#{ Vehicroid Deck - Syrus Truesdale }
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pupmusebox · 9 months ago
Tag dump 4/?
{ Human Typhoon and Plant - Vash } { Cold Hearted and Bladed Plant - Nai/Knives } { Scuffy Priest and Undertaker - Nicholas D. Wolfwood } { Crimson Cloaked Marksman - Vincent Valentine } { Sleepy Royal Chocobro - Noctis Lucis Caelum } { Geo Archon and Mysterious Consultant - Zhongli } { Cyro Knight and Calvary Captain - Kaeya Alberich } { Anemo Archon and Bard of the Winds - Venti } { Leader and General Mahamatra - Cyno } { Verdant Strider - Tighnari } { The Dark Side of Dawn - Diluc Ragnvindr } { Admonishing Instruction - Alhaitham } { Vigilant Yaksha - Xiao } { Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment - Neuvillette } { Emissary of Solitary Iniquity - Wriothesley } { Kind Hearted Game Loving Duelist - Yugi Moto } { Puzzle Spirit and Pharaoh - Yami Yugi/Atem } { Blue Eyed Calculating CEO - Seto Kaiba } { Luck Duelist with a Heart of Gold - Joey Wheeler } { Friend of Duel Spirits - Jaden Yuki } { Vehicroid Deck - Syrus Truesdale } { Cyber Dragon Duelist - Zane Truesdale } { Red Eyed Dragon User - Atticus Rhodes } { Ruler of the Grimm - Salem } { Shining Outlander - Aether } { Hanamizaka Heroics - Arataki Itto } { Laid-back Ground Type User - Rika } { Dark Type Specialist and Singer-Songwriter - Piers } { Shy and Mysterious Ghost Trainer - Allister } { Enforcer and Trainer - Gladion }
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couldtransitionsaveher · 10 months ago
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"Low Self-confidence, hiding in the shadow of both her older brother and her stand-in older brother(Jaden/Judai) and feels neglected/abandoned whenever Jaden/Judai starts hanging out with new friends. Tends to have self-deprecating spirals and often isn't confident enough in her skills as a duelist to play her cards that would win her games or advance her gamestate. Her deck at the end of the series is a mismatched pile of her own Vehicroid cards and her older brothers Cyberdark cards, which don't work together and with yugioh's focus on using thematic cards, her eventually dropping Zane's cards as she steps out as her own duelist would do a lot to round out her arc. She also has a crush on Dark Magician Girl, that's not entirely relevant but she's so real for that." - @thewizardmus
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here-come-headcanons · 6 years ago
Also, for YGO: If the Duel Monsters and GX crews had access to Synchro and Xyz monsters, which ones do you think they would use and why? Beyond the obvious like Pharaoh and Kaiba and Joey with Magi Magi and Azure Eyes and Flare Metal?
Oooh good question
Yugioh Dm:
Joey Wheeler/Jonouchi Katsuya: He seems like he would use the junk warriors in my opinion, he definitely needs help with the math that comes for synchro summoning at first, but after a while he has his cards memorized and ready to go. I feel like this deck really fits the underdog style that he stands for.
Rex Raptor/Dinosaur Ryuzaki: This boy really went out there and collected every dinosaur card known to man. He couldnt resist all the new dinos that were coming out and probably has a deck for each summoning style, all of them dinosaurs of course.
Yugi Muto: I feel like to fit his dark aesthetic he goes with a Dark Rebellion style xyz deck. Sure this is a dragon, but theres nothing stopping Yugi from filling the deck up with loads of level four spellcasters.
Mai Valentine/Mai Kujaku: A lunalight xyz feels right for her and i cant exactly place why. It might be that she already has a deck based around animal ladies, but im not sure.
Yugioh Gx:
Jaden Yuki/Judai Yuki: Judai loves his heroes, but i think the Bujin/Bujingi deck is a good fit for him. Not only are the beast-warrior types based off of him and his friends, the solidarity between man and beast and the simple yet complex play style fits him well.
Tyranno Hassleberry/Tyrano Kenzan: Hes just as excited about new dinosaur cards as Ryuzaki is and to be honest if they knew each other they'd probably have decks that practically mirrored one another.
