#{ grin splitting across your face you lead them to endless suffering; frank }
medkitmedic · 5 years
« previous / @franks-dirty-blade »
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“…” “And what if I don’t leave?”
The only reason Quentin had found the boy sat atop the roof of the Ormond Resort lodge was because of the sound of sniffling. It was a commonplace noise at the campfire, usually from survivors that were recounting moments they had back in their homes; times that were happy. It drew him in, curiosity guiding his every cautious step.
They were supposed to be enemies—he wasn’t supposed to be asking what was wrong or why. And he was pretty damn sure they weren’t supposed to be kissing each other. Even if it did feel nice for the moment it happened.
“It’s your job to hurt me.” “You can trigger the collapse as much as you want, but that’s not gonna stop me from worrying.” “And it’s not going to keep me from you, either.”
Death had been such a prominent factor in his life ever since the day Freddy Krueger showed up and murdered his friends. It didn’t scare him anymore, he was stronger than he had been years prior. Maybe that boldness he had gained was what caused him to grab Frank’s wrist, holding him in place.
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“Just talk to me.” “And if I bore you, you can kill me.” “I won’t mind.”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
❛ do it ! pull the trigger ! do it , do it , do it ! ❜
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade​ / accepting
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“The only reason I’m pointing this at you is because I don’t want to see you destroy yourself.”     EYES NARROWED DOWN TO FACE THE BARREL OF THE GUN, QUENTIN STARED. Was this really the life that Frank planned on living? Free of the Entity and yet refusing to change, refusing to be grateful for his life? All it did was make him angry. All it did was make Quentin pissed over the fact that he fought endlessly for the freedom of those who deserved it in the realm, and Frank decided to be selfish!
With a quick flick of his hand, rather than shoot the gun he held, the dreamwalker used the back of his weapon and pistol whipped Frank without any hesitation. It would hurt, but it wouldn’t kill him, of course. Quentin had no intention of permanently damaging someone, but instead would rather force just enough pain to get them to snap into reality.
“Stop acting like you can throw away your life. You’ve got people to live for, Joey, Susie, Julie, me! Don’t you care about that? Don’t you care about anything?!”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
"Don't leave..." Frank grumbled softly, shifting on the couch as he watched the other get up, He couldn't remember passing out. But he was glad he could wake up before the other left. "Not yet... Stay.. Just a minute longer."
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade​ / accepting
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“When did you wake up, huh?” “I could’ve sworn you were out cold.”
     AFTER ANOTHER NICE NIGHT SPENT IN ORMOND, where Quentin could actually rest without fear of nightmares, the last thing he expected was Frank to get up. Usually, the Legion leader would be out cold until his trials, especially after the long day he had. Seeing him stir made the boy smile, amused by the fact that he had awoken just to keep him from leaving. 
     Moving to take a seat back next to him, the dreamwalker yawned and looked up towards the ceiling. How often had he been here now? And how long would it be until the other members of the Legion caught on and forced him to pain and suffering because of it? Thoughts ran rampant in his head like wild dogs, tearing and biting at the ideas he had in order to replace them with fear. Fear; an emotion he hadn’t felt for a long while.
“You know Julie’ll kill us if they find me here after hours.” “Besides, you’ve got the rest of your Legion to watch over you.” “You won’t be by yourself for long.”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
❛ stay back or i will rip your head off ! ❜
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade​ / accepting
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“Then so be it.”      IT WAS AN EMPTY THREAT TO MAKE TOWARDS THE DREAMWALKER; THE THREAT OF DEATH. Why should he be afraid? What should he be afraid of, hm? Of being killed? Of not returning to the campfire? Such minute things to be afraid of for him, for the boy who lived in nightmares and wished for nothing but eternal sleep. 
Sighing softly, he walked towards Frank, not caring how his ice blue eyes shone with anger and hate. He looked miserable, stuck in the loop of killing for the sake of nothing but sacrifice, where the ones he loved felt just as heartbroken and awful as he did. The Legion were supposed to be merciless, but all they were was afraid. Afraid of what would happen if they didn’t kill.
“It’s kinda dumb of you to think I’m scared of dying. I thought you knew that death, for me, is nothing but an empty promise.”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
"Hey... Close your eyes yeah?" He said softly, throwing the other's hat over his head and pulling over the dreamwalker's eyes before leaning in and giving the other a tender kiss. "Here. Maybe this can help you in your next trial. I don't know exactly what good it is. But it looks pretty valuable." He said, handing over a skeleton key.
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade​ / accepting
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“Geez, Frank, you’re such a sap.”“Though, that’s not to say I don’t want a kiss every now and then.”
