#{ here’s a lesson for this session -- interactions }
tblsomedoodles · 1 year
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Here's an art/info dump about this stupidly cute idea that's been rotating in my brain for three day.
(the first comic here is just how they first met. they ended up in the same alley, pestering the same cat without noticing. Then the cat left and they notice they're not alone lol)
(Second is Donnie 'talking' with Mikey for the first time. He only uses Mind Mend to communicate and is just as surprised as Mikey to find it worked on him. (it has only worked with Leo before this))
I'll put the rest under a break b/c i will be going off about this and i don't want it to take up your entire feed.
I'm jokingly calling this "Mikey's Imaginary Friends" though that might change if i continue this.
Basically it's this, the twins grew up with Draxum while Raph and Mikey grew up with Splinter. Neither set knew about the other (b/c splinter though they were dead and didn't want his two remaining kids to worry about it, and Draxum was too focused on fixing his lab to pay much attention to the twins.) So, imagine Mikey's shock when, at age 8, he's out exploring topside (having snuck out) and runs into two more mutant turtles (who also snuck out and are exploring.) Thus begins an ongoing sneaking out to meet up thing between the three b/c Mikey's excited to have new friends and the twins are just as fascinated with Mikey as he is with them.
And before you ask, "hey, why doesn't Mikey tell his family about the two other turtles?" he does. Raph thinks he just made up some imaginary friends so he plays along but doesn't believe they're real. Splinter, on the other hand, thinks he's talking to Hamato ancestors due to some very big miscommunications (that i'll probably draw out at some point b/c it's silly)
Twins background wise, i'm still thinking through a lot of it, but i'll put my thoughts down anyways.
Draxum knew that training the twins at a young age would be counterproductive, so he doesn't train them beyond some basics a few times a week. Other than those sessions, he leaves them alone with their less-than-stellar caretaker, in favor of rebuilding his lab. The caretaker doesn't do much for them beyond give them food and very basic school like lessons. Beyond that the twins are left on their own.
they come to the conclusion that the only people that will care for them is themselves. They discover Mind Meld very early as a result of this and will not talk verbally b/c they found out early on with their caretaker, that if they tried to talk, they were just ignored anyways, so what's the point.
(I'm also thinking Donnie might be deaf or hard of hearing in this, with the pair of them using Mind Meld as a way for him to temporarily hear through Leo and thus keep Drax from finding out. but i'll have to do some more research before i decide for sure/figure out the specifics)
as for Meeting Mikey
That's why they became so fascinated with mikey. B/c mikey was the first person that treated them like a person and not a job or an incomplete experiment. (He's also so happy and bright, they can't avoid getting drawn to him lol)
Mikey's probably the only one they verbally start talking to, even after they teach him mind meld. (though Leo's the one to pick up on that more than Donnie. Donnie doesn't do much talking at all outside mind meld).
They also come out of their shells (hehe) a lot as they interact more with Mikey. Before they met him, they acted more like automatons, even when alone. The more they socialize with Mikey, the sillier these two get. Leo learns about puns and starts going mad with them, Donnie starts happy stimming about thing (which he has either been suppressing or just never had the urge to do before.) Basically they stop acting like little creepy statues and start acting like kids.
Honestly, it's just a cute idea with the kiddos meeting each other and Mikey inadvertently socializing his not-well-socialized brothers.
(also, the twins wear masks b/c Donnie doesn't like the smell of the city and he's worried about germs. Not for any ninja reasons, what so ever.)
Alright, that's it for my info dump. maybe more later? Maybe not? Depends on how much longer these kids keep my attentions (though right now, they're doing a pretty good job at it lol)
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murdrdocs · 5 months
infidelity; coach patrick; MDNI 18+ w/ PATRICK ZWEIG
you should've known better than to let patrick—coach zweig as he's been trying to get you to call him—rile you up how he does.
he throws taunts at you with the speed of his serves, all while smirking through the way he squints to avoid the sun. he knows what he's doing when he says, "are you even trying?". because you're so obviously trying, your body coated in sweat and your muscles aching from over exertion.
you don't even know if you'll make it off the court let alone upstairs to your room.
but patrick doesn't care. he makes you work, telling you, "you can do better than that" when you hit a nearly perfect serve, much better than the one he critiqued earlier this morning (which, you believed there was nothing wrong with your serve then but coach zweig loved to pick on something new each session).
you know he does it on purpose, yet you still fall for it.
you let your body pump blood born from anger throughout your limbs as you try again and again to make him happy. but he's never happy unless you're scowling at him, pissed off because your husband is wasting your money just for some guy in the top 200 players of the world to critique the things that didn't need any work in the first place.
but your husband is also paying for this, the things you let patrick do to you after practice has ended. after patrick finally tells you, "good job today" even as you're glaring at him. after he gets in your space, leans down, and grins at you as he promises to make it all up to you while he takes your racket out of your hands.
in all honesty, the improvements on your game is enough made up. it's why he's here in the first place. well, it used to be why he was here in the first place.
but somewhere down the line, things got muddled. you mixed your tennis coach up with your husband. you let patrick in the house for things other than a quick bathroom break or a sip of water since he ran out.
you let patrick in the house for him to play the part of your husband as he asks you about your new decor while you chug gatorade. he plays the role of your husband when he coos at your dogs and he lets them lick all over his face. he plays the role of your husband as he takes you into the shower and fucks you against the wall.
meanwhile, you only really interact with your husband when you're playing a match against him him. when you're using the strategies and practice that coach zweig has taught you.
and the match is boring. it's easy. your husband has the audacity to let you win and then pretend he didn't. he smiles in your face and kisses your forehead while he tells you, "those lessons are paying off, yeah?".
when you're with patrick, he makes you work for it. on the court, he plays you cross court, making you run back and forth and pushing your stamina while he controls the court.
and when you're on your bed staring into the mirror on the opposite wall while patrick takes you from behind, it's the same. he controls you. he has enough decency to only barely make you work for an orgasm, but you aren’t let completely off the hook. this is the only form of reprieve he ever gives you, even though it comes in an unusual form.
the uncomfortable sting the patrick forces into your muscles on the court is replaced with the sting of his hips slapping into yours from the power of his thrusts. you'll take the unexpected smack of his hand against your ass over the unexpected smack of a neon ball into your thigh.
he's still cruel to you when he fucks with you off of the court, but your reward is instantanous. it doesn't take multiple sessions and hundreds of dollars to get gratification. it just takes a little dishonesty and sneaking around, which ends up working in your favors in the long run as patrick feeds you line after line about your husband, his rough fingers rubbing over your clit while he teases.
"it'd be crazy if he had cameras in here, right? hm? if he was watching your tennis coach fuck you better than he does. what would you do then, huh?"
and it’s sinful how quick his words always make you cum.
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cloudiewrites · 8 months
OMG. Hiiii. I love Tom Riddle and Theodore Nott. So I am totally going to ask you if you are comfortable to write either Professor Tom or a Professor Theo x fem reader fic with smut. Feel free to ignore this but I really struggle to find Professor Tom fics and Idk how to write them 😅
Professor Tom Riddle x f!reader
Warnings: strong language, toxic behaviour, manipulation, SMUT reader is a student in the beginning (still over 18!), reader becomes a little bit unhinged towards the middle (who wouldn't after meeting TR?) 18+MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
Author's Note: Wow, this took me ages to post! I was having a break from this blog due to my exams, but I promise I will be more active from now on. Also, this is actually my first smut! (Idk how to write them either, so I do hope you like it.) I tried to build some plot into it, so it is not just filthy p*rn, haha. Thank you so much for your request! <3
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There are moments that change your life. Moments when you realise you will never be the same and your whole existence is divided into two parts - before this, and after this.
For you, this moment was meeting Tom Riddle.
The memories of that rainy day when your gazes crossed for the first time continue to haunt your thoughts almost every second of your existence. And no matter how hard you try to forget, they become more and more vivid. Sometimes you wonder if you are actually reliving it or if it is just a fruit of your imagination.
The rain was so cold that day, that your whole body was shivering under your soaking clothes. You were running across the courtyard, trying to get inside as soon as possible. Both of your hands were clutching your bag on top of your head, trying to prevent the water from getting into your eyes. You were almost at the door when your body collided with someone, and you lost your balance falling into a muddy puddle.
You looked up, ready to give a piece of your mind to whoever made you end up like this, but your words got stuck in your throat the moment your gaze crossed his.
Eyes as dark as the night. Skin as pale as the moonlight. Hair falling in elegant curls on top of the most beautiful face you have ever seen. He silently offered you his hand, before he took off his jacket and wrap it around your trembling figure.
"Are you alright?", he asked. His voice was smooth like honey, yet deep. You couldn't do anything else other than slowly nod before your cheeks turned a light shade of red. He offered you a small smirk, before guiding you inside the castle. No words were exchanged between you after that.
Looking back, you are sure that this was the moment that changed your life.
You didn't know who he was at first. He looked so young, that it was natural to assume he was your age. You have not seen him before, so he must be a transfer student, just like you were a year ago. "He did not wear a robe, so he must not been sorted yet", you said to your friends later that day and they just shook their heads. No one has heard of any transferring students this year, yet here you were claiming you have seen in the flesh the man of your dreams.
And you were almost convinced you were dreaming a few days later when you found yourself sitting in the back of the class, while he was neatly writing his name on the black board.
Professor Riddle.
"As your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, I would like to establish a few ground rules right now", his voice was calm but dominant, "Always come prepared. I do not tolerate lazy students. No talking during class. No questions during lessons. If there is anything you do not understand, you can either conduct your own research in the library or visit one of my additional sessions every third Friday of the month."
Unlike you, the majority of the students have already heard of Tom and some even knew him personally, as he graduated just a few years ago. They carefully listened to all his rules, noting everything they should do to stay on his good side. No matter the house, the respect and fear felt towards Tom was felt by all students. You would lie if you said that this did not include you.
Yet in two weeks time during his first Friday session, you found yourself leaning over your notebook, while Tom was calmly explaining the lesson material to you. You were nodding your head, not paying even a little bit of attention to what he was saying. All you could focus on was the sound of his voice and the tingles that covered your whole body every time he lifted his eyes to your face, checking if were actually following.
"I am curious, miss, for the real purpose of your visit today", he said once you started packing your bag. You immediately froze in place, cold sweat forming on the back of your neck. Your trembling hands closed your bag before you turned to him with a tight-lipped smile.
"I am not sure I understand what you mean, professor."
He offered you a small smile, before grabbing his coat and briefcase and making his way towards you. Stopping just a step away from you, he lifted his hands toward your neck, making you gulp. You stood still, expecting him to wrap his hand around your throat, while his eyes burned into yours. His long fingers inched closer and closer to your skin, before wrapping around your tie and adjusting it so it could be centred.
"I am a patient and understanding man, miss", he said, his hand resting on the piece of cloth for a few more seconds, before moving away, "But I am no fool."
And you knew his words to be true. Because if there was a fool here, that was you. You knew it was wrong to pursue the foolish feelings that started to blossom in your chest. Despite the age difference being only a few years, falling for a professor was never a good idea. But how could you stop yourself when every time his eyes laid upon you there was a feeling of longing behind them? The small touches on your arms, every time he tried to explain to you the parts of the textbook you claimed "not to understand", the way his lips curved in a small smirk every time you volunteered to help during demonstrations in class, the way his gaze darkened that time he saw your friend's arms wrapped around your shoulders during dinner...
He may have thought he was subtle, but you knew there was some part of him that desired you as much as you did.
"What do you think of me, professor?", you asked one day, while sitting on the desk, arranging papers. As you were the only student who showed any interest in DADA sessions outside the scheduled classes, Tom moved the Friday meetings to his private office. They also started to happen every week, rather than once per month. And often, you were helping him with work, rather the other way around. "Why?", his gaze lifted from the papers he was grading, eyebrows furrowing in suspicion. He laid his pen down, crossing his arms in front of his chest and resting his body back on his chair. You sat next to him on a smaller wooden chair, but your hands did not stop arranging the graded exams, and neither did your focus move from them.
"I am...", you took a deep breath, thinking how to phrase your explanation, "Curious, I guess."
Tom watched you with interest, noting the way that your voice trembled in the beginning. Looking up at your face, his eyes trailed every single one of your features, before stopping at your lips.
"You are a good student", he finally said, his tone flat. Your shoulders immediately slumped and you let out a quiet "Oh.", your fingers now pressing the tower of papers on its sides to make sure it is stable. The silence between you grew longer as you tried your best to hide the disappointment you felt from his answer. Tom, on the other hand, was still staring at your face, trying to read your emotions based on your pursed lips and furrowed brows.
"All finished. I think it is better if I go", you finally said, unable to sit in his presence anymore. You stood up, ready to grab your bag from the floor, when cold fingers wrapped themselves around your wrist halting you in place. Tom stood up from his chair, moving behind you. Laying his free hand on the side of your waist, he leaned towards you, nose just a few inches from your hair. He took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of your perfume, and let out a low groan.
"What I really think...", he murmured, the fingers on your waist digging into your flesh, "is not something I shall voice out loud. The thoughts that flood my mind every time I see you are too..."
Your breath hitched.
"Sinful", you felt his breath on the back of your ear and your body involuntarily shivered. Before you could think of an answer, his hands left your body and he took a step back. You turned around, eager to close the distance again, but were stopped by him grabbing your shoulder and gently pushing you away.
"Do not", he warned, "do not make this harder for both of us."
"But I-"
"I think it is best if you leave."
You gulped. And the first time your eyes did not cast down in shame - instead you held his gaze, your expression hardening.
"You cannot do this to me", your voice trembled, "Toying with my feelings , then pushing me away."
He raised his brow and his hand fell from your shoulder. You stood in place, not making any attempts to get closer.
"I did not do such thing", his voice sounded low and dark, his eyes suddenly turning colder, "In fact, I am telling you now... Whatever hope you hold in your heart about anything happening between us, you should kill it now."
"But you said-"
"I know what I said", he interrupted you impatiently, "And I mean it. But whatever affection I have towards you does not change the fact you are my student."
Your fingers wrapped around the edge of your skirt and you clenched your jaw, moving your gaze towards the door. The rational part of your brain was telling you to just grab your bag and dash through the door. The other part, the one led by your heart, was screaming at you to stay and confront him. It did not take you long to decide which one to listen to.
"Why does it matter?", you snapped, "I am an adult already. And you are only a few years older. It is not illegal or anything!"
Tom let out an annoyed sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose, before running his fingers through his dark curls. He turned around and walked around the desk, before slamming his hands on the hard surface.
"Merlin, you just do not understand!", his voice was full with irritation, "I can not lose my job. I can not lose everything I have worked for!"
"We can hide it", you protested, gluing yourself to his side and gripping his bicep, "Only for a few months! Only till I graduate!"
The man tore your hands away from his arm, cupping them in his palms instead. He tilted his head, searching your eyes, which were now starting to form tears of stress and frustration.
His face suddenly relaxed. The air between you felt lighter and a new spark of hope started to burn inside of you. His finger made its way to your cheek and wiped one of the tears that started to trail down your skin.
"Is it not curious, how weak love makes a man?", his finger trailed down to your jaw, before cupping it, "And no spell in this world is strong enough to save a man that has already fallen."
Your head instinctively leaned towards his hand and you closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of warmth of his skin on yours. If you could only freeze time, you would stay in this moment forever.
"I don't want to be saved", you murmured and despite not being able to see him, you could feel the small smile that grazed his lips once you said it. You freed your hands from his and wrapped them around his torso, burying your head in his chest. It took a few seconds for him to embrace your body, resting his chin on the top of your head.
And if you could only see the satisfied smirk and cold gaze on Tom's face, you would have known how true his words are. There is no spell in this world that could save you not that you have already fallen...
You can't say exactly when the dream had turned into a nightmare.
Private sessions became everyday afternoon meetings, where you talked about different random topics. Tom never opened up about his past, even his Hogwarts years. On the other hand, he was a good listener and without you realising it, he managed to unravel your whole family history just within a week.
His silent nature did not bother you, however. You finally had someone who listened to you. You slowly started to detach from your friends, excusing your unnatural behaviour on all the extra academic work you were taking. They were worried, but every time they tried to voice their concerns, you rolled your eyes, before running to Tom to tell him about their words. "They are just jealous of you, my dear, " he would always chuckle, gently stroking your cheek, "because you found what they would keep searching for a long, long time."
Soon, he was the only person you really trusted. And he claimed he felt the same.
This is why he couldn't ask anyone else to sneak into the Headmaster's office and get the little leather diary in one of his desk drawers. This is also why you had to find a way to get the books he was interested in from the restricted section without getting caught. This is also why you had to lure the naive fifth-year Hufflepuff into the Chamber of Secrets and leave her there.
There was simply no one else whom he trusted to do these tasks. And you gladly completed each of his requests without question, doing everything in your power to keep him happy.
But soon this was not enough. And once you graduated all the promises he made to you broke into thousand little pieces, which were discarded into thin air.
"I don't need you anymore", his cold voice said, his eyes glued to the papers in front of him, "You can leave. Make sure you close the door."
Without sparing you even a glance, he grabbed the pile of papers and left for class, leaving you to gather your thoughts and pieces of your heart by yourself.
What did you do wrong? Why did he change so suddenly? Was it all a lie?
These questions continued to poison your mind for the next few years, while you tried to rebuild yourself. You did not realise how dependent you were on him, till you were left on your own. The weight of all the unsaid feelings within you was forcing you onto your knees, making you unable to get up and continue with your life.
And this is how two years after your graduation you found your way back to Hogwarts. The place where it all began...
The wooden clock on the wall was ticking dangerously close to midnight when Tom finally got to his office. The teacher's gathering has been prolonged unnecessarily due to Dumbledore's ramblings and him finding problems where there are none. The amount of control the young professor has exercised to endure this long meeting has left him completely drained of energy, but he knew he still had to do some research about the Founders' Relics. After so many years he was finally getting close to achieving his goal and he was ready to sacrifice as many nights of sleep as necessary.
He knew something was not right the moment he opened the door. The lights were still off and everything seemed to be in the exact place he left it... but there was just the faintest sound of someone breathing which made him immediately reach for his wand.
"Ah, look who finally came", your giggle reached his ears before he saw you turning on his chair, fingers moving towards the small lamp on his desk, "Terribly rude of you to make me wait this long."
Tom's lips pressed into a thin line and his grip around his wand tightened. He traced his eyes over the visible parts of your body, noting the little changes that had occurred since he last saw you.
Your hair, which was usually neatly combed and put in a bun, was now in a messy braid, the front pieces framing your face. Your lips, which usually curved in a shy smile, were now forming an arrogant, almost sinister smirk. Your eyes, which have always looked up to him full of admiration, were now staring down at him with a glint of insanity.
"Get out", he commanded, striding towards you with his wand pointed towards your head.
Your raised your eyebrows and your mouth shaped an "o" in a mock horror, before you reached for your own wand, pointing it back at him.
"Now that is not a way to welcome your ex-lover, is it?", your eyes squint.
Tom scoffed at your words, stopping at the edge of his desk, before his expression hardened.
"You were never my lover", he stated, his head tilting to the side, "And I thought I was extremely clear when I said last time I saw you that you are not welcome here."
You hummed, eyes moving to the ceiling. Still holding your wand towards him, you relaxed further into his chair, lifting your legs onto his desk. With a curious gaze, you followed the stone patterns of the walls around the room, while scrunching your face in disgust.
"3 years, Tom", you finally said, landing your attention back on him, "3 years you have been here and your office is as bland as it was when you first came here. It brings my mood down, you know? It's so grey!"
"You can leave then", Tom hissed through his teeth, making a few more steps till he stayed right in front of you. The tip of his wand rested under your chin and he pulled it upwards, making you look up, "I am giving you exactly a minute to leave, before I take your life."
A loud giggle left your lips and you pressed your neck further into his wand.
"How generous!"
"45 seconds."
You gently put your own wand back into your pocket, not moving your eyes from his. Tilting your head, your mouth formed a wide smile.
His brows shot in confusion, his jaw clenching. You could see his on the wand became tighter, his knuckles almost white.
"Do it", you shrug your shoulders, "My ghost will be eager to see how are you going to explain why your new assistant went missing after coming to your office to drop a list of all the students that are going to be in your... our class this year."
Before you know it, his free hand flew to your face and gripped your face. His fingers dig into your jaw, lifting it dangerously close to his face.
"My assistant?", he let out a dry chuckle, "Good try, dear. And a terrible way to waste that minute I gave you."
With lips already starting to form the words of the deadliest spell, his fingers dug deeper into your face, before his eyes landed on the sparkling object in your palms. The unforgivable words quickly died in his throat and he withdrew his wand, stumbling back. Eyes full of anger met yours, who in contrast were sparkling with playfulness.
"How did you get that?", he demanded, reaching towards the object, but you pulled it back, before laying it on your head. Putting your elbows on his desk, you fluttered your eyelashes, smiling brightly.
"Do you think it suits me?"
"Stop playing around."
"You are such a bore", you rolled your eyes, "I went on a holiday to Albania. And I found this gorgeous, gorgeous diadem, which turned out to be Rowena Ravenclaw's. What are the chances?"
Tom seemed unamused by your story, instead twitching his jaw. His eyes stayed glued to the diadem on your head, the reflection of the sapphire on it sparkling in his cold eyes.
"How did you know where it was?", his gaze moved towards you, his hand putting his wand back in his coat. His tall form moved towards you again, this time taking a seat on the empty surface of the desk in front of you. With a smile, you took the diadem out of your head, twirling it between your fingers.
"You don't think you were the only one who managed to charm the famous Helena Ravenclaw, do you?", you raised your eyebrow, moving your tongue across your top lip, "You underestimate the power of women's empathy and love for gossip, Tom."
He let out an airy laugh, running a hand through his thick curls. After two years, he hasn't changed anything about his appearance. His face, his haircut, and even the suits he wore were the exact same ones he already wore when you were a student. You would lie if you said you didn't enjoy it - that meant that the Tom you loved was still somewhere inside of him. Your Tom.
"I'm impressed", he finally said, moving his hands towards his knee and locking his fingers around it. His face dropped into a serious expression once again, "Give it to me."
You tilted your head, pursing your lips. Your eyes moved to the diadem, before landing back on him.
"Oh, I can't do that, Tom", you rested your palm on your chest, looking up at him with doe eyes, "He would be very disappointed if I don't bring it back to him."
Tom took a deep breath, his upper lip twitching.
"He?", he pressed his tongue to the side of his cheek, "Who is "he"?"
You twirled in his chair, pressing the diadem closer to your chest.
"My Lord, of course", you let out a giggle, resting your cheek on your shoulder and closing your eyes. You still managed to see the way Tom's body tensed, however.
"He sent his regards to you", you smiled, standing up, "If you hadn't left me that day, he wouldn't have met me and subsequently learned all about making horcruxes."
