#{ fulvia ; hc }
xtabithanala · 1 month
Hcs for Arachne x Livia friendship??
Love this! My faves <3
I hc Livia and Arachne to be very close. Arachne's parents adore Livia and know that Livia's parents are horrible. Arachne and Livia would trust each other with everything and Livia is the only one to fully understand Arachne's humor. She knows that deep down Arachne is very nice but often masks her vulnerability behind sarcasm. Similarly, Arachne knows why Livia acts the way she does; it's a way to get the attention she never receives at home.
When they were nine years old, Arachne gave some of her dolls to Livia as the Cardew family sold many of Livia's belongings to afford food and clothes.
Livia doesn't like the way Arachne treats Brandy. She urges her to give Brandy the sandwich before Brandy can punch Arachne. Through Livia's empathy for Facet, Arachne begins to re-think her views on the games. The two of them don't dare to talk about it in public though.
When they're older, their children are good friends (Seneca and Crassus jr.). When Seneca was born, Livia was the one to be by Arachne's side, hold her hand and soothe her.
When Seneca dies after the 74th Hunger Games, the only people Arachne allows to be with her are her husband Lucius and Livia.
Arachne noticed the changes in Livia but never thought Coriolanus would go as far as altering Livia's mind and memories. In District 13, Arachne frequently plays Real Or Not Real with Livia. She's the one knowing Livia the best, knowing things about her even Fulvia doesn't know. Livia and Arachne stay together nonstop, barely leaving each other's side. When Crassus dies, Arachne knows how to be there for Livia as she's gone through the same.
After the war, they become neighbours and their grandaughters are best friends.
I hc them to be absolute besties despite their differences <3
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herculaean · 3 years
02.  the high priestess  for fulvia!
02.  THE HIGH PRIESTESS  :  how does your muse make decisions ? do they trust their instinct or would they rather trust their heart / their logic ? [ accepting ]
first of all love you for this question. secondly, a lot of Fulvia's life is split into two halves, and her personality, while it didn't exactly change, was certainly drastically altered - the event being, of course, the murder of Clodius and the immediate aftermath in 52. (sorry to everyone who isn't a late Republic obsessive like me! wiki page is linked here!)
When she was first married, Fulvia was nineteen and naive. Her heart ruled most of her decisions, and in that way she was very lucky that her husband loved her and treated her with kindness and empathy, because it would have been easy for someone to take advantage of what was, really, a young girl with a very simplistic view of the world. Of course exposure to the politics of the Republic through Clodius's trials and tribulations ("oh no! the consequences of my own actions!") hardened her, and she had always had a natural pragmatic streak, but she believed that overall the world was good and would treat her well. She was content in her little world: her two children, and her tight-knit circle (Clodia Maior with her poets hanging off her every word; Atia and Fausta daughter of Sulla with their relatively stable family lives and gossip; even the Antonii, bursting into her life every four months to cause havoc before returning to the army); her relationship with Clodius was relaxed and comfortable, keeping a closed eye to each others affairs unless they wanted ahem direct involvement and supporting each other through the natural difficulties of married life. Fulvia saw this continuing on much like her mother's life had been before her, blind, maybe, to the fact that the Republic was failing. Family ambition played some part in her decisions, but in general she was ruled by what she felt, in her gut, was right and sensible.
After Clodius's murder, when she stood in the Forum with Mark Antony's hand on her shoulder watching the mob burn the Curia down, and when she sat in the stands and watched Cicero pace, calling her husband a brawler and a murderer, things changed for Fulvia. Things solidified and froze. She could have fought her marriage to Curio, could've stood in front of Caesar and refused, and he probably would have accepted her refusal, but by that point she had accepted the split fork of her future. There was the life she could have had, receding behind her, and here, instead, was what the worlds had given her: ambition, and politics, and cold hard facts. Trying to carve a little domestic sphere out of it all was pointless. This was when she really threw herself into politics, and in doing so lost what instinct she had had for making herself happy, rather than successful.
