#{ i don't really care what happens in rp half the times
super-ya-boi · 20 days
((not an open rp, just plot progression. Written in collaboration with @dark-moon-inc and @ni0x (thank you <3)
Word count: 1153 words
Tw: self hate talk, physical violence and derealization.
There will be an important plot summary at the end if you don't want to read these topics. as well as art.))
He knew going was a bad idea but he needed answers, he needed to know what happened to him. 
He stood in the tiny elevator, his nerves getting progressively stronger with every chime of the passing floors.. 
When it finally stopped and the doors opened Jon was faced with a darkly lit lab. He hasn’t hit the point of no return…he could close the elevator doors and leave…he could….but he didn’t. The lab called him in, coaxed him to go deeper. It felt familiar, like he’d seen it before. 
Jon stook a step in; looking around. He spotted a book on a desk and walked over to it, but before his hand touched the book a voice stopped him.
“Jonathan. It’s rude to snoop,” the voice belonged to a woman. Her voice was strong and mature with a bit of an unsettling undertone. 
He whipped his head around and faced the person who owned the voice. She was tall, put together, her hair slicked back into a ponytail and her lab coat stark white.  
“Come, sit, let’s have our chat,” she gestured to a table with 2 chairs. 
Jon walked over to the table and sat down, he tried to pull out all his confidence but it wasn't much and his pinned back ears revealed his anxiety. 
“Don’t be nervous. I'm not going to hurt you. You’re my greatest creation! I could never hurt you,” she said calmly. 
“...what? Creation? What…what does that mean?” Jon already hated what he was hearing. He wasn’t her ‘creation’, she didn't…make him…right?
“You didn’t think I would just let your body go, did you? With your enhanced healing you’re far too valuable to my experiments. Unfortunately I couldn't just keep you though, You have powerful people who care about you. So I made a replacement.” she explained.
…replacement…was he not real…was he not himself…
“It was quite hard actually. I didn't know how to make it so this body could be conscious at the same time as your real one was. Unfortunately I couldn't figure it out. If I had to put the current setup simply, it’s almost like playing VR. Your real body is contained here and this body feeds information to your brain and you control it.” she continued, she talked like this was a great achievement, rambling on and on. It hurt his brain, it didn't make sense, it made him sick. 
…..this body wasn't his…he was somewhere in this facility…this whole time…
“This also means all my work is done while you’re ‘asleep’. So those little ‘nightmares’ you’ve been having aren’t really nightmares, they’re just my research!It’s quite unfortunate that I have such a small window of work, but you and everyone around you won’t suspect a thing because it’s understandable that you’d have nightmares after something so traumatic.” she finished. 
That wasn’t just a nightmare?
‘All the work she’s done?’ What, torturing me!? Making me scared to sleep!? Was the first death not enough!? She has to do it again and again and again!? Over and over till he brakes?  How long was he supposed to endure this? Forever?
He didn't want that, he wanted to be himself. This wasn’t fair! His mind raced trying to understand, he couldn't take it, it was too overwhelming, he didn't know what to do with this influx of emotions…so he lashed out. 
He shot up and charged at her, he balled his hand into a fist and tried to punch her. She grabbed his fist and then threw him into a wall. 
Why was he weak…
She sighed “I knew Robin was the smarter half but I didn't think you were that dumb. Did you miss the part when I said I made you” her voice got a lot less calm and more annoyed. 
….he wanted to hurt her…he hated her…she ruined his life, his relationship…and now he finds out this isn't even really his body.
He didn’t want to be in this body. He wanted to get rid of it…but he wasn’t sure what would happen. He looked up at her.
“What if I just break the body? Would I wake up?” Jon questioned. 
 “I'm not sure, I've never had that happen. I’ve only ever disconnected you from this body, you can try but I can't guarantee you’ll wake up” she explained her tone still annoyed. 
….maybe that wouldn’t work, he didn’t want to risk anything especially since he didn’t know any of the science behind this. 
“Why’d you pick me..?” he questioned.
“At first it was because I wanted the reaction of your friend and I was bored but after I had you in my grasp I thought of all I could learn. Getting your hands on a kryptonian is hard, you know. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to study you, the way you healed, maybe i could transfer the ability somehow. I needed you.” she explained
Jon hated this. He didn’t want to be used. He gets up and watches ‘moon’. When she turned around Jon tried to attack her again, she once again threw him away, he hit the chair. 
Ow.. it shouldn’t hurt…he was supposed to be invulnerable. This wasn’t him…he wasn't him..
“I invited you into my lab and you disrespect me!? I thought you were a better kid than this” she walked over and kicked him lightly with her foot. “Maybe I should be a little rougher on you, teach you.”
No…no he didn’t want that…his..’nightmares’....were already bad enough. He didn't want it to be worse. He hated this…who was he supposed to go to after this…he didn’t have anyone to go to…if..if she had control over him. What if he hurt someone…he couldn’t do that..
He’s taken out of his thoughts when he gets kicked aggressively
“I think we’re done talking, I was going to try and make some sort of arrangement but I don't think you’ll comply. Let’s just stick with what we have now.” she says 
“No..I…” Jon was struggling to talk…why…no, he needed to argue. He needed to find out where his body was…
His vision started to tunnel…no..no.. he didn’t want to…no
When Jon woke up he was alone on a street…he looked around and then at his hands…
Is this why Damian didn't want to hold his hand at the gala…did…he know..and not tell him…
no..no he wouldn't do that…why would Jon think that…?  That was horrible of him, he was horrible.
Jon looked up again at the sky…he could hear everything…but it didn’t feel right..it felt muddled. The sky looked weird…everything felt wrong now…
it was wrong…he was wrong…that’s why this happened…why everything fell apart…
What was he gonna do…he didn’t want to go home…he didn't want to see anyone, what if he hurt them…and…he couldn’t sleep…he didn’t want to have a ‘nightmare’. 
This sucked. 
[image: Superboy in containment located at facility 207 owned by Dark moon inc.]
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Tldr: After Jon was killed moon anon kept Jon's body and made a different one so no one would be suspicious. Moon anon is doing experiments on Jon's body and they're his “nightmares”.  Jon found out not only that his body wasn’t his but also that moon had control over his body. So he’s scared to hurt someone. And is also scared to sleep.
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wcrriorhearts · 2 months
I will preface this post by saying two things: I am really, REALLY hard to anger and I am normally very much against call out culture, because I feel like publicly addressing someone in this fashion leads nowhere, but I will make an exception this one time, because I lose my patience when people attack my friends and this is exactly what has been happening. I will not stand for this. I will put the rest of this under a cut and apologize in advance for polluting your dash with negativity, because I personally hate this too, but this needs to stop, NOW and since no one else is speaking up, I will do it!
