electrozeistyking · 1 month
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isjasz · 11 months
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[Day 133]
They dancin :D
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stevielims · 2 years
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RYAN: what happened to you in there? SHANE: [laughs] RYAN: like i care. make up your bullshit story. SHANE: i did see some- some pretty spooky stuff.
watcher: ghost files; 1.02
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captainodonoghue · 2 years
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            Captain Swan Advent Calendar 2022
                     Day 24 ↝ Acting cute
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reggies-eyeliner · 1 year
THE CLASSIC MATCHUP - @littlelilbun
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#now playing ... video games by lana del rey!
miguel o'hara had never been big on physical touch. or talking. or purposefully making funny jokes. he actually wasn't a big fan on a lot of things. the only person he really regularly talked to was lyla, but that was only because he had to in order to get things going in the spider society-- but someone he could never find himself pushing away from was you. at first, being completely honest, he'd been so busy with monitoring the whole spider society that he'd neglected to realize that you and lyla were attached at the hip. both of you got along great, both having similar wardrobes and the occasional matching sunglasses. what began with conversations with solely lyla, even after work hours, ended with miguel joining in with the occasional wry joke every now and then. that slowly began to grow more into full fleged conversations with the three of you, and you and miguel had created a bond that seemed to be just about unbreakable.
he isn't big on romance, he likes to think, because he doesn't have the time for it. sometimes miguel says the words "the fate of the multiverse" and you and peter b. look at each other and snort a little, but sometimes you see the the corner of his lips twitch.
the first time miguel o'hara does anything remotely romantic is in battle, when some random universe's doc ock decides that you'd be the perfect victim. you weren't awake for most of it, but lyla tells you that miguel had practically dropped everything to save you, refusing to acknowledge the possibility that you wouldn't make it. he had stayed at the hospital every night to look after you, and every day grew into a week into two weeks before you were discharged, and during that time, both of you talked like there was no tomorrow.
when miguel actually realizes that he's in love and he's not having some sort of allergic reaction, he kind of sneaks in a small, quick question, even leaning against the wall to sound extra casual to lyla, "hey uh what's that new album taylor swift released" and lyla drops everything because . why is this man even asking this question . but it doesn't take long for her to connect the dots, and realizes that he wants to know more about your interests and what you like. lyla tells you, obviously, and fortunately, things progress from there.
once you two are actually together, miguel treasures lazy saturday mornings and cozy friday evenings. he even loves the "i'm so exhausted i might die" monday mornings on his way to the spider society, because he's with you. if you struggle with anxiety, while he might not know the best thing to do at first, he'll talk you through it every step of the way. but he won't ever pity you or see you as something broken, he sees you as someone who's deserving of respect, and most importantly, love.
oh man this guy starts keeping an extra hair tie on his wrist for you, or he literally keeps make up wipes in his storage cabinet (he asked peter b advice on what he keeps on hand for his wife 😭<33), and he definitely thinks it's awesome that you're studying six languages, and he'll also definitely ask you about it !! also he loves holding you while sleeping beacuse if a man is touch starved it's him
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-> within two weeks of dating, miguel o'hara has realized a lot of things, mainly being that you thrive on physical touch-- something he's tried his best to shake himself away from. but as he watches you, arms opened wide for an embrace laying on a hospital bed after a particulary taxing day fighting doc ock, his heart stutters. slowly, hesitantly, he takes your hand, lying down beside you. he immediately warms up to your embrace, letting your head fall to his chest. lyla takes photos<33
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a/n: thank you so so much for the request!! i am so so sorry that this took so long!!! if i missed anything please let me know >:D!<3 i hope you're doing alright + things are going okay for you!! remember to hydrate and eat well, take care!!!
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dontflirt · 2 years
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NEW — The Boyz [Be Awake] Highlight Medley
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velvetwyrme · 7 months
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hi so my valentines (violentines) piece is..........…….. delayed but HERES ANOTHER PREVIEW. BLOOD 🗡️🩸
in other news, i now have a boyfriend which is the reason this is delayed (was preparing for my first Valentines irl and had no time to draw :'3c!!)
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DIABOLIK LOVERS : Haunted Dark Bridal — Hunter Prologue
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The loss of my heart, the capacity to love
The Fall of Man, the forgotten garden
To defy is to be banished
To be strong is to be alone
Then, to be weak is to be loved
A truth I found absurd
I cursed the world, 
and held my head high in spite
Though somehow, I wished to try again
[Someone's Thoughts]
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— Location: Entrance Hall
Kayo: ...Alright, hear me out!