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nospraedirus · 6 years
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          cleopatra vii philopator                              fulvia flacca bambula                   69 BC – 30 BC                                            83 BC – 40 BC
Cleopatra was the last active ruler of the                     Fulvia is remembered in the history of  Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. She was                        the late Roman Republic for her also a diplomat, naval commander, linguist,                political ambition and activity. She and medical author. Cleopatra was                              gained access to power through incredibly active in Roman politics. Julius                    her marriage to three of the most Caesar maintained a private affair with                        promising men of her generation.  Cleopatra that produced a son, Caesarion.                 Though she is most famous for her She attempted to have him named Caesar’s               involvement in Mark Antony’s career, heir following the assassination of Julius                     she was politically active with all of her Caesar but was thwarted by the declaration                husbands. Due to this, she was the first of Octavian as heir. In an attempt to maintain              Roman non-mythological woman to political relevance in Rome, Cleopatra had an             appear on coins. Following the  affair with Roman triumvir Marcus Antonius                  formation of the Second Triumvirate, – Mark Antony – resulting in children. Antony’s            Fulvia felt strongly that Antony should marriage to Cleopatra and divorce of                            be the sole ruler of Rome instead of   Octavian's sister, Octavia Minor, led to the                   sharing power with Octavian. Fulvia  Final War of the Roman Republic, in which                  raised eight legions against Octavian  Octavian declared war on Cleopatra. The naval           in the Perusine War. Fulvia and fleet of Antony and Cleopatra was defeated                 Octavian slung personal insults written   at the Battle of Actium by Octavian. Octavian's            on slingshot bullets at each other for forces invaded Egypt and defeated Antony,                 several months before Octavian’s forces leading to his suicide. When Cleopatra learned           were able to overcome Fulvia’s. Fulvia that Octavian planned to bring her to Rome for            died some months later of illness while his triumphal procession, she committed suicide          in exile. After her death, Octavia raised by poisoning. Cleopatra’s three surviving children        all of Fulvia’s children, except for her were sent to Rome and raised by Octavia.                   eldest son, who Octavian executed.
npc for octavian @musaeprimi​                                                                   played by @perusine
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clodiuspulcher · 6 years
OP literally profaned a sacred ceremony just to fuck Caesar's wife but go off I guess.
PLEASE don’t take Ciceronian invective at face value OP’s motive is still debated TO this day (we can all agree he was “a young man of dissolute nature Of Course,)
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ellanainthetardis · 4 years
Hi again! Same anon here. I'm happy you're doing well :). I didn't have any specific character in mind actually. But maybe something about the Capitol citizens? Seneca, Plutarch, the stylists? (Or Elindra? she's sooo amazing)
For Elindra I think I poured all my current hc in that os I wrote about her not too long ago but for the others let’s see... 
Seneca is a character I had a very roughly undefinied idea of until not too long ago. I now have OCs for his parents. We saw Oresto briefly in an os I already published but there’s another one coming where he’s a bit more fleshed out. Basically I hc Oresto Crane (his father) was a Head Gamemaker around the Second Quarter Quell (and resigned a few years after that, probably around between 5 and 7 years) and he has great ambitions for his son, unfortunately Seneca always disappoints. It’s a bit of the same pattern Effie has going with Elindra which is why, I think, Effie and Seneca are such good friends. He’s a bit older than her so he wasn’t very interested in her friendship when they were younger but he knew her from infancy and they started being tight when Effie hit fifteen because they recognize the same struggle in each other.
Also Oresto doesn’t want to hear AT ALL about Seneca’s sexuality, to him, he needs to marry a well-bred woman and have the puncfuntory 2.5 heirs to pass along the Crane name - no adoption or surrogate will do for the first born at the very least. As a consequence Seneca doesn’t have a very nice life. He mostly hides the boyfriends in the worst-kept secret ever in the Capitol, parties a lot, samples drugs (I also hc his mother had an addiction problem because it’s the only way to make her life tolerable), and more or less earns himself the reputation of a player because he dates left and right (I hc he’s probably as pansexual as Effie but leans more toward men). 
He’s also SUPRA ambitious and won’t stop at anything to prove his father wrong so he works hard and manages to become the youngest Head Gamemaker ever appointed but even that doesn’t satisfy his father because there is ALWAYs something he could do better. On that regard, he enjoys Snow’s mentorship and that’s also why, probably, he’s a loyalist, less out of conviction and more out of sentimentality. 