Syrus Truesdale/Sho Marufuji: The geargia deck gives me the same vibe as his vehicroids do, so probably that in all honesty.
Alexis Rhodes/Asuka Tenjoin: Due to her cunning play style and ability to outwit her opponents i think the Aromaseraphy synchro deck fits her pretty well. Plus again, shes known for a deck of pretty creatures, which this deck definitely fits into.
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maxwell-art · 7 years ago
Syrus Truesdale Replica Deck Recipe 2.0
Date of Revision: 10/6/17 17 Monsters: 3x Drillroid (*4) 3x Expressroid (*4) 3x Steamroid (*4) 2x Submarineroid (*4) 2x Stealthroid (*4) 2x Truckroid (*4) 2x Mixeroid (*4) 14 Spells 3x Vehicroid Connection Zone 2x Power Bond 2x Machina Armored Unit 2x Solidarity 2x Mystical Space Typhoon 2x Megaroid City 1x Limiter Removal 9 Traps 3x Chain Material 2x Rainbow Life 2x Call of the Haunted 2x Emergeroid Call Extra Deck 3x Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill (*8) 3x Super Vehicroid Stealth Union (*9) 3x Super Vehicroid Mobile Base (*10) 2x Barbaroid, the Ultimate Battle Machine (*12) Improved Score: Power: S+ Consistency: C-->S Recovery:C-->A Protection: A Versatility: B-->A Development: C-->D
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ygoreviews · 8 years ago
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Patroid ———————————————— Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can look at 1 face-down card your opponent controls, then return it to its original position. ———————————————— Can Be Found In: Cybernetic Revolution (CRV-EN006), Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale (YSDS-EN013), Dark Revelation Volume 4 (DR04-EN006)
The most used effects are pretty much reduced to three categories: Summoning monsters from anywhere the Deck allows it, obtaining or retrieving cards to expand our options, or remove and counter any targets from the opponent. This can be seen in nearly every Deck nowadays, with just some key differences depending of the theme is working along with. Other effects while still present in many builds they usually aren't the main focus of the Deck, with some exceptions such as dealing damage by effects or excavating cards. The game might have narrowed their options to very fundamental mechanics to setup the field with and confront the opponent, but there are various abilities that can diversify Duels and provide assistance on unusual objectives.
"Patroid" belongs to the Vehicroid archetype, a group of monsters that far before focusing on Fusion Summons provided a diverse list of effects to assist the user in all kinds of roles. "Patroid" might be one of the most harmless in comparison to others, as each of our turns allow us to check a face-down card on the opposite field. This might not be a powerful ability in a time where removal effects and Special Summons are the norm, but "Patroid" might give us some vital information to handle possible threats no matter if are Set monsters or suspicious cards in the opponent's backrow.
Vehicroids had some decent support, but with the recent improvement of the archetype we can obtain a member like "Patroid" under all sorts of circumstances. Cards like "Mixeroid" and "Megaroid City" allow us to trade a card on the field to look for "Patroid" in return, while others like "Geargiauger" and "Gear Gigant X" will also look for the Vehicroid with their respective abilities. In mid or late game, "Expressroid" and its copies will allow us to retrieve "Patroid" and other Vehicroids by just being summoned, as well "Iron Call" reviving it effectless to work as material for bigger monsters.
Don't underestimate "Patroid" effect, as although harmless can completely turn arround how we handle entire turns depending of the information we obtain with its assistance. Checking a Set monster allow us to confirm if either has a dangerous effect when flipped or taken down, or simply confirm its DEF is low enough for our monsters to take down without any assistance. Set Spells and Traps are assured to be dangerous, and unless the opponent chains them against the arrival of "Patroid" we can confirm if there's a devastating effect awaiting for us to play our best cards to counter them. With the expansion of the Extra Deck as well the support arround Fusion Summon Vehicroids has obtained "Patroid" is far from useless when its effect isn't needed, as can work arround effects like "Iron Call" and "Summoner Monk" to achieve Link and Xyz Summons, or focus on the arrival of "Super Vehicroid - Mobile Base" with the assistance of cards like "Mixeroid" and "Vehicroid Connection Zone".