Although the boy couldn’t help but smile, when he felt the rough edges of the metal in his hand, his eyes widened alongside that smile. It was as if someone had given him a million dollars, considering how money was worthless in this place but a key was not. This was a free ticket out of a trial, so long as he could survive to find the hatch.
This meant he could protect his friends, as well. While a Dull Key only had five seconds of use, this Skeleton Key had twenty, meaning all four survivors could jump through the hatch if they needed to. The simple idea of getting all his friends out alive made him beam with joy, jumping up to wrap his arms around Frank’s neck.
“Frank, you found a Skeleton Key!”“Everyone can get out of the trial with this!”“I-I can keep everyone safe!”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
♫ — To sing to my muse!
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade​ / accepting
     IT WAS NO SECRET THAT A LULLABY COULD VERY EASILY PUT someone to sleep, especially if that someone was Quentin Smith. Hell, it didn’t even have to be a lullaby, it could just be a song, as it was now. The way Frank’s voice resonated throughout the resort had the poor survivor owning his title of resident sleepyhead. He was nodding in and out so much, he might as well have just passed out anyways.
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“I didn’t know you could sing so well…”     Another slow, drawn-out yawn left him as he curled up in Frank’s lap, knowing that it was entirely possible for him to fall asleep with either a knife in his side or claw-marks through his chest. He also knew that it was incredibly dangerous to go without sleeping for so long. Maybe… Just maybe it would be better for him to sleep at the killer’s side rather than alone, in case something happened.
“Keep singing…”“I’m still listening.”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
👌 -- [ You had to have known i'd hop on this ]
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade​ / meme / accepting
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“Frank, we’ve already kinda gotten there, y’know.”“I told you I’m gonna be here for you, too.”
“So if you ever need me… I’m right here.”“But, uh, I’m down if you are, eheh.”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
“Please don’t laugh.”
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade​ / accepting
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“I-I… I’m sorry b-but…”“I can’t not laugh at this!”
      ALL IT TOOK WAS FRANK HANGING OUT THE SIDE of a window in Ormond, his jacket caught on a piece of wood that had splintered and broken to get the survivor to burst out into laughter. His smile wide and the sound childlike, his face scrunched up and revealed dimples that only accented his happiness. How the hell did Frank even get in this situation in the first place? Weren’t the Legion supposed to be agile?
“H-How the fuck did you do this to yourself?”“W-Wait, wait, d-don’t move!”“Don’t move, you’re gonna—you’re gonna fall!”
      Wiping tears from the corners of his eyes, Quentin attempted to glance around for something to help the killer out of his sticky situation. It would be difficult to get his friend out of the spot he was in, but an idea came to mind quickly with the item he brought with him to the cold Canadian trial grounds. Searching the pockets of his jacket, he quickly grabbed a Winter Party Stater and tossed it up to the Legion member in distress.
“Lodge that between the wood and pop it!”“That should break the wood holding you.”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
“There’s nothing like your smile, sort of subtle and perfect and real.”
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade​ / accepting
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“Well, how can I not smile when there’s reason to be happy?”“Sure, it’s hard a lot of the time, but if you can manage to do one thing to make someone happy…”“If you can save a life or assist a friend, you should smile about it.”
     DESPITE HOW INCREDIBLY TIRED THE DREAMWALKER WAS at almost every moment of every day, he tried his best to keep that smile upon his face. When his teammates could safely escape a trial, or if he managed to snag a new med kit, he was proud of himself. It was his little accomplishments that made him smile, even if it was as simple as fixing up a generator or helping out a friend.
     Perhaps that was why, when he looked at Frank, he wanted to smile. The Legion boy was another successful case of reaching out to a killer and showing them it was okay to be human. Frank wasn’t his enemy anymore, even if he did get sacrificed or murdered in the process of the Entity’s games. That didn’t matter to him. What mattered was that he could talk to the boy now, spend free time with him and even go so far as to mess around with him.
“You should smile more.”“I bet it’d make your Legion happy.”
“It’s always better when you can see someone else smiling with you.”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
"Hey Babe!! Look out the Fucking window yeah?" He's standing in the snow on the first floor. ' I love you baby ' Spelt out in fancy writing with Ash's blood. "All For you babe!!"
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade​ / accepting
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Silence. An almost deadpan gaze settled upon Quentin’s face, had it not been for the absolute shock in his eyes. What the hell was he looking at? Part of him hoped it was paint, but the smell of a dead body told him otherwise. Good. Fucking. Lord.
It was the only noise he could make as he peered out at the little “masterpiece” of art, if he could call it that. The gesture was cute, obviously, but the execution was, uh… Well, it involved blood and that alone made Quentin worried. He knew he shouldn’t expect anything less from his lover, who was a murderer, but it still startled him. Ash was not going to be happy with him at the campfire.