The man's eyes immediately darkened and his hand flew towards your wrist, stilling you in place.
"Tell me his name", Tom hissed, his nostrils flaring. You stepped closer to him, noses almost brushing.
"And why would I do that?", you raised your brows, your voice turning into a mocking laugh, "Do you think I would betray him... for you?"
The sudden feeling of his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you forward made you almost lose your balance and you grabbed his shoulder in reflex to keep you from falling on top of him. Nesting his head in the curve between your neck and shoulder, Tom pressed his lips next to your ear before muttering:
"You, my dear, are a liar", his teeth grazed the end of your earlobe, "And a very bad one."
Your whole body froze and you tried to push yourself away from him, but his arms were holding you firmly in place. Suddenly all the confidence you have displayed in his presence so far melted under the warmth of his touch, and you were left only with the hope you could still lie your way out of this situation.
"I am not lying", you protested with a quickening breath.
Tom lifted his head from your shoulder and rested his forehead on yours instead. His eyes stared deep into your own and his warm breath on your face made your whole body involuntarily tremble.
"I have already told you I am not a fool", one of his hands slid from your waist towards your arm and then hand, where you were still clutching the diadem. His fingers wrapped around it and pulled it out of your grasp with ease. Without looking at it, he placed it on the desk behind his back, before his hand found its way to the top of your head.
"I know you better than you know yourself, my dear", he muttered, his hand gently stroking your hair, "And I know there is no room in your heart for anyone but me. You would not be here otherwise."
He pulled back enough to be able to take a better look at your face. His gaze fell from your half-lidded eyes to your parted lips.
"You are mine. Always were, always will be."
A loud whine escaped your throat before it was swallowed by Tom's mouth on yours. His plump lips were chapped, a result of hours of his teeth sinking into them, trying to hold back all the snarky remarks he had for his fellow colleagues. The rough feeling made your knees buckle and you closed your eyes, relaxing fully in his arms.
Without breaking the kiss, he turned you around and with a swift move of his hand, pushed the diadem and a few books out of the way, before laying you on the cold surface. Your hands found their way into his hair, tugging the soft curls.
A low growl left his lips and he lifted his lips from yours, a trail of saliva connecting them, before it was broken by his fingers cupping your chin.
"This is what you wanted, is it not?", his voice was suddenly deeper and darker, "For me to take you on the same desk I once you graded you."
His words made a loud moan to escape you and your back arched up, seeking nothing more than to be close to him. With a low chuckle, he pressed his palm between your breasts, pushing you flat on the furniture beneath you. You opened your mouth to complain but were quickly silenced once he pushed his index and middle fingers in your mouth, almost making you choke. Fixating your gaze on his, you closed your lips around them and started to suck, making sure to flatten your tongue in the process.
The image before your eyes was something you had dreamt of countless times before - Tom, with his messy curls and parted lips, panting while the fingers of his free hand were skilfully unbuttoning his vest. You did not waste any time in helping him, focusing on shakingly unbuttoning his belt.
"So impatient", he clicked his tongue, withdrawing his fingers from your mouth, so could remove his shirt. Once his torso was in full view, you did not hesitate even a second before you lifted yourself in a sitting position and attached your lips to his neck. Nibbling and sucking the smooth skin, you started to nibble and suck your way down to his chest. His head fell back and he closed his eyes, his muscles relaxing under you.
Tom Riddle may not be a man who was capable of love, but he was a man after all. And it would be a lie to say he has never thought of you in a more... erotic way. You have always been so obedient and good, doing everything for him without any hesitation. He has always found that incredibly attractive, but not enough for him to act on his desires.
Now, however, the sight of you has ignited some primal urges within him that he never felt before. Maybe it was the few drinks he had consumed prior at the gathering or maybe it was the idea of the the crazy lengths you were willing to go in order to get back to him...
Tom Riddle would probably never know the reason for him giving up control for the first time in his life. To you, nonetheless.
His mind came back to reality when he felt you pushing him on his chair and nestling yourself between his legs. Looking up at him, you tugged his pants and boxers down, letting his erection free. You let your index finger gently caress the length of it, making it twitch. A small giggle left your lips before you repeated the gesture.
"Stop teasing me", the man groaned, and his palm rested behind your head in order to push you towards his member, but you swiftly moved to the side dodging it. You squinted your eyes, moving your hands to his thighs and digging your nails into them.
"You", the word was hissed through your teeth, "are in no position to order me around."
Tom scoffed and was about to argue when your mouth unexpectedly wrapped around the head of his penis, twirling your tongue around it. He let out a choked gasp and he tried to put his hand on your head again before you smacked it away. Swallowing his pride, he rested both of his arms on the side of his chair, bucking his hip forward.
Carefully watching his reaction you wrapped your hand around him, slowly moving it down and back up again, following the movement of your mouth. The feeling of him filling your mouth was causing some saliva to start dripping your chin, but rather than pulling away, you pushed him further into your mouth till your nose was buried in his dark pubic hair. The feeling of his swollen head hitting the back of your throat made you gag, causing Tom to groan in pleasure.
"Fuck this", he muttered, before grabbing you by your hair and pulling your head up, before pressing it down again. His hips buckled in harmony with your head, making sure you were taking all of him. His dick was now coated in your saliva, making it glisten in the dim light. You closed your eyes, the lack of oxygen making them sting. The rapid pace with which he was moving was making it hard for you to breathe through your nose and you tried giving him a warning slap on his leg, which he purposefully ignored. Instead, he moved his other hand towards your chin and held your head still, while he continued to thrust his hips up and down. Sloppy wet noises filled his office, being interrupted only by his heavy breathing.
Your thighs clenched together in a weak attempt to relieve the burning ache between your legs. The way he was using your mouth to satisfy himself was making your underwear damp, yet you knew better than to touch yourself yet. After so many sleepless nights during which you tried to relieve yourself, imagining how would it feel to taste him, you wanted to focus all your attention only on him.
Feeling he was close, Tom finally pulled your head back and examined your face. Both saliva and tears were smeared all over your chin and your cheeks were flushed in rosy colour.
"What a pretty sight you are, my dear", he smiles, wiping some of it with his thumb. You licked your lips, getting up on your feet.
"And you are such a smooth talker", your face leaner just inches from his, "I wonder if you are as good with the action as you are with words."
Taking this as a challenge, he stood up and pushed you back onto the desk, before lifting your skirt. His fingers hooked under the elastic bands of your panties and with one tug they snapped, leaving you completely exposed in front of him.
Tom gulped, burning the image of your waiting arousal into his mind. His fingers made their way towards your slit, gathering the wetness before easily sliding his middle finger in. You moaned at the contact, fluttering your eyes closed. He pumped his fingers a few times, his eyes carefully observing your facial expression before he slid it out. You whined at the loss of contact, opening your eyelids only to find him smirking down at you.
"Do you really think you deserve me wasting time on your pleasure?"
"Fuck you!", you snapped, resulting in him grabbing your neck and squeezing so hard, an airy cough left your lips.
"Such a dirty mouth", he lifted your face up, his jaw clenching, "but such a weak mind. Look at the pathetic mess you are..."
Your lips parted to offer a snarky response, but your mind quickly went blank the moment he slid fully into you. Arching your back, your hands found their way around his shoulders, while his rested on both sides of your head.
Tom did not waste any time in developing a quick pace, which made you roll your eyes back. With each thrust the head of his cock was brushing against your cervix, making your whole vision white. His left hand moved towards one of your breasts, pinching and twisting the oversensitive nipple between his fingers. His other hand made his way to your pussy, where his thumb started to draw sloppy circles over your clit.
Never in your life have you felt such pleasure in your life. Of course, you had previous lovers during the past two years while trying to get Tom out of your mind, but nothing compared to this. Curling your toes, you lifted both of your legs and rested them on his shoulder.
Both of you groaned in unison when you felt him going even deeper than before. His upper body collapsed on top of yours, his lips immediately latching onto your other nipple. Still gripping his shoulders, you dragged your nails down his back, leaving angry red marks behind.
The knot in your stomach started to tighten and your moans became louder and louder. Moving your hips so you can meet Tom's thrusts, you looked at his face, only to find him staring back with eyes clouded with desire. His fingers were now working faster on your sensitive bud and you let out a shaky breath: "Tom, I...", you could not finish your sentence, your vocabulary suddenly consisting only of his name.
"Shhh", he whispered, his hand moving from your breast to your cheek. He gently stroked it with his thumb and suddenly you saw in front of you the same Tom that charmed you years ago, "I've got you."
His words were enough to cause the knot to snap and your whole body went rigid, squeezing and pulsating around him. A few harsh trusts and Tom suddenly tensed on top of you, as he painted your insides white. You both held onto each other, fingers digging into soft flesh, as you melted into your shared euphoria.
It was not romantic.
It was primal. Rough. Dirty.
It was everything you have imagined.
Finally relaxing on top of you, Tom buried his head in your shoulder, trying his best to calm his breathing down. You laid under him, crushed under his weight, yet enjoying every second of the contact he allowed you to have.
Against your better judgment, you lifted your hand and started to gently stroke his hair. Against his better judgment, he allowed you to and closed his eyes in the process.
Tired from the long day and your office activity, Tom lifted you in his arms, his now soft member slipping out of you and he sat back on his chair, adjusting the backrest so you can both take a more comfortable position.
You lifted yourself from his chest and raised your eyebrow, but bit back your tongue the moment your gaze crossed his stern one, warning you not to voice whatever you had in your mind. Letting out a small chuckle, you shook your head and laid it back down on his skin.
There was an urge burning inside of you to mock him about showing gentleness, but deep down you knew this was your only chance to enjoy it. So you closed your eyes and relaxed, finally being able to fall asleep without the haunting dreams of what could've been.
The sunlight was painting the whole room in a beautiful gold colour and Tom let out a low groan when he felt it hitting his face. His hand made its way over his eyes, shielding them from the light, while his mind slowly started to become aware of his surroundings. The uncomfortable chair was making all of his muscles ache and he immediately regretted not gathering the energy last night to make his way back to his room. The chill air coming from the window has not helped too, especially when we was only partly covered and-
Tom's eyes shot open looking down at his body and finding his suit jacket thrown over his waist and private parts. You, however, were not to be found. Not on top of him, not on the desk, nowhere in the room.
He immediately stood up, grabbing his pants from the floor and furiously putting them on, while breathing heavily. His gaze fell on the stack of books he pushed from his desk last night and he immediately fell on his knees, scanning the floor around him.
"No, no, no", he hissed under his breath, pushing his hair out of his eyes, "That little serpent!"
Not only you have left, but you also have taken the diadem with you. No matter how much he searched for it, it was definitely not here.
You tricked him.
Getting up back to his feet, Tom kicked one of the books on the floor, before slamming his hands on his desk. His breathing was hard and he could feel his blood boiling in his veins. Suddenly, his attention was caught by a small parchment of paper placed next to his quill. Unfolding it, he could have sworn his heart stopped for a second.
"My dear Tom,
Thank you for our wonderful night together. I did not want to leave you so early, but I had to be out of the castle before everyone else woke up. To be truthful with you, I am not going to be your new assistant. But your already knew that, so I guess it is not shocking news. I sneaked it yesterday when all of the teachers were having a party (or what you call a gathering, ha!). Neither do I have a new lord. You already knew that as well.
Do not stress about the diadem, as it is safe with me - if there is one thing I learned from you is that I need to take good care of horcruxes once they are made. I know it was probably foolish of me to bring it to you last night, as it does hold a part of my soul, but I promise that from now on I will take better care of it.
Without doubt your paths shall cross again. Remember Tom: You are mine. Always were, always will be.
Love, y/n
P.S. - I hope you do not mind that I helped myself by getting your keys from your jacket and getting a shower in your room. Also, I think you need to follow your own advice and start putting your objects away. I found your diary resting on your bedside table, so I had to take it with me. Do not worry - I promise I will keep it safe...
for now."
CC artwork: Nasan Hardcastle
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luvrxbunny · 1 year
Pairing: Eddie Munson x F!Reader 
Prompt: Dacryphilia(?)
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, insecure thoughts/relationship doubts, piv, unprotected sex  (lmk if I forgot anything)
WC: 3.1k
A/N: *gasp* im on time?! i hope this counts- reader is crying but it's not a turn-on or anything, it's kinda just something that's happening
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Eddie’s band had been on tour for a month now, all his classes were online and he’d Facetime you so you could ensure he’s doing his work but you still miss him. He’s supposed to come home in a week and you don’t know what you’re going to do. You’ve been stressed out of your mind without his calming presence, you’ve told him about some of your stresses and he’s helped but you’re starting to feel like you’re just putting a dampener on his tour so you stopped. 
You miss him so much it’s heartbreaking. You knew it would be hard, after being with Eddie for two years now you guys have never spent more than a week apart. You thought though, that after being with him for so long you’d be fine, you’d saved up enough ‘Eddie Time’ to get through the month. You couldn’t have been more wrong. 
He was nice enough to let you stay in his room for the month, and you never noticed how big his bed was. You actually used to complain that it isn’t big enough for the both of you but now the only thing you can think is how big it is. If this bed was really made for one person then why is it so big? 
Your math homework is scattered on the floor, thrown off the bed in a fit of frustration. You miss him. It’s not that he could’ve done the math for you or anything but he’d make you feel better at least, help you google it and try to figure it out, maybe make you feel like less of a dumbass. But he’s not here. You sigh into his pillow before inhaling his faint scent, tears almost springing to your eyes. 
You try not to tell him too much about how deeply your yearning for him goes. You don’t want him to feel bad for leaving, you couldn't be more proud of him for booking this little tour and you’d never want him to stay back for you… but it wouldn’t hurt if he could make a little more time. These past few weeks you’ve barely been able to keep him on the phone, only being available for a few minutes before having to run into a meeting, a practice session, or a vocal lesson. Apparently, he tried to cram all of his meetings and such into this week so that he could spend his last few tour nights getting shitfaced. 
He had told you the plan in a rushed and staticky call while he was in an elevator, that was the only free time he had for you, his girlfriend. An elevator ride.
So now you’re in his favorite pair of panties and one of his shirts in case he wants to video call. He gave you piles of silly promises of video-chat sex, you laughed at them when he made them but started craving them after the first two days. He called you on the Wednesday of his first week gone with plans for ‘sex’ but ended up a bit too tired. That was the only time he called… You’re still hopeful though. 
You try your best to hold back your tears as you press your face into his pillow. You jump when you hear the front door unlock but when you check the time you realize it’s just Wayne. He doesn’t mind you being here, you make your own dinner and buy groceries sometimes, other than that you guys don’t really interact so you stay where you are, sniffling into Eddie’s pillow. Unfortunately, you miscalculated how loud you were because suddenly Eddie’s room door opened and your body froze. You’re waiting for him to make some awkward attempt at a soothing, comforting conversation, muscles tense with the promise of embarrassment. 
“Man, I don’t even get a ‘hi’?” Eddie.
Your head whips up from the pillow and your heart breaks at the way his smile drops along with his bags as he rushes to your side of the bed. “What’s wrong? Did Wayne say some-” You’re sitting up and crashing your lips into his with a sob, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling his body to press against yours. You’re still getting up, wanting to be as close to him as you can and now kneeling on the bed, almost his height as he’s standing. You’re gripping the sides of his face, whimpering into his mouth as he coos into yours and his hands are around your waist, pulling your body into his.
You only pull away once you begin to feel light-headed from the lack of oxygen and even then you’re still pressing kisses all over his giggling face. He has to wrestle you into a hug to get you to stop, laughing into your ear with his chest bouncing against yours. “So you missed me?” He says with a cocky tone, but when he pulls away to smile at you there’s a genuine vulnerability in them that you’re in love with. 
You kiss him again, a little peck before smiling against his lips. “I missed you so much, Eddie.” Your voice cracks with emotion and his arms tense around you for a moment before lifting to cup your cheek and pulling you in for a slow, romantic kiss. His tongue slides over your lips before slipping into your mouth and relearning your taste. You can already feel yourself melting for him, all your bones turning to jelly and dampening your panties. You’re pulling him down already, trying to get him in bed and he’s laughing. 
“Slow down, baby! I-” You kiss him again, a silent beg for him to just get in bed with you. You bring your hands into his hair and whimper against him as your hips twitch in the air just from his taste. You slide your tongue into his mouth this time, earning a shocked moan from the back of his throat as your tongue slides against his, admiring its softness and the moans the action elicits from him. His hands leave your body as he fumbles with his belt. He’s nodding subtly and subconsciously against you as he gives in to his needs. 
You can hear him growing more unrestrained as he takes his pants off, his breaths quickly speed up and become heavier. His movements get a bit fumbled and frantic as he tries to kiss you and get his long legs out of his skinny jeans. He ends up crashing on you, tripping over his pants, and landing half on you half on the bed. He’s giggling intermittently, still trying to drown his lips in yours. You’re grinning wildly at his desperation, happy that he needed you as badly as you needed him.
“Calm down, sweetheart.” You chuckle half-heartedly against his neck once he gets his leather jacket off. He’s left in his wife beater, boxers, and chains, climbing over you, hands roaming every part of your body. He has this animalistic look in his eyes, one you’re sure matches the look on your face. You wrap your arms around his waist, running your hands lightly up his back and smiling at the way he shudders as his eyelids flutter. His hand comes up to rest beside your head as he lowers his crotch to yours, holding eye contact and groaning once his pulsing cock comes in contact with your hot core. 
He leans back and reaches down for the hem of the t-shirt- his t-shirt that you’re wearing and pulls it up. He has to apologize for the way his hips jerk against yours, thrusting him against your covered pussy like he was actually fucking you, but he couldn’t help it, not when you’re wearing these panties. He leans back down and presses his forehead against yours to let a ragged groan out against your face. Your hips twitch into his slowly building pace at the sound.
“How-” He cuts himself off with a groan and buries his face in your neck, muttering praises and kissing the skin there before coming back up. “How can you tell me to- to calm down when you know-” One hand comes down to the band of your panties, reaching between your thighs to pull the elastic there and snap it against your sensitive skin. “You know you’re wearing these… hm? Explain that, sweetheart.” He says the last tone with a drop of venom, teasing the nickname you used for him earlier while purposely grinding his tip into your clit so he can watch you stumble over your answer. 
He chuckles and pulls away once he’s had enough of your silent, trembling lips, trying desperately to form words for him. He pulls his boxers down to his thighs and takes one leg out before pulling on the elastic of your panties again. “Are you just gonna watch or do you wanna get undressed too, my love?”
He says it with a smirk but there’s something about it that’s more loving than teasing as it has a new heat blooming over the one that’s already resting in your stomach. You’d been just staring at him, admiring him as he undressed and you’re sneaking peeks at him even now, as you take your panties off. He smiles at your struggle to take them off, wiggling on your back to shimmy them around your thighs and he’s climbing back over you the second you have them off. 
“Been needing you so long, baby.” His statement sounds so genuine as he strokes his cock against your entrance, the tip nudging into your messy hole on every other stroke. It’s a tease but Eddie doesn’t even mean for it to be, he’s just mesmerized by the way his cock is just crying into you, pouring everything he has into your perfect little hole. He groans and has to shut his eyes, a bit worried at how the thought makes his cock throb. He looks up at you for assurance once more and his face crumbles at the way you’re already staring at him. You’re giving him the big pretty eyes, the sweetest face you have, begging him to put it in, to fill your every crevice with his thick cock and he gives it to you before you can even blink. 
He thrusts his hips forward, plowing his way through your tight ring of muscle, groaning at the way you squeeze his cock and the way your hands are gripping his shoulders, looking for purchase from the pleasure he’s assaulting you with. You try to stay calm, you keep your limbs from shaking, your eyes from rolling back and you’re trying to keep your face neutral but his cock twitches inside you once, and your entire resolve breaks. A shiver runs up your spine as you curl in on yourself and groan his name while pulling him down to lean into his neck. You can’t see the way his eyes roll back at your breath on his neck but you can feel the way he’s already shaking against you. His arms give out, dropping him to press flush against you with a grunt. He apologizes mindlessly, his hips never stopping their steady pace. 
You are surrounded by him, floating away yet grounded by him. You love him so much and he’s been gone for so long. You’re overcome with joy at finally having your boy back in your arms, moaning sweetly into your ear, his adorable little body shaking against you as he fucks his desperate cock into you. He didn’t even know you were missing him so much but he came home early anyway, ready and wanting for you. You feel embarrassment nip at your belly as tears spring to your eyes. You try to bury your face in his shoulder and ignore it, let him keep fucking you as much as he needs. 
You don’t want him to stop and if he sees you’re crying that’s exactly what he’ll do. You’ve never felt so consumed, so wrapped and completely enveloped in love before. You only started to even understand what love was when Eddie started loving on you. You’re so grateful for him and everything he is and his dick is sliding into you so perfectly. He’s bullying your G-Spot every time he thrusts in, his fat tip hitting your most sensitive spot and turning your brain to mush with every movement. 
Your tear slides down your face when he moans your name into your ear like a prayer, like you’re the best thing he ever has or will have. It falls onto his shoulder and rolls off his arm, he slows for a moment, his moans turning into muted pants as he listens and observes. His hips slow even more when he takes in your shaking hands and trembling shoulders. He tries to pull your head from his neck, his pace more of a lazy thrust now but you refuse and that’s what makes him stop completely. “Baby?”
His voice is shaking and scared, his hand is trembling on the back of your head, softly cradling it. You whine into his neck and lift your hips, sinking his cock back into your hole with a hushed moan as Eddie clamps his eyes shut, bites into his lip, and presses his hands on your hips, forcing them back down to the bed. “Can’t fuck you if you’re crying, my love. What’s-” You cut him off with a shaky whimper at his term of endearment and try to explain yourself. 
“Still wan’ it.” You whine to him like that’s the most obvious thing in the world. His hips twitch against you before his cock slowly slides out and back in again. “Yeah?” He questions before speeding up a bit, still keeping a tame, relaxing pace. Your muscles un-tense and your head falls back, exposing your neck to Eddie who happily dives in. “Yeah..” You sigh out as he starts pressing air-light kisses to your sensitive skin. 
“Jus’ missed you so much, Ed.” He whimpers into your neck at the confession and his hips speed up just a fraction. “Needed you all the time but-” You whimper as he bites your skin gently, choosing to use a bit more force on some parts. “But you were so busy- an’-” You moan and dig your fingers in his hair as you feel the coil in your stomach begin to draw in, slowly tightening from Eddie’s thrust and your outpour of emotion and love. “An’ now you’re here and you’re so perfect and so good, Eddie.” Your eyes roll back as you lock your legs behind Eddie’s waist forcing him to keep his cock pressed into you fully, making you feel so full. His thighs are jumping at your words- so innocent but somehow have more effect on him than any dirty talk he’s heard before. 