Leah, Anna, Angelika, whatever the hell your name my be, because you change it constantly, this needs to stop! I am addressing you personally, because we have surpassed the point of vague posting. You have crossed more lines than I can count and I am SO DONE with your behavior. It is hard to get me to this point, but you have managed to make me so livid, that we're here now and this needs to STOP. Not only have you scammed half the hotd fandom out of money in the most ridiculous ways by making one donation post after the other with various claims, but you were also not very careful with your many lies. I will have enough decency not to talk about them here at length but please know that if your vile behavior continues, I have proof of all the bullshit lies you told and all the shady things you did and I will NOT be nice enough again to keep them out of the public eye.
Lying and scamming is one line you crossed but sucicide baiting people and then when this didn't garner the attention you wanted making another 'goodbye' post in which you basically attack my friends blaming them for your decision to supposedly ending your life? That is one too many steps over lines and boundaries and I cannot stand for this. Also once again you lied in that post. You never asked Daze for money??? I have screenshot proof that you did, so PLEASE for the love of everything that is fair, shut up and leave everyone alone. I am sorry to say this, but once again it is VERY suspicious that you only posted your heartfelt goodbye messages on platforms Daze could see. Coincidence, isn't it? That she confronted you with your lies privately and then this is the escalation of it? Were you scared that all of your lies would unravel? Perhaps, given this is not the first fandom in which you have done this. I am not someone who lightly discredits people who are desperate enough to end their lives, but I don't believe you a single word anymore. You made the first post about it, then nothing happened and it gained no traction, then the second, just like you did with all of your fundraiser posts. As soon as you didn't garner the attention and traction you wanted, you just upped the dramatics. Aber wie man so schön hier in Deutschland sagt: wer ein Mal lügt, dem glaubt man nicht!
I have absolutely no doubt that you are severely mentally ill and I hope that you get the help you need, I truly do, because no person in their right mind would ever do the things you did. I don't care if you attack me, or if you go behind my back and talk shit, because I know who is in the right here and it's not you. Mind you, neither one of us - and there's more than just the three of us you know of - would have ever made this public. We would have let this fizzle out and you get your head straight, but you had to cross yet another line. I am disgusted by what you have said and done in order to guilt trip my friends, who were nothing but kind to you, until they started to notice all the lies and weird things you told them and confronted you.
Sadly I have seen many people like you in the rp world, who will lie and live at the expense of good, honest people who want to do good in the world and help others in need. If you take anything from this, please consider how damaging your behavior has been. You might have gained a shit ton of money for free, others are traumatized by what you have done. I don't care about what you do from here on, I just hope you get professional help for whatever has led you down this path and come to see the error of your ways. Should you ever shade, attack, or even mention my friends, the next post will not be so comparably friendly anymore. Lass es dir gesagt sein Leah, du willst wirklich nicht, dass wir alles was wir gegen dich gesammelt haben öffentlich stellen. Also tu uns und dir den Gefallen und verschwinde aus dem Fandom, oder zumindest unserem Dunstkreis, denn dich will ich definitiv nicht mehr sehen hier. And to everyone else who read this: I am sorry if you have been affected by this too. Please feel free to reach out if you want to talk. And if you should choose to unfollow me for this post, I will have no hard feelings. Had this been me in the center of all of this, I wouldn't have said anything. But if you attack my friends, it's on sight.
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I love FHSY with my whole heart but what makes me upset about it is I think Brennan over-emphasized the PCs relationships with NPCs in a way that made sense in-game, but didn't make sense from a player perspective. Not even to his fault, just a misstep I don't think any other season has had a chance to really correct.
So there's a couple of layers here, there's the in-universe reality, there's the Dome and the people in the Dome, and there's also the meta-reality of the people in the Dome creating a unified Product or Season together.
So from the top down, Brennan is making sure that the story happens at a fairly regular pace to keep with the number of episodes he's been allotted, pacing things to keep within the time period he gets for each stream, and most importantly for this I think, crafting ways to have cliff hangers at the end of episodes so that people are excited to come back. This is also influenced by the taped season convention of RP-Combat-RP-Combat episodes.
In the middle is the real conditions of the Dome, in which the six players+Brennan are the most obvious people in the room. The PCs have a lot to juggle here, they have to be in character, they are in character solving a mystery, they have to be attentive to how Brennan is crafting episodes and seasons which plays a lot into how they react to things, and they also have to be funny. And to be funny is to be in contact with the people around you especially in an improve setting.
So these two meta-layers are in conflict, the Intrepid Heroes are fulfilling their roles of being in character and being in the room, and Brennan is fulfilling his role of being in the room and being above the game, but in order to do that Brennan CANT play Tracker or Zelda with the level to detail that the IHs do their characters. That's just how the game works. He has to be everyone so in some ways Tracker and Zelda or Sandra Lynn or Gilear don't exist with the same level of durability and reality as the Bad Kids at any given moment.
And so when Gorgug doesn't tell Zelda he's leaving town (because it had been over an hour since Zelda was last mentioned, and because Riz and Fig had disappeared (people who were in the room)) it wasn't because Gorgug the 'person' didn't care about Zelda, it was because Zac the Player had his three other jobs to do.
The same way when Kristen didn't tell Tracker about Sandra Lynn and Garthy (it might have related to the mystery, there were tons of bits during that time, Fabians Bad Day occurs, etc) it wasn't because Kristen hadn't told Tracker, it was cause Ally the Player was busy. Ally even says "Wait was there another reason?!" When Tracker/Brennan asks them why they didn't tell Tracker.
Again it's not anyone's fault it's just a hard game to play, especially as a cohesive media product, especially as a cohesive media COMEDY product, but it also feels so jarring as a viewer to have Tracker and Zelda get pissed by PC inattention but not have Cathilda or Ragh do the same. Or even Adaine, who's name her fellow players can't even remember half the time. It feels like punishing the players for being focused on the mystery and plot being set before them and not the radial emotional consequences.
Its some great teen angst though. Like it works for story beats. I just don't think it was like. Agreed upon as part of the story and so I'm uncomfortable.
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Front Desk
Hello, hello, welcome in! We are (some of) the admins for the HATO roleplay blogs! If you have any questions related to the lore and current events regarding the roleplay side of things, we are here to help!
What is HATO?
HATO (Hermits And The Olympians) is a Percy Jackson au made by the amazing @ahllohehn right here on Tumblr! It consists of Camp Hermitcraft; the Greek camp, and Camp Empires; the Roman one. And some more... we'll say secrets... that might be unlocked upon the way...
