#{ leanne thread 01. }
arcaeda · 2 years
do you believe in love?
the day of devotion was a wonderful day indeed, one that she wholly thought was meant to be celebrated by everyone. it didn’t matter if you were married or single, there surely was someone that you were devoted to! a friend, a family member, maybe even just the people you see around you every day.
there was a reason for everyone, and so she was happy to join in on the day of the devoted celebration that the monastery was apparently holding. it was a pleasant surprise to be certain— and after signing up python and kris knowing they wouldn’t join otherwise, she’d signed herself up as well! with the mission code given to her by oberon the dark (she’d have to ask him later about the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandma thing) she went directly to mingling! her outfit was simple of course, but a little fancier than what she’d usually wear. a red dress with a flared skirt and a halter neck. fancy but nothing that would scary anyone off.
she hums, plucking one of the flowers from one of the many vases on the tables and tucking it near her ear. hopefully this would quickly catch the eye of her partner.
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serenegaldr · 3 years
@frauleindermorgen (continued from here!)
Each note of Leanne’s music was infused with a feeling of contented joy as she sat with Micaiah, fingers trailing gently through silver hair as she worked on the elaborate braid. Between the inexplicable, unfounded sensation of unease that had followed not just the Silver-Haired Maiden, but a few other members of the final army against the goddess, as well as the fact that her leadership briefly caused Leanne’s brothers to be on opposite sides of the army before they united, the youngest Heron didn’t know what to make of Daein’s commander at first. Upon actually getting to know her, however, she realized that the girl’s kind, bright heart dispelled any concerns she might have previously held. And being one of her few non-Bird Tribe friends who could understand her Ancient Language was always a cause for excitement.
“Yup! ...and ta-dah! All done...!” she said, tucking the tail of the completed braid neatly against Micaiah’s back as she tried her hand at the Modern Tongue version of the declaration, before she giggled, turning to sit facing away from the other and letting her hair fall in a cascading wave behind her, even fluffing her wings to rid them of clinging strands. “I hope you have nothing coming up in the next few hours--” perhaps she exaggerates a bit, “--because my hair is really long! Rafiel said that mine’s still easier to braid than my sisters’ were though.” It was one of the few little tidbits her eldest brother shared about their family from... before, and it might not be very significant, but it was small, lighthearted things like these that made Leanne feel like she held something of the life she was a part of, when her family was all together.
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baldramuste · 3 years
[ fix ]
a simple mistake in his last fight had caused a wound that stretched across his upper arm. he had experienced much worse on the battlefield before, but he was thankful for the woman who was giving him rather prompt treatment.
"thank you for helping me out here." he says, while avoiding looking directly at her. he'd gotten a glance or two of the other laguz in the monastery before, but he still found it strange to see wings attached to a person. he wasn't disgusted by it or anything even close to the sort, he'd just rather like to avoid staring at her like she were some strange beast.
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