#{ if not please don't feel obligated to reply! }
batmanisagatewaydrug · 15 hours
hi sorry, your suggestions for easy cooking recipes to get into cooking regularly passed my dash and i loved them!! i was wondering if you had some tips for me for groceries,,
i live alone, and find it extremely difficult to do groceries for the week without everything going to waste :( my freezer is pretty small so most ready made meal plans kind of don't work, and i end up making the same recipes over and over again... do you maybe have any tips for that?
thank you for reading, and please don't feel obliged to reply!!
unfortunately that's not really a situation I have a lot of experience with shopping for; I've never lived alone and rn I'm pretty much always cooking for minimum 3 people.
I guess the best advice I could give is to plan out your meals in advance, so if you're going to be buying something that comes in large numbers you can try to plan accordingly to use it in several dishes before it goes bad?
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edeniswilde · 3 days
Since apparently social media is the biggest marketing tool around right now, and since everyone here has some affiliation with PSU which I know from experience is a decent school, let me take this opportunity to try to fill some roles. What's up, my name's Addy Corcoran, I'm the founder of Indigo Sounds, an indie record label based here in LA. Right now, I have two roles I'm looking to hire for, one in admin and the other in marketing. If I had the latter filled already, this post would be much more appealing, I'm sure. While on the subject, I'm always looking for new talent, so if anybody's looking to break into the music industry, hit me up and we can talk. I'm pretty selective, but again, you're all PSU people, so chances are, you're not gonna totally suck.
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Side note, I do a bit of guest lecturing every now and then, so if you've seen me around campus, there's a 50% chance it's actually me. Don't feel obligated to say hi. Seriously.
(Please feel free to still reply to this for Addy Corcoran, and I'll reblog your reply onto her new blog!)
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serabellyms · 12 days
i hate that feeling when i'm writing w/ a new mutual or a mutual that I haven't written with much and don't know what's too long of a reply that's gonna scare them off
so ig this is my way of saying to the dash: if you're not intimidated by long replies sometimes PLEASE let me know directly bc this vibe literally results in me deleting and rewriting replies to people multiple times when the first few were probably just fine to send and i'm instead overthinking how much content i'm putting in it when that particular mutual would've just gone with the flow--
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sjonni33 · 1 year
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this is like. super embarrassing but yeah :/ i ripped my only pair of jeans today, which really sucks :( disability support has until nov 8 to decide over my case and until then i have 0 income except from the tiny bits i scrap by. uhm if anyone could like, spare a euro maybe? i'd be very grateful. i also have things listed in my shop, some are only 1 cent (or whatever you want to pay for it), i also have some stickers here, here and here. some prints here and here . shipping is as low as it can be <3 and i also offer discount codes (use RATASSES for 5% off!!) you can also commission me!!
i'd appreciate any help, even just in the form of sharing this post or reblogging/sharing my art!!
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adiduck · 1 year
Hello! I adore your Star Wars fics and initially followed you for your AMAZING interpretations of Obi-Wan, Cody, Jango and the gang and your love of ducks (they are the best!). I desperately miss your writing and really want to follow you into new fandoms, but the problem is, I kind of despise Top Gun and think all the characters except Goose are assholes, lol. Would you be open to sharing what appealed to you abt Top Gun, Ice, and Mav? Hoping to be converted :D Thank you!!!
I've been trying to figure out how to respond to this. I think you're being up front with me, Anon, and not trying to imply that something I have been enjoying is somehow not worth the time and energy I am putting into it. If it's not to your taste, obviously that's fine! People like different things, and that's totally okay. 😉
So let me start at the beginning. First, please don't think I'm leaving Star Wars! I don't have any plans to do that, at least not right now. I am simply having a grand old time playing in a different fandom at the moment.
Second, and I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I like them because they're assholes, to be honest. Though I'd argue most of the characters I write are assholes. ;) Let me explain.
I'm going to give you my general thoughts on Ice and Mav, because that's who I'm having the most fun playing with right now.