He pulls his head out of your neck, little droplets of water littering his long lashes. “Missed you too, doll.” His words are a rough whimper against your lips before he dives in, his hips now moving at a new speed, reinvigorated by your love. He’s kissing you messy, basically just pressing his lips against yours and fucking you, your tongues are everywhere, trying to taste everything and making a mess of both of your faces, all while his hips fuck into you with mind-blowing precision, sending tsunamis of pleasure through your bones on every thrust. 
The coil in your stomach tightens even further, reaching the point of no return as your legs tighten around him again. You try to calm down, to keep your pussy from fluttering around Eddie but his knowing chuckle in your ear breaks your resolve, and your pussy spasms around him. “Yeah. Felt like you were trying something.” He reangles himself and adjusts his thrusts, changing them to a slow, hard grind so he stimulates your clit, bringing you to the edge closer than you expected. 
Your hands fly to his shoulders, your nails grip him and he groans against you, his eyes rolling back with a gut-wrenching smirk on his face. “Mmm- Mark me up, sweetheart. I-” He breathes out a desperate breath of air, inhaling you instead with a strained whine before dropping into your neck again. His hips grow a bit frantic and his whines turn to rabid grunts as he fucks into you with everything he has, trying to hold off his orgasm as you moan and twitch around his overly sensitive cock. 
“Cum all over me, baby.” It’s a request and Eddie was ready to beg but you let go at his first utterance. You explode all over him, he has to reach up lightning fast to slap his hand over your mouth as your eyes cross and you moan, completely debauched into his hand. He grunts out against his hand, biting his lip to try and hold his sounds in as you soak his dick, squeezing him erratically as you cum. He tries to hold back, let you finish basking in your orgasm before pouring his seed into you but your muffled sounds are too much. He whines out curses and moans of your name against the back of his hand as you moan for him into the other side. 
His hips slam into yours one last time to push himself as deep as he can go before his cock explodes. He doesn’t know how he had so much cum inside him but he’s sure it’s going to overflow. He can’t even think as his orgasm tears through him, he can hear you encouraging him distantly and it forces another load to rack through his body. His balls are painfully tight as he tries to give you everything he has, completely empty his balls into you. It’s all for you anyway. He lets you know too, it’s the only thing he’s able to mutter to you as he cums. “S’all f’you, baby. All for you.”
He whimpers against you with a few more tremors shooting through his body before wrapping his arms around your waist and rolling onto his back with a sigh. You giggle softly and try to climb off of him but you get a groan of protest. “Eddie, m’heavy, baby.” You smile as you speak, letting your fingers run over his wet, pink lips. He snorts in response. “Liar.” He readjusts his position, sinking into the bed some more, wrapping his arms tighter, and falling asleep. You pretend to be upset that you’re left with no option but to cuddle with him until you fall asleep in his arms. 
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed it, here's the rest of my Kinktober Works, and be sure to check out my Main Masterlist!!
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rubywithecat · 1 year
When u try to turn them on (JJK men)
<<T/W: Minors do not interact as some mature contents are included>>
Gojo Satoru
You made a bet with ur friends that if u can make ur professor, Gojo, kiss u, they have to buy u concert ticket. U first showed up with revealing shirt to the class, catching him starring. And when everyone leave after lecture, u stayed with him to ask him about assignment, pretending u don’t understand certain parts. He just gave a smirked as he looks like he know ur intention but he played along, explaining the lesson.
U gazed at his pretty mouths and fck he’s so hot and u wanted to kiss him so bad, with or without bet. “Can’t focus huh?” He smiled and touched your face. You caught off guard by it. “Do u think I’m a fool as I can see your brat friends peeking from the door” he said. Ur eyes widened as he laughed softly, hands grabbing you closer. Who would think u would get a full make out session when u just wanted a kiss. But it’s worth it anyway. “U owe me one, angel” he said after that, winking.
Toji Fushiguro
U hated him as he’s your stepdad. U didn’t wanna share ur mum with anyone except ur dad. But ur dad passed away years ago sadly and here u are stuck with your stepdad in the house. Toji isn’t the man that is bad looking and even so, he looks so hot! But it’s doesn’t changed ur hatred. So, u decided to make him feel uncomfortable. When he was watching TV in the living room, u purposely dropped the remote and squatted to pick it up right in front of him. U could feel his gazes on ur hips.
U smirked, feeling satisfied as he walked away from the couch and went to his bedroom. “Serve u right” u muttered. And yelled loudly from ur room as if u are in video call with ur bf, doing 18+. “OmG! I’m gonna c*m! Ur so good!”
U laughed in victory when u head Toji slammed the door but what u didn’t expect was he’s coming to ur room. Sh*t u forgot to lock the door.
U rushed to lock there but it was too late as he is already in front of u. “What are u doing here?!” U shouted. “To teach u how to be a good girl” he smirked.
Sukuna Ryomen
Sukuna is ur bestfriend yuuji’s elder brother. Whenever u go his home, u feel excited just seeing him. U know he has a reputation of being a womanizer but can’t help having a crush on him. Yuuji complained how he has to dealt with noises from his brother room and u kinda get jealous just with the thought of him with other women. U wished it was u whoever gets the chance to get his attention, u thought they were lucky.
One day when u went to Yuuji house to study togther, u didn’t expected to be opened the door by Sukuna. He never look at u in the way u wanted. U r just like a lil sis to him u thought. “Hi…umm…is yuuji there? We are studying for coming test…” u awkwardly told him. “Yuuji hasn’t come back home, said he will be late with traffic jam” he said as he lighted his cigarette. “Why don’t u come in?” He said as he looked at u. U were so nervous. “Do u not trust me?” He said as he raised his eyebrows. “No— it’s not like that” u laughed in awkwardness and made ur way into the house.
U sat on the couch and he said next to u, grabbing his drink. “U want some?” He asked and at first u we’re gonna reject but u are already in bad mood, having bad day at school so u accepted his offer. As u have drunk much and felt high, he felt more courage to seduce him.
“Do u have a type Sukuna?” U asked him. He looked at u for sec and giggled. “U wanna know huh?” He asked. U became a lil playful and suddenly touching his lap and bit your lips. “Yea” u whispered into his ears which surprisingly turned him on. He would be lying if he said he has never thought of sleeping with u. In truth, he has been desperate for u too since u have been hanging out with his brother. He would imagine of u when he is fcking one night stand and he could never c*m as they weren’t u.
He get mad sometimes at how u could control him so he avoid u as much as he can to forget about u but u kept showing in sight of him.
The tension between u two is so intended and it ended with just a passionate kiss when yuuji came back home. “Meet me in the car after ur lil study section with my stupid bro” he smirked as he got up from his couch, greeting Yuuji.
Nanami Kento
Ur boyfriend has been really busy with his works lately. So u got an idea of punishing him and make him desperately want u by sending ur n*de pics to him.
He opened the message as he saw it’s from u and the meeting was 5 min away to start. He almost dropped his phone when he saw ur sl*tty picture. He covered his phone protectively in case someone taking a peek.
As the meeting continues, he can’t focus on what his employees saying and his thoughts are just on u. He dismissed the meeting earlier than the actual time and drove fast to home where u were waiting for him with a red lingerie on u, smiling at him innocently. “U have been really a bad girl and u know that right?” He said as he chuckled. Then he gently patted ur hair but slowly moving his hands to ur neck and suddenly pushed u to the bed aggressively. I will treat u as bad as the brat u are” he said, smirking as he make u bent down on your knee.
Hope u enjoy! Likes and shares and comments would be really helpful <3 Thanks!
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whipped-for-kpop-fics · 4 months
In The Studio masterlist
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🎙Who; Lee Jihoon (Seventeen) x reader + guests in some parts 🎙What; Smut series. FWB. Producer/idol Jihoon 🎙Wordcount total so far; 11.5k(roughly) 🎙Warnings; Each part will have its own warnings so pay attention to them please and only read what you are comfortable with. I really don't know myself what will happen in each part but I know it's not plot. No plot, just cock(and the rest) <3
You begin a wonderful, intensely pleasurable journey of fucking Lee Jihoon. And it all starts In The Studio.
This is an NSFW series so minors do NOT interact, which means liking/reblogging/commenting. I WILL block any account that interacts without an age indicator in the bio.
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Session One; Flyin' Solo 🎙Wordcount; 2.8k 🎙Warnings; profanity, voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation(m), praise kink, jihoon is a messy boy "The last thing you expect when you arrive at your friend's studio to check on him is to find him with a badly concealed erection. And clearly, the right thing to do here is to encourage him to finish what he started under your watchful eye. You know, in case he needs anything."
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Session Two; Secret's Out 🎙Wordcount; 3.8k 🎙Warnings; profanity, high heel kink, dick stepping(light), marks, slight pain kink, manhandling, fingering, penetrative sex, protected sex, dirty talk "Everyone knows that Jihoon does not like high heels. Everyone assumes it's because he's insecure about his height. Everyone happens to be very fucking wrong."
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Session Three; A Lesson Learned? ft. Kwon Soonyoung 🎙Wordcount; 4.9k 🎙Warnings; profanity, threesome, dom jihoon, sub soonyoung, sub reader, over clothing handjob, edging, orgasm denial, oral(m), fingering mentions, voyeurism/exhibitionism, penetrative sex, protected sex, choking, auditory kink I guess?(idk if that's the right term for this), coming untouched(m), no actual m x m. "There's something about Soonyoung today that makes you want to play with him. Who cares if it's in Jihoon's studio while Soonyoung is supposed to be recording his lines."
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Session Four; The Chair ft. Choi Seungcheol 🎙Wordcount; TBA 🎙Warnings; TBA "One day, Jihoon will return from a toilet break and find you without your hands on one of his members, today is not that day."
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monarchberrysblog · 8 months
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🌲 — fluff
🍄‍🟫 — smut
🦇 — angst (?)
miguel o’hara 🕷️
don't push it | 🍄‍🟫 (Miguel O’Hara x fem!Reader)
word count: +1.6k words
content warning: switch!Miguel, a bit of praise, size kink, cunnilingus (f!recieving), humping, breeding kink, unprotective p in v sex, (OOC MIGUEL)
summary: after Miguel gets a haircut and gets something new, you decide to see if you can still get a good grip on him.
scratches | 🌲 (Miguel O’Hara x GN! Reader)
word count: 837 words
content warning: none
summary: your mans loves some back scratches
putting the flames out | 🌲🍄‍🟫 (firefighter! Miguel O’Hara x chubby! fem! Reader)
word count: <1.0k words
content warning: mean? dom! Miguel, words of affirmation, size difference, OOC MIGUEL
summary: after being hired in station 29 and dealing with the fires in Nueva York, Miguel experiences soft and sweet love after saving someone from a burning building.
mini christmas drabble | 🍄‍🟫 (Miguel O’Hara x fem! Reader)
word count: <1.0k words
content warning: not really anything?
summary: a slow christmas morning with your loving partner, miguel o’hara.
let’s make up | 🍄‍🟫🦇(Miguel O’Hara x fem! Reader)
word count: 3.1k words
content warning: Soft! Dom! Miguel, Dacryphilia? Praise, little nicknames, and a little bit of Miguel being a complete munch. The reader is a pillow princess, overstimulation, and unprotective P in V. Miguel talks the reader through it, and Miguel cries. (NOT PROOFREAD) (OOC MIGUEL)
summary: after arguing with Miguel over a touchy subject, you both come to a consensus: make-up sex.
gatita | 🍄‍🟫 (mechanic! Miguel O’Hara x fem! Reader)
word count: +1.4k words
content warning: this is a bit taboo, so I'm putting a SMALL WARNING HERE. Proceed with PRECAUTION. miguel wears a virgencita necklack, pussy slapping, cunnilingus (f! recieving), overstimulation, fingering, semi-public (he fucks you in a garage, but it's closed), unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it, people).
summary: after taking your car to get an oil change with your debit card not working, you offer a solution to the mechanic.
too sweet | 🍄‍🟫 (mechanic! Miguel O’Hara x fem! Reader)
word count: +3.2k words
content warning: once again, taboo content; proceed with precaution. semi-exhibitionism (miguel fucks the reader in the forest and on his car), brat-taming, rough yet soft dom! miguel, OOC CHARACTER MIGUEL the reader has nipple piercings, unprotective p-in-v (please, do your own research when it comes to stuff like this, cigarette usage, a little TABOO, AGAIN.
summary: you join a small ride along with Miguel...
el vaquero | 🍄‍🟫 (cowboy! Miguel O’Hara x fem! Reader)
word count: +1.0k
content warning: smut, fem!dom!reader, pussy drunk! miguel
summary: riding lessons with cowboy! miguel
el toro | 🍄‍🟫 (cowboy! Miguel O’Hara x fem! Reader)
word count: +1.8k words
content warning: sexual innuendos, Miguel is a little unhinged, dry humping, grinding, cumplay (?), cum-eating (?), semi-exhibitionism, hook-up with a stranger, and alcohol is mentioned. VIEWER'S DISCRETION IS ADVISED.
summary: losing a bet with your best friends, you buy drinks after failing to stay on a mechanical bull for eight seconds, but before you buy another round of drinks, a local cowboy helps you...
nothing but trouble | 🍄‍🟫🌲(black cat! miguel o’hara x fem! Reader) part two
word count: >1k words
content warning: reader and miguel have an established relationship, suggestive comments? miguel being a complete flirt, the reader being fed-up, make-out session? flirty interactions, soft smut, miguel is uncircumcised, soft dom miguel, reader is a little assertive in bed, dick-grabbing (?), and this is hella cheesy (idc I had fun)
summary: cat and mouse chase? more like a cat and spider chase...
growing pains | 🍄‍🟫🌲 (miguel o’hara x fem! reader)
word count: +2.1k words
content warning: mentions of morning sickness (if you have emetophobia, skip the first five paragraphs), degenerate home-wrecker, comfort, pregnancy sex, and p-in-v penetration.
summary: pregnancy is a challenge, not for the morning sickness or having the urge to pee every other step but for the outside challenges that create tension.
interlinked | 🍄‍🟫
word count: +1.7k words
content warning: possessive (adj.) → demanding someone's total attention and love. having the knowledge that you used to be with someone left a sour taste in miguel's mouth. especially knowing that you are still in good terms with them to this day.
summary: biting kink? (idk what it's called), cumplay (?), unprotective p-in-v, semi-exhibitionism (y'all get caught), possessive behavior (kinda?)
dearly beloved | 🌲🦇
word count: +1.1k words
content warning: fluff, angst with no comfort
summary: inspired from a silly tik tok, vampire! miguel
18+ mini drabbles (no chronological order) 🍄‍🟫
one. two. three.
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(Updated as of: 07/23/2024 @ 22:48)
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itstopplingdomino · 7 months
confident | weasley twins x reader
A/N: i made a promise to write something after my test based on how i feel afterwards. so here we are...
pairing: fred weasley x reader (if you squint), george weasley x reader summary: Fred carries the essence of confidence like it weighs nothing; academic, friendship, quidditch and even love life - he is sure he's set for life. So when he finds out about your little crush on him and how it had been like that for years, he does absolutely nothing. And that teaches him a lesson that he'll remember for the rest of his life. tags: hurt/no comfort, idiots in love, no usage of y/n, gn!reader (usage of 'you' instead of specific pronouns), usage of pet/nicknames, mild cursing, false hope, leading on, jealousy, no war alternative universe ───────── "I don't understand," Lee states. He is sitting on the armrest of the sofa, the afternoon light shines briefly across his eyes as he tries to block it with a book. "If you like Daisy too then why.." Fred shrugs. "Well if Daisy maintains a secret crush on me for five years, then waiting for another two- you know until after graduation- won't hurt."
Lee looks at Angelina, hoping that she'll have a better explanation for this. Unfortunately she returned his confused look with her own.
"How are you sure Daisy won't give up? What if tomorrow your little admirer wakes up and decides to like someone else?" Angelina probes.
"Please, I have a plan." Fred says, with his usual air of mock-arrogance. "Trust me, it'll work."
Lee and Angeline exchanges a resign look. "Well, it's gonna be your lost anyway.." Lee says in which Angelina nods to.
Fred shrugs, again, then leaves to find you.
He knows where you are. Five years in Hogwarts together, causing ruckus in all forms with the promise of detention almost every time, he can understand you in ways you sometimes don't.
Which is why your crush on him is not a surprise to him at all. In fact it was almost hilarious that everyone else think of it as such a big deal. You two are attached to the hips most of the times; if he's not there to bring trouble, you'll find him - and it's been like this ever since you set foot in Hogwarts.
George, of course, joins in the fun. Though Fred notices that he's slowly been opting out over the years, preferring to prank with just the older twin. Fred considers this an act of jealousy yet he never brings it up as George's blatant avoidance never seems to bother you. He's seen his twin interacts with you alone just yesterday, the day before, and Merlin even before that. He thinks that George simply want a little separation as michievenous activities are always a two-person activity until you came.
That is exactly why, right now, Fred waits for you just outside Arithmancy classroom for a planned pranking session; target for the day is Filch.
Not too long after he arrived, students emerge from the classroom, all looking like the boredom has threatened their life. You, in all your glory, comes out looking like you defeated boredom. Laughing beside your classmate who Fred sure he was introduced to before yet he can't remember her name. It didn't matter though, he's only here for you.
"My Daisy," Fred greets you with a playful smile on his face, bowing like a gentleman from the victorian era, lowering a pretend-tophat.
You rolled your eyes. "Please stop calling me by something I'm deathly allergic to. Even Lee and Angie started using it too."
"If you say so, Peanuts."
You playfully smack him across his back. He knows you're not deathly allergic to Peanuts, only mildly.
"Ready?" He asks, offering you his hand.
The brief shy look that passes your face did not escape him as you joins hands. "Ready!"
Fred smirks knowingly. With usual flirtatious remarks in his repertoire, physical touch is a newly added part in his friendship with you. He loves it when you look away nervously whenever your faces are a little too close, or when you jolts and become a stuttering mess every time he whispers right next to your ears, or moments like this - hand holding, plus short hugs and arm across your shoulder that's he's planning to include in the future.
With what he knows about your feelings, he revels in this reactions without ever needing to confess. - - -
You doubled over the grass just outside Hogwarts grounds, laughing at the wrath Fred and you invoke in Filch from the prank. This time you calculated for sure that the caretaker of Hogwarts will not find out who the pranksters are. A red herring steering towards obnoxious Slytherins is placed perfectly for him to think it's not the two of you.
"That was brilliant!" Fred shouted, he dips to lift you up and spins you around. "Bloody smart, you are!"
You cackles loudly, just enjoying his grip on your body. You're not thinking of anything inappropriate but Good Godric if you could just kiss that lips, you'll be content eternally.
He must've realise that you're staring at his lips as an unreadable expression crosses his face, he sets you down as his eyes flicks between your eyes and your lips.
It can't be.. can't it?
You think again.
I mean.. he's been sweet these days.. more so than usual.
If that's not a sign, then you don't know what is. So you fight your doubts and tiptoe to reach his lips. Your eyes closes as it nears his face yet what stops you is not the innocent peck you've been dreaming of, it is his hands on your shoulder.
Confusion evident on your face as you open your eyes and lower yourself. You search for answer in his face but all you could find is a torn look. The kind of look you've seen him give to other students who had asked him out. The kind of look that you desperately wish against yourself every single night.
And now you're at the receiving end of it.
A thick lump forms in your throat and all you say is, "Why..?"
Fred clears his throat as he looks away, clearly uncomfortable in this situation, his hand still on your shoulder now caressing in consolation.
You don't need consolation. You need explanation.
"Freddie, why?" Tone firmer than before as you shake off his hands.
"Well, its just.. I mean.." He took a deep breath before he continue. "Let's just have fun, you know. We only have two years left. Surely you don't want to spend the majority of it with- with this." He gestured between you and him.
If nature is a little quieter, you're sure the sound of your heartbreak can be heard.
"Is that what this- all this has been about..? You having fun?" You hissed, taking a few steps back which he closes just easily in a single move.
"I mean, you like me for five years, certainly you can wait a few more.."
The icing on the cake. He knew.
He knew and he still did that.
Play with your heart, push and pull it like a tug of war.
"You are the absolute worst."
Without sparing a single glance, you turn on your heels and apparated away. - - - The rest of the year passes in a blink of an eye.
To everyone else, it seems. Lee had been whining non-stop at Fred and George's decision to leave Hogwarts early. NEWTs is irrelevant to the path the Weasley twins has set for themselves, after all.
To Fred, the year drags on painfully slow as if he's aware of every single second that ticks by. He's just glad the day for them to leave is finally nearing.
After what happens between Fred and you, he notices that he almost never see you anymore. The one time he did was when you came looking for Angelina to pass her notes you had borrowed. You greeted him with your usual cheeriness but the smile didn't quite reach your eyes. He thought you'll warm back to him, forgive him, but how can you forgive when he can't even find you to apologise.
He realises that you know him better than he does himself. Otherwise how else can you avoid for so long.
At one point, he even asks Angelina if you had ever mention anything about your little crush on him anymore.
"Hm, no actually. I mean, it's pretty clear that Daisy's focusing on NEWTs, we all are anyway, so boys talk never really come up. It just adds to the stress."
Her answer disappointed him but he has an image to uphold so he act nonchalant about it.
"What? Are you finally going to pursue Daisy?" Angelina teased.
"Why are you asking? Afraid of the competition?" Fred in his usual manner put on a smirk, albeit a fake one. And the way Angelina rolled her eyes and smacked him meant that he successfully fooled her.
How he wished it was you who's rolling her eyes and smacking then, instead of her.
He made a fool out of you.
- - - Fred enters the apartment after a long negotiation with the accountant at the bank. He just couldn't figure out why the numbers are not adding up and the son of a bitch he hired is as unhelpful as a broken wand. Three years they've been doing business and this accountant is the first one to be so incompetent. Fred regretted making a rushed hiring decision as the last one had to resigned immediately from chronic health issues. A breach in one year contract would cost them quite a lot so he just puts up him. Two more months and he'll fire that bastard.
He searches for the bottle of wine in the cupboard, typically reserved for celebratory occasions and not punching the accountant in a very public space counts as a win, but the wine is not there. He looks at other cupboards too, but the bottle is still nowhere to be found.
George must've taken it.
No one else lives here, and unless the bottle of wine grew a pair of legs, it simply do not move from it's designated place.
The older twin drags his feet to his brother's room when George's door opens.
And there you are.
You, in all your glory, comes out looking like you defeated boredom. Laughing hysterically at what George says as your hands wrapped delicately around his twin's arm.
He had seen this sight before. Often when you went out from your favourite classes like Arithmancy or Ancient Runes.
But never with George. Never to George.
He whispers your name in a hopeless attempt to make you direct that smile to him, but your light dims as soon as you heard him.
George and you stop, taken aback by Fred's early arrival. The younger twin isn't expecting his brother to return until an hour from now.
"I know you two know each other." George chuckles, which you smiled at. The sweet smile that once had been directed to Fred. "But I'd like to introduce Daisy again.."