So, what's the deal with this blog?
We are here to answer any not in-character questions surrounding the au: specifically the roleplay blogs and the plots happening with them. Instead of asking Ichi (the creator), direct such questions to us instead! Goodness knows he doesn't know what's going on half the time, and we don't either :D but between all of us someone on the team should be able to help.
Mod Introductions
Ello! My name is Raven, I'm the admin of the Gem blog! Any pronouns are fine, with a preference towards neopronouns. (Tag: 💚Raven)
Yello!! I'm Mars, the admin of the Oli, Aphrodite, and Daphne blog! and aspiring Joey blog I use they/them pronouns!! (Tag: 🌕Mars)
Hey! My name is Sky, and I am the admin of the Cub and Wels blogs! I use mainly use he/she/they/it's pronouns, but any are fine. (Tag: ☁️ Sky)
haaaii im icarus!! :3 i run the ren, tango, sausage, and lityerses accounts!1!! i use any prns but would prefer if you mixed em around! (Tag: 🪽Icarus)
Hello!!! I’m Kate. I run Jimmy, Pearl and Hermes’ account (you may see me constantly spam ichi) I use She/Her. (Tag: Kate💖)
Heya! I'm Emma! I run Cleo, Scott, Artemis, and Apollo accounts. I use she/her or she/they, I don't really care either way! (Tag: Emma💙)
Hiiii! Violet here! I run the Xisuma, PIxlriffs, and Hyancithus blogs! I'm the writer behind the CHC recap, and I use she/they pronouns. (Tag: Violet ✒️)
Hiya I'm Linny! I run the Mumbo, Joel, Shelby and Athena blogs. Jeesh that's a lot. I use she/her pronouns. (Tag: Linny 🦄)
Yo, im Oz/Ozzie, I run the Etho and martyn blogs. I use he/they (tag: Ozzie ☠️)
(please note that this is not everyone that runs the rp blogs! just those of us running this one!)
What if I want to join?
Never fear! The amazing Icarus compiled a list of all blogs currently active, which will be available below 👇
With that all out of the way, welcome to the office! Inquiries are welcome 😁
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flamedoesart · 2 years
a bit of a ramble about dsmp bc of twt stuff
couple ppl I'm seeing on twt who are either still in the fandom or have left it are once again stating "i pity the ppl who haven't jumped ship bc x y and z reasons and the ccs have proven time and time again they don't give a fuck about you or the story that they wrote."
the reason it pisses me off is bc it's not true. at all.
we can talk all day about the failures of the ccs to make-do with their promises, the amount of times we've heard "soon", all the bullshit that we've put up with regarding the dsmp and vol 2 being shoved back, and everything.
but here's the thing. a lot of the ccs do care.
your love for this story does mean something.
if none of it mattered, Quackity wouldn't have made his lore even Half as good as it is. Tommy wouldn't be fighting his ass off for all of us to make sure his little guy gets the ending he deserves. Wilbur (as many issues as I have with his character finale) at least left c!Wilbur alive and on the road towards healing.
that's not to mention Sam, Jack, Eret, Eryn, Aimsey, and plenty of other people on that server who are trying. they Want to give us interesting stories. they care about their characters and the world these characters are in.
a lot of the ccs who do care are slipping under Circumstance. that's how it was for Ranboo, that's how it is for Tommy, that's how it is for a lot of them. things happen, plans get altered, and oh yeah btw the One Person almost everyone needs to be one that server has been consistently ignoring Tommy's dms.
the lore jokes that have been made in the past hurt. they still do. but oftentimes the lore jokes are made by ppl who never really wanted the server to be this big, grand thing in the first place (stares at Sapnap). and other times lore jokes are made in genuine lightheartedness (stares at Eryn.)
and here's the thing ; of course the fans really made this series what it was. that's how it is for every rp that becomes popular ever. or even any story in general that isn't run by a major studio. it's how book fandoms stay alive, it's how fandoms of podcasts stay alive, it's how the creepypasta fandom stayed alive. this isn't new. people saw the dsmp, saw the themes and story beats and characters and dynamics and made some of the most wonderful, amazing content off of it.
the idea that none of the fans' dedication mattered bc the cc's don't care is insulting. it insults me personally as a person who still makes fanart for this series. all the loreheads who analyzed the actual Shit out of this series, who plucked it apart and found meaning in it, were never Ever wrong for doing so.
idk what more to add to this, but let me state it loud and clear:
your love for this story matters. you are not wrong or stupid for enjoying this series, regardless of how messy it is. what you contribute to this fandom counts. it is okay.
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mysterycflife · 28 days
😂 📑 📝  💭 ⌨ for Spencer // @takenamiss
Mun talks about the Muse
😂Funniest thing that’s ever happened to your muse? 
The great prank war between him and Derek. We only see parts of it but in my mind, it went on for several weeks. Finally, Hotch had to step in and tell them to stop because they were dragging in the rest of the team (JJ was helping Spencer and Penelope was helping Derek. Emily was on whoever's side had the funniest idea).
📑 Favorite part of your muse’s backstory? 
His upbringing. As someone who grew up with a mother who had a mental disorder, I can understand how hard it can be, no matter how much you love that person. And Spencer loves his mother so much. But having to deal with his autism, taking care of his mother and his situation in school was a lot. We get these little glimpses of the best and worst times, and I really like this part of his backstory.
📝 Favorite headcanon for your muse? 
Spencer knows how to skateboard. And he's surprisingly good at it, even though he can be a bit clumsy when it comes to physical activities. He teaches Henry and later Michael when they are old enough!
💭 Favorite memory of the muse? 
His mother, reading Chaucer to him for the first time
Getting his PhD in Mathematics and being called Doctor Reid for the first time
canon: Hearing Maeve's voice after a long day and walking through pouring rain for half an hour
in my verse with @melioro: his wedding day with Aly
I could go on!
⌨ What’s a situation you’ve always wanted to RP with the muse? 
I know most people don't like the prison arc, but I have always been kind of fond of it...even though it makes me anxious every time I watch it. I'd like to write more threads during that time and after. Exploring more of what it did to Spencer and his relationships.
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galaxietm · 4 months
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popping on to give some updates!