I watched the first movie, and I asked myself, 'how does someone become this person?' and the answer is a combination of things--socioeconomic, backstory, the time the story is set, the context within which the characters are operating. From there, you (or rather, I) can ask: what about the hints? This character's actions have a very straightforward explanation, but I can also look a little deeper and go--he's standing awfully close. These two characters can't seem to look away from each other. This character is being sanctimonious, but he has a point. This other character is trying to prove himself so hard he's come back around to trying to make everyone dislike him.
They're imperfect people, which makes them interesting to me. It means there are things to explore. And then you add the portrayals we see thirty years later--where we see some things have changed and some things have stayed the same for these characters, but what the movie chooses to show of them is the end result of thirty years of staunch, unwavering love. And that's interesting to me. I want to hear a bit more about that. I want to poke it and see what makes it tick.
That's what fanfiction's about, yeah?
...okay and also I like planes LOL I'm really sorry but it's the truth 😅
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"Lands Between? Lands Between what? Looks to me like it's Lands Between two great big bloody oceans and enough gold to shame a Carim noble," Laurentius mutters.
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theaccursedninth · 8 months
@thebadtimewolf has stumbled upon the Lost Doctor...
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It was quiet. Eerily quiet. The sort of quiet that rolled through a community with delicate fingers, making note of every crevice, every soul tucked safely away for the night, only to return with biting teeth with little to no warning. That was usually how the story went, he thought to himself, looking out onto the city below. Always when we least expect it.
His dominant hand, the right, fell to the hilt of his sword: one among them would not rest easy tonight, and he had chosen that mantle when he'd decided to guide these primitive people so many centuries ago (How many had passed since that day? He used to know that.)
They'd come far over the years: graduating from shelter in hollowed mountains to brick-and-mortar civilization. Still working on electricity and vaccines, but what was evolution without trial and error? Wasn't that what the Greats all said in that regard? Maybe...but something's wrong. Something he couldn't place.
The old doors and pathways rooting around his head had grown murky and dark, but he remembered basic history and this society he'd nurtured wasn't growing in the right direction. The jagged, angular buildings jutting up into the sky, the blueish-green fire lighting their homes--the language they spoke that didn't quite land as he remembered and the smoky sky swirling above in shades of midnight grey, and that was without listing off the way they'd physically evolved. He'd never met a gallifreyan whose eyes glowed in the dark.
A thin, hard line pressed into his mouth. He mumbled something in his native--sorry, in their native language, climbing down his perch. He dropped to the dusty roads on silent feet, the light armor he wore clacking together like wind chimes after a storm. That's a word for it, he thought bitterly, beginning the trek back to his own quarters. Ah well, he thought, trying as he always did to brush away his concerns. Every great planet underwent a period of hardship, did it not? Maybe he'd just...missed that history lesson.
It was when he'd gotten a couple of yards from his home (new home, current home, it would never be Home) that he stopped; instincts gathered from a life too long settling in. His own eyes scanned his surroundings now, sharp and keen despite the limited light--and then he saw it. A lone figure in the distance. His hand again fell to his hilt, but he didn't draw the blade, not yet. Not until he knew who (or what) he was up against. After all, he may not be the only one out for a stroll this evening (although hadn't he set up a curfew specifically to keep them all safe?)
"Halt," he said cautiously, the word framed in the echo of a northern accent. His step slowed, and a sliver of moonlight passed over him, illuminating his ghostly complexion: hollowed cheeks and dark circles under his eyes…eyes that glowed in the dark, though he'd be the first to deny it. “State your name and business."
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faerie--macabre · 10 months
@sunnedspawn 💀 Cont.
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Liliana can't help nor holds back the soft huff at his statement. Taffeta skirts of dark violet and purple are gathered up before she attempts to somehow demurely take a seat on the ground. "Well if I had known I was so eagerly expected, I would have rushed right over."
Truly she debated the action in the first place. It was a mental battle of the old rhetoric of I don't need anyone and the frustrating yearning of I don't want to be alone. Evidently the latter won out.
She'll never admit it though.
"But have no fear, I am here now. Though I do have to argue that my beauty rivals that of the stars above." There's the faint tinkling of the Chain Veil while she situates herself; a space is left between them. Amethyst meets garnet as she looks upon his face, trying to read his expression. A lot of times it feels like trying to solve a puzzle or read a book in another language, yet; there are times when certain things. But when she can't decipher anything her gaze is turned upwards to the heavens.
