#{ Hoping the vacation will act as a reset so when I come back I'll be able to dive in }
hazbinned · 3 months
I'm going to try to take it easy; I will not drop any threads, and I love them all, but I'm extremely stressed out by the amount that has piled up (66) and it's affecting my ability to write because I can feel myself slipping into that "I HAVE to get these done FAST and clear this number" mindset instead of the "I'm writing for fun" mindset. My level of focus is atrocious at the moment, and the quality of my writing feels like it's suffering because I'm more focused on getting the number down than on the content. I suspect that the fact that I leave for a trip on Sunday is stressing me out too (I won't be able to write at all during that) as well as some other life things and so on.
I suppose just like this to acknowledge that me being slow to get your reply out does NOT mean I'm not interested. And that you're okay if it takes a while. I don't want anyone to be deterred by wait times or think I've stopped caring (especially new mutuals who I haven't interacted with much yet!)
If you see me replying to specific threads/mutuals a lot, and yours has been unanswered for a while, that's solely because it's what my mind is up for right now. I still care about my interactions with you!
I'm going to start queueing posts, so as to get the number down without it immediately shooting back up again. This means replies may take a while to get to you, but they will be better quality and I will be less stressed about them.
I know RP isn't a job and so on, and that I don't HAVE to feel bad about any of this, but I just don't want anyone to think I don't value them/our interactions. And please don't let this deter you from plotting with me or sending me things! I'll get out of this, I just need to take some 'slow time' to prevent me from freaking out and burning out.
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