“Frank, did you use your hands to write that?”“Cause if so, you are washing them in the Plague’s fountains.”
“I’m not joking.”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
"Quentin... who. the FUCK. Is Nancy?"
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade​ / accepting
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“How—”“Who told you about Nancy?”
     IT FELT STRANGELY CONCERNING TO SEE FRANK SO ANGRY at the mention of someone who meant nothing but the world to Quentin. The dreamwalker knew, of course, that this conversation was bound to come if they continued being in contact. And because of that, he knew he wasn’t in any position to lie to the killer. Not that he would put Nancy in any other light than the one he viewed her in.
     Slowly, a gentle smile spread across the boy’s face as his fingers slipped across the engraved metal dangling from his neck. Images of the girl he fell in love with played back in his head, slowly casting red color into his cheeks. Even reminiscing about his crush had him floating on air, despite his painful circumstance and the fact that he was somehow oblivious to Frank’s jealousy.
“Nancy…”“Nancy Holbrook is my childhood best friend.”“But she means so much more to me than that.”
“Think of it this way; Nancy to me is what your Legion is to you.”“Not only is she my family, but I love her, unconditionally.”“I sold my freedom in the real world for her.”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
"Mnh.. Do you really gotta go?" Frank grumbled into the other's back, Kissing the dreamwalker's shoulder gently. Arms not letting go as he pulled the covers up more. The cold draft coming through the broken windows sending chils up his spine. "Can't we stay like this a little longer?"
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade​ / accepting
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“You know that even if I wanted to, we couldn’t stay like this forever.”“You have trials, and I do too.”“Unless you plan on leaving all the work to your Legion.”
Slowly, Quentin turned around to nuzzle into Frank’s shoulder. There was something about their closeness that made him feel safe, as if there was no evil ever after him, like this was as good as life got. And for now? It was. This was bliss, the sweet feeling of tenderness that, for the both of them, was so desperately needed.
For, in that moment between Frank and Quentin, there was nothing but love. They held each other as if their hearts had been entwined by the red string of fate, destined to finally meet this moment. To them, there was never any evil outside the confines of that room and bed. It was only one another, no trials, no survival, no sacrifices. 
“I want to stay, though…”“If you’d like, I can try and bail on my trials.”“Though I’m not so sure the Entity would let me.”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
Smash or Pass + Frank -- [You had to know this was comin man.]
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade​ / meme / accepting
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“Smash, definitely.”“I mean… Not like as ‘violent’ as smash implies.”“I just want to make him comfortable.”“Show him how much he matters.”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
♫Don't you know too much already? I'll only hurt you if you let me... Call me friend but keep me closer... (call me back). And I'll call you when the trial's over♫
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade​ / accepting
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“Didn’t know you could sing.”“Or at least, you didn’t tell me you could.”
A light chuckle left the boy as he approached Frank, crossing his arms with a half-smile upon his face. Ormond was a very open area, with only one main building in the center, and it would be a lie if Quentin said he couldn’t hear him from quite some distance away. Of course, he was the only one who could identify the voice, seeing as he was the only one who came to visit.
It had been quite some time since he had felt fear around the Legion leader, which was why he spent his moments out of trial at his side. Not to mention the obvious; it wasn’t good to leave Frank to his own devices for too long. Anyone who knew the guy could tell you that.
“‘When the party’s over,’ yeah?”“Pretty song.”“Reminds me of when I used to play piano.”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
“I didn’t know you could sing”
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade​ / meme / accepting 1/5
♪ “The right or wrong that you pretend to know!The fire in my heart it burns in your shadow!The silver lining, it began to rust,And now I get who I can and cannot—AH!” ♪
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Startled by the sudden voice, Quentin jumped in his spot and immediately turned around, taking a defensive stance as if offended by whoever decided to pay him a visit. The situation only grew worse as he took in who exactly had spotted him, his face going red with embarrassment. 
Of course, out of all the people to catch him jumping around and pretending to play guitar in the woods, it was Frank. His heart-rate sped up to match his flustered state as he ran a hand through his hair, attempting to act as though nothing had happened. It didn’t help that his voice cracked mid-sentence, however.
“Wh-What the hell are you doing here?”“I-I thought you, uh, I thought you had trials.”
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medkitmedic · 5 years
« sleeping switchblades » / @franks-dirty-blade / meme / accepting
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♪ “And I can tell just what you wantYou don’t want to be aloneYou don’t want to be alone
And I can’t say it’s what you knowBut you’ve known it the whole timeYeah, you’ve known it the whole time.” ♪
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