Vehicroids are in a very odd position when compared to other archetypes, as besides their focus on expensive but powerful Fusion Summons their members barely shares a main theme in their effects. "Patroid" is no exception, with an effect that might not obtain outstanding outcomes and might be easily replaced by one of many powerful alternatives inside and outside the archetype. However, knowing if a face-down card is a threat for our goals can become vital to save our field out of danger, and with various cards making "Patroid" and easily available material will rarely become a dead card even in the worst situations. "Patroid" might not be one of the strongest Vehicroids available, but has the potential to save entire boards by just revealing a face-down card.
Personal Rating: B-
+ Allow us to check a face-down card on the opposite field + Well supported + The information we obtain by its effect can potentially save our setups
- Below average stats - Underwhelming effect compared to many other cards and Vehicroids available
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yugioh-customs · 6 years ago
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You ever thought that Patroid had potential, well here is that potential realized! This card turns using this garnet into a power to be reckoned with, he acts as a tiny floodgate that can net advantage if revealing a trap card and sends a Roid to the GY for advancement of Roids’ field state. This card is a must inside Roid decks, given that it turns any Roid into a Special Summon from deck. The Art is nice, but I think I will need to tweak it a little(I’ll do that in about a month). It’s counter-balancing is very nice and it can be used in other fusion decks that utilize Roids or can easily mill a card(if they need help to go against trap based backrow).  PS: Im thinking of making the floodgate just shut down GY effects, it would still be balanced by the fact that it can only be used in fusion decks and needs roids. I’ll be trailing this card soon.
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ygoreviews · 8 years ago
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Steamroid ———————————————— If this card attacks an opponent's monster, this card gains 500 ATK during the Damage Step only. If this card is attacked by an opponent's monster, this card loses 500 ATK during the Damage Step only. ———————————————— Can Be Found In: Cybernetic Revolution (CRV-EN008), Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale YSDS-EN015), Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants  (BP02-EN037), Dark Revelation Volume 4 (DR04-EN008)
Monsters technically have a limit of how high their stats can reach depending of their Level. While high Level creatures will obviously become the strongest and Normal Monsters will compensate their lack of effects with solid stats, a low Level creature might still become powerful in battle but will compensate with a series of drawbacks. These monsters might have stats enough to confront any monsters or boosting effect to achieve the same results, but in return they might have a negative that will make them either not that reliable or easy to take down on the next turns. But besides their risks, an easy to summon creature with strength enough to defeat several enemies can turn the tables in early or mid game.
"Steamroid" is one of the most respectable Vehicroids as provides an effective ability but a flaw which fortunately is easy to cover. When "Steamroid" attacks its ATK will increase by 500 ATK during the Damage Step, but if attacked by an opponent monster will lose the same quantity instead. So by default, "Steamroid" becomes a 2300 ATK creature which can easily take down many threats on its own, but once our turn ends we must be prepared to weaken itself into a 1300 ATK creature. Despite its frail position on the board once our turn ends, "Steamroid" is a solid choice to keep the pressure specially with the improvement of its archetype as well other choices to work arround its biggest problem.
Compared to other monsters with high ATK to rely on, "Steamroid" gains a lot of supporting options to become quickly available. The Vehicroid archetype gained several options to look for "Steamroid" as quick as possible, mainly by the assistance of "Mixeroid" and "Megaroid City" trading our cards to look for this monster. If we also add other Machine options such as "Revolving Switchyard" and "Geargiauger", we further increase the odds to add "Steamroid" in our hand. Vehicroids have some focus arround Fusion Summons, so if we have "Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill" in our Extra Deck we can also obtain "Steamroid" with the help of cards like "Fusion Conscription" and "Fusion Reserve" for its main purpose or use it as material. Since "Steamroid" weakening effect might make it have a brief pressence on the board we don't have to worry, as cards like "Iron Call" will revive it later on for other purposes, while "Expressroid" will bring it back to our hand instead along other Roid.