- updated blog icon to match @peachiiihearts (ily dew) - updated pinned list for june bdays (with the exception of my own, but there's several muses whose bdays i'm excited for, so hopefully i can hop on to do stuff for them) - considering updating blog header?? not sure - trimming down muse list in the background, will probably post what muses i'm dropping soon(ish??) - working on getting muse pages finished so i can share carr.d link, may just share carr.d link without the pages being done. - a few more oc pages are done, others have been started
other general updates below the cut, somewhat unrelated to rp stuff but adjacently related to blog status i guess? feel free to keep scrolling if you'd like! no pressure ♡♡
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tl;dr / me attempting to condense it all here. i haven't been around as much due to mental health (probably the second biggest reason) as well as stressing about money-related things; i don't want to bring that energy and such onto here so i've been avoiding it, more or less. i've been working a lot the last two weeks, in part so i can catch up with rent and try to get ahead of that and bills, and i think i'll start to have free time in about a week / week and a half (as my birthday this month comes up, funny enough lol) since i've been all over the place due to work, that's why some of my activity is all over the place. my shifts at work vary from overnights (think 10pm to 6am) to early mornings (around 2am - 7am, 4am - 9am, etc) and sometimes somewhat close to each other- so i really mostly have time to come home, eat, wind down and relax. so if i hop online, it's moments like now (where it's like, 2:30am-ish) for a little bit before one of my early shifts.
have also been dealing with random aches, pains and headaches as well (woke up with a really bad migraine a week ago when i was gonna try to be online / try to write, so that didn't happen) so i've been attempting to self-care while i can, and i'm trying to get up the courage to reach out to a few therapists for consultations so i can finally like. i dunno- try to get that part taken care of since my last therapist didn't work out and it's been a while. i'm also trying to fit in getting new glasses, since i've had my current pair for, uh- way longer than i should have.
but anyway. aside from the stress and still slow recovering from the legal stuff with evicting ex-roomies early this year (as well as avoiding the attempts of updates people have tried to give me about them, because there's people who have been attempting to tell me about them lol) i've been slowly doing better. trying to do what i can to fix up my place and trying to get things in shape on my end. i've been far happier without them here, i can actually relax and like. start to get to know myself and be myself again. it's been?? a little bit bittersweet, honestly. complicated feelings for different reasons, i guess. i had to hide parts of myself because of the first set of roomies, and i didn't get to bring those parts back for a while.
i've been finally watching through some anime on my backlog and i've been resisting the urge to joke about possibly writing dungeon meshi characters or others- but there's a few characters i've picked up (one i'm finally indulging myself on trying to write lol) and a few that that i'm waiting until i finish trimming the muse list until i decide to pick them up- for my own sanity, really. i'm trying to be less attached to them and more 'do i get to write for you aside from saying i'd like to? then bye' about some of them.
but anyway. i hope all of you have been doing well. think of this as a bit of a vent post? i haven't done one of those in a while, haha. it's been an interesting year, but hopefully soon i'll get to be active here again- i really miss writing, so hopefully soon i'll be able to get back on here and just. write and interact with some of ya'll again.
if you'd like to try to keep in touch better, i've got a disc.ord i can exchange with mutuals.
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peachchiips · 1 month
Hello hi, it's me again! Here to formally announce my comeback and explain the abrupt hiatus :,^)
This is very lengthy because this isn't drafted and I wanted to get this out as soon as possible because I felt bad for suddenly disappearing and I have to get personal/serious (gonna talk about parental abuse here) so that's why there's a read more, hopefully that doesn't bother you!
I would reblog this to @hollowed-vessels but I straight up forgot the login stuff I used for that blog 🙏 but I'll talk more about that later after the life update trust
So to begin, I'm aware I suddenly dropped all activity around 10 months ago. And I know I missed a lot in my circles, which is my bad :,^) At first it was because I was almost finished with my first half of my secondary education (public college -> private college.) However my plan fell apart once I got rejected to said private college. I had other places to go to in mind, but my home situation isn't exactly the best and I can't really do much without family approval first.
Without getting into potentially identifying details, my mom is a huge contributor to a lot of the issues I have mentally and emotionally. She put a huge financial strain on me and while I understand where she's coming from, I already can barely handle my education and can't add a job onto that as well. Not to mention the already terrible job outlook nowadays. I would open commissions since that's the only work I can do well, but my mom doesn't really believe that it's a thing even though I explained it to her many times. Plus I wanted to put all my efforts into my education first. It was already getting pretty bad around the time I suddenly stopped writing here, but it got to it's peak roughly three months ago.
I ended up running away after she kicked out my sibling and threatened to do the same to my other sibling. After finishing my last semester I just took my belongings and left with said other sibling. I didn't care what my living conditions would be, anywhere was better than being entirely alone.
I know it sounds bad to just dump that but please don't worry about me! I'm fine now that I'm posting this! I have a roof over my head, still have my siblings, and I can still pursue my education! That's all that matters to me tbh :,^)
I do plan on opening commissions soon since I can still do art thankfully, but I also plan on getting back into rp here since I really do miss interacting with all my mutuals here. I also might try to post more even though all my ideas are just my art so far. I would try to be more personal by sharing my interests/life happenings but I'm more of the person that pops up to drop the wildest life updates + my interests either last 1 month or 1 year no in between
I still have some asks and ideas left for my IDV OC blogs, which I will get to! Once I remember my login stuff which again, straight up forgot 💀 worst comes to worst I have to rebrand to a multimuse main blog that might be multifandom as well, which I'll announce if either happens!
If you want to contact me on discord (whether through the servers we share or dms), you absolutely can! I wanna reach out to everyone but I still got plenty of things to do like making commission examples and going back to school :,^)
Tl;dr, left my previous life behind, now just chilling enough for me to try to be active on the internet again. Also gonna try to get back on that rp/art grind 💪
If you read all the way to here, thank you for your time! Don't forget your clicks and have a good day/night!
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immortalarizona · 10 months
another Road Trip to Hell update, because it's been a hot minute and oh boy, shit has gone DOWN
let's see. where Were we the last time I gave an update
ah yes. it was literally last week
see I lose track of time because so much goes down in the out-of-session rp channels I set up on the campaign discord
speaking of the oosrp, we handled most of Sloobludop via that anyways
I was a bit silly last Thursday and stayed up until 4:00 in the morning doing oosrp (I didn't have classes on Friday due to holiday reasons). everyone else stayed up except the artificer. it was funnier than it should have been when he messaged the chat the following morning like "GUYS WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED."
so basically
party arrives in Sloobludop. the fighter immediately wants to go tidepool-ing. most of the party joins her.
the rogue, after having a conversation with Jimjar where he basically tries to earn her trust back due to. y'know. Shenanigans, and is as obvious about his status as a deity as he can be without outright saying it. (he hands the rogue HIS OWN HOLY SYMBOL. this moment was hilarious for me as a dm), then realizes that "oh shit, we left Sarith and Stool unattended. Where Are They" and goes to find them
they are by the docks. Stool is playing in the water, and Sarith is chatting with them without rapport spores, because May I Remind Y'all that my Sarith is now a zombie plant man. this leads into me coming with an in-universe explanation for this on the fly, which leads into the concept of the "manymind" (except it was a lot more zalgo-ed when I sent it out in the Sarith reply, because I figured it's one of those concepts that doesn't translate quite right into words), which led to the rogue making contact via Stool with some part of the mind of Araumycos, and now like half the party is convinced that Stool is secretly gonna be the bbeg. all because of some silly lil zalgo text I added on impulse.