"Out of curiosity, what's Baldur's Gate like?"
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
@hxnger-unbcund was caught rummaging through the dumpster...
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Scraping the still-warm leftovers into the wastebin, Khare frowns as she realizes it's already full. Her turn again to take out the trash again no doubt, but even so she can't bring herself to feel annoyed about it. Business had been pretty good tonight and some generous tips didn't hurt either, so it was with a hum she hauled the bin to the back room, fully prepared to launch the contents into the skip. At least, that had been her plan until finding the alleyway wasn't nearly as empty as it usually was. The sound of keys could be heard janging nervously as she stared in the direction of the open dumpster. It had been locked, she was sure of it what with being the last person to take the garbage out earlier that night when starting her shift but it was unmistakably open, with a very large, very dark creature standing hunched over the open container. Not a dog. It was far too big and muscular whatever it was, sleek black fur blending into even darker night as neon light reflected off it's glossy hide. Khare inhaled a shaky breath as she sized up her options - she could just... turn right around, shutting the door quietly and locking it behind her but then whatever it was might cause a bigger mess, or come after food that was warmer and fresher than the stuff already out there... Just go for it. Whatever it is might even run away, or just be happy enough to have extra food. Steeling up her every last nerve, Khare tightened her grip around the bag in her hands, knuckles white as a sheet as she dragged it along as calmly and quietly as she could. Fuck, the thing looked even bigger from this angle, front half completely hidden inside the dumpster that by now she could see had been wrenched open, the broken lock gleaming nearby. Smart move, Khare! Better hope you don't end up as part of his main course. "Don't mind me, just... uhh, throwing this in too." She said once she'd gotten as close as she dared, wishing she'd just stayed the fuck home tonight.
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chmydarling · 1 year
cont.d from [x] @mistytown
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❛ now, if you add the fury of a thousand hornets to that list, then you've got our resident no-nonsense southerner and medic ruby. as far as i'm aware, no other pocket-sized, violent-tempered red-heads have passed through here. sorry to disappoint. ❜
he quirks an eyebrow curiously. questions cautiously.
❛ this girl... is she, like, your daughter or something? ❜
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evintide · 1 year
❛ don’t you dream impossible things ? ❜ ( from twilight ! c: )
breath of the wild starters » ★ !!
the question feels out of the blue. the two had fallen into silence ever since the fire had trickled down to mere embers, the waning moon their only other light, offering meager comfort against a blanket of stars. she must have drifted off at some point, but her slumber hadn't been so deep that she would've missed the sound of his voice.
blinking owlishly, the imp peers down from her perch on a branch to look at the hero's huddled form. had he been awake the entire time? or maybe a nightmare had stirred him from slumber. whatever the reason, she's awake now as well, and with a tired sigh she drifts down to the ground beside him. her form feels more solid in the dark, the soft glow of her hair and glyphs offering a little more light to their small campsite.
" now why would i go and do something like that? " the question is mocking, but her tone is soft. playful, in her terms. though that doesn't ease the crease of worry that sneaks to her brow now that she gets a better look at her companion. with a small hop Midna twirls midair, hair extending to form a cradle a few inches from the ground, floating alongside Link in a slow rocking motion.
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" what's there to worry about when i can make it possible? i was able to tame the mighty divine beast, after all. hee hee! "
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maopll · 3 months
Helloooo!!!! really interesting event you have going on here :D . a couple pennies for my request?
Can I get a "Hot things they do" prompt with
HSR: Jing Yuan, Sunday, and Boothill Genshin: Neuvillete and Pantalone
Gn!Reader please and thank you <3
⋆·˚ you swoon over and practically drool whenever he does something which you love to the moon and back. even the simplest of things has you feeling something burning and fluttering inside ...
note : anon you've got tastes. I don't know if there is anything particular I like that they do everything will have me folding over.
sfw // fluff a lil goofy, slight suggestive gn!reader
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His breathy laughter is the best of both worlds. Nothing compares to it. Although you are a big fan of his chuckle whenever he is in a tight spot or has it figured out, his laughter is still incomparable.
