#[sam drives off as soon as they're all out]
kaweeella · 2 years
The next season finale of game changer: ultimate geo guesser.
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zeppelinlvr · 1 month
"Better?" "Much"
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Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Summary: waking up next to Dean and getting ready with him
Notes: I promise I'll give Sam some love after this, I love the idea that Dean acts like a dad when he gets up, hacking, coughing, groaning, the whole nine yards. I wanted to thank you guys again for all of the support, you're all so sweet! 💗💗
warnings: cursing, dean and reader playfully argue, kissing, lots of fluff, reader goes to the bathroom while dean is in there, but I promise its nothing gross or weird 😔
w.c: 1k
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The rising sun shone through a crack in the curtains of the motel room. You stirred awake, the light managing to hit you right in the eye. Dean lay next to you, softly snoring, drooling lightly and laying in a position that couldn't possibly be comfortable. You grimaced for him and the thought of how bad his neck was going to hurt when he woke up.
Sam was already awake, he still sat in his pajamas but he was sipping on a cup of coffee and had his computer open, researching as he typically did. He noticed you waking up and gave you a soft smile, not wanting to wake Dean.
You weren't exactly an early riser so you cuddled into Dean, burying your face into his side, trying to block out the light. You found yourself struggling to breathe and let out a sigh, knowing you weren't going to be able to fall back asleep.
Dean groaned as he awoke, grunting as his vision cleared and he noticed your face smushed into him.
“You trying to smell my pits or something?” he said with a small laugh, his voice slightly hoarse from having just woke up
“Love the pheromones” you replied sarcastically and brought your head up to look at him.
His hair was tousled and he had pushed half of the blanket off the bed in his sleep but he looked handsome as ever. Your hair was a mess, the shirt you slept in was twisted around your body, and your sleep shorts were riding up like crazy but Dean still thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world, simultaneously enjoying how your legs and ass looked when your shorts rode up.
Both of you were wild sleepers, flipping around in the night, blankets and pillows being pushed off the bed, Dean waking up in a panic when you would jerk in your sleep, and you hitting Dean with your pillow when his snores would grow too loud. The two of you would go to bed cuddling every night and wake up with your arm sprawled over his face and his legs on your side of the bed. Neither of you would have it any other way.
You moved yourself so your head rested on his chest, he brought his arm around you and placed a kiss to the top of your head.
“What's our next move Sammy?” Dean asked, “you found anything yet?”
“There's signs of vampires in Carterville Missouri, it’ll take us about five hours to get there though, so we should head out soon.”
“I can get us there in four, as long as grandma here doesn't have to pee every half hour” he said as he motioned towards you.
“I’m not the one who needs to stop for snacks constantly” you defended “and since you want to be Kevin Harvick with how fast you drive, you can make up the lost time from my bathroom breaks”
“Why do you guys just wake up arguing?” Sam asked
“We didnt, he kissed me then we started arguing” you defended with a sweet smile
“Yeah, come on Sam” Dean added
The two of you received an eye roll from Sam “go get ready, we can leave in an hour” he told both of you.
Dean sat up with a loud groan earning a response of “You sound like a father and you're not even one” from you.
“What are you talking about”
“All dads sound like they're dying when they get out of bed, all that loud groaning and back popping makes me think you need to go to the chiropractor.” you told him
“Alright sweetheart” he responded not even bothering to give in to what you were talking about, and gave you a kiss. You scrunched your nose after he pulled away.
“You need to brush your teeth” you giggled
“Same goes for you”
The two of you got out of bed and made your way to the bathroom, brushing your teeth at the same time. Dean was at it again with his noises, he was hacking and spitting like there was no tomorrow while he brushed his teeth.
“Jesus, you dont have to kill yourself with the toothbrush you know” You told him after you rinsed your mouth out.
“Teeth won’t be clean if I don't brush em like this” he told you, muffled by his mouth full of toothpaste.
“Okay Dean, I’m gonna pee while you finish up” you said and sat down on the toilet, Dean gave you a nod with his toothbrush still dangling out of his mouth. You scoffed and then laughed at him, unable to take him seriously with his extensive morning routine.
“You look so helpless when you pee” he said
“What are you talking about” you asked with a laugh
“You just sit there like you're waiting for a bus, it makes me feel bad” he explained “at least I can stand up and put my hand on the wall or something.”
You shook your head at his observation, laughing at how ridiculous it was.
The two of you finished up in the bathroom and made your way to your bags to get changed. Sam went to the bathroom to clean up, having already changed. You opted for a tee shirt, jeans, and a jacket you had stolen from Dean. Dean put on attire similar to yours, adding a few more layers than you had chosen to.
Dean made his way over to you and kissed you sweetly, his lips lips plush against yours. He brought one of his hands up to the side of your head, toying with your hair with his fingers. He placed his other hand on your waist, rubbing his thumb back and forth along your hip. You brought your hand under his shirt, lightly scratching along his back, earning a soft groan from him. You knew he was a sucker for you scratching his back, always asking you to when the two of you laid in bed, or after he'd had a long day. You smiled into the kiss at the noise he had made. Your moment with Dean, that was much needed by both of you, was cut short by Sam clearing his throat, your face heated upon hearing him and you quickly pulled away from Dean.
“My breath better?” Dean asked a grin playing at his face
“Much” you told him with a small smile, his minty taste still lingering on your lips.
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marys2ndson · 2 months
hunting fucking sucks: a fic rec list
I just love when their lives suck not because they’re vessels for archangels or whatever, but just because their job is the worst. thankless, dangerous, morally ambiguous, leaving them injured and dirty and bone-tired. i <3 whump
Due East by sowell (4,700 words)
Just hunts and angst and them, together. Love the characterization. 
“I think I like you injured. Less bitchy,” Dean says with a smile, and Sam blinks at him. / “What?” / “You think I haven’t noticed you sulking for two days straight?”
Hard to Come By by sevenfists (1,700 words)
Hunting, driving around, sleeping in shitty motels. Making difficult choices, dealing with hard realities. 
"You don't smoke," Sam says, and Dean says, "What's it look like I'm doing?" The cigarette tastes like ass. He smokes it anyway, tapping the ash out the open window. It's August. Sam turns up the air conditioning. Dean turns it back down.
Below Breath by kalliel (3,100 words)
Season 2, case fic. Love the complete lack of exposition. You’re just thrown into it on Dean’s terms, and everything is complicated and difficult and unknown. 
Dude, he says, and shoves you in the back with his shotgun. You resist the urge to turn around and smack him with it. Or kiss him, all teeth. See how much he’s paying attention then. 
Every Rhyme Without Reason by kalliel (44,800 words) 
Season 1, case fic, Sam POV. Fascinating and atmospheric and a tough read bc Sam’s life is very uphill at this point, but he’s so present, wrestling and grappling with it. Love him. <3
Maybe they killed that rawhead, released that reaper, slashed that bax'aan's throat. Maybe they'll kill this thing in Rime. But this is what's gonna get them: They have $127.34, four more nights, half a tank of gas, and some cold leftovers to their name. Out here, there's nowhere to go but down; and even then, they're going to have to limp.
With Gravy by kalliel (3,700 words)
Vague season 2. A hunt gone wrong. Slim chances of survival, complete darkness, pain, and heroism. 
The tunnel stretches on and on, and all Dean hears is their footsteps getting heavier, sloppier. One kid cries. The woman cries. The man's leg doesn't quite clear some jutting rocks, and he weeps.
The Real Thing by ameliacareful (14,200 words)
Jensen wakes up in a motel room in Dean’s place. So outsider POV. That thing about the third trial, about Tom and Shep… Kill me. 
“Are you doing that on purpose?” / “What?” / “Sounding like him?” / “A little. Does it work?” Jensen asked. / Sam did that funny little flicker of a smile/grimace that Jared only did as Sam. “Yeah, it does.” His gaze hardened. “Don’t do it again.” / Sam was suddenly very big. Armed. / “Gotcha,” Jensen said.
Catch Your Death by road_rhythm (22,300 words)
They work a ghost hunt while Sam’s sick. This fucks severely! All their petty fights and their biases and bickering really get the spotlight they deserve, as well as the fact that they just really love and care about each other. Feels exactly like a really good ep of s2. And takes up some of the interesting Sam issues as well.
It was this, every time. Sam lashed out and Dean came back with impenetrable patience and washcloths and medicine and touch and one day it would be his life. And there was no answering back to that.
my habit of breaking hearts as soon as i have them by acccording2thelore (6,600 words)
WARNING: major character death. 
A hunt gone wrong. Staggering grief and horror mixed with intimacy and connection. <3 
If he can just get to Garth, he can send up some of his people and help carry Sam to the base of the mountain. Dean won’t make it that far.
the blurriness of being alive by hathfrozen (3,500 words)
WARNING: major character death. 
Sam dies of an infection.
“They don’t get to grieve for him,” Dean tells Miracle when he decides he isn’t calling anybody to tell them. “They ain’t allowed. They don’t get it.” Dean’s had the worst things in the known universe leeching off of him, trying to turn him into evil, but this is the most rotten, meanest he’s ever felt. He doesn’t fucking care.
A Lifetime or Two by nigeltde (18,400 words)
They work a case with their mom; Sam gets banged up; they try something new. This fic feels so real and lived in. The familiarity between Sam and Dean, the way Sam feels left out, Sam’s quiet loneliness and enduring hope, Dean’s desperate affection. <3
Sam would say lucky it was just broken bones. Lucky nothing else cut too deep. Lucky his ear was intact. Dean gets lost, strung out, trying to calculate: if Sam had been concussed, would that still be good luck? If he’d lost the finger, should Dean be thankful? Where does it end, the tallying? Sam thrown through glass, dragged across pavement, tossed into a car, stitched up in this cramped doll’s house of a room, having to bluntly endure; this is what he’s supposed to be grateful for?
Settle Down My Shivered Bones by abitingsmile (4,800 words)
WARNING: disordered eating, food insecurity, and child neglect. 
Pre-series. John, unreliable and off hunting somewhere, and Sam and Dean, making it work with too little cash and too little food. Love this exact flavor of codependency, not sweet, but hard-earned and for survival. 
Sam still bickered with him about school and television and laundry, but not about food. Hell, he practically waited for Dean to give him permission to eat, because that way they knew there’d be enough. John or no, this was something incredibly important they could control, they could handle. John simply wasn’t in the loop anymore.
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prettypinkporkchop · 6 days
I’m a paul girly can u please do one where Paul is grumpy because everyone is coupled up with their imprint and his is away for college but at the bonfire the girls surprise Paul with his imprint and he goes from a mean grumpy to a clingy sweetheart make it long pls I love u💕
I love you!!!!! ❤️
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Paul kicks the log that's below him. Everyone that's lined up on the cliff turns to him. "Paul, lighten up." Embry says. "Shut up." Paul growls and charges at him, pushing him into the water. "Really?" Jared looks at him. "Fuck off, Jared." Paul rolls his eyes. Paul misses you so bad. He hates when you're away.
Everyone is at Emily's. She made the pack lunch. They're all eating inside the house. Paul is quiet, eating his sandwhich. "Dude! Imagine what'd it'd be like if Jacob and Renesmee had babies? I sense new drama." Embry laughs. Paul grumbles and rolls his eyes. "Hey, me and Kim are planning. Just saying." Jared raises his hands. "Nuh, uh! You're just stupid horny." Quil shoves him. They burst into laughter. Paul just sits there. "Paul Lahote. Don't be so rude. I know it sucks, but she's coming back soon!" Emily pats his back. He moves his shoulders around, wiggling her hand off of him. "Yeah. I know." He says.
Back outside, everyone is training. Even the Black pack. Leah is laughing, and just her laughter pisses off Paul. He's keeping his cool. "Bro, if I phase right now, I'm biting your ankle." Embry playfully pushes Quil. "Kinky." Quil smirks and then phases. He didn't even bother to take off his shorts. When he phases, he accidently bumps into Paul. Paul growls, loses his cool, and phases. Quil's wolf slowly backs away. Sam is calling out to Paul to chill out. Paul disregards Sam and starts attacking Quil.