Clearly "Steamroid" main purpose is to be on the offense, with 2300 ATK being sufficient to take down many monsters on its own. We can use further assistance by boosts coming from cards like "Limiter Removal" and "Solidarity", but that will be mostly reserved against the strongest threats on the board if any. While "Steamroid" will often become a sure hit against weaker enemies and certain annoyances, we must be a bit careful from the opponent once their turn stars due "Steamroid" weakening effect. If our field is strong enough the loss of "Steamroid" might not be that severe, but otherwise we might need some coverage to protect "Steamroid" until our next turn to keep attacking with its boosted ATK. Cards like "Enemy Controller" and "Book of Moon" will deny any incoming attacks as well prepare the biggest threats to be easily taken down in battle, while "Forbidden Chalice" will briefly negate "Steamroid" effects along a small ATK boost to catch the opponent off guard. The final option is to use "Steamroid" as material after the Battle Phase, easy to achieve by either gathering other monsters for a Xyz or Link Summon, or working along the Fusion options arround the archetype to bring hard to take down creatures like "Super Vehicroid - Mobile Base".
"Steamroid" is often seen as one of the best options when comes to low Level offensives to choose from despite the usual weaknesses of its kind. Highly supported by many sources including its own archetype, "Steamroid" becomes quickly available when needed the most as well some resources to either cover its weakness or have other purposes during the Duel. If left on its own it won't last for too long as many small monsters can easily defeat a 1300 ATK "Steamroid", but the big impact it will cause on the board during the first turns as well some solid coverage and setups to work along with makes it a dependable Vehicroid on its own archetype or along Decks running in a budget.
Personal Rating: A-
+ Gains ATK when attacks an opponent monster + Highly supported + Solid coverage arround its negative effect as well various setups as material
- Loses ATK if attacked by an opponent monster - Brief pressence on the field unless with support
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ygoreviews · 8 years ago
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Drillroid ———————————————— Before damage calculation, if this card attacks a Defense Position monster: Destroy that monster. ———————————————— Can Be Found In: Cybernetic Revolution (CRV-EN009), Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale, Battle Pack: Epic Dawn (BP01-EN191), Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants (BP02-EN038), Dark Revelation Volume 4 (DR04-EN009), Duel Terminal 2 (DT02-EN006)
Due the aggresive nature of the card game, is very rare to see defensive strategies. But although they don't provide immediate results as the most popular builds, their stalling strategy can go from giving players several safe turns to a complete lock down of attacks and even effects. Often relying on burn damage and other winning conditions, as often offering a small budget to create their Decks, they can stay both efficient and unharmed for several turns against all sorts of threats. However, defensive games are often reliant in big setups, and as soon one card is taken down the rest of it might easily fall apart.
"Drillroid" is one of very few monsters are to break through defensive monsters no matter if is played along its archetype or any build that needs its said. When "Drillroid" attacks a monster in Defense Position, the latter will be automatically destroyed before damage calculation. While "Drillroid" might not be able to stop certain effects like Flip Monsters, is still a reliable Vehicroid to take down highly defensive enemies no matter their DEF of effects trying to protect their user as long as possible.
While there might be stronger alternatives to take down defensive monsters with, "Drillroid" has the advantage of having several searching tools to become available when really needed. The Normal Summon of "Geargiauger" will let us search for "Drillroid" to be added in our hand, while "Gear Gigant X" will do the same by detaching a material to do so. "Drillroid" is also a key material of some Vehicroid Fusion Monsters, getting further assistance from cards like "Fusion Conscription" and "Fusion Reserve" to be searched with. "Drillroid" in the Graveyard is far from becoming useless, as either is retrieved by "Expressroid" back to our hand or revived by "Iron Call" to be used as material in bigger summons.
"Drillroid" main objective is to take down defensive monsters stalling our attacks so we can break their stalling setups with ease. Normally "Drillroid" will aim towards monsters with high DEF like the Super Heavy Samurai archetype, "Destiny HERO - Defender", or "Guardian Sphinx". Otherwise will take care of monsters with invulnerability towards battles, breaking through monsters like "Marshmallon" and "Arcana Force 0 - The Fool" without many problems. Although "Drillroid" might not be able to stop certain effects, is still effective against searching effects like "Apprentice Magician" and "Nova Summoner" among many others depending on being destroyed in battle rather by the Vehicroid's effect. While by default "Drillroid" will try to take down stalling enemies is still a reliable tool to defeat powerful enemies with, as with the help of cards like "Book of Moon" and "Windstorm of Etaqua" among others we can rearrange monsters' battle position to be easily taken down no matter how high their DEF might be. Don't completely restrict "Drillroid" to be exclusive used against stalling setups, as with assistance to be a material like Fusion Summons as well combining its average ATK with cards like "Solidarity" and "Limiter Removal" it can expand its options further.
