#{ just to note! Wangji (whom this fella will be called) will not be dual rp with my macaque }
shadowyspectre ยท 1 year
Something was wrong. The strange sensation of wrongness began with the location he awoke in. The area was dead. It looked like the surroundings had been scorched thoroughly, black burned into the stone and earth. His hands were covered in ash, something small and sharp against his palms. After a closer inspection, he found it to be bone. Something about that information made him feel sick. He wiped his hands against his torn bottoms.
It appeared that his hands were not the only part of him covered in ash. He did not like the sensation of it against his fur. His hands moved through it, stopping at the matting he encountered.
Slowly, he pulled his hands away, deciding to deal with that later.
His lips twitched down, getting to his feet and leaving the crater. It was quite big, and he couldn't help but hope he hadn't destroyed the entire area. It'd be quite rude of him if he liked that. So it was a good thing he didn't. The mere thought of destroying this place made something clench in his chest. How odd. What was this strange feeling? It gripped at him and made his eyes burn. He rubbed at them, frown deepening.
Despite things coming slightly muddled, he noticed an ache coming from his chest. Careful fingers pressed over it, jerking back at the ache going into a sharp stabbing pain. His fingers came away bloody.
He blinked, and then blinked again.
That was...supposed to be inside him, not outside.
He looked down, staring at the damaged armor that was stained red. His fingers lifted again, this time pressing more carefully. They ghosted over a large wound in his chest, right over his breastbone. It seemed deep, but not...too much of a concern. He paused. Why had he thought that? Not a concern? Having a wound in his chest this deep was a concern!
His hand dropped to his side, and he lifted his head to look around. He should....leave. Perhaps go somewhere to find helpโ€”
The simian flinched as a wave of dread pulled at him. An urgency was attached to it as well. But for the life of him, he couldn't remember what was so important. He'd been in a fight, where was his opponent? Did he lose? It sure felt like he did, waking up in a cater.
Move. He needed to move. The urge stamped into his legs, making him walk away from his resting place. But the urge grew, and grew, making him full on sprint away. He didn't know why he was running, but something deep down spurred him to run faster. His fur stood on end, the crackle of something in the air.
Move! That instinct screamed. MOVE!!
His chest was on fire, and a blue glow erupted behind him, the sheer brightness of it almost blinded him even if he was not facing the source.
The urge shrieked.
And so he did, legs pumping fast as he tore across shattered and burnt earth. But it wasn't enough. The muscles in his legs bunched, and he leapt up, leaving another crater behind from the mere force. Instead of landing on the ground, he was met with something soft. There was no time to identify what it was, only that he was so far from the ground and moving fast. There was a roar behind him, a name? Either way, it was not happy. He fled, the thing he was on taking him far, far away.
Eventually, he noticed that the area he was over currently seemed healthy. Far better than where he was before. Only...he wasn't quite sure how to dispell this thing. It was comfortable, he'd give it that. But he wanted to check things out. A spur of somethingโ€”something he'd label stupidityโ€”sent him leaping off the soft thing.
He only had a moment to think, wait should I have done that? Before he smacked right into the ground.
Well, that wasn't fun. Now he's made another crater. At least this one wasn't as big as the one he woke up in.
He groaned, pushing himself onto his hands and knees. "Oh," he moaned in pain, "oh that was so not to good idea. Why did I do that?"
His chest hurt worse. Good going...
He frowned. Good going...
What was his name?
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