It's been like this for weeks. Leah, Kim, and Emily are the only ones that know you are coming back tonight at the bonfire tonight. Right now, you're at the airport heading back home. Being away from Paul has been hard for you. You're getting excited at the fact that when you go home, the last two years of your schooling are online! Paul knows nothing! This is going to be the best surprise. "Forks!" The lady at the desk, taking tickets for the plane entry, calls out your destination. Only two other people follow suit. They don't look familiar, so obviously, it's just their layovers.
Emily looks at Sam because Paul just snapped at Seth for no reason. "Paul. I'm about to just send your ass home if you don't stop." Paul sighs and leans back in the chair, looking at the sun as it sets. The fire is warm on his legs, but all he can think about is you. Seth, being Seth, offers Paul a plate and a drink. "Yeah. Thanks." Paul said dryly. Seth feels so bad. He's the only one willing to deal with Paul's anger. Everyone else is over it but at the same time, feel bad. "You know she'll come back." Emily says. "I've got that. But when? I don't know. And she has to go right back. And it'll be like this for another two years." Paul growls. "You know it's hard for her too. You have to support her." Leah butt's in. "Jesus, Leah. You know I support her. She's at school, right?" He looks at her. She nods her head and walks away, going to talk to Kim. It's getting unbearable for Paul. Being away from an imprint is the toughest thing for a shifter. It's been two months of texting, phone calls, and video calls. You're gone for two months, back for two weeks. It's been like that for a year now. Every time you leave, Paul gets angrier and angrier.
Kim and Leah get in the truck and drive to the airport to wait for you. You'll be back in an hour or so. Paul sees Emily smirking at him and then Sam. "What is it?" Paul asks. "Nothing." She shakes her head. Paul just sighs, and Seth comes back with a plate of steak, potatoes, and muffins. In his other hand is a glass of coke. Paul takes it and nods at Seth. Paul starts scarfing it down.
You leave the terminal and go out to the open space. People are walking around you and you're trying to catch Leah and Kim.
You: girls! I'm near the entrance.
You text them. Not even a few minutes later, Kim in the distance spots you. The two women run to you. You run to them, too. Your fully packed backpack and duffle bag on your arm are heavy and bouncing. You tackle both of the women who hold their arms open. You three laugh and just about fall over. "Let me take this!" Leah smiles, grabbing your bag. "UGH! Thank you, life saver." You gush at Leah. "God, I've missed you guys." You sigh. "Paul has been a dick, as usual. I'm literally about to snap his neck." Leah laughs. You nod your head in agreement. "I can only imagine." You reply.
You girls get to Leah's truck. You sit in the back seat while Leah drives. "Nobody questioned why we left. Not even Jared!" Kim says offended. "Them rowdy boys wouldn't notice if the sun fell on them while they're together." Leah laughs. "True!" You call out. "How's Billy?" You ask. "He's doing good. Old man can't fall over. I swear he's invincible." Leah laughs. "Yes! I try to help him do stuff around the house, but he just shooes me and Emily off." Kim says. "So, typical Billy. What about Jake and Nessie?" You ask. Leah rolls her eyes. "The guy is barely even with us. Ever since they got their house, them two have been loners. He only comes out during get-togethers, wolf shit, and bonfires." Leah replies. As she says this, a car pulls out in front of you guys. She swerves to the side, making you hit your head on the window. "Shit! Asshole!" Leah honks her horn. Kim flips them off. You lean back up in your seat. "Geez." You laugh awkwardly. "We're stopping at Paul's so you can drop off your stuff and then going to the fire." Leah says, totally disregarding that you almost died.
You guys finally make it. You can see the smoke from the fire and orange in the distance in the yard. You can see the guys running around. You squint toward the fire and see Paul sitting in a chair by himself. You giggle at his sulking. "Wait, I didn't think this far." Kim laughs. "How do we surprise him?" She turns to Leah. "I have an idea!" You lift a finger. They turn to you. "I sneak up behind him, putting my hands in front of his eyes and pull a 'guess who'." They nod together and then clap their hands. "UGH! Finally, I can breathe!" Leah breathes out. You laugh at her dramatic self. You step out of the truck. You slowly walk your way behind Paul. "I can hear you creeping, and I'm not in the mood." Paul growls. You quickly put your hands in front of his eyes. "Fuck." He growls but then stops instantly as he smells your scent. "Guess who." You whisper. He doesn't hesitate to stand up, throw the chair that's in between you, and wrap his arms around you. You hold him back and breathe in what you've missed. Paul Lahote. He's back in your arms. "Oh my fucking god, my baby." He mumbles in your hair. "I fucking love you." He says. "I love you too, Paul." You reply. Then, there's loud clapping all around. You two pull away from each other and see everyone clapping. "How'd you even get here?!" He smiles at you. Before you can even answer, he grabs your face and kisses you roughly. You kiss him back and wrap your fingers around his wrists. His lips are soft, and the kiss is longing. You fall into it, moving your lips with his. You pull away and look into your man's eyes. "Leah and Kim picked me up. All of the girls knew." You reply, your thumbs running over his knuckles. "Damn it." He smiles, chuckling. He lifts you up and spins you around. "My girl." He laughs. You laugh along with him, and he sets you down. "Alright, we get it! Now, time to share her." Emily laughs, hugging you. Paul smiles, not giving any more attitude.
You hug everyone, and Paul refuses to leave your side. You love it! Considering, you refuse to leave his, too. Now you guys are sitting around the fire. Jake and Nessie showed up. You're sitting on his lap. His arms are around your waist. He leaves random kisses on your back and arm. He randomly squeezes and presses his cheek against your back as if you could disappear any moment. Once the fire talk is over, you turn to Paul. "I don't want you to go again." He frowns. "Baby, I have good news." You smile. "What?" His eyes widen and sparkle with hope. "My physical classes are over. I'm home now. They're online." You watch as his lips part, and he slowly begins to smile. "Oh my God. YES!" He holds you. You pull his face off of your chest and kiss him softly. He doesn't instantly kiss you back. Pulling away and going back in, over and over. Everyone is leaving you two at it.
After holding onto you for a hot while, Paul decides to apologize to his pack and play around with them. You sit down on the chair, chatting with Emily. "God, Paul is back." She sighs in relief. "I know! Even on the phone, he seemed off." You giggle. Paul grabs your shoulders suddenly and then kisses your head. "Alright, back off with the boys." He does this a few more times. He runs off to play with the guys and then runs to you to give you a quick kiss before running back.
You're typing away on your laptop while Paul is still in bed sleeping. You're on the couch with your legs crossed doing some work. You open the highlighter cap and swipe it across words on the thick ass book that sits next to you. The bedroom door opens, and there stands a quiet Paul. His sleep shorts are hanging low. He yawns and scratches the back of his neck. "Good morning, my baby girl." He says in his scratchy and low morning voice. He walks over to you and presses a kiss to your forehead. "Good morning, my love." You scrunch up your nose with a smile. He looks over your neck and chuckles. "You didn't leave hickeys last night, did you?" You sighed in annoyance. "Eh, maybe I got carried away." He clicks his tongue before walking into the kitchen. "Damn it, Paul." You turn on the camera on your phone and see three big purple bruises. "Emily asked me to come over today when you go over there." You say. "Good because you were coming with anyways." He smirks, pouring his milk into his cereal. You blush and then bite your lip. "AWE, no, don't do that. You'll get what you got last night again." He winks. You roll your eyes playfully. "And don't do that either." He warns, taking a bite of his cereal.
You're mixing the batter to Emily's cake. She licks some chocolate off her finger and flips through her recipe. "Girl, this will take hours!" She sighs. "Are you nervous? I mean, it's a wedding cake! That's a lot of pressure." You continue to mix. "Nah! It's a small wedding." She shrugs it off. "Woowoo!" You hear Embry and Quil. In walks everyone, including Jacob. "Surprised you're here." Emily smirks at him. "Hey, I had to see y/n again." He laughs. You smile at him. "Well, I'm here permanently." You say. Paul walks behind the counter and puts his arm around your waist, kissing your cheek. "Normally, I'd say get the hell out of my kitchen, but I'm giving you an exception today." Emily says to Paul. "Thank you, Emily!" He smiles. "Oh wow! A thank you!" Jared jokes. Paul flips him off with a smirk. "Don't hate the love." You laugh. You place the bowl down on the counter to finish up your assignment Emily gave you for the cake. Paul huffs and pulls you back into him. "Hey!" You giggle. "Alright, lover boy, let the girl bake." Emily pats his shoulder. Paul groans and nods his head, walking toward the group of guys. "Yes, ma'am." He says. "I could really get used to this." Emily laughs. Sam nods his head, crossing his arms. "Yes, much better." He laughs. "Paul, I have to show you this new trick I can do while jumping off the cliff!" Embry says. "I saw you do that shit, dude. You looked dumb." Jacob teases. "Aye now." Quil warns and wraps an arm around Embry. "Don't be mean to my boyfriend." He glares. "WOAHHHH WOOOAHHH WOKKAHHG." Embry shoves him off. "Emily! Can I give y/n one more kiss?" He begs. "Quickly." She says, putting one of the cake pieces into the oven. He jumps up and gets behind you while you put icing on the base of the cake. He kisses your head over and over before you turn your head and kiss him softly. He smiles and then sits back down. "Alright, alright. I'm done." He says. "Lover boy!" Jacob sings. "Oh, loverboy!" Jared follows Jacob. Paul glares at them. "I'll kick your asses. I'm not joking." He growls. They start laughing. "There's the hothead!" Jared ruffles his hair. Paul grabs his hand tightly. "Ow, ow, ow." Jared laughs.
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ajortga · 5 months
the 1900s
pairing: lorraine day x reader (implied fem?)
summary: with safe-kept memories from your past with your sunshine-like lorraine, more memories with your new family are unraveling for your future. (time is more in the past)
word count: 1.4k+
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based off request! (thank you for the support anons!)
hi! i love your writings, they're so good! i just hope that you can write something cute about pregnant lorraine and reader chilling in their farmhouse with their children, please? thank you 💛
“Melly, look at the camera baby!” Lorraine’s sweet, baby-voice echoes. Your doe-eyed daughter, who’s hair is currently in braids that your wife did when she had the shortest length of hair, coos and runs up to the both of you, her hands flaring to the air. 
Melly’s hands make grabby arms and you pick her up and spin her around as she giggles. You curl up to Lorraine and nuzzle her neck as she plays with your daughter's hair. She puts a small strawberry hat she knitted on her tiny head, making Melly babble and erupt in laughter.
Her eyes look up at you, blinking as her little hands come up and nestles her fingertips into your smooth hair. You do the same for Lorraine, pressing your lips to the side of her head as you fondle with her dark, wavy hair. You make a small squeal when Melly tugs on your hair, not enough to hurt, "Stop that!" Melly giggles more and plops her head onto your shoulder, "Hair."
“You are so cute! Your eyes are so pretty!” She fusses, lending the camera to you as you carefully hand Melly to her, cautious of Lorraine’s belly that is currently bloating that carries your soon to be child. You rub the bump that's forming, leaning down and letting your hands rub shapes under her yellow sundress. The freckled brunette gives you a warm smile, in which you let her kiss your forehead as she speaks, “She has your eyes, you know? That’s why I love her even more.”
“Well, she has your cheeks, I can squish them all day!” You giggle, pinching Melly’s cheeks lightly and squishing Lorraine’s.
Your wife squeals at you, and you pick up an incoming Theodore that is now racing towards you with his cow stuffed animal. His dark brunette hair is ruffled, in which Lorraine rubs it to smooth it out.
“Hi Teddy!” You say, recording him as he looks up at the camera with his overalls and a farmer hat you secretly stole from Mr. Days' most prized stuffed animal collection. He shows his cow stuffed animal to the camera, like a trophy and plunks on the haystack, his eyes noticing the tractor push-car placed next to him. He crawls off the stack and tries to crawl into the mini, self-drive tractor. It makes you and Lorraine giggle. 
Your camcorder gets placed down on one of the stables, where it can capture everything. Then you pick up Theo and spin him in your arms, making him squeal happily. You bounce him up and down in your arms before placing him into the tractor and watching him click all the random buttons. He places his cow, which he’s recently called Sam, in the passenger seat. Then he puts his hat on him. 
“Car,” Theodore’s tiny voice states, making him around to you. His eyes are questioning.
“Yes tiny, that’s a car.”