the ranger wound up going Dad Mode on Topsy and Turvy when Topsy's kleptomania almost got her in serious trouble in the Sloobludop market. it was very sweet.
but when the ranger returned to the tide pool with the twins in tow, that's when the party realizes that "oh shit, we left, like, everyone unattended, didn't we."
thus begins The Hunt For The Missing NPCs
and thus begins My Evil Shenaniganry
see. the party knew that Blopp's cult to Demogorgon was collecting humanoid sacrifices. so it's not like this came out of nowhere
the party also knew that Shuushar's idealism overrides his self-preservation instincts, Derendil fully believed he could fly at the moment and was bound to get himself into trouble if left unattended, and that Morwenna was very emotionally fucked up following her involvement with the death and resurrection of Sarith and was wandering off somewhere to go get hammered and have an emotional breakdown at the moment
in short
they knew that none of these NPCs were in a state, mental or otherwise, to defend themselves effectively should someone attempt to kidnap them
that someone being none other than members of the cult of the Deep Father
the ranger and the fighter look for Morwenna, because out of those three, she's the only one they really care about, hence why I put her in this situation. they do not find her. I have the ranger roll a survival check to see if he can track Morwenna's scent trail (this was how he found the twins earlier, for the record). he rolls, like, a 21. internally, I rejoice
because where does the trail lead, but right to the area with the altars
I rule that the trail vanishes there, buried by the stench of muck and blood
the ranger talks to one of the kuo-toa whips there (I don't remember his name and I can't be bothered to check lmao) and receives a reply which heavily implies that Morwenna is going to be sacrificed to the Deep Father very soon
cue the panic from my players
and the explicit threats of violence from their characters
(for context. the fighter and the ranger are both in love with Morwenna. the rogue is to but that is not relevant to this particular predicament at the moment)
so the fighter rolls strength (intimidation) to hit the ground and try to crack it. she rolls, like, a fucking 23
I rule that the resulting noise is enough to get the attention of the bard and the rogue, who were off fetching Sarith and Stool (the fungus bros were staring at the fungi on the walls and being generally unsettling). they run over
it is 10:00 PM. I do not wish to run a combat encounter over discord chat, and neither do my players. unfortunately, the most in-character course of action for most of them right now is Violence. the bard is our last hope, both in- and out-of-character.
the bard takes the whip guy behind the altar to have a little chat. he returns not long afterwards, having acquired information about the ritual taking place at midnight and also freaked the whip guy the fuck out. (no one else knows it but me and his player, because we conducted that part over dms, but the bard got to use one of his College of Whispers features for the first time. it was delightful for me as a dm)
violence has not been averted, but it has been delayed. the party heads back to camp to regroup. emotional breakdowns are had, including that banger of a conversation where my last Campaign Art came from. (for context, the ranger gave the twins hand crossbows for purposes of self-defense, and the rogue accused him of trying to turn them into child soldiers.) it is almost midnight. my players and I are all riding an immense adrenaline high
the rogue and the fighter head away from camp and end up resolving most of the Morwenna-centric tension between them. (Morwenna's romantic situation is a Whole Fucking Mess that we will unpack later, don't worry!!)
the ranger reveals to the bard that he died while hunting a demon alongside Drizzt Do'Urden and had to claw himself free from his own grave after something living in his head brought him back
also the bard and the ranger begin flirting almost immediately afterwards (the ranger took his shirt off to show the bard his scars)
this is the moment that Sarith decides it would be a great idea to shoot his shot. it was not, in fact, a good moment
the ranger has his second emotional breakdown of the hour, because he is still plagued by guilt for his participation in the death and resurrection of Sarith. the twins and Sarith give the ranger hugs
and then Sarith asks if he can kiss the ranger. the ranger says no. Sarith goes to mope in a corner and pretend everything is fine while the ranger teaches the twins about the importance of consent while cuddling under the blanket the artificer knitted him
the rogue and the fighter go to Plooploopeen's house to bully him for information so they can rescue Morwenna. I get to deliver exposition, a kickass monologue of emotional foreshadowing, as well as two potions of healing and a potion of water breathing to the party
the party's long rest finishes. it's like 10:00 PM in-game, about two hours until the ritual begins. Jimjar has snuck off to do fuck knows what (only later does the party discover that he used his innate disguise self capabilities to infiltrate the cult's stronghold in Blopp's hovel and grab Morwenna's hammer and shield). I ask the party if they have any final preparations they want to make.
and then the actual session begins.
all this happened between sessions
tbh I'm glad it did. a) it means less time with the stupid voice-destroying kuo-toa voice I attempted the session before, and b) it meant that we could kick off the session with the Good Stuff
(to be continued in a reblog because tumblr hates me)
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shdwtouch · 6 months
⋆ NAME: puffin, tho I am also known by selkie ⋆ PRONOUNS: she/they/he, p much anything flies besides it/its ⋆ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S): shade, most definitely ! ⋆ RP PET PEEVES: softblocking as a way of setting a boundary ?? like, I understand using it for removing inactives, or if you don't mind being followed again... but if you don't want someone interacting with you or following you then you should just block them. its okay ! you're allowed to do that, even if the person isn't toxic / problematic ! like. this site is so glitchy, mistakes happen, etc and it just doesn't make sense as an effective boundary. if it's going to stress you out if a person tries to follow / write with you after softblocking them, then block them ! ⋆ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: been writing since I was.. 8 or 9 ? started roleplaying around 11-12, then started roleplaying on tumblr when I was 12-13. so over half my life, 10+ years. ⋆ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: angst ! though I do love fluff, as well. I'm just an angst hound honestly. both are good, but I won't lie that I tend to default to angst more than fluff. ⋆ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: yes ? depends. with shade I have found I've been tending towards longer replies, but I think it will vary depending on what I'm replying to, etc. all in all, I don't care for length as long as its something I can respond to and build off of ! and I'll write however much, or little, as I feel like and that's that honestly. ⋆ TIME TO WRITE: for me it is much less about time and more about energy. I don't do much outside of schoolwork, so I spend a majority of my time awake online in some capacity. its just a matter of how I'm feeling and how much muse + energy I have that dictates how much and when I am able to write ! ⋆ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): yes, kinda sorta. I share character traits, flaws, and aspirations with both shade and my other main muse, kaey. I can definitely relate to them, and I would be lying if I said I hadn't included a piece of myself in their characters when I was creating them, but I think if anything they are more how I wish I could be than what I really am.
tagged by: @alittlebitofmuse tagging: you ! and also you ! and you, right there, reading this !