His eyes practically sparkling at this point. "as my Fiance."
George didn't falter and your smitten look unwavering. There isn't a single mischief or malice in his demeanour, nor yours. This isn't some sick, twist prank the two of you are pulling. Fred had never told anyone about what happens between the two of you, but he had assume you had ignored George all the same. What, being identical twins and all. Just looking at George should've brought pain to you.
Apparently looking at George seems to make you smile even brighter.
"Uh.. S-since when..?" Fred force out a cough. "I mean, I didn't know you two kept in contact, let alone are seeing each other.."
"We didn't." You answer, though your eyes chose to look at his general direction and not his eyes. "We met around two years ago by coincidence."
"Merlin, a lucky guy I am." George chimes in. "It started with a simple catch up over tea. Then it became a monthly thing. Before we know it, we were meeting almost every other day for half a year."
How did he missed it. "Daisy here is still a tough one. Took me a year and half to convince her to date me. Another half year to convince marrying me!"
Seriously, how did he missed it? Fred remembers when George comes home late, snickering to himself, sometime last year. Then the next day he was so high spirited that he gave out discount to everyone the first opening hour. He was so high on cloud nine that whenever Fred tried to pry out details of joyous mood, George simply kept evading the question. Saying he doesn't want to jinx it. "Oh, while we're on the subject.. Will you be my bestman?"
Fred looks between you and his brother. Your eyes refusing to meet his. Hesitantly he replies, "Y-yeah! Of course Georgie! I'll be honoured!"
He hope his emotions didn't betray his tone. His younger twin is engaged, no foul play is coming from you as far as he could tell. Well, of course he could tell. However you're behaving with George right now was how you acted when you had a crush on Fred. He knew that love-adorn smile, that twinkle in your eyes, the pitched giggles in between. He knew that all too well, though you're definitely less shy and hesitant about it with George.
You lean against his brother wearing a specific form of confidence Fred had only seen once in you.
The same air of confidence that he had shattered when he pushed you away as you tried to kiss him. Fucking Fantastic. It is his lost.
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gyusimp · 1 year
°• 🍡 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚜 🍡 •° [Dom Mitsuri Kanroji x Fem reader]
Ok, I know this post is a bit different so let me explain. I have a friend who's sickly in love with Mitsuri, so she literally paid me to write a fic for her hahaha. I had never written femxfem before, doing this took me out of my comfort zone and even helped me unblock myself! It was a new experience and at the same time fun, I was satisfied with the result so I wanted to post it here in case anyone is interested lmao otherwise just ignore it. I'll post it on AO3 later too.
°•Read Part 02 here!
🍡WARNINGS: NSFW | Fem character x fem reader | Smut | Modern AU | Both of them are adults | Minors DON'T interact.
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You were outside her door, in the hallway of her apartment after ringing the bell. Mitsuri would not take long to leave and so it was. After about 10 seconds she appeared on the other side of the door with a big smile on her face as she invited you in.
You had a math test in 1 week at university, you weren't exactly good at math so your friend immediately offered to give you some lessons, practice some topics and help you pass the test with the highest possible score.
"Welcome back, y/n-chan!" She greeted you, excited.
You took off your shoes and left them at the entrance and then headed to Mitsuri's room, the sound of your bare feet and hers walking on the floor accompanied their voices down the hall until she entered her room. The study desk was clean and tidy ready to work so you put your small backpack on the floor next to the bed and sat on one of the chairs that Mitsuri had brought.
"Thank you so much Mitsuri, you have no idea how much this will help me, you are amazing." You thanked her, for the thousandth time since she offered you her help.
"It's nothing y/n-chan! Anything for my friend" she said with flushed cheeks, moving one of her hands while holding her face embarrassedly with the other. "How about we start now?" One took a seat next to the other, you took out some graph paper, your pencil case and your math book. You told Mitsuri what you had to study and which ones were difficult for you, she was not only very good at math but she was also very sweet and patient with you so that gave you enough confidence to ask all the questions you wanted.
She was as sweet as a kindergarten teacher, she even congratulated you when the answer in the exercises you did was correct. It had already been 1 hour and a half since the study session began so the best thing was a short break to clear your mind and prevent you from falling asleep.
"You're doing great! How about a 20 minute break?"
"Cool, I didn't want to fall asleep." You joked, laughing with Mitsuri.
"I'll go get a glass of water, do you want water too?" She asked.
"OK thanks."
Mitsuri stood up and stretched raising her arms, you looked for no reason in her direction without thinking and watched just as she adjusted her skirt after standing up making your chest jump. Mitsuri always wore tight or short clothes, and this skirt was very short so you could see the beginning of her butt as she started to walk towards the door. When she left the room you tried to erase that image from your head and think about something else, maybe read your notes again and thus distract yourself quickly but all that came to mind was the scene when she opened the door of her apartment and the first thing you saw after her face was her tight bust under the little t-shirt she was wearing and that prominent v-neckline showing a big part of the beginning of her boobs. Was it starting to get hot? You decided to take off the cardigan you were wearing and freshen up, luckily you were wearing shorts and a tank top.
After a few seconds, the pink-haired girl entered the room with 2 glasses of water in her hands, the water was so cold that small drops slipped down the glass.
"Thanks girl, this was what I needed." You said, hoping that drinking something cool would stop your pulse racing.
About 25 minutes of class passed after having had that little break time, you were starting to get bored and despite putting all your effort into paying attention you couldn't solve this exercise. The problems were the most difficult and Mitsuri noticed your frustrated expression trying to solve it.
"Do you have any question?" She asked attentively.
"I can't understand this part, do the exponents have to be multiplied here too? Agh! I feel so stupid..."
"You're not stupid y/n-chan! You've already managed to solve other exercises, you're very smart!"
You looked at the clock on the screen of your cell phone, there was still time to complete the agreed 2 hours of study so you sighed tired when you thought about it.
"So far you've done really well, so I think we can take another break." Mitsuri said, trying to cheer you up.
"Ok, I hope that helps." You got up from the chair and stretched again as did Mitsuri. She got up from the chair and walked to her bed to get on and crawl on the mattress towards the pillows, you looked behind you and realized two things that made you feel too nervous again. She sat cross-legged but her skirt was very short so inevitably you could see her panties and because of the position of her legs you could have seen more but you decided to place your eyes elsewhere.
"Even I feel a bit tired" Mitsuri said.
"What are you talking about? I'm the one who's been burning out her one neuron." You teased, both of you laughing in unison.
"I mean, I've never spent so much time sitting in those chairs, I usually use my bed as a study area so now my back is tingling haha."
"Me too!" You said, sitting on the bed next to her.
Mitsuri sighed and ran one of her hands over her shoulder and back. "Do you mind?" She asked. You didn't have time to react when she reached under her clothes to unhook her bra and remove it, throwing it elsewhere.
"N-not at all, don't worry." You and Mitsuri were quite confident so she was used to doing things like this in front of you without knowing that you were trying hard to hide your nerves.
"These things can be really uncomfortable sometimes, especially when, well...you know." She said, pouting as she massaged her breasts. Why had she done that? Now you felt bad for not being able to stop seeing her. Her little shirt was so tight to her body that it hugged her breasts perfectly, making her nipples stand out from under the fabric. Her breasts were large and the way they bounced under her clothes when she took off her bra kept replaying inside your head. "Sure you're not hot? I can turn on the fan if you want."
"Oh thank you. I'd like that very much."
You stayed sitting on the bed hugging your knees while Mitsuri stood up to go turn on the fan. When you felt the cool breeze hit your skin, you couldn't help but close your eyes and lie down on the pillows while leaving your legs bent. You felt a movement on the mattress so you assumed that Mitsuri had returned to the bed but then she didn't move again and remained silent so you wonder if she was still there or had left the room so you opened your eyes to find out. When you opened your eyes, you caught Mitsuri looking directly at your thighs and between your legs, with your knees bent that way she could easily see your panties under your shorts. This definitely made you too nervous, you were about to sit down and close your legs but another thought came to your head faster. She was also watching you like you were a while ago so that got you a bit horny.
Your face was very red just like Mitsuri's when she felt trapped by you but despite that she didn't try to hide what she was doing or at least try to look a little shy so that only made you keep moving forward.
"All in order?" You asked, spreading your legs with the excuse that your knees were blocking the view of her face in front of you.
At this point it was quite likely that you didn't care anymore and both of you would completely lose your shame.
"What are you talking about?" Mitsuri asked, starting to crawl towards you on the mattress.
"You didn't stop looking at me, it's unfair if I have my eyes closed." You answer.
Sometimes you two used to joke around in similar ways but now, things were getting a bit further, you both subconsciously expected one of you to stop but you kept going. You kept your legs open and Mitsuri lay on your abdomen between them, causing your core to rub dangerously against her and feeling her breasts lean against you.
"Of course that's fair, you were looking at me too so now we're even." She said, making you blush.
Both of you fell silent, Mitsuri staring at you while you tried to look anywhere but her face and that included the low neckline of her t-shirt in front of you. Mitsuri moved in place, at first you thought that she was settling into her place or she would just get up and the class would continue but everything changed when you realized that she started rubbing on you provocatively. Mitsuri settled her legs on the bed keeping one straight and the other bent to rub her own core against her panties and the mattress making her large breasts massage over you. The position of her legs made her little skirt mess up, leaving her butt exposed, showing you her tight little lace panties.
You didn't say anything, you just gasped and spread your legs more so that she could fit better in the middle of you. She smiled at you with desire so that she felt more confident to move as she wanted. Mitsuri placed her arms on each side of you to hold on better and continue rubbing on the mattress and on top of you, she even had the courage to start panting a little just to annoy you and increase your blush. Mitsuri wouldn't stop looking at you and see  doing this kind of thing made you feel too nervous and even more when she was so close to you; but you'd be lying if you thought this moment was weird or awkward, each passing minute turning you on more and more and just waiting for one thing to lead to the next. You wondered if at some point she was going to touch you.
"This feels s-so good..." Mitsuri gasped. She settled between your legs and lowered one of her hands to her panties to take them and rub them better against her wet core. "You've never tried this before y/n-chan?...it feels really good."
"N-no..." you managed to reply, feeling her breasts on you turned you on more and more besides the sight in front of you.
"Really? Never before?...self-satisfaction is just as important as self-love, girl." She told you.
You didn't know what to answer, Mitsuri settled back and took her hand out from between her legs. She held on to the mattress again and it was after that when she groped her hand directly between your legs inside your shorts, over your dressed cunt making you arch your back in surprise. You were about to say something but you didn't even have time because she started rubbing her fingers against your panties causing a lot of friction with each brush of the fabric.
"A-AAH!" You moaned, surprised to feel her fingers in your panties.
Hearing your voice like that made Mitsuri turn on more, causing her to start moving her fingers faster as well as her hips against the bed. With every movement, she could feel her wet panties brushing over and over again in the middle of her slit, right on her slippery clit. The feeling was perfect so she wanted you to experience it too.
"Y/n-chan...I want to make you feel really good, aah-ah." she moaned.
Mitsuri took her hand out of your panties for just an instant, grabbing your shorts and pulling them down over your hips and butt until she took them off and tossed them around, exposing your black lace panties fitting your pussy on her face.
The pink-haired girl's fingers took the center of your panties and she began to rub the fabric making sure that each touch was right on your clit just like she did until little by little you were wetting the fabric of your underwear; you even started to move your hips to get a better feel. Mitsuri noticed that you began to get wet very quickly and slowly began to moan in need.
"D-doesn't that feel amazing?" Mitsuri asked. "The rub on the clit is perfect-aah! I'm so-so wet! And you too...mmhh."
You were both about to cum if she continued like this, but Mitsuri didn't want this to happen, at least not yet. She wanted to try more things and at the same time make sure that you enjoyed it as much as she did. Mitsuri stopped and got up, tooked off her skirt and sat up to crawl over to you.
"Don't you think it would be better to feel…closer?" She proposed to you, biting her pink lip. She traced a line with her finger all over your slit, feeling your wet labia. "We are both very wet." You stayed in the same position and Mitsuri imitated it in front of you, legs spread and leaning on her arms on the bed. "I'd like to feel you…here" she said, spreading her legs and making her panties shift to let her cunt peek out from under the fabric.
"Then do it..." you replied.
Hearing that made her heart jump with happiness. Mitsuri came up to you and took your panties off, then she got rid of her panties as well and left them lying around. She took your thighs squeezing them sensually to accommodate your legs around her waist and make you hook her between your legs. She did the same and that's when you realized how flexible Mitsuri was when she spread your legs and hers and hooked you in the same way against the bed, letting her breasts crash against yours almost on your face. When he was in the position she wanted, she dropped putting some pressure on you and sat down so that her pussy was exactly on yours, making you moan when you felt his wet labia. Mitsuri leaned over and settled on your hips, holding onto her arms on either side of you and beginning to move her hips, slow movements in circles and back and forth. The contact between your most sensitive points was direct, the position of the open legs of both and each of the movements made your lips move and your cunts open to collide and slide against each other.
Wet sounds began to accompany your and her moans throughout the room, you moved your hips against Mitsuri's to cause more friction. Both cunts wet rubbing each other, your clit massaging against Mitsuri's was the most perfect sensation you've ever felt in your life. You looked up or squeezed your eyes but when you looked ahead and saw Mitsuri's neckline you completely sank in pleasure and didn't take your eyes off her. Her tits moved and bounced on you with each of her thrusts, her hard nipples standing out under her tight t-shirt. Mitsuri's movements began to get faster and faster, crashing and bouncing off of you, she began to grind her vagina against yours increasing the odds of bringing both of you an amazing orgasm. You realized something, Mitsuri's t-shirt was too small and her bust was too big, her boobs began to bounce more and more forcefully from her cleavage and seeing that made you crazy and she didn't seem to care at all; she just kept moving on you, getting wet on your vagina until the position she was in and her strong thrusts caused one of her breasts to come completely out of her clothes bouncing on you and then her other tit did the same. You didn't take your eyes off her, her pink nipples were rubbing on your chest so you decided to take them to massage them with your hands and make her as aroused as you were.
"Y-your boobs are so big-aah! I love them."
"You're also...a-aah- you're beautiful y/n-chan! Your little wet cunt is so cute ah-mnnh!" Mitsuri moved away from you a bit and took off her shirt, making her breasts bounce even more when she took it off. You didn't stop seeing her for a second, moving more.
When she returned to the position she was in, you put both hands directly on her butt to massage it and put some downward pressure so that your cunt was closer to hers, you squeezed and touched her ass making her moan for a long time until that you felt the need for more. Your left hand slid between her buttocks until it reached her wet pussy and your right hand began to play with your own pussy or the part that Mitsuri's couldn't cover, wetting the fingers of both hands, pumping your own hole and feeling this made Mitsuri squirm on top of you, leaning her head back moaning with all her might and moving faster on top of you. Your juices and hers splashed between her slippery cunt and your legs spread wider to rub you with each of her folds.
"AA-AH! Yy/n...y/n-chan! Mmghh-aah!! D-you think you're gonna cum already?"
You couldn't even answer because you were about to, you moved your hips hard to feel Mitsuri on your clit while you tightened around your fingers, you squeezed Mitsuri's ass again making her moan as you did when a warm sensation it went down from your abdomen straight into your pelvis.
"AAH-AAH MITSURI!! I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum! AAH!!"
Your legs spread wide, your back arched and a sticky white discharge shot straight out of your vagina drenching Mitsuri, causing her to do the same and cum in your pussy. Both wetting each other while she was still bouncing her pussy against yours in reaction to the orgasm until her speed slowed down.
Her thighs and yours were wet and sticky, you saw Mitsuri's breasts and as they glistened with sweat, sweat dripped from the back of your knees to your feet and your legs trembled as did your breath. Mitsuri lay down next to you and let both of you stretch out your legs after staying in that position for so long. Before she fully pulled away from you, you could see thin white threads coming from her cunt joining yours, leaving you wet and feeling slippery between your legs. Mitsuri's chest rose and fell with her heavy breathing, even though neither of you spoke it wasn't an awkward moment at all. You two looked into each other's eyes and different parts of your body at the same time. You didn't know what time it was, you even completely forgot the reason you were here, you saw the desk and looked at all your study material and then you saw the time on the clock next to the bed on a small table. 6:44 pm It was already getting dark outside and that worried you a bit.
"That was a very interesting lesson." You said, breaking the silence.
"We should repeat it another day, don't you think?" Mitsuri spoke, sensually.
"You think so? Then you won't be able to get me out of here that easily in a study session." You joked.
"You don't have to go today, I know it can be dangerous to go out at night so you can spend the night here..."
"You mean...a second round?" You said, getting up to approach Mitsuri.
"If that's what you want."
"Only if you let me go above you this time..." you replied, straddling her.
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sleepingdeath-light · 5 months
shadow milk cookie + segmented smut alphabet ; 18+
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requested by ; cookie simp anon (part of an event)
letters used ; k / m / w
masterlist(s) ; here / here
minors and ageless blogs do not interact
K — Kinks
some of their kinks
Having spent so long in complete isolation and imprisonment, Shadow Milk Cookie was quick to start experimenting with you and trying to spice up your sex life. These experiments were a mixture of incorporating things he already knew he enjoyed and trying new things as a couple that you both ended up enjoying and making a part of your routines. A small selection of the things he enjoys is as follows:
Role Play — it shakes things up, keeps things interesting, appeals to his love of theatre, and gives him an excuse to show off his natural talents and magical capabilities to you… what’s not to love?
Bondage — tying you up or being tied up by you, he can enjoy both depending on his mood and as long as you’re both able to keep things interesting during these sessions
Fighting for Dominance — though he does have a strong dominant lean and does enjoy being able to control others, he can enjoy the chance to play fight with you and shake things up every now and then (he doesn’t make things easy for you, of course, and can be a terrible brat but he does play by the limits you’ve set and won’t use his powers to take back control… unless he’s bored or overly frustrated)
Pet Name Kink — this mainly goes hand-in-hand with his love of roleplaying and he’s happy to call you or be called whatever the scenario requires (e.g. daddy/mommy, master/mistress, sir/ma’am, etc.) but he will tease you if he notices a certain pet name popping up and affecting you more than the rest
Public Sex — he’s been imprisoned for what felt like forever, has less than zero shame, and would sooner take complete control over a kingdom than comply to its rules, so it goes without saying that he wouldn’t be opposed to pleasuring you or receiving pleasure where others can see you both
M — Motivation
what turns them on?
Pretty much everything you do is a turn on for Shadow Milk Cookie in one way or another, in fact it may just be easier to list out the things that don’t turn him on. That being said, surprising him with an opening prompt for some role play after a long day is always guaranteed to get him in the mood.
W — Wild Card
a random nsfw headcanon for the character
On the rare occasion where he gets jealous of someone, he’ll go out of his way to orchestrate a situation where they’ll walk in on the two of you having sex. He has literally zero shame and will look up at them just long enough to lock eyes and give them the most shit eating grin he can muster before returning his attention to you once they’ve finally regained their senses and fled the scene. Needless to say you usually don’t end up seeing much of the person in question after that (they’ve learned their lesson, after all, and most people don’t want to risk further pissing off a powerful entity like Shadow Milk Cookie if they can help it).
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cool-fancier · 10 months
A Dance of Synergy
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Requested by anonymous
Synopsis: Passion for dance ignited at a young age led you to WayB and a close friendship with Bada. A surprise battle ensued at Street Woman Fighter 2, showcasing your hidden connection. The shared synergy while dancing together left fans curious about the unspoken bond between you and Bada
A/N: I did rush this so please don't mind and I'm sorry if like the timeline doesn't make sense
Word count:2.6K
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Your passion in movement as a child inspired you to pursue a career in dance. You found comfort in the rhythm of music from the age of five, your body responding easily to every beat. It felt as if the songs themselves were telling stories that could only be expressed through dance.
Your enthusiasm expanded immensely as a result of your unwavering dedication. Hours spent mastering each step, pirouette, and leap became a tribute to your unrelenting dedication. Dance wasn't just a hobby for you; it was your soul.
You caught the attention of local dance communities as you refined your skills, leaving a lasting impression with your mesmerising performances. Acclaim didn't come easily—countless hours of effort, pushing your body to its limits, and battling self-doubt constituted the foundation of your journey.
Then came the key moment when your sister, Noze, entered the competitive dance world for the first time. She saw your brilliance and strong commitment and realised she needed you at her side. WayB, Noze encouraged you to join her crew with her contagious enthusiasm.
Joining WayB wasn't just about dancing; it was a decision that changed the trajectory of your career. Together with your sister, the crew took the dance scene by storm, your synchronized movements leaving audiences in awe. Noze's energy blended seamlessly with your finesse, creating a dynamic duo that captured the essence of every performance.
Your partnership with WayB elevated your profile in the dance industry. Recognition followed as your talent caught the eye of choreographers and artists alike. It was during these collaborations that your expertise as a choreographer flourished, carving a path that eventually led you to the pulsating heart of the K-pop industry.
WayB's reputation paved the way for their entry into Street Woman Fighter, an electrifying dance competition. Your sister, Noze, encouraged the crew to embrace the challenge, sensing the opportunity to showcase your collective talents on a grand stage. The experience not only solidified WayB's position but also propelled you further into the dance industry's spotlight.
— — — — — — —
Your chance meeting with Bada at her dance lesson was a memorable experience. You recall approaching the studio anxiously, the slight fragrance of sweat mingling with the excitement of learning from one of the finest. Bada's enthusiasm filled the room as she effortlessly lead the class through the difficult choreography.
With your exact techniques and contagious excitement, you drew Bada's attention as the class progressed. Her compliments at the end of the lesson seemed like a reinforcement of your commitment to dancing. You had no idea that was just the beginning.
After the class, while you were catching your breath, Bada approached with a warm smile. "Wow the famous Y/N from WayB ,You were amazing in there!. Are you new to my classes?"
You chuckled nervously, grateful for the compliment. "Thank you! And stop I'm not that famous , this was my first time here. I couldn't miss the chance to learn from the legendary Bada Lee."
Bada's laughter was music to your ears. "Legendary, huh? Flattery will get you everywhere! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope to see you in more classes."
From that day on, you became a regular at Bada's classes. Each session was an opportunity to learn from her and share a few laughs along the way. Your admiration for her talent grew, but so did your friendship.
Your interactions expanded beyond the dance studio as the weeks evolved into months. Coffee dates, casual lunches, and even spontaneous dance-offs became common. The relationship between you and Bada was undeniable, the shared passion for dance forming the foundation of your bond.
As your friendship with Bada grew, so did the moments of discovery. You found yourselves plunging deeper into each other's worlds amid dancing rehearsals and late-night hangouts.
Bada recounted stories about her experiences in the K-pop world with magnetic passion. Her eyes twinkled as she described the joy of choreographing for some of music's biggest stars. You listened closely, enthralled by her passion for dance and the industry insights she gave.
