#{ PARADOX RESOLVED : destiny averted | page update }
destinysthralls · 5 years
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default relationships with major canon characters for mainverse (will change as needed for specific roleplayers.)
vanille - partner in crime. the meaning and the joy in her life. they fit together like missing puzzle pieces and have their whole lives---but at a cost. their relationship is one of mutually spoiling each other and not talking about their latent romantic feelings/what they owe each other as people, and as a result, they’ve become very flawed and co-dependent friends because of it. they need to have a long, long talk. 
lightning - friendly rivals! they both compete for best big sister of the group. they have different definitions of morality. lightning wants to be a hero, she’s trying harder to be open and kind with her friends. fang, meanwhile, is more guarded, but also more friendly and outgoing, and yet, she doesn’t want to be a hero so much as she wants to protect the person she cares about most. they’re very interesting foils! (i do ship this as well, i think that despite everything, fang really respects her and thinks she’s a hottie.)
snow - snow and fang are very much big sister/little brother in my head, but a more realistic form of this where they knock each other around and spar and make fun of each other. it’s GOOD.
sazh - fang doesn’t know if she can really trust the gang to be her new family, but she relates the most to sazh, feeling as if it is all his fault that his son turned into l’cie. she doesn’t remember her parents, but if they’re anything like sazh is---she misses them even more. while fang sometimes scuttles out from sazh’s paternal nature, fang leans into it when feeling sad or depressed. she feels like she could go for him for support if she let herself need it---but she usually doesn’t.
hope - LITTLE BROTHER tbh. she wants to take care of the little guy, but also thinks that he has it better than he pretends he does. everybody’s parents are dead hope! lets get you some COMPLETED FOCUS.
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destinysthralls · 5 years
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fang hc:
(likes & dislikes) 
Animals---specifically the beasts of Gran Pulse, the bigger the better. She enjoyed hunting them, eating them, and riding them, but also used their furs and tusks as decorations. Fang has also done a great deal of animal taming--and understands how to farm and domesticate prey animals peacefully. Women---of all kinds and sorts. Fang loves soft women such as Vanille as much as she loves hard women like Lightning, and she'll protect them above all else---even if they don't need protecting. Gambling---is it any surprise that a woman obsessed with talking about Luck would enjoy a good game of cards around the campfire? Fang keeps a deck on her person at all times---and she always wins, because Vanille, of course, lets her win. Competition---Fang enjoys a good competition through sparring, a chocobo race or a game of cards but be warned---she's a very poor loser. Nature---Fang feels most at home in Gran Pulse, surrounded by the beauty of her planet. Yes, it's wild and there are beast around every corner---but it's an adventure to be tamed and hunted, and there's beauty and life everywhere. Flying---Fang flies on Bahamut now, but before this, Fang would fly on the backs of the great Beasts that traversed Gran Pulse. It was only for a moment, sometimes---but it would make her feel trulyalive. Fruity Drinks---while Fang is the rough and tumble type, she has no taste for beer or ale, and much prefers the fruit-laced cocktails of her home with greater alcoholic content. She gets tipsy and sleepy rather fast. Make-up---while Fang's hair naturally falls that way and she doesn't have to put much maintenance into her apppearance, she enjoys collecting and wearing fancy lip glosses, moisturizers/face washes and perfumes. Fang absolutely loves doing mud masks and face masks, and does often during nights with just her and Vanille. Action Movies---Fang enjoys action movies, especially those from Cocoon featuring high action stakes and car chases featuring lots of destruction. While she loves hunting, she often fantasizes about giving those in Cocoon a taste of their own medicine.
Losing---Fang is a sore loser, and as a child would even throw tantrums about it. While she no longer does, she's prone to pouting and growing cross with you afterwards, claiming you were cheating even though when she cheats, she claims it's part of the game. Technology---Vanille handles all of the technology, and while she's taught Fang quite a few things---Fang finds it difficult to handle with her short temper. She hates Cocoon technology in particular, which is both more advanced and more unnecessary in her opinion. The Fal'cie---she both blames them for her own predicament and the fate of her and Vanille's parents, and so many villagers from Oerba before them that were lost to their focus. Cocoon---Not for just the reasons you think. It's easy to get lost in Coocon. Fang is used to her home where she knows where everything is for miles and miles---in the much smaller Cocoon, full to the brim with people who look at her funny for her clothes and demeanor, she's pushed this way and that in the crowds, and she loses her place on the map. Puzzles---While Fang is quite smart, she'd rather push her way through every problem than solve a puzzle. She cuts corners and cheats most times---and is often punished for it.
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destinysthralls · 5 years
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the natural, soothing blue of the sky and the oceans.
the hunter and the prey---wolves and great beasts, their tusks and furs and hides. she is stronger than those who would seek to conquer her---and yet as fierce is she is, she is easily tamed by love.
wings & arms. fang loves to fly---but she has no wings of her own. she stands on others’ backs, grabbing everything she can, climbing, running, chasing. she conquers, yes, she destroys, in fire and hot strength, but her wings are not her own. she is a different kind of monster---one that has to work harder to get higher.
luck & chance. fang does not wish to be blamed for anything, she wants to take fate into her own hands, and she pretends that the world is on her side---even when it’s not. flipping coins and splitting wishbones, fortune cookies and trips to the old temples for prayers to gods from before l’cie or c’ieths or false gods.
love & need. fang’s focus mark is on her exposed arm---she’s vulnerable, and she displays her heart quite literally on her sleeve, even though she doesn’t even remember what she did.
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