#{ samtal med: iris thatcher }
swedethings · 1 year
With Gunnar in tow, Agnes made her way through the many vendors of Duckie's Farm Market. She was fortunate that the market was within walking distance of where she was staying in the converted barn on her former host family's property. It made it so much easier to get locally grown produce as well as other pantry staples in support of local farmers; and that made it so much easier to ensure she and her son ate a balanced diet. But its distance from the converted barn wasn't the only thing that made Duckie's location ideal. It was located right next to the station that housed Cape May's EMTs. Whenever she'd go browsing for produce, the brunette could keep an eye out for a particular blonde paramedic. Just catching a brief sight of those braids made her heart flutter...
Currently, Agnes was in the process of searching for the best lemons to add to her basket. With a toddler in her arms, it was a feat much easier said than done. Gunnar wanted to help; but he was also starting to become cranky from a lack of nap that day. His 'help' was more of a hinderance. And ultimately, he ended up knocking several of the lemons out of their display crate, sending them rolling onto the floor. "Jävla fan..." This was not what his mamma needed to deal with right about now. She needed to have her stress relieved, not be given more of it.
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swedethings · 1 year
Having planned to meet up with Iris at the Cape May Independence Day Carnival, Agnes was scanning the crowds for the particular blonde. The two had made plans; but they'd not actually finalized where to meet up. Her phone was in her pocket; and given her hands were currently preoccupied with a sleeping toddler who'd just crashed from an ice cream sugar high, she couldn't exactly dig out said phone in order to confirm a meeting spot. So scanning the crowds was her best option.
Fortunately, she could spot those braids from a mile away. Amongst the crowd forming in front of the ring toss game, Agnes spotted her. Making her way over to the game, she shifted Gunnar's weight in her arms before sneaking up behind her favorite blonde. "Hej hej, väninna... Do you want to win me a bear?"
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