His tiny toes step on the pedal and the tiny tractor slowly begins to drive to you, making small ‘vroom’ noises as his tractor goes in circles in time with his wheel spinning.
“Baby, I think Theo would be a race-car driver one day.”
“I think he’d be a great race-car driver,” you say, about to talk about all the cool things he would do, until Theodore’s tractor bumps into Lorraine’s knee.
“Ouch!” She gasps, playfully. The small boy giggles his heart out, so much you can see his brunette hair going up and down.
“Excuse you, young man. You cannot try to crash into a pretty girl’s knee that is currently going to grant you another sibling!”
He backs up and this time charges to your knee, bumping into it.
“Hey! That hurts!” You shout, Theodore is giggling again, his cheeks are flaring red and you and Lorraine can’t help but giggle. “I hope he doesn’t do that in class.”
Lorraine shakes her head, placing Melly next to Theo as she puts his stuffed animal back into Theo’s lap, watching them go.
She looks at you, as if you were the sweetest person to ever exist. “My daughter and son look even more beautiful because of you.” You flush pink, the smile that forms on your face can’t be stopped, “I think they’re only beautiful because of you ‘Raine.” 
Her finger places over your lips, before kissing them and looking into your eyes. Your head rests on your shoulder as you look up at her with those puppy eyes she’s been melting in since she first met you years ago, “Well they’re our children, the cute girls and boys we always pointed to when they passed by our house to try out our cookies. The children that we’ve always talked about having. They’re ours Y/N. I can’t imagine it, or being happy with anyone that isn’t you.”
You nuzzle her chest, inhaling her sweet, musky, citrus scent, “I’ll never be happy with anyone else that isn’t my sweet Lorraine.”
The both of you smile, before watching your children drive around the barn. 
“Cow!” Theodore states as he brings his cow stuffy up to show it the cow in front of him. His name was Mabel.
A little while later you and Lorraine are asleep on each other with your backs laid against the barn. Theodore and Melly are feeding your netherland dwarfs and holland lops strawberries. Both your eyes flutter as you hear your sweet girl’s giggle, peeking out of the barn door. Your bunnies are licking their hands. And even after they bite into the strawberry, Melly eats the rest, making a small, ‘mmm’ noise.
“Wait, where did she get those strawberries?”
“The door where the sink is closed!”
“She’s eating the strawberries we grew without washing them!”
Before Melly can eat another one you two shriek, “Wash those strawberries!”
The four of you, well five, if you include your 3 and a half month golden retriever, (Pickle) are back at the farm house. The chilly breeze of the air conditioning cools you two down as you make Lorraine, Melly, and Theodore milkshakes. You cut some strawberries and mash them into a sauce, before adding some sugar and condensed milk. Then you blend them up with some milk and vanilla ice cream.
“Milky.. Shake!” Melly and Theodore say happily as all of you drink your milkshakes at the table. You steal a small sip from Lorraine’s strawberry one as she takes a sip from your vanilla one. She presses your lips on yours quickly, a light peck. You look back at the brunette girl and kiss her again.
“Ewww..” Theodore says, looking away from the romantic and cute sight that was in front of his eyes. Melly covers her face and makes a fake gagging noise, “Icky.” Theodore hugs Melly and she hugs him back, they’re both hiding away from you two.
“Awhh,” you both coo, watching them peek at you, Theodore peeks at you from the crevice of Melly, checking if you two are done.
Lorraine laughs in your ear as you hide in her neck and rub her belly, “When they’re older we’ll be teasing them and gagging when they have someone to bring home.”
“You’re sure right baby.”
You both are silent for a moment, taking a moment to appreciate everything around you, and what memories are yet to be created in the comfort of your home. There are pictures of your children’s footprints, the four of you as a family, Melly hugging Pickle when he was a baby, and Theo hugging Melly. Your eyes linger on a picture with them having spaghetti sauce all over their face and flour on the floor, like they’ve been caught committing a crime.
“That’s my favorite photo,” you say, looking up at it and grinning. 
“That’s mine,” Lorraine points at the one when you four went to the pool for the first time, both your babies floating on the water with safety lifeguards on.
Then your eyes meet a polaroid photo that you two took years ago, maybe even more over a decade. It feels so long ago, yet you remember it like it was yesterday. Your heart aches knowing that time has passed by so quickly with your sweet ‘Raine. Lorraine smiles seeing the way you’re smiling. 
You still had braces in and that stupid, silly smile. It was the photo of when Mabel, the cow that is still mooing today, was still a calf. Lorraine was wearing overalls and toothily smiling at the camera while you had ice cream in your hand. It was after the carnival you two went to freshman year high school. You remember Mr. Day had taken you both when celebrating your good grades. You two looked so young, yet it didn’t even look like you aged either way. You two were still the same old Y/N and Lorraine. 
The both of you lean into each other, “No, that’s my favorite photo,” you both whisper. The polaroid photo that wrote, 1997.
“I love you Y/N," her voice says, smooth like vanilla. You smile, curl yourself more into her.
“I love you more ‘Raine.”
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déjà vu
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Summary: After Age of Ultron, the team are left with the decision of what to do with Wanda, and they’re not in agreement. Natasha becomes staunchly defensive of the witch, remembering her own fate at SHIELD was decided in a similar manner.
(Summaries are tricky but Nat defends Wanda, R defends Nat, then they comfort each other at the end)
Word Count: 1188
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff & Reader; Wanda Maximoff & Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Half the team are being mean to Wanda and Natasha gets sad :(
A/N: Based on this request. Thank you all for the awesome response to my last fic, it gave me the motivation to write despite everything else going on rn, so thank you and reminder to reblog and comment on fics if you can, because that’s what keeps writers posting their fics on here :) Enjoy!
»»————- ★ ————-««
"We cannot let her waltz around scot-free without any repentance for her crimes!"
"She just lost her homeland and her twin brother; you don't think that's enough punishment?"
"She's HYDRA. She volunteered. She is everything we've been fighting against and you want us to, what? take her under our wing? make her even stronger than she already is?"
"Yes! That's the kind of power we want on our side-"
To nobody's surprise, Steve and Tony are at odds, driving the argument. Thor had backed Steve with the insight that second chances had done his brother a world of good. But everyone remembers the Battle of New York, and soon even Steve is wishing the God of Thunder would rescind his support. Bruce agrees with Tony, still racked with guilt over the Johannesburg incident. Then Clint voices his support for Steve, upon a conditional level of trust, to return the sides to an imbalance.
Sam and Rhodey use their newcomer status to remove their ballot from the decision; the two of them sneaking off, likely to do better things with their time.
The argument continues, never ceasing for breaths since everyone talks over each other, constantly interrupting the previous point. You grimace from your place in the corner; sitting, observing, and waiting for them to tire themselves out before you say your piece. Natasha meets your eye. She is doing the same.
"She's a child!" Steve continues
"She's going on 26! Steve you were Captain America by that age, I was the most famous CEO in the world! We weren't let off the hook for anything, were we? We weren't told we were 'just kids so it's all okay'. I paid for my mistakes, same as you did, and this glowing ball in my chest is proof of that."
"That's enough," Natasha finally speaks. Her voice is all it takes to bring the group to silence. "She's a victim. She was manipulated into her actions and she came around as soon as she realised that. We've all made mistakes, and joining the Avengers was our chance at redemption; let her have that."
"Her actions are her own, and I'm sorry, but they're too severe to wave off as a mistake, or ignorance"
"Is that the same with me?"
"See, I was a victim too, but no one ever treated me like one."
"No. Nobody was controlling me when I went through the Red Room; my actions were all my own, same as Wanda. But when your childhood is defined by manipulation and indoctrination, how much does that matter? I did the only thing I knew how to do and followed orders, same as Wanda, and I lost people along the way, same as Wanda. Have you even spoken to her, Tony? She's known since the age of 10 that your missile killed her parents, and HYDRA took advantage of that; you think you'd keep a levelhead if you found someone responsible for your parents' deaths?
So no. I spent too long thinking my transgressions were all my own, and I won't stand here and let Wanda believe the same."
Natasha strides out of the door with purpose and speed, while all eyes in the room track her movements in silence. It is only when the door slams that the team begins to break from their stupor.
You look around unsurely, meeting everyone's eyes as if to confirm its truth. You are the first to break the silence. "I'm going after her." Nobody contests.
You don't rush, you know where Natasha is after all and you know she needs time alone, but you also know to check up on her after an argument like that. You were there when Clint brought her back to SHIELD, when Fury and the archer broke into arguments echoingly similar to the one the team just had. You remember how much she struggled from her own mind, how they left her in a cell, just as the Avengers now have to Wanda, and you remember the thin walls, where Natasha could overhear all their arguments regardless of how you tried to distract her. 
It isn't a surprise to you when you open Natasha's door and she refuses to speak. She watches you enter and makes space for you to sit beside her on the bed, but she doesn't speak. You talk to her for a bit, praising her stance, but it's clear she needs longer alone.
"I'll be here when you need," you say. She nods. You walk back to where you're needed most, passing through the common room still full of arguing Avengers on your way.
"Stop thinking about yourselves for once, and think about your fucking team," you say without even stopping to look at them, then you continue your path out of the room.
»»————- ★ ————-««
Guilt sets in on the remaining Avengers as they fall to silence yet again. Clint reminds them what Natasha went through and from that memory, Natasha's hasty exit, and your outburst after seeing the assassin, they can all conclude how much the topic has hurt their teammate.
Clint apologies through her bedroom door; the others say sorry to her face once she lets them in. Natasha sighs, then nods her acceptance of their apologies. "The person you really should be saying this to is Wanda. She deserves support, not solitary isolation."
"Yeah, I don't think it's all that solitary," Tony says. He flicks his wrist to the wall, and soon enough FRIDAY is displaying a feed of Wanda's cell.
"Is that Y/N?" Steve asks, squinting for a better look.
Meanwhile, Natasha smiles, recognising the scene in front of her and knowing, with certainty, that it was you. She watches you and Wanda sit cross-legged on the floor with a plastic yellow board coming up between you. You both analyse it closely until you pull a circular blue chip from your hand and slide it in.
"That's four!" you cheer. Pointing out the four circles you had managed to connect. Wanda frowns, but you can tell it is not akin to the sorrow she had felt so often recently. At this moment, her mind is distracted entirely from that and focused only on the game. 
"We have to play again. I can win this, I know," the Sokovian frowns. "I get first move."
You're still dividing the 'connect 4' pieces into their respective colours when a knock sounds on the cell door. You look up as Natasha opens the door, greeting Wanda with a smile.
"You doing okay?" you ask.
Natasha nods. "Thank you for being here, Y/N. And as for Wanda-" she switches her gaze- "we've got a room prepared for you if you're willing to stay. You can learn to control your powers; the team agreed I can train you."
"I would like that," Wanda mumbles, her nerves around the assassin still clear.
"Come on then, I'll take you to your room.” Natasha smiles and escorts her out, but before falling out of your earshot, she leans into Wanda conspiratorially, “I’ll even give you the secret to beating Y/N at that game.”
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the-oblivious-writer · 10 months
Carpenter Sisters Headcanons
Sam Carpenter & Tara Carpenter
Notes: Just some headcanons of my favorite sisters (aka my beloveds). Wanted to give you something since I've been pretty inactive this month partly due to the Christmas special I'm planning (which is coming soon) I also just love Sam & Tara sm, they will forever live on no matter what
Sam Carpenter
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We should all already know this but, Sam is all the above when it comes to Tara. Big sister? Check. Dad? Check. Mom? Check, check, check
Makes Tara carry around a bunch of self-defense weapons like a taser, pepper spray etc
Texts like an old man. She doesn't know a whole bunch of "text lingo" so Tara uses that to her advantage. She'd text you "Kys" thinking it meant "keep yourself safe" because that's what Tara told her. She definitely uses these emojis: 😂 🙂
Is completely lost when it comes to "slang terms" and abbreviations. Tara: "You ate that Sam." Sam: "Ate what? I'm not even eating." Tara's laughed/made fun of her for it while Sam remains confused
Hates being called Samantha. It reminds her of how her mother would scold and ridicule her. When Tara started calling her Sammy, she couldn't be any happier with the given nickname
Never got Tara's love for Horror growing up, but tried to understand for her. In her opinion, it's illogical how most of the characters act, but Tara likes it so she doesn't mind giving it another try
Definitely introverted. She's more outgoing with people she's comfortable with; Tara, Mindy, Chad. Growing up, she never socialized a lot
Will always set everybody else's plate before her own
The Core Four have game nights and it can get... intense. Let's just say on multiple occasions (whether that was Tara buying her out during monopoly or Chad and Mindy giving her yet another +4 in Uno) she has been extremely close to flipping the table
Could laugh to the point where she's gasping for air, I can imagine her and the Core Four just wheezing over the dumbest things
Definitely had "the world doesn't understand me so I cope by blasting music very loudly in my room, not gaf who I piss off" phase. One of the songs she would blast was Creep by Radiohead (canon event. I can't interfere.)