"Drillroid" is a solid monster to work along with if we have problems against defensive enemies. No matter if the opponent relies on monsters with immense DEF or protective effects, the attacks of "Drillroid" will easily take down the problem without many problems. Unfortunately, "Drillroid" will easily fall victim of Flip Monsters when cards like "Neo-Spacian Grand Mole" and "Nobleman of Crossout" can easily bypass  such problem while still able to keep the same task the Vehicroid offers. On the other hand, "Drillroid" is highly supported to become quickly available as well work in other goals, so although is not perfect to take care of defensive enemies it offers some diversity when its effect is not needed at the moment. In short, while the Vehicroid might not be the best choice to complete shut down defensive monsters, provides some variety that makes it less reliant of its effect to become useful.
Personal Rating: B+
+ Automatically destroys any Defense Position monster it attacks + Bypasses high DEF monsters and certain effects + Well supported to become available and/or work in other purposes
- Unable to counter Flip effects - There are safer alternatives to deal with defensive monsters
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ygoreviews · 8 years ago
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Expressroid ———————————————— When this card is Summoned: You can target 2 "roid" monsters in your Graveyard, except "Expressroid"; add those targets to your hand. ———————————————— Can Be Found In: Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale (YSDS-EN000), Gladiator's Assault (GLAS-EN016), High-Speed Riders (HSRD-EN045)
The Graveyard has become the main source of all sorts of revival effects, becoming a primary goal for many Decks no matter if is their main goal or a late game strategy. However, Special Summoning monsters is not the only valuable option to obtain advantages from the Graveyard. Some cards and effects will use them to activate certain cards and effects, while others instead of summoning from there will instead retrieve them back to our hand or Deck. While the latter might not provide immediate results as Special Summons, is still a valuable method many Decks can easily rely on.
"Expressroid" is a staple member not only for any monster suitable for its ability no matter if they officialy belong to the Vehicroid archetype or not. When Summoned by any method, "Expressroid" will allow us to recover back to our hand two Roid monsters from our Graveyards excluding any copies of itself. While not carrying the best stats to stand a fight, "Expressroid" is a valuable monster to keep a steady hand ready for all kinds of setups and circumstances.
The Vehicroid is a powerful candidate for all sorts of options making it immediately available, specialy since its effect will trigger regardless of how is brought to the field. Cards like "Geargiauger", "Gear Gigant X", and both "Fusion Conscription" and "Fusion Reserve" thanks to taking part as Fusion material allow us to obtain "Expressroid" in our hand to be avaible right from early game. Try to summoning it from the hand with an effect like “Tin Goldfish” or along other monsters by Pendulum Summon, not only obtaining its effect in the process but immediately working together as materials to summon stronger monsters. If we have a big number of Roids to retrieve from the Graveyard, we can summon all copies of "Expressroid" at once with effects like "Machine Duplication" and "Inferno Reckless Summon" to gather them all together in our hand. The low stats of "Expressroid" makes it an easy monster to constantly revive later on with cards like "Call of the Haunted" and "Limit Reverse", and although other options like "Iron Call" and "Debris Dragon" will negate its effect are still reliable tools for material purposes.
While might not stand out in battles, "Expressroid" is one of the most valuable Vehicroids the archetype offers. With many summoning options including cards like "Machine Duplication" summoning all copies available, we might be able to constantly recycle Roids in the Graveyard for all purposes needed. This is not only limited to Vehicroids, as we can also recover Speedroids and bringing back to the Extra Deck monsters such as "Magical Android" and those belonging to the archetype like "Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill". Since the archetype has a focus on Fusion Summons and most of them are quite expensive, "Expressroid" can constantly reload our hand with the spent materials in addition of being a material itself for "Super Vehicroid - Stealth Union". Finally, we can work along certain effects which "Expressroid" can cheapen with its arrival, like "Card Trooper" milling our Deck to obtain certain Roids in the process or the Special Summon of "Machina Fortress" from our hand or Graveyard.