This being said, he’s absolutely not blind to the state of Panem. Being a Gamemaker wasn’t the dream come true he expected it to be and he finds all the killing of children a bit hard to stomach (hence the drugs and the sex and the partying) but it’s not enough to convince him to drop his way or life or to give him rebellious ideas. He enjoys his comfort and, at the end of the day, he’s a powerful coward. He won’t put himself in jeopardy for anyone (the closest he would to put himself at risk is for Effie who he considered to be his best friend but even that has limits, if he had known the storm it would unleash, he would never have gone for teh star-crossed lovers things). He does try to be a fair Head Gamemakers to victors though and he does try to make the prostitution thing safer by implementing limits and rules but it’s a drop in an ocean of shit really. 
PLUTARCH now. He’s not my favorite character because I don’t find him very interesting. His motives are very plain to me and not very pretty. I never managed to give him a backstory that was compelling enough for me to like him. Basically I hc he’s very much a slytherin in the pejorative sense of the word (and I say this as a Slytherin). He’s the shadow behind the throne. Basically I hc that he was whispering in Snow’s ear for a very long time. A Gamemaker but not one anyone particularly paid any attention to, more of a curtesy title really, he was more of an advisor and a trusted one at that. 
But Plutarch always smells where the wind blows and he could tell a rebellion was brewing long before Katniss left the first sparks. I sort of hc it’s Fulvia who got him sucked into the rebellion because I like the idea of a romance between them but he’s far too pragmatic to do anything out of a sense of idealism. Probably for a long time he simply cultivated his contacts, his spies... He spun his web (a bit like Littlefinger) and waited to see where his interest truly lied before he chose a side. 
I think Plutarch genuinely values his friendship with Haymitch and the kids even if, on their part, it’s reserved because they know it comes with strings. Paradoxically I don’t think it does come with strings when they’re concerned but... Yeah, it’s maybe something he would come to resent them for a little way post MJ. He’s being the best version of a friend he can be for them and they still mistrust him a little because with him there are always angles.
THE STYLISTS now! Well, Cinna isn’t my favorite character either because he gets out as the “saint” of the series and, for a long time, Haymitch got blamed for a lot of shit that CINNA actually did (like turn Katniss into the symbol of the rebellion without asking). Cinna was the real hardcore rebel, he was dedicated, believed in the cause with a touch of fanatism and was only to happy to die for the cause, he was probably proud to die for the cause because he had martyre figure written all over it. 
Portia got involved out of conviction but also because of Cinna. I hc that by the time the 74th rolled around, they had been together a long time. Years, at least. He was more famous and more successful than she was as a stylist but she was getting there and while they were associates, they each had their own specific brand. Portia is quirky and she loves a good joke, she’s easy-going and loving but she can have a protective streak and she’s probably mroe down-to-earth than other Capitol because I hc she comes from the lowest Capitol classes (still wealthier than District people but you know, the part of the Capitol population that works). Same for Cinna. I know some people say he comes from District 8 but I don’t think I saw that in the books so Idk if it’s fanon or just something that people like to say... But I like the idea that there were actual Capitol people involved in the rebellion, who fought for equality because if the rebellion is only District people and Plutarch... Well, it just makes it sad. And even in Nazi Germany there were rebellion pockets, it’s just logical to have Capitol people actually fighting the system. So yeah, I like to think Cinna comes from the working class of teh Capitol and that both he and Portia worked their way up to the top and that it took lots of work and talent. I also hc they met in design school, saw each other’s sketches and just clicked. Instant connection. They’re soulmates, I can’t help it. 
Here, I think I’ve exhausted my top-of-the head hc for those characters... :p 
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antiquery · 6 years
Also Clodius if you can do real people
sexuality/gender headcanon: standard classics caveat again, but: bi
otp: clodius/fulvia you KNOW it
brotp: clodia/clodius being Nefarious Scheming Siblings is the best
notp: not really any? clodius/cicero in any other iteration than cicero being flustered at the abject sexiness of his archenemy, maybe
random hc: he snuck into the bona dea not to bang pompeia but just for the sheer audacitas of it all, the absolute madman
favorite pic of them: the tribunes of the plebs fanart izzie did about two years ago remains my favorite depiction of Hotboy, save perhaps for the art you have as your icon on your private twitter
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count-di-luna · 6 years
Not a character per se, but how about Cicero?
- sexuality/gender headcanon - definitely bi. he goes on a LOT about the hotness of Clodius and Antony.
