#{ tfw ur old job as an exotic dancer helps u win a war }
jainajuliard-blog · 8 years
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                                             welcome to the island of m i s f i t toys . . .
And Jaina thought Romulus was a real bitch? That Sebastian had daddy issues?
For fuck’s sake, they were nothing compared to the man now marching toward their doorstep. Just when things were starting to look up, a new baddie had to come to town. Well, the war wasn’t exactly something she looked forward to ( though that was debatable ) - no, the rebellion was more her style. Finally, someone had gotten around to doing what she couldn’t do herself. And when Darcy offered her of all people a position, it made everything that much sweeter.
Much to her ( and everyone else’s ) relief, a spot on the council wasn’t in her future. This was something a little more hands on, making sure everyone stayed in their lane and correcting them if they stepped out of line. He, at least, appreciated her fiery spirit, and was determined to put it to good use. Maybe she was a troublemaker - and rather infamous - but that’s what they were counting on. Intimidation was key. And when it came to recruiting, a wanderer like her had more connections than most thought.
During a particularly long stay in London back in 2010, she’d made her living working a...less reputable kind of job. It’d started more out of pure curiosity than anything, but she’d unsurprisingly had a knack for exotic dancing. But this visit was about much more than that. In addition to the club - which was rightfully named Euphoria, she’d also been an eager and respected member of the supernatural scene, most of which tied into notorious crime plaguing the streets. She was too independent to consider it gang activity, but she dabbled in just about every specialty. Stripping, drugs, murder - it’d been a fun few years to say the least, and during that time she’d become closely acquainted with some of the most scandalous crime bosses and kingpins in the city.
Her favorite, however, she’d met through the strip joint, and she’d deemed him a member of her extended family. Lenny, a manipulative yet witty old Lycan, had taken a particular interest in her almost immediately. Perhaps it was the charming Southern accent, or her sharp tongue, or her lust for blood and sex and everything in between, but he always made sure she got what she wanted ( not that she couldn’t take it for herself ). She hoped he’d come through now, when she needed him the most; if he didn’t, she had plenty of other options to choose from, but none that wouldn’t ask for something in return.
Approaching the front door of the club, she spotted a familiar face, a hulking rock of a man by the name of Ross who bounced for the place. Realization dawned on his features as she came closer, hand instantly moving to unlatch the velvet rope that would have barred her entry.
“Bambi! What a bloody surprise. We’ve missed seeing your face around here.”
“My face is all you’ll be seein’ today, unfortunately. I’ve got urgent business with the Lenster, if you don’ mind.” Despite the serious reasons behind her visit, the blonde found herself smiling, the sight of an old friend making her rather nostalgic. Hopping from place to place, typically not leaving in good standing, was admittedly difficult at times. London had been one of the very few cities she’d felt at home in, and she’d longed for her dysfunctional little family.
“The boss man said you were stopping by, but I just had to see with my own two eyes. He’s in the back, as always. Don’t cause too much trouble.” he teased before stepping aside with a slight bow, like Jaina was Euphoria royalty ( of course, she was ).
“No promises, sugar.”
Suddenly assaulted by a mixture of bright neon lights and sweaty club-goers, the blonde had to refrain from wincing. She’d forgotten how lively the space was, how empowering it felt to be up on stage. She sudden ached to be back at Nosferatu, a home away from home that’d no longer be there if they let Viktor squash them like a bug. No pressure.
Squeezing through the tight crowd, Jaina plowed a path toward the back of the establishment before ascending a spiral staircase leading to Lenny’s grand office. It took more than just the income from the strip club to fund the lavish scene, to put it lightly, and she hoped his cunning nature and even more cunning connections would be an asset. Not bothering to knock on the door, she abruptly swung it open, of course needing to make an entrance. The short man glanced up from his desk, letting out a loud, boisterous laugh at the sight of his old employee.
“No time for hugs.” she protested as she noticed him starting to rise from his leather chair, though the smug smile on her lips proved it wasn’t from lack of wanting.
“Impatient as ever, I see, little miss big shot. I heard you’ve got them wrapped around your finger over there, too.” he countered, gesturing to the seat across from him. As much as she wanted to catch up, returning to the estate in a timely manner was something Darcy had stressed highly. Sitting down, she took in a slow breath, nervous yet ready to make her case.
“Shut up. It’s not like that. I’m not here to brag. Just - look. I wish I was here from Paris on more pleasant terms, but I had to warn you. All of you. And ask for your help.”
Bushy eyebrows furrowed, thin lips setting into a wary line, “Help with what?”
“I didn’ do anything, before you jump to conclusions. It’s all fucking Viktor - he’s this Vampire dicklord. I’m assumin’ you’ve heard of him.” It was barely noticeable, but his face paled, and seeing Lenny worried set her stomach turning.
“What is he up to this time?” Lenny questioned slowly, almost as if he didn’t want to know the answer.
“War. Well, war and Lycan genocide. Pecan, pecan. Whatever.” she huffed, trying not to get too riled up at the thought of their impending, purely bullshit doom. Lenny was used to her temper, but she was trying to act professional, dammit.
Lenny stared at Jaina for a long moment, trusting her but not wanting to believe her. She couldn’t blame him. “If you’re serious - and God, I really hope you’re not, this is more than I can handle. Do you know how bloody hard it’ll be to convince the rest of the lads to join in on something like this? Do you know how long it’ll take-”
“Unless y’all want to have your heads stuck on silver pikes, I suggest ya find a way to make it happen. If you won’ do it to help me, then do it to help yourselves. You lot are great at that, an’ once he’s done obliterating us, he’ll come for people like you. The rebellious ones.” Jaina pressed, tone anything but lighthearted now. Lenny’s expression hardened for a moment, rather displeased with her interruption, but it was clear she wasn’t taking ‘no’ for an answer.
He was silent for what felt like a lifetime, hands wringing together as he went through the calculations in his head. Lips moved slightly, but no words came out, an internal argument taking place that she had no choice but to sit and witness. Finally, he let out a deep sigh, resolve strengthening as he breathed back in. “I heard Paris is nice this time of year. And if we get to stick Viktor’s balding head on the tip of the Eiffel Tower, it’ll be worth it.”
“Not getting’ mass murdered while you hide here like sittin’ ducks will be worth it. I promise.” she said, a genuine layer in her voice she reserved for only her closest friends. Letting her smile slide back into place, she stood up and smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress, needing to make a speedy departure to tell the others her good news.
“I’ll start making some calls. I’m confident I’ll have at least a dozen lackies or so hooked when I mention the word ‘murder’, and the bosses will have no choice but to join once I tie it to Viktor -unless they wanna look like a bunch of pansies.”
“Always eloquently spoken, Len.”
“And you did always have a way with persuasion, Bambi. You always were my favorite.”
Jaina wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, hoping the closest person she’d had to a father-figure as of late wouldn’t die because of her. Still, she had the utmost faith in her fugitive friends. Killing was their entire lifestyle. It’d gotten their names plastered on the front pages of newspapers and across television screens all over England. And now, it was time for them to make their Paris debut.
{ + 46 Lycans joining the fight }
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