Tara Carpenter
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Could sleep anywhere, and always sleeping any chance she gets. I'd say she's a night person, and hates being woken up so early in the morning. And I can imagine she's a sleep talker too
Growing up she had a favorite stuffed animal she carried around everywhere with her and refused to sleep without it
She was a thumbsucker growing up, which she was teased for
Never learned how to ride a bike
She's always hated needles. Whenever she was forced to get a shot when she was younger, she refused to take it without Sam being in the room with her. Sam would let Tara squeeze her hand as tightly as she needed to
Cannot drive for shit. I just know this woman is a bad driver, Sam and the others just hold on to dear life and cross their fingers when Tara gets into the driver's seat
Her car is a complete mess, like you'll just find the randomist stuff in there. There's probably no limit to what you could find if you just try hard enough
She wakes up in the weirdest positions and thinks, "How tf did this even happen-"
Bullies kids on roblox (I don't make the rules)
If someone messes with Sam, they better count their days
She can get soo competitive. If she's winning, you'll know. Can get cocky when celebrating, chanting and everything
Her, Chad, and Mindy would put together one of those "performances" when they were little in order to convince Sam to let them stay up late or have a sleep over. Sam said yes every time
Tara's a shark defender. She believes they're extremely misunderstood creatures
A/N: I need a Sam & Tara for Christmas
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axelsagewrites · 6 months
Hello. Could I request a fic with f reader working at Richmond and Jan Maas faling in love with reader. Just fluff. ❤️
Jan Maas*Sweet As You
Pairing: Jan Maas x f!reader
Word count: 1134
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Warnings: pure fluff
Masterlist here
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There were definite perks and draw backs of working at Richmond. On one hand as a receptionist, you got paid to do honestly not very much. However, on the other hand you had to deal with a weird amount of prank calls from football fans.
One recently developing perk was the free coffee you received every morning. No, it wasn't a company thing or from your boss or other colleagues. Every morning this week Jan Maas walked in with a black coffee in one hand and an iced caramel mocha latte with an extra shot of expresso in the other.
It all started when you happened to walk into work at the same time and he noticed the Starbucks cup in your hand. "Is that even coffee at this point?" He half teased half seriously wondered.
"It is coffee," you said, drawing out the words as you defended yourself as Jan opened the front door for you, "caffeine not enough for me. I need that sugar high to deal with you lot,"
Jan chuckled at you, walking you over to the desk where your coworker pretended not to be listening in. "Funny. I thought you were sweet enough. See you later," he said, walking away to leave you a blushing mess.
However as soon as he got out of sight Jan became equally as flustered as he realised what he'd said. What was worse was Sam hearing him muttering under his breath about it resulting in Sam telling all the guys who then set up a plan to teach Jan how to flirt.
The issue was he wasn't very good at it. Instead, every morning without fail he got your coffee for you. "Hey Jan," you called, rolling down your car window as you slowed down. It was 7am and he was walking to Richmond with two coffees in hand, "need a lift?"
Jan preferred to walk. He'd never really seen the big deal around cars. However, he was quick to accept your offer. "My coffees will bankrupt you," you joked as you accepted the drink before resuming your drive.
"Don’t worry about it," he laughed, "your worth the money,"
"Think you can buy my affection? “you teased as you were pulling into Richmond.
"Maybe," he said it quietly, his eyes darting away before back to yours. "Is it working?" He asked.
You turned the car off, taking a long sip out your coffee while pretending to think about it, "I think it might be," you finally said, a smile on your lips and a large grin on his. "Throw in a pastry next time and I'm yours,"
When people saw you get out the same car there were some rumours to say the least. Another drawback of the job. However, another perk was walking in right now with a coffee and a suspiciously sweet-smelling brown bag.
"I wasn't sure which to get so I picked whichever looked the sweetest," he said as he placed the bag down.
"You know me so well," you grinned, "thanks though. Take it you don't have time to have one before practise?" You asked despite knowing he didn’t, but you couldn't help but try.
Your smile plus the way your eyelashes batted had Jan Maas willing to pay the late fee. "I suppose one wouldn't hurt," he said as he moved to sit on the edge of the reception desk as you offered him a pastry, "You should make Stroopkoeken with me one day. You'd like them,"
"What are they?" You asked, not realising how adorable Jan thought your head tilt was in your confusion.
"They're like a Carmel biscuit. My mum would make them for me growing up. Better than any Starbucks pastry," he joked, “But you have to make them from scratch to get the best experience,”
“You’ll have to teach me some time,” you smiled back and is if on queue his phone began ringing.
Jan deflated when he saw his teammates call, “I’ll need to go now. I’ll see you later,”
As he began to walk away you cringed before taking a deep breath, “Wait!” you called making him stop in his tracks. “Are you free tomorrow night? Maybe we could try making those biscuits,” you offered with an awkward smile that he found insanely endearing.
A wide grin broke onto his face, “I’d love to. It’s a date,” he said before actually turning to go to practise, leaving you a grinning mess.
“A baking date is perfect!”
“Nah man you should go out to a restaurant for the first date,”
“Oh, what if you take her to Sam’s place for dinner first?”
“There’s a new bar up the street you could go to after,”
“What you gonna wear bruv?”
“Make sure you actually clean up. Chicks notice that kinda stuff,”
“Oh, you should get her flowers. Birds dig flowers,”
“And make sure when you go to kiss her- “
“Woah woah guys!” Jan said, standing up from the bench and pushing past his teammates who’d essentially jumped on him after practise when they found out why he was late, “It’s just a first date. Well, I think it’s a date. I said it’s a date, but people here don’t always mean date, oh god what if she doesn’t realise it’s a date?” Jan began to panic, turning to his equally clueless mates.
They were all panicking till a loud, “Oi,” stopped them, “Don’t listen to these pricks,” Roy told him after pretending not to care the whole time, “Shower, shave, tidy up, and calm down. She’ll know it’s a date since all you two do is flirt like some snot nosed teens,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“Roy’s right,” Sam said, standing to put a hand on Jan’s shoulder, “You’ve got nothing to worry about,”
“Not what I said but alright,” Roy shrugged but this time he got ignored.
Well apart from Jamie who rolled his eyes before adding his own words of wisdom. “Yeah, mate just be yourself,”
The kitchen was now a mess, sugar spilt everywhere, and a pot that looked like it would never be clean again and of course a plate of perfectly made biscuits. “I don’t know how my mum made it look so easy,” Jan said.
You laughed as you reached up to wipe the flour off his forehead, “Yeah but they taste good so who cares,” you said, noticing the way his cheeks tinged pink whenever you touched him.
“They’re almost as sweet as you,” he smiled softly, brushing your hair out of your face making your own skin flush.
Enough was enough you thought, “So tell me something,” you said, Jan humming as he waited for you to ask, “Why haven’t you kissed me yet?” you nearly whispered.
“I thought you’d never ask,”
Pairing: Jan Maas x f!reader
Word count: 1134
Warnings: pure fluff
There were definite perks and draw backs of working at Richmond. On one hand as a receptionist, you got paid to do honestly not very much. However, on the other hand you had to deal with a weird amount of prank calls from football fans.
One recently developing perk was the free coffee you received every morning. No, it wasn't a company thing or from your boss or other colleagues. Every morning this week Jan Maas walked in with a black coffee in one hand and an iced caramel mocha latte with an extra shot of expresso in the other.
It all started when you happened to walk into work at the same time and he noticed the Starbucks cup in your hand. "Is that even coffee at this point?" He half teased half seriously wondered.
"It is coffee," you said, drawing out the words as you defended yourself as Jan opened the front door for you, "caffeine not enough for me. I need that sugar high to deal with you lot,"
Jan chuckled at you, walking you over to the desk where your coworker pretended not to be listening in. "Funny. I thought you were sweet enough. See you later," he said, walking away to leave you a blushing mess.
However as soon as he got out of sight Jan became equally as flustered as he realised what he'd said. What was worse was Sam hearing him muttering under his breath about it resulting in Sam telling all the guys who then set up a plan to teach Jan how to flirt.
The issue was he wasn't very good at it. Instead, every morning without fail he got your coffee for you. "Hey Jan," you called, rolling down your car window as you slowed down. It was 7am and he was walking to Richmond with two coffees in hand, "need a lift?"
Jan preferred to walk. He'd never really seen the big deal around cars. However, he was quick to accept your offer. "My coffees will bankrupt you," you joked as you accepted the drink before resuming your drive.
"Don’t worry about it," he laughed, "your worth the money,"
"Think you can buy my affection? “you teased as you were pulling into Richmond.
"Maybe," he said it quietly, his eyes darting away before back to yours. "Is it working?" He asked.
You turned the car off, taking a long sip out your coffee while pretending to think about it, "I think it might be," you finally said, a smile on your lips and a large grin on his. "Throw in a pastry next time and I'm yours,"
When people saw you get out the same car there were some rumours to say the least. Another drawback of the job. However, another perk was walking in right now with a coffee and a suspiciously sweet-smelling brown bag.
"I wasn't sure which to get so I picked whichever looked the sweetest," he said as he placed the bag down.
"You know me so well," you grinned, "thanks though. Take it you don't have time to have one before practise?" You asked despite knowing he didn’t, but you couldn't help but try.
Your smile plus the way your eyelashes batted had Jan Maas willing to pay the late fee. "I suppose one wouldn't hurt," he said as he moved to sit on the edge of the reception desk as you offered him a pastry, "You should make Stroopkoeken with me one day. You'd like them,"
"What are they?" You asked, not realising how adorable Jan thought your head tilt was in your confusion.
"They're like a Carmel biscuit. My mum would make them for me growing up. Better than any Starbucks pastry," he joked, “But you have to make them from scratch to get the best experience,”
“You’ll have to teach me some time,” you smiled back and is if on queue his phone began ringing.
Jan deflated when he saw his teammates call, “I’ll need to go now. I’ll see you later,”
As he began to walk away you cringed before taking a deep breath, “Wait!” you called making him stop in his tracks. “Are you free tomorrow night? Maybe we could try making those biscuits,” you offered with an awkward smile that he found insanely endearing.
A wide grin broke onto his face, “I’d love to. It’s a date,” he said before actually turning to go to practise, leaving you a grinning mess.
“A baking date is perfect!”
“Nah man you should go out to a restaurant for the first date,”
“Oh, what if you take her to Sam’s place for dinner first?”
“There’s a new bar up the street you could go to after,”
“What you gonna wear bruv?”
“Make sure you actually clean up. Chicks notice that kinda stuff,”
“Oh, you should get her flowers. Birds dig flowers,”
“And make sure when you go to kiss her- “
“Woah woah guys!” Jan said, standing up from the bench and pushing past his teammates who’d essentially jumped on him after practise when they found out why he was late, “It’s just a first date. Well, I think it’s a date. I said it’s a date, but people here don’t always mean date, oh god what if she doesn’t realise it’s a date?” Jan began to panic, turning to his equally clueless mates.
They were all panicking till a loud, “Oi,” stopped them, “Don’t listen to these pricks,” Roy told him after pretending not to care the whole time, “Shower, shave, tidy up, and calm down. She’ll know it’s a date since all you two do is flirt like some snot nosed teens,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“Roy’s right,” Sam said, standing to put a hand on Jan’s shoulder, “You’ve got nothing to worry about,”
“Not what I said but alright,” Roy shrugged but this time he got ignored.
Well apart from Jamie who rolled his eyes before adding his own words of wisdom. “Yeah, mate just be yourself,”
The kitchen was now a mess, sugar spilt everywhere, and a pot that looked like it would never be clean again and of course a plate of perfectly made biscuits. “I don’t know how my mum made it look so easy,” Jan said.