- otp - don’t really know
- brotp - Atticus
- notp - Caesar
- random hc - he reincarnated into his Rome actor because that guy was perfect
- favorite pic of them
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sorry, couldn’t resist (Fulvia approves)
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naturemirrored-blog · 7 years
❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
Hmmmm, probably occasions when people have been dicks to my friends, either in an rp way or a personal way, but literally that’s the only reason I’d rip someone’s throat out in anything that I do.  @ world, leave my friends alone always, or I will rage.  This one doesn’t really bare much explanation tbh.  This hasn’t happened with friends in a while though so I’ve been lucky.
  Then also, PEOPLE NOT LISTENING AND GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CHARACTER.  You dont have to know everything about my muse! it’s fine! But if you’re unsure, ASK, DON’T ASSUME AND FORCE YOUR OWN IDEA ABOUT MY MUSE ONTO ME. this one time on my Fulvia blog when a girl just blatantly disregarded every blog canon / headcanon I had and godmodded our thread.  It pissed me off and felt like she didn’t care about actually interacting, just getting her specific plot in (btw she was writing another person from the era). and when I said that plot wasn’t working once, I stepped back for a while. After posting some POINTED HC POSTS about the things re” my muse she trampled over, I have her another chance, sent in a meme, and she does it this time but harder.  I wanted to yell, it was so annoying that I was salty for months, and I think why   I haven’t really been on Fulvia in a while.  It also made me temporarily unship something I’d shipped, lol.  I got over that but it was there.
@manichaeisms + salty mun meme + accepting
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xtabithanala · 12 days
4, 5, and 6 for livia? (for the character ask game!) :D
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I think it'd be really interesting to see adult Livia in the original triology. I hc her to turn into a rebel at some point and maybe making it to District 13 through Fulvia so that would be really interesting! Otherwise I would also love to see Livia in something like Mean Girls :D
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I have several songs... but right now it's either "Mad World" or "You Don't Own Me" - both kinda describing her marriage to Coriolanus :(
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Not sure about this one as we don't know a lot about Livia... I'd say one thing we have in common is that we both don't like Coriolanus Snow :D
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clodiuspulcher · 7 years
I got feelings because Clodius is the youngest sibling of his family, like me. Do you have siblings hcs? At least with Clodia? Of any of the others?
Anon, I have so many headcanons about Clodius and his siblings that I genuinely forget what’s really there in the histories and what my fevered mind has conjured. Here’s a short (ish) list- Of the sons, Appius Claudius Pulcher is the tallest, Gaius Claudius Pulcher is an inch or two shorter, and Clodius is shorter than Gaius by the same amount. Of the daughters, Clodia is the tallest and she and Clodius are exactly the same height - in fact, Clodius and Clodia look almost like carbon copies of each other, they both have startling green eyes and long curly dark hair and high cheekbones and aquiline features... they resemble their other siblings bc that’s how genetics works but the two of them are strikingly alike - It’s more ‘fact’ than headcanon that Clodia was the sibling Clodius was closest to (she was directly involved in his political career, helped him using her influence as a consul’s wife, changed her name when he did, etc) but there’s that too. Clodia as his oldest sister was always Clodius’s best friend and he confides the most in her (no incest though, Cicero made that up because they were both so hot it confused and upset him and he doesn’t know what a healthy sibling relationship is like)
- When they were kids Clodia was the only one who could make stubborn and capricious young Clodius do things he didn’t want to do. The long-suffering private tutor of the Claudii Pulchri children, for example, would just give up on Clodius when he refused to do his schoolwork but Clodia could always convince him to go back (by calling him an idiot and saying she wouldn’t speak to him if he didn’t become as good at Greek as her)- Clodius is the baby of the family!!! He’s spoiled and even though he’s not as arrogant as his brothers he’s more irresponsible and selfish too. The first like 5 years of his adult life are basically him learning that the world does not revolve around him and his being a Claudius Pulcher really doesn’t mean that much (see: the Lucullus’s army debacle, the pirates drama).- Appius Claudius Pulcher was so arrogant Lucullus sent him as an envoy to TIgranes knowing it would piss him off enough to start a war. I can only imagine he was equally insufferable at home especially when their father died. Young Clodius refused to listen to anything he says and did wild and shocking things anyways, Family Name Be Damned (YOU’RE NOT MY DAD YOU’RE JUST MY BROTHER / I’M THE PATERFAMILIAS AND YOU WILL RESPECT ME AS SUCH / GET BENT Etc.). He complains about him to Fulvia constantly.