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crawlingforwardx · 6 months
🌡 (but can I say ‘Uno Reverse’ post bat-attack?)
🌡 push my muse down to give them medical attention | in response to (x)
It all happened so fast, he just barely had enough time to react before the bats were on him. This time in the right side up version of Hawkins. He was on pure adrenaline as he grabbed the nail bat from his trunk and started swinging, impaling one on the nails poking out of the end before swinging it into another and then slamming them both into the ground. When he was sure they were dead, he readied the bat again prepared to help Alice... Only to find she had taken care of her attackers.
He felt relief at first, lowering the bat in his hand as he took a breath. Then he noticed the blood... Her blood.
"Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit." He mutters to himself as he runs over to her and wraps an arm around her waist to keep her upright in case she was about to pass out. She asks him if he's okay and he almost wants to scream because she's the only one bleeding here. "Jesus Christ. Am I o-- Alice. What kind of a stupid goddamn question is that?!" Half-carrying her back to his car and despite her stubborn protests that she's fine, he carefully lowers her down onto the ground anyway near the passenger side door before scrambling around back to the trunk for the first-aid kit he had packed.
Once he finds it, he hurries back around and kneels down in front of her, pausing once he opens the kit. Steve really wasn't used to being on this end of things. Normally he was the one bleeding and in need of medical care, not the other way around so he was feeling a bit overwhelmed looking at everything in here. He had never really patched anyone up before so he wasn't really sure what the correct process for this was.
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Lifting his gaze up to her face, his frown deepens as he notes the large claw mark across her cheek. "Shit..." It was deep, oozing blood and looked to be worse than the one on just under her collar bone so they needed to take care of that first.
"I have to stop the bleeding first, right?" Reaching in the kit, he pulls out some gauze. If he pressed that to the wound, it would help stop the bleeding, right? Unless she needed stitches... Which he was not going to be able to give her. Unrolling a good amount of gauze, he folds it up and leans forward to gently press it against the wound. "Can you hold that there?" He asks her so he could use both his hands to keep digging through the kit and try to figure out what he needed.
"Stop the bleeding... Clean the wound?" He utters to himself, trying to think. While he figures it out, he unrolls another wad of gauze and folds it up for the marks across her upper chest.
While Alice keeps the pressure on the gauze for her cheek, Steve busies himself treating her other wound; soaking all the blood up until the flow stopped and then cleaning it with a disinfectant. "Sorry..." He murmurs softly, knowing it stung but not wanting it to get infected. Once it looked decent enough, he squeezed out some ointment and rubbed a gob of it over the claw marks before grabbing some clean gauze to cover it; taping it down.
With that taken care of, he redirects his attention to the claw marks across her cheek; slowly shifting her hand out of the way and peeling the bloody gauze off. "Shit." That one definitely might need stitches and he did not trust himself to give them. Grabbing a fresh piece of gauze from the roll, he presses it to her cheek and tapes it down for the time being. "We're gonna have to get a better look at that one but I don't want to stick around here incase any more show up." He tells her as he wraps an arm around her once more and helps her up to her feet again.
Opening the passenger side door with his free hand, he eases her down into the seat and buckles her up before closing the door and running around to the driver's side, tossing the kit into the back seat.
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@hawkinsweirdos-rp-80 asked:
Errol, Henry could you go on a long rant about your mother?
"Could we? Oh, absolutely. You don't have to ask twice, love." Errol says, putting on the proverbial catty gossip sunglasses. Henry snorts but sits back and listens as Errol starts.
"Virginia Creel was a horrid mother. She obviously favored Alice more than me, treating her delicate daughter with care and love while shunning her son and treating me with nothing but suspicion and contempt. She hated that I cried too much as a baby, she hated that I wouldn't give her a moment's rest because I was high maintenance as an infant. But what was I supposed to do? Stop needing love and affection? She grew to resent me for it because I wasn't a quiet, happy baby like Alice."
"Don't forget that she was afraid of me," Henry adds. "Even as a baby I displayed signs of being different. There was one instance in particular where she set me down and I cried until the lights flickered and the bulb popped and shattered all over the floor. It terrified her. From that moment on, she never trusted me."
"True, true," Errol nods. "After that she always blamed me for everything wrong or strange that happened, whether I did it or not. She was suspicious of me at all times, but especially when I wanted to be alone. Problem was, I was a solitary child and liked to be alone. She hated that. Would always come find me and nag me about being up to no good, whether I was or not. So I decided that if she was so intent on me being a little trouble maker, I would be."
"Yes, that's when I started using my gifts to break her things. But I never touched them, so she couldn't prove it was me. Still, she blamed me. She knew. It got to the point where she would scream at me and lock me in my room. She told my teachers I was a trouble maker and the label alone made them not trust me either. She would always say there was something wrong with me. Do you know what it's like to hear that from your own mother?"
Henry sighed. "Things got worse as I got older though. She wanted to institutionalize me. She had me tested many times for psychological disorders, but I passed everything with flying colors and was pronounced normal by every doctor there. It made her furious. One time she actually interrupted the testing and shook me in front of the doctor trying to get me to mess up, screaming about how she knew I was only acting and there was something wrong with me, that I needed to stop hiding that I was really a monster. Imagine hearing your own mother call you a monster."
Errol flinched just hearing the term and remembering the incident. "She also hit me on a few occasions, when I really frustrated her. You remember that?" he asked Henry.
His counterpart nodded his head. "I do. She was an awful mother. I don't think I would have turned out half as bad as I did if she had just loved me better. But she was afraid of me from the very beginning, and that fear turned to hate and warped me. That's what I learned from her. To hate."
"I certainly didn't learn to love from her," Errol added. "I never knew a mother's love. I guess you could say I have mommy issues now because of it. Not like I don't have daddy issues too, but that's another subject entirely. Both my parents were fake, shallow, problematic human beings that deserved what they got."
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thedovahcat · 9 months
Gorillas and the New Year (Plus Price Increases)
Wow we made it to the end of 2023! Somehow...! Barely maybe for some of us.
For me it's been a lot of climbing out of the rat bucket I found myself in last year and the first half of this year. Maybe a little beyond that. I feel like now with college on the horizon, I'm just starting to be able to reach the rim of said bucket. It's been very hard and challenging, but honestly, probably necessary if I was ever going to start breaking any unhealthy cycles in preparation for my new upcoming school years.