You laughed as you reached up to wipe the flour off his forehead, “Yeah but they taste good so who cares,” you said, noticing the way his cheeks tinged pink whenever you touched him.
“They’re almost as sweet as you,” he smiled softly, brushing your hair out of your face making your own skin flush.
Enough was enough you thought, “So tell me something,” you said, Jan humming as he waited for you to ask, “Why haven’t you kissed me yet?” you nearly whispered.
“I thought you’d never ask,”
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stargazedwinchester · 6 months
Too Soon? Pt.2 | Sam
Summary: Sam made a bold move despite only knowing you for a day. Where does this lead?
You can read part 1 here! It's been requested so here's the final part :)
Sorry for the week of nothing lmao, I've been extremely busy with work and it's taken me a whole week to finish this, everything else will be posted within the next week and requests will be back open soon!
Word count: 1,744
Tag List: @chaospossum @girlsforpjm @rowenalovee @themidnightwitch44 @amythedoctor @linkthetrashgoblin @take-it-on-the-run
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Your cheeks flushed a bright pink, and Dean's eyes were locked on you. "That was a very bold move Sammy," He states, chuckling to himself before taking a bite out of his burger. And Sam laughs, clearly trying to avoid all eye contact with you. Unsure what to do, your eyes meet the table whilst thinking everything over.
"You're making her shy, Dean!" Charlie chortles, somehow finding amusement in your embarrassment. You just know that if the tables were turned she would not be laughing. Your eyes met Sams, the sunlight hitting the colours just right, making them look a sort of treron than plain hazel. It's almost like he hadn't taken his eyes off of you. His gaze softens when he realises they're still poking fun at the pair of you, so he shoots you a quick it's okay smile, before clearing his throat. The food and drinks arrived quickly after, the pair of you completely ignoring the two children sat next to you.
♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
About an hour or so later, you're all gradually picking up your things and leaving the table. Dean throws a $10 tip on the table for the waitress, giving her a full smile upon leaving. He and Charlie walk on toward the Impala, leaving you and Sam trailing behind. You can feel him looking at you, the feeling making you want to make him look at you more. The subtle exchanges in the diner and the gentle touches under the table make you feel like you're a teenager again.
You all pile into the car, sitting in comfortable silence. Charlie and Dean having their own nerdy conversation about Star Wars really bores you, so you tune out and stare out of the window instead.
♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
Your head falls onto Sam's chest, who's sound asleep with his hand propping his head up as he rests, his legs splayed out with his other hand placed on his thigh. At this moment you didn't really care about who said what, it's hard to sleep in a car with no pillows or blankets. Charlie's asleep in the front seat, Dean focusing on driving. You shift your whole body to lean against him, and he lifts his arm to allow you onto his lap. You place your head on his thighs and he strokes your hair. Sam's breathing softens again, his enormous hands coming to a halt. He rests it on top of your hip, the pair of you drifting off to sleep once more.
It must’ve been a few hours since you passed out on Sam’s lap, but Dean had parked the Impala outside of a motel, the discoloured sign that read ‘ROOMS AVAILABLE’ is missing letters, assuming they had fallen off. The logo of the motel's lights flicker and dim in a rhythmic pattern. You jolt awake, rubbing your eyes and looking up at Sam, who’s just woken up as well. He looks down at you with a gentle smile, his dimples causing deep shadows on his face. You sit up, stretching as much as you can before exiting.
You all walk to the reception in silence, sleep deprivation taking over everyone’s mind. Dean, being chirpier than ever, requests rooms for everyone but himself and pays the receptionist in cash. “Why didn’t you get a room for yourself, Dean?” You ask, furrowing your eyebrows. He shrugs. “I work better when I have no sleep. It helps me thrive.” He frowns his lips, looking proud of himself. You grin at his quick comment, accepting that he’s most likely going to do his own thing tonight, and will just carry on the drive the next morning.
He passes Charlie a set of keys and passes you a set too. “Well,” he sighs, looking up at Sam. “Have a good night guys.” He says, patting him on the shoulder. Sam smirks, then looks down at the floor. “What do you mean? I can’t share a room with either of them, that’s weird.” He states, Dean turns back to him, shrugging his shoulders. “Figure it out. You’re a big boy now.” He laughs almost mischievously, and you give your sister a wide-eyed I have to share a room with him? look. Charlie giggles at your expense.
“I guess I’ll go find the rooms. I’ll see you two in a sec.” He says, showing you a small, guilty grin. Charlie excitedly looks over at you. “He’s so into you.”
"Charlie, he's known me, what, half a day? He can't be." You sound unsure, looking over your shoulder to peer outside. Charlie hums and shakes her finger in your face. "You never know, Y/N. Sam is always so nervous around pretty girls. He seems pretty nervous to me." She says with a smile in her voice. You smile widely. "Stop," You whisper, shoving her arm with almost no effort. "Let's just go to our rooms." You say, exiting the reception and meeting with Sam outside.
You find your motel room, the burgundy paint has chipped and the door handle is rusted, showing a battered brass shade underneath. You push open the door, leading yourself and Sam into a small, musty room with a double bed. The walls are a light cream, the curtains a dark crimson with a floral swirl pattern in a shade darker. The bedsheets match the curtain, and the carpet looks tired and worse for wear. Darker marks blotch the carpet, and you'd rather not know what stained it. "Well," You start, opening the blinds to allow more light to shine through. "It's something." You look at Sam, who's examining the room, padding his way over to the bathroom and turning on the light.
"Not bad. We've stayed in worse." He chuckles, chucking his duffel on the floor in front of the bed. He shuffles through his things and takes out salt, a gun, and a small whiskey flask. "The essentials." You laugh, Sam grinning at your comment. It's not often you'd go on hunts with someone who's so prepared to protect themselves. Usually, you'd just wing it and come home the same night. This time it's different.
You unpack a couple of things onto your bedside table, taking out your toiletries, ready to take a well-deserved shower. You sit up on the side of the bed, looking over at Sam. "So, about the bed situation..." You start, feeling awkward even having to mention it, and Sam chuckles. "Don't worry. I can sleep in the chair and you have the bed." He smiles, certain that you don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with. "No, I was gonna say we can share. You won't get a good night's sleep otherwise." You disagree, pointing over to the empty side of the room. You had basically made yourself at home even though it was just for the night. Sam raises his eyebrows, almost shocked at you willing to share a bed with a man you've just met.
Even though he didn't agree or disagree with your suggestion, he kept it open in case you changed your mind. Forgetting about your shower, Sam enters the bathroom and turns on the shower. You thought the best thing to do to pass the time is to help him prepare the room for the night. You take the salt he had laid on the table and sprinkled it at the bottom of the door, the windowsills and around the whole perimeter of the room, including pulling out the bed from the wall and sprinkling it behind there too. You take his handgun and place it under the pillow. You remember to do the same with your own.
Sam gets out of the shower, putting on a fresh pair of underwear and wrapping a white bath sheet around his waist before entering the main room again. You look up at him from the bed, his toned yet sharp body mesmerising you, it's as if he did it on purpose. The guy knows he's good-looking, so he's using it to his advantage. His hair is messy, strands sticking to the side of his face as well as his forehead. Collarbones shining in the summer evening sun, beads of water glistening and reflecting the sunlight. He walks over to his bag, reaching for a new shirt and pair of pyjama bottoms. Your gaze is fixated on him, every single movement of his looks intentional, whether it is or not, it's getting your attention.
He walks over to the bed, lays his fresh clothes down and removes his towel. He folds the towel back up and throwing it gently on the edge of the bed to take back to the bathroom. He locks eyes with you for one second, a playful but cocky look on his face. You panic, thinking that he's going to think you're weird for staring. "Sorry," You mumble, taking your fascination elsewhere. Sam snickers. "Sorry for what?" He pauses, finishing putting his comfy clothes on. You sit up on the bed, and he walks over to your side. He towers over you, before continuing. "If it were you getting out of the shower, I'd be the same." He mutters. You stand up and there's a good height difference between you both. He looks down at you, moving closer. "I've wanted you from the moment I saw you..." He states, making the butterflies in your stomach arise. Your cheeks flush red, and you can't seem to find the confidence to look at him in the eyes.
"Yeah?" You ask, unable to understand how a guy like him is interested in you. "Yeah. I was so nervous around you but I took a moment and I thought you know what? I only get one chance at fucking up, so why not?" He inches closer to you, he lifts your chin up with his finger, and you freeze. "Can I kiss you?" He whispers, and you nod.
His gentle lips meet yours, awaiting your consent. He pulls you closer to him, his chest meeting yours. You place your hand on his cheek, slowly moving to the back of his head, stroking his hair. His hand moves from yours and places it on the small of your back. You pull him towards the bed and fall on top of each other, the tension swiftly building up in the last few seconds, and you both can't help yourselves.
Is this too soon? You thought to yourself, then shrugging it off. It's worth it.
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according2thelore · 8 months
LITERALLY that "dad I'm gay and stronger than you" post had me like ..! my friend and I have been screaming for A Week Straight about the concept of Actual Child Monarch boykingofhell!Sam manifesting his powers early on and just. he and Dean figuring this is probably just another one of those Things We Don't Tell Dad. like, Sam who always knows where the radar traps will be on the interstate, and Sam jedi-whammying the motel clerk into forgetting their overdue payments... John flipping his absolute shit when he finds out; Sam being like "you can't stop me" and John being like "... You're /twelve/, yes, I can" and Sam being like "uh. you're just a guy, dad. I have all of hell at my disposal. do your worst, I guess???" John figuring that if he can't exorcize the hell outta Sam, he can at least make sure Sam can't get out of hell; telling Dean that he really tried but that the demonic forces killed Sam before John could save him; smash cut to early-20s Dean in his first year of solo hunting encountering a crossroads case, where the vics freak out anytime they're alone with him because "can't [he] see that massive fucking hellhound trailing after [him]?!" and the crossroads demon who can't believe who they're looking at when he finally gets them cornered. crossroads demon who smokes out under exorcism, but not before telling Dean "your brother wants to see you"
...anon...holy shit anon...
you are so correct!!
i think that in this situation (growing up with (to his knowledge) a dead sam, and a dad that "let" him die) dean would be more than passively suicidal. he doesn't care about himself, he failed. sam is dead. dean gets reckless, but he just barely avoids dying more than once, just a hairsbreadth.
he drinks until he can't walk straight, gets in the car, and wakes up in the motel parking lot. he goes half-cocked into a werewolf hunt, and he's sure that there's a werewolf behind him about to take him out (and isn't going to stop it, not really), but when he finally gets his finger around the trigger and turns around, the werewolf's ten feet away looking blank and confused. he puts a nominal effort into stitching up a bullet hole, doesn't even bother digging the slug out, and passes out in a random motel. next morning, the bullet's on the nightstand, and the stitches are even and tight. it's not enough to be completely concerned--hell, dean's borderline black-out drunk at any given moment, can't remember the last time he was completely sober--but it's...weird.
animals suddenly hate his fucking guts. dean used to tease sammy about it, about the fact that animals seemed to love dean and hate sammy. they would cringe away from sam's touch, skitter out from under his feet. birds would land on the impala if dean was driving, deer would poke their heads out of the woods if he walked past. but now...dean can't remember the last time he even saw a dog.
they just...flee. even at witnesses' houses, dean sees food bowls and chew toys and hears nails clacking on wood upstairs, but they tuck tail and run as soon as he knocks on the door.
after that first case, that first crossroads case where they name the thing, a Hell Hound...dean thinks it's bullshit. he's heard of black dogs, but this is new. it's weird.
he names it hooch. he and sam had seen that movie at a drive-in one summer, and he figures he's kind of fighting crime, right? he jokingly orders an extra patty on his burger and leaves it out for his imaginary dog, and the next morning it's gone. on the next hunt, the vampire doesn't even come within fifteen feet of dean before something rips its leg off at the knee.
when he calls the demon, it keeps looking down at dean's feet warily, back and forth, like something is pacing between them, something low. the demon keeps giving vague non-answers, distracted, and dean slaps his thigh, calls, 'hooch. down, boy.' and the demon...stops.
then those words...your brother wants to see you your brother wants to see you yourbrotherwantstoseeyou YourBrotherWantsToSeeYou.
dean is apoplectic. he finds the colt, finds the gate, heads into hell without a second thought, muttering to hooch the whole way (you better fucking rip some demons up you lazy son of a bitch).
sam's eyes are yellow, all the way through. bright yellow. he's huge. grown. beautiful. it's everything dean never thought he'd get to see. he dreamed about sam being this old, about sam having hands that dwarf a machete handle, of shoulders that blot out the stars.
sam doesn't react at first, knows that dad sent dean on a solo hunt before it all went down, but doesn't know how much dean knew about it, about dad locking him down here. dean doesn't even question why he's on a throne, why demons flank him on either side, heads bowed, why no demons even tried to stop dean from getting here, why they flinched away from him like something would swoop out of the dark and steal them if they brushed his shoulders.