- Clodius wears his hair the longest of the 3 sons, it curls down almost to his shoulders and Appius Claudius Pulcher strongly disapproves. They have arguments about it constantly. - Clodius’s sisters are closer in age to him than his brothers so he grew up with and in general is closer to them. They, especially Clodia, dressed him up in girl’s clothes when he was a little boy and pretended they had a fourth sister.- Clodius came from a family of 6 children and wanted a big family too. Fulvia was an only child and refused to have that many kids - they compromised on 2. - Appius Claudius Pulcher arranged the marriage to Fulvia but Clodia strongly approves of it when she sees that Fulvia enhances Clodius’s good qualities and mitigates his bad ones (and that they love each other). She’s a bit jealous because Clodius has a great marriage and she’s married to Metellus Celer who sucks but if anyone deserves happiness in marriage it’s her baby brother. - Both Appius and Gaius Claudius Pulcher upbraided Clodius for the bona dea scandal and Openly Criticized his Low Moral Character which is ironic because both of them were later condemned for electioneering and extortion, respectively ( and if you got condemned for either of those in ancient rome you must have been really damn obvious and egregious about it lmfao). Clodius wants to think it’s funny as hell when it happens but he was campaigning for Praetor at the time so it was probably more of a pain - That aside they both love Clodius in an ‘our little brother is an exhausting troublemaker but he’s still our little brother’ kind of way and as consul Appius Claudius did help and protect Clodius as best he could- And Clodius for his part despite their conflicts was immensely proud of Appius when he was elected consul and told everyone he knew (who of course had voted for him because I’m sure Clodius supported his brother in any way he could)- Clodia is the person most involved in Clodius’s political career though and helps him out with his wild plebeian transfer and election to the tribuneship more than either of his brothers ever did. (Appius was probably a little bit scandalized by Clodius abdicating his patrician rank especially since he later was patrician censor). We know from Cicero that Clodia argued with Metellus Celer on the very subject often, urging him to let the bill pass that would render Clodius plebeian- As kids Clodius and Clodia were partners in crime until Clodia got ‘too old for pranks’. Luckily they could still be partners in crime in the political sphere when they both were old enough.- Clodia held parties and banquets for Clodius and his supporters at her grand house on the palatine constantly, and it’s great for him politically but she always tells her guests the story of when Clodius was captured by pirates and Ptolemy wouldn’t ransom him because he wasn’t important enough. - Somehow Clodius as the third son ended up with the House of the Claudii Pulchri which makes me think the family had massive land holdings the other sons ended up inheriting.- When Clodius died all the siblings were deeply affected but Clodia most of all. We don’t know how she felt afterwards  but I can imagine she was especially distraught and had to struggle to maintain her facade of composed control....
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clodiuspulcher · 7 years
Do you think Fulvia/Clodius marriage was arranged? Any hcs?
I’d bet the rest of my scholarship money it was arranged, just because you know we’re talking about the most renowned family of the senatorial class in ancient Rome. Clodius didn’t get married until like 64-63 when he was ~29, late for a Roman man in his social class but most marriages were arranged for political connections and benefits by the heads of the household. Probably then this was something Appius Claudius Pulcher arranged with Fulvia’s dad while Clodius was off getting captured by pirates in the East (surprise, you’re getting married as soon as you get home!)Also, when Clodius’s father died their family needed more money especially since 2 of Clodius’s sisters were unmarried so I’m willing to bet this was a “his family has the famous name / hers has the money” type situation (tale as old as time am I right).As for headcanons... I’m writing something about their wedding actually so you’ll see once college gives me a damn break and I finish applying to grad school lmao. But I’ll give you this: Clodius is thrilled that Fulvia is devious and cunning and ambitious and she loves his boldness and tenacity and radical policies/actions/etc. She’s an ally and an advisor and a partner... they complement each other very well personally and politically, I think. 
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ellanainthetardis · 4 years
there goes my hc that fulvia comes from middle-class capitols though. They’re bankers. Weeeeell... Maybe they had a turn of fates. 
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