This is the last chance I get to actually form some kind of career, something I didn't think I'd ever care about because I was always so willing to throw in the towel, and for a multitude of reasons. I've talked about it before in other posts, my lack of confidence that I was ever smart enough or like...good enough for anything beyond art... and this isn't a dig at art. But I've just had this whole self discovery thing all year where I'm realizing a career in art is not for me. I've been doing this for ten years now, maybe a little less but let's round up, and it's taken me all this time to realize as much. Unfortunately, I just had to go through it in order to realize as much, but it wasn't all bad. I made a ton of friends through it, I got my first full time job from it and gained much, I was able to buy my first car with it, a whole lot of firsts happened because of my skill in art. Not that it's like...spectacular or anything but I'm pretty proud of how far I've come. I don't know where I'll end up with my style, as I want to keep drawing as a hobby, but it's fun seeing it evolve year after year slowly into something I really dig.
Got a little off topic, but yes. So there's been that whole battle, along with the other side of it where I still worry if I'll be able to succeed in this Computer Science path I've chosen. I've met a lot of nay-sayers and doomspeakers about it, but I suppose that's the way it is with near everything. After all, -I've- turned into a doom speaker about an artistic career too. It's hard not to keep that to myself sometimes, only because I just don't want people to end up in the same dead end hole as I have where you can't advance your job anywhere, and you don't have a degree so people are even less willing... Gosh I feel like I've ended up turning into my parents in a way, they're the same. Harsh but fueled by concern. I come off that way a lot unintentionally and I feel bad about it. So I'm trying to combat. It's ...well it's going. It's my whole personality at this point lol.
So there's been those angles, there's been a lot of social changes in my life in regards to who I put my time into and what and where. It's gone pretty good on that front. I'm setting boundaries harder than I ever was before, and even then I'm still a bit shaky on things, but I've got what I call an obsessive mind, so if I don't do anything to help myself, then I'll be ruminating on shit I don't like for the rest of my college years, and perhaps life. And that's definitely not what I need right now. I gotta bring my A game to this and really put my neck out there if I want to succeed like a normal person lol (or whoever those go-getters are called. Something I am definitely not by heart.)
Started playing D&D 5e for the first time with my friends and honestly that's been like the top point of my year. I've been wanting to play for so long but things just never panned out or were a good time for it, and I was scared by all the numbers. I have gotten over my fear of numbers for now by scoring so well on that placement test earlier this year, so lol! Whatever it takes. I just really miss having some kind of group thing to look forward to weekly or maybe every 2 weeks, or whatever the case. Feels good when you feel like you belong somewhere, or people are looking forward to the same stuff you are. Always nice.
And I've started some new RP storylines with people I've known a long time, and unearthed some old ones that had been on hiatus for yeaarss, so that's also been really nice and exciting as well! Sure we're not all glued to the screen 24/7 anymore like when we were younger, but just a little fiction break in between life stuff happening is so welcome. I've been having a super hard time getting this 'escaping-life-through-fiction' thing I have under control, and I won't say that it is.... but it's considerably shifted into RL has taken priority over computer. Which, yes, good. Not that I ever had a problem with -that-. I knew it would be like this when I wasn't working. When I -am- working again though, I won't be so worried. I'll always care more about my irl job than silly things going on online, which is the goal I'd like to reach eventually.
Commissions were really really good this year, I tallied it all up, and even though it only came out to me being able to pay for a semester and 2/3rds, I'm still really really happy so many people have come back over and over to buy from me. It all feels worth it, my art journey. And I'm very much happy to continue it, for my own sake and for your sake! I love seeing your characters and I am very happy ya'll trust me enough with them time and time again. Despite all I've said, I'd be more than happy to offer commissions to people and draw for myself for quite some time yet.
...You're probably still holding your breath about the prices huh?
Sadly, as with anything, now that I have college to think about and, at the moment I can't really mentally handle a real job and school at the same time, I'm going to keep running commissions to do in between my school work (alongside rather). They might come out a little slower, but that's how it'll have to be a while.
At most I want to increase the sketch prices by $5 for each category (bust, half, full), and see how that does until the middle of the year. If it's all well and dandy, I will increase them again by another $5. Originally I wanted to bump it up ten all across the board, but I feel that's too much of a spike compared to what people are used to. Not to mention I'd have to raise the prices of all my other items, which will also see an increase come middle of the year. This plan isn't solid yet so don't hold me to it. I will make the necessary announcements when it's time!
Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone this year for just overall being there and helpin' me out tremendously when I needed it. The efforts are not taken lightly or forgotten, and likewise once I am able, I can't wait to be able to help all of you in the same way ya'll have helped me. Really, aside from financial and life stability lol I honestly miss having a job cuz it allowed me to spoil so many people. I really really miss that. So I'm working hard to get there again.
For now, here's to 2024! Come what may. We'll make it to the end some way or another, so buckle up.
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dacelonovae · 10 months
info post
avatar from picrew.me/en/image_maker/1920418
muses (this is a very loose list, i might write other chars & update this list occasionally)
astarion (baldurs gate 3)
karlach (baldurs gate 3)
natanael (baldurs gate 3 Tav oc)
emet-selch (ffxiv)
symphanie (ffxiv wol oc)
muse grab bag (im not that confident in these but hey we're all having fun here)
[dame aylin, tara (the tressym), shadowheart, nym orlith, sorn orlith], [clive rosfield, dion lesage], [urianger, the crystal exarch, venat]
rules/bios under cut
no gods no masters
happy to rp with OCs
no autoship please but we can see where things go!
some of my muses don't care about your boundaries, but i always do. if you're uncomfortable with where a thread is going please let me know and we can find a way to steer it elsewhere. that being said some of my muses can get nasty so keep that in mind
i will drop threads. often. it's not personal. if this will upset you, you might not want to write with me. but if you are really enjoying a thread and i haven't responded, feel free to poke me about it
you are welcome to interact with me whether i follow you or not
i don't rp smut, i just don't enjoy it. flirting/sexual implications/getting right up to sex and ending a thread or cutting to the next scene are all fine i just don't want to go into detail. if you're not sure where the line is here feel free to push it, i'll cut it off myself if i don't want to continue the scene.
please specify a character if you send me an ask meme or something. even if that specification is a choice of chars or 'pick whoever you want.'
fwiw coming from my own fingers i consider myself to be a patient and considerate person so please don't be afraid of interacting with me either as you or your muses, and please ask me any questions you'd like if you want to clarify a thread or anything like that.