Reiji: This is ridiculous.
How can a bride attempt to stab the eldest son the moment she steps into this house?
Kayo: To be fair, I didn’t actually end up stabbing him.
Reiji: The point still stands that you attempted to do so to begin with.
In fact, I'm a little disappointed that you didn't go through with it.
Ayato: Eh, losing Shuu wouldn't be that bad. It's like losing your favorite fly.
Reiji: Favorite is a bit of an overstatement.
Laito: Aah, don't you think we should keep her anyway~? She's pretty easy on the eyes!
Kanato: I agree. Wouldn't breaking someone like her be fun? Fufufu...
Subaru: I don't trust anyone swinging around a knife like a lunatic, much less a hunting weapon.
If you aren't gonna kill her, I will.
Kanato: Aren’t you just talking about yourself?
Kayo: Ahaha... hahaha... let's not be brash everyone!
( I’m fucked. )
( I didn’t quite think this through, did I…? )
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— A flashback occurs. Location: Church.
Yui: Huh? Kayo-san, weren’t you supposed to leave with father this morning?
Kayo: Ooh, yeah, about that. Change of plans. 
You’re going to Europe.
Yui: Eeh?
Really…? Father wanted to take me after all?
( How strange, when he left, he seemed sure I wasn’t going to accompany him… )
Kayo: …Yeah, he did. He started crying on the way to the airport and decided he was going to take you along.
Yui: ...??
( No matter how much father loves me, I doubt he’d start sobbing like a child. )
( Is this her way of making a joke? I should laugh… )
Hahaha, very funny, Kayo-san… but are you really serious?
Kayo: I’m serious, though. See, I even got you a ticket.
Yui: ( …! So she wasn’t joking? )
( A lot of this doesn’t seem to make sense, though… but Kayo-san is an earnest person. Why would she lie? )
I see… will father see me at the airport?
Kayo: ( He has no idea she’s coming. )
No, he’s pretty busy, but if memory serves me right, he’d be in the Vatican by the time you arrive. Just go tell him you were going to go to the Sakamaki mansion. He would know what that means.
Yui: The Sakamaki mansion? Those are our relatives, right?
Kayo: ( Am I really gonna explain everything to this kid? No way, I’m not gonna freak her out. )
( Seiji-san will do the talking. Not me. )
Yeah. It’s hard to explain, but I think Seiji-san would be able to explain it to you.
Just trust me, okay?
Yui: …I see. Okay. 
What about you, though, Kayo-san?
Kayo: Oh, you know… the usual. Don’t worry about me.
Have fun, okay?
Yui: Alright…!
To be honest, I barely had any time to think this plan through.
I was supposed to go to Europe with Seiji-san in order to complete my rite of passage as a demon hunter, a trial set in order to test apprentice hunters and allow them to work independently from their masters.
Though, I ended up overhearing a few clergymen talk about how Yui was chosen as the next sacrificial bride.
Haphazardly, impulsively, I decided to take her place.
We’ve only ever spent time together once, but she’s a good kid. She deserves better.
It won’t be too bad if I went in her place, anyway. I’m the unwanted child of the church—considered a demon for reasons I can’t understand myself. 
For as long as I remember, I was the child of the devil, trained to kill demons, a twisted sense of irony.
Despite all my training, however, I’ve never been able to kill a demon without any remorse. I always hesitate. I’ve never killed without crying afterwards.
“You’re a coward, you can’t bring yourself to kill your own brethren.” What a ridiculous train of thought. I’m human, after all.
Yet, my own empathy was punished constantly…
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— The flashback ends.
Kayo: ( That’s right, I was going to pretend to be the sacrificial bride instead. But when I saw that blond man sleeping on the floor… )
( I thought, wouldn’t it be a better idea to get rid of these guys, so no more girls would be sent here? )
( But in the end, I stopped myself… I’m just a coward, after all. )
( Now I’m surrounded by the vampires I only heard of from stories… )
Reiji: “Let’s not be brash?” 
I believe you’re the last person in this room who should be saying those kinds of things.
Laito: Isn’t that right? Nfufu, let’s see here…
Kayo: …!!
( He suddenly embraced me from behind! )
Laito: What a sexy body… but I’m also quite interested in this knife you have here...
Looking closer, Subaru-kun was right. It even looks just like his!