But he kind of disagrees with you on this since he would have approved it if it was his thighs. He knows how thick they are and how the strap around his upper thigh makes it look even more enticing. "Who says I don't like it?" you retort.
— ୨ SUNDAY ୧
Whenever he is in deep thought, he would leave his pen, cross his arms and would run his fingers through his hair. Most of the time his hair is prim and proper. But when he puffs his chest up in frustration , eyes squinting , and hair a little bit messy, you can confirm that you become like a victorian man seeing ankles.
"Is this the way you like it?" Sunday says a bit unsure as he is practically wearing something that looks diametrically opposite from what he wears. Shirt, jeans, jacket, cap and all the items that screams 'rock metal genre'.
"Stay still pretty boy I need a good picture for my wallpaper"
"Babe I find you really hot when you threaten people to kill them whenever they try being real mushy mushy with me"
"You muddle fudger I can't even curse them with the real scary words and you liked that?" Boothill stares at you bewildered. "Your synesthesia beacon working overtime and your hands pointing the gun at him as you threaten to do the wildest shit to him if he ever touches me is very very hot you wouldn't understand". He would usually comply with whatever you say but this time he truly thinks that you've got a few screws loose there. But maybe that's your charm and your 'hot thing'.
"Well if you find THAT hot then ..." he swifts you off your feet and places his hat onto your head "don't you like it when I do this hmm sweetie ?"
While the things or his actions are mostly adorable or gentlemanly, even he has his sides which would leave your heart beating fast and hard. But oh lord have mercy on you because when he would tie his hair messily to focus on his paperwork, you fold.
Neuvillette was about to sit down after he tied his hair in a ponytail, but you noticed his tied hair and without thinking you blurted out,
"Do it again"
"Do what again ?"
"Tie your hair again.. I wanna see..."
He obliged to your request like he usually does even though he was a little confused, but when he turned around to face you, you were blushing HARD and one of your hands was on your chin as if scrutinising his every movement and every flex of his muscles. Neuvillette just chuckled at your antics. "Like what you see dear?" "Very much..." you strided towards him and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. No matter how many times you ask such silly requests of him, he will always fulfil them.
You didn't know what captivated you to like pantalone and you wanted to find what was something he did that made you find it hot. Lo and behold you found it when he was threatening one of the fatui members.
Two new recruits were standing at esse in front of Pantalone, who was eyeing them from top to bottom. "So... cryogunner... what was the order?" The cryogunner, after swallowing down the lump in his throat with hesitation, replied, "s— sir ... we had to take down the owner of the illegal organisation–"
"And what was the result I received?" his voice cold and eyes piercing. His anger were visible in his eyes even though it did not reflect on his face. "Out of my sights right now the punishment that you two will receive for not abiding to the order will be not so savoury"
The two fatui scurried away after shouting a 'yes sir'. After they left, he removed his glasses and scrunched his face rubbing his temple. Looks like more work got added to his already pending list of tasks. His eyes were full of wrath and anger muttering archons know what
you chuckle "you know your face is doing things to me babe"
"dear I'm not in the mood—" but looking at your face has him rethinking his decision. You biting your lips and eyes dazed... hmm looks like you've found the way to relieve his stress then?
"It's going to be a rough day hm? dear"
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badbtssmut · 5 months
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Your boyfriend looks a little too good in his police uniform.
Contains: Jungkook is a cop, fucking while wearing his uniform, reader is handcuffed, bit of squirting, Jungkook telling reader not to cum yet, kinda roleplay-ish, pussy fucking from behind, missionary
“Yeah, like that? That what you want? Tell officer Jeon how much you like it.” You moan as he pounds into you, the metal of his handcuffs digging into your skin. “Pussy taking in all this cock so well, so fucking wet.” Your boyfriend cooed, gripping onto your wrists tighter as he sped up his hips.
He was still dressed in full uniform, the heavy weight of his utility belt pressed against your ass, his shirt still tucked in and his hardened cock poking between the gap of his undone pants, and you, laid bare before him.
“Yes, like that…” You dug your face into the mattress, frowning as you focused on taking in his size, feeling every vein and inch of his cock slide against your walls.