Me!: over 21, they/them
astarion: (he/him) i mean, he's astarion. but if you'd like: ~250 yr old bitchy vampire who is various levels of selfish depending on what part of his life you meet him in. very pretty and flirty and is incredibly picky about who he lets touch him, though has a habit of crossing his own boundaries. probably wants to bite you.
karlach: (she/her) loud and brash and if anything happens to her friends she will kill everyone in this room and then explode. ~30 yr old tiefling who laughs through trauma. has an engine for a heart that makes her physically very warm--perhaps even too hot to touch! desperately wants to cuddle and will do so if her engine has been tweaked to let her cool down. can probably beat you in an arm wrestling match.
natanael: (he/him) chill cleric of ilmater (tl;dr god of mercy to those who suffer) who grew up in the streets and came to the church who helped him survive his childhood. half human, half drow. probably the equivalent of mid-thirties in human years. just kind of a nice guy who likes to help others.
emet-selch: (he/him) world's oldest tsundere. thinks he's better than you and your entire species. extremely powerful mage. thousands of years old. technically can sort of shapeshift but doesn't. has been sulking since before humans invented the written word
symphanie: (she/her) viera adventurer who may or may not have saved the world/universe depending on timelines. grew up in an isolated hut in the forest with her loving parents. has learned to be friendly with people but can still be a bit awkward at times. human equivalent of mid-20s.
Astarion ---
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Karlach ---
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Natanael ---
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Emet-Selch ---
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Symphanie ---
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aotoreiki · 1 year
What made you pick up this character?
Which song do you feel describes your character the most and why?
Questions for muns of canon muses
1. What made you pick up this character?
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the (half) joking answer is the whims of autism brain
This unlocks my unskippable cutscene because I never get tired of telling about it. The reason I started rping Ice was an accident on my part and the result of me trying to pull a joke on my sibling.
When I was maybe 12 or 13ish me and my sister and our best friend would live-rp pokemon stuff. I started drawing a bunch of silly comics about our ongoing plot, us, and the characters involved. Now I actually didn't care much about Ice or Pokemon Ranger back then, that was my sister's thing.
For some reason Ice really annoyed her, so as a joke, I added him to the comic. It was just to get her reaction and to use as a recurring gag (since our self-inserts were characters, hers reacted the same way, angry every time he showed up). Then, because we were live-rping this out and my sister disliked him and naturally refused to do it and our friend hadn't played Ranger and didn't know anything about him, that meant that I had to play Ice's part in our weekly games. I actually didn't especially want to do it though lol I remember that.
He went from being included as a joke to playing a bigger and bigger plot role as I got more and more invested in him. I cannot explain WHY this happened. I honestly don't remember or know. My brain just latched onto him. He basically took the place of a self insert, it went way beyond our larp stuff, I began putting him into EVERYTHING in my head. Every day I was making up scenarios with this guy. I cared more about rping him in our games than any of my other charas. I was drawing a squillion terrible pictures of him. He had become the Main Character of my Brain.
This went on for years and years until it carried over when I got proper internet access and got into fandom spaces that had rp, and then eventually when I started with tumblr rp and discovered the Pokemon rpc was a thing, of course I was going to put him here too.
There have been patches where he fell back into the recesses of my brain for a time, but he's never actually gone, and I don't think he will. I picked Ice up out of a thoughtless consequence of a prank years and years ago and he stuck to my hands. I can't put him back down.
21. Which song do you feel describes your character the most and why?
I'm partial to this English cover/interpretation of Reason Living.
It's about striving to figure out and grasp your purpose, as you live now, despite what may have happened in the past (a core theme in BSD where it comes from, and one that I like).
Why can’t I find the shining light? The reason for me to live my life Only yesterday, I went astray and My mind began to fade away
Reaching out as I look above Up to the clouds I will never touch With my tainted hands
You can listen to it and pretty much all of it can be imagined from Ice's perspective. He's insecure, he's made poor choices, he lacks a solid sense of purpose and doubts and has little proper faith in himself because of things he's done that had a poor outcome (with lesser or greater problems attached). Still, he wants to find that purpose.
I learned to feel my pain And I realised how to start again And depart on my journey to be saved Go on, take my hand!
I reference the song on the blog theme and in Ice's main verse tag! I also had it set as the blog title until just a few days ago.
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tamyrawilliams · 1 year
How has your muse developed or changed since you brought them on? What pivotal moments fueled those changes?
Tamyra has gone through a lot of changes since the beginning of the RP. She is still the confident, unapologetic mess that she's been, but she learned a lot of lessons and gotten better at things and keeps on trying to be better herself.
I think there are three pivotal developments for her that happened over the years:
First one was giving up on getting off of the island. She spent so much time trying to get out, did all she could and spent almost three decades hoping that one day her effort would have a result and she would actually get to go home from Meridium. The big, pivotal moment in that development and what pushed her to give it all up was when Emre, Aurélie and her tried to reach South Beach too early and she got her face scar - it sent her into a pretty low point and not being able to leave came out from that and it has stuck with her ever since. She hasn't completely stopped trying, she is just trying for different things now: trying to understand the island and figure out its secrets to make life easier for them and to be able to fight back against the island.
The second one is her journey of accepting herself and her bisexuality. At the beginning of the game she was completely closeted and didn't even think about liking girls, that was just not an option. Never have been, never would be, not even on this island. I don't think there was like, one pivotal moment for Tamyra in this - it was the culmination of plenty of moments, including her talks with Tomas and Kaz, the support she got from them, the way Emre and her shared their bi-awakening and found support in each other, the women she felt attracted to over the time, that first hookup with a woman on this island that ended horrible and Tamyra was an asshole but it jumpstarted the process in general, the way she just kept seeing queer people of all kind around this island and how nobody really cared about it, and then Wren coming along of course and realizing she might want more. She is at a much better place now here she is ready to be more open about it all and it's the result of such a long journey for her and so many of your characters were part of that an it's so so important for me that Tamyra got to go through all of this and was allowed to fall and fail in it plenty of times before getting things right and finding her own way.
And the third one is her relationship with her parents and her realization about them not being perfect people and parents and in combination of it her relationship with Jupiter and family in general. In the beginning she just idolized her parents and just wanted to get back to them and then the first pivotal moment was Clementine showing up and revealing that they were half-sisters, which sent Tamyra on a long examination of her own relationship with her parents and what kind of people her parents were and what she really wanted. That relationship ended way too fast with CLementine dying and Tamyra never really getting over the shock of the news to explore what it's like to have a sister, but then the other pivotal moment in this is Jupiter showing up. Tamyra has always been really vocal about how important family is to her and now she gets to know her sister and get to experience family in her life again and it's something that's really important to her and to me.
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