Kayo: ...?
( I caught a glimpse of his face from the corner of my eye. His tone is playful, but his face is cold, almost calculating... )
Ayato: Wouldn’t that mean… she’s some kinda vampire hunter or something?
Kayo: No. Why would you think that?
Ayato: Really?
Kanato: I… are you really going to believe everything this girl says? She just tried to kill Shuu.
Sometimes I wonder how we’re related.
Hey, Teddy, wouldn’t this girl be really pretty as a doll, though? She’s tall, and her skin is smooth like porcelain…
Even her eyes are utterly lifeless, fufu…
Kayo: …
Kayo: ( Ugh, I can’t move! It’s like this pervert’s arms are made of steel! )
Laito: Eeh? Trying to escape while we’re trapped in a passionate embrace like this?
Kayo: ( I am quite literally trying to run away right now. )
Subaru: Che, leave it to that pervert to abandon all sense of danger at times like this…
Oi, gimme that.
— Subaru takes her knife.
Kayo: Wha—hey! 
Subaru: It looks just like mine… what the hell is this?
Answer me, dammit!
Kayo: Hey, I don't know either!
( I just got that knife from Seiji-san when I started training... I heard it was special, but I could only wonder why. )
Ayato: It’s weird though. Haven’t heard about a single new bride recently, but this chick suddenly shows up?
Well, Laito’s right. You're definitely one of the hotter ones.
Say, even if she isn't actually a bride, let's keep her.
— Ayato approaches her.
Ayato: Scream lots for me, okay?
Kayo: No way.
Ayato: Aah? Do you really not understand who's at a disadvantage right now?
Laito: Fufu, it's like a butterfly trying to escape the web, Ayato-kun. I say you let her do as she likes.
The more she tries to wriggle out, the more trapped she becomes...
Kayo: ( I should be angry right now, but... )
( Deep down, I guess he's right. Even if you don't count the fact that I'm outnumbered... )
( Even now, I can't find the courage to do it. )
Reiji: Alright, that’s enough! We are not tolerating this girl’s presence alive or dead.
Why would the church send a vampire hunter here? I would understand if they stripped her of her weapons, however…
I have my reasons to believe you shouldn’t be here.
Kayo: No, no. I’m definitely the one you’re looking for.
I had no idea how that knife got into my pocket. Or how it ended up in my hand. Or why I was about to stab that guy.
Reiji: Are you even trying to make up a convincing lie?
Usually the triplets would take someone like you out, but the fact that you're... a young woman, is distracting them.
Kayo: ( He has a strange look on his face. It's almost predatory. )
Reiji: I'm not going to risk you causing a mess in this mansion.
Kayo: ...!!
— Reiji approaches her, wrapping his hands around her neck.
Kayo: Guh...! St...op!
( Fuck, how are these guys so strong...?! )
( I've dealt with pureblooded demons before, but are vampire princes really this... )
Reiji: Struggling is futile, though that face you’re making… Fufufu, how about you kick around some more?
Or are you too weak to do even that?
Kayo: ( ... ... )
( Why am I struggling...? I'll be put out my misery faster like this. )
( But that kid... if they try to find her, then... )
— Kayo is pulled away.
Reiji: ...?
Kayo: Hah... haa... [cough]
W... What...?
( ...!! The blondie I tried to... )
Shuu: Ah, what a pain...
Ayato: Oh, you're alive?
Shuu: I actually had faith for once that you guys weren't going to do something stupid. Really should take it as a lesson to abandon all hope.
Kayo: ( He's saving me? )
Shuu: If this girl gets killed, I'll get booted to the North Pole again.
Kayo: ( Oh, nevermind. )
Reiji: Don't tell me, she's actually...
Shuu: If she wasn't, she would've been dead the minute she pulled that knife out on me.
Reiji: ...
I would have preferred if you went over this with at least one of us before this happened. Shuu: Too much trouble.
Ayato: ...Che. At least that means you're the real deal, huh?
I kinda wanted our next bride to be some plain girl who goes "Kyaa!" at lightning, though.
Kayo: That's oddly specific...
Shuu: Hah... whatever. The old man said not to kill her. Do whatever, but if she dies on your watch I'm handing you the ticket.
Laito: Oh, so we really are going to have a good time with our little vixen here!
Kayo: ( I actually don't know if I should be relieved that I'm alive or annoyed that I have to keep dealing with these guys. )
Kanato: Hmph. If she's the bride, then we should be able to do anything we want to her...!