“Is that all? Don't make me repeat myself again. How much do you like it when I fuck you like this, slut? How much do you like your pussy used like the toy that it is? Hm?” Jungkook pressed, slowing down his movement before he stopped, keeping his cock tucked inside of you, waiting for your reply.
“Jungkook…” You whimpered, trying to move your hips back to feel the same pleasure as before, but he stopped you. His hands moved from your wrists to your waist, holding you in place. You could hear him laugh softly, amused at your frustration.
“Jungkook…” You started again, whining his name.
“Jeon for you.” He corrected you. You were surprised, not expecting him to keep up the roleplay, even with his cock buried in you.
You were too horny to fight, and just wanted him to keep going, so you obliged.
“Mr Jeon, I love it when you fuck me, feels so good, never wanna stop… Just keep going, please, fuck me and use me.” You whined, moving your head back, trying to get a look at his face.
He smirked, before leaning in closer and giving you a kiss. You kissed him back before he pulled away and resumed his rhythm, the sound of his belt and his thighs smacking against your skin filled the room, and you started to breath faster, before moans left your lips.
“Mm yes, right there…” You moaned, closing your eyes, letting the sensation of him hitting your spot wash over you.
“Yeah? Right there? That’s your spot, here?” He teased, hitting the same place.
You nodded quickly, unable to speak.
Jungkook then pulled out, before he flipped you over and got between your legs, entering you again. He leaned over you and caged you in, his arms on both side of your head, as he began to thrust.
Your arms were trapped between the bed and your back, and you were at his mercy, as he fucked you, making sure his cock rubbed against your g-spot every time. Your moans made him aware that he was hitting you in the right spot, and his cock twitched in response.
The bed creaked loudly, and his heavy breathing filled your ears. He looked down at your body, admiring the way your chest rose and fell with each thrust, and your eyes rolling back every now and then, and it pushed him closer.
Jungkook sat up, still moving his hips back and forth as he unbuttoned his jacket, pulling it off and dropping it next to him.
He then took the shirt off, exposing his sweaty torso, and he leaned down again, his hands now grabbing your bare chest.
Your tits bounced with each thrust, and you moaned louder, wrapping your legs around him, encouraging him to go deeper.
“Fuck.” Jungkook cussed, kneading your chest and rolling your nipples in between his fingers, causing you to whimper.
“Close…” You whined, feeling yourself near your climax.
“No, not yet, baby. Wait for me, yeah? Can you do that for me?” Jungkook whispered, now caressing your face. “Please baby? Need you five more minutes, can you? Please, wanna cum together, wanna cum with your pussy hugging my cock, need you to hold it a bit longer.” He nearly begged.
“Jeon, if you keep talking like that, I’ll…” You tried to tell him, but he silenced you with a kiss, moving his hips a bit faster.
It was torture, his pace was just enough to keep you on the edge, but not enough to send you over. You closed your eyes, focusing on his cock and his tongue slipping into your mouth.
Your feet kicked into the sheets, trying to hold it, but you couldn’t.
Jungkook could tell you were near your limit, and he sat up, raising your hips and pounding into you harder, chasing his own release. You whimpered, being at his mercy as he lifted your lower body and mercilessly pounded into you, him adjusting himself to fuck you into a higher angle made you nearly cry, as you could feel yourself coming closer and closer.
Finally, he released his load into you, moaning out your name and riding out his high, and you soon followed, squirting onto his cock and soaking the sheets.
“Mm..” He shuddered, keeping his cock in you and leaning in to kiss you.
“Baby…” You whimpered. “They hurt.” You reminded him.
Jungkook immediately reached down and took the handcuffs off, throwing them off the bed, and brought your wrists to his lips, kissing them.
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yzashaven · 5 months
helloo, this is my first time requesting something but I have gotten obsessed with the way you write so-
I had this idea of a f!reader that is really not vocal in bed. And scaramouche absolutely GETS OFF to every little whimper and whine she makes because he doesn't hear it that often and makes an effort to hear *something* KDBDKDIEIDJD
Ok that's it, woohoo (with my luck i've already forgotten i even wrote this a day later so I'll just sign off with an M to remind myself, lmao)
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꒰ 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ꒱ scaramouche x fem!reader
꒰ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 ꒱ nsfw themes. cunnilingus. begging (both sides). fingering. penetration. kiss/bite marks. use of "baby" n "pretty girl". just the tip but not for long. he slaps his cock on your pussy like once + slight pussyjob?! (think that's it :3)
꒰ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ꒱ he just wants to hear your cute little moans. is there really something wrong with that?