Could be said that "Expressroid" is what moves the archetype with its simple yet dependable ability. Easily available and with many options to be summoned, "Expressroid" and its copies will keep recovering roids back to our hand. And while this effect might only be truly effective in late game, with the archetype focusing on Fusion Summons as well assisting other themes like Machina and Speedroids it won't be long enough until "Expressroid" enters into action. "Expressroid" might not stand a fight on its own, but with all the effects assisting it easily becomes a core card to make Vehicroids and its allies work perfectly along their resources.
Personal Rating: A
+ Recovers two Roid monsters from the Graveyard to our hand when summoned + Highly supported including many summoning options + Sinergy with many effects and other themes outside the archetype
- Low stats - Might only be useful in late game
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ygoreviews · 8 years ago
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Rescueroid ———————————————— When a "roid" monster you control is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can return that monster to its owner's hand. ———————————————— Can Be Found In: Power of the Duelist (POTD-EN011), Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale (YSDS-EN0119)
Vehicroids started with not real objective on their debut, as despite appearing during a time where Fusion Summons were getting improvements they took them a while to approach that strategy. Monsters in the archetype can go from battle effects to card management, not having a fully consistent sinergy with each other but allows them to be diverse against all sorts of situations. So while Fusion Summons are still the main goal of the archetype, Vehicroids can work arround all kinds of strategies either together or added in other themes and builds.
"Rescueroid" is an odd monster as carries poor stats for its Level, yet provides a recovery effect to assist the archetype with. When a Roid of ours is defeated in battle, "Rescueroid" will allow us to bring it back to the hand instead of staying in our Graveyard. This by default let us to keep a solid hand when confronting any threats in any Battle Phase, but "Rescueroid" also offers some interesting mechanics to work along with as well a Fusion Monster to not depend solely on its pressence.
"Rescueroid" has no much assistance to be on the field immediately, but the options available are sufficient nonetheless. Thanks to its Fusion form "Ambulance Rescueroid", cards like "Fusion Conscription" and "Fusion Reserve" will add it to our hand with ease. Some other options will let us summon it straight from our Deck, like "Machine Armored Unit" replacing a Machine with "Rescueroid" upon defeat or "Chaos-End Master" bring it out after he takes down a monster in battle. When comes to the Graveyard "Rescueroid" won't be less supported, as by the mere summon of "Expressroid" or by working along copies of itself will be returned back to our hand.
The purpose of "Rescueroid" is simply to make players' Battle Phases safer to recover against. If the opponent brings a stronger monster than our Roids or they answer our attacks with stat boosts, "Rescueroid" will bring them back to our hand to be summoned back afterwards. Keep on mind that this ability doesn't affect only Vehicroids but any card with Roid in their name like "Dark Jeroid", "Magical Android", or the entire Speedroid archetype. Things will be faster to recover if we accompany "Rescueroid" along "Ambulanceroid", a Vehicroid which will immediately summon any monster returned to our hand by the former's effect. Don't forget that "Rescueroid" is a vulnerable monster in several aspects, so try to work along effects like "Mist Body" or "Carrierroid" among many others to protect it and keep its effect working.
"Rescueroid" has an interesting premise to work arround it, but has several flaws to become a steady setup in every Duel. Being a high Level monster with poor stats is the most obvious, not only requiring extra effort to summon it but is not that difficult to take down before its effect has any use. Things are worse once we mention its Fusion "Ambulance Rescueroid", as not only has a faster effect to retrieve defeated Roids but is much easier to summon thanks to cards like "King of the Swamp" and "Vehicroid Connection Zone" assisting us. So while "Rescueroid" has some solid functions against various threats and combos to work along with, has too many weaknesses that makes working on its Fusion instead way more profitable.
Personal Rating: D+
+ Returns any Roid defeated in battle back to our hand + Various setups and monsters to work along with
- Low stats yet high Level - Very easy to take down unless with heavy support - "Ambulance Rescueroid" is a safer and faster alternative to work with
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