Why is she getting special treatment all of a sudden? She doesn't even smell good.
— Kanato approaches and sniffs her.
Kanato: ...In fact, you smell like nothing at all...
Kayo: ( Ugh, he sniffed so close, I shivered a little... )
Laito: Hm, that's what I've been checking out. This girl is practically a phantom in terms of scent...
Kayo: ( So that's why he's been embracing me since earlier. )
Ayato: I guess you can't have everything.
Would've been a lot better if you were hot and had great tasting blood.
Subaru: Oi.
— Subaru throws her the knife.
Kayo: ...! What?!
My knife! It's dull!
( My favorite pastime was sharpening this thing! )
( Well, to be fair, it was my only pastime... )
Subaru: Pissed, aren't you?
Consider it a welcome gift.
Kayo: You—!!
Get back here, you brat!
( That kid...!! )
Subaru: Heh, keep screaming. You're a hundred years too early to try and pick a fight with me.
Reiji: Ah, so you left to dull her knife down.
As much as I would like to argue with father over letting another problem into our household…
Well, might as well take advantage of this situation. You’re utterly harmless without a weapon.
Kayo: ( His mood changed suddenly...? )
Kayo: Huh?!
A whip?! Where did that come from?!!
( These guys are total nutjobs! )
( I can't believe I'd find someone worse than Seiji-san! )
Reiji: I look forward to turning you into a proper woman.
Laito: I’d love to be the one to break her slowly though, with my love rather than with sticks and stones, nfu…
Kayo: ( Somehow this feels a lot worse than them threatening to kill me… )
( What about the blondie? He saved me once, even if it was to avoid getting punished himself... )
Kayo: Hey…
Shuu: Grabbing onto my sleeve…? Don't get cocky just because I saved your skin once.
I’m looking forward to punishing you for earlier.
Kayo: ( I really got my hopes up for a second there. )
( Ugh, what can I do…? I can't kill them, but they can't kill me either. )
( Even still, if I have six guys throwing me around and drinking my blood, I might as well end up dying... )
( Plus, there's also the chance that they could learn about the real bride. )
I'm a demon hunter!
Shuu: A rather ineffectual one. So what?
Kayo: ( He didn't need to mention that last part. )
Well, you see, that means I was raised in the church—I have very traditional values!
That means, even if you guys are vampires and all... I only want one man to be my everything.
Shuu: Pfft. I can see you cringing from a mile away—you don't really believe that, do you?
Kayo: It's true! It's just embarrassing to admit...
Ayato: Heh, once a church girl, always a church girl, huh?
You heard her! I'll do the honors and be her everything!
Laito: Are you really deciding that on your own~? What if I'm her type? I know how to take things nice and slow, nfu~
Kanato: I hope you're saying this so no one can get between us.
If we can’t kill you, then I might as well make you a living doll.
Though, that process is a lot more painful than just getting killed outright, fufufu...
Subaru: Che, just seeing these guys get all competitive over her is pissing me off...
Laito: Oh, are your teenage hormones acting up, Subaru-kun?
Reiji: Traditional values or not, you neither have the blood or pedigree to be making outlandish demands like this.
Still, I'm interested in disciplining a wild girl like you.
Shuu: Hah, whatever. You're not worth fighting over... but I'm not against you throwing yourself at me, anyway.
Kayo: ( These guys are easily goaded... thank goodness. )
( At least I only have to deal with one of them from now on. )
( Who should I choose? )
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Character Select
[Shuu] [Reiji] [Ayato]
[Kanato] [Laito] [Subaru]
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Since the concept of “Adam and Eve,” and therefore also “Lilith,” were not introduced at the time of Haunted Dark Bridal, Kayo is referred to as “Hunter,” while Yui would have been “Bride.”
Secondly, with the context that you already played at least once as Yui, Kayo’s prologue shaves away stuff like not knowing their names, not knowing they’re vampires, etc. It’s both a meta joke and also because Kayo herself knew all of this before entering the mansion. I hope this revision isn’t too jarring, it helps cut away a lot of unnecessary fluff!
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unganseylike · 6 months
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liveshauntedmoved · 2 years

happy birthday to my regg/ie peters
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electrozeistyking · 9 days
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Thought about my In Rot and Infection AU and just realized how messed up it is. Like the guy who usually takes the lead is suddenly infected with this sickness that mysteriously showed up one day??