"sammy," dean says--begs, really--for the first time in years, sam's smile falters. his eyes are hazel again, and his bottom lip trembles, and dean begs, "come with me, come home. please."
maybe it works, and they leave, and dean pulls sam into a hug so vicious that they both cry. maybe sam works from afar, and they relearn each other. their first hunt is ripping john winchester's head from his shoulders and trading kisses in his blood.
or maybe it doesn't. maybe dean stays, because they won't be separated like this, not again. the world's got other hunters, and dean has sam, and the rest of it can go fuck itself.
and sam has the life he's always wanted: power. respect. love. dean. (those last two are the same, really). and a dog, that keeps stealing dean's shoes.
anyway anon...much to think about...i love this...and you, coincidentally, mwah.
you and your friend galaxy-brained this one i fear.
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frayazicat · 7 months
what if Triplets Dan, Danny, and Ellie?
like, people like to make at least Dan and Danny twins, but why not all three?? i never see that happen.
here's what i'm thinking. Reveal Gone Good, but Danny now has to tell his parents about the OTHER TWO biggest secrets he's kept from them; Dan and Ellie. he's a little hesitant cause this is not Phantom Planet compliant so they don't know about Vlad.
Dan's still in his thermos timeout thinking about what he's done and Ellie is...somewhere.
so, he tells them about his clone and his future self. this includes what Vlad has done to him. does it include who did this? maybe, i don't know. dealer's choice. anyways, the Fenton parents want to meet their new kids.
Team Phantom gets in touch with Ellie to get to FentonWorks as soon as possible while Danny introduces them to Dan.
it..might not go as planned, might end up fine, that's also dealer's choice. but! in the end, they somehow redeem Dan. Ellie arrives and the duo are welcomed into the family!
but, there are two problems now.
1) how do they explain away their new children?
and 2) Dan is full ghost (and adult-sized, i'm not sure the parents are old enough for a kid his age) and Ellie is an unstable clone - both half Vlad, and really not wanting to be half Vlad.
their solution to the second problem? make new bodies for them! they made two fully stable Halfa clone bodies from Danny, had Ellie and Dan fuse their cores inside these clones near the end of making them, and waited for them to pop out of the tubes at the same age as Danny! this might take some help from Clockwork and Danny to pull off without more melting clones..
anyways! now, they have three Halfa children. all they have to do at this point is find a way to explain the sudden appearance of TWO MORE KIDS!
their solution for THAT problem? hack into the database and change the medical files so it showed that THREE kids were birthed instead of one; Danail Jack, Daniel Jackson, and Dannielle Jacklyn Fenton. Dan, Danny, and Ellie.
but the parents take it SO MUCH FURTHER. they bribe the local schools and hospitals, they make fake receipts of things bought for them and fake records of government child support, and they even photoshop younger versions of Ellie and Dan into the family photos to make it legit. heck, they might have even gone back in time via Clockwork to add the birth certificates! they're THAT committed!
so, we got a new family of six gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing their way into legitimacy.
"What do you mean we only had two kids this entire time? Look at these records! Look at how similar they are to their triplet brother! The evidence says otherwise!"
"Listen, if you just play along and say nothing contrary to anybody who asks, we'll stop ghost hunting or driving for one month every time you do so. Sound good? We'll even put in some money to sweeten the deal."
"If we never had these children before, then why do we have memories of Dan viciously beating up Danny and Ellie's bullies at school?"
that sort of thing.
they're COMMITTED. it's INSANE. the town is going CRAZY.
where did these kids come from?? did we seriously forget about two teen kids for sixteen years??
(things go off the rails when Sam and Tucker get in on the action.)
now, i'm putting this under DCxDP, cause of just ONE little detail. Ellie's obsession involves moving, right?
well, what if the Fenton family becomes a wandering family of crime-fighters/mad scientists with an interest in the occult?
what if they get on the JL's radar because of one too many supernatural cases being solved by the Fentons in the JL's local cities?
they're at Gotham? suddenly, it feels as if the air is lighter and that it's not as drenched in evil and insanity as before. what did they do? fought the curses in the local Lazurus Pit like someone wrestling a pig in their mudpen.
they're in Metropolis? Lex woke up one day to find his entire stash of Kryptonite was missing with no trace. what did they do? the triplets broke in after sensing the gems and ate them like candy, their natural ghostliness shorting out the security feed as they do so.
they're in D.C.? all of the ghost relics in the local museums have been stolen with only a note saying, "Sorry for the disturbance! These were too dangerous for the living, so we put them somewhere safe! Don't worry! :)" left behind. what did they do? they took them and chucked them into the ghost portal where some allies on that side put them in safe places.
and that's all i got.
TL,DR; Fenton family goes full mad scientist in order to welcome Dan and Ellie into the family before packing up and wandering the states, effectively gaining the JL's attention with their suspicious and crazy appearances.
(i hope i didn't accidentally steal this idea from another. if i did, i'm sorry. feel free to smack me or something if that's the case.)
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leviathanofdeath · 1 year
rotb spoilers i talk abt Noah in depth bc im autistic and its 1 am
(this is also strictly talking abt the movies)
idk bout yall, but i really like Noah and his character and the way he interacts with everything thrown at him., I really like how (because of Mirage's chill personality) he wasn't completely overwhelmed by the existence of robot aliens. sure he was freaking the hell out abt the car driving by itself but yknow he caught on pretty quickly. and this is also due to the fact that he wanted to save earth as well. and specifically he wanted to help his brother. can we talk abt the fact that he was so willing to go against his morals just to scrounge up some sort of cash to help his family. as soon as he got into Mirage he was like "I don't wanna do this" and he was trying to get out the car. I also really like the relationship Noah had with his little brother. trying to be that light in his life and give hope. doing everything just to help his little brother not be in so much pain. it was just a nice touch to show us how truly compassionate and caring Noah is and you could really feel that through the performance, imo. you can tell they've both been struggling for quite some time. you feel sorry for when Noah gets immediately rejected by that security officer, and he's completely honest and trying to explain how he deserves a second chance (and he does) and he's probably repeated those reasons a thousand times in the past. he almost completely doubts himself until his brother reiterates that they're always gonna be there together and theybcan do it. and even though it sounds unrealistic, me and my sister have said the same thing to each other so it feels all the more powerful to me. it's a completely different approach to a character in the movie series and I cannot appreciate it enough.
and can I just say, sorry to the sam likers out there, I like how Noah doesn't just immediately insult Mirage trying to save him or befriend him. they actually have a strong ass bond almost right off the bat. sam was always yelling at bee everytime bee came in to save his ass (I hated this bc bee can do no wrong ok) but when Mirage was fighting scourge all by himself JUST to buy time for Noah, literslly risking his life for Noah. literslly becoming a suit of armor for him. Noah was nearly in tears, watching mirage's optics fade becsuse they've already become so close. Noah and Mirage have the silliest banter because they just get along so well. I know it's kind of stupid to compare the two (sam/bee and noah/mirage) but my point is simply: they connect so well together and I really fucking appreciate that. we've seen it with Charlie and Bee where they genuinely care for each other and now we see it again with Noah and Mirage. its just so nice to see the two get along swimmingly. even after they save the world, Mirage meets Noah's brother and everything and Noah begins to fix Mirage up as well. showing that they've become closer after the entire incident.
and Mirage. I just gotta say he is seriously the star of the show. Pete Davidson did an amazing job with him. and Mirage's personality fits with Noah so incredibly well. They've got the same type of style, use the same slang, stuff like that, and they compliment each other. Mirage is so genuinely interested and curious about Noah that he comes off as extremely friendly, defensive, and playful. He doesn't hesitate to risk his life for Noah and he gives Noah a little gauntlet to at least keep himself safe when they're apart. he even tells Noah off the bat that he can turn into any car and be sold so Noah can have money for his family. Maybe its the fact that Mirage has been cooped up and told to stay hidden for so long that he can't help but appreciate the first person to "reawaken" him, but regardless their relationship is just extremely refreshing and nice. The way they can bounce off each other is awesome. God i love them so much honestly I can't think of a better duo than these two theyre just perfect for each other whether its platonic or more
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Substitute Teacher Steve Au
Delilah felt nervous. She ran into her little brother Paul in the hall because neither of them were looking in the correct direction...too nervous.
She hurried into her English class and grabbed her seat. The class's energy was off the charts. Everyone was chatting and gossiping.
"-sub! Can you believe THE St-"
"I just don't understand? Arent they fam-"
Uh oh. She thinks she understands now and pulls out her flip phone to type out a quick text to Paul to warn him. It's too late. He already texted her first.
"Code purple"
"Language B!"
He laughs as he walks into the classroom. Someone slaps her shoulder as if they're trying to tell her "Hey! He looked in your direction!!!!"
Sitting on her teacher's desk is retired pop icon Steve Harrington. He lights up when he sees her looking at him and waves to her. He's waving so fast his hand is a blur.
"Del what the hell is happening?" Mandy, her best friend is looking at her expectantly.
"Ok class! Attendance time!!"
"C'mom B," he looks at her disappointed.
"Here," she grumbles.
A girl in the back raises her hand.
"Can this wait until after the attendance is taken?"
"Unfortunately not Mr. Harrington I just have to know, how do you know Delilah? Why do you call her B? I mean out of everyone we were not expecting you to be here for her." She says the last part kind of like a sneer.
Delilah knew she wasn't the most popular but she made a choice to stay out of the spotlight.
"Sam, I'm not here for Delilah."
Gasps went around the room.
"I'm also here for Paul!" His famous bright smile is shining bright. "He's getting his braces off today! Isn't that exciting! Gosh I remember when his dad got his off. Brings a tear to my eye."
Delilah sinks lower into her seat.
"As for the nickname-"
She shoots up, ramrod straight.
"Um Uncle Steve you don't really have to-"
"Now B it's nothing to be embarrassed about. When Del's mom was pregnant with Paul we told her that she wouldn't be the baby anymore. She was so frustrated that was the only name she responded to for six months!"
Sam pipes up again, "so B is short for-"
"Baby." Snickers went around the room. Delilah groans. "Obviously we couldn't go around calling her baby that's weird. So we shortened it, nickname. It also helps because she's baby Henderson, helps to distinguish the difference between them all."
Steve gives her a soft smile, like he's still imagining her as a toddler.
"As most of you may know I retired about five years ago along with my boyfriend." (Gay marriage was not legal yet but she's working on it.)
Josh's hand shoots up. "Your boyfriend famous metal musician Eddie Munson?"
"Yes student in the back, we decided it was time to retire and enjoy our time together. Then I got bored. I was always planning on being a teacher if music didn't work out so I became a sub. We have a house here to see the kids and I knew I wanted my first assignment to be one where I could see my favorite Hendersons."
Ok she can't be mad at him. She loves him so much and he obviously is just doing what he can to be closer to her.
"Uncle Steve-"
Uncle is whispered around the room.
"I appreciate you coming here but-"
"Henderson I'd appreciate it if you stayed after school to help me grade papers. I can give you a ride home. Uncle Eds is taking Paul to the orthodontist now so you don't have to worry about driving him."
Conveniently, beeping was heard outside along with the sound of a motor like an engine revving. The students all ran to the window to see what was going on and were shown Paul with his head down running to the convertible.
Poor kid. Everyone would be talking about this for at least a week.
Paul looked over at the window along with Eddie, when he saw Steve he blew him a kiss. As soon as Paul was buckled up he sped off.
Steve sighed wistfully and then headed back to the desk.
"Alright everyone! Let's learn!"