In turn, you opened up about your experiences with WayB, detailing the high-octane moments on stage as well as the creative process behind some of your most memorable performances. Bada was an attentive listener who asked probing questions about your craft.
You discovered shared interests and variations as your chats progressed beyond dance. Bada's taste in corny romantic flicks mirrored yours, and spontaneous movie nights became a favourite hobby. Every shared laugh and meaningful conversation enhanced your friendship, from arguing the best dancing styles to playfully criticising each other's dress choices.
There were also times when you both confided in one other about the difficulties you faced in the competitive dancing scene. In those moments, your mutual support and understanding established the cornerstone of your new partnership.
There were glimpses of something more in the midst of the growing friendship. The lingering looks, the unintentional touches that sent sparks flying, and the butterflies in your stomach when you were together—it was an emotional dance that neither of you could resist.
It was during a spontaneous outing to a bustling street food market that the unspoken tension between you finally surfaced. Amidst the aroma of sizzling delicacies and the ambient chatter, Bada turned to you with a thoughtful expression.
"You know, spending time with you has been incredible. I feel like I've known you for much longer than we actually have. There's this connection between us that's hard to ignore."
You nodded, feeling the same way but also unsure of where to take the conversation. "I feel it too, Bada. It's like we just... click."
The air between you held a silent question, a mutual acknowledgment of the unspoken feelings that lingered beneath the surface. It was a defining moment—a crossroads where friendship and something deeper converged.
With a soft smile, Bada reached out, gently taking your hand. "How about we explore this further? Take things one step at a time and see where this journey leads us?"
Your heart skipped a beat at her words, relief flooding in as the unspoken tension dissipated. "I'd love that, Bada. Let's see where this dance takes us."
That moment marked the beginning of a new chapter in your relationship. From there, the transition from friends to partners was a natural progression, solidifying the beautiful connection you shared.
Amidst the bustling street food market, the conversation lingered in the air, a silent understanding hanging between you and Bada. The playful banter and shared laughter seemed to create a cocoon around the two of you, shielding you from the outside world.
As the evening sun cast a warm glow, Bada leaned in, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "You know, there's one thing we haven't tried yet."
Your heart raced, anticipation mingling with a hint of nervousness. "And what might that be?"
With a playful grin, Bada teased, "A proper goodbye for the night, perhaps?"
A shared chuckle punctuated the moment, the air thick with unspoken anticipation. Without a word, you leaned in, your lips meeting in a gentle, playful kiss. It was a fleeting moment, but one that spoke volumes—filled with the promise of something beautiful blooming between you.
Pulling away, both of you wore matching sheepish grins, a hint of color dusting your cheeks. "Well, that was unexpected," you chuckled.
Bada, her laughter infectious, replied, "I blame the romantic atmosphere of the street market. It's making me do crazy things!"
The shared laughter dissolved any remaining tension, the ease of the moment reinforcing the comfort you found in each other's company. With a knowing glance and a playful wink, you both continued your stroll through the market, the echoes of your laughter mingling with the vibrant ambiance.
That spontaneous kiss became a cherished memory—a moment that sealed the unspoken feelings and added a touch of whimsy to your budding relationship. From that day forward, the warmth of that shared kiss lingered as a silent promise of the affection and connection between you and Bada.
— — — — —
The Street Woman Fighter 2 concert was a highly anticipated gathering of dance crews, and in a surprising twist, you had managed to secure a spot for an unexpected 1vs1 battle against Bada. It was a sneaky decision, known only to the organisers, because you didn't tell anyone, especially Bada, about your participation.
As the evening progressed, the crews showcased their abilities, and each performance was welcomed with deafening acclaim. The electricity in the air crackled with excitement, as the battles grew, leading up to the final act of the day.
Bada, as Bebe's leader, had captivated the audience with her crew's dazzling performances. She had no idea that an unexpected opponent was waiting in the wings—a challenger who was more to her than just another dancer.
Bada's amazement was obvious as the emcee announced the surprise 1vs1 match. As you went onto the stage, the spotlight illuminating your silhouette, her eyes opened in surprise. The audience murmured in confusion and excitement, unaware of the backstory behind this sudden face-off.
The emcee's voice rang out throughout the venue. "Ladies and gentlemen, a surprise addition to today's battles! Joining us for an impromptu 1vs1 against Bada Lee is none other than Wayb's Y/N!"
Bada's expression was priceless as the music began, signalling the start of the battle. You took a position opposite her, a teasing smile on your lips. The expectation of the crowd contributed to the intensity of the event.
As you began your routine, the first few beats of the song boomed throughout the venue, your motions flowing and precise. Bada, taken aback but never one to back down from a challenge, matched your intensity with her own trademark style, the dance floor serving as a canvas for an unexpected battle of styles.
As the battle progressed, the tension between you and Bada crackled in the air. Each move was a silent retort, a playful challenge to the rumors that had been circulating within the dance community. The audience, caught in the exhilarating showdown, cheered for both of you, unaware of the deeper connection that existed between the two dancers on stage.
In the midst of the battle, a playful wink and a mischievous grin were exchanged between you and Bada. The unspoken understanding added an extra layer of amusement to the competitive atmosphere.
The battle reached its climax, both of you showcasing your best moves. The audience erupted into applause, thoroughly entertained by the unexpected showdown. As the music faded, you and Bada stood facing each other, panting but wearing matching grins, a shared secret concealed beneath the surface.
The atmosphere in the arena erupted with energy after your heated 1vs1 bout with Bada. Sensing the heightened energy, the emcee introduced a surprise segment: a collaborative dance between you and Bada. As the familiar chords of a popular song filled the room, you both exchanged a shocked look, your unspoken connection sparking a spark of anticipation.
As you and Bada took your places on stage, the audience erupted in applause, the spotlight casting an ethereal glow around you. As the music grew louder, you began to move in perfect unison, each stride mirroring the previous one, as if your bodies were speaking a same language.
The chemistry between you and Bada was undeniable, the unspoken bond manifesting in the synergy of your movements. Fans were mesmerised as your diverse dancing styles merged effortlessly, producing a mesmerising tapestry of motion.
The earlier battle's humorous banter and competitive edge had been replaced by an effortless harmony, with each move complementing the other. It was as if you both anticipated each other's movements, a monument to your friendship's unspoken understanding.
With each elegant turn and intricate formation, the audience, entranced by the exhibition of unity and delicacy, shouted louder. Whispers and gasps flooded the room as your and Bada's chemistry transcended the dance floor, creating a lasting mark on everyone in attendance.
As the music reached a climax, you and Bada finished the dance with a magnificent final posture, the audience's cheers echoing throughout the venue. The shared moment between you two lingered in the air, a silent testament to the deeper connection that existed between you.
The emcee, beaming with enthusiasm, approached the center stage amidst the thunderous applause. "Ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up for Y/N Y/LN and Bada Lee! What an incredible performance! The chemistry between these two dancers is simply undeniable."
Fans, who had been speculating about the nature of your relationship, couldn't help but notice the palpable connection between you and Bada. The synergy that had unfolded before their eyes left an impression that was impossible to ignore, sparking a renewed wave of curiosity and excitement among the audience.
The emcee, sensing the electric atmosphere, approached with the mic. "A spectacular showdown! Y/N, Bada, any words for our audience?"
You stepped forward, the smile on your face concealing the deeper sentiment. "Thank you all for the love and support. It's been an incredible experience sharing the stage with such amazing talent."
Bada, her eyes gleaming with excitement, added, "Absolutely! The energy here is electrifying. Thank you for being a part of this journey!"
The crowd cheered, unaware of the hidden dynamics at play between you and Bada. As you left the stage, the playful banter and shared glances remained concealed, adding a layer of intrigue to the rumors that continued to circulate within the dance community.
The crowd cheered, unaware of the hidden dynamic between you and Bada. As you left the stage, the playful banter and shared glances between you remained concealed, adding an intriguing layer to the rumors that continued to swirl within the dance community.
— — — — —
In the hushed aftermath of the concert, the backstage area embraced a serene ambiance. You and Bada found a secluded spot away from the bustling crowd, the shared moments on stage still vivid in your minds.
Bada's smile was soft, filled with the remnants of the exhilaration from the performance. "That dance was something else, wasn't it?"
You nodded, a smile mirroring hers. "Absolutely. The synergy between us was incredible."
A comfortable silence settled between you, the weight of the unspoken emotions adding a layer of depth to the moment.
The shared glance between you held a silent agreement, the bond you shared extending beyond the confines of words. In that quiet space, amidst the fading echoes of the concert, a mutual understanding lingered between you and Bada.
As the quiet lingered, the intimacy of the moment heightened. Bada's gaze softened, her eyes searching yours for a shared truth. Without a word, a gentle yet purposeful movement drew her closer, and in that silent invitation, you felt a warmth envelop both of you.
The world around seemed to fade as Bada's lips met yours in a tender, sweet kiss. It was a moment that felt suspended in time, a silent celebration of the bond that had quietly grown between you.
When the kiss gently parted, the serenity of the moment remained, a shared intimacy that transcended the public eye. Bada's eyes met yours once more, a depth of emotion conveyed in that silent exchange.
"Thank you," Bada whispered softly, her voice carrying a weight of gratitude and affection.
You smiled, a warmth spreading through you. "For what?"
"For being here. For understanding. For this moment," Bada replied, her eyes shining with sincerity.
In the quiet embrace of the backstage, amidst the remnants of the concert, you and Bada stood, hand in hand, the unspoken intimacy of the night weaving a tapestry of shared memories.
It was a moment that etched itself into the story of your relationship, a moment that celebrated the beauty of dance, friendship, and the love that had quietly blossomed within the rhythm of the music and the unspoken language of your movements.
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tyuns-world · 4 months
ৎThe meaning of passion౨
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Paring: fem! Reader x dancer! Taehyun
Genre: fluff
Summary: By day, you’re lawyer, but at night, you teach salsa. Taehyun, a standout student, shares a unique connection with you during these lesson.
Wc: 1k
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People are always shocked at your night job. Although irregular for others, your second job as a salsa dance teacher is perfectly normal to you. From a young age, you've harbored a deep love for dance, but it was salsa that resonated with you the most. No other genre brought you as close to the harmonious pulse of the music. It was easy to pick up the movements and passion, with your West Indie background aiding in the graceful motion of your hips. You didn't just learn it; you mastered it, and now, under the dim glow of dance studio lights, you gracefully impart the magic of salsa to others. 
Truthfully, during the day, you're a lawyer, and you genuinely love the passion it brings. However, the courtroom doesn't ignite the same flow of heat and love throughout your body that salsa does. In the daylight hours, you navigate the dance of the legal world, where arguments and cases are your partners. Yet, when the sun sets and the music starts, it's on the salsa dance floor where your heart finds its rhythm.
Your students mostly consist of couples seeking a new passion together. While some genuinely appreciate the craft, you avoid getting too attached due to the limited class duration. Occasionally, solo students join for fun or to surprise their partners.  You often take on these solo students as teacher helpers to demonstrate moves, but one student, in particular, transforms the salsa experience—a dark-haired, tall, very handsome, doe-eyed boy named Taehyun. You frequently call him up to the front, using him to demonstrate the proper way to hold and spin into a move. Your heart tends to skip a beat when his bright doe eyes meet yours, and your cheeks warm when he smiles gleefully at your compliments on his technique.
You attribute these feelings to the dry and lonely state of your love life lately, convincing yourself it's merely a reaction to an attractive person touching you. Despite your attempts to dismiss it, you can't ignore the undeniable heat and fire that courses through you when you dance with him. It's a sensation you've never experienced with any dance partner before, even those at your skill level. The dance floor transforms when its you and Taehyun.
Taehyun is unmistakably skilled at dancing, only stumbling through a move here and there. It hints at a dance background, much like your own, which makes him an excellent helper.  Typically, students focus on their own movements, their eyes darting around to ensure they're executing the moves correctly. However, Taehyun stands out as he maintains intense eye contact with you every time you dance together. In those moments, it feels as if you're the sole focus of his attention, and the rest of the room fades into a blurred backdrop. 
When he first joined your classes, he held you with gentle touches, as if afraid. It was cute and respectful, but you needed your helper to have a stronger grasp, especially during spins. Although you were capable of spinning independently, the support was appreciated. Your second session with him after class, you jokingly remarked about how he held you as if you were made of glass ready to shatter, encouraging him to take on a firmer grip. The shift didn't happen overnight despite the conversation, it was gradual.
You're unsure which group of solo students he falls into. While you engage in small talk with nearly all your students as they often flock to you after class, showering you with compliments and appreciation. They share their stories and seek tips, creating a vibrant post-class atmosphere. However, Taehyun has never participated in post-class interactions, consistently departing immediately as the session finishes. This leaves you curious to unravel the mystery that is taehyun.
One day, that routine changed. After a typical class, instead of making his timely departure, Taehyun lingered, waiting until well after all the other students had left before approaching you. The deviation caught you off guard, though you managed not to show it. He said he had an unusual request, and as he spoke, you racked your mind, wondering what he could possibly want. Eventually, he hesitantly asked if he could take extra classes—private ones. Offering this service to a few students wasn't unusual, some students lives conflicted with your set class schedule. Yet, Taehyun seemed notably embarrassed to make such a request. You reassured him it wasn't unusual and mentioned that you've offered this option before. He was delighted, but not as much as you were, to be able to spend more than the measly hour your regular sessions allowed with him.
That's how it started—nightly classes with Taehyun. He'd patiently wait after a regular class, and as the last echoes of departing footsteps faded, the private lessons would commence. The dance studio, once lively with a group dynamic, was now an intimate space for you two. You couldn't help but wonder why Taehyun made such a request, especially considering his evident talent for the genre, but the question never found its way into spoken words.
The lessons were about as talkative as the regular classes, only speaking to correct or give tips. Within the mirrored walls, you found yourself wondering if Taehyun harbored any curiosity about you at all or if you were simply the teacher he encountered twice a week.
They were also, if not more, passionate and fiery. You found yourself entranced by the his captivating eyes, often getting lost without the usual distractions of other students. You found it attractive that his gaze never wavered from your face.
Today, it seems as if he's noticed your longing gazes. "Why do you look at me like that?" he asks in the middle of a dance. You halt your moves entirely, your body stiffening at the shocking question. Caught off guard, you ponder what you could possibly say, realizing you might have weirded him out. Pushing your thoughts away, you simply reply, "Because you look at me the same way." Taehyun only hums, continuing the dance you two were once doing. After that short conversation, gradually Taehyun speaks more on topics outside of salsa, and everyday you find out more and more about the dashing man.
You enjoy your little talks and secret sharing as you two gracefully navigate around the wood dance floor, entranced in each other. It feels like an intimate dance of connection. You discover Taehyun is single; you almost jumped with joy when he released that tidbit, but you held it together, revealing your own single status afterward.
Each private class slowly became more magical. You notice that Taehyun never stumbles anymore; he glides through the moves proficiently, yet he still comes to every private class. You become more enamored with the dark-haired boy, noticing intricate details. His finely sculpted nose, his well-defined cheekbones, the way his laughter vibrates through his entire being, the fleeting closure of his eyes when joy lights up his face, the rhythmic flexing of his arm as you two dance, and lastly the one that enchants you the most—the fullness of his lips.
You're content with the extra hour of time with Taehyun, until a growing desire for more eclipses the feeling. You want to spend more time together outside of the mirrored room. Your frustration with the thought intensifies, you start to unconsciously furrow your eyebrows. Taehyun, sensing the shift, asks, "What's on your mind?" You prepare to give a superficial response, but the concern in his eyes prompts honesty. "I want to spend more time with you," you find yourself saying and immediately regretting when Taehyun's face shifts from concerned to shocked, leaving you waiting for the ground to swallow you. You open your mouth to apologize, but Taehyun cuts in, "I want to spend more time with you as well."
The world pauses, or at least your heart does. Trying not to get ahead of yourself, you grapple with the ambiguity. His desire for more time could be friendly, but you long for a deeper connection. Summoning your courage, you decide to bare your feelings. "Taehyun, I have feelings for you. I have for a while now, and if that makes you uncomfortable, it's perfectly fine. I can get you in touch with another salsa teacher. I understand, I—"
He silences your rambling with a light, tender kiss, a fleeting moment that leaves you yearning for more. "I like you too," he softly reveals. You almost jump for joy at his words. "I—well, I'm free tomorrow," you stammer, now nervous.
"Sounds like a date," he says gleefully, spinning you around.
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chaosgremlinmunson · 11 months
STWG 11-13-2023
Prompt: Paladin
Steve sat in the corner of the room waiting on the kids to (please) finally finish the stupid nerd game they were playing, he was looking intently at a notebook in his lap as he doodled, a knight-like figure coming together in a cutesy cartoon figure. He heard his name and glanced up seeing Dustin leaning over the table eyebrows furrowed at Mike.
“What do you mean he'd be a barbarian, clearly he'd be a paladin or a knight?! C'mon man, seriously your issues with Steve are getting ridiculous!” Dustin was shouting at Mike, his fingers pointing in his face while both of them steadily were turning redder and redder.
“Dude, no, seriously he's so dumb he'd be a barbarian, or maybe a tank. He knows how to hit, not how to strategize! Clearly he wouldn't be able to be someone in a military tank or who followed a religion. I'm surprised he knows how to tie his shoes.” Make snarked back smacking Dustin's hand out of the way.
Eddie was watching the interaction, his brows furrowed and looked over to Steve who was slowly slouching down in his seat, his eyes downcast. He promptly clapped his hands to get their attention.
“Mini Wheeler, your thief Fenizio is in the dark alley near the guards, you are trying to steal the goblet of Ariella, it's enchanted to heal anyone who drinks from it and you know it's being taken to the palace for King Lionos. Roll for stealth.” Eddie has a wicked gleam in his eyes and Mike looks slightly startled. Still, he picks up the die and rolls grimacing as it lands on a four, “and that's a miss!” Eddie crows, “the guard turns just as you reach into the pouch at his side, he grips your arm and throws you to the ground, his foot stepping onto your chest pinning you in place.”
“Shit.” Mike hisses, “I want to pull my dagger and slice into his ankle.”
“Roll initiative.”
Mike rolls the die again and it lands on a 6.
“Another miss. The guard leans down further placing you in shackles and raises you to your feet marching you straight to the palace and into the dungeon. The adventurers you're with are fading slowly from the poisons and now you've been captured. In the time it takes for you to escape the next day you come to find the entire party dead, you yourself walking into a trap. The adventure ends, and so does the journey for justice.” Eddie says leaning back on his throne.
“What the fuck Eddie?!” Mike yells, “why did you kill all of us, that's bullshit!”
Eddie rolls his head to look over at Mike with a pitying smile on his face, “Let this be a lesson, that man” he points in Steve's direction who's looking at the table shocked, “is a goddamn hero. You forget I was there when he did for you all?! You forget what he's done for everyone here?! He's a good man, and a damn good friend to all of you. Stop treating him like dirt, and until he tells me each and every one of you has apologized for treating him as abysmally as I've witnessed today, all of our sessions are over. I'll take the time to come up with new campaigns, but I won't play with any of you until this is fixed, and no, Steve will not be taking any of you anywhere. Birdie and I are gonna have a talk, and we'll both make sure we keep him occupied, constantly. Now shoo, and take the time to think about what you all did. Oh, and before I forget, Steve isn't taking any of you home today either, get in the van.” He turns his attention to Steve then, “Stevie, I need you to drive home for me, birdie and I will be there shortly. These kids are going home and the three of us are going to hang out, talk and have fun. Can you do that for me?”
Steve nods numbly, and stands leaving the room before any of the kids can say anything, he gets to his car and drives home. At least he knows someone cares for him, he'd never seen Eddie as angry as he just was.
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vitzi9 · 5 months
Could you do a story but with male reader pleasee <3
Come out, come out
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Creepy!Ethan Landry x Male!Reader
Masterlist if you want to read my other things.
CW/TW: Phone-sex, sub!Ethan, AMAB Reader, stalker Ethan, dirty talk from Ethan (like really), reader has a dick and has he/him pronouns, FILTHY
(put me in jail)
Been dead for months and came back to life for some smut, what a life man (I do not respect myself)
I didn't know if you meant male reader as in AMAB or else so I post this and I'll probably do others where reader's genitals parts are not specified.
05/05/2024 (3147 words)
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Your relationship with Ethan was not the easiest. He was hard to understand, for anyone really. You’ve known each other for a few months, been really close as well. Chad, his roommate, was often absent. Whether working or out with friends. While Ethan was calmer, learning his lessons and globally just more insecure to go out that much.
Of course you’d offer to come to his place when he was bored or wanted to hang out with you. You met in class, you were paired together for a project and became good friends ever since. Ethan and you spent almost every afternoon after class at his place, talking, working or watching movies. He wasn’t an open man, for example, he categorically refuses you to enter his room. Though Chad, who you stumbled upon one day before he left for his girlfriend’s, assured you he was forbidden to enter as well.
Ethan was a private man, you did not know anything about his family or love interest, you did not even know whether he liked you or not, as you sure started to like him. How could you not ? He was kind, nerdy, smart and handsome. Sadly, you believed he never thought about you that way.
Until one night, after a movie session that exhausted you both, you found yourself cuddling on the couch, dizzy and half conscious.
It started when two men on screen start getting closer and closer to each other. You know how there's more gays showed on TV, sometimes you hate it because people look at you weird when this shows up, like you're the one who fucking put it in the movie.
But tonight, you hated it even more because your crush was here.
The worst is not knowing if Ethan is gay or not. Straight men love to laugh about gay sex, (why, you don't know but maybe it's funny) it's possible for him to start saying things like "Aha gay funny and weird aha peepee in the ass" or some shit. But Ethan's finger, who was on the cushion between you, inches towards your thigh. Confused, you tried to read his face but his eyes were solely in the screen, cheeks burning red.
It escalated quickly from there, he pulled you onto his lap, his hands were groping your ass, your lips on his, you touching his chest, his tongue against yours. You did not have sex with him as Chad came back in the middle of you humping his roommate, interrupting you and forcing you to separate from each other. You also did not have sex with him seeing as the next day he avoided you like the plague. You never actively told him of your attraction for men, but never hid it either. You left clues, small interactions when you’d mention finding someone handsome, never speaking about women you find sexy or, whatever straight men usually talk about. But you think you showed it enough that night.
Ethan, on the other hand, kept his love life pretty secret from you.
He never mentioned any crush or exes, whether it was men or women. Ethan could be friends with anyone, yes, you know that gay men could be friends with men as well but you were getting desperate to find out what he really was so you were taking what you could. What if he has a crush on Chad ? It was possible, after all. Or maybe he was talking to men online, you never know. But he could also very well talk to women online, and have a crush on a girl somewhere.