But they were fine yesterday? And none of you ever interacted with anyone with the sickness. Weren’t you all being careful? Didn’t you always check if food was contaminated, and it never was? They’re already at the third stage, and it goes faster through ingestion... how did you never realize? You knew something was off, but why did you never connect the dots until now?
One of you needs to do something, of course. It’s dangerous to you all right now. It’ll want to hug you, and if it does, it’ll never let go until it reaches the final stage. It’ll infect you. That can’t happen this close to reaching the King.
At least you’re in Dormont, the place you know devised treatment against the sickness. The closest to you. So even when you do get infected, you won’t have to worry about it progressing any further.
Everyone else is frozen.
They won’t act. They can’t.
It has to be you.
You clutch your book tighter. It’s heavy and dense enough. If you act fast enough, and strike hard enough... it’ll be over quick. It won’t have to process a thing if you’re fast enough. No one needs to forgive you for this, but at least they’ll be safe.
You rush forward and aim for the head.
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cordspaghetti · 3 months
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really factual recounting with no embellishments whatsoever
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snakesinsocks2005 · 6 months
Pin for survivors
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stevielims · 2 years
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it’s said that thomas knelt by barsock’s side repeatedly saying I Love You as barsock died, and even, in horrifying fashion, licked barsock’s blood.
watcher: ghost files; 1.02
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captainodonoghue · 2 years
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            Captain Swan Advent Calendar 2022
                     Day 12 ↝ Dancing
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reggies-eyeliner · 1 year
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#now playing ... just like heaven by the cure!
pavitr prabhakar hadn't walked into your life, he tripped over his feet and apologized once, taught you a handshake, complimented your outfit, talked about his day, asked about yours, and then left the room with a small wave. you had seen him around the spider society for quite some time, but you'd never really gotten the chance to talk to him-- if anything, you only really knew him from hobie. over time, you, hobie, and pavitr became a trio that took down villains, jammed out to songs, went on late night walks and had impromptu sleepovers together.
truthfully, pavitr had wanted to talk to you for quite some time, but being friends with hobie made it pretty easy for him to find you. the two of you got off to an abrupt start, but eventually things became much simpler. he doesn't mind that your wardrobe consist of mostly black (because, hey, he has a ton of friends like that, it's the spider society) and doesn't mind your rash comments either.
it's also important to recognize that pavitr isn't a naive or simply innocent spiderman, he's still hardworking and cares deeply for the people around him. pavitr is willing to stay by your side even through the roughest patches, and when you're having a bad day, he'll gently ask you if you need a moment for yourself or if you're in more need of comfort.
he definitely doesn't mind your one-liner comments or behavior tha you think is rude, he makes his own sarcastic comments on the daily, so he's actually pretty relieved that he can say them out loud with someone else! pavitr also definitely is alright with you being quiet from time to time, or if you simply need a few hours for yourself. he won't pry or beg you to hang out with him, and he'll instead ask you when you're free to chat with him or just want to go out somewhere !! when it comes to cuddling and overall love languages, this man goes ALL out-- from handshakes to hugs or embraces that make you feel like you're six years old coming home from school again, he will make sure that you feel cherished in every circumstance.
in regards to your spidersona (which is. SO cool by the way!!), whenever the venom causes them to go into a rage, pavitr remains patient. he won't loudly try to coax them into calming down or push them to suppress their emotions, and will instead just guide them through it, adding in a joke or two to remind them that it's okay to feel that way. after one of those rages and things go back smoothly, he'll definitely treat them like royalty and bring them sketchbooks, colored pencils, new headphones, blankets, tea, the whole package.
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" patching up wounds "
pavitr realizes that he truly loves you when you feel like you're at your most vulnerable: he loves you when you want to take on the world, and he loves you when you want to stay in bed all day, and he'll continue to love you even when you feel as though it's difficult to do so for yourself. he'll let you talk about your day and will patch up your wounds from battle while playing that mixtape you made. he'll literally buy you guys matching pajamas to motivate you to go to sleep if you happen to stay up later than usual. pavitr doesn't like seeing you hurt, but he loves that he's the one that gets to look after you and remind you of your strength.
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a/n: thank you so so much for the request!! i'm so so sorry this took me so long!! also i really want to say that your music taste is IMPECCABLE because i got recently introduced to those bands by a really awesome friend so this is so great!! >:DD i really hope you're doing well + take care!
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