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wastemanjohn · 1 year
always female sam sharing a bed with dean and while spooning, dean grinds on her in his sleep so sam pulls her underwear aside and lets dean rub up against her and oops she's getting fucked by her sleeping brother now. maybe also he wakes up right before or as he cums and keeps going but pretends he didn't wake up?
<3 thanks so much for this anon, the way this has been on my mind CONSTANTLY. i'm afraid i got so excited i didn't see the "spooning" part so it starts a little differently than your prompt but i hope this is still okay!
cw: explicit, implied past underage, consent issues
Sam's not been sleeping great. Not that she ever sleeps great, or even the much more achievable well - not with the memory of her girlfriend's melting face popping up in excruciating detail every time she closes her eyes, anyway. Not with the constant niggle of worry, no, frustration, with Dad and his unknown whereabouts - yeah, neither of these things make for ideal, eight-hour rest conditions. They're not exactly lavender oil on her pillow.
And Dean - well, Dean is the furthest thing from lavender oil. From any kind of peace at all.
Sam's lying with her back to her brother, glaring at the fuzzy dark shape of the motel room's divider. Dean's latest spell of rumbling snores show no sign of letting up any time soon, and he's hogging half of the lower portion of the comforter between his tangled legs. If Sam tries to tug some away for herself, Dean huffs indignantly the way he does when she tries to get ahold of his car keys, until Sam clicks her tongue and gives up. Even when he's not tossing and fidgeting, he's spreading his stupid body out, encroaching on what is definitely Sam's side of the bed. Burned alive girlfriends and missing fathers aside, anyone would be hard pressed to drift off while sharing a bed with a 6'2 hunter with all the sleeping prowess of a spoiled toddler.
Sam makes another fruitless tug at the comforter. Another attempt at closing her eyes. The thing is, since Dean's "death", their little flirtations with felony fraud have had to take a backseat. Money's tight. It's Spaghetti-O's for dinner tight. It's hole up in places with cockroaches in the bath tight. It's share a bed, or get cozy on the floor tight. And it fucking sucks.
Although, Sam can't help but think, something about it is weirdly nostalgic. Money was tight more often than not growing up, and when Dad went off on work for weeks at a time she was quite often stuck bunking with Dean, enduring his nocturnal antics. She feels like she's sixteen again, what with that familiar, unwashed-head smell of the pillows. What with lying awake, worrying about Dad. It's as if she never left, sometimes. As if the last four years never happened at all.
And with that nostalgia, comes Sam's muscle memory - she drives her elbow into Dean's ribs without really thinking about it as he starts getting too close to her side of the bed again. He grunts indignantly, but mercifully fucks off. He rolls onto his back. A moment of silence; then that snoring starts up again. With a vengeance, like retaliation for the elbow.
Sam sighs, loud, pointed, pissed; rustles the sheets for good measure. Grimaces into the darkness. Her mind is so loud.
The thing is, it's been months. They're no hotter on Dad's trail than they were the night Sam left California behind for good. Dad probably doesn't even want to see her, what with the way things were left four years ago; but fuck, Sam's dying to see him. Dying to - is that really how lonely she feels tonight? Or is it Dad being one of the only two people she has left, knowing it, and still not fucking showing up?
Anger creeps through her. God, now's not the time for this. No wonder you can't sleep.
She takes a breath, like Jess taught her, deep into her lungs, manage the anger; and maybe Sam does drift off for a short time, to those thoughts. Those lonely-Dad-Jess thoughts. And she must've fallen asleep, even lightly, even a little, for that firm grip around her waist to startle her back to alertness.
Her instincts sneak up on her. The spark of adrenaline, readiness for a fight - hand halfway under her pillow for her knife - until she realizes. Remembers.
Dean. Just Dean.
Dean grunts; that arm tightens around her waist, as if to tell her that it's alright. Sam relaxes a bit. Too easily.
She can feel the length of Dean's body, curled around hers like putty; the furnace-like warmth of his bare chest, the thighs half-entwined with hers. His breath hot and a little erratic on the back of her neck. His foot feels cool on her bare calve.
He's hard. Sam can feel the outline of his dick as he presses all insistent against her ass; rolls his hips, does it again. Grunts, deep, satisfied.
Sam's sex drive has been non-existent the last few months. But that grunt - Sam hasn't heard Dean make that noise in a long time.
And this is nostalgic, alright. Sam doesn't remember when it started, exactly; just that she never felt all that differently than she does tonight, when she was fifteen or so, disconnected, alone, living in a world no one else seemed to understand. Dean lived in the same world on paper, but it was different for him. Guys were afraid of him; no one messed with him. Girls dropped their panties for a smile and a few flirty words, spellbound by his wild charms.
Sam, though - people messed with Sam a lot. Boys never looked at her twice, back then. Dad - confusing, distant, absent, Dad - well, that made her feel the most alone of all. Along with Dean spending every night in the backseat of the Impala with a different bar skank, of course. Bragging about it when he got home, flushed and grinning, lipstick on his neck, perfume on his shirt. God, Sam wanted to kill those girls. She wanted to kneel on their chests and wrap her hands around their throats and revel in the moment the light in their eyes went out. It scared her, didn't stop her thinking it.
This, though - this never scared her. What Dean did, sometimes, in the dark. In his sleep. And sure, he never did it when he was awake - but it was something. Something that felt good; something that some part of him was willing to give her, even if it wasn't conscious, even if it wasn't much. And hell, Sam didn't have much in life that made her feel good.
And - nostalgia, muscle memory - when Sam's sure Dean's grinding has dislodged his boxers, she hikes up her oversized sleep t-shirt. Tilts her hips back. Reaches between her legs to push aside her panties. She lets Dean keep grinding, those hot-grunt puffs of air on the nape of her neck; shuffles, scoots around awkwardly, until the angle is just right. Until she feels his bare, slick head right where it needs to be.
Dean, with only his downstairs brain active, is eager. He fills her up with one quick, clumsy thrust. Knocks the breath out of her.
It hurts, it's been a while, she's not quite wet enough to take all of him at once like that; but Sam can manage a little pain, feeling something, anything, is good, better than before. She bends her knee, draws her leg up to her chest to give Dean better access; he takes it. Takes ahold of her hip, moving into it as natural as he always did; and Sam turns her head, bites down on the edge of her musty pillow to keep herself quiet.
Just like old times. And, just like old times, it's - nice. Comforting, to feel full like this, touched like this. To feel the brother she once thought she'd never see again close, close like this.
It's been a while, since Sam has felt comforted, touched, close.
She huffs around the pillow. Trails a hand down her body, shudders for it; flesh hums beneath her t-shirt. Her cunt feels hot inside her panties, and her clit is slick and ready for her touch. It feels - fuck.
Her hair is in her face; her fingers grab a handful of pilled sheet as Dean starts moving faster. The clumsy, jabbing motions of his cock, giving her no choice but to open for him; his grunts and sighs, sounding a little delirious; that scorch-hot breath, that grip tight enough on her hip to smart a little. Sam feels kinda stripped of control, kinda used. And it's not a bad feeling; so she lets go. Drifts into it. Drifts into her body, the things it can do, feel. Rides it, as that burning, too-full sensation gives way to something much nicer. Something simple, the most uncomplicated pleasure there is.
Maybe it's the moan she can't hold in; or maybe Dean can feel it too. Either way, Sam can tell; sense it in her own body, the moment he wakes up.
She remembers this part; the way his satisfied grunts taper off, give way to heavy, confused breaths. The way Dean stills inside her, his body going rigid against hers. Disoriented. In a little shock, like this has never happened before, or something; and Sam's never sure if Dean would really stop, given the chance. But again, that muscle memory - she reaches around to grab his wrist. Squeeze, hard - don't you fucking dare.
Dean gets the message. And Sam remembers, now; remembers how Dean would go all lax against her, like he was trying to give the impression he was still asleep; lax, apart from his hips, the rhythm that wouldn't let up, doesn't now. She remembers how, because Dean is meant to be sleeping, he'll let Sam move that arm of his, move it until his hand is cupping her tit just right; and even though he's meant to be fucking asleep, Dean's fingers will close greedily around it anyway. Squeeze, even, as those thrusts get faster, erratic, those grunts choked like he's dying; and Sam even remembers how to angle her hips just right so she can come on Dean's cock, just in time, before Dean growls, one last jerk of his hips, before she feels his release flush inside her. She can feel the strip of his teeth against her shoulder where his mouth is open, and she presses up into it, tilts her head back, eyes closed, fleeting burst of ecstasy; and if this were something else, something different, then maybe they would kiss now. But this isn't that. God knows what it is, but it was never that.
That's okay. It needs to be okay.
They're still for a moment or two. Sam catches her breath, listens, in the dark, to Dean doing the same; waits, to see if the next part will be the way she remembers too. And it pans out pretty much the same; Dean's hand falls away from her tit. He pulls out of her almost as fast as he'd pushed in. Sam feels the ghost of his breath on the nape of her neck one last time, before Dean rolls over, away. Without a word.
Sam listens to his breaths slow down in the darkness. It's a while - really quite some time - before his snoring starts up again.
It's around this time that Sam realizes she hasn't moved. Hand still in her panties, body rooted to the mattress; Dean's come inside her, warm, sticky, a thin trail starting to leak out down her thigh. Not good; there's always a little anxiety about that. But Sam's never heard of a guy who can put on a rubber in his sleep, so it is what is is.
She licks her dry lips. It's getting light outside. Somewhere must be open for breakfast.
She slips out of bed quietly, not wanting to wake Dean this time; heads for the shower. Thinks about finding coffee, about getting a few hours of research in before the day starts. Because that's all she can do, really, for now. All she can do until the world wakes up again.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 3 months
Fan Fiction: Part One
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: Not only did Chuck write books about your lives, but a damn musical theater is putting a play on about your goddamn lives. You try to let them handle this one on their own but they're not letting you go, and it's time to bring insurance to make sure you never leave them.
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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Dean sits outside the motel room working on his car. The hood is up, he's elbow-deep in the engine, and Sam is nowhere to be found. You're standing off to the side with your gun trained in front of you. Your target is a tree that's fifty yards from you, something stationary. You wish you had a moving target but you don't think Dean and Sam would appreciate being put in the line of fire.
You pull the trigger three times, hitting the exact same spot on the tree, scaring some squirrels into fleeing their home.
"Would you quit it?" You look at Dean who pops his head from over the hood. He's a bit sweaty, has a grease smear on his forehead, and his arms look extra thick in his thin t-shirt. You don't have romantic feelings for him anymore, but damn he'd be a good fuck. "We're not the only people out here."
"I'm bored without a real target. Unless you'd like to be mine."
You smirk when he flips you off. The motel door opens and Sam walks out in search of you and his brother. You put your gun away and approach the brothers because Sam has his professional face on.
"Hey, how long have you two been up?"
"I never slept," you say.
"Long enough to find us a case," Dean replies right after you.
"I take it that means you're feeling back to normal?"
"Yeah, whatever normal is in our world. Right here." Dean takes a break from working on his car to hand Sam the newspaper. "A teacher in an all-girls school went missing in Flint, Michigan. She was heading to her car, disappeared, and nobody's seen her since."
"Dean, there's nothing here that even remotely suggests there is a case."
"There is nothing that even remotely suggests there isn't a case."
"Come on, man," Sam sighs.
"Sam! Being out there and hunting is the only normal I know." He closes the hood of the car and moves to the open trunk. He messes around with his weapons before shutting the trunk. "We got work to do."
"I'll tag along. It's not like I have anything better to do."
"Like you had a choice," Dean mutters to himself, but you hear.
It's a seven-hour drive from where you are, and those hours go by quickly. Sam gets the police department on the phone as soon as you enter the state of Michigan to ask about the details of the case. By the time Dean pulls into the school's parking lot, Sam is just about done with his conversation.
"I certainly appreciate it. ... You got it. Thanks, officer." He hangs up just as you three get out of the car. "So, the last place Ms. Chandler was seen by anyone was in the auditorium. Turns out she's the drama teacher."
"Theater kids. Great," Dean scoffs.
"What? I was a theater kid."
"Barely. You did Our Town, which was cool, but then you did that shitty musical."
"Oklahoma? Hugh Jackman got cast off of Oklahoma."
"You ran tech, Wolverine."
"Shut up," Sam, grumbles.
