where he could. It just felt weird at times. 
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continued - @moreprofoundbonds​
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Lucas had moved over, a glass of water prepared in his hand as he handed it over to the young woman. “It was a dream, you were asleep. You’re safe.” he spoke,  a soft smile coming across his lips. He decided to take a seat on the chair across from her bed, looking at her and waiting if she was about to say something. It was silent between them and Lucas didn’t want to push her to talk about anything she didn’t want to.
“Are you alright?” was all he asked. 
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continued - @hcpefell​
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He knew it wasn’t the best idea to just show up at her doorstep, especially not in the middle of the night. But he couldn’t help but to walk around, get his mind of from things that were running through it. And one little thing seemed to never leave his mind. Gwen. Ever since he had chance to get to know her, spend time with her, he grew a liking to the girl. And until that very night, he realized how much he started liking her. Of course, the blonde man knew that she had a boyfriend, or at least was seeing someone. And to be fair, he wanted to tell her how he felt, and that it was better to maybe not see each other further. 
“The reason why I am here is because I couldn’t get you off my mind.” he spoke. It was the worst moment to discuss this, the worst place too. But Lucas always was an honest person. And he didn’t care when or where, he just wanted to tell her. “And I think, considering the situation, it’s better if I keep my distance from you.. If you know what I mean.”
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continued - @wxrwounds​​
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A warm smile came across his features as he heard her words. He had always dreamed of an own family himself. The question was just if he was capable of one. “Jenna.. I..” he made a small pause. A little dramatic but he was still smiling. “I would love to have a family with you. Actually, I want nothing more.” he smiled, taking her hands into his own. But his smile soon faded. “I-I just don’t know if that’s possible.” he spoke, looking into her eyes. He waited a moment before he spoke further. “After what happened to me back then, it changed my body. What if I can’t give you what you want?” he asked her. “I don’t know if I can have kids.” 
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“I think I’m falling in love with you.” @ Lucas omg
send my muse “I think I’m falling in love with you.” to see their reaction !
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“Wow...” Lucas replied when he heard Gwen’s confession to him. They were just at the end of a meeting, sharing another drink with each other when she just told him. And his heart suddenly felt so heavy. By the time they had spent time together, he had gotten to know her quiet a lot. And the entire love drama she was having with Harry and Peter, well, he didn’t want to get into it. 
“Gwen, I... I clearly didn’t expect this.” he spoke, trying to fidn the right words. “And as much as I would say these words back to you, and believe me, I want to, I don’t think it’s good for the boys who already are in love with you.” he spoke. 
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