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄—this was actually drafted like... a few days ago?? i don't remember when but suddenly, now, at a random time of 4am i felt like finishing it so here u go !! might be a bit off or something cuz i did it while half awake 😭 LMAO [not proofread]
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he's trying his best, he really is. all he wanted was to hear your pretty moans that tell everything he needs to know—that he's making you feel good.
scaramouche's tongue laps up your dripping arousal as his hands held your thighs apart. a soft sigh could be heard from him upon dragging a finger along your slit. that same finger soon enters your hole and finally, you let out a small moan. your voice was barely above a whisper yet he still heard it, "please moan for me, baby," scaramouche says and dips his head back down in between your legs. he plants a gentle kiss to your clit before speaking up again, "i really want to hear your pretty voice." he sounds almost... desperate.
he brings in another finger inside your pussy, curling them up at the perfect angle that he was sure would let you let out some kind of sound.
but all he got was silence.
a frown forms upon his lips but he won't give up. he leans down to suck on your clit all the while maintaining eye contact as much as possible. a deep blush appears across your cheeks, radiating heat on your skin. his hand makes it way to yours to guide it towards his head. you oblige in his obvious wishes and let your fingers tangle in the soft locks of his hair.
scaramouche pushes his fingers a bit deeper within you, in hopes that the tips of his fingers hit your sweet spot ever so slightly. he wants you to be all needy for him. surely that'll get you talking, right?
after some time, he found himself already lost in the sounds of your cute whimpering whenever he thrusts his fingers inside. "...'m cumming, scara..." you quietly gasp out as he began to absolutely devour you. he's acting like he hasn't eaten in days (which he doesn't even need to do!) "cum on my tongue, baby. cum for me."
you let the waves of pleasure wash over your body and bit by bit, moans began to continuously be drawn out from you. he smiles and lets out a low groan; upon standing up, you could clearly see how hard he was as he was stroking the length of his cock. slowly working it up from the base up to the tip.
he teasingly slaps his cock against your folds, eliciting a few good whimpers from you. since he felt like teasing you further, he slides the length of his dick along your slit. the head of it entering your hole every now and then but never fully settling inside you.
"tell me you want it." he spoke in a low and sultry tone.
"i want it." you replied upon throwing the last bit of your dignity out of the window, "i want you, scara. please..." a soft smile curls up his lips. affectionate kisses on your forehead and temples as he easily slid his cock inside. every sweet little sound you let out seems to drive him a little more crazier.
scaramouche's thrusts were slow, yet deep and precise—making sure that you felt pleasure rather than any hints of pain. "fuck, scara..." the way you gasped out his name with so much need laced in your voice. he fucking loves it.
"let me hear you some more, pretty girl." he whispers in between soft kisses on your collarbone as he felt like marking you with his kiss and bite marks. the feeling of that along with the head of his dick reaching your deepest parts sent shivers throughout your body.
he's glad to know that he's making you feel good.
and now he wants to fill you up for being such a good girl, all for him.
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Genshin SAGAU where they hide in the Fortress Of Meropide in order to live a normal life.
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not proofread pt2
Creator! Reader who woke up confused in Fontaine. "What the fuck..." you mumbled as you were trying to piece everything together, why were you here? Is this a dream...?
You soon realized that you died in the real world because of Truck-Kun. Now... You have to adjust into this world...
It took a little bit of time to adjust but with the help of an old fisherman living in the mountains who took you in, it didn't take long before you accepted this life.
Creator! Reader who wants to live their life in peace and don't ever want to be found by the Archons or... Any of the main characters for that matter! It'd be a headache if they found out... You didn't want people being overprotective over you.
You wanted freedom...
Creator! Reader who gets found out by the old fisherman as the Creator by accident. You looked at your bleeding hand in horror as it spew out golden blood. The old fisherman quickly grabbed a cloth and wrapped it around your finger.