Ethan is cute, he’s sexy, even. Of course you’d be devastated after your kiss. He ignored you ! You read online of straight men trying things with men only for the thrill of it, to know how it is and everything but you never experienced it for yourself. Ethan isn’t like that, right ? Has he even had any partner before ? You don’t remember it.
It's dragging your own feet that you enter your apartment. Shoulders tensed and legs burning. Taking out your keys out of your pocket, you inch them towards the door only to let them drop on the ground. You sigh, feeling your nerves on the edge of exploding.
You crouch down, picking them up before putting it in the keyhole only for the key to be stuck. You frown and, confused, you push the door. It opens with no resistance.
What the... ? You didn't lock the door ? What crossed your mind this morning ! In such a crazy city no less ! But as there's no signs of any intruder being here or having been here, you simply unprepare yourself in the bathroom before enjoying a shower.
Drying up quickly, you realize having forgotten your pajamas in your bedroom. Towel around the waist, you search tiredly in your closet for any clothes you can sleep in. Seeing none, you question yourself about where you last put them. Did you put them in the washing machine ? You don't remember. Then where are your damn pajamas ? At one point, you grab a simple shirt before going back to the bathroom.
You place the towel on the heater for it to dry up but in doing so you take a look at yourself in the mirror. You frown.
What's that ? That's not your t-shirt ? You take it between your index and thumb, creasing the fabric. When was the last time you invited someone over ? Did it belong to one of your exes's ? You can't seem to remember.
You sniff it for a second, even if the odds were low, that maybe the person's smell would still be there. It's not, well, you don't think it is anyway. It smells clean, not a perfume, more like simple laundry.
As long as it's clean ! And nobody ever asked you to give it back so... Guess it's yours now. Before leaving for the kitchen, you check the pile of dirty clothes in your closet, learning with surprise that a lot of your supposed clean clothes are in it.
Okay, you're definitely going crazy to forget such things.
You rub your face, trying to wake you up before finally going to the kitchen. Phone is discarded on the counter while you search for anything good in the fridge. But a ringing followed by numerous vibrations grabs your attention away. Dragging your feet to your phone, you're confused at the sigh of a number you previously erased, waning to forget it.
Ethan Landry.
Ethan is calling you, you know it because you memorized his number. You let the ringtone pass, hoping he would give up. When your vocal messaging informed him to leave a message, you thought he would finally send you a text and let it go. But he called again, and again. Until you pick up, after the third call.
Only to be greeted by utter silence.
Great, he harasses you by phone and doesn't talk. What is wrong with him ? He better have good excuses.
“Ethan ? you ask, confused. A throat clearing on the other hand of the call is the only proof of his presence.
-Uh, hi, man. How, uh, how are you doing ? he asks, more awkward than ever. He’s out of breath.
Weird, why is he talking like that ? You check the time with a frown, he’s probably still in public transport, hence his breathless state. It’s Wednesday, the day he goes for errants. That’s probably where he was.
-I’m fine, man." You insisted particularly on the last word. "How are you doing ? Why the late call ? " It’s not that late by any means, it’s only 7PM (19h) but it’s confusing coming from him, especially after his long absence.
-I was just… Checking, I guess. It’s been a while.
Of course it has, he’s the one who ghosted you.
-Right, that's not really my fault though…” Awkward. What's he going to say now ? What does he really want ?
-Yeah, I kind of panicked, I guess. Sorry about that." And that's it. His sole excuse is "I panicked". Great. Nice. He clearly cares for you a lot ! How could you crush on this guy ?
You’re able to hear crumplings on his side, which makes you ask yourself whether he is really in transports or already home. Though, there is no way you’ll ask him directly, that’ll make him believe you still think about him and remember his week’s schedule. Which you do, you still think about him and know his damn schedule. Ethan takes a deep breath, as if to instill courage into himself.
“It’s gonna sound weird, I’m aware. He pauses, preparing you (or himself) to his next words. Can you just talk to me ? You can tell me anything, really.
-What ?
-I can't sleep.
Is that a good or bad thing that he thought about you before sleeping ? You’d say bad, as he ignored you for weeks before, visibly, deciding he needed you enough to come back.
-Wow, I’m flattered you thought about me to fall asleep. You say ironically. Am I that boring ?
-No, you’re not… You’re not boring. He gulps his saliva. Just talk to me, please. I like your voice.
Something’s wrong with his voice. It’s like he remains out of breath. Maybe he’s running ? He’s a strong man, he’s probably doing a marathon or something. Wait, what are you talking about, he said he needed to sleep. He’s not running at all. Then what the hell ?
-Ethan, are you sure you’re okay ? You sound weird. What are you doing ?
-Nothing, he says, but you clearly hear him exhaling a long puff of air out of his nose. I think I’m a little sick.
-Ethan ? you ask again, resulting in him coughing after, you guess, badly swallowing his own saliva.
-Just talk to me, okay ? I’m on the edge of sleeping. Particular choice of words, Ethan.
-I don’t have anything to say, honestly. I worked today, that’s all.
-Tell me all about it.
You’re a cashier, there is literally nothing interesting enough to brag about. People are mean to you, others are nice. Being a cashier is long and boring.
-Helen, you know the girl with short hair I told you about, you start after seeing he wouldn’t let go. Ethan simply hums. She dropped the big pile of canned goods at the entrance and it fell on an old woman. She threatened to sue us.”
After this, you simply told him all about your day, even the most boring stuff. It was nice to have someone listening to you after a long day, on the other hand, it was Ethan you were talking to. Never had he interrupted you, only sometimes humming at your words or letting some kind of throaty sound out, making you aware he was still awake.
Sometimes as well, he would inhale, or exhale, louder, as if falling in and out of sleep.
But most of the time, his sheets would crease under him due to his constant movements. You don't know, but he seems agitated. Maybe he had a hard day ?
“...but he told me it was my job to clean after him ! I’m a cashier, not a slave. I told him I’d call the manager and, of course, he got escorted out. Seriously, people are so impolite, why do they think it’s okay to look down on me ? He did not answer, did he finally fall asleep ?
-Ethan ?” you ask, almost whispering.
He’s not sleeping, you realize. You clearly still hear his frantic breathing, he’s talking, too. You can’t quite understand but it looks like curses. “Ethan ?” you call. Putting the call on speaker, you listen carefully to each sound coming from him. What the hell is he doing ? Your ear catches another sound, lower, distant but very much here. Confusion paints your face, you approach your ear on the screen hoping to hear better.
Faint, swift wet sounds paired with his frantic breathing create an image of Ethan you never thought you’d hear. You can only think about one thing, him laying on his bed, jerking off talking to you.
This can’t be real. Ethan, it’s Ethan on the phone. He’s not a creep. He’s a shy man, and most of all, he’s straight. Ethan can’t be attracted to you, right ? Your heart is pounding in your rib cage from panic, stress, excitation; everything at once.
“Ethan are you fucking touching yourself over me right now ? he quietly moans.
-Yes, yes I am. Please don’t hang up, just… Just wait a little bit, please." His phone hits something, probably his chest, because now all you hear are the wet movements of his hand on his member.
Is it you or is it getting kind of hot in there ?
You stare at the wall, completely lost and overwhelmed by the situation, eyes not wanting to close. Ethan is jerking off on the phone, right now. He’s moaning, having stopped hiding by now. Is it a red flag ? It’s sort of weird to masturbate on the phone with someone not even aware of it. Ethan mutters something sounding like a question, you gulp, regaining your senses and asking him to repeat.
-I need to suck your dick really bad.
Oh !
Heat spread throughout your whole body in a generalized shiver at his words. You were absolutely burning from the inside. It’s now necessary to choose or you won’t be able to later. Are you really turned on or are you just missing being desired ? Are you excited by Ethan or do you just like the idea of him finally returning your affection ? You wouldn't have been turned on if your ex told you he's been touching himself and not even listening to you, in fact, you would have got angry and humiliated. But it's Ethan and you won't meet a man like him ever again.
-Face-time me, he pleads.
Taking your phone away from your ear, you click on the camera icon without thinking. Immediately, his clothed legs appear as well as his dick, your eyes going as wide as saucers. His jogging pants are soaked, it’s sticking to his skin through the fabric. Your member twitches in your pants, one of your hands quiver closer to it.
-Look at me, he whispers.
How many times has he came already ? And was it on the phone ? You didn’t even hear him ! His dick is shiny with cum, his hand is sliding on the tip, holding it firmly. His sighs only grow louder and louder. Backing against the counter, you start rubbing your dick through your pants, enthralled by the scene before you.
All of this, just for you ?
-I’m sorry, he whimpers, I’m sorry. I… His hips move against his hand to follow the movement but he moves so fast that his dick slips out of his hold, resulting in a frustrated sigh leaving his lips. Seeing him acting so desperate has you putting your hand in your pants immediately.
-I shouldn’t have ghosted you. He mutters, fueling your ego by finally obtaining remorse from him. It’s bad, but you’re so damn horny right now you’re drinking his words. We should’ve fucked that day…
-Yeah, you sigh dreamily, we should've.
-Let me see it, let me see your dick. With such hungry words, you can’t do much but oblige. You lower your pants enough to take out your cock, pointing the camera at it. Ethan moans, his hand going down to play with his balls. Knew you’d be sexy.
Fuck, the effect he has on you was almost worrying. You were so down bad for him, glad he’s in the same situation. Knowing he thought about you like that for a moment as well was so sexy you could burst in your pants.
Blinking slowly with eyes hazed by desire, you notice his legs moving to the side, spreading open. You now realize, even if it’s logical, that he’s in his room and that you’ve never seen it before. He displayed lot of posters on his walls, it's dark so it's hard to see what is it. Looking haphazardly around him, your eyes widen in confusion, curiosity replacing horniness for a brief moment.
Something caught your eyes in his room, you did not notice it until now as his dick was honestly more important than anything, but a book is on his bed. Your hand slows its movements on your member, utterly unhinged by its content. It’s not a book but a photo album, it’s disgustingly stained with cum and the picture in it is well too familiar for your liking.
-Ethan, is that…
My face ? you thought, not having enough strength to end your sentence.
-Yeah, he moans, so sexy like that. You’re so sexy when you don’t know I’m here. So handsome. My man, mine, so sexy.
What ?
-Want you to cum on my face like I cum on yours. His hand rubs frenetically at his dick. I’d... I'd swallow it all for you, he sighs. Want to be all yours. Forever. He ends his sentence on a shaky note, making you believe he was on the verge on coming.
His movements gained speed, wet sounds invading both his place and yours. You were second guessing everything really hard.
-Want to be your cumdump for you to use when you want...” Getting chill from his words, you hang up on the spot, throwing your phone on the counter before you. Looking down, you stare at your semi soft member, suddenly feeling disgusted by what you did. You get dressed up again, putting a hand on your tummy as if to prevent you from throwing up.
What the hell was that ?
Since when did Ethan… How did he… Why… He was jerking off to pictures of you ? What is wrong with him ? At one point, Ethan must have finished his business as your phone vibrates on the counter. You send daggers at it, not wanting to look at it one bit. But somehow, you do anyway, only to regret it instantly after. He sent you a photo.
A photo of that damned book, your head close-up full of his cum with his dick on the lower part of the screen, followed by a smiling emoji. You stare at it for a while, asking yourself at which point were you supposed to guess that Ethan was a psychopath. After some seconds, he sends you another text, one you almost shiver over.
“What do you think about coming over tomorrow ?“
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Safe Haven
Series Part Listing Found Here
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Neteyam x Original Na'vi Female Character
Summery: Seeking refuge, Xilä and her father venture to the lands of the Omatikaya clan, in the hopes that the Toruk Makto would be generous in allowing them to stay. This is her story about not only finding her strength, but finding love. 
Warning: This story contains smut, violence & abuse (please don't read if these topics will affect you)
Some characters have been aged up. Neteyam in particular is 23.
Xilä is my own creation.
Part 13 - Tea
“He didn’t sleep well at all last night, he kept fussing and crying and wouldn’t settle for anything,” D’avi explained concernedly as she gently eased her baby into Kiri’s arms. 
“They are sensitive little things at this age,” Kiri said, smiling down at a whiny L’eo, shushing him softly with a comforting rock as his tiny face scrunched up in upset. “But I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about,” she soothed as she began to examine him. “Did he feed well this morning?” she asked, fingers pressing down gently on his pudgy tummy. 
“My L’eo’s got his father’s appetite. He won’t miss a meal for anything. Do you think that could be it?”
“Hmm…” Kiri peaked at his gums, examined his tail and took her time to run through every other check up she was taught to in her lessons. 
“D’av, I think it's just gas. Everything else seems fine and he’s in quite good spirits for someone who hasn’t slept much. There are a few stretches we can try to get his tummy to settle and then we’ll see if he’ll go down for a nap,” she advised, holding L’eo to her chest as she alternated between rubbing circles and patting him on the back. 
Xilä sat nearby with L’eya in the cradle of her thighs. The baby was all uncoordinated kicking feet and happy coos as she held Xi’s thumb in a firm grip- tiny tail curled contentedly. 
At three weeks old, the twins amazed Xi each time she interacted with them. It was shocking that they already had such noticeable little personalities. 
Xi had stayed over at the Sully’s last night for one of her and Kiri’s weekly sleepover sessions. They hadn’t had one in well over a month and were long overdue for some quality time together. 
Early that morning when they left the Sully residence, they decided to check in on the new mother and her adorable little ones before heading for their healer lessons. 
With the twins finally down for their morning nap, the three women lounged comfortably as they chatted and snacked on ripened fruit.
The two younger women were currently in hysterics over D’avi’s theatrics, palms over their mouths as they tried to stifle their laughter so as to not wake the sleeping infants. 
Xilä had simply asked her why Yalnïk seemed a bit grumpy when he left for the day, and her sister who seemed to have no filter, said, “Because I refused to give him sex this morning.” 
That was then followed by a frustrated rant from the new mother. 
D’vai sighed dramatically by the end of her speech. “I’m telling you, my husband's family bear extremely fertile men! When we finally decided it was time, we didn’t even have to try…he practically just touched me and poof, two babies just like that.”  
“Ahh, so that’s the problem there then…you’re afraid he will get you pregnant again, hmm?” Kiri asked behind a snicker. 
“Yes!” she hissed. “I’ve only just been cleared two days ago, and the man is insatiable!” she cried. “And it's not like I don't want to jump his bones too, because believe me I do- so badly it’s not even funny.”
“I don’t get it, what’s stopping you?” Kiri asked, trying to contain her laughter.
Xilä had been silent the entire time, cheeks a flamed from the present conversation.
“Ugh. Keep up will you,” she sassed, “I haven’t left this tent for weeks, remember? I’m only withholding it because I have no ingredients to brew the Qla’ira root tea. I refuse to get pregnant again so soon.”
“Ohhhh. Well why didn’t you just say so,” Kiri huffed, amused. “I’ll bring you back a pouch after my lessons today,” she promised. “But honestly, I feel like it’s your fate, ya know?” the eldest Sully daughter teased. “Your husband has six siblings. And each of them already have-”
“No. Just no,” D’avi said horrified as she tried to contain her laughter at the absurdity. “Listen. I am taking absolutely no chances. And I love my children, I do, but I’ll admit I’m going to miss being pregnant with them.” 
Kiri and Xi laughed at her confession. 
“I’m serious! I didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant while being pregnant. Now I’m back to drinking that bitter tea every morning if I want my fun,” she grumbled.  
“Qla’ira root tea isn't that bad," Xi laughed, finally chipping in to the conversation. “If you add a leaf from the Saf’rál plant while it brews, it actually makes it semi sweet and it doesn’t disrupt the effects of the medicinal properties,” Xilä said distractedly as she collected their empty bowls with the intention of washing them up. “I find it quite nice actually.”
The tent grew eerily quiet. 
“What?” Xi asked, freezing on the spot when she noticed the other two staring at her with slacked jaws and round eyes. Mentally running over her words, Xilä paled when she realized what she had said. “No. Wait. I- I just meant-”
“No. NO…you said what you said, Xilä. Spit it out. Since when did you start drinking Qla’ira root tea?” D’avi demanded, sitting up straight as her tail sprung high. 
The tea in question was contraceptive or better yet, one of the more effective methods the Na’vi used. And since her husband seemed to like to fuck her as if it were his life’s mission to keep her constantly full of his seed…Xilä thought that said tea was necessary. 
“D’av…” Xi whispered, unable to formulate a sentence, mind still in shock at what she had accidentally admitted. 
“Oh shit. Oh Great Mother!” Kiri exclaimed with a disbelieving laugh. “You’re bonded to my brother…aren't you? And don’t even try to lie. You just admitted to drinking Qla’ira root tea, Xi. You know only mated women drink that in order to prevent pregnancy. There’s no other possible reason you’d need it. So save your breath because it's also literally written all over your face.” 
“You guys…”
“Aha! Oh this is just hilarious,” Kiri cried, grinning so wide, she looked almost giddy.  
“Xi…” D’avi however, seemed to be needing that verbal confirmation. 
Xilä released a breath and rubbed the space between her eyes. “Um…yeah…Neteyam is my husband,” she mumbled out. 
“Xilä!” her sister yelled, a tinge of hurt poking through. 
“We were going to announce it when we got back, I promise! But then you were in labor and so many other things came up! You know with all the new security measures and my classes, then in between we were still making preparations for our tent and…I- I’m so sorry…”
A wail broke through the silence that followed, accompanied by a fussy whine. They had been too loud it seemed. 
“You stay right there Xilä- or should I say Xilä Sully. Don’t you dare move,” D’avi threatened as she got to her feet to tend to her fussing babies behind the privacy curtain. 
Xilä groaned, bowing her head in defeat. 
“So…How long were you two actually planning on hiding this then?” Kiri asked curiously, when it was just the two of them left. 
“I don’t know…We talked about it a couple times but it was never the right time. He never said it out loud, but I think Neteyam’s been trying to prolong it until my father left for good.”
“Ah.” Her friend nodded in understanding. “It’s less than two weeks away now, hm?”
“Are you upset?” Xi asked softly. 
“Not even a little,” Kiri chuckled. “I’m surprised, but I’m nothing but happy for you two…If anything it makes a lot more sense now.”
“How so?”
“Grandmother advanced your lessons further than mine. She’s teaching you things healers don’t normally learn… Tsahìk things…Which means, she knows, right?” she explained with a smile. “Then there’s also the whole drama from last night,” she said with a nonchalant shrug. 
“What drama?!” 
“Are you kidding me? Xilä, Neteyam behaved as if he was sending you off to war last night, when all you were doing was sleeping over- in my room and not his. You’d swear he was never going to see you again the way he was hanging all over you.”  
“Right…” Xi muttered, cheeks tinting uncontrollably. She hadn't seen anything wrong with his behavior last night. But thinking about it from an outsider’s perspective, she could see what Kiri was talking about. 
Neteyam had always been affectionate with her in private. And to a degree, even before they started fooling around too. Now that they were a mated pair however, her husband was every bit attentive. He gravitated to her whenever she was near- always having to hold her or touch her, even if it was in some small way or the other. 
Whether it was to link their fingers together, or drag her into his lap, to hug her from behind as they stood- his chin on top of her head or to simply curl his tail around hers whenever they sat side by side. 
And if she was being very honest, she loved it. She was a glutton for his touch. 
Kiri rolled her eyes fondly at her friend. Her next comment was interrupted however, by Sal entering the tent unannounced. The flap had been left open to allow fresh air in. 
“You are too kind my dear. It is a beautiful thought. My D’avi will love it. Come in, come in. Oh- good morning girls,” the elder said with a surprised smile when she noticed them. 
She was eagerly ushering in someone and Xilä gasped almost inaudibly when she noticed Neytiri following right behind with what looked like a gift- a lavender dyed cloth, tied off with a beaded chord. 
She remembered seeing her wrap said gift just last night after she’d eaten dinner with the Sullys. It was a birthing gift for D’avi. 
“Xi darling, did you have a good time last night? I thought you’d be off to your class by now,” Sal said, making her way over to collect their used dishes. She was such a mother. 
Xi had momentarily forgotten that the elder came by every morning to help her daughter with the twins.
“I wondered where the two of you were off too so early,” Neytiri teased. “Where is D’a-”
“Right. So how long have you been hiding the fact that you and Neteyam are mates now? I want to know every- Oh Great Mother…” D’avi’s eyes widened, palm slapping over her mouth in panic when she noticed the two newcomers. 
She’d been busy securing the privacy curtain with her back towards them, completely unaware as she’d spoken those words. 
“WHAT?!” both mothers yelled simultaneously. 
“Oh fuck,” Xilä whispered, covering her face with the palms of her hands.
Neytiri’s brows narrowed. “You are mated to my son?!” she screeched. 
“Xilä, tell me this isn’t true,” Sal said almost as loudly. 
At their outbursts, the tent was suddenly filled with the sounds of two crying babies. 
“Neytiri…Sal,” Xi whispered, standing to face them with a broken expression, trying to formulate an explanation. She would admit, their overly upset reactions had her feeling panicked. 
“Oh darling,” Sal cooed, noting her daughter’s distraught expression, closing the distance to hug her. 
“I’m s-sorry,” Xilä said, frantically. The looks alone on the mothers' faces had told her the situation was bigger than it actually was. 
Taking a deep breath, the Olo’eykte realized her reaction was over the top as well. “No, Xi. It is I who must apologize. Be calm, daughter. We are not upset with you,” Neytiri said kindly. “Please sit. We wish to know how this has happened.” 
The jig was up. 
The moment Neteyam walked into D’avi and Yalnïk’s tent that morning to check in on Xi, he stopped dead in his tracks. 
‘Shit. Here we go,’ he thought with an accepting sigh of defeat, feeling the sting of the stares from the women seated around the table before him. 
They knew….
He should have just left for his hunt first thing, but no, he wanted to see his mate first. 
“Um. Hi,” he said awkwardly, trying to meet his wife's gaze, but unable to since her braided hair shielded her face.
Shit. She only ever did that when she was upset. 
“Sit down,” his mother ordered through clenched teeth. It was clear as day, his mother was pissed.
As he sat beside his sister, he glanced at the other women’s expressions. 
Kiri looked amused and highly entertained. Sal eyed him with an unnerving frown, not only completely silent, but entirely still. The elder was usually a ball of constant energy, so it was quite an alarming sight. And then there was D’avi, who was currently breastfeeding her baby girl. His sister-in-law was the most bizarre- she looked… apologetic? 
“It has come to our attention that you and Xilä are mated,” Neytiri said matter-of-factly. 
Neteyam blinked, eyes shifting to try and find Xi’s again. “Yes. We are mated before Eywa,” he replied without guilt or shame. 
Something in his mother’s expression clicked. It softened into what looked like recognition.  
In actuality those were very familiar words to Neytiri. She’d said the exact same thing to her own mother many years ago. 