The principal already knows you're coming but she has a bunch of meetings to go to, so she allows you to find the auditorium on your own. There are young kids hanging a banner in front of the building for the musical they are about to do. You hate fucking musicals. You hope there isn't a case here ad you can go back to the Bunker and waste your life away on tanning and reading shitty magazines.
You walk into the auditorium to see students already working on their production of whatever musical they are doing. Before you have a chance to think, you hear a word you never thought you'd hear again.
"You idjits!" You snap your head to the right to see a young girl dressed exactly like your dad, beard and all. "You, idjits. You three are idjits."
"Hey, ass-butt!" You look to the left and see another young woman dressed just like Cas with angel wings on her back. "Hey! Ass-butt!"
Suddenly, someone plays a few notes on the piano on stage and a bunch of young girls begin their musical number. The song is about Sam and Dean's life. How John and Mary had two sons when a demon came into their room and killed Mary, and how the demon took a liking to Sam. The song transitions into your life with your mom starting at the age when she died. They sing about how the demon chased you through the house and killed your mom down the stairs. Sam and Dean are horrified to hear this but you're grinning from ear to ear.
A young woman sitting in the audience and her friend run up the stage stairs to address the woman who is singing. You slap both brothers' shoulders with the same grin on your face.
"This is the best day ever."
"What in the h-holy..."
"If there is a case, it probably has something to do with all of this," Sam cuts his brother off.
"You think?"
The younger of the two girls grabs the arm of the director and points to you three at the back of the auditorium. Both girls immediately run off stage and over to you as if she knows who you three are.
"Hi! Oh, my gosh, are you guys from the publisher? I'm Marie, writer/director. This is Maeve, my stage manager. I was just--"
She stops talking when she sees Sam's FBI badge. He looks to the stage and sees the women playing Sam and Dean with their own FBI badges. He quickly puts his away and slaps Dean's hand which is holding his own badge. Dean can't even get his out fast enough because he is so shocked.
"I'm Special Agent Smith. These are my partners, Special Agents--"
"Smith," you answer.
"Yeah, no relation." Marie narrows her eyes in suspicion but Sam quickly changes topic. "We're here to look into the disappearance--"
"There is no singing in Supernatural!" Dean blurts out.
You snicker at his outburst to which he glares at you.
"What? Come on, this is funny!" you giggle.
"Well, this is Marie's interpretation," Maeve says.
"I mean, if there was singing, you know... and that's a big if! If there was singing, it would be classic rock. Not this Andrew Floyd Webber shit--"
"Andrew Lloyd Webber," Sam whispers to his brother.
"You know, we do sing a cover of Carry On Wayward Son, in the second act," Marie says proudly.
"Really?" Sam asks in judgment.
"It's a classic!" Dean and Marie speak at the same time.
You roll your eyes, already bored of this.
"Right. Anyways. We're here to talk about the disappearance of Ms. Chandler. Any chance you two saw her before she vanished?"
"Yeah. She left around nine-thirty."
"Any idea where she would be headed at that time of night?"
"A bar? A liquor store? Both?" Maeve answers.
"She had a nasty divorce, last year. Most of the time, she's sipping on her 'grown-up juice', or passed out. Usually, in that order."
"Yeah, I don't blame her. I'm gonna need fifty jello shots and a hose-down to get this stink off of me," Dean scoffs.
"Maeve, right?" Sam jumps in. "You're the stage manager?"
"I understudy Jody Mills, too."
"What?" Dean asks in shock.
"That's great! Jody Mills, that's great," Sam says to his brother before turning to her. "So, how about you give me a behind-the-scenes tour, while your director shows my partners Ms. Chandler's office? Deal?" Both girls nod. "Great. Give us a moment, please."
Marie and Maeve leave you three alone, and you let out a loud cackle that causes Maeve to turn around and glare.
"I'm gonna throw up," Dean shudders.
"This is either going to go horribly wrong or horrible right, and I'm here for it," you giggle. Dean gives you a bitch-face look, and you slap his chest as you pass by him. "Lighten up, buddy."
You and Dean follow Marie backstage while Maeve goes off with Sam in the opposite direction. There is a table of props used for the musical, all labeled and in place. You grab one of the guns and inspect it, not impressed that it's all fake.
"Where did you get all this stuff?"
"Some parts are homemade and some parts are repurposed. All of it, awesome--" She looks over at you to see you touching one of the guns and grabs it from you. "Please don't touch them."
"These aren't even real. How are you going to hurt someone with these?"
"Don't mind her," Dean chuckles nervously. "She's having a bad day." Dean looks across the stage where the imposter Impala sits. Leaning against it are the two women who play Sam and Dean. They're standing a bit too close for Dean's liking. "What are they doing?"
"They're rehearsing the B.M. scene."
"The Bowel Movement scene?" you ask.
"What? No! The Boy Melodrama scene! You know, the scene where the boys get together, and they're driving, leaning against Baby, and drinking a beer, sharing their feelings. The two of them. Alone but together. Bonded. United. The power of the brotherly--"
"Why are they standing so close together?"
"Reasons," Marie shrugs.
Dean understands what Marie is hinting at, and you snicker at the thought of Sam and Dean getting together sexually.
"You know they're brothers, right?"
"Duh! It's subtext."
"You know he and Y/N are married and have kids, right?"
"What? No. I mean, I know she got pregnant but she had Cas get rid of the baby. Man, Dean was so pissed at her for doing that."
"Best decision I ever made," you grin and lock eyes with Dean. "I should have gotten rid of the other two."
Hurt flashes across his eyes but he'd rather not get into that right now. Marie looks at you two in confusion but moves on. She takes you away from the auditorium into a long white hallway where Ms. Chandler's office is. She walks ahead of you to open the door, and you look at Dean.
"She's right. You and Sam would make such a cute couple."
"I'm gonna smack you."
"Don't tease a good time," you smirk.
You three enter the office where there are empty bottles upon empty bottles of alcohol everywhere. Dean takes a sweep of the room with his eyes before settling them on a robot head near the bookshelf.
"Is that hers?"
"No, that's a prop from act two! I've been looking for that, actually."
"There's no space in Supernatural."
"Not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction."
"You mean fanfiction?"
"Call it whatever you like, but it's inspired by Carver Edlund's books with a few embellishments. As you know, Chuck stopped writing after Swan Song--"
"Yeah, that douche," you scoff and Dean slaps your arm to get you to stop talking.
"I couldn't leave it the way that it was! I mean, with Dean leaving Y/N and living with Lisa? Her being on her own after the breakup? Sam in Hell? I wrote my own ending."
"You want to know what happened after that?" you step closer to her. "Y/N fucks Sam over and over again to get over her sad excuse of an ex."
"Okay, stop talking," Dean pulls you back.
"Try this one on for size. How about Dean and Y/N have a baby while he's still fucking Lisa?"
"Go wait outside!"
"No, she needs to know these things! What about them going to purgatory where she ends up pregnant because Dean can't keep it in his pants?" Dean is already shoving you to the door. "Bobby dies, Sam undergoes angel trials, and Dean becomes a demon!"
Dean shoves you out of the office and slams the door in your face. You roll your eyes and make your way back to the prop table where you mess the props up like a fucking child. You see Sam and Maeve in the sound booth chatting, so you make your way over to them to bother them. Sam looks up from the control board when you enter.
"Special Agent Smith kicked me out so I'm hanging out with you," you grin and sit in between them.
You reach over and touch the control board to see what different buttons do, but Maeve slaps your hand away. You stare at her and Sam waits with held breath to see what you're going to do. Luckily for her, you let it go and lean back in your chair.
"Now, have you noticed anything strange during the production? I mean, any odd noises or--"
"You mean something like this?" Maeve pushes a button on the control panel and a scream sounds. "Or perhaps, this?" She presses another button and a ghostly moan sounds. "Maybe this?"
"Okay, I get it. You know, back when I did tech in school, we had two CD decks--"
"Someone speaks to Maeve over the headset, and she cuts Sam off mid-sentence.
"She's not interested in your nerd talk," you say to Sam.
"I'm sorry, I have to go sign the delivery. Please, don't touch anything."
Maeve scurries off leaving you and Sam alone. Sam doesn't like to be alone with you because he's the butt of your very harsh jokes, so he makes a half-hearted excuse and leaves you alone in the sound booth. Dean and Meave come back from Ms. Chandler's office and meet up with Sam. Marie joins her friend's side as they both sign for the delivery. You reach up and begin playing with the controls, messing with the lights and sounds. Everyone on stage looks at you like you're the outsider in a group of best friends. Sam and Dean look like they're ready to kill you, so you press a button and speak into the mic.
"I'm bored. Can we go? I'd rather pull my own hair out than be stuck in here with a bunch of bratty kids."
Dean glares holes through the glass at you and motions with one finger to come to the stage. 
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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fredwardart · 1 month
@watercolor-hearts sent me an image today that reminds us of something that Jeandré (and probably Sam) would do, but I thought about it and it works perfectly for Prosenna because it's definitely something Ayrton would do to Alain, but also for Berlesi. (hear me out, it will make sense).
TW: knives and stabbing
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*Elio de Angelis is alive in this universe*
So one of my headcanons is that Jean Alesi is a cardiophile. And Gerhard being Gerhard, he doesn't really know too much about it but he wants to find something to do with Jean. So when Gerhard witnesses Ayrton do this to Alain at the back of the garage as some form of foreplay, Gerhard decides to try it because he knows that Jean likes being listened to as well as listening to others, and it looks like both Alain and Ayrton enjoy it.
So the next time they're alone, Gerhard starts off by taking Jean's wrist and taking his pulse. This automatically makes Jean's heart rate quicken, he feels so much appreciation that Gerhard is letting him "indulge" in his kink. And he's getting a bit flustered thinking about what Gerhard might do next.
Whatever he thinks Gerhard might do, it wasn't to pull out a knife that was not-so-expertly concealed on his person. And he definitely wasn't expecting what happened next. Naturally, Gerhard didn't want to hurt Jean or upset him with the whole idea, and flinging a knife by his head without consent is a shitty thing to do. So the plan was to just stab it into the table next to them so that Jean could imagine what Gerhard might do. But what he didn't anticipate was that he would miss the table entirely and stab himself in the hand, hard.
At first he doesn't really register that the knife somehow didn't end up in the table, it was only until he saw how Jean was looking at his hand in horror that he lifted his now slightly heavier hand to look at it. And all he could say is: "that wasn't supposed to happen."
The lack of a serious reaction compelled Jean (understandably) to ask whether this was another one of his elaborate pranks, and why he thought it was a good idea if Ayrton wasn't there.
It was at this point that Gerhard explained that he'd seen Ayrton do it with Alain and he wanted to try something similar to make it more enjoyable.
Jean thanks Gerhard for thinking of him and trying, but he doesn't know how Gerhard could think that him using a knife was a good idea. Ayrton probably had a lot more experience and is certainly a lot less clumsy. The words tumble out of his mouth at 300 kilometres an hour as he explains all the reasons why this was a very bad idea.
Gerhard stops Jean mid flow by taking his hand (his non-impaled one) and placing it on Jean's neck to feel his pulse. "At least it worked."
"Of course it worked, it's anxiety because you just stabbed yourself, which is clearly a bigger problem than you think it is!" Jean wants to shout. But that wouldn't help, so instead he settles on getting some help for his idiot (said affectionately) boyfriend before he did something stupid like take the knife out, which was actually what he started to do—
"Gerhard no!"
Okay, so they definitely needed help. Jean definitely couldn't phone Ayrton because he'd think it was another elaborate prank. Nigel seems responsible and caring enough, but he'd tell Elio and he didn't really want to break up the fight between him and Ayrton once Elio realises that Gerhard got the idea from him. It'd be easier if there weren't any more casualties, since Elio would definitely take the opportunity to tell Ayrton he's an idiot for influencing Gerhard to use a knife, with the more than likely possibility of a full blown fist fight. So he decides the best idea is to run to the phone and call Alain.
Calling Alain wasn't a huge help since he'd never seen anything like this happen before and he's not a doctor. But he's good at driving quickly but carefully and that's what they needed to get Gerhard to the hospital as soon as they could. That wasn't the hard bit.
The hard bit was trying to think of a way to explain how someone who was supposed to have excellent hand eye coordination ended up with a knife sticking out his hand.
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