The old fisherman seemed to connect the pieces together, "So this is why you don't want to go to the city... And why you just popped out of nowhere in the fields..." the old man mumbled. "I- please... Don't tell anyone...!" you cried out. His eyes widened, "Oh! No! Your Grace I would never! But... You're not safe here... There will come a time that you will be found..." The old fisherman sighed.
Creator! Reader who conducted a plan to fake a robbery. The plan was to make it look like you 'stole' from the old man. The old fisherman would report you and you would be sentenced as a thief and banished to the Fortress of Meropide, living in the shadows... Like a ghost.
When your case was being heard, you saw Furina there, that means the traveller hadn't arrived yet... That'll be a problem for you in the future but you brushed it off, promising yourself you'd avoid the traveller like their the black plague.
When you arrived there, Childe was already gone... This was bad... That means the Traveller is coming soon.
It didn't help that you also saw Wriothesley face to face, his observing stare making you nervous... But with how he let you off easily, you don't think he found anything suspicious about you.
Creator! Reader who can't seem to not help Aether and Paimon along with the three siblings, Lynette, Lyney, and Freminet. Always leaving small clues so that they can advance to the story faster, or making sure they don't get hurt or get into an accident. You already knew what the story of Fontaine was but with your current existence... You were unsure if there were some things that'll change.
Creator! Reader who gets found out by Aether...
Your body flinched as he called your name... He knew your name... "You're... Them right...?" He added, you dared not to turn around, getting ready to run away since he hadn't seen your face yet. "You are them... The creator..." he spoke out again, "Please... Don't run away..." he begged as he walked closer to you. You slowly turned around to face him, "...How did you know it was me...?" you asked.
"That... Warmth... That lingering feeling... I felt it. It lead me towards you... I-I thought you were gone, or that you were upset since I hadn't felt you in so long..." He replied as tears rolled down his cheeks, he eventually hugged you, to which you allowed him to. Rubbing his back to comfort him.
Creator! Reader who tells Aether to never tell anyone about you or your existence to which he obliged. You watched everything unfold, from the start to the aftermath of the flood. Everything went well, and not a single soul other than Aether and the old Fisherman know of your existence.
"Everything went well... Neuvillette made sure Furina had an apartment near Palais Mermonia." Aether reported to you, "That's great news." You smiled at him, "Ah! You need to go, people would probably find it suspicious if they found you talking to a random prisoner for no reason." you added to which he nodded, he was about to leave but you stopped him for a moment and gave him a head pat. He was like a younger brother, he blushed and remained standing there for a few seconds, waiting for you to stop.
You let out a small laugh, "Sorry, I got carried away." he only nodded and quickly left, too flustered to even muster a response. You watched him as he left your prison cell.
You then walked towards your bed, looking for your work clothes as you were planning on working again for tickets. You then hear footsteps, you didn't bother turning around as you assumed it was Aether.
"Aether, did you leave something?" you asked, "Aether? You mean the traveller?" you froze... That voice wasn't from Aether... You slowly turned around to see... Wriothesley. You blood ran cold as you stared at him, your mind scrambling as it tried to find words to say.
"You don't have to say anything." He added, slowly walking towards you. "You know... I thought there was something so weird about you... Something about you kept pulling me in and I didn't know why... At first I thought you were just a Fatui spy but now..." he was only a feet away from you now, "I realized that you're them... The creator."
part 2...???
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intcstardust · 2 years
@torntruth asked: 🐾 / from steph to alex. Send me a 🐾 for our muses to adopt a pet together. | accepting! 
         with her mother being sick and then being thrown into the foster system after her dad and brother left, alex never really had any pets growing up. a couple of families had a dog or cat here and there, but she was never there long enough to bond with them. now that she’s begun to heal and make a life for herself in haven springs with steph, the idea of getting a pet together could finally be thrown into the cards. 
        on the quiet days at the record store, alex could sometimes be found scrolling through ads posted on the local animal shelter’s website, occasionally showing steph when one really piqued her interest. on today’s scroll through, her eyes lit up as she found one that really caught her attention. “ hey steph --- what do you think of this one; you think they’d get along with valkyrie? ” 
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