“My ‘Teyam, why didn’t you say before? You have taken away our opportunity to celebrate the two of you. You know our ways! We did not get to complete any of the ceremonial blessings of your union. We,” she gestured to herself and the elder beside her, “never even got to hold the official meeting of the two families,” she said in a hurt tone. 
Pointed ears falling back, Neteyam nodded solemnly. “I’m sorry,” he said sincerely, directing the apology to both women. “I’m sorry I took that away from you…I did what was best for my mate and I…and I’m sorry, but I don’t regret my actions.” 
“Of course you don’t…you have bonded for life with the woman that you love,” Neytiri said softly. “..........Does your father know?” she inquired. 
At his nod, she pursed her lips. “I take it that is why the council hasn’t approached me? They know too?” she asked, frown deepening the more she spoke. It also explained why her friend Fe’ska had seemed somewhat cold of late. “Hmph,” she hummed in hurt. 
“Mother, I know you feel wronged, but please do not be upset with Xilä, okay? She did nothing-”
“Bah! I am not upset with her! I told her as much….I will forgive you eventually, seeing that it is you who should’ve known better…I fear I will not be able to save you from your in-law's wrath however. You were selfish with your thinking,” she said disappointedly. 
Neteyam could tell she felt betrayed from all sides. The fact that not only he, but his father and the Council hadn’t said anything to her- he knew she was hurting. 
“Sal…” he started, but the elder simply brushed him off with the flick of her hand. 
“Hush now. I know why you did it that way. And as much as I want to throttle you for taking away my chance at being by my daughter’s side in the blessing rituals…well I get it,” she said, worried eyes on her youngest daughter’s still quiet demeanor. “You can apologize to me properly in the full presence of our families tonight,” she chided with a sincere smile. 
“Tonight?” he frowned, wide golden eyes darting between the elder and his mother. 
“Yes,” Neytiri said. “I have welcomed Salveen and her family to our home for dinner tonight. We will be celebrating your union. It will be our own version of the meeting of the two families- where we will still give you our blessing," she said firmly.
Neteyam was about the protest but his sister cut him off. “Shut up skxawng,” she hissed under her breath, jabbing him with her elbow. “It’s the least you can do. Look at them, they need this.” 
“Alright,” he agreed reluctantly. 
“Xi….Xilä! Xi wait!” Neteyam called, rushing through the encampment to catch up with her. “Xi-”
“Why didn’t you tell me!” she snapped, rounding on him with a fiery glare that was more cute than intimidating. 
“No, don’t baby me right now! I didn’t even know there was supposed to be blessing ceremonies, much less a meeting of the two families and Eywa knows what else!” 
“You should have told me, Neteyam!” 
Neteyam's jaw clenched at the sight of a few nearby onlookers, some leaning in to whisper among themselves as they openly stared. 
Linking his fingers with hers, he steered them further through Camp and straight into a familiar storage tent. 
It was the same one they’d used many times before to fool around in- the one that housed the wood and kindling for the cook’s fires. 
Stepping away to give her space, he faced her apologetically. “Xilä, I’m sorry, okay? I really am-” 
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” she asked again, not angrily, but more not understanding. 
He released a breath and reached out for her. “I thought I was doing the right thing,” he murmured as he hugged her close, relieved that she came willingly. “You get so overwhelmed sometimes when there’s too much attention on you. I was trying to protect you. I know you sweetheart, you would have forced yourself through all those rituals just to please everyone else.” 
“Maybe,” she agreed, “but I still would have preferred if you told me,” she grumbled into his chest unhappily. “You should have seen their faces when they found out, Teyam, they looked so devastated. We took away something they were eagerly looking forward to. It was important to them.” 
“Mm. Well, they’ll get over it,” he said, irked. She was already falling for the bullshit. 
“Neteyam!” she chastised in surprise by his retort, trying to squirm out from his hold- but he wasn’t having it. 
Lifting her by the armpits, he sat her on top a stack of thick wood slabs, caging her in with arms on either side of her thighs, face leaning down to become level with hers. 
“See, this is exactly what I am talking about. You’ve fallen for that whole act our mothers just put on,” he said sternly. “Well guess what? It would have been ten times worse if we had put up any little fight and said we wanted to do things our way. And you know what? You would’ve given in. Do you know what those rituals involve? Do you know the extent of all the ceremonies? It’s not just a simple clan gathering where you stand in the middle for two seconds and that’s it. It’s all eyes on you, baby. And that includes all the assholes who’d glare with judgement the entire time by the way. I love our family, honestly I do. But I know you, wife. You would have forced yourself to do whatever our mothers wanted, just to make them happy and you would have been miserable the entire time.”
As silence fell over them, his eyes bore into hers, breath slightly labored after his long winded speech.
“Tell me I’m wrong, Xi.” 
She stared at him unblinkingly, absorbing his words. “You’re not wrong, no…” she admitted, “but you’re not right either!” she snapped, folding her arms. “You said we don’t hide things from each other anymore. This was something we should have decided together, as a team. You should have told me no matter what. I love that you’re trying to protect me, but…please don’t take my choices away from me, Neteyam.” 
Head bowed, Neteyam released a remorseful breath. “Fuck.” 
Xilä turned to see his expression. He looked wrecked- she could tell he was beating himself up about it. Her husband could be his worst enemy sometimes. 
She cupped his face to pull him closer, arms hooked around his neck as she nuzzled her nose into his cheek. 
“I fucked up. Xi, I’m sorry. I didn’t think about it like that…” he whispered into her shoulder, shaking his head as shame filled him. 
“I think you’re just blinded by your love for me,” she teased, making him release a laugh at her joke. 
“How mad are you at me right now?” he asked, standing his full height to face her properly. 
“I'm not mad,” she frowned, pulling him into the V of her thighs by his belt. “Just- just a bit frustrated maybe. I still love you the same amount if that’s what you’re worried about,” she smiled. “We’re bound to have disagreements now and again.” 
“Wait, that’s it?” he asked. 
“What do you mean?” she laughed, staring at his confused expression- it was freaking adorable. 
“You forgive me? Just like that?” 
Xilä rolled her eyes, amused by her husband’s reaction. “Neteyam. I’m not going to make you jump through hoops for my forgiveness. We both communicated our feelings on the matter…We’re good.” 
“Alright...Well would you at least let me make it up to you then?” he requested, eyes suddenly glinting with mischief as a hand crept up the inside of her top to fondle her breast. 
“Oh you’re so slick, huh?” she mused. 
“Maybe a little,” he shrugged. “You know they say make up sex is supposed to be really hot,” he taunted against her lips, his free hand hooking behind a knee, steadying her when he rocked into her core once, letting her feel his growing intention. 
“Make up sex?” she echoed with a humored frown, squirming to get him to rock into her again.  
“Mhm. We just had our first fight. So now we have to make it all better.” 
“Oh really?” she sang, dropping her head backwards while he peppered kisses along the column of her neck. 
Xilä gasped when he bit her lightly, teasing her with his tongue and teeth. 
“Mmmm. Handsome I can’t though. I’m way past late for my lesson with your grand-” 
“What is it that you’re always saying?” he pondered, fast fingers untying the knot of her skirt. “Ohhh right. We can be quick about it,” he mimicked in a girlish voice. 
She laughed and fixed him with a playful glare. “I do not sound like that. Is that how you think my voice sounds?”  
“Just one please, Teyam,” he imitated again, baring her hardened nipples with a simple tug, smiling down at them as if they were long lost friends finally being reunited. “That’s exactly how you sound, baby. Where’s my greedy mate gone today? Hm?” he taunted again. 
Neteyam stopped his pawing to smirk at her, enjoying the way she bit her lip in contemplation. “I missed you last night,” he confessed, voice low in honesty. 
“I missed you too, handsome. We should talk later…now that everyone knows, I want us to move in together…please?”
“Yes. Fuck yes. We’re moving in tonight. I don’t care how late this dinner goes,” he said urgently, nodding his head vigorously. 
Xilä laughed out loud. He was like a child finally being granted his favourite treat. 
“Okay,” she agreed, “So then we can just do the make up sex later then, yeah? I don’t want to walk into your grandmother’s tent smelling of you. I’ve been mortified enough for the past few months alone,” she chucked, trying to sit up and right her strewn top. 
“Mmmm, yeah I guess,” he said reluctantly before deciding something else. “Lemme eat you out at least,” he grumbled, going onto his knees with much determination, causing to laugh out loud again. 
“Wait, hang on,” he said, mere inches away from her damp center. “How did they find out about us anyway?” he asked, peering up at her. 
“Ummm. I, well I may have let it slip that I drink Qla’ira root tea,” she admitted, fiddling with one of his braids sheepishly. 
Neteyam rolled his eyes. “That damn fucking tea,” he grumbled before turning back to his task. 
Xilä’s amusing chuckle turned into a moan.
Her husband apparently had a rivalry with said tea. He’d glare at it every time he saw her drink it. 
He pulled back to grin up at her with shiny lips. “Are you going to stay nice and quiet for me, sweetheart?”
Neteyam anxiously waited at the threshold of his home for the arrival of his mate and her family that evening. 
Sal was all smiles when she greeted him first. One arm full with a beautifully assembled arrangement of flowers which he assumed was a gift for his parents. She patted his cheek affectionately, with a, “Hello my dear boy,” before heading inside without needing an invitation.  
D’avi was right behind her, juggling two wiggling babies. “Here,” she said with a tired yawn and dark under eyes, handing him an infant in greeting. “Have some practice.” And then she was gone. 
Blinking down at the tiny squirming baby girl in his arms, Neteyam felt himself begin to panic when she released an unhappy whine. 
Muscle memory kicking in, he adjusted her more comfortably in the cradle of his arms, bouncing her gently the same way he used to with Tuk. 
“Hey, hey. None of that, you’re okay. It’s alright,” Neteyam soothed. “Don’t worry L’eya, I’ll talk to your mom about just handing you off without warning. But we’ll give her a break for now, she’s probably tired, yeah?” he smiled. 
L’eya’s face scrunched up into a cute pout, unsure whether to cry or not, big golden eyes peering up at him in uncertainty. But then she eventually settled, letting out a surprisingly loud coo as she stretched. 
“Hey man, cute baby,” Yalnïk teased when he arrived a few moments after- arms overfull and ladened with a bounty of items. 
“Hey…Ah, what’s all of this?” Neteyam asked in alarm. 
“Fuck if I know. Gifts I’m assuming. My mate and mother-in-law just said to bring ‘em. I’m not going to ask questions.” 
“Smart man,” Neteyam laughed, wiping away a bit of drool flowing down L’eya’s chin. “Xi and Jxo behind?” 
“Yeah, I believe they were finishing their chat …Speaking of,” he continued, using his chin to catch a parcel that almost went tumbling, nudging it back into place. “Brother…you and Xi,” he said disbelievingly. “You’ve got balls, I’ll give you that.” 
Neteyam scoffed at the man’s comment, amused all the same. “How’d Jxo seem?” he couldn’t help asking.   
“I honestly can’t tell. But hey, a word of advice, use the baby. Great shield.” 
“Yalnïk, I’m not going to use you kid to-” 
But Yalnïk was already making his way inside, citing that his arms were getting tired. 
Xi and Jxo were the last to show up. Hurrying ahead of her father when she spotted him, Xilä was practically swooning at the sight of him holding baby L’eya. 
“Hi handsome,” she said sweetly, leaning up to give him a peck on the lips. “You look good holding a baby,” she whispered, biting her bottom lip appreciatively.  
“Are you getting ideas sweetheart?” 
“Maaaybe,” she sang, shaking L’eya’s hand gently, smiling when the baby kept trying to pull her finger into her drooly mouth. 
“Don’t tempt me Xilä Sully,” he said with a low growl, darkening eyes firmly set on his wife’s face. If he had his way, she’d be fucking pregnant already. 
Jxo approached just then, stopping whatever comment she was about to make and halting the naughty thoughts swirling in both their heads. 
“Xi, why don’t you head in darling. I want to have a word with my…son-in-law,” the elder said, narrowed glare forcing Neteyam to swallow uncomfortably. 
“Alright. Want me to take her?” she asked her mate, referring to the little one in his arms. 
“Uh,” Neteyam shot a glance at the elder. “No babe, I think I’m good,” he replied, shifting the infant higher up his chest so her cheek rested against his shoulder.  
It was almost comical how tiny the baby was in comparison to the large palm supporting her bobbing head. 
Mirth danced in Xilä’s eyes at her husband’s response and obvious shift to display the baby better. She’d seen Yalnïk pull the same move before. 
“Okay, I’ll just head in then,” she said with a piercing glare, darting between the two men as if saying behave. 
L’eya sucking on her thumb, accompanied by her soft sighs and baby hums were the only sounds heard for the following few moments. It was an awkward silence, and Neteyam couldn’t get a good read on Jxo’s expression for shit. So he stayed quiet until the man addressed him. 
Clicking his tongue, the elder’s gruff voice rang out. “Look…I’m not happy about the way you went about all of this. Fuck if I didn’t get a frustrated earful from my wife…but I get it. You did it for Xilä.” 
“I did,” Neteyam said firmly, glancing down with a quirk of his lip when he felt L’eya’s tail tickle the back of his hand as it wiggled around lazily. 
“I don’t agree with it, but if Xi wasn’t who she was- if I didn’t know that this was the best way for her, we’d be having a very different conversion,” he said, arms folded and still serious faced. 
“I’m sorry, Jxo,” Neteyam apologized sincerely, he knew he owed him that much. 
The elder nodded. “Yeah well, my kid’s happy, so- that’s the most important thing,” Jxo said. “Now listen here, I’m going to tell you the same thing I told Yalnïk…You’re her husband now, not her little boyfriend. That means something. Understood?”
Neteyam smiled, shaking his head up and down in understanding. “Understood,” he echoed. 
“Good…Now hand over my granddaughter,” his father-in-law said with a surprising full blown smile. 
Although at the start, Neteyam was fidgety and awkward, the dinner, as it turned out, was a surprisingly lovely affair. 
Since the moment Xilä and her family had arrived that evening, he had been a ball of nerves.
It was the oddest thing, he didn't have any reason to be nervous but yet the sight of both their families mingling in one closed knit space had him crossing every toe and finger, hoping all went well. 
Specifically for Xilä. 
Neteyam kept glancing at his wife to make sure she wasn’t uncomfortable in any way, constantly checking in.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked for probably the fifth time that evening. 
“Stop,” she hissed under her breath with an amused grin. 
“What? I’m just checking to-”
“Shh. Look,” she said, jerking her head at the sight before them covertly. “Look at our family,” she whispered, smiling eyes already staring. 
Taking his time to observe, Neteyam started on his left where his brother was seated, around the large round table. 
Lo’ak and Yalnïk were in a heated debate over the best fishing tactics- the older man shaking his head vigorously in disagreement. 
“No way man, you’d get yourself killed if you pulled a stunt like that! Remind me to never take you fishing, Lo’ak,” he joked, slightly horrified over whatever crazy idea Lo’ak had just described. 
Tuk had squeezed herself between Yalnïk and his wife the moment they all sat for their meal, and D’avi was currently showing her how to hold a squirming baby L’eya, adjusting the overexcited seven year old’s arms accordingly. 
Then, next to D’avi, were Sal and Neytiri who spoke softly to each other. Neteyam’s brow raised at the sight. 
Salveen was a naturally loud and boisterous woman, he could tell she was trying to be calm and distinguished in the presence of his parents. Sal held high respect for his mother, he knew.
He’d dare say it was almost adorable to see her complement his mother on her taste in home decor. 
Beside his mother sat his grandmother and his sister. The two women were completely smitten with baby L’eo. Mo’at may be a stern and no nonsense Na’vi, but the elder completely melted when it came to younglings. “They are our future,” was what she’d always said. 
Lastly, making the last of the round table, was his father and Jxo. Slowly sipping on their fermented wine, they seemed to be in their own world. 
Straining to make out their words, Neteyam fought off a blush when he realized they were talking about him and his “poor attempts” of sneaking into Xilä’s room.  
Jake followed the elder’s story by beginning to share an embarrassing one of his own about his eldest son. 
“Dad!” Neteyam cried, hastily covering his wife’s ears. She was right next to Jxo and soaking up everything that was being said. “You promised never to repeat that incident.” 
“I did no such thing,” Jake laughed. “Close your ears if you don’t want to hear then.” 
“Babe, don’t listen to him,” he told Xi, bodily lifting her to his other side with ease, between him and Lo’ak, causing the entire table to burst into laughter over his behavior. 
When things settled again, Xilä pressed up into his side- cheek to shoulder. “Do you see it then? They’re all here for us. It’s amazing isn’t it?” she mused quietly, still peering at the different interactions in front of them. 
Neteyam nodded, it was in fact an amazing sight- their both families mingled as one.
Kissing the top of her head, he felt her closeness wash over him, calming his anxiety from before. “I love you Xilä Sully.”
As they feasted, the conversations changed with rapid fluidity. 
At one point when Lo’ak asked, Kiri relayed the story of how Sal and Neytri had accidentally found out- keeping of course the entire Qla’ira root tea topic out of it. 
The moment she said the words, “and then Neteyam goes, We are mated before Eywa,” Mo’at shocked them all by releasing a loud bark of laughter.
Slacked jaws and raised brows all around, the Tsahìk simply glanced at her daughter and then at her son-in-law. “Sound familiar?” she asked them knowingly with a delighted gleam in her eyes. 
Unbelievably, Neteyam’s parents turned embarrassed, with tinted cheeks and flattened ears. 
The rest of the night went just as wonderful. 
When it was finally time, Neteyam and Xilä stood before Mo’at while she sang a chanting prayer, waving a burning piece of incensed bark as she blessed their union. 
The Tsahìk’s words held strong meaning and Xilä’s eyes filled with tears as she stared up at her mate, even Neteyam felt his own prickle. 
Sal, Jxo, Neytiri, Jake. Each took their turn to complete the blessing ceremony. They were all proud grins and teary smiles. 
The final step was a bit of torture for Neteyam. 
Fingers dipped in bright pigmented paint, he and Xilä took turns to trace over the lines of each other’s face and body. 
Neteyam had to remind himself they were in the presence of their family. He couldn’t ravish his wife the way he very much wanted to at that moment. 
She was beautiful- cyan skin glowing beneath his artwork. 
By the time the evening turned well into the night, two groups broke off around the main room of the Sully tent. 
The women surrounded Xilä as she opened gift after gift. Housewarming tokens consisting of soft cushions, blankets and delicately sewn decor pieces that Sal had slaved over in secret. 
There was a beautiful set of wooden crafted bowls, cutting boards, little pots for spices and even a hand carved knife set for cooking- all made by Jxo. 
Meanwhile, Neyeam and the other men continued to lounge around the family table, enjoying a Na’vi game his father had once described as “a complicated version of chess.” 
Kiri had handed him baby L’eo before she left to join the others across the room. Whereas D’avi eased L’eya into his brother’s arms since her husband and gone to relieve himself. 
Lo’ak who was completely taken by surprise, was awkward in his handling of the infant. 
The baby stared at him for a few seconds before she instantly began to wail. The sight of Loak’s panicked and horror struck expression had all the men in hysterics. 
Then, as if sensing his sister’s distress, L’eo too followed by bursting into tears- cheeks staining purple as his features scrunched up in anger, tiny fists clenched tightly. 
Yalnïk arrived back just in time and took pity on Loak, taking his baby girl into his arms and calming her in seconds with a familiar Na’vi song and little pats on her back. 
Neteyam had just gotten L’eo to settle down as well when he locked eyes with his wife across the room. 
She looked away with a blush having been caught staring. 
The following day Xilä was a ball of excited energy. 
Tsahìk had kindly given her a few days off from her lessons which she absolutely appreciated, because it was time.
It was finally, moving day!
Their tent was bigger than most residential ones but far smaller than the Sully’s grand home and it was situated in a newly developed community on the western side of the clan. 
All morning Jxo and three of his woodwork guys were a flurry of coordinated efficiency. They were in and out as they brought in beautifully crafted furniture, one after the other. 
The men double checked and made sure the tent’s beams were secure and even installed the privacy drapes for her and Neteyam’s bedroom. 
Xi grinned as she watched them test the tent’s ventilation by lighting the indoor stove in her little kitchenette. The wood and kindling fueled stove was a neatly dug hole in the ground which was casted by hardened clay. 
Jxo really went all out for them.
People kept stopping by as well, congratulating them on their match. Word had gotten out by now about her and Neteyam. And the overwhelming support and genuinely happy persons over their union was both surprising and beautiful. 
The gifts and cooked food and treats kept coming as well. Xilä had no choice but to designate a corner of the tent for the ever growing pile. She’d have to sort through it all later, but she was immensely grateful. 
Neteyam, who had disappeared a while ago, returned with a heavy looking roll which was hefted onto his shoulder. He surprised her when he unrolled it to reveal a large colourful tapestry. 
“Teyam! You didn’t!” she exclaimed in shock, running her fingertips across the intricately beautiful design in disbelief. 
“You said you wanted one with all the colours from Sal’s friend,” he said with a shrug, obsessed with the way she was practically shaking in excitement. 
Without warning, she was surging onto the balls of her feet, arms around his neck to pull herself up his body, granting her access to pepper kisses all over his face. 
“I”- she kissed his cheek- “love”- nose-“you”- chin - “so freaking much,” she mumbled against his lips, uncaring of the chuckles from men around them working. 
Neteyam beamed, absorbing all her attention without complaint. 
“Alright, alright. Cut it out before I lose my breakfast,” Jxo grumbled from where he was crouched. He’d been adding a few finishing touches to the design he had carved on the large round table he built for them.
And despite his complaining, there was no actual bite to his tone. What was even more shocking was the covert nod of approval he sent Neteyam for making his daughter happy. 
Around lunch time Jake, Lo’ak, Yalnïk and his twin arrived. Between the four of them they heaved Neteyam’s heavy and massive hammock in, placing it where Xilä directed them to. 
Sal and one of her elderly friends showed up shortly after with basket ladened arms. They’d brought lunch for everyone, including two flasks full of freshly squeezed yovo juice. And to combat the midday heat the flasks had been left to chill in the river, so the juice was not only sweet but beastly cold. 
With the help of his mother and sisters, Neteyam only needed to make two trips, to and from home to move in his belongings. 
By late evening, when the men packed up their tools, and there was nothing else much for anyone to do, Xilä thanked them all profusely with the promise of making them each one of her Honey Cornbread loaves, to which the Olo'eyktan, nodded eagerly as he rubbed his hands together in excitement. 
When Jake had first tried her experimental sweet and savory loaf, he was flat out ecstatic. He inhaled an entire loaf on his own, complimenting her on how amazing it was. Her father-in-law had said the flavors tasted familiar to him. He’d said it reminded him of honey and cornbread, from back on earth. And so the name was born.
Sal, Jxo and Lo’ak were the last to leave. While her mother swept the tent one final time with a large feather-like leaf, Xilä hugged Jxo for a long time. She was feeling emotional for some reason. 
Neteyam watched the little family from where he stood arranging his weapon collection. When Salveen joined the hugging pair, the trio were all teary smiles and hushed whispers as they said their goodbyes.  
He made his way over when they eventually broke apart, leaning down to accept his mother-in-law’s kiss on the cheek, then clasping arms with his father-in-law, promising them again that he’d take care of their daughter. 
Hugging her from behind, he and Xi stood at the threshold as they watched her parents leave. 
“Thinking of running after them?” Neteyam joked quietly, tilting to kiss her pointed ear. 
“No. Why? Do you want to give me back to them already?” she teased, rubbing the muscled forearms circling her torso. 
“Never,” he hissed, nipping the tip of her ear and licking it to soothe the sting. 
“So I’ve been thinking-” Lo’ak said out loud, making the both of them jump. 
“Fucking hell Lo’ak!” Neteyam said, irked. 
“What? What did I- oh I see how it is, you forgot I was here…didn’t you,” he accused through a narrowed glare from his lounged position against an assembly he made of cushions. 
They’d been gifted so many cushions. 
Xilä felt her cheeks heat up. “Sorry,” she said apologetically, while her husband couldn’t be bothered. “You were saying, Lo’?”  
She returned to the table to continue folding the pile of clean laundry she had been working on before. 
Lo’ak popped another cluster of roasted ovumshrooms into his mouth first. “Right so I’ve been thinking- oh don’t give me that look, you two! You haven’t even heard the idea yet.”
Xi pursed her lips to stifle her laughter. Neteyam however plonked himself next to her, snagging an item from the pile to help her fold. 
“So you know how you don’t know when your birthday is, Xi?”
“Mhm,” she hummed distractedly, covertly snatching and hiding her undercloth from her clueless husband who was openly trying to figure out how to fold it. 
“Well, how about we give you one?”
“What?” she asked, head flickering to him as she paused mid task. 
“You always have to guess when the year’s up to know your age, correct?”
At her nod, he continued, “And you said you were nineteen when you first showed up here, right?” She nodded slowly again. “Well let’s give you a birthday then,” he shrugged. 
“Um, alright,” she said with a hesitant smile. “When do you suggest?” 
“Tomorrow,” he said without hesitation. “Once a year the txep syulangs go into hibernation, and when they do, they cast this glow for the entire day, all through the forest- the women go gaga over it,” he explained with a sarcastic eye roll. “Anyway, I think it’s the perfect day for your birthday.” 
“Lo’ak…that is so sweet of you,” Xi sighed out. “Isn’t it sweet, Teyam?” she asked, turning to her mate.
“Mhm, very sweet, babe. But what’s the catch bro?” Neteyam couldn’t help asking. 
“Neteyam!” she chided. 
“I have to ask, sweetheart. It’s Lo’ak!”
Xi side-eyed her brother-in-law who was grinning a little too wildly. “......Is there a catch?”
“Maaybe, just a little one- but it’s good! Promise. I  was thinking we could hold a party…here.” 
“There it is,” Neteyam snarked with a knowing nod, placing Xi’s folded top in the completed pile. 
With Lo’ak finally gone, Neteyam pulled down the flap of their tent, securing it closed. He made a mental note in his head to get a set of the bamboo chimes made- the ones his wife wanted in order to alert them they had visitors. 
“I can’t believe it. We have a home of our own together,” Xi smiled, walking out of their room where she had been putting laundry away. “You and me.”
“Do you like it?” he asked, looking around like she was, admiring the decor and feminine touches she had added. It felt like a home- their home. It was the perfect combination of the two of them, and the sight of their belongings all cluttered together or neatly arranged, endured him. 
“I love it,” she grinned, hugging herself. “We don’t have that much to complete now. Just that pile of gifts to sort through.”
“What are you talking about? We have loads to do still, baby,” he said, sitting back with a comfortable groan on the cushions Lo’ak had abandoned. 
“Like what?” 
“See that table? And that mat, and that beam, and the next beam and the-”
“Neteyam,” she laughed, cutting him off. “I see them.” 
“We have to christen them,” he said seriously. “All surfaces to be exact.”
Catching his meaning, Xilä flushed. “Oh.”
“Yeah baby. Oh.” 
That evening Neteyam made love to her all over their home. 
He ate her out against one of the beams while she struggled not to collapse, trembling thighs propped on his broad shoulders which held her up, fingers fisted in his braids. 
He took her from behind as she laid face down across their center table, screams muffled in arms while he kept whispering in her ear, telling her how good she was, how good she was taking him, how he was going to fill her up until she was swollen and round.
She jerked him off against another one of the beams, sinking to her knees to finish him off by sucking him down her throat. Silver eyes watering as she choked and gagged. 
Then, much later, after they’d taken a break to clean themselves up and have their first meal in their new home together, Xilä rode him in their bed. 
Tsaheylu made- always Tsaheylu made, he guided her, large palms circling her ribs, thumbs brushing under her jiggling little tits as she bounced and rocked and jerked in his lap- panting and moaning into his mouth. 
“Touch yourself, sweetheart. I want to see you come all over me,” he ordered gently, and without further instructions needed, she reached a hand down to where they were joined, to work over her swollen clit.
Neteyam was always feral for the sight. She had come such a long way he thought. When he and Xi had first started fooling around, it wasn’t hard to tell that she was completely inexperienced. She hadn’t ever been touched, nor had she even known how to do it to herself. 
Eyes glazed over, the memory of the night he taught her how to please herself- the memory of her legs spread wide as she chased after her fingers- the memory of expression when she came, back arched and breathy mewls- it gave him push he needed to fall over the edge, pumping her full while she rode out her own orgasm, screaming his name- always his name.  
He groaned into her sweaty neck, panting as their frantic pace slowed into a sensual roll of their hips, drawing out the sensation even further. 
Slumping back against the many little pillows and cushions behind him, he kept her close, fingertips slowly dancing up and down her spine. 
“How do you feel?” he asked with an uncontrollable yawn. 
“Limbless,” Xi answered, propping her chin between his pecs to smile at him. 
Eventually falling into a light slumber, Neteyam blinked awake when he felt Xilä ease off his chest. He heard her wince slightly when he slipped out of her swollen folds. 
“What are you doing?” he croaked, ignoring the soaked appendage that smacked his lower abdomen when he popped out of her. “Come here, baby.” 
Cuddling into his side, Xilä nuzzled his neck as she got comfortable. 
Neteyam had learned early on that Xilä was extremely clingy in bed- she was a glutton for his warmth. 
Unable to help himself, he slipped a hand between her thighs. “Did you drink your tea?” he asked. 
“Mm, yeah. I had it at breakfast,” she responded, eyes closed as fatigue slowly consumed her. 
“Sore?” he asked, sticky digits still stuffing back escaped drops. 
“Not bad,” she mumbled. 
“Can I?” 
“Mhm,” she hummed, pecking his sternum. 
Pulling a thigh up his hip, he guided his tip back to her entrance and slipped all the way in again, right to the hilt. 
Joined as one by both Tsaheylu and intimately, they slept. 
Earth music blasted from a borrowed speaker in the corner of the main room. The center table had been moved to the side, creating space for a dance floor, and the distinctive smell of booze lingered in the air. 
Lo’ak had talked them into having Xi’s birthday party in their home the following night. With the promise to keep the invitees at a minimum and also that he’d plan and organize everything- including the after party clean up, they had agreed. 
So far things were going smoothly, but Neteyam wasn’t holding his breath. His brother had joked that he should dislodge the thing from up his ass for just one night and let loose and relax. 
But Neteyam was anything but relaxed. 
He sat idly chatting with a few of his and Lo’ak’s warrior buddies, eyes cutting to his wife almost every other second. She was dancing of course, doing dangerous and taunting moves with those hips of hers, unaware of the attention from other males she was receiving. 
Neteyam openly glared at anyone who so much as peaked her way, famous side-eye slicing through the fools who were bold enough to try. 
And as much as he wanted to kick everyone out of his home, he refrained. His wife was excited for this party. She had given his brother a bone cracking hug when he arrived with a birthday cake for her- one just like Tuk’s own a few months ago. 
If anything, Neteyam felt like Jxo at the moment. All that mattered was that she was happy, even if all he wanted was to scoop her up and hide her away from prying eyes. 
Lost in thought, he misplaced her for a moment. Scanning the room, he found her at the threshold, chatting with a new arrival. 
Staring hard at the familiar Na’vi she was laughing with, he glared hard when whatever she had said made the male’s cheeks tinge as he bowed his head politely. 
The next second of activity had him getting to his feet to make his way over. 
W’aote, Lo’ak’s friend had approached the chatting pair and swung his arm around Xi’s shoulders, pulling her in for a hug that was too friendly for his taste. 
A clearing of his throat and a pointed glare was all it took for W’aote to to snatch his arm away and take a wide step back from Xi, ears pinned to his head as he shot Neteyam a sheepish, apologetic expression. 
“Neteyam, we meet again,” the familiar male said happily, offering him a gesture of respect, “I am Ze’lu.”
Slim arms wrapped around his waist. “Ma’Teyam, be nice,” Xi whispered, covertly pinching him in the side. 
Forcing a polite smile, Netyam returned the gesture of respect with his free hand, the other had wormed its way up to cup the nape of Xi’s neck, effectively keeping her pinned to him. 
“My sister,” Ze’lu continued, introducing the small woman at his side Neteyam hadn’t noticed before. “Kah’lee.”
No wonder he hadn’t noticed her. Kah’lee in question had been completely hidden by her brother’s built. If Neteyam thought Xilä was small, Kah’lee was tiny- not human sized, but still small for a Na’vi woman. 
Nodding politely again after another jab to his side, he responded. “Nice to meet you, welcome to our home,” he said far too dryly before making their excuses to quickly drag Xilä away. 
Later on, Xi had been chatting with Kah’lee and W’aote who had shown up at her side again that night, when she spotted a familiar face lingering at the tent’s entrance. 
Excusing herself, she wove her way through the crowd of bodies, heading right out the tent and down the stone steps. 
“Leati!” she called at the retreating figure. “Are you not coming in? Why are you leaving?”
The gorgeous warrior turned and cocked her brow, arms folded with a scowl. “I told you already, I made no promises that would come by.” 
Xilä smiled, unfazed by her bitchy tone. “And yet you are here. I would not have invited you if I didn’t want you here, Leati,” she assured.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” she snapped. 
“Would you prefer it if I treated you unkindly, called you names and told you terrible hurtful lies?”
Leati swallowed uncomfortably. 
Huffing with an amused laugh. “Look. I’m not going to force you. But you should know there’s a spread of delicious food, lots of strong drinks and the most amazing cake that was made by my mother. So if you change your mind…” 
Xilä walked off without another word and headed back into the party. 
It was hard to keep up with his wife that night. Xilä was the most social he’d ever seen her be. 
She was quite the social butterfly, ping ponging all over the room as she seemed to want to have conversations with each and everyone in attendance.  
He would have had no issue with that before when there were only about fifteen people in attendance, but with every minute that flew by, someone new kept showing up. 
Now his home was packed. Not only that but the music seemed louder, people were screeching as they chatted, he had to kick out a couple who were very close to becoming indecent in their bed and he also had an ever growing migraine. 
“Lo’ak,” Neteyam growled, catching his brother by the scruff when he whizzed by, hands holding two large suspicious looking flasks. “Who the hell are all these people?” 
“Uhh, friends?” Lo’ak replied with a charming smile, fumbling with the pitchers in his hand. 
A familiar giggle had Neteyam’s head turning, and the sight alone had his blood boiling. Xilä stood with an unfamiliar male, laughing out loud at whatever he was saying, she patted his shoulder, tossing her head back in hysterics. 
The male's arm snaked around her waist when she was bumped from behind, stumbling right into his arms. 
“Oh yeah? Well then why don’t you tell me who the fuck currently has his hands all over my mate!” 
“Oh shit. Um, I don't actually know him- wait hey bro! Dammit.” 
Lo’ak hastily handed over the booze in his hands to the nearest person and scrambled to follow his brother. Neteyam was usually the responsible, calm and level headed brother. But Lo’ak knew that when it came to Xilä, all sane thoughts left his brother's head. 
“Do you mind unhanding my wife,” Neteyam all but growled as he tugged Xilä into his arms for the second time that night. 
“Neteyaam! Hiiiii my handsome! Look, this is my friend Villoon!” she slurred excitedly, spilling the contents of whatever it was she had in her cup. “Oopsie!” 
The male Na’vi who had raised his hands in surrender when Neteyam had murderously approached, winced. “Its- its Vilhon actually, and um she tripped, I was just steading her. We were only-”
But Neteyam had already blocked out the blabbering man, eyes on his wife instead. “Xilä,” he said, lifting her jaw to see her face clearly. “Are you drunk?” he asked disbelievingly, searching over her glassy eyes, flushed cheeks and lazy smile. 
“Oh fuck,” Lo’ak murmured, grabbing the cup out of her clutches and handing it off to a tipsy bypasser. 
“Shhhhh, don’t tell my husband,” she laughed giddily, stumbling over her own two feet when she tried to squirm out of his hold. “Wait, where’d my-my drink go?” she pouted. 
“Was this you?” Neteyam hissed at his brother, bodily restraining his writhing wife. “What did you give her?!”
“J-Just a bit of Spir’ytüs…I told her to sip it! I didn’t think she’d drown half a cup!” 
“Just a bit of Spir’ytüs?! Are you insane? That stuff is fucking potent!”
“I know! I-”
“You are very very tall,” Xilä suddenly said, reaching up to squish his cheeks together. “And very handsome,” she whisper-yelled. “I bet you’d make some really cute babies,” she said just as loud as she felt up his chest, causing Lo’ak to choke on a laugh.  
“Um, thanks babe,” he couldn’t help reply, halting her roaming hands. “Bro, get her some water, will you?”
“Yeah man,” Lo’ak said eagerly, relieved to make his escape for the moment. 
Guiding her over to a corner of the room, Neteyam crouched in front of her as she slumped into a pile of cushions.  
“Oh Great Mother, I love this song!” she suddenly squealed, “Kiri and I listen to it alllllll the t- I have to dance!”
“Nope,” he said seriously, catching her around the waist when she tried to escape. “We’re staying right here.” 
Xilä blinked at him with unfocused eyes. “You’re grumpy.”
“Why?” she frowned sadly, forcefully crawling into his lap, uncaring about his personal space as she plastered herself to him. 
He made no fuss at the contact, helping her get comfortable, but quickly pulled his face away when she almost head butted him. 
“Because all night you have been testing my patience, Xilä. You’re ridiculously unaware of all the attention you’ve been getting and the one time I leave you to your own devices for a minute too long, you’re fucking intoxicated. Also, who the hell are all of these men you’re suddenly friends with?” 
“Wait, a-are you jealous?” she asked between a fit of titters. “T-that’s why you’re so up-set?” she hiccupped. 
Neteyam sighed, jaw working as he stared at her, unamused. “I don’t see how that’s funny. Am I not allowed to be upset when other men gawk at you or when they insist on putting their hands all over you?” 
Xilä beamed. “You’re so jealous, handsome. It’s so cuuuute,” she sang, wiggling in his lap in time to the beat of the song playing. 
“Shit. Don’t do that sweetheart,” he grunted, grabbing hold to still her hips. 
Unperturbed, and suddenly needy, she began to press kisses along his neck. 
“Xi-” his eyes screwed shut when she sucked on a sensitive spot. 
The moment her hand tried to sneak between them however, he snagged her wrist and pulled her away from him. 
“Xilä stop it!” he said firmly. 
His jaw dropped when tears welled in eyes and she began to cry. 
“Baby, why are you crying? Shit, I’m sorry,” he said gently, cupping her face tenderly. 
“I don’t know why I’m crying! I just am!” she snapped as she continued to sob. 
Neteyam was at a loss for words. He had no clue how to react. He had comforted his wife time and time again, but these tears weren’t due to pain or suffering….no, she was just drunk. 
“Bro…what did you do?” Lo’ak asked, crouching next to them, brows raised high at Xilä whose head was buried in his brother’s chest. 
“Don’t. Don’t even,” Neteyam warned, taking the water from him to offer it to his crying mate. 
Lo’ak sighed guiltily. “I messed up. I’m sorry, ‘Teyam.” 
“Yeah well, shit happens right?” Neteyam said, shooting him an “I guess I can forgive you,” glare that made his brother’s shoulders slump in relief.
“Lo, we should throw parties ALL the time,” Xi said dramatically, interrupting the brothers' moment. “Every. Day. Every-” she hiccupped, “every night.”
Despite the lingering traces of tears, she seemed to be back to her bubbly state again. 
“Fine by me, Xi-Xi,” Lo’ak laughed, ignoring Neteyam’s grumbles while he wiped his wife’s cheeks.
“Two hours.”
“I'm giving you two hours to finish up the party and have my home spotless by the time I get back,” Neteyam said as he got to his feet, pulling Xi along with him. 
“Really?” the younger brother asked, ears raised in shock. 
“Yep. And for the love of God, please keep the horny ones out of our room.” 
Lo’ak laughed. “I can do that,” he assured. 
“Hey Xi!” W’aote called, running over. 
“Hiii!” Xilä called back, from where she’d been leaning against her husband. 
“This fucker again?” Neteyam grumbled under his breath. 
Fingers wrapping around her bicep to try and lead her away W’aote said, “I could really use your help against these skxawngs in the next round of-”
Neteyam knocked his hand away, effectively cutting off his speech. 
“Gimme a second,” he told his brother, passing a confused Xilä off to him. “I’ll meet you at the entrance.” 
Lo’ak frowned, gaze darting between his friend and his brother, before leading Xi away. 
W’aote swallowed nervously when it was only the two of them left. His eyes widened when the older Na’vi clamped a hand on his shoulder, fangs bared as he grinned dangerously. 
“You know Xilä is my mate, right?” 
W’aote winced when Neteyam squeezed his muscle. “Y-Yeah. Of course man.” 
“Good. Then act like it.”  
“Neteyam, it’s not-”
“I watched you tonight. You followed my wife around like a fucking pup. I don’t care if you say you only see her as a friend. But enough with the casual touching. Got it?”
“Got it. Sorry.” 
“Good talk,” he said, giving him one last meaningful squeeze before walking away. 
And that’s part 13!!!! A freaking rollercoaster if you ask me lol.
A big special shout out and hug to my friend Tori for all her help with this part. 💛
Also, it was getting wayyy too long, so the rest of the party will be in part 14.
Finally, all I’ll say is, enjoy the "peace & calm" of this one, because drama is soon to come 🙃
As always thank you for reading, please let me know your thoughts :)
Tags: @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @granddearduck @riatesullironalite @strawberri-blonde @earthling55 @innercreationflower @duckworthbean @gyuventure @btsiguess-kpop @blkmystery @neteswife @luvteyams
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zriasstuff · 1 month
Tutoring lessons pt.2 - Blaise Zabini x reader
Blaise, against his will, has to be tutored. However, what seemed like a painful way to spend time at first, gets more pleasant over time. Perhaps even extremely delightful.
fluff but who knows what can happen in the future (here’s pt.1 too) Hopefully i am somewhat feeding the little amount of Blaise fans with this, enjoy :))
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Blaise came to you with the biggest grin on his face, as if he just learned how to smile.
“Guess what?”, he asks, as he’s seating himself opposite of you like always during your tutoring sessions.
“You found a million hidden gold galleons?” Given how happy he looked, you wouldn’t even be surprised if that was the case. He looked so energetic too with his big doe eyes and fidgety body movements, that it automatically made you cheerful.
“No, I’m afraid my news is not quite as amazing as that, but nonetheless still pretty awesome”. He inches closer to take a seat next to you.
“Geez, what is it?”
“I got my very first Outstanding on an assignment!”, he finally reveals. He even proudly holds up his paper, shoving it in your face.
“I’m so proud of you!”, you exclaim at his achievement. You know he worked so hard to better himself. The past weeks have truly been a statement to what he is capable of, if he just tried.
“Me too.” Just when you thought his smile couldn’t get any bigger, he revealed more of his perfect pearly whites to you. You’ve noticed his ridiculously good looking face before. Seeing him happy for once instead of in an incredibly stressed state made all the difference too.
“So how should we celebrate?”, you ask him. Celebrating his achievement should be good for his long term self esteem. And if it serves you too by allowing you to spend more time with him then so be it.
Not that you’d ever admit it, but being associated with him made you cooler. Not just amongst the people in your year, but younger and older students too. It never hurts to be seen with him, or have him talk you up to his popular friends.
Of course your friendship wasn’t just to improve your image. It was nice to spend time with him. There’s a good amount of similarities, but also differences that made conversations interesting.
He fumbles with his sleeves for a second, drawing your attention to his arms. Perfectly muscular arms. He thinks for a second before he says,
“I don’t know, you decide how we should celebrate.”
“I think I…” Before you remember what you wanted to say, your eyes go from looking him in the eyes to his lips. You don’t know what it was today, that you kept getting distracted. Did he do something different today?
“Seems like you’re the one having a hard time focusing today”
“What? I’m not staring”
“What?”, he shoots you a confused look.
You felt the physical need to facepalm yourself at this moment. What exactly happened? Not that he would he judging you, you think.
Suddenly you thought back to all your tutoring sessions with him. Him, as in the heartthrob of so many girls. And you alone got the privilege to spend so much one on one time with him. It felt weirdly powerful. He must like you. Not just because of the grades and all, but personally too. Right?
“Wait, I forgot I actually have something to attend to”, he sighs. His gaze averts yours for the first time in minutes.
Why did you feel so disappointed at that?
“Well today is your day. Do what you like”. The tone with which you said that probably suggested you were hurt, which is crazy. He didn’t even do anything wrong.
“Some other time though”, he said pushing himself up from his chair at the same time. “See you, and thanks a bunch really. Couldn’t have done this with you.”
Is that all he thought of you then? Just the girl who tutors him. At this point you needed to pump the brakes. Everything is as it always is and was with Blaise. Yet interacting with him today seemed so much more like a challenge. He didn’t ditch you, you tell yourself. He likes you. But what if there was more? Could there be more? Did you actually want more?
Dumbass Theodore Nott, Blaise thinks to himself on his way back to his dormitory. Just because he couldn’t keep it in his pants and has to keep banging girls in their shared room, Draco wants to hold a roommates meeting. Why couldn’t he just do it in the bathrooms like everyone else. And Draco was a pain in the ass too. When it’s his girls, it’s fine. But god forbid anyone disturbs his peace.
He grinds his teeth together when thinking about his missed opportunity with you. He could’ve been with you tonight, but no. Those two assholes we’re ruining everything. It’s not like he could just dip. They wanted to come up with a fresh set of rules to ensure a peaceful cohabitation, and of course he has to throw his two cents in. Otherwise it’d be pimp city.
It was the evening already, but god forbid he could’ve spent an hour or two